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I can’t understand how you could carry that child and keep it alive and it being a part of you and just abort it. It’s an angel. If you don’t want the child give it up for adoption. You don’t even have to see it if you don’t want to but at least give that child a chance in life.

That doesn’t happen like that.
Women are not carrying a kid damn near full term and then aborting it.

Most of the time it’s early and a lot of the times it happens because of rape and incest rape or because of the mothers health or child not possibly have a brain or other severe issue.

Yes there is unwanted ones and that’s unfortunate but that is why planned parenthood is a good thing they talk about abstaining and using birth controls and condoms and other things. It’s crazy conspiracy people who act like it’s a backyard abortion clinic which it isn’t.

I wish people would research and get facts straight instead of listening to bible thumpers pick and chose what to follow in the bible it’s no wonder religion is so screwed up and some lost their faith.

You wouldn’t happen to have some cites for your drivel would you?

In other words you don’t know how to research dont worry most ignorant white trash people like you wouldn’t.

I disagree with their new policy to ban the showing of aborted babies to the “mothers”. It should be MANDATORY that they have to LOOK at their dead baby and see for themselves the results of what they just paid someone to do. Murder. It’s basically murder for hire.

There is no such policy. You made this up.

So does that mean that anonymous is finally going to graduate? It would be interesting to see his report card, and all his paper work on sentence structure and word comprehension. Delete this again if you must.

Michael J, Avenatti – D Candidate for President.

No one is voting for that piece of garbage.
He is no better then Trump Mr grab women by the pussy and a failed shady Trump university I could go on but most of us know what Trump is.

Most of us don’t, know him, we only know what people say about him. Actually, I really don’t think he is any better or worse then any other man. If you could check into the background of any politician, and dig deep enough, you would find some skeletons. If, you couldn’t find anything, you could always make something up. And the more you repeated it, more people would believe it, and the truer it would become.

It hasn’t been that long ago that MSNBC and CNN had him on their channels NUMEROUS times. Is he now out of favor?

stop crying about “the poor kids separated from their families” boo hoo. these people made a choice to have their family torn apart, they don’t have news in mexico? they didn’t know it was gonna happen? I think its pretty pathetic and insulting that you people scream about the poor foreign children and their horrible suffering, yet…. how many AMERICAN CITIZENS are deployed to active military duty and DO NOT KNOW IF THEY WILL EVER SEE THEIR CHILD AGAIN. you really think some south American illegal immigrants child has more of a right to know if they will see mom or dad again? you don’t think that the emotional suffering of an American child is more important than that of some illegal immigrant? id rather stop the tears of one sad little girl who happens to share citizenship with me, whos parent happens to be fighting for my FIRST AND SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS who happens to be a decent person than I would ever care to stop the cries of a million little illegal immigrants. see we are americans born and raised and that should put us on a team, where I come from the way I was raised we support our team before all others. if you don’t get that, youre a piece of shit. youre loyalty needs to lay with your fellow citizens far before it ever aligns to the plight of strangers or immigrants. til we don’t have parents deployed, women and children being abused no more homeless people and well paying jobs and decent living conditions for every REAL AMERICAN CITIZEN it shouldn’t even cross anyones mind to worry immigrants. we shouldn’t even be letting people into our country til we make sure every child is eating three times a day and has running water. our problems should come before the problems of outsiders. its like this. if we where living in the aftermath of some major event and the system didn’t exist any longer, if I wasn’t at one hundred percent on supplies for my family and friends id watch my neighbors starve before id share a damn thing with them and id be prepared to repel them with any force needed. that’s how americans should be looking at the world, til we have everything we need and a little bit more everyone else can starve.

That sure sounds like the Christian thing to do. Not. I also suspect that if the tables were turned, and it was your neighbor who had “supplies” and you didn’t, you would attack your neighbor to get his supplies for your family. You are not a patriot nor do you understand the principles on which this country was founded. Go back to Russia.

Jussie, is that you?

No, PeeWee, is that you?

You’re no Christian just a racist piece of garbage who has never helped a person in his life including homeless people who you can thank the republicans for when senile Regan closed mental hospitals and that was the start of the problem.

Omar is taking order from her radical Islam supporters to see what they can get away with, it’s their learning process in order to help them to over take America. No one says what she has been saying and think she has a job because the people love her. She is a test run for the Muslim agenda to take over the United States, their prime objective.

You need mental help.
You have not one shred of proof except from some conspiracy site most likely or the voices in your head.

Why do people think Socialism will work in America. I think Bernie tries to tell people look at Sweden but Sweden will tell you we are not Socialism here. Taxes are higher in Sweden. We need to tell the young people ok we are going to let you experience Socialism – 1. Take away your phones. 2. Take away your video games 3. Close Starbucks. Now let’s see if they still think Socialism is great.

Has socialism been good for ANY country in which its tenets and false ideals have taken over?
Socialism, in a word, goes about the world selling a stolen bill of goods! It sells peace, when all it has is war! It sells riches and glory, when all it has is squalor and poverty! It sells freedom, when all it has is tyranny and oppression and above all, it sells truth, and all it has are lies!
Don’t take my word for it! Just check the history of any country unfortunate enough to fall under its heavy hand!

If THEY think SOCIALISM is so WONDERFUL go to VENEZUELA. Leave AMERICA to WE THE PEOPLE. We LOVE our country as it is!!!!!

And while we are at it, throw out the First Amendment. That way, everyone can think exactly like you.

the only people I see against the first amendment are halfwit kids and liberals. the people who talk about making “hate speech” illegal. are generally highschool and college age do nothing, own nothing people who lack any responsibility in life don’t have anything don’t work for anything don’t know anything about life or their adult counterparts who took to much lsd in college and never actually matured or whatever their excuse is for mental disability. liberals and hardcore democrats are the only people ive experienced trying to censor myself or others. this website is censorship happy, youll see that often enough. liberals want to give up all the rights that ensure our freedom. we really need to educate or control everyone under 25 til they can use their brain to think for themselves and not contribute to the mob mentality they love so much. feel bad for people with kids who have to pay for college just so their children can be turned into brainwashed socialist scum.

I can’t believe people are that stupid to take everything America has stood for over 200 years and flush it down the toilet. There never has been or ever will be a nation with as much personal freedom as our country has had since its beginning GOD PLEASE BLESS AMERICA

Thank you, but how much more winning can we take? Just asking for a liberal friend. ( not really)!

If you think Trump is winning then you clearly are out of touch with reality.

That’s no problem…we the American people do support the things The White House stands for…. but one thing we don’t really stand for a whole lot is SOCCER… yeah not something we Americans do much. So in another words kick your ball up and down a field and enjoy.. support who you want but please don’t mistake your self importance just because you’re really good at kicking said ball up and down said field. Because frankly.. WE DON’T CARE!
Trump 2020! God bless!

This younger generation. I’m old enough to be an adult. I have lived under many presidents. But always respectful to the office. They seem to lack moral upbringing. Is it their parents lack of parenting? Is it a life so soft that they think they have something to complain about? So sad!

You were terribly respectful of Obama? This is just the alt-right’s treatment of the last president coming back to bite you in the ass.

Said Bernie the man who owns 3 homes and kept all of his money from his book sales. That billionaire did a wonderful thing to help many young students. Bernie is a socialist communist who is a disgrace and I don’t know what the hell is wrong with some in our society who believe in this whack job.

I have a question for San Fran Nan and the open borders clan; How many illegals are you going to let into the country before you help pass legislation to take control of our borders?

Oh look Dr. Seuss is back! Still completely out of whack!

And that’s your answer to a legitimate question? Typical LIBUFFOON response.



Still no legitimate question.

Do you have a point to make or do you just post shit to keep yourself busy? Your question is not clear. What exactly have the Republicans done? How were they helpful when Obama was President? How is Democrat obstruction any different than what the Republicans did to our country during Obama’s presidency? You throw out all this crap and you have no answer to those who ask legitimate questions of you. You are only trying to sow division among Americans and to me, that is treason.

To see actual “treason” the orange-head monster needs to look in the mirror.

One Republicrook puke twists the knife in farmers’ back, after Dump sticks it in with his destructive trade mistakes:

Here we go: remember during the Reagan administration, when farmers were going after foreclosing bankers with shotguns?

Undocumented is NOT a RACE, It is a CRIMINAL. So, Don’t call me a RACIST because I have a problem with OVER 20 million CRIMINALS at large in America.

Un American is letting the invasion from southern border and letting Muslims rule in a Christian country

I want to see every member of Congress, Senate & House releasing their tax and bank records IMMEDIATELY. Since after all I find it hard to believe you can afford a MILLION dollar mansions on $200 THOUSAND dollar a year salary

So, you are ok with the President releasing his? Good, I would like to see them.

Wonder how CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, ABC, etc are going to spin this? Crickets…..

AWESOME,,,Let the finger pointing begin .I wonder if NANCY PELOSI is praying at the moment,,OOPPSS wait I forgot the Democrats want GOD out as well

That’s awesome, and I’m so thrilled to hear the great news given out by Trump to declassify the doc. Go Trump 2020. Trump needs to order Obama’s records unsealed too!

You mean cower like the democrats do to other nations? Disrespect the US and its Citizens? Put illegal immigrants before its Citizens? Ignore the Bill of Rights at your convenience?

You mean cower like you do behind a keyboard? Tough talk, nothing to back it up.


When Nancy Pelosi starts acting like the leader she’s supposed to be and stops degrading our ELECTED PRESIDENT, President Trump will speak to you. What she did before her meeting was underhanded and wrong.

Somebody needs to sit down with Nancy, make good, clear eye-contact, speak really slowly to her, really loudly, so that she can hear it & tell her that the President of the United States of America does not OBEY the Speaker of the house even when she barks out orders, after she calls him a criminal in front of the world, and especially when the speaker is clearly bat S— crazy!

She doesn’t put up with his ignorant big fat spoiled brat bullshit tantrum, and that makes her crazy? No.

That is Pelosi’s job to work with Trump . She gets paid every month to do her job and if she can’t we need to get someone that will .GOD BLESS.

It is also his job to work with Congress – both sides not to whine about how bad they treat him. He is supposedly a man, it is time to man up and move on.

It is also Bonespurs job to work with both houses of Congress; he need to stop throwing temper tantrums and compartmentalize his feelings. Nixon, Regan, Clinton and both Bushes could compartmentalize during Congressional investigations. Obama cooperated and also did his job — he actually had an understanding of the U.S. Constitution.

And his job was to fundamentally change America and North Iowa? And his job was to send a pallet of currency to a country that supports terrorism? Etc.

Barr you go and get justice for AMERICA.

GOP is now an official criminal organization on par with the Russian mob…

The Russians dress better.

I don’t see Trump doing anything about gangs.

They don’t care about who is the president. Never have.

and all I see is liberal morons trying to limit restrict ban and eventually confiscate firearms from regular people. its not trumps job to deal with gangs, youre an idiot. we live in a country where the police have made it very clear, by saying it with their mouths, wee are not here to protect you. see protect and serve is a fallacy. we live in a place and a time where youre safety and your life are your concern and your responsibility. isn’t it funny that liberals want to open borders and let in a flood of people (people who you do not understand) and then also want to disarm people and take away their means of self defesne(something liberals don’t understand) I think we should not listen to adults who suffer from hoplophobia. you people need some intense therapy.

Nothing makes criminals, espeically gangbangers, happier than getting mentioned by the president of the United States, which pretty much every president before the current one has been too smart to do.

If you think violent gang members are, or ever have been, concerned with the day-to-day statements of the president you’re seriously disconnected with reality.

Totally agree with the President!! The Democratic House is not in control of this country no matter how much they want to be or how much they say it. I am so ashamed of them and I was a Democrat for years!!

The only ones involved in coverups are the democrats. The truth about them is about to hit the fan, and they’re in a panic! This whole thing was a setup to detract the viewers away from what they’ve done!

You’re sounding pretty panicky right now yourself.

The Democrats are two faced liars saying they represent the American people by going after President Trump, THEY DO NOT REPRESENT ME AT ALL. I do not understand how anyone who claims to be a Democrat think this is the right thing to do.

There is not a Republican alive other than Trump that could effectively deal with these people. They have reached a low that is completely unprecedented. If someone like Jeb Bush, Romney, McCain or anybody else was in there, the democrats would be calling them names as they wiped their feet on them in the doorway on the way to party they were throwing in the White House with the media providing the cheer leading,
TRUMP 2020!!!!!

I agree. And can you imagine how the thin skinned, big eared Obama would have folded if he’d had to deal with what Trump has had to put up with?

Yeah never mind the fact Trump storms out of meetings like a fuking baby and then runs on Twitter posting gibberish only a 2 year old would understand.

Not only are Trump supporters racist but delusional and so fuking stupid.

Either your trolls on here or you really do believe in the garbage you say on here which is equally pathetic.

Sooner or later the orange one will go down as karma always wins so enjoy worthless trump sheeple while you can.

……and if you think trump hasn’t accomplished anything positive youre either intentionally being an ignorant repugnant little pos or youre just absolutely in the dark and have zero clue about anything, youre just parroting shit you hear from other welfare queens.

He had to put up with all kinds of racist bs. Trump is the one who is thin-skinned. If he would just shut up about his detractors and get to work, he would be a better president. But he can’t let anything go by him without tweeting about it. Let the Congress and DOJ and the rest of them do their job, don’t worry about the small stuff. and do your job which is making this country a united nation.

That’s the dumocrats for you, they just want to control everybody. Thank you Donald for standing up to the crooks.

AMERICA!!! HOW Much longer will continue to ALLOW NO TERM LIMITS for Congressional Members? Are WE to Continue & REMAIN this DAMN Stupid? Then WE Deserve EVERYTHING that they are Doing to US. ..pssst…It’s NOT just MY’s ALSO Yours.

When did something that starts with ILLEGAL become this country? and all the NONSENSE that came with it-‘anchor babies’…’catch & release’…’sanctuary cities’…the kids who’s parents brought there here ILLEGALLY are now called ‘dreamers’ and have more AID and help than american kids who are also ‘dreamers’…..THIS is making me sick and the main reason i am no longer a democrat-Donald J. Trump-MAGA-KAG-2020

You came here from there because you didn’t like it there, and now you want to change here to be like there. We are NOT racist, phobic or anti what-ever-you-are, we simply like it here, the way it is. And, most of us came here because it’s not like there, wherever that was. You are welcome here, but please stop trying to make here like there.

People have their culture and they don’t expect anyone to do anything differently then to respect it.

You need to stop reading fake news.

Wouldn’t it be nice if worthless white trash people wouldn’t throw their pets out when they get tired of them or did something naughty?

If you can’t afford to get your pet fixed and up to date shots then you cannot afford to have a pet.

Do you honestly think getting it some cheap crappy dollar General variety pet food is enough? If so then you are stupid and have zero knowledge of what it takes to be a pet owner.

Those pets you throw away did not ask to be born but since they are it’s your responsibility to take care of them just as with children you bring in this world.

By using some common sense maybe just maybe there will be less unwanted pets.

It’s embarrassing living in a state that is full of meth heads and white trash people and puppy mills up the ying yang because of this state being good old boys there’s not enough with balls to stand up to this crap and say enough is enough and that’s a disgrace!

Why is it so hard for lazy white trash people to take their garbage out to curb on garbage day instead of hoarding it in garage and sheds?

Do you not realize what you attract to it by hoarding it? Wasps and rats and other animals.

I’m so damn died of lazy worthless slobs who don’t take care of the places you rent from.

Someone needs to seriously beat the living crap out of them until they learn not to be a gross lazy worthless pig!

Just because you are a fat ass white woman doesn’t give you the right to talk about blacks that way.

I never said a word about black people you ignorant piece of dung.

The offending people happen to be white trash imagine that eh.

Someone should shove a 2×4 up your ass.

yeah make em look like a fudgesicle.

The Demoncraps are obstructing holding up the needs and wishes of the American People. The are not acting on our behalf and should stop saying that. THEY ARE NOT REPRESENTING US.

They are acting on my behalf investigate the orange one he being a sneaky pos.

What in the hell was Mueller doing genius? You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

Mueller said there were clear violations of the law committed by Trump but it wasn’t his job to prosecute or to investigate further. He left that up to Congress and/or other agencies whose job it is to investigate those crimes. Trump is toast.

Bull Shit!

I care about where I live and it’s appearance. It concerns me because people who do not maintain their property, effects other homes value. It is also a precursor to other problems in the neighborhood, not the least of which is vermin.

It’s all about pride and self respect. And pride is one of the factors that builds a community. Unless of course, you want the community to continue to decline. Then by all means, live like a slob.

So where do you live? We want to see this show place.

At what point do we lock up these nut jobs. Really they have waisted millions of our hard earned money. If I went rogue like this at my job well I wouldn’t have a job. At what point does these crazy people just do the job they were elected for. Democratic Party is so screwed up!!! That’s the reason I didn’t vote in Obama’s 2nd go. Then switched in 2016 election. Democratic Party is pushing people away with crooked politics!!

Did you complain all the millions wasted by the republicans investigating Hillary and not a thing was found?

Don’t act like republicans are so goody goody plenty are crooks the biggest one is Trump trying to stop investigation and not allowing Congress to do their job and not showing his taxes obviously hiding something and now two judges is telling them to hand over the taxes so the orange one is batting 0-2 So much much winning huh

Tuesday The View co-hosts melted down over former White House counsel Don McGahn defying a Democrat subpoena to testify over the Mueller investigation. Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin compared President Trump to Richard Nixon, fuming that he should be impeached, while Whoopi Goldberg worried that Trump and his supporters wanted to bring back segregation and take away voting rights from blacks.

Nobody cares what they, or you, think or say.

Wouldn’t it be nice if Congress would stop social engineering and work on The Debt, Immigration,Infrastructure, real problems that affect ALL Americans instead or a few? Do their jobs!

Even more news:

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