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Bullshit. Your whole post is a lie.

“An unverified and salacious 35-page document…” The post you are replying is FACTUAL. Be proud LIBUFFOON.

How Many genders are there? I only know of two, I. e. male and female. Bite me says 3. What are they? I didn’t see this reported on by Rachel or CNN.

Charlie Kirk is an American conservative activist, professional meme, and diaper enthusiast.
He is the founder and spiritual leader of Toilet Paper USA / Turning Point USA, which organizes bizarre conservative stunts.
His father, Robert W. Kirk, was the project architect manager for Trump Tower in New York….hmmmm.
He was rejected from West Point.

Charlie Kirk is a douchebag.

Major market benchmarks were boosted by some strong earnings reports from retail companies Wednesday, indicating that the U.S. consumer remains healthy and helping to ease recession worries. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJINDICES: ^DJI) and the S&P 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC) both gained nearly 1%. All sectors rose, with consumer staples and technology leading the way.

President Trump signs a memo approving student loan debt forgiveness that will impact as many as 25,000 disabled veterans.

China removes U.S. crude from its 25% tariff list, USA is winning!

Trump has done more positive things for our nation in the last 3 years than all presidents combined in the last 30 years. He does so on an average of 4 hours sleep a night and takes no pay. If this is all Fredo can come up with he just needs to shut up and try doing a better job in his own lousy life

Bullshit. He sleeps 12 hours a day and walks around the White House barefoot in his pajamas afterward. He hasn’t done a thing, it’s all Dunce and Mitch the Bitch.

Perhaps Trump’s secret is knowing you’ve done a good job? Maybe knowing you have done everything in your power to keep the promises you made to the people who voted for you is conducive to a good night’s sleep? Maybe excitement that America is finally moving in the right (pun intended) is actually the fountain of youth! Could be the love of the American people sustaining him….#Trump2020

Strzok is a little commy bitch of a man…he was fired not for tweets, but for using his position to subvert a presidential voting process. He’s a half retarded punk and deserves to be jobless for betraying his federal position.

ANTIFA are getting really close to being enemies of the state. There are no laws to support their positions on many things, yet they feel empowered to say shit that just is not true. Waiting. We’ll deal with them when the time comes. We’ll enforce the laws of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


ANTI-FASCISTS, otherwise known as American military, were not the ones wearing the masks. That’s you white-hooded KKK punks.

Crime-ridden San Francisco has introduced new sanitized language for criminals, getting rid
of words such as “offender” and “addict” while changing “convicted felon” to “justice-involved person

Unfortunately our FBI and DOJ are corrupt. William Barr is trying to bring the DOJ back to honesty—Good Luck!!! The FBI needs to be totally dismantled and replaced. The FBI is just to deep in their own corruption.

You can explain that to the FBI when they show up at your door, which should be any time now.

Obviously, he’s probably never looked at the Constitution he took an Oath to Uphold! One Generation can’t change our rights that were Created 243 years ago! People Died to give this guy his free speech! We as a Free People deserve better than what this Clown Booker has to offer!

The Electoral college worked great until Hillary lost, now according to AOC it favors white voters and should be done away with. I didn’t know when the votes are counted in an election that someone could tell what ballot came from a white person, I guess AOC wracked her brain and figured it out.

I LOVE HER, come on Republicans, get behind her, AOC is the very best thing that has happened to Trump and the Republicans since 2016 election, with the AOC gang, its a cake walk for the 2020 Elections!!! When you think AOC is slacking in her stupidity, she ups her game, keep it up till election day, gotta love me some AOC!!!

I also blast the US voting system. It is ridiculous to not have our names or some sort of ID number on our ballots, so we can actually tell if a ballot has been cast by a legal citizen or check to see if someone has voted more than once after the election. I think it is ridiculous for one of the most advanced countries in the world to not require a voter ID to vote.

Picking a fight with Denmark? How out of his fukin mind can the orange monster get? Why does grandpaws chuck and mitch allow this to continue?

No one gives a shit about Denmark or what they think or like. He didn’t pick the fight, she did. Gets your facts straight or STFU.

Trump is a pussy.
Cadet Bonespurs has been a coward since he dodged the Vietnam war with a fake medical condition.

Trump didn’t pick the fight, the Bitch in Denmark did. Trump just refuses to be a pussy like the Sissy Obama was. He will not allow disrespect of our country. That shit ended when we got rid of the Liberal Obama.

Keep smoking meth moron!

While in a restaurant tonight, I overheard two women talking about an underaged beer party that got busted last night. It sounded like there were quite a few people there and some of them were Mohawk cheer leaders. It seemed that they were most concerned about the cheer leading rules that weren’t being followed, with people getting off easy. Double standard, I guess.

Orange man, lying, sociopath starting another fight with one of our allies! LUNATIC! Stops trip to Denmark because He wanted to buy Greenlad which is NOT FOR SALE! INCREDIBLE!! UNSTABLE! NARCISSIST!

Once again, just so someone as slow as you can understand it. Trump did NOT pick the fight. The bitch from Denmark did. Trump just refuses to be a coward like Democrats.

…”He wanted to buy Greenlad…” Who is Greenlad? Have you ever taken an IQ test?

*Don’t forget sexual harassment in the work place. All a female has to do is say she’s being harrassed. The bitches in human resources will already have the guy fired without hearing his side of it. All to save a possible lawsuit. Reasons could be this, guy makes more money, she didn’t get the promotion, he ignored her and said he created a hostile work environment. Women know they hold all the cards. They bait guys by joking or saying suggestive remarks then cry about it. I’ve been in shops 40 years, seen how much shit’s changed. And seen what women get away with especially when they screw the boss.

Didn’t your mommy and daddy ever show you any love, poor baby?

Can’t stand the truth, can you Dumb Ass!

At least I had a mommy and a daddy. Your Mamma has no idea who your daddy is.

**Only a RECALL will work unless THEY Finally Investigate ALL the Crimes She’s Committed…Phony Name to get Here & Still Using as OMAR ISN’T Her Real Last Name..Marriage to Her Brother,Tax Returns & those are the ONES We know OF!

*Time for Civics to once again be a mandatory course in all schools- for the TEACHERS!

You seem to be the one who flunked that class.

There is another article on the main page that lays out the requirements for being a teacher in Iowa. You can give it your best shot and see how you come out. Think you will pass the background check?

*Chicago with one of the worst, and corrupt, public education systems….the the teachers union goes there????? What are teachers unions for again?

**Poor thing Moochel….still in denial.. .she was the worst flotus and her boy was the worst potus…whis equal both were and are the best pos in America.

**Omar can be critical of our President and she can mouth off about Israel,she hates this country , but people are not to criticize her, that is not the way things work, she is a disgrace to our country..

**Police officers have my utmost respect, they put their lives on the line every time they wear that uniform.
* *I’m with the BLUE. If a COP tells you to stop, you have two. Choices, STOP or pay the consequences. To me the problem lies with the parents and the upbringing this thug had. And I do not want to hear he was an alter boy. BECAUSE he was not.. Another problem is a COMMIE mayor and the top ranks of the department not backing up the men on the street. If I were on that department they would have my badge.

The cops who arrested you all those times don’t recall you behaving that way.

**People make fun of Congress because they are disgraceful! It it SO apparent that the majority are there to further “their”needs and NOT the needs of their constituents!! They vote themselves in huge pay raises, take bribes and payoffs, and continue running for office well past the time they should have stepped down!! They are despicable and many have never even held a REAL job!! THAT is why they are made fun of on social media!!!

**Wake up America! This is your future, a confused and ill informed individual leading the Democratic Party…what does our future hold with this kind of rhetoric and disruption? Socialism or worse?

*IS One or MORE of today’s 3 R’s they Teach…Resistance…Racism or Both?

well, they don’t teach Russian. That’s an afterschool course only for the trump camp.

Can you spell MORON? Your favorite colour.

Can you spell ‘color’? Moron might apply to you.

Check your dictionary. I used the British spelling so you could show off your ignorance again GENIUS.

**More Americans consider Barack Obama to be the worst President since World War II than they do any other president, according to a new poll.
The Quinnipiac poll out Wednesday found that 33% of Americans see Obama as the worst post-war president, while just 8% consider him the best. Another 28% see former President George W. Bush as the worst. Richard Nixon, the only American President ever to resign in disgrace, was picked the worst by 13%, according to the poll

Where did you copy and paste this bullshit from? Judicial Watch? It’s run by a guy with a history of mental and drug problems, out of his basement. He created it because he couldn’t get a job with his record.

Could you please provide a link to this poll? If not, then it is once again bs.

“The Quinnipiac poll out Wednesday…” Look it up GENIUS. Don’t know how? Ask your former teacher.

In other words, you made it up.

Dump says he’s “the chosen one,” just as Hitler, Mussolini, all the North Korean Kims, and every other wannabe dictator has. Real Republicans, are you REALLY okay with this?

The reason our country it’s such a wonderful place to live is because we are free. In fact our constitution guarantees that freedom.

What allows it to continue and thrive is the free exchange of ideas. In forums all over the country people get together to exchange what they feel and what they think through civilized conversation.

Ideas are debated and we arrive at decisions based on what is good for all, and what is morally right. It is what allowed us to continue these past two centuries and more.

What has never worked is the censoring, the silencing of ideas and opinions. One look in the communist countries of the past will tell you that such policies are a failure. Over there they killed people who spoke against the government. You were not alowed to have an original thought or idea. People huddled in fear that they might be next if their neighbor turn them in.

I pray we never come to that either in our town halls or in news sites such as this. We should always feel free to speak our minds even if somebody does not like what we say. We should be allowed to question, to observe, to call out wrongs. And in the process we educate each other.

That truly is one of the pillars that holds up our American society, free speech. Without it we shall crumble without foundation.

Of course you know that not all speech is free. Things such as yelling fire in a crowded theater or libel are not protected. There is a difference between questioning government and treason. The same goes for personal attacks and slander, none of which is considered free speech, and thus not protected.

Taxes go up as hockey arena and pavilion gets ok’d and built. MC is lost.

How’s the 35 MILLION Dollar hockey arena coming along?

MC youth hockey inserted pressure on the downtown community of businesses and set Mason City up for bankruptcy, give it five years and watch Mason City have to buy the thing out. watch. Millions to watch hockey. ridiculous.

*Only a RECALL will work unless THEY Finally Investigate ALL the Crimes She’s Committed…Phony Name to get Here & Still Using as OMAR ISN’T Her Real Last Name..Marriage to Her Brother,Tax Returns & those are the ONES We know OF!

*Thank God that we have a great and an amazing President,who is the most effective on the job since he took over the office .Donald Trump is one of the best in the modern history and capable to do the impossible.America is standing strong behind the President at any time and he has my vote again for sure.

IS One or MORE of today’s 3 R’s they Teach…Resistance…Racism or Both?

*Ever notice how everything breaks down along racial lines when Democrats try to make a point?

*Wake up America! This is your future, a confused and ill informed individual leading the Democratic Party…what does our future hold with this kind of rhetoric and disruption? Socialism or worse?

*Police officers have my utmost respect, they put their lives on the line every time they wear that uniform.

*I’m with the BLUE. If a COP tells you to stop, you have two. Choices, STOP or pay the consequences. To me the problem lies with the parents and the upbringing this thug had. And I do not want to hear he was an alter boy. BECAUSE he was not.. Another problem is a COMMIE mayor and the top ranks of the department not backing up the men on the street. If I were on that department they would have my badge.

Don’t forget sexual harassment in the work place. All a female has to do is say she’s being harrassed. The bitches in human resources will already have the guy fired without hearing his side of it. All to save a possible lawsuit. Reasons could be this, guy makes more money, she didn’t get the promotion, he ignored her and said he created a hostile work environment. Women know they hold all the cards. They bait guys by joking or saying suggestive remarks then cry about it. I’ve been in shops 40 years, seen how much shit’s changed. And seen what women get away with especially when they screw the boss.

Really interesting. People support our police, and their comments are instantly deleted.

Time for Civics to once again be a mandatory course in all schools- for the TEACHERS!

Omar can be critical of our President and she can mouth off about Israel,she hates this country , but people are not to criticize her, that is not the way things work, she is a disgrace to our country..

I see another lady got arrested for misuse of 911. Here is the proof that the city is corrupt. When Rodger Bang was mayor of Mason City whatever he wanted call someone in the police department or the sheriff’s department, he would dial 911 and ask for that person. The dispatchers told the then-mayor every time please don’t call 911 please call the regular line. But he kept calling nine-one-one over and over yet nothing was ever done to him. Corrupt Mason City and corrupt Cerro Gordo County.

You failed to mention the rest of the story. This person, called more than just a few times this morning. In fact, it has been an on-going issue with this person, who it appears, has other issues.

Why should our police time and again answer calls that do not require an emergency response? That is what a call to 911 is supposed to elicit, an emergency response to a life threatening or dangerous situation.

The officers involved made the right call in my opinion.

Now then, you seem to confuse the words corruption with favoritism. Corruption means dishonest or criminal conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.

Where on earth was that kind of behavior in this morning’s case? There was none.

Why should our police time and again answer calls that do not require an emergency response? That is what a call to 911 is supposed to elicit, an emergency response to a life threatening or dangerous situation.

The officers involved made the right call in my opinion.

Now then, you seem to confuse the words corruption with favoritism. Corruption means dishonest or criminal conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.

Where on earth was that kind of behavior in this morning’s case? There was none.

It is who’s who an special favors get played from the authorities thru the court systems.

*she was just trying to get in touch with doordash, so she could get a bottle of Thunderbird delivered.

A few of us talked over lunch in 1988 about the fact that in a few years, those of us Baby Boomers would be retiring in force. We did not see any succeeding generation to replace us. Indeed, those of Generation X did not hold the work ethic that previous generations had. All we had to do was look around.

The same feelings were related by a group of steel workers. They wondered first of course if the jobs would even exist. But more over, who would take their place working the furnaces, coke ovens, and rolling mills? Who would put up with the dirt, heat, and dangers of every day production of steel? Again, as a whole, they said not the later generations.

Fast forward to 2019. Employers are all but begging for employees. From police officers, to carpenters. From concrete finishers to long haul truck drivers. Drive anywhere in Mason City, there are signs, banners, and marquees seeking workers. We should rename the city “Help Wanted”!

And where is this current generation? Unwilling to get their hands dirty. Blind to the history of working your way up from the bottom. Ignorant of how to even count back change. They cannot even write a letter in cursive. And this is the future of the U.S.?

And before you write me off as some old crank (I am), know this.

I understand that today, technology drives so much of what we do today. I know that we have gone far away from the pick and shovel lines of work (they still must be done).

I have seen dial telephones progress into smart phones (although at times I want to toss mine off the top of the Brick and Tile building).

I have gone from tube type radios to RTL-SCR’s, and how to use them. I have seen the evolution of the 8086 to the AMD six core processors, and struggled at times to fully grasp their potentials. I was able to figure out Linux, and make it work to decode digital radio.

Any good auto mechanic can visualize in their heads the workings and relationships at play in an internal combustion engine. So goes it for software writers, and hardware developers. They know inside their cranium, how those processors, resisters, and transformers work to reach a desired output.

And those internal concepts are not taught in schools. It is learned by one’s desire for knowledge. One has to want to know it.

But in the end, one needs start at the bottom as I stated before. You cannot design software if you have no idea the capability of the hardware you are trying to manipulate. And without the ability to conceptualize what it is you are doing, it’s for naught.

The same could be held for anything you desire. And it still is true, what ever you want to do in this country, you are the only true limitation there is.

Appears to be an angry old fart who needs to hurry up and just crook.

I did not see any anger in that post, just observations.

And nothing I read said anything about breaking the law, so how can he “CROOK”?

Democratic politicians do not know how to deal with a determined, committed and forceful personality like POTUS Trump. The leaders of every nation in the world KNOW when Trump personally tells them something to attentively listen. The US, despite all the deep state players attempting to interfere in foreign policy, is taken seriously. Trump’s policies are different and do have desired effects. That is why he was CHOSEN as the elected POTUS and Commander in Chief. Change doesn’t happen overnight, but it is.

I hope all the workers that now have a job due to Trump’s economic policies are listening to all those who declare that Health Care Plans will be in jeopardy because of their Socialistic leanings

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