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Steve King says he will continue to fight for immigration reforms

Congressman Steve King
Congressman Steve King

From Congressman Steve King –

Washington, DC- Congressman Steve King released the following statement today following the press conference held by the Senate ‘Gang of Eight’ who announced their broad proposals for comprehensive immigration reform:

“Eight Senators have now agreed to four basic legislative pillars or immigration policy principles,” said King. “They have 52 more Senators and 218 House Members to convince after they put their plan on paper in the form of a bill. I agree with most of the language in the very broad guidelines.

I would ask the Senators, do you agree with me that the United States should have an enforced immigration policy designed to enhance the economic, social, and cultural well being of the United States of America? Do you believe the Rule of Law and national sovereignty are essential components of a successful nation? Do you believe employers should be allowed to deduct wages and benefits paid to illegal aliens as a business expense? I’m guessing the ‘Gang of Eight’ would be inclined to agree with me on my principles. But, I predict that they will oppose my every effort to get them into law.

The president has demonstrated he will only enforce the laws that he likes. Promises of future law enforcement made under the 1986 Amnesty Act were not adequately kept by President Reagan. Why, then, would Americans accept the promise of this president?

I will continue to promote positive, common sense reforms that address our problems with illegal immigration, including reintroducing the New IDEA (Illegal Deduction Elimination Act) in the 113th Congress and I will continue to support enforcement of our existing laws.”

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To you people who love to share what you think are the worlds answers to all the problems – a line or two once in a while if fine. But if you want to write a book, get a publisher. And please, think before you write. What some of you post is like walking around town with a “stupid” sign around your neck.

What does yours say?

@enough-if you don’t like it, don’t read it. You seem to have enough time to read our stupid post. That is what this site is all about. Now go back to your GLOB.

@sickastupd – Glad you asked. My sign says, “intelligent conversationalist, kind hearted, all round nice guy”. Any thing else you wish to know, just ask.

No, no, I think that’s it!


I always gotta ask them…..If you find the postings so long and so bad why the PHUCK do you hang out and read them? And why do you think your useless words or opinion is going to stop them?
There! Now you’ve snagged 2 responses. Took a couple days but yoiu succeeded. In LVS’s words…now go find somewhere else to play or as I like to say go back under the bridge.

You are dumber every day, blog. Do you drink a lot?

PHOOOOOOOEY – SCREW THESE POLITICANS and the lobbyists who own them !

The administration is not enforcing the current law just like that the last 3 administrations. If we enforced the current law and the borders we would not have a problem. Then if we cut the corporate income tax and got control of EPA and OSHA companies would bring manufacturing back to the US. The workers here have the best productivity so without any corporate income tax wages would raise out of necessity instead of regulation. If we had control of those coming in to our county and actually enforce the laws we could have a guess worker program and allow more workers in the country.

I think sickandstupid fell and hit his head running to the mailbox for his government check at some point in his life but his post name really sums up his pointless rantings.

Nothing sickastupd resembled the ranting I have read from you on this sight. As a matter of fact, it seems that sick has done homework, thought about what a sensible solution should be, and delivered that solution in a clear manner which someone like you should be able to comprehend. What sickastupd can’t do, is make you any smarter unless you really read what sickastupd says and learn from it. It is called rationale, tolerant thinking.

Amazing, isn’t it? And he’s so dense he doesn’t even realize that my “name” is a slap at people like HIM! HAHAHAHAHA!

Oh, LVS, you don’t like King either, so don’t gimme that “insult” crappola!

And 49, I disagree with you on a couple of points. First of all, anchor babies, although not as big a problem as the media likes to make it, is easy to fix. Any child born in this country cannot become a citizen for one year – or two, or upon entering kindergarten, however you want to work it out. That way, it’s not an instant ticket, it gives families a safety net to get their feet under them, and dissuades anyone from using their child as a free lunch ticket.

Also, if they’re not citizens, how do you expect them to get jobs? We want this process to begin at the point of entry – not after the fact. We don’t want anybody in this country to be so poor they need welfare, right? So what does welfare have to do with it? If we start to generate jobs – decent jobs that pay a decent wage – they’ll work. You can count on it.

And lastly – there you go again with the punishment. Why should people wait 25 years to vote? Felons get a better break! So you can SAY you’re not hating on them, but your words ring hollow.

@sick-you are correct about King. He is a rich farmer who only worries about making more money and not hurting his special interest. However, I think it takes away from your message when you hurl insults all the time. You did a excellent job of stating your position and the facts but lost some of it with personal attacks. Just my opinion of course.

LVS, I appreciate your comments and will give serious thought to your words.

sickastupd – the delay for anchor babies may well work – good idea.
As to your second point this is why we need to reinstitute a guest worker program – they have to have a job before entry and return home when it’s over.
As to the delay for voting – this would unload the political gamesmanship attached to approving or disapproving legislation on this topic.

While I appreciate your logic on the voting issue, I don’t think it would make any difference. The political nonsense would just find a new scapegoat to target. You can’t out maneuver these fools – they will find something to fight about, something to blame their losses on, even if they have to make it up.

I think the guest worker program, if reworked and organized, is a good starting point. We talk about waiting periods to buy guns – how about once we secure all our borders, we institute a waiting period for admission? Say one to three days?

That gives the U.S. time to register and identify the people coming in. It could be done via computer or directly at the border. After the waiting period, they would be issued a three month permit – time to find a job.

I know these are just ideas off the top of my head and sound very expensive to institute, but it’s a huge problem now and nothing is improving. Why not try something new?

LVS & aickastupd – so what change do you think will really work and has any chance of passing short of giving away the store?

I’m not sure what you mean by “give away the store”, but if it’s more of the same scorched earth foolishness touted by King and his nasty little friends, it won’t work.

Immigration is a massive multifaceted issue and cannot be addressed by “all” or “none”, despite what the Steve Kings of the world tell you.

We need more security and tighter controls at the borders (let’s use our very own military – I’d sure rather see them over here working for US) and let’s address ALL the borders – the fences, the rivers, the airports, the oceans… Don’t forget, illegal immigration is not synonymous with those icky mexicans you right wingers love to hate.

And let’s secure those borders sensibly. Not with violence, with intelligence and organization. Make it possible to enter legally – and speed up the process by hiring enough help to do it. Put more immigration offices closer to the edges of the country – not in Nebraska, for Christ’s sake!

Secondly, address those already here in a common sense way. Don’t chase them around and jail them – that just enables big ag and the big box stores to pay lower wages and fills up expensive jail cells. Document them – all of them. In the manner of social security numbers, etc. Make them tax paying citizens. Get proactive about jobs – not reactive.

Thirdly, FUND INFRASTRUCTURE. We have more roads, bridges, parks, power stations, etc etc etc that are frighteningly outdated than you can shake a stick at! Decent wages for good hard work is what made this country great. Now that the 1% have run off to China to pay even lower wages in order to buy yet another yacht, we pull ourselves without them.

Then dump NAFTA. Close down the Caymen Banks accounts. Close the giant loopholes in order to force these greedy bastards to come back and put our country back to work.

If we have the infrastructure, the labor force, a modern effective government and decent wages in this country, maybe we wouldn’t hate each other so much.

Immigrants – illegal and otherwise – come here because they WANT to live here! Can you imagine? Why would anybody want to live in a country with people like Steve King? But they do! We should be HONORED, not PIGGISH and think in terms of “how can we make this work FOR us”, instead of “how can we get rid of these people”.

And most importantly, we need to continue to head to the polls and throw out all those who would obstruct, balk, stall and refuse to cooperate in any way in the name of “winning”.

And that’s just what I would do in the morning if I were the boss.

@sick-WOW-well I do agree with most of what she said here minus the insults. But really, a lot of what was said makes good sense, which is probably why it will never happen. I have a lot of experience with Mexicans and have worked down there in my past. For the most part they are decent hard working people that only want better for their family’s just like we do. It is time to change and give it a chance.

Sickastpud – thanks for a response.
First, being conservative does not make me a “love to hate icky Mexicans”, as you put it, or anyone else
That said, I think we have more areas of agreement than you imagined.
I agree we need to tighten the borders big time and support the officers there instead of them having to resort to lawsuits against their management – as we have now.
As to dealing with those here already, they need to come in and submit to a process of review to determine that they are employed, are not living off the welfare system in some manner and document them. Also, we need to cancel anymore “anchor baby births leading to automatic citizenship”. CBS carried a story last night about tourism visa birth villas catering to expectant mothers from China and elsewhere. This is a real perversion of out process. I would further delay those documented from being able to vote for a 25 years – they came in illegally and should not be able to step up in the voting booth right off the bat.
As to funding infrastructure, I’m ok with that providing we can do without the mandatory union scale for these projects – this would open up the availability of contractors all over the place.
I too would dump NAFTA and close the overseas hiding of assets in off shore accounts.
The only way we can get representatives to do right by us is to limit their terms – otherwise you are right it’s all about winning at any cost – to us and the country in general.

I had dinner with 4 police detectives last week in a migrant worker state. They said there is a huge problem there with newly legals filing multiple tax returns with $9 999 refunds. The banks will not work with the police by reporting multiple refund deposits to the same account. There are other scams that they run on banks, but it’s too long to describe and mostly the bank’s own stupid fault. I have a hard time believing Latinos want to come here for any reason other than to milk our government and run scams after talking to these cops.

Katie, that’s about the ugliest thing I’ve seen you post yet.

Your thoughtless racism is a new low, even for you.

I’m not being racist, I’m telling it how it is, stupid. They arrest these immigrants for shoplifting and their pockets are either full of cash or uncashed paychecks. They swarm stores and steal. The truth is ugly, but this is what the cops deal with on a daily basis with these immigrants. Believe me, there are plenty of white scuzz balls, too. But too many immigrants look at this country as the land of opportunity for theft and scams. We don’t hear much about it in Iowa, but it is rampant in other parts of the country and on the news constantly. And like here, the DA’s and judges create a justice system with a revolving door with no punishment or consequences.

@Katie and SickA-I will tell you a fact that I am aware of. The Legal Mexicans that live here all year round hate it when the migrants and illegals come to the state because they know they have no values and people tend to bunch the legals with the illegals. The legals have to live here and the migrants do whatever they ant and then leave. It has been a problem for as long as I have been associated with the Mexicans. It is one of the biggest reason they quit having Mexican Dances here. They were taken over by the thugs who fought and stole everything the could find. The legal Mexicans are like anyone else. They work hard and are honest. This is NOT racist but is the truth.

Katie: Grouping an ENTIRE race of people to describe some trait or common activity is by definition racist. If you make racist statements, people will call you a racist. Own up to it or change your opinion but you can’t have it both ways.

Saying “Latinos” doesn’t exactly narrow it down, does it? You didn’t say “Hoodlums”, you said “Latinos”.

There are creeps of every color out there – we happen to have a glut of white scumbags here because our population is predominately white. In Arizona, the population is largely Latino. For you to say that LATINOS come to this country to rip us off is RACIST.

I’m waiting for your theory on black people. What do they want? How about Europeans? Middle East? Asian?

Considering we ALL came to this country for a better life, you have a lot of nerve looking down your nose. A hell of a lot.

Don’t forget the part where the early settlers swindled and connived the land from the Indians.

I have a friend who works in a southern state. A black woman from NYC moved there to work because she thought she would really like living in a warmer climate. She was appalled at the attitude of southern blacks she worked with that she was embarrassed. She told my friend that was so disillusioned and upset with the bad name they give to all blacks that she moved back to NYC. So is she racist?

People down here steal from the Latinos because, as a culture, they don’t trust banks and they carry large amounts of cash. The police try to get them to trust banks or put their money on cards, but they refuse to do it, so they are victimized over and over by other criminals. That’s another reason why they carry uncashed paychecks around.

It’s a real shame when we can’t even analyze or talk about the problems in our society without being called racists. There are issues that are bigger problems in some segments of our society. They need to be identified, addressed, and solved, not shoved under the rug because they involve a race or culture. No one should get a pass, regardless of race. I have no problems with any race, but we do not need anyone coming to this country to scam us. The law used to be that people coming here had to prove they could be self-supporting or had the support of someone living here. 45 years ago, I had a college roommate who was deported because she took a job without a green card. I did not agree with what she did then. She knew when she came over here that she was not to work. Now she could have had free everything. Our immigration enforcement has failed us terribly in so many ways in the last 40 years.
This scam is most prevalent in Miami and Tampa, FL.

King says he will continue to fight… fill in with issue of your choice…

He never fights FOR anything. AGAINST is his middle name.

It would be nice if he would work for POSITIVE results for a switch.

I think if you will reread the article he says he will “continue to support enforcement of our existing laws.”
Isn’t that being for positive results? How can giving away our country to illegals be positive?

Gee, did somebody say we should hand over our country to anybody? Or are you putting words in my mouth?

Yeah, he said he’d support enforcing existing laws – meaning he doesn’t want to do ANYTHING POSITIVE. He just wants to keep fighting and losing. Smart.

It should be obvious even to this idiot that our laws today are not working. We spend billions on trying to close the borders and nothing seems t work It reminds me of the war on pot, it just never ends and never gets better while we spend more and more on it. It is attitudes like King’s that cost the Republicans the election and the still didn’t learn

What is not “working” is the actual enforcement of existing laws. Too many low wage employers lobby Congress to look the other way while we all pay the tab through welfare and medical care for illegals. The Farm Bureau is also involved in this by supporting low wage dairy workers. It seems everyone is on the take one way or the other and no one is actually looking out for the country.

@4ever-now you sound just like the stuff I have heard forever and it hasn’t worked. You can say it is enforcement and I will say it is administration. Bottom line is it is not working and has not worked. Time to try something else.

As we say in IOWAY – HOGWASH !

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