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**The free train ride has to end.
I go to my grocery store and the baby mamas are lined up with my money.
So much for them coming here for a job. They know how to use the system.

As do you. What’s wrong, are they getting bigger welfare checks than you?

** My parents, their parents, their parents, etc were here legally. Trump is stopping the birthright citizenship for children of ILLEGALS. Long overdue as it has been an abused interpretation of the Constitution.

Donald Trump is caught talking the talk but he is not walking the walk.
Lying POS.

“Former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who left her job with President Donald Trump this summer, will join Fox News as a contributor starting next month.”

All the moral degenerates flock to Fox entertainment like flies to shit.
What else is Sarah good at besides lying?
It is the same job except she gets paid by a different office.
She still lies for Trump and his administration like her previous job.
Now she can spew her hatred and racism to the trumptards.

The Oscar for mendacity is awarded to Bonepurs.

Please understand the concepts of “democracy”, “communism” and “facism
before commenting or throwing accusations.

The great orange blob has no idea of the separate and equal division of government power into three branches.

We’re hoping for a giant tremor that will send you to hell with that Koch pervert.

Who’s we, from what I understand you have no friends.

You’re truly one idiotic numbnuts.

Bla ba, bla ba, bla!

Nice response Trumpanzee.
Get your head of of Trump’s ass and see the reality of Trump.

This stupid SOB is taking us right back to the farm economy of the 1980s. Remember Reagan’s ag secretary saying, “It’s the healthiest thing in the world for the economy if a few farmers go broke every year.”

Hey you over 65 Trump supporters, Trump tells Republicans he may begin cutting Social Security and Medicare if he wins in 2020.
“Republicans have said cutting both programs is crucial to reducing the nation’s deficit, which has ballooned under Trump”… thanks, to the GOP tax bill passed in 2017

So Trump cut taxes on the wealthy, drove the deficit up hugely and his solution is to cut retirement programs on people who are paying into them to solve the deficit problem. . . .and republicans think this is a good idea.
Give me a thumbs down if you are too dense to see what is wrong here.

“…drove the deficit up hugely…” “…to solve the deficit problem. . .” The Democrats demanded large increases in spending to raise the national debt ceiling. Obama increased the national debt by 100%+ while he was in office.

He didn’t want to , but it was necessary to the process of saving the country from the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression, caused by crackhead Republican bankers, and the dimwitted Republican president, Dubya. Happens. Every. Time. We let a Repub in the White House, they loot the place, then run away to leave it for a Democrat fix.

*Yes, he did want to. He wanted to, and did, funnel the stimulus money to Democrats. Remember Solyndra? Where did the rest of the money go. Baltimore? Ha, ha, ha.

Automobile manufacturers received a great deal of the money.

Crime-ridden San Francisco has introduced new sanitized language for criminals, getting rid
of words such as “offender” and “addict” while changing “convicted felon” to “justice-involved person.”
Have they also rid the language of the word JOKE so people can’t describe the Democrat party and their candidates?

Let’s see a cite on this, Conservaperv.

Psycho Trump is getting owned by China and he is too stupid and arrogant to see it.
Either way, farmers voted for Trump and now they need to deal with it.

The economy stunk under Obama, no jobs, welfare up, national debt soared higher than the all past presidents combined, country became divided etc. His goal was to fundamentally change this country and he sadly did. It took a businessman like Donald Trump to get our economy going again. I guess he did have that “magic wand.”

Oh, bullshit. He inherited the biggest economic disaster since the Great Depression, caused by Republicans, and fixed it. Saved the auto industry, save the ag industry, and didn’t piss off all of our allies in the process. What’s more you know this, and just lie every day about it, just like your hero, Dumpster.

What are you taking exception to? Please be specific. I’m assuming you’re referring to the post you’re replying to.

That would be you.
You fu*king Trumptard idiot.


What could you possibly know about morals or ethics?

Thanks for checking in, Elephant Man.

You’re welcome DONKEY GIRL.

SO NEED The 2nd Civil War to make America RIGHT again.

God bless President Trump & his family! Everyday he is bullied so bad by the Democrats and MSM, and everyday he just keeps working so hard for our wonderful country and us Americans all while donating his paychecks to charities. What a wonderful POTUS we have
Democrats LOVE introducing their daydreams at our expense. I don’t think a single one of their candidates have introduced a plan YET that is not at our total expense.

Let’s see..the Trump family.
Donald Trump is a blowhard, liar, serial adulterer and a yellow coward.
Melania Trump only married Donny because he’s wealthy, old, has high choleterol and she came here illegally.
Don Jr. is a jackass and a liar like his father. even Don Sr. think that Don Jr. is an idiot, and has the worst judgment of anyone in the world.
Ivanka Trump is a joke and is married to a little weasel.
Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon called White House senior adviser Ivanka Trump “dumb as a brick”.
Eric is the ultimate dumbass.
Don Jr and Eric, Dumber and Dumbest.
These two bad apples didn’t fall far from the Rotten Apple Tree.


Pay for itself over the next 15 years? Wait! I thought we only had 12 years left, and that was several months ago. Get your stories together! And you might want to touch base with Al Gore to see which of his dire predictions have already failed to materialize.

*How much time do I have left. AOC (America’s Official Clown) said I had 12 years left but I don’t remember when she said that. I know I have 12 years minus some months according to her so I’m gonna get me a beer like Liz does

If only you were as witty as you think you are. Nope.

SO That Were ALL on the Same Page….A Recession is Deemed that there HAS to be 2 Consecutive Quarters of Negative Growth it’s what the Economist USE. SO using just 2% which even with the Tariffs it’s actually Higher. We’d need AT Least 3% Less Growth than Now just to Qualify for 1 Quarter….Anybody BUYING That? THEN We’d need another 1% on Top of THAT or 4% Negative Growth in the NEXT 6 Months to Qualify AS a Recession…Anybody BUYING That BULLSHIT which would also include Christmas Shopping?
WERE Being LIED TO Again!!! Just like Collusion & the Failed COUP By the Democrats the ALT LEFT Media they Control, the 20 Candidates & A Fed Reserve WHO Propped Up Obama’s Economy for 8yrs So HE wouldn’t look WORSE than HIS Economy Really WAS!
DON’T BUY THE LIES!!! America.

**Major market benchmarks were boosted by some strong earnings reports from retail companies Wednesday, indicating that the U.S. consumer remains healthy and helping to ease recession worries. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJINDICES: ^DJI) and the S&P 500 (S&P INDEX: ^GSPC) both gained nearly 1%. All sectors rose, with consumer staples and technology leading the way.

** President Trump signs a memo approving student loan debt forgiveness that will impact as many as 25,000 disabled veterans.

ANOTHER LIE BY DRUMP. ‘ Pursuant to the Total Permanent Disability (TPD) discharge program, veterans who are totally and permanently disabled due to a service-related condition are eligible to have their federal student loan debt completely cancelled, tax-free. Today’s executive order does not create a new student loan forgiveness program; rather, it directs the U.S. Dept. of Education and U.S. Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs to streamline the TPD discharge process.’

Not only that, it addressed ONLY completely disabled veterans. There are many, many more with missing limbs, brain injuries, and severe PTSD who are not considered completely disabled and will therefore not be helped.



*ANTIFA are getting really close to being enemies of the state. There are no laws to support their positions on many things, yet they feel empowered to say shit that just is not true. Waiting. We’ll deal with them when the time comes. We’ll enforce the laws of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

That’s the FACISTS, not the ANTI-FACISTS, Einstein.

**Perhaps Trump’s secret is knowing you’ve done a good job? Maybe knowing you have done everything in your power to keep the promises you made to the people who voted for you is conducive to a good night’s sleep? Maybe excitement that America is finally moving in the right (pun intended) is actually the fountain of youth! Could be the love of the American people sustaining him….#Trump2020

Trump’s secret is that he wets the bed while he’s dreaming about Russian hookers.

**Trump has done more positive things for our nation in the last 3 years than all presidents combined in the last 30 years. He does so on an average of 4 hours of sleep a night and takes no pay. If this is all Fredo can come up with he just needs to shut up and try doing a better job in his own lousy life

Donald Trump’s daily schedule:
Wakes up at 5:30 a.m. for “executive time,” goes to work at 11 a.m., but first watches four hours of cable news and tweets.
Meetings from 11:00 Am to 6:00 PM some with his sons, Tweedledee and Tweedlemoron, on running his business, which he never actually divested from.
After dinner at 6:30, it’s time for more TV.
Trump does spend some time telling 10-15 lies every day.

Weekends are golf.

From 3:00-4:15 each day, he ushers in his sycophantic followers to kiss his ass. He likes that.

*Thank you Mr President. Our service men And women who gave their bodies as a shield to protect us deserve this relief. We should protect all our Vets and always remember their sacrifices. Thank you all Veterans

Thank you mr. President?????? He is doing it for his own benefit! Don’t forget that the SOB dodged the draft because of bone spurs!!! F%&! ORANGE MAN!

*I am so proud of our wonderful President Trump for doing this along with all the wonderful things he has done for our country.

Put down the meth.

*The free train ride has to end.
I go to my grocery store and the baby mamas are lined up with my money.
So much for them coming here for a job. They know how to use the system.

As do you, obviously.

* My parents, their parents, their parents, etc were here legally. Trump is stopping the birthright citizenship for children of ILLEGALS. Long overdue as it has been an abused interpretation of the Constitution.

It’s not an “interpretation”, dumbass.

The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution states:
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United Staes of America.”

Trump cannot repeal part of the Constitution by executive order.
And Congress cannot repeal it by simply passing a new bill.
Amending the Constitution would require a two-thirds vote in both the House and Senate, and also ratification by three-quarters of the states.

Get a clue, numbnuts.

China removes U.S. crude from its 25% tariff list, USA is winning!

The oil companies, in which Dump owns stock are the winners. The entire Midwest loses.

Guess again numbnuts.

“THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT has taken aim at natural gas, coal and crucial components for solar panels and wind turbines in its escalating trade war with the Trump administration. But one of America’s largest and fastest-growing exports has so far stayed out of Beijing’s crosshairs: crude oil.”

1. “Because implementing tariffs on crude would have little more than a symbolic impact while imposing at least modest costs on Chinese importers”.
2. “China imports most of its oil from Russia, Saudi Arabia, Angola”.
3. “The U.S. last year ranked as only the 10th largest source of oil for Beijing”.
4. “American oil is a light, sweet variety, while most of the countries from which China
imports produce the heavy, sour crude that the country’s refineries were built to handle.
5. “China has tapered its purchases of US oil”.

*****TRADE WAR NEWS*****

Anybody with questions about Mason City downtown development might want to read this interesting article about similar activities in Ames. It’s noteworthy that the Ames economic development director is Dan Culhane, who held a similar position here before he moved to Ames. This sounds like a real mess.

If it is libs that deleting comments, how come all the replies to your posts are the ones that disappear? Especially if they call out your lies?

**Chicago with one of the worst, and corrupt, public education systems….the the teachers union goes there????? What are teachers unions for again?

**Time for Civics to once again be a mandatory course in all schools- for the TEACHERS!

You seem to the one who needs that.

***Only a RECALL will work unless THEY Finally Investigate ALL the Crimes She’s Committed…Phony Name to get Here & Still Using as OMAR ISN’T Her Real Last Name..Marriage to Her Brother,Tax Returns & those are the ONES We know OF!

* I also blast the US voting system. It is ridiculous to not have our names or some sort of ID number on our ballots, so we can actually tell if a ballot has been cast by a legal citizen or check to see if someone has voted more than once after the election. I think it is ridiculous for one of the most advanced countries in the world to not require a voter ID to vote.

you blast the toilet too but we don’t want to hear about that either

* I LOVE HER, come on Republicans, get behind her, AOC is the very best thing that has happened to Trump and the Republicans since 2016 election, with the AOC gang, its a cake walk for the 2020 Elections!!! When you think AOC is slacking in her stupidity, she ups her game, keep it up till election day, gotta love me some AOC!!!

*Unfortunately our FBI and DOJ are corrupt. William Barr is trying to bring the DOJ back to honesty—Good Luck!!! The FBI needs to be totally dismantled and replaced. The FBI is just to deep in their own corruption.

“Corrupt” and “not on your side” are not synonymous. Just because they’re not overlooking Dump’s many crimes because they’re the real deal, not him.

*Major market benchmarks were boosted by some strong earnings reports from retail companies Wednesday, indicating that the U.S. consumer remains healthy and helping to ease recession worries. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJINDICES: ^DJI) and the S&P 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC) both gained nearly 1%. All sectors rose, with consumer staples and technology leading the way.

*Crime-ridden San Francisco has introduced new sanitized language for criminals, getting rid
of words such as “offender” and “addict” while changing “convicted felon” to “justice-involved person.”

*Trump has done more positive things for our nation in the last 3 years than all presidents combined in the last 30 years. He does so on an average of 4 hours sleep a night and takes no pay. If this is all Fredo can come up with he just needs to shut up and try doing a better job in his own lousy life


Specifically: A supporter of Donald J. Trump.
More generally: A person of caveman type intellect who follows lies and simplistic ideas, even when the truth would serve him or her better.

A person who has a blind, cult-like admiration of and devotion to the worst President in American history.

An irrational and irritable assclownish beast that is completely immunized to logic-or-reason, any-and-all negative facts-or-evidence concerning Trump, and remains a devout and mindless supporter of the buffoon.

Behind all of his rhetoric, Trump has shown himself to be a coward.
For all his bluster and cruelty, there are two things that demonstrate Trump’s weakness, his ignorance and his cowardice.
He surrounds himself with loyal sycophants and berates anyone who challenges him.

Donald Trump is a draft-dodging coward.
After graduating from college in 1968, he was no longer eligible for student status, so he got a medical deferment attributed to so-called “bone spurs”.

He enjoyed playing toy soldier at the New York Military Academy private boarding school.
But dressing in uniform for real? No, that wasn’t for the yellow-bellied Trump.

Trump even attempted to take credit for a veterans’ health bill sponsored by McCain and signed into law by Obama two years before Trump was elected president.

Trump is a lying bigot and a pussy.

Redundant, its all been said before, find some new material.

You can’t handle the truth, eh Trumper.

Redundant, its all been said before, find some new material.


Redundant, its all been said before, find some new material.

Trump has lied an average of 13 times a day since becoming president.
Since his inauguration, Trump has made over 12,000 statements that were either false or misleading.
And Trump supporters, dumbasses that they are, believe Trump’s bullshit.

Donald Trump’s idiocy began long before he reached the White House. The hundreds of actual statements made by Trump in his own wordsthat leave no doubt as to exactly who this person is and why he doesn’t
belong in Washington, in business or in civilized society.
Trump is a complete and total moron and his supporters are nothing but dumbass sheep.

The late William T. Kelley, PhD, former professor of marketing management for both undergraduates
and graduates at the Wharton School of Business & Finance where Trump attended:
“Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.” – William T. Kelley, PhD

Donald Trump is also a lying bigot and is the Dunning-Kruger Effect personified.
Trump supporters are just too stupid to realize that they are stupid.

Trump has a yellow streak down his back a mile wide.

Mr. Kellyanne Conway says Dump needs to be in the nuthouse. Virtually every mental health professional in this country and abroad agrees with him.

John McCain was the man Trump could never be and Trump knows it.
It’s a classic case of male fears of inadequacy. Trump is weak and Trump is not tough.
He’s a draft dodger, and a physical coward with a big mouth.

And his manhood (haha) is no bigger than a little smokie

You say that because you couldn’t feel it?

No, it was because your lips were wrapped around it.

The only way you would know that is because you were there before me.

McCain was nothing but a liar and a traitor. Anyone who says anything else is a fool and a IDIOT.

Liar, traitor, fool, and idiot, are all apparently pretty good descriptions of you.

Even more news:

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