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Science is based on observations over time and is predicated on the assumption of coming to a predictable conclusion after observation and resulting in the same outcome. When did climate and weather become predictable and how can it be determined a solid conclusion? Short answer : It can’t.

A new study confirms what conservatives have long suspected: Expensive climate change programs hurt the poor the most. Researchers estimate that if every country participating in the Paris climate accord actually fulfilled its greenhouse gas emission reduction pledges, more than 3 million people will be pushed into poverty. Politicians who claim their expensive environmental programs will solve economic injustice should take another look at the numbers.

WATCH: On Monday, all three network morning shows kept rooting for recession as a way to harm President Trump’s 2020 reelection chances. Hosts dismissed the White House “attempting to downplay growing concerns that the U.S. economy could be headed for a recession” while touting Democrats “seizing the moment”. “Pushing back. President Trump downplays fears the economy is on the slide,” co-host Savannah Guthrie announced at the top of NBC’s Today show.” Leading off ABC’s Good Morning America, fill-in co-host Cecilia Vega declared: “Also this morning, recession and re-election. President Trump insisting he has no concerns about the economy after that 800-point plunge. As his 2020 opponents fire back, saying the President is terrible for business.” Dumbocrats are ignorant and stupid as well as blind.

The slippery slope has begun. And exactly what will they consider to be “an assault weapon” when referring to guns? I see no specifics in this article.

WELL…Teenage Unemployment is at a 50yr LOW, I have noticed MORE at the Drive Thru but it’s been largely Omitted By the Media. Meanwhile the ALT LEFT DNC Supporting Govt Media is PUSHING,Reporting & LYING Again that WERE in a Recession. They PRAYED for over 3 years on the Russian Collusion & Now for a Recession,while PUSHING the Racism LIES & WHY? Because the 20 Weak as their Message Candidates Running Can’t WIN unless there IS ONE!…THIS is the Democrat Party.

A) Who the hell is this nutbar? Another one of the 25 crazies the Dems have tossed into the ring? The poor, laughable goof…
B) Why is she SO pissed at Jackson? Does she know that nearly EVERY human has jacked things up in some way? “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions” is a popular phrase for a reason.
C) Does she know anyone that fought against the Natives or was killed by one? They were a fierce people and not to be trifled with but successful conflict and expansion is just how things were done then, like in every other country on every other continent by people they fought against for food, land, women, freedoms, ad nauseum.
D) Good luck visiting Minnesota, the Vikings were a raiding, murdering, ruthless people and a lot of northerners are descendants of them…let me know what you plan on doing about that (changing the football team’s name or removing every Gunderson from the state? I’m spitballing here), I’m going to join their side and fight you on whatever it is because you’re all morons.
E) Does the Left ever have any intelligent, helpful, humankind lifting ideas or is BUTTHURT all they have to go on?

What happened to Russia, Russia, Russia and Racist, Racist, Racist? I thought your boy Obama was responsible for the economy that’s going great guns. I get it, from you LIBUFFOON’S point of view everything positive is Obama and the Dems and LIBS doing and everything negative is Trump’s and the Republicans / conservatives responsibility. #LIBS AND DEMS ARE FOS.

Dumbass Trumpanzee

What’s the matter??? Can’t handle the truth?

Every day there’s some new Nazi-tainted outrage from Drumpf, it’s hard to keep up.

realistic one at that

Every day there’s a new unconstitutional criminal act by Drumpf and his handlers. It’s hard to keep up.

For one, the antifa group is not supported by the DNC. Two, antifa means anti-fascist. The fascists are the ones who believe Caucasian is a superior race, that mixing of the races is an abomination and that exterminating those whose skin color is different is a good thing. Look at what the proud bozos believe. Same with the white supremacists who the proud bozos came from originally. “The Proud Boys organization glorifies political violence against leftists, re-enacting political assassinations, wearing shirts that praise Augusto Pinochet’s murders of leftists, and participating directly in political violence”

sounds like a wonderful bunch of good old boys to me.

And, YES they are supported by the criminal Democrats just like all the other crimes and criminals they support.

Yes,sanctuary cities, Illegals crossing the border, disrespect for law enforcement, Illegal Drug Use just to name a few supported by the Criminal Democrats.


If you’re living in poverty in the USA, get off your ass and go to work, make some good decisions and feed your children!

Your “good decisions” involved being born to affluent parents, so you haven’t had to work a day in your life. You wouldn’t know hard work if it punched you in the face.

*I grew up thinking that the FBI was a noble and honest organization. So sad that it is the opposite.

It is. It’s investigating the criminals in the Dumpster administration.

* Why hasn’t Antifa been flagged as a domestic terrorist group?

Because ANTI-FACISTS aren’t the terrorist organization, the NAZI FACISTS are!

*While Antifa was assaulting and harassing “right-wing” marchers, police, and journalists in the streets of Portland, Oregon on Saturday, CNN Newsroom host Ana Cabrera and the network found it controversial that President Trump would want to accurately brand the extreme far-left group as the domestic terrorists. She would tee up New Mexico Congresswoman Debra Haaland to defend the group as “peaceful protesters”. Cabrera further complained about the President’s idea, noting that “the U.S. does not have a domestic terrorism law, no government agency designates domestic groups as being terrorist organizations.” Meanwhile, CNN spent the other week calling for the same thing while saying Trump was empowering and inspiring domestic terrorism of the white nationalist variety.

Get real. The “Proud Boys” are the same privileged rich punks who were carrying torches in Charlottesville, VA. The only things missing were the white hoods.

*It makes me proud when people around the world love our republic so much they sing our Anthem. And yet we have kneeler in our sports arenas. Can’t our Americans see the difference between our whiners and the big picture People in Hong Kong sing our anthem with wishful hearts. Perhaps they are more American than the kneelers. God Bless the protesters anGod protect them

If kneeling is so disrespectful, why does every Christian religion include it in their ceremonies?

*When a Socilist Democrat candidate is losing, even the Radical Socialists realize the evil they *carry in their heart. Kamala Harris is desperate and will say or do anything to gain favor among the losers.

She’ll be glad to talk to you about that, as soon as she gets back from Guard duty, which requires courage and a sense of responsibility, which you know nothing about.

*A reward should be offered to anyone who can name one democrat of today who supports our country’s safety and well being.

You go right ahead and do that.

*POOR IS POOR…It’s Not a Race Thing

*There’s an UN-Declared Shooting War going on against the Police & All Christian Conservatives…America had BETTER Wake Up.

Really? Must have missed that one. Can you enlighten us as to where you found out about this “war”?

You alt-right gun-happy losers are the ones doing all the shooting.

ALL Democrats THINK…Conservatives, the Deplorables Trump Supporters or Trump Voters are NOT only Wrong …BUT EVIL. The Indoctrination in OUR Education System from K-College for Decades has WORKED! They are TRUE Believers that WE are A Racist,Sexist,Homophobic Anti-Islamic Nation SINCE Our Founding. As SUCH You’ll NEVER be able to Bargain With Them ON Anything

Most Democrats do not think Republicans are evil. That paranoia is only in your mind. Most people in this country do, however, athink that you are certifiable.

POOR IS POOR…It’s Not a Race Thing

There’s an UN-Declared Shooting War going on against the Police & All Christian Conservatives…America had BETTER Wake Up.

No there isn’t, but there sure should be one against the Christian Conservatives, known as the American Taliban, who are neither Christian nor conservative.

A reward should be offered to anyone who can name one democrat of today who supports our country’s safety and well being.

You go right ahead and do that.

When a Socilist Democrat candidate is losing, even the Radical Socialists realize the evil they carry in their heart. Kamala Harris is desperate and will say or do anything to gain favor among the losers.

You can ask her about it as soon as she gets back from her regular National Guard service.

It makes me proud when people around the world love our republic so much they sing our Anthem. And yet we have kneeler in our sports arenas. Can’t our Americans see the difference between our whiners and the big picture People in Hong Kong sing our anthem with wishful hearts. Perhaps they are more American than the kneelers. God Bless the protesters anGod protect them

If kneeling is so disrespectful, why does every Christian religion include it in their ceremonies?

Why aren’t ALL AMERICANS WAVING OUR FLAG AS WELL—because the democrats are trying to destroy our democracy by trying to convince us that SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM are what we need—we need our rights and privileges and FREEDOM. REMEMBER THAT WHEN VOTING!!!

While Antifa was assaulting and harassing “right-wing” marchers, police, and journalists in the streets of Portland, Oregon on Saturday, CNN Newsroom host Ana Cabrera and the network found it controversial that President Trump would want to accurately brand the extreme far-left group as the domestic terrorists. She would tee up New Mexico Congresswoman Debra Haaland to defend the group as “peaceful protesters”. Cabrera further complained about the President’s idea, noting that “the U.S. does not have a domestic terrorism law, no government agency designates domestic groups as being terrorist organizations.” Meanwhile, CNN spent the other week calling for the same thing while saying Trump was empowering and inspiring domestic terrorism of the white nationalist variety.

I grew up thinking that the FBI was a noble and honest organization. So sad that it is the opposite.

Why hasn’t Antifa been flagged as a domestic terrorist group?

Anyone ever dealt with the manager at kohls? he is spineless and seems very much to be a closeted homosexual. doesnt seem to have control of his employees and doesnt seem to take complaint very seriously. he is in fact a piece of shit.

I would agree but not sure what his sexuality has to do with his poor job performance. No matter what his sexuality his he is just a poor manager.

Cinsiderate, polite and intelligent people dont leave their untrained spoiled dog outside to bark for an hour and a half straight. Mason city residents seem to have no idea how to train a dog or take care of one. this state is ranked the 49th worst state for animal cruelty law. you shit heads that leave your dog outside barking for hours on end are neglectful worthless garbage. it is a form of abuse toward your animal and its a formof harassment against your neighbors. As a dog owner i do everything i can to ensure my dogs do not get loud outside, they are not obnoxious. when ive been sick all night (dont eat subway when that ginger homo is working, unless you wanna shit your night away) i finally get some sleep and some ass lets his dog bark from seven to ten im feeling like maybe put the meth pipe down over there you losers and maybe try paying attention. Whoever you are you dont take care of your dog and should not be allowed to own one, you have zero respect for the people around you, next time instead of slamming things around like other people are the problem why dont you try practicing a little responsibility. youre not mad at me, youre mad at yourself for being a shitty dog owner and a horrile person. next time i yell at your dog once solve the prolem or dont let it bark, but the next time you allow me to yell at your dog for five minutes and still dont do anything about it…. im gonna come talk to you about it, face to face. i will call animal control and the police because your an animal abuser and based on the way you handle things probably an ineffectual but potentially violent pos little man. or i might just come over and whop the shit out of your ignorant ass before i enjoy a bowl of cereal and the morning news. get rid of the dog you can not and do not take care of. f*cking LOSER.

Holy Jeebus, you need a spelling, grammar, and punctuation class! Maybe throw in a basic civics class while you’re at it.

I do not listen to Sanders. He is too far left and an extremist. I will vote for Trump or any Republican running for office but never these off the wall democrats.

Disarm them….How Mao,Stalin, Hitler, Fidel, & EVERY Communist,Facist, Socialist Govt CONTROLS their People. How & Why OUR Founding Fathers created the 2nd Amendment…SO Americans can FIGHT BACK Against THAT Type of Govt Tyranny DEMOCRATS Embrace!

ha ha ha. None of those people were alive when our founding fathers drew up the Constitution.

You really are that stupid!

I love how Democrats who have done nothing about the skyrocketing medical costs are now using diabetes for political benefit! UGH!

I have been waiting for the Republican plan for over 2 years. Where is it?

HOW Social Justice is WORKING In Chicago letting them RIGHT BACK On to the Streets.

The entire west coast, California,Oregon and Washington are nothing but a haven for liberals. I worry for our country. These are the so called “elites” that are devoid of any common sense. California is a lost cause and the other two are heading in the same direction.

Really appreciate the great job Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer showed in their march for our awesome President and country. Thank you for keeping the peace so well and showing what out of control aholes Antifa are.

The police kept the poor boys and antifa apart. Not the poor boys.

Bull Shit!

Anyone who believes that the Poor Boys are a nice bunch of conservative fellows is pretty much out of his mind. Oh wait, the President does. Oh wait, he is out of his mind.

Narcan is free and Chemotherapy is expensive. How come drug addicts get treated better than cancer patients??????

*Epstein…Death By HANGING….Around… the Clintons

Great post.

Good post. Again.

It’s so nice to see that all of your personalities get along so well.

**SOCIAL JUSTICE… Because of the Imbalanced Number of Blacks in the Prison System….DA’s & Judges Release them BACK On the Streets…DO YOU Understand the Chicago Philly Baltimore etc Weekend Shooting Galleries NOW?

The debt is massive, the deficit at record heights, infrastructure is crumbling with no plans in place to fix it… but Trump wants to spend money on buying Greenland.
Why does Putin want Trump to buy Greenland is the real question.
What a dumbass Trump is.

**Even those who don’t own AR’s will help defend those who do. We stand together. So come get them.

does anyone use this site for anything other than trolling retards? the vast majority of you wax intellectual but seriously? all retards.

Liberal. The male liberal is usually identified by the tuft of hair sticking up from the rear top of the cranium, they use this tuft as a tool to attract other douchebags… er, liberals. As they lack the common features that define a man to a women. like muscle tone or a penis that protrudes from the lower abdomen beyond one inch or work ethic or courage or basically any other trait a male from almost any other species upon the planet will naturally display. the liberal male is a feminist, he thinks if he is sensitive it will endure him to the liberal female(he almost always becomes a cuck)
The liberal female
Loud, colorful hair like a peacock on meth. generally identified by the cunt like permanent expression on her face, she will be looking at every man she sees and doesnt know just waiting for the inevitable moment when she can misconstrue or manipulate a situation to her benefit always looking for attention obnoxious far more aggressive and physically capable than her “male” counterpart. she owns a strap on and has convinced her cuck that being pegged is just what a true feminist male would do, so he can empathize with womens plight. the liberal female is loud and will only get louder when presented with facts. she will not be reasoned with. she will not be talked to. she will yell at you about how your a racist even if you bought your dashboard hula girl from a samoan man on your recent trip to the island. the liberal female will cuck the male to sleep with any minority to virtue signal that she is not racist(she will abort the afro baby and never tell the capitalist pig she calls father, he may cut off her allowance) the liberal female will defend anyone or any cause that fits her narrative, as long as its being live streamed or a crowd has gathered. the liberal female will not shave her pits because modern beauty standards are chauvinist and oppressive (shes dumpy and cant get cute when she tries so any female more attractive is clearly falling victim to a straight white make society) oddly enough if you can find the rare female liberal that practices hygiene and you happen to be an actual adult male human being they secretly crave what you have to offer and appreciate the fact that you have enough testosterone and pheromones in your body to cause a genuine sexual interest. once they realize they like a men and not boys they get pretty dick hungry

Get the mouth on this tiny-penised Christian Republisicko. Here’s who’s representing today’s GOP.

SOCIAL JUSTICE… Because of the Imbalanced Number of Blacks in the Prison System….DA’s & Judges Release them BACK On the Streets…DO YOU Understand the Chicago Philly Baltimore etc Weekend Shooting Galleries NOW?

You must have a stock of right-wing quotes that you access every morning so you can rapid fire them on this site. Get. a. life.

Epstein…Death By HANGING….Around… the Clintons


I knew that was going to happen, arresting those on the right. Watched an interview with him yesterday and he confirmed my suspicion. This mayor is an example of how socialist run the government with their “brownshirts” beating everyone into submission and jailing those that do not submit.

You know I can remember a time when our leaders would never have talked the way they do now, it is a sin and disgrace that our well educated politicians would stoop this low and degrade themselves in such a manner, it reminds me of a bunch of 2nd graders on a playground. I know I will get an argument from this but it is mostly Dumocrats doing this, John F. Kennedy would change parties if he were alive today!!!! DEMS, YOU LOST GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON,trust me you will feel better in the morning!!!! MAGA 2020 ..

No wonder the country is divided with rhetoric like this! Trump supporters love this country, unlike AOC who thinks she knows what is best! Our country is not perfect, but we are trying to make it be the best we can. We believe in the Constitution, the bill of rights, and the electoral college, unlike the demonocrats who would like to shove their failed socialism agenda down our throats. We support socialist countries with our tax dollars because they can’t make it on their own! Great way for America to fail if we adopt Democrat policies!

Dump supporters love kissing Dump’s filthy behind, pretending that he’s a god. How delusional can they be?

Epstein Knew the Clintons…TOO Much about the Clintons…They Came Calling…Nuff Said

Karma for one sick SOB
Actor Peter Fonda prompted an outraged reaction on 20 June 2018, when he suggested in a tweet that he and other opponents of President Donald Trump’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy should kidnap Trump’s 12-year-old son Barron and “put him in a cage with pedophiles.” The Fonda family are all wacko!

It’s just hilarious to watch you try to pick fights with dead people. They’re the only ones who won’t mop up the floor with you.

*SO THIS is the Social Justice the NFL, BLM & Black Community have been Protesting & Demanding. Because of the Imbalance of Number of Blacks in the Prison System …LET More Black Hardened Criminals BACK Out in the Community NO Matter HOW Many Serious Crimes THEY’VE Committed & KEEP Committing…Thanks For Clearing THAT Up For Us White Folk.

*What concerns me is that none of the Democratic candidates have the sense God gave a rock. So, what do you think they are up to? I don’t trust any of them.

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