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We sure dodged a bullet when that Laughing stock Quinn was defeated in his worthless bid for mayor. What we have is bad enough, he would have been a disaster. The only votes he got were his own. Everyone else knows he is a clown.

Here, I fixed that for you…

We sure dodged a bullet when that Laughing stock Matt was defeated twice in his worthless bid for City Council.
What we have is bad enough, he would have been a disaster.
I mean how bad do you to be to lose to the stupidest person to ever sit on the MC council, one Janet Solberg.
Everyone knows he is a clown.

At least he got votes that weren’t from his family and would have won if the establishment hadn’t ganged up on him. That’s a hell of a lot more than Loser Quinn can say.

Matt got lots of votes showing there are people who like him and he would have won if the establishment hadn’t went after him. Quinn on the other hand is a born loser who only received votes from himself and his family. His wife can no longer vote as a felon so there is one less vote.

Ha, ha, ha, this from the town clown Quinn.

Democratic party has now become the enemy of the American people…they do nothing but lie, cheat, hate and cause violence at every level! They will not stop until they destroy our US Constitution and regain power! They owe the American people and President Trump a BIG apology……Trump 2020 7

Trump has deregulated and decreased government in our lives Hussein O was the one interfering in and regulating our lives believe me l know because l was running a business all through the terrible Hussein O years. You stupid brain washed mind numbed libtards know nothing outside of what the Clinton News Network and PMSNBC spew into your little libtarded brains !!!!

Illegal’s voting , Felons voting, people stampeding the Boarder, taking care of Illegal immigrants before American Citizens, especially our Homeless Veterans, Pelosi and Schumer and many others are all of a sudden Millionaires , going to Al Sharpton for Democratic support and he owes Millions to America in back taxes, Donald Trump needs all the help he can get to Drain the Swamp and Bernie is so far out of his mind I can’t believe people actually listen to him.

“If I decide to run for office, I’ll produce my tax returns. Absolutely. I would love to do that,” Trump said in a May 2014 television interview”

Let’s just put all the legal wrangling aside and ask the most obvious question:
WHY doesn’t Trump want his tax returns released? What is he hiding?

I don’t give a damn about Trump’s tax returns. He is a Billionaire and doesn’t take a dime as President. Nancy Pelosi on the other hand has a net worth of 26.4 million on a government salary. I want to see her damn tax returns.2

If you did see her tax returns, you would see that she and her husband are wealthy, not solely because of her salary but because of her husband’s ownership of a very profitable real estate and venture capital company. Some of that wealth I am sure was accumulated because of her position as a politician, but that would be the case with almost any Senator or Representative. If you didn’t know, San Fransisco is the most expensive place to live in this country so having a long-standing real estate business there meant that you probably make a lot of money.

Hey! TRUMP IDIOTS! its Stephen Miller running the show.Trump is a very immoral person.Most people that like his politics are far Right idiots.Miller worked for Jeff Sessions and Michelle Bachmann.The bird of a feather flock to one another.These people think they have all the answers,history will tell us different.At least by then all their OLD ideas will be buried like they will by then

Baby raping troll Sym deleted again. The Little pussy is such a wimp his wife had to rape a baby to get satisfied. Then he got his family evicted many times even though living off the rest of us on section 8. What a P.O.S.3

Whoever you are, it is pretty clear you are a petty, mean and angry person. You need some psychological help or you are going to be underground soon.

Who Is Left to Say No to Trump?
Kirstjen Nielsen is the latest one out of the president’s spiraling cabinet who expressed his cruelty but wouldn’t go as far as he wanted.

The overall pattern is clear. Trump wants to act with impunity, breaking the law if he needs or even just wants to.

The first line of defense should be members of the Republican party, but they have become the Grand Obsequious Party.

It’s Trump’s fault that the border is a mess.
Those that still support Trump are dumbass anti- Americans and traitors.

And now the loser/coward Trump has also fired the Secret Service Cheif.

They weren’t ding the job the way they were supposed to so they were fired. Last week you sissy liberals hated her, now you two faced assholes love her. Damn, you are pathetic.

Nielsen was fired because although she would do anything legally for Trump, she drew the line on doing things illegally. He didn’t like that so he fired her. Quite simple.

Dumbass Trumptard

Trump is a winner and you are a loser.

Besides being a draft dodging coward and enormous liar, Trump presents the symptoms of mental decline,
including a bizarre inability to remember where his own father was born.
Of all Trump’s many misstatements, exaggerations, empty boasts and slips of the tongue, this one which Trump has made at least twice before, stands out for its sheer inexplicability.
… a bizarre inability to remember where his own father was born.

Ordinarily, when Trump says something ridiculous, it’s for an obvious purpose. He has been on an unhinged rant recently about windmills, whose function in the electrical grid he misunderstands and whose sound he says causes cancer.
Trump is in the early stage of 4th stage dementia.

Oh yes, he is just a billionaire who doesn’t take a penny salary while being the President of this Country and the Commander and Chief of our Military. Liberals are just losers. There is no way you can possibly keep up with Trump and you look weak and stupid trying.

Remember the four years when Anderson Cooper was President of the United States? And before that — when the entire Washington Post editorial staff jointly were elected to be President? Remember? Neither do I.
The Seedier Media have never negotiated life and death, not corporate life and death, and not human life and death. They think they know how to negotiate, but they do not know how. They go to a college, are told by peers that they are smart, get some good grades, proceed to a graduate degree in journalism, and get hired as analysts. Now they are experts, ready to take on Putin and the Iranian Ayatollahs at age 30.

The Obama deal on healthcare was unconstitutional. God help us this Congress is working on something better. This administration is not over yet! In regards of the check from Mexico to build the wall, only a narrow mind would think that Mexico would write a check! Please open your eyes and mind! There are other ways we are making Mexico to pay for that wall! Why do we need to see his taxes? Why should we be concerned about what he has done previous to being our president? Remember, this man was a multi billionaire before he got into politics and not the way around it! You should be opening your mind more to understand what the traditional and corrupted politicians have done for so many years like Pelosi and Schumer. They became millionaires! They need to protect that precious cow to keep giving them milk!!!!!2

Never trust a man who combs his hair with a balloon , and especially if his initials are B.S . !
A balloon? I thought that he used a rubber chicken….

No Bernie. We know you’re trying to get votes, but as long as they are in prison, no. By the way, how is the investigation of your wife going?

Trump will win and Repubs will retake the house in 2020

It really is quite simple. Everyone is smart except Donald J. Trump. That’s why they all are billionaires, and all got elected President. Only Trump does not know what he is doing. Only Trump does not know how to negotiate with Vladimir Putin. Anderson Cooper knows how to stand up to Putin. The whole crowd at MSNBC does. All the journalists do.
They could not stand up to Matt Lauer at NBC. They could not stand up to Charlie Rose at CBS. They could not stand up to Mark Halperin at NBC Nor up to Leon Wieseltier at the New Republic, nor Jann Wenner at Rolling Stone, nor Michael Oreskes at NPR, at the New York Times, or at the Associated Press. But — oh, wow! — Can they ever stand up to Putin! Only Trump is incapable of negotiating with the Russian tyrant.
Remember the four years when Anderson Cooper was President of the United States? And before that — when the entire Washington Post editorial staff jointly were elected to be President? Remember? Neither do I.
The Seedier Media have never negotiated life and death, not corporate life and death, and not human life and death. They think they know how to negotiate, but they do not know how. They go to a college, are told by peers that they are smart, get some good grades, proceed to a graduate degree in journalism, and get hired as analysts. Now they are experts, ready

Donald Trump is a true master of bullshit.
Three out of four things Trump says are outright lies.
Unprecedented, unpresidential, debasing and vulgar are only some of the adjectives
that would be appropriate to describe Trump’s language.

Trump obstructed justice, violated campaign finance laws, committed bank fraud, insurance fraud,
witness tampering and violations of the emoluments clause.

Donald Trump provides a robust example of someone who is, with respect to matters particularly
relevant to the exercise of high political authority, neither well-informed nor especially intelligent.

It is disturbing to find an important political figure who indulges freely both in lies and in bullshit.

Brainwashed and indoctrinated Demoncrats are too blind to recognize that socialists never practice what they preach. NEVER! The want every dipshit sheep to do it while they live in their Ivory Towers and live like kings. Idiots.

I am so tired of the Democrats victim paranoia. Obviously not accepting defeat is a qualification for being a democrat, even when losing an election. They shouldn’t even be allowed to run for anything if they can’t accept defeat. We don’t have time or money for their immature baby ways. We are tired of them and their garbage.8


In case you were thinking of buying hybrid or an electric car: Ever since the advent of electric cars, the REAL cost per mile of those things has never been discussed. All you ever heard was the mpg in terms of gasoline, with nary a mention of the cost of electricity to run it. This is the first article I’ve ever seen and tells the story pretty much as I expected it to.
Electricity has to be one of the least efficient ways to power things yet they’re being shoved down our throats. Glad somebody finally put engineering and math to paper.

Old BS email.

The only B>S> here is you!

I don’t know why NIT allows the deleting of responses to this email that show it is false and continues to allow the post itself. It is not a BS response. It is true.

At a neighborhood BBQ I was talking to a neighbor, a BC Hydro executive. I asked him how that renewable thing was doing. He laughed, then got serious. If you really intend to adopt electric vehicles, he pointed out, you had to face certain realities. For example, a home charging system for a Tesla requires 75 amp service. The average house is equipped with 100 amp service. On our small street (approximately 25 homes), the electrical infrastructure would be unable to carry more than three houses with a single Tesla, each. For even half the homes to have electric vehicles, the system would be wildly over-loaded. This is the elephant in the room with electric vehicles. Our residential infrastructure cannot bear the load. So as our genius elected officials promote this nonsense, not only are we being urged to buy these things and replace our reliable, cheap generating systems with expensive, new windmills and solar cells, but we will also have to renovate our entire delivery system! This latter “investment” will not be revealed until we’re so far down this dead end road that it will be presented with an ‘OOPS…!’ and a shrug.
If you want to argue with a green person over cars that are eco-friendly, just read the following. Note: If you ARE a green person, read it anyway. It’s enlightening. Eric test drove the Chevy Volt at the invitation of General Motors and he writes, “For four days in a row, the fully charged battery lasted only 25 miles before the Volt switched to the reserve gasoline engine.” Eric calculated the car got 30 mpg including the 25 miles it ran on the battery. So, the range including the 9-gallon gas tank and the 16 kwh battery is approximately 270 miles.
It will take you 4.5 hours to drive 270 miles at 60 mph. Then add 10 hours to charge the battery and you have a total trip time of 14.5 hours. In a typical road trip your average speed (including charging time) would be 20 mph.

What neighborhood are you talking about? BC Hydro is a Canadian company and they don’t operate in the US. So, that must mean you are a Canadian. Why are you posting your bs on this site?

Just more bullshit from a Trump supporting numbnuts.

“A real example of the eRumor as it has appeared on the Internet: Collected on: 07/26/2017”

Your bbq buddy is a liar. The home charging ports are 40-50amp at 240v. The tesla only pulls ampage that is available as a means of not overloading your breaker box. The charges use the same or less draw than an electric stove or dryer.

Prove it. I think you are the liar.

You apparently didn’t read the link in the above post. It is proven in that article.

According to General Motors, the Volt battery holds 16 kwh of electricity. It takes a full 10 hours to charge a drained battery. The cost for the electricity to charge the Volt is never mentioned, so I looked up what I pay for electricity. I pay approximately (it varies with amount used and the seasons) $1.16 per kwh. 16 kwh x $1.16 per kwh = $18.56 to charge the battery. $18.56 per charge divided by 25 miles = $0.74 per mile to operate the Volt using the battery. Compare this to a similar size car with a gasoline engine that gets only 32 mpg. $3.19 per gallon divided by 32 mpg = $0.10 per mile.
The gasoline powered small car costs about $20,000+ while the Volt costs $46,000+. So the American Government wants loyal Americans not to do the math, but simply pay over twice as much for a car, that costs more than seven times as much to run, and takes three times longer to drive across the country.

You are an idiot. Alliants kwh charge max is 12.3 cents a kwh not over a dollar. The volt is capable of charging in 30 minutes on 220 with a quick charger cable. It costs roughly 4 bucks to charge. You can’t even take the time to fine facts. You just spit out nonsense. Get some mental help, loser.

“You are an idiot.” and “Get some mental help, loser.” You are obviously a superior LIB.
“You can’t even take the time to FINE facts.” (Emphasis added) Where did you “fine” your facts?

AnonymousReply Report comment
April 8, 2019 at 5:33 pm

“You are an idiot.” and “Get some mental help, loser.” You are obviously a superior LIB.
“You can’t even take the time to FINE facts.” (Emphasis added) Where did you “fine” your facts?

AnonymousReply Report comment
April 8, 2019 at 6:33 pm

Bet B S would liked 2 play droop the soap also in the shower 2 with the TROLL…looks the type///////////

Baby raping troll Sym deleted again. The Little pussy is such a wimp his wife had to rape a baby to get satisfied. Then he got his family evicted many times even though living off the rest of us on section 8. What a P.O.S.3

Over half of the world’s cobalt, a key element in lithium-ion batteries, is mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo where the children are forced to mine the cobalt while having little to no protection.Over half of the world’s cobalt, a key element in lithium-ion batteries, is mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo where the children are forced to mine the cobalt while having little to no protection. An overnight charge of 8 hours will only give about a 40 mile charge with a 120 volt outlet whereas a 240 volt outlet would give around 180 miles in the same amount of time.

AnonymousReply Report comment
April 9, 2019 at 9:10 am

Over half of the world’s cobalt, a key element in lithium-ion batteries, is mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo where the children are forced to mine the cobalt while having little to no protection.Over half of the world’s cobalt, a key element in lithium-ion batteries, is mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo where the children are forced to mine the cobalt while having little to no protection. An overnight charge of 8 hours will only give about a 40 mile charge with a 120 volt outlet whereas a 240 volt outlet would give around 180 miles in the same amount of time.7

Over half of the world’s cobalt, a key element in lithium-ion batteries, is mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo where the children are forced to mine the cobalt while having little to no protection.Over half of the world’s cobalt, a key element in lithium-ion batteries, is mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo where the children are forced to mine the cobalt while having little to no protection. An overnight charge of 8 hours will only give about a 40 mile charge with a 120 volt outlet whereas a 240 volt outlet would give around 180 miles in the same amount of time.6

No wall? It’s being built as we speak. Healthcare? No one with any intelligence at all would support government run healthcare. As far as taxes, most refunds were up for lower and middle class. Trump 2020 baby!!!!

I’m not going judge my opinions of the president based upon the character assassination attempts of the left wing media. Why should I change my support and position of Trump and pledge myself to the party of Hollywood where casting agents pass around child actors to be raped and abused as initiation into a movie? Or the party that continually persecutes Christians for prayer in public? Or the party that legalizes the killing of infants born alive in abortion clinics? Or the party that wants to bipass the constitutional process of the electoral college? Or the party that votes to give foreigners the right to vote in our elections? The Democratic party cannot win elections based upon their party platforms, so they must circumvent our political process in order to impose their unpopular tyranny. The Democratic Party’s moral high ground is based upon coercive lies.

Name a few. We can see your lie!

Pure evil is amongst us I challenge anyone who is questioning the Koran read it as Thomas Jefferson did so you can understand your enemy
Does this really surprise anyone? Same with Omar? Look who they represent . Neither one should be in Congress. Both are anti-israeli, anti-American and pro-islamic brotherhood. Slowly but surely, more people like them will be elected to not only Congress, but to judges as well. America needs to watch out. Some may think this is Islamaphobic. I couldn’t care less. Truth is truth.

Totally the truth, and I agree!

Then youre both nuts.

Totally the truth,and I agree!

Doesn’t anyone realize that in twenty years there will be enough muslim voters to elect a president? Their goal always has been, and always will be, to turn the US into a muslim country. Wake up! This cannot be tolerated.

The Glob is getting real hard up for money and soon will be a vacant building. Used to subscribe and never read it, would go on line and read it. Now cant do that anymore, they want more money to be able to read on line. Hope all those paper carriers can find another job cause they are about to lose the one they have.

Besides being a draft dodging coward and enormous liar, Trump presents the symptoms of mental decline,
including a bizarre inability to remember where his own father was born.
Of all Trump’s many misstatements, exaggerations, empty boasts and slips of the tongue,
this one which Trump has made at least twice before, stands out for its sheer inexplicability.
… a bizarre inability to remember where his own father was born.

Ordinarily, when Trump says something ridiculous, it’s for an obvious purpose. He has been on an unhinged rant recently about windmills, whose function in the electrical grid he misunderstands and whose sound he says causes cancer.
Trump is in the early stage of 4th stage dementia.

I’m trying to remember the last time in modern history the number of Presidents that had to be evaluated for mental health….0 until now.

Hey its no big deal Obama couldn’t remember that the Rev. Jeremiah Wright was a racist and bigot. Nor could he remember that Bill Ayers was a terrorist.

“I’m trying to remember the last time in modern history the number of Presidents that had to be evaluated for mental health….0 until now.” Who was/were your teacher(s)?
For the life of me I can’t figure out how you LIB pukes think you’re superior to anyone!

We had supper the other night at Cancun Mexican restaurant. That was a waste of money. The food, service and place itself, have really gone down hill the last few years. It’s bad enough to get slow service, but when your food isn’t even hot and you then can’t find your server to mention this to them, then it’s time for a change. What a shame, this used to be a really good place with great food.

“Mason City man allegedly exposes himself to cops, spits on them”
“To view this story, you must be a SUBSCRIBER….”

What kind of dumbass & how stupid do you have to be to pay money for access to this pathetic online rag run by North Iowa’s biggest loser.

You must mean the two time MC city council election loser & poser and then the douchebag begged for $30,000 of MC taxpayer money.

News Organizations are on the Democrats side 100%, So, as far as I am concerned they are Socialist!! They constantly make up lies about Trump. The Dems want Socialism here. I guess you want to give up your freedom , too !! It destroys countries. Maybe you are the one in the dark!! Don’t reply. I will not respond. My loyalty is a sealed deal and any words with you will not benefit me or you> So Bye Bye !!

Just say “goodbye cruel world”.

Brainwashed and indoctrinated Demoncrats are too blind to recognize that socialists never practice what they preach. NEVER! The want every dipshit sheep to do it while they live in their Ivory Towers and live like kings. Idiots.

Brainwashed and indoctrinated Republicans are too blind to recognize that Trump never practice what he preaches. NEVER! He wants every dipshit sheep to do it while he live in his Ivory Towers and live like kings. Idiots.

The Obama deal on healthcare was unconstitutional. God help us this Congress is working on something better. This administration is not over yet! In regards of the check from Mexico to build the wall, only a narrow mind would think that Mexico would write a check! Please open your eyes and mind! There are other ways we are making Mexico to pay for that wall! Why do we need to see his taxes? Why should we be concerned about what he has done previous to being our president? Remember, this man was a multi billionaire before he got into politics and not the way around it! You should be opening your mind more to understand what the traditional and corrupted politicians have done for so many years like Pelosi and Schumer. They became millionaires! They need to protect that precious cow to keep giving them milk!!!!!

RedundantReply Report comment
April 7, 2019 at 8:01 am
This, is why it’s called the whiners den!!!!

This, is why it’s called the whiners den!!!!

Mason City Room April 2, 2019
Mason City, Iowa 7:00 P.M.


The City Council of the City of Mason City, Iowa, met in regular session pursuant to law and rules of said Council, in the Mason City Room of the Mason City Public Library, at 7:00 P.M., on April 2, 2019. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor and on roll being called there were present, Bill Schickel, Mayor in the Chair, and the following Council Members: Adams, Thoma, Jaszewski, Masson, Symonds, Lee. Absent: None.

Adopt Agenda: Motion, Masson; 2nd, Jaszewski that the agenda be adopted. AYES: All (Motion carried.)

The Mayor proclaimed April 20, 2019 as “Earth Day”.

Prior to adopting the Consent Agenda Items #6, #14, and #16 were removed to be acted upon separately.

Consent Agenda: Regular Minutes of March 19, 2019; Claims dated March 21 and 28, 2019 in the amount of $522,994.98; Little Chicago – Class B Beer; Fareway – Class E Liquor License, Class B Wine; Brix Wine & Whiskey (New) – Class C Liquor License; Appoint Tyler Schaefer to the Cemetery Board (TFV – Jamie Brundage); Resolution No. 19-65, appointing UMB Bank, N.A. of Kansas City, Missouri, to serve as paying agent, bond registrar, and transfer agent, approving the paying agent and bond registrar and transfer agent agreement and authorizing the execution of the agreement; Resolution No. 19-66, authorizing and providing for the issuance of $16,150,000 Taxable General Obligation Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 2019A, and levying a tax to pay said bonds; approval of the Continuing Disclosure Certificate; Resolution No. 19-67, appointing UMB Bank, N.A. of Kansas City Missouri, to serve as paying agent, bond registrar, and transfer agent, approving the paying agent and bond registrar and transfer agent agreement and authorizing the execution of the agreement; Resolution No. 19-68, authorizing and providing for the issuance of $4,665,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2019B, and levying a tax to pay said bonds; approval of the Tax Exemption Certificate and Continuing Disclosure Certificate; Resolution No. 19-69, authorizing submission to the U.S. Department of Justice for a 2020 Edward J. Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) application; authorizing execution of grant agreement upon application approval; Resolution No. 19-70, authorizing notice to bidders, fixing amount of bid security, and ordering Clerk to publish notice and fixing a date for receiving same, and for a public hearing on plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of costs for construction of the “Mar Oak Storm Water Improvements Project No. 17-1009”; Resolution No. 19-71, authorizing notice to bidders, fixing amount of bid security, and ordering Clerk to publish notice and fixing a date for receiving same, and for a public hearing on plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of costs for construction of the “2019 Street Panel and Curb Replacement Program Project No. 19-1001”; Resolution No. 19-72, authorizing notice to bidders, fixing amount of bid security, and ordering Clerk to publish notice and fixing a date for receiving same, and for a public hearing on plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of costs for construction of the “South Monroe Avenue Water Main Extension Project No. 19-1003”; Resolution No. 19-73, authorizing notice to bidders, fixing amount of bid security, and ordering Clerk to publish notice and fixing a date for receiving same, and for a public hearing on the plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of costs for construction of the “6th Street SW Water Main Repair – UPRR Crossing Project No. 19-1002”; Resolution No. 19-74, making award of contract to C&C Mowing Services, LLC for “2019 Nuisance Grass/Weed Mowing Services”, in the City of Mason City, Iowa; Motion, Masson; 2nd, Adams that all items in the Consent Agenda be approved and Resolutions adopted. AYES: All (Motion carried.)

6. Purchase Portable Pumps: Motion, Jaszewski; 2nd, Masson that Resolution No. 19-75, approving the purchase of two portable pumps from Central Service and Supply, Inc. of Des Moines, Iowa for the Wastewater Treatment Facility, be adopted. Discussion followed regarding how long they lasted. AYES: All (Motion carried.)

14. Award Contract – Eastbrooke Storm Water Mitigation Project: Motion, Adams; 2nd, Lee that Resolution No. 19-76, award of contract for professional services to WHKS & Co. of Mason City, Iowa for the Eastbrooke Storm Water Mitigation, be adopted. Comments followed regarding what properties were included. AYES: All (Motion carried.)

16. Transfer of Property for Multi-Purpose Arena Entrance, 100 South Federal Ave: Motion, Adams; 2nd, Jaszewski that Resolution No. 19-77, approving the minimum development requirements, competitive criteria, and procedures for disposition of certain property located within the Urban Renewal Area; (2) determining that the proposal submitted by Southbridge Mall Realty Holdings, LLC satisfies the offering requirements and declaring the intent of the City to enter into a purchase agreement by and between the City of Mason City, Iowa and Southbridge Mall Realty Holdings, LLC in the event that no competing proposals are submitted; and (3) soliciting competing proposals, be adopted. Discussion followed regarding the process. AYES: All (Motion carried.) Motion, Adams; 2nd, Jaszewski that Resolution No. 19-78, fixing a date for a public hearing on the proposal to enter into a purchase agreement with Southbridge Mall Realty Holdings, LLC, and providing for publication of notice thereof, be adopted. AYES: All (Motion carried.)

Amendment No. 1 MC Combined, Amended & Restated Urban Revitalization Plan: The public hearing was held as per published notice and the Mayor called for comments and objections. There being no comments the public hearing was declared closed. Motion, Jaszewski; 2nd, Symonds that the Resolution No. 19-79, adopting Amendment No. 1 to the Mason City Combined, Amended and Restated Urban Revitalization Plan, be adopted.

Change of Zone from Z2 Sub-Urban to Z3 General Urban – 1602 4th SW: The public hearing was held as per published notice and the Mayor called for comments and objections which were noted. The Mayor asked if there were any additional written comments with the response being only those that were included in the packet. Motion, Masson; 2nd, Lee that the Ordinance changing the boundaries of certain districts therein zoned Z2 Sub-Urban to Z3 General Urban District for property generally located at 1602 4th Street SW, be received and placed on file for First Consideration. Discussion followed regarding other options. Motion, Masson; 2nd, Lee that the Ordinance be tabled. AYES: Masson, Lee, Adams, Jaszewski, Symonds. NAY: Thoma (Motion carried.)

Change in Language for Water Disconnect: Motion, Jaszewski; 2nd, Symonds that the Ordinance No. 19-3, amending the City Code by repealing Title 6 “Municipal Utilities”, Chapter 1 “Public Utilities, Article A “Water Rates”, Section 1 “Rates and Charges Established, Paragraph C “Payment” and adopting a new Paragraph C in lieu thereof, be adopted. AYES: All (Motion carried.)

Adjourn: The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.

/s/Bill Schickel
Bill Schickel, Mayor

/s/Aaron Burnett
Aaron Burnett, City Clerk

Publish 4-10-19
Emailed 4-5-19

You know let’s quit wasting our time on traffic cams and stupid s*** like that let’s fix some roads and let’s take care of this disaster problem you politicians are becoming a joke

Axne is a supporter of the Green New Deal that wants to get rid of all cows and now Democrats are claiming that corn is a pollutant of the air. Axne is anti-agriculture.

We know the libs tricks, just say shit on cnn and the lemmings will buy it and try to use it in a discussion without proof.

Democrat Senator Axne has proven to be very predictable, toeing the party line, and representing the Des Moines voters at the expense of the rest of this district. I can guarantee you if the disaster that has fallen on rural western Iowa would have happened in Des Moines her reaction would be different.

I would like to Point Out The NONE of the Democrats That Are In the Running for Their Parties Nomination For President Voted For The Relief Bill EITHER! What does this tell Us!!!!4

The Democratic party doesn’t care about Iowans or anyone else. They believe in slaughtering innocent babies even ones who are born not just pre-born babies. So why the hell would they care about animals or Farmers serving they wouldn’t. I vote for a Democrat is a vote for evil

2018 Crime Data
White on Black-4%
Cop on Black-9%
Black on Cop-33%
Black on Black-79%


Crazy old Kook Sanders. We’ll never vote for you.

xne has Pelosi’s and Schumer’s back. She took their support, their advice, etc. She is in for the evil and ill gotten gains she will follow the money, you just watch and see

You know let’s quit wasting our time on traffic cams and stupid s*** like that let’s fix some roads and let’s take care of this disaster problem you politicians are becoming a joke

Axne is a supporter of the Green New Deal that wants to get rid of all cows and now Democrats are claiming that corn is a pollutant of the air. Axne is anti-agriculture.

The Democratic party doesn’t care about Iowans or anyone else. They believe in slaughtering innocent babies even ones who are born not just pre-born babies. So why the hell would they care about animals or Farmers serving they wouldn’t. I vote for a Democrat is a vote for evil

Democrat Senator Axne has proven to be very predictable, toeing the party line, and representing the Des Moines voters at the expense of the rest of this district. I can guarantee you if the disaster that has fallen on rural western Iowa would have happened in Des Moines her reaction would be different.

I would like to Point Out The NONE of the Democrats That Are In the Running for Their Parties Nomination For President Voted For The Relief Bill EITHER! What does this tell Us!!!!

Baby raping troll Sym deleted again. The Little pussy is such a wimp his wife had to rape a baby to get satisfied. Then he got his family evicted many times even though living off the rest of us on section 8. What a P.O.S.

We know the libs tricks, just say shit on cnn and the lemmings will buy it and try to use it in a discussion without proof.1

I would like to Point Out The NONE of the Democrats That Are In the Running for Their Parties Nomination For President Voted For The Relief Bill EITHER! What does this tell Us!!!!

Democrat Senator Axne has proven to be very predictable, toeing the party line, and representing the Des Moines voters at the expense of the rest of this district. I can guarantee you if the disaster that has fallen on rural western Iowa would have happened in Des Moines her reaction would be different.

The Democratic party doesn’t care about Iowans or anyone else. They believe in slaughtering innocent babies even ones who are born not just pre-born babies. So why the hell would they care about animals or Farmers serving they wouldn’t. I vote for a Democrat is a vote for evil

Crazy old Kook Sanders. We’ll never vote for you..

I don’t give a damn about Trump’s tax returns. He is a billionaire and doesn’t take a dime as President/.
Nancy Pelosi on the other hand has a net worth of 26.4 million on a Government Salary. I want to see HER DAMN tax returns.

He doesn’t have to take a dime of his salary. He is making far more than his salary in profits at his private resorts that we, the taxpayers, have to pay for Secret Service to stay there. Pretty funny when you remember how he ragged on Obama for playing golf; in his first two years he has played more golf than Obama played in his first term.

Donald Trump is a dumbass.
Like that’s supposed to be news?
Sometimes Trump is so stupid that it’s not even funny.

The only thing worse than Trump are his stupid dumbass supporters.

Yep, a true Dumb Ass who is President of this Great Country and doesn’t take a penny of salary from the government, a billionaire who owns huge golf courses around the world, Commander in Chief of our military. The troll who posted the comment was married to a sex offender, evicted from every place he ever live and then want to call our president and us names. What a low life P.O.S.

It really is quite simple. Everyone is smart except Donald J. Trump. That’s why they all are billionaires, and all got elected President. Only Trump does not know what he is doing. Only Trump does not know how to negotiate with Vladimir Putin. Anderson Cooper knows how to stand up to Putin. The whole crowd at MSNBC does. All the journalists do.
They could not stand up to Matt Lauer at NBC. They could not stand up to Charlie Rose at CBS. They could not stand up to Mark Halperin at NBC Nor up to Leon Wieseltier at the New Republic, nor Jann Wenner at Rolling Stone, nor Michael Oreskes at NPR, at the New York Times, or at the Associated Press. But — oh, wow! — Can they ever stand up to Putin! Only Trump is incapable of negotiating with the Russian tyrant.
Remember the four years when Anderson Cooper was President of the United States? And before that — when the entire Washington Post editorial staff jointly were elected to be President? Remember? Neither do I.
The Seedier Media have never negotiated life and death, not corporate life and death, and not human life and death. They think they know how to negotiate, but they do not know how. They go to a college, are told by peers that they are smart, get some good grades, proceed to a graduate degree in journalism, and get hired as analysts. Now they are experts, ready to take on Putin and the Iranian Ayatollahs at age 30.3

Liberals threw barbs at Betsy Devoss. Guess they are okay with Cosmo Cuomo taking from Special Olympics and giving raises to lawmakers.

Cutting funds for Special Olympics is wrong. Cuomo decided to not reduce funding by $50,000 after backlash from the public. $50,000 wouldn’t be much of a raise when divided among all the lawmakers. Trump was cutting $17.5 million.

Trump didn’t cut anything. He blocked the cut. Bodacious mis-leading the sheep again.

You are wrong. Trump’s budget ordered the cut. DeVos was doing what he asked and then when the public outcry became too great, he threw her to the wolves just like he does with anyone who makes him look like the bad man he really is.

SOOOO Trump personally makes out the US budget? Just like you personally made out the budgets for the school you worked at to brain-wash our kids?

Bodacious is known for lying and indoctrinating children with her liberal Ideas.

Kids are stupid because of socialist indoctrination at school by teachers like Bodacious….we need to shut down government education and go all charter, no unions , parents in charge, a gov voucher for each legal student….And if a teacher goes commie, she is fired like Bodacious was….

Parents are already in charge of the schools. That is what a school board does. Charter schools are for-profit schools. Some are good, others are concerned about one thing and that is profits. They have no oversight so they can pretty much do what they want. By the way, I had nothing to do with our school budget. That is determined by the school board. I wasn’t fired either. Another lie from eLViS and much misinformation as usual.

My response.

More lies from Bodacious!

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