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Matt I would of thought the candy bill would of been more, is Eric on a diet? What a joke this Blue Zone is.

It is just a toy for the elites so they can claim they are doing something for the masses. Most people pay no attention to the arrows and up here they ride right down the middle of the street. That is the ones that are sober enough do. The drunk ones just fall off and that is the majority.

Angie Baby is sucking hind tit.

Where the hell is this snowstorm? I cant believe everyone jumped the gun and cancelled schools! I still think we have a bunch of hearts running our school districts. I bet the Mason City teachers will be sooooo happpppy to get out of classes just in time to watch the fire works at Clear Lake. HA HA HA HA Hell Yeah for your Union contracts fools. Gotta feel good about summer school!!!!!!!!!!!

You’re an idiot. No wonder your name is bookie. You’re ad dumb as the mayor.

Why ? Because he or she posted what everyone thinks. They can’t forecast anything.

So you blame the school because the forecast was wrong? What if your kid had to go to school today and was in an accident. Then, you would be ready to sue the school for being dumb for not foreseeing that your kid might not skate through.

Not blaming schools. Blaming the idiots that never get forecast right.Told my kids do be weather people only have to be right 1 out of 10 times

Weather forecasters give the information they are given. They can only forecast the weather possibilities, not CONTROL it. duh. You obviously missed a lot of school.

Tabitha Jones is in jail……again. when are they going to lock her up for good and throw away the key.

@Matt-I knew this guy back in the day and he always had issues. But, to kill a dog with a hammer is way over the top. Why they let him off with a slap on the wrist is beyond me. We need to get rid of these judges who allow this kind of crap. Can you imagine how afraid that poor dog was. If someone was to try to hurt my dog they would regret it in a hurry.

This man is clearly severely mentally ill. This is the perfect case on why we should have a robust and very well funded mental health programs in Iowa. Too bad this isn’t seen as more of a priority.

Violence gets no mercy. Only Prison. Get rid of the POS

Write that to your CONservative Republican govener who’s taking funds away from mental health.

Great, more hate America b.s. from Petey boy. What’s the matter Peter? Didn’t mommy make your pot pie for dinner today? You are such a negative hateful person. Go back to the basement where you belong.

Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone.

I’m giving thanks to Capitalism’s flirtatious affair with Chinese communism to give us all the low performing, readily abundant, relatively cheap wares we’ve all come to expect and rely on. Isn’t it nice to dabble in so many different crafts and trades now that Menard’s offers us a glimpse of what it’s really like? Isn’t it great to buy fashionable cuts at Wal Mart for less than $20? I love how my socks wear holes after a few washes, and those solid color cotton poly blends. I feel truly thankful. Thanks Communism. Thanks China. Thanks US Corporations. Thanks Political Leaders.

And most importantly, thanks Jesus and his ministers down at the local churches who teach me to be humble, accept this world without question, and accept the decisions being made by others more knowledgeable (deceptive and crafty) than me. And a special shout out to my father- that faithful corporate servant, and very pious man…who jerks left when deer present right, and who knows that his boss and God will tell him everything he needs to know.

You sound like a very depressed and depressing person.

What’s disturbing is your inabilty or unwillingness to acknowledge the hypocrisy of America getting 90% of its products from Communist, Human Rights Depriving China. China whose strict totalitarian despotic government runs contrary to the ideals of our Constitution and Bill of Rights…but who we’ve turned a blind eye to to favor ‘dollarism consumerism’ for materialst based ‘ profitology’

STFU Peter. Why don’t you go live on a deserted island somehwere and leave the rest of us alone.


Since you post anonymously i assume you’re either a black smoke spewing, loud pipe fitting, pro “authoritarian-since-cops-seem-on-my-side-at-this-moment-in-cultural-time” believing, flag waving (without understanding a clue of what the core principles and legal framework the nation is constructed upon), rights flushing, desperate human being…OR…you’re such a media junkie, millenial child that Made in China is all you’ve known, so you equate that with socisl normalcy. Either way I’m saying you are too stupid, uncaring snd hypocritical to truly know the implications of the blunderous decision to get in bed with the Chinese. This McMansion era enjoyed its ridiculous oversized homes and gas guzzling Hummer SUV’s. But soon the dollar menu decisionry is coming home to roost. Made some realtors rich, while the poor kept getting poorer. All in a days fun. Go Hawkeyes.

The long and short of it is: you’re stupid hypocrites riding a wave generated in the Red Chinese Sea…and you wouldn’t know values and true community building if it bit you on the ass.


And a special shout out to those suckers locked in a 30-40 year mortgage purchasing their crackerbox houses at an inflated rate…just so they can feel desperately like their parents who never loved them. Congratulations as you’re the next round of STUPID. Catch you at the Good Shepard “my brother” after your wonderful slave life trying to fit in with stupid abusive assholes who never cared in the first place. Tiny Houses mercilessly placed at the feet of idiotic, despotic Supervisors and real estate Councilman. And because you get another Tap House to get drunk and fat at, you call it “progress”? You gotta lot to f-in learn children.

That key board you’re typing on….made in china.

@anonymous-It beats me. It was present a year ago or so. Never checked to see where it came from. It always worked pretty good until just recently. It probably did come from somewhere other than here. Hard to find anything made in the U.S. anymore and that will get even worse when this new trade deal goes into effect.

The comment wasn’t intended for you LVS. It was for the previous poster.

@anonymous-O.K. Sometimes it is hard to tell. But, my comment makes sense anyway.

I would like to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to Matt and his family, to the NIT staff and to all of the Subscribers and Readers of NIT.

Indeed, everyone have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!

Seriously, you are very creepy.

You are creepy. Because you’re infatuated with Peter. Lose a lot of weight and maybe you’ll feel better about yourself.

Oh Peter, the only person infatuated with you is yourself.

You sure that’s true? I see a lot of people mentioning Peter’s name nearly 24/7. One lady can’t keep her keyboard fingers off of him.

Peter, whining again….this isn’t a blog. It’s a news site that allows comments. And you have attacked many people on here, including the owner of this site. So, as the old saying goes, you can dish it out, but can’t take it. Anything said to you here you have brought on yourself. If you would just stay away, that would solve the problem.

When I was a kid, we used to sled at Taylor Hill. We never had tires to climb back up that mountain. I remember seeing Bart Currans daughter get hit in the head by a sled. It was rough sledding back in those days.

@Allen-I too remember Taylor hill and the hundreds of people who used it. Then McNiders bought the land and closed it off. They didn’t care about all the kids as long as they got what they wanted. What happened to the sledding hill Ohl was building in the South End?

where is taylor hill located

East towards Nora Springs on Hwy 18 (122). Just fore you get to the river look at the hill on the right, and there you have it. McNider mansion is on top o the hill cred from public view by trees

I need a new keyboard on my desktop.

me too, my grandson broke mine so now the space bar and shift key doesn’t work very well.

The problem with your keyboard, found it.
Check this out…..

comment image

@Richard-Might expect something like that from a P.O.S.

So LVS, did you aspire to be a stupid old coot even when you were a young lad back in the early 1920’s?

LVS made it out of Germany just in time before the trials began. He spent about 20 years in Argentina before making his way north to settle in Iowa. Along the way he picked up his Mexican wife. At the bottom of his left foot is a tattoo describing his position as an informant for the party.

what river? winnebago river in mason or shell rock river in nora springs? Can people still sled there

If you were to stand on the eastern edge of the Mason City High School parking lot and look across HWY 122 you would be looking at old Taylor hill, now owned by the McNider’s.

Winnebago here in Mason City. No sledding allowed since the rich people bought it. Kids can go without according to them.

Not owned by McNiders . Might want to research before making post

All I can tell you is when the MacNiders built their mansion on top of the hill the signs went up saying No Trespass and No Sledding. You can try to deny it but I was there. Get your facts straight.

Hill owned by Indianhead Farms . Mansion owned by family that owns Pro Wall ,business located in Plymoth.

Indianhead Farms is MacNider’s. And the house was originally built and occupied by MacNiders. It might have been sold since the old man died but it was his originally.

whats up with the sledding hill? went to take the kids there on saturday and there are no tires for them to climb up? what are they not putting them out this year or just to lazy?

I wonder if you call the Park department at city hall they will come put them out.

you are a real piece of work….really

He’s a creep!!!!!

Did you know that back before WW2 when the refugee Jews were turned away from the United States and the Japanese American Citizens were arrested and put into prison camps the President at the time was a DEMOCRAT. What savages they are.

Don’t flatter yourself Peter. No one in their right mind would have a crush on you. And you didn’t silence the pipes, winter did. But I’m sure it can be arranged to have some snowmobiles drive by.

If this mason city realtor illegally entered an auto to gain access into a home listing, why did she not get arrested for trespass? Is mason city law enforcement playing favorites?

Question: Should the County Board of Supervisors dismantle the Events Center Board and step in? Should this land be just SOLD?

Quit harassing me with your stupid shit little man.

by saying your name or things you have said or even a video of you doing something unspeakable is not harassing you, it is just reporting or talking about you. You have this self inflated ego about yourself, you think you are more important than you really are, delusions of grandeur. If you just stop saying things here, just sit back and read but say nothing you will find that your name would never be said here again, hint hint.

Peter more than likely has narcissistic personality disorder. Look it up. The disease describes him to a tee.

@Matt-you are correct. Southbridge was the fairgrounds back in the day. They destroyed the fair when they moved it to it’s current location which was a good old boy deal by one of the local realtors who became mayor. He is the same one who is now trying to sell them more land out west of town. That is one of the reason I do not trust realtors on our council.

The fairgrounds wasn’t where Southbridge is. It used to be where sears is. My dad used to tell me stories about the fair being there.

I’m sure you meant Southport LVS. But yes, the fairgrounds was there many years ago. It’s sad to see that whole shopping strip empty now. It used to be a nice area when I was growing up. Target, Kresges, Sears, and I think there was a Piggy Wiggly grocery store there too.

Definitely was nice, brings back good memories. And don’t forget Baskin-Robbins ice cream

WC Franks. Dig Dug video game. Tokens or quarters. That was the spot.

@Anonymous-Piggly Wiggly was one of the anchor stores along with Sears. I think there used to be four Piggly Wiggley. Stores in town. My brother-in-law was produce manager in the one in the Sears Shopping center which is what we used to call it.

Meant Southport of course. I was just thinking what a rip off southbridge has been. I used to work at the fair and circus when they came to town. A lot of kids did back then when we were not afraid to get our hands dirty.

A ‘carney’ who stayed put. It explains so much. Thanks LVS for the share.

Shut up Lagios, you creep!

Work is something the creep knows nothing about. He lives in his mothers basement, draws welfare off the rest of us, has nothing and never will and is nothing and never will be.

It’s sad to see the fair in the state it’s in. With the County Board unwilling to take control, with the only hope it’s had in years with David Green leaving, the board cutting back the flee markets, the horse shows trying to run every aspect of the grounds,constant fighting with the race track officials,hockey leagues wanting out, the concert business being ran off,no support from other cities in the county, the partial land sale and no community support, it seems like it is time to shut it down or put a person with deep marketing and ties to Mason City businesses in charge.NO more fair boards. Either the county wants a fairgrounds/Events Center or it’s time to dismantle this one.

Santa will be at Harley-Davidson of Mason City on the 12th from 10-2 😀

I almost left a few times but then I realized that if I did, they win, someone out there keeps calling me a quitter but i am not. I refuse to let them win.

Not a quitter David?
These words ring a bell with you David?
“I decided before I even went, I knew I was going to call it quits.”
They are your words David & I can link you to the article if need be.

You got to play at being a soldier for about 10 years.
Then had to be a real one for a year, and then bailed out.
In other words, you couldn’t handle real military service and QUIT!

Interesting information. Continue

It seems there is alot of people complaining about readers commenting using the name…anonymous. I post under anonymous for one very good reason. Peter Lagios. He threatens too many people on here. He’s crazy and he doesn’t need to know anyone’s names. And it’s obvious that he will never leave this site. And even more obvious that Matt will never get rid of him. So, as long as Lagios is allowed to stay, I will keep using anonymous for my posts.

Your hesitation serves you well. He is a very dangerous human being in more than one way. Anytime you feel threatened by him in any regards, call the Police.

It would be hard to “harass” you if you weren’t reading a website you vowed to leave. Just saying if you had better things to do than lurk around this website (hosted by someone you clearly do not like) and declare things and feel ostracized when people are critical of your thoughts and actions, you might lead a happier life.

Get off the site and stay off you worthless P.O.S.

he’s a poser

I wish cabin coffee in clear lake was open on sunday so I didn’t have to look at Lagios in the early AM at hyvee’s starbucks. Can we get a little warning next time?

I can sure understand how you would feel that way.

Yes he is. He has the same vacant look in his eyes that the terrorist have.

He’s extremely creepy. And he has that look of madness in his eyes. When he continually posts his weird deranged crap on here, and then when you see him, it’s like…..that dude is insane, and weird and yes creepy.

What you are engaging in is HARASSMENT. You’re breaking the law. You have no subject or point you are making other than to harass a person and cause them alarm and distress. Calling someone ‘creepy’ is an attempt to belittle their self esteem and make them unsure of themselves. It’s the generic catch all phrase xenophobes use. Well guess what? Lagios will be at STarbucks again this morning, undeterred by your poison. Let’s see if you have the balls to introduce yourself to him. You coward, psycopath. I know who you are lady. You’ve been harassing this man for a long time because he forced you to examine your behaviors. You are one of the loud pipe jerks who wants to harass and intimidate the public with no accountability. Lagios stood up against you and now you’re trying to get revenge.

Yes!!!! The video has resurfaced! Little Peter Lagios doing Lord knows what in that shell of a vehicle. And it appears Petey is posting under one of his many personalties again.

Oh, and Peter doesn’t harass anyone here? He’s been asked to leave numerous times, and doesn’t. He insists on calling people names like nazis! That’s not harrassment. And I will attest to the fact that he is CREEPY! He comes off like a deranged, delusional CREEPY human being. And his posts prove that he’s a creep.

Nice try Peter. Posting under different names. What’s the matter? Your multiple personalities are at it again. Now STFU and stop embarassing your poor mother!

Well, one of his altered personalities says he is going to be at Starbucks again. Mommy must have gave him his allowance so he can hang out at starbucks. Maybe the people at cabin had him removed because he is CREEPY!

According to the latest poll 6of Americans say we are already at war with ISIS. Only a few sheeple have their heads in the sand.

President Obama has asked not once, but twice for congressional authorization to increase military use agaisnt ISIS but the Republicans pussied out.
Typical Republicans, all talk & no walk

Prove it, every speech I’ve seen him talk about it, it is him that says no. You are so against the Republican party that you are now creating your own history.

I’ve seen reports saying that of the bombing missions over Syria, 75% are not given permission to drop their bombs.

From the Department of Defense web site:
As of 3:59 p.m. EST Nov. 19, the U.S. and coalition have conducted a total of 8,289 strikes (5,432 Iraq / 2,857 Syria).
U.S. has conducted 6,471 strikes in Iraq and Syria (3,768 Iraq / 2703 Syria)
Rest of Coalition has conducted 1,818 strikes in Iraq and Syria (1,664 Iraq /154 Syria)
The countries that have participated in the strikes include:
In Iraq: (1) Australia, (2) Belgium, (3) Canada, (4) Denmark, (5) France, (6) Jordan, (7) The Netherlands, and (8) UK
In Syria: (1) Australia, (2) Bahrain, (3) Canada, (4) France, (5) Jordan, (6) Saudi Arabia, (7) Turkey and (8) UAE
As of Nov. 14, U.S. and partner nation aircraft have flown an estimated 57,301 sorties in support of operations in Iraq and Syria.

yes they have flown a lot of missions but like I said on 25% of the missions have they dropped their load.

@David-they have ears but they won’t listen. The left wing news sites they watch would never tell them anything like that so they are uninformed. You are correct, it has been all over the news for a week. Even CBS has a news report on it.

Let’s do a little math 6,471 missions by the U.S. by itself. This occurred over a period of 15 months. David says that only 25% were carrying a “load”. That’s over 3 every day of every week since June of 2014. That seems like a lot but I’m sure you don’t. And, what the heck are those other 75% doing. Just out for a spin?

bodacious you are not paying attention. All of the fighters were carrying a load but out of fear of injuring civilians only 25% of those dropped their load. the rest were not given permission to drop their load.

David, I was paying attention but I assumed you would understand when I talked about the 25% that they did drop their “load” The math still stands-over 3 missions per day dropped bombs.

I don’t know how many missions per day or week, all i said was from all the missions only 25% dropped their bombs.

Isn’t it strange that even Dianne Feinstein is now calling on the wimpy president to go to war against the savages.

Right Wing Wacko!

how is he a right wing wacko if he is stating facts?

Here you are folks. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is going to give the peanut farmers 1.9 Billion Dollars because over produced and the market is down. The only thing worse is “CORN” which will be subsidized to the tune of 3.6 Billion Dollars. Our tax money going to subsidize rich farmers.

Watching the Mumbai Massacre. I didnt realize Indian authorities were so dysfunctional. Makes you think about the strength of some of these nations.

Them radical Methodists from the old country need to get rounded up and contained in the vacant Penny’s building.

Then go after the Blacks and Mexicans from Chicago, Detroit and across the Rio Grande. Just imagine how many of them we could warehouse in Southbridge.

Looks like the terrorists have LVS and his pack of neanderthals all ginned up. The good old boys have become the victim of mind control and witch hunting.

funny, I was going to say the same thing

Lets round up all them Docshere in town. Those that wear a Turban or speak with a Middle Eastern dialect. You are fools to judge a race or nationality based on the atrocities of a few. May God help you and those in the three ring circus lead by the ringmaster Trump.

that sounds familiar. kind of like judging all gun owners because of the actions of some criminals?

Being leery of Syrians because of the terrorists amongst them does not mean we are judging them all. It means we cannot tell which of them are OK and which are not. I personally don’t care if they were Protestant Scandinavians who were terrorizing Europe. They can’t come here if we can’t tell who amongst them is going to try to kill us in our own country.

The Republican Clown Show reminds me of the sentiment of registering and rounding up Jews. The beginning of a new age Holocaust. God Help us from the right wing.

If you are lucky Trump will win in a landslide. People in this country are tired of having a laughing stock wimp in the Whitehouse and we damn sure are not allowing Hillary the Liar in there. I have heard all about you ex-government guy and you ain’t crap.

Obama a Wimp?? You think you ar such a tough guy! Obama would kick your wacko right wing ass you punk!

obama couldn’t even take michael/michelle.

As predicted by everyone except Obama lovers his signature health insurance scam is failing all over the country Health Works is now asking for a government subsidy to offset their losses or they are pulling out. New York has already lost their main carriers, they went broke.

it’s amazing how ignorant some people can be, they will believe a lie before they will believe facts.

“it’s amazing how ignorant some people can be, they will believe a lie before they will believe facts.” – David

Excellent post David, your comment about you & LVS is spot on.

This does not surprise me at all. The elitist have screwed over the taxpayers every chance they get for years. They should be kicked out of office and put in jail for fraud. Only sheeple would believe anything they tell you.

Sorry, but everybody makes mistakes in their lives. Just the way it is.

I’d agree if he’d been 19 when he did it, instead of 29. He was an adult by then, so this is disturbing.

@Anonymous-That is so typical of someone who goes by Anonymous and you are so wrong. Most people do not steal from someone else. Especially a company that pays them a living. That kind of person can never be trusted.

Again there retard, you are just as anonymous going by LVS as someone going by anonymous. All you people that are using screen names are just as guilty. Why does it matter? You think that using LVS makes you a man and that people know who you are? I don’t know who you are, but as much as you run your mouth there old man, I wish I did.

..and now he’s on our parks board…wow

What was the end result of that charge for Troy? Was he found guilty or not guilty?

so someone who uses common sense is a wussie? What does that make a democrat who has no common sense?

I was thinking maybe a special armband they could wear, or maybe we could even tattoo a number on their arm!

Wait a sec…

You should really get it right if you are going to break your rule and comment on politics. He was asked a question about if he wanted to put in registration and he said “We will have to look at a lot of things and if they make sense implement them”. That is a far cry from what the looney lefty’s are saying.

Now the Looney Left want to take away the right to purchase guns of people who are on the watch list. Like they would care if they can buy legal or not if they are terrorist. But, of course they have not been charged or convicted but they will try to take away their rights anyway. The difference is these are American citizens. What hypocrites the Looneys are.

Yes I agree. The MIddle East is full of greedy, selfish Arabs and Muslims. Those other nearby countries like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Afghanistan…they do nothing to help their own kind. The UN should conquer about 6 large size cities and regions nearby each other in Syria and the refugees should be housed there and protected…with a no fly zone imposed overhead. Very simple solution. This bullshit of bringing them thousands of miles away to incorporate into a culture they’ll never fit in with is BULLKAKA. I’m voting Republican this year. This tipped me.

There were 2 families Donald.– two men, two women and four children. And they turned themselves in to immigration. Seems pretty suspicious to me.

I feel sorry for Emily. She is only doing what they told her to do. Its management and not the reporters fault. She does a good job with what they give her to report on.

Emily Boster does a good job? Geez, you must have a crush on her. Every time I see her she is fumbling her words, and has to start over often. She has a harried, flustered feel to her, and she’s even cried while reporting on certain stories. She’s kinda unstable, but you must find that attractive or something.

Not unstable at all. She’s human. You could tell the disgust in her face.

I can’t remember, how many years were you on TV as a reporter in the field?

What a tasteless interview that KIMT had Emily Boster do last night with that RETARD Harrington. He beat a dog to death and KIMT did an interview on it, he tried to shed a tear bur heartless assholes cant do it. I cant believe that KIMT couldn’t find something else to put on the news. Man who is running the show up there?

I guess that’s their way of trying to be local. They have become the worst news source around here. It’s always Rochester and Minnesota. I don’t care what’s going on in Rochester. I just stopped watching.

agree…terrible management

what is being built south of the theaters

Another car lot I believe. Like we don’t have enough of them already.

Our family kicked the KIMT habit months ago. Their coverage of North Iowa is being phased out as part of their marketing plan. They hope to compete with Fox 47, KAAL and KTTC but odds are they will loose that battle in the end.

As so goes the memory of Barts Club House and Bob Clausen. May the forever rest in Peace.

You’re really making this complaint?


There are far more names for you than those you listed.

How you liking the new me Buzz?

I’d like you silent and banned better.

Your version of the true American way.

Do you understand why I exist Buzz? Are you getting it yet? I’m here to test you, train you, and ultimately deliver you from your own hypocritical devices.

We all would like Peter silent and banned. And I’m sure mommy would like him employed and back in his meds.

You ought to train yourself to keep from crapping your pants first.

I suppose now we should add Professor to your long list of titles too. How about adding Pathetic while you’re at it.

@Matt-You did ban him and we all saw it. Why are you letting him back on now? The vast majority of your subscribers want him gone.

Are you accusing Matt of lying?

No, he has a lot of things on his plate and probably just forgot. You on the other hand are just plain stupid.

Brown noser old man. Another boot licking, suck up response.

Matt is good stuff, a big boy and does not need you to cover his back.

I may be wrong but I don’t remember those exact words come from matt, I remember everybody else saying that he was banned but I could be wrong.

I saw it….he said…Peter Lagios you are banned. And I’m pretty sure Matt reminded him a couple times also. But yes, Matt did tell him point blank he was banned. I was glad at the time because thought Matt was actually going to keep him off the site. Quite a disappointment that the ban never happened. Peter Lagios is toxic, and there’s many readers here that know that, there’s a whole community (the city of Clear Lake) that know that. I don’t understand why Matt is letting this continue.

Tsk, Tsk Matt. First you had the poll. Then you tried raising money. Then a few months ago, you got angry at Peter and told him flat out he was banned. I saw the post and I was not imagining what I saw. Then Peter kept requesting you ban his ip address and you explained…….more than once that it is not possible because he would just go somewhere else and get online. And no us readers do not control anything. If we delete his posts, you put them back on. What does he have on you Matt? Why the 180? And don’t give us the censorship bull. How about a real answer.

We all know Peter Lagios is crazy…delusional, has a narcissistic behavioral along with an attention seeking disorder, and lord only knows what he is capable of. Are you afraid of him? You thinking we should let him in is insulting. He compares the readers of nit to nazis. Like I said, he’s toxic.

Im too important to ban. Im insightful and possess critical information and viewpoinr. I was on today NPR TALK OF IOWA. You can check the podcast if you dont believe me. Itd be like benching the atar player. Why would rhe coach do that?

Well, if you’re so important to Iowa Radio, then go bother them, and stay off here.

You called into regional radio talk show? OMG that is like speaking at graduation at Harvard or Yale! You should put that on your resume’. No resume’? Oh yeah, that’s right. You don’t have a job. That would interfere with calling into radio shows during the day.

If rolling around in the cabbage puts a smile on someone’s face, I’ll do it. Rule number 1 as a physician of the soul: be prepared to immerse yourself in the septic system. I’m taking “egg on the face” to a whole new level.

So, it’s all for your entertainment Matt. I don’t find anything about Lagios entertaining. He is frightening. This really shows me the kind of person you are Matt. You are either best buds with Lagios or you’re scared shit less of him. Either way, I kinda lost some respect for you.

“Frightening”. I’ll bet Matt gets the biggest kick out of that one. Maybe you are just a frightened person…ever considered that? I’m like any other guy: I like pretty girls, I get pumped up by action movies, and I want to protect the innocent and my family. IF that’s frightening, then geez lady…you got issues.

Not knowing why he is mad, the modern black man has been baptized into this world by democrats lies, anarchistic video games, television programming and social media. He attempts to be politically correct in the absence of a political IQ. The resulting pathology has created a disorder of personality, always inpatient with his life as it is, and blaming forces outside himself for his self-induced lack. Thinking himself blameless, he holds others culpable for his suffering, indicting the Establishment and citing the age-old Luciferian liberalism of grievance justifying insurrection. The black man’s life is filled with angst, the protagonist of his own personal revolution, in which anything that stands in his way – that questions his autonomy, hinders his self-expression, slows his ambitions, convicts his moral or ethical being, affronts his sensibilities, and stands in the way of his immediate gratification – can be vilified as racist, unfair, unjust, intolerant, and therefore intolerable.

Of course changing liberal to black man seemed a better fit for your agenda.

I don’t know if you are the C. Conroy that I know or not, but, that is a great post and very true.

Matt, you should only allow paid subscribers in the Whiner’s Den. That’s where the juicy stuff is. I’ve learned more about Mason City from this site than any other. Just do it. You’ll have more subscribers than you can handle.

Great idea. I think it would up subscriptions and it would keep a certain person that is banned off the site for good. And that would be a huge plus for the site.

I was wondering why a local business (breakthrough webdesign) wouldn’t host their own website (or the ones they design and sell) in the same state?

Point well taken with out of state customers. But with as many problems as you have had keeping your own website functional, shilling wordpress as websites (and hopefully keeping them up to date security wise), and putting “sensational” news items out there (besides who got arrested), it would seem you are the one who will be busy keeping up. GLWT.

Something must be going on with Whiners Den, as I got a different looking page yesterday when trying to post.

Did older Whiner’s Den comments get wiped or did they all get reported?

Hopefully they got wiped and now starting fresh.

Just my opinion, the old comments can stay gone. And I have to agree with the other post that this portion of the site be open to subscribers only. Something for you to think about.

Katie I know a few and they are above the law just ask them, and oh look out for them when they are not in uniform/badges they are smart asses looking for trouble. Jailers are the same.

Issue after issue involving the Cerro Gordo County Sheriffs Dept. Time for a change at the helm. I think they seem to think they are above the laws they are enforcing.

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