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Gun control is to disarm us and leave these gangsters, politicians, and thugs (redundant, we know!) with all the guns and the cover of law. ENOUGH!

Why so many lazy non mowing people this spring?

It’s been cold.more after than not, why do you care about other people’s lawn, mowing creates unnecessary pollution, the grass alot of you blow into the street and road is a hazard for.motorcyclists and it also washes down the gutters giving Iowa it’s trademark brown rivers and green lakes. It creates noise that disturbs the people living around you. Nobody ever consider their third or second shift neighbor’s when they start mowing and weed whacking whenever they feel like it, others start early on weekend days just to piss their neighbors off by waking them up on their day off. I find people with really nice lawns have really terrible relationships more often than not good yards mean bad marriage’s. Maybe your life sucks and that’s why you spend to much time on your grass and other people’s business? Some of us know the bees are struggling and leaving those first few dandilions out is rather important. Some of us just have lives and the yard is about the last thing we care about. That’s for the sad and the dying.

To be fair no one forced people to take those jobs and people tend to get things done between 8am and 5pm most nights as when the majority are off.

I tend to mow when grass needs to be mowed and if dandelions come up I leave them as the bees do need that extra food source early in the season plus using weed killer isn’t safe.

Be a dick why don’t ya

You could have mowed your lawn in the time it took you to write this

people with nice lawns have bad relationships

The question is, “Why so many lazy non mowing people this spring”? My question is, What slum area do you live in?

Doesn’t matter it’s all over

Coming soon to an area near you, the downfall of American civilization, as we know it!

Thanks to you and your nutjob buddies.


We kill our own children. Import Hostile Muslim Immigrants. Disarm ourselves. How stupid is this?

For the last few years GOP has controlled both house and Senate so any so-called import is on them not democrats and I don’t see any rise in Muslims and who cares if there is they work like everyone else and yes some are bums just like some white people are bums and leech off welfare.

Incase you didn’t have a clue there is bad seeds in every race and the good decent people shouldn’t be lumped in with them.

Disarm disarm disarm I keep seeing that lol no one including Obama has ever took anyone’s guns only paranoid fruitcake believe otherwise.

How stupid are we? We allow our government to flood our nation with Muslims, give them welfare for life (with multiple wives) and then tell us we must not offend them. Islamic Immigration has destroyed every country in Europe. And will destroy ours. Are we so Stupid we will stand by and watch it happen.

Only an idiot would believe that nonsense.
You’re just a racist troll making up stupid shit.

Not really. Look at Europe, Muslims have been slowly invading the government’s over there. It’s not racist to not want to be around people who’s religion basically tells them they are allowed to slaughter people who don’t believe what they do. They are encouraged in their religion to kill us. Also nobody not even the person you said your stupid comment to are racist. They hate Muslims based on their religion, not their race. I hate everyons religion. If you don’t despise religion, you’re an idiot. Also I feel like your the type of person who wants to defend anyone and anything that is on the liberal agenda. You are a robot.

Luke 19:27
But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me.’”

Muslims are here in the U.S. to take it over. And the Democrat are helping them. Keep voting for them into our government and see what happens, stupid people.

Only a f

Demoncraps have controlled the House for almost five months. Besides supporting Infanticide, Illegal Immigrants, and Whining about President Trump, can you tell me anything they have accomplished.

Whatever they pass, Mitch ‘The Bitch’ McConnell refuses to let the Senate vote on it.

That’s what the uneducated white trash don’t realize it takes the house and Senate to pass so Trump can sign it into law so can’t do that with Senate not willing to take it to vote so once again the republicans make no effort to get stuff done.

When I look at the Democrats In all their arrogant self importance pointing out this person and that person to investigate I get sick at the sight of them! They,meaning the Trump haters, are the self rewarding criminals in our government! They better tone it down,a bunch of them are going to be leaving Washington after the 2020 elections! When you waste our tax dollars on ridiculous investigations and totally ignore your job you were sent there to do your ass is ours to discard and investigate on what you did in the back room deals,finding out who you sold us out to!

If Russia had not interfered in our elections and if we didn’t have a corrupted president who does nothing but tweet and say dumb ignorant things and act like a president with class instead of white trash all would be well.

GOP is now a criminal enterprise similar to the mob.

Your brain is scrambled, It is the Democrats who are the party of crime and criminals.

Only dumber, and a lot less attractive.

We have lost Civility and Compassion in our country. In our being, in our work, and most certainly, in our politics. It has been replaced with self centered ideals, radicalism, and a coarseness in our language and acts. People cannot talk or debate, instead there is vulgar language and obfuscation.

Gone are the days when we expected our Government to provide for the common good. That those of little or no means due to hardships, or handicaps, or mental defects, were helped. That we protect citizens from harm. Now a radical element would rather toss them to the streets, ignore them, treat them as ingrates. All because they cost us too much money.

Rule of law also is for the most part, ignored, UNLESS of course, they are of some other ilk. Then you hear ‘throw the book at them’.

Sit at a city street corner. You will see that many treat stop signs as something less than absolut. You will see blatant speeding, texting, even drinking of alcohol while behind the wheel. You will see people tossing trash and other bodily fluids into our streets as if it was some open sewer. The reigning mentality being, it applies to everyone else but me.

And private property? What used to be sacred, is now violated by many. To have and hold private property, was a cornerstone of our country. It is a cumulative evidence of our rights and freedom. Yet so many do not respect it in Society today.

You can also listen, read and observe, some have no regard for equality. To them, those who are different, whether it is religion, culture, or creed, should be relegated to secondary citizenship. Just look how people here talk about Blacks, Hispanics, and yes, even Jews.

I feel sorry for future generations. They might follow the silent majority who walk a path of moral right. But so many young, will be exposed to the behaviors that despoil what was a shining example to the world of freedom and compassion.

Sadly things will only get worsed as time goes on because of all the misinformation and racism going on.

The number of ignorant people is pretty high so it’s no surprise their role model became president.

You are under the assumption that only one party is to blame for this. Classic definition of a bigot.

It’s the republicans current doings not the democrats.

“Criminals continue to carry weapons without permits, meaning the permits exist only to place a burden on law-abiding citizens looking to protect themselves from those criminals.”

I don’t see you coming up with any idea to keep criminals, and mentally deficient people from possessing a firearm in violation of the law.

When one applies for an FOID in IL, their background is checked. They look for those who have been diagnosed with severe mental problems. If you do not qualify for an FOID, you cannot possess a firearm.

And isn’t that the goal?

Correct. Look at the supervisor up in Forest City who was found drunk with a gun in his pocket after a supervisor meeting at the courthouse. I am sure he was only protecting himself from abolitionists.

And a staunch Republican.

According to a constitution scholar “Citizens shall the right to have the same sword and military weapons as the military. That would include a tank.

Who would that “constitutional scholar” be? Don Trump, Jr? Eric? Ivanka?

Every American has the right to defend family & themselves. The constitution has the 2nd amendment for a reason. I will not surrender any of my God given rights! May God help all who oppose the 2nd amendment & come me or my family. I was born to die, so tread lightly.

God also said, “thou shalt not kill”.

So, who are you to decide what man shall live, what man shall die?

Listen to the baby killer spouting the bible.

The Bible clearly provides a section explaining how God wants you to defend yourself. Don’t quote your stupid Bible unless you have actually read it. You people like to attach to whatever you feel good about and ignore the rest. This is the same god that had a man murder his brother and another his son. If anyone attack’s you and tries to kill you you are meant to kill that person. In any case I’m unburdened because your God words are made up fake story book B’s and it doesn’t apply to me because I am a thinking adult. God didn’t give me the right to self defense being born did. If you think it’s wrong to kill someone who’s trying to kill you you should kill yourself, you’re just a coward hiding behind a misinterpreted piece of ancient text.

You never answered my question.

Who are you to decide what man shall live, what man shall die?

I find that Exodus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 5:17 to be directly on point.

Further, Romans 12:19 teaches us “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.”

Finally, Matthew 26:52 tells us; “Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.”

It has been 50 years since my Theology classes, I think Brother Gromley and Father Phelan did a pretty good job instilling a sense of what God demands.

Just wondering, did they touch you after class, or during?

No one wants your guns you paranoid goof.

You carry a lot of stupid in that head.

So did your mother for having you.

Too bad you father didn’t wear a condom. The best part of you ran down your mother’s leg.

Too bad you didn’t come up with something original instead of the same mish mash but can’t expect much out of white trash folks with a 2nd grade education.

That’s why there are several bills and several attempts each year to ban and take away ar15’s? That’s why some dumb politician just came up with a new term assault weapon so they can make standard capacity pistols illegal and try to confiscate them? You really don’t know what you’re talking about do you?

That gun needs to be banned as it serves no purpose other then to kill.

Well, if we have equal pay for everyone, then we should all get $174,000 a year for working only 3 days at most, and pretty much doing nothing but talking.

Communism is when the gov’t has full control of your personal & professional life! We need LESS gov’t!!!

Biden is and has always been, Obamas puppet.

The fact is democrats incentivize illegals with the prospect of free healthcare, housing, schooling and other benefits that should be reserved for legal tax paying citizens.

They don’t get that stuff you uneducated white trash hillbilly.
That’s why they work jobs no other lazy ass will and for less pay so they can provide for their family.

Get some education and learn what’s true and false.

So the headliner for Bandfest is dueling pianos?

Ever seen them? They are pretty darn entertaining. Good choice.

Not a good choice. They’re good, but they’re a lounge act, completely unsuited to the Band Fest. The idiots running it now went with cheap, not appropriate, and you can see them anywhere around here, any time. Nothing special.

Don’t go then. I will because I have seen them outdoors in Forest City and they rocked.

To the obviously racist African American comment or. What’s wrong with you? Have you actually heard any white person speak that way ever at all around here? Don’t be so jealous that we can speak fluently and correctly with articulation announciation and pronunciation. We are just better than black men. Black men can’t speak real English, you all speak mush mouth and slang and nobody understands half the crap you try to say. Ya people are.mad and you should be too because people who sell meth deserve to be skinned alive same as heroin dealer’s. You disagree as I’m sure your whole family is involved in local crime drug crime and violent crime, all of you section 8 losers are. But those of us who care about things and have people to protect don’t like you, we would rather board your houses and burn your families alive then tolerate what you’re doing to our neighborhoods our community and our citizen’s. Ya people are.mad because this pos isn’t getting more time. It’s not a race thing though. It’s this crazy idea we have that our friends our sisters our girlfriends and our wives as well as our kids and elderly shouldn’t have to be afraid to go out at night because the drug dealers have changed this town so much since section 8 started. There are lots more violent and criminal elements since black came to sell dope and start creating violent situations and shooting and stabbing each other. You’re a cancer on society’s tit and yet you sit around insulting white people like somehow we are worse than you people? We build and you destroy been that way for generations. You’re really pathetic loser’s.

Typical ignorant uneducated racist white trash with no brains who blames everyone but himself for problems in society.

Here’s a clue meth is a white mans drug.

There’s plenty of white people who steal and kill and abuse welfare.

A lot of drug dealers around here getting arrested lately has been white.

I’m not saying black people or Hispanics don’t cause trouble because some do but the way you are ranting is like a tard with no clue what’s so ever.

You are still a pathetic LOSER!

Sir, you are a real piece of work. I walk and drive these streets at all hours of the day and night, and never have been accosted once, with the exception of panhandlers. And, they were Caucasian.

Section 8 housing has been in Mason City since the late 60’s. And, contrary to your narrow beliefs, many get only rental assistance. 50% of the households in Mason City were headed by persons 51 and older. A majority of households taking part in the local Voucher program are disabled, most were senior citizens.

13% of all voucher households were headed by minorities with 7% of all heads of households being Black and 1% being Hispanic. That’s 7% of 437 vouchers.

So given those facts, provided by HUD, are the rest of those people, again mostly senior citizens, a cancer on our community as well? Those are your words.

If you are so concerned about the condition of our community, why are you sitting behind your keyboard? Get out there and observe, and report illegal activities. Give the police names, places, vehicle descriptions, license plates, and times. Get a camera and record the events to back it up.

But I know you will not. You are a racist and will say or do anything to support your biased and backwards views.

Let’s not forget all the meth addicts and dealers around here are mostly white.

Let’s not forget all the child molesters lately are white too.

Plenty of white people abuse the system and steal as well mostly to feed their meth habit.

Are there bad black and Hispanic people?
Absolutely are there’s bad in every race so to make this about black people clearly shows how ignorant and racist you truly are.

It’s a shame iowa is thought of as a state full of racist bib overall wearing white trash who proudly wave their confederate flags like it’s something to be proud of.

You wave your pow flags but yet don’t do a damn thing to help veterans even tho they make up part of those on welfare you like to sneer at.

Not other peoples fault you work at some shitty factory job and half your income goes to your kids you brought into this world screwing a bunch of whores.

Not the rest of us faults you sit on computer and read sites with bs news that never happen that you are too fuking stupid to understand is geared toward gullible fuks who have no education enough to know when you are mislead.

Your life will be nothing more then a crappy job and crappy beer and a broken down shack and truck. And friends who laugh behind your back because you are a gullible ignorant racist fool who none really like and you most likely beat your pet because you’re pathetic coward and know they can’t defend themselfs so you try to build up your self esteem yeah man I know your kind all too well.

I see the city is going to raise the water and sewer rates “AGAIN” to pay for future vehicles. They just did that a couple of years ago. If the damn sanitation workers would quit beating the hell out of those trucks so they only have to work 5 hours they would last.

If you knew any of the particulars of what you are ranting about, your post/rant wouldn’t even be posted. You should think/research before you rant, you’d come off as a little more intelligent.

The particulars are real easy. They are overtaxing us and calling it fees. The equipment is being abused and all you have to do is watch it happen. They pound the shit out of those trucks so they can get done in five hours to go to their next job and we pay for it.

I do watch, at least twice a week. Never have I once witnessed a crew abusing their equipment. In fact, those guys hustle, wasting little time between stops, in all weather.

They can cover a block faster than any other firm I have seen in the last 45 years. And the few times a bag broke, they made sure to get it all into the compactor before they moved. Some times, the driver getting out to help.

They will not however, clean up after messes made by critters, be they crows, cats, dogs, or vermin on the parkways. That’s up to the home owner/renter. That’s why I always use a container with a tight lid.

Coupled with Alliant’s outrageous price-gouging, and greedy landlords’ out-of-control rents, this could be the nail in this town’s coffin. Last one out turn off the lights.

Don’t let the door hit ya, and make sure you have enough money for gas so you can get far, far away, and don’t come back!

I like the rants from the white trash idiots as they show the rest how stupid they really are.

I love this site it’s better then any comics in the newspaper.

Every single ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT should be dropped from our Welfare Programs Immediately. Absolutely Absurd that Americans are on a five year wait list while Mr. and Mrs. Hopped the Border are helping themselves to our tax dollars.

Lying again

Now that’s a good one, ” Mr. and Mrs. Hopped the Border”. I just call them shingleros.

They don’t get welfare help you moron.
They work farms and hard jobs for less money then lazy worthless racist white trash ever would.
Hispanics like working not sitting on their asses like bums like you.

Damn, you really are that full of shit, you idiot!

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson faced harsh criticism from Democrats on Tuesday on a proposal that would strip public housing assistance for illegal immigrants.

The plan would eliminate government aid for families with members who are in the U.S. illegally, even if other family members, such as children, are citizens or legal residents.

In other words, Dr Ben wants to punish the entire family if one of their members is here illegally. That is sorta like locking up the murderer’s family.

Biden better get in REALITY..He worked for the divider and Chief….The same one that said jobs are NOT coming back…The great economy has NOTHING to do with the Obama administration…ALL to do with the business man President Trump…

LOL you can’t even get your insults right

Divider in chief huh lol that’s funny even tho it’s lie.

Problem is some couldn’t stomach a black man in office how I know? Simple he was criticized for the very same stuff the current pos president is doing that people defend.

We should have hung him and people like you right beside him.

Ah another racist coward white trash I love when you guys show up to prove my point.

This state has too many racist piece of shit garbage who only know how to work at a oatmeal plant and go to bars and act stupid well wearing bib overalls.

Eight years Obama in office blamed Bush, now he takes credit for Trump years. That’s clever. But ain’t working, Kenyan. Biden is joined at the hip with Obama’s disastrous presidency, if it can be called that. More like coup against Americans for Muslims. You can’t change facts Biden. You can’t change history, You can give it your best shot, like democrats like to do. Good luck. But I’m not buying.

If a woman is making more than her male counterpart will the fines also apply?

Irrelevant, since it never happens.

Bull shit! It happens all the time. What about time off women require?? It should be called a benefit and counted as salary. How about travel time and extra hours men work and women cry I got kids so I can’t go, but still think they should be paid as much?

Jealous? There are operations that can help you reap all those rewards.

If men would step up and take care of the kids they create, women wouldn’t need that flexibility. Either man up or shut up.

Ronald Regan said 10 most dangerous words in the English language are;
“I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.”
That friends is called Socialism!

I thought we were a Constitutional Republic ran by laws not a Democracy ran by mob (democrat) rule..

These illegal migrants blocked passengers from boarding their planes, and flights were fouled up – and, delayed – due to this inexcusable, obstreperous behavior. This shenanigan caused hundreds of passengers to miss their connecting flights. What would YOU do, if someone tried to physically BLOCK you from boarding a scheduled flight? This is NOT Fake News; it actually happened, three days ago, in Paris. Wonder what would happen if they pulled this stunt in, say, the Dallas-Fort Worth airport?


Just another lie to further divide this country into thinking all Muslim people and others that are different into some evil monsters and sadly those who are gullible and uneducated will chose to believe it instead of researching rather or not it’s true.

Tell the people in New York that died that. Or, tell all the service men that were wounded that. You are a damn traitor to our country.

They were extremist you stupid dumb bastard big difference but your uneducated ass wouldn’t know.

A young 17-year-old boy was shopping in St. Cloud, MN, at a sports store, called Shields. The cashier was a Muslim lady who was wearing another headscarf. The 17-year-old was wearing a necklace with a cross on it. She told him he would have to put his cross under his shirt because it offended her. He told her he would not do that. Then he told her that he thought she should take her headscarf off. She then called for the manager. The manager came out and told the 17-year-old to just put his cross under his shirt and everything would be fine. The boy again refused to do so and at that point he left the items he had intended to purchase and walked out.
Several customers who had been in line behind him had heard the conversation and also left their carts full of items and walked out of the store!! KUDOS TO THE 17-YEAR-OLD!!!
We all know we are in some very changing times, and given the same circumstances, I pray we would all have the courage this young lad had. We spent a few minutes talking about the challenge we are facing for our first amendment right of religious freedom. (I have to wonder what’s next? Are ‘they’ going to try to ban the jewelry store owners from selling

More made up bullshit that most likely came from a conservative website or that stupid jihad watch crap.

You just hate anyone different from you or you’re just a gullible fool who believes everything you see on the internet.

Here’s a tip for you ignorant gullible fools.
When you see a story Google how many other stories and where it comes from if a few sources come up then it’s possible but in this one this is highly unlikely.

I guess, for some reason, we can’t post the numerous sites that have proven this entire episode is a hoax. But, it is, and you are a moron for posting it.

Let them be scared. Maybe they will get the hell out of our country.

Typical ignorant racist son of a bitch who hasnt got a clue about anything.

Perhaps it’s you who should leave this country.

I was born here. It is fat white women like you who love the illegals that need to pack up and leave.

Lol you assume too much you worthless white trash.
Your dumb mother should have aborted you instead of spawning another racist white trash moron with a 2nd grade education.

The st cloud story is fake.
See thats why there’s a lot of hate and division in this country because of made up stories people post without bothering to check if it’s even true.

This will only continue to get worse unless people educate themselfs better especially in what they read and share.

The person who posted the story knew it wasn’t true, but he thinks that if he never tries to defend himself, he is the winner. He is a moron.

The troll wants to deny the article, but ca’t find any proof it is false. What a fool the troll is. Nothing to back up his false claims.

There are at least 10 out there if you google it. Here is one fake news site

Hello out there? Did you Google it to find the other sites that debunked it? I am pretty sure you didn’t. That would be too much like ‘learnin’ for you.

Bernie you are nuts! Alls government does is waste precious tax payers dollars. You don’t need more money. We just need less democrats. Good for this generous man. It’s his money, he can do what he wants with it!

As usual Bernard misses the point. Most Americans are very very kind and generous but when they earn it they want to decide who they help. Since I’m into compromise let’s do this. All the rich dems pay 70% of their income to government and we despicable will donate to the cause of our choice. Then we’ll see who does the most good for the people.

Smith does a generous deed and Sanders criticizes it because Smith didn’t give it to him, to give away where he sees fit. Guess Sanders is the only one that knows best . . . N O T ! ! ! ! !

The Babylon Bee strikes again! This would be funny if it weren’t so true. Bernie DOES want the government to take more of our money (especially the wealthy), so the GOVERNMENT can decide how to spend it. And we all know how well that works.

I wake up in the morning, stretch and think …. man it feels good to know President Trump is in office for another 5 1/2 years. When I go to bed and my head hits the pillow, I dream about waking up knowing I’m safe because he’s in office. It’s a great feeling. #MAGA

Typical Trump sheeple living in fantasy land.
Your worthless president may yet get impeached and any chance of reelection will cease to exist.

This Obama judge’s ruling will be reversed. Fourth Amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures.

Won’t matter cause liberal anti-American activist liberal judges rulings get overturned all the time… They are a disgrace to our society…

We the people demand the financial records of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters. All you need to see in this article are these words: “Barack Obama-appointed judge Amit P. Mehta.” Says it all….
This is unconstitutional. There is no law or requirement that POTUS show his tax or financial records.

You do not speak for me.
If Trump is doing shady stuff then it needs to complete the investigation and if found wrong doing then he should be impeached adios cheeseball.

Arrest warrants have been issued for David Ramos Contreras, Juan Garcia Rios Adiel, and Arulfo Ramos for the rape of two girls, ages 13 and 14. All three suspects are in the country illegally, according to police.

And where’s the link to this story?

Wow, Pelosi’s such a liar. Thank God for President Trump.

Bootyjigger’s a demoncrap and if they get their way the country will become anti-American run by illegals and American history will totally be erased…

You’re obviously a deeply closeted gay man.

Just where in my comment does it say a thing about gay men. I really don’t care who sleeps with who.

Good! Where do you live? We are all coming over for a slumber party.


Bootyjigger needs to crawl right back under his rock! Who does he think he is talking crap about destroying our history…. if THOMAS JEFFERSON GOES SO SHOULD MARTIN LUTHER KING.
SO I SAY FIND ANOTHER CAUSE! Go after men who wants to compete against girls in sports! Find out why they want this! GIRLS SPORTS WILL BE JUST COMPETITION FOR MEN! Both divisions… men and wanna be girls!

Nothing like a racist raving lunatic sprouting conspiracy crap.

Did you know Trump employed illegals and thought nothing of it cuz they work cheap.
Just winning for the old orange face.

More revisionist history. Yeah that’s all we need! I amazes me how the left is so afraid of dead people but yet they so embrace the ideal of socialism while ignoring the millions who were murdered due to socialism failures! This is why revisionist history is so dangerous! Rewriting it doesn’t change it, but ignore it and you are doomed to repeat it.

CHINA really CHINA the same CHINA that Joey bygone said was no threat that CHINA ?

Biden’s supporters believe him. They keep reposting articles in which Biden and Obama take credit for the economy, therefore they expect everyone else to believe his lies. Of course an honest press would debunk this in a minute.

And Trump supporters believe every lie Trump says so what’s the difference?

Biden was a member of the worst administration in history. He has been a do nothing politician for fifty years. The present economy is due to the Trump policies

Just what is going on in this city? Drive through the central part of the city (if you can get there with all the potholes in the streets), Look at all the boarded up old homes that should be torn down as unsafe, then look at all the ones that should be boarded up too. The city waste all it money on a skating rink that most of us don’t want and certainly don’t need and the rest of the city goes to hell. Streets are flooded, houses are falling down, lawns are not mowed and we have a junk yard on South Monroe called Russ Hardy’s yard that is full of junk trucks and equipment just sitting there rusting. Now his kid is following after his father and storing junk trucks behind his business on North Monroe. You know, just south of the can junk yard sitting on the streets, not to far from other empty boarded up buildings.

I don’t mind the multipurpose arena deal as we need to get people downtown especially in the mall area.

However you are 100 percent right with the rest as too many things are neglected and it’s becoming an eyesore.

People who don’t mow their lawns or keep crap in their yards need to be fine for this and if they don’t do it then condemn the property.

For elderly and handicapped people I think little punks who are trouble makers need to do community service that helps elderly and handicapped people’s homes such as mowing and trimming bushes and picking up garbage hell really anyone breaking the law should be doing this stuff and the lazy worthless ones throw the book at them.

With people working together who can enforce this the city can once again look better then it does now.

The key here is enforcement. It is almost non-existent.

How long was someone allowed to run an illegal waste transfer station in town? It was visible from the street, yet NO one lifted a finger til the DNR was called and a cease and desist order was issued.

Other older towns and cities across the country are working to fast-track the elimination of blight to improve their communities. And with proper enforcement, it can be done here as well.

Others in our community have exposed landlords a number of times publicly. But our City Council and the Mayor have not taken action.

Leadership begins at the top. If our leaders do not make it a priority, things will never change. Unless of course, it is made a State or Federal issue.

Until then, all we will get is empty or unrealistic promises, and lack of detailed progress on what the City is doing about blight (remember the State of the City comments?).

By the way, you are deluding yourself if you think issues like this will ever be printed in the Globe Gazette or reported on the Television stations that cover our community.

Agreed. A major potion of the problem is section 8 rentals because the landlords (Realtors) have very little skin in the game because they are guaranteed payment. They do not care how their property looks and don’t even bother to inspect them. Rentals are trashed out with junk in the yard and lawns not mowed and it just affects the whole neighborhoods. Then you have junkers like Russ Hardy who is allowed to run a illegal junk yard in the center of town.

I don’t believe it’s all section 8 because people living in those ones get the places inspected once a year at least so things have to be up to code or HUD won’t approve of it.

There’s alot of shitty landlords who couldn’t manage their way out of a wet paper bag.

I got neighbors who haven’t paid rent in years and live like squatters because the landlord is a pushover and falls for their sob story to think of the kids will be homeless.

Those stories happen a lot.

There’s a TV station covering Mason City? Not any more.

You’d think some of that high-priced help on the third floor of city hall could do something about that, since it’s their jobs

The last good Democrat was Kennedy and then the Democrat’s killed him because he was going eliminate the subsidies for the oil companies and he was going to get us out of the Vietnam war that the French and Eisenhower had started.

Talk about revisionist history! Put down the meth!

I’m traumatized everyday of my life about where our country is going… The current administration is doing a good job… You don’t like him so what this isn’t a popularity contest…it’s how the country is being taken care of which is damn good… Your kids don’t like George Washington? I didn’t like Many presidents some of them were pretty god awful… The country elected them. past presidents belong to our history good or bad you can’t erase history but you can teach your kids respect and know that perfection will never be… But they have no rights to take down a picture of the Father of our country.

Lots of racist ignorant white trash on here I see.
You think the republicans shit don’t stink you’re only fooling yourselfs.

Education has truly failed and I fear the next generation will be just as bad.

*Nothing like playing the race card. That’s the only thing this Dumb Ass Bitchh can fall back on. (playing the race card is really old and people are tired of it).

Nothing to do with playing the race card just calling out some people for what they are which is ignorant and racist.

Bitching about Hispanic people and black people on here all the time.

Plenty of white people stealing and killing and molesting kids so really makes no sense to call out one group and ignore your own misdeeds.

Creeps come on all sizes and all colors. Get used to it. Unfortunately we are stuck with a bunch of criminals from Chicago and Detroit. If you just look at the percentage you can see why people feel the way they do.

I’m sure some from Chicago who come here are bad seeds but that isn’t all of them most wanted to get away from gun violence and have a safer life for them and their kids.

This gender identity stuff is getting out of control!!! We need to get the Dems out of the house next year!! I feel bad for the “real” girls/women who work hard to succeed.

Yeah, sure you do.

You know, erasing Obama, Clinton, Schumer, and Pelosi from history sounds like the right thing to do to me.
Butt Edge Edge

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