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Recently a California city has banned the use of facial recognition by its Police Department. They claim a loss of privacy and civil liberties as the reason.

As a photographer, I have researched endlessly the issue of reasonable expectation of privacy in public places.

I have yet to find any landmark court case that supports a reasonable expectation of privacy in public places.

Among constitutional Scholars, they find little to support the idea that the use of technology in crime prevention is a privacy issue.

We all remember the line about having a cop on every corner to prevent criminal activities. A scholar in Chicago examined that very idea, he noted that while economically infeasible, it violated no civil liberties or rights. When he said that in the 1980s he had no idea that technology could actually bring that to fruition.

I submit to the readers here, that the actions taken by San Francisco, Berkeley, and other cities in the U.S. were motivated by not by the prevailing legal precedents, but of perhaps something more suspect.

In order to better understand the issues that are involved here, take a look at the decision in Katz v. U.S., and the concept of Open Fields.

Cornell University has an excellent analysis on this subject.

San Francisco again. Just more of their goofy crap. With their crime problems they are taking a tool away from the police. Figures.

Speaking the truth! The Democrats don’t know what truth is.

Impeach Pelosi and anyone else who supports Ilaib!!

Democrats need to apologize to Judge Kavanaugh for what they put him through. Democrats need to apologize to American citizens for placing illegal immigrants before American citizens. Democrats need to apologize for wasting tax payers money. Democrats need to wake up.

Your momma needs to apologize to the world for bringing you into it.

She needs to slapped.

Still answering your self. That makes you even dumber.

There is more then one user on here dumbass so just because someone else also disagrees with your statement doesn’t make them the same person.

Perhaps you need to lay off meth and Alex jones and other conspiracy shows as it’s clearly rotting what little brain you have left.

AOC is the ignorant puppet of the democratic socialist party and was elected by illegal means and it should put a stop to other people get into office that are using illegal means to do so.
AOC’s just pissed, she gave her boyfriend $886k and he skipped town with his new girlfriend!

Lying again.

Prove it Dumb Ass!

How about you prove your own statement with a valid source.
We both know you won’t because you have none.


Appoint a special counsel to investigate how congress became millionaires while only making 174k per year. Start with Pelosi taking money from Mexican Cartels.
Expect more derogatory assaults on Barr from the Dems as a distraction to this investigation.

It’s way past time to investigate the true collusion and corruption that is the Demonratic Party
Hallelujah. Investigate the investigators now. All the evidence is out so shouldn’t take take long.

And, we are not yet done with Hillary and the rest of the traitors.

Iowa loses best state status.
Can’t pin that on democrats when a Republican is running the show.

There you go making up shit again.

It’s pretty pathetic this is happening.
Too many good old boys who don’t care about animals run this state.

No that’s you guys who make up stuff.

Typical republicans wanting wars and if this one happens with Iran there will be serious suffering for it.

Wouldn’t expect ignorant uneducated white trash Trump supporters to understand anything that requires thinking.

Wake up O’Rourke your finished already. Sad but true the Democraps will use black people by putting in either Abrams or Harris in.
Wow, I thought for sure Beto would pick Hillary as running, then she would have him “commit suicide” and then she would become President once and for all. Am I wrong?

Typical white trash loser can’t move past Hillary just goes to show you’re nothing more then an uneducated Trump sheep who can’t think for himself.

Agree with you 100%

Does it count if you agree with yourself, NOT!

Your tinfoil hat is on too tight dude.

You are a true P.O.S. answering yourself because no one else will agree with you. Just another born loser.

Whatever you say you paranoid white trash bib overall Busch light drinking oaf.

Joe Biden: “I believe the fence is needed…[because] people are driving across that border with TONS, TONS, hear me, TONS of everything from byproducts for methamphetamine to cocaine to heroin & it’s all coming up through corrupt Mexico.”
Thanks for the support Joe!

Democrats are destroying this Country.
The Democrats are worried more about taking care of illegal immigrants than they are American citizens.

Perfect example of someone with a 3rd grade brain.
I bet you religiously follow conspiracy sites and take them for gospel.

You Trump sheep are the most ignorant stubborn sob there is.

If you think your side is a bunch of good old boys then you have another thing coming.

Republicans are the ones who cause homeless people issues by shutting down mental institutions and they don’t do nothing for vets just have them fight a war and forget them.

You are really out of it. Trump has done more for vets and the military in two years than Obummer did in eight. Most of the homeless in this country are liberals who just don’t want to work and who live in Democrat controlled cities. Anyone who says anything else is a liar and a idiot.

Thanks for showing just how freaking clueless you are.


MUSLIM ENEMIES !! REMOVE THEM NOW !! DO WE NEED TO WAIT FOR ANOTHER 9/11 ??? They took an oath to support and defend the CONSTITUTION !!! THEY DO NEITHER !!
There is NO PLACE in the American Government for racist Muslim terrorists !!!

Another crazy ignorant racist fool who don’t have a clue what he is talking about.

You total Dumb Ass Liberal. Muslims are not a race, they are a cult. And, remember 911?? 3000 Americans died due to the Muslims.

Call me whatever you like hayseed.
At least I know the difference between a Muslim and an extremist.
Should I label all Christians as terrorist who bomb in the name God?
Get smarter!

Democrats trying to destroy America
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! I guess we made it through this term with all the great things Trump has done ! The next term will continue to go in a positive direction and you can continue to be a whiny little rat faced punk ! Schitt wants to argue that with socialist democratic leadership the country will be a Utopia , we’ve seen what that’s like with Obama , no thanks !!!

Thought Trump was going to make Mexico pay for wall?
Thought Hillary was gonna be locked up.

Lol had both House and Senate and hasn’t done squat but you keep telling yourself how great he is but many know he is nothing but a lying idiot.

They are paying for the wall. Did you ever hear of fees and taxes?? Read up on it and join the educated people.

Lol I was waiting for that lame response from the hillbilly who flunked school.

How about something different then politics for once.
How about discussions all the garbage that gets thrown all over towns in iowa or garbage left in aisles in stores like hyvee or Menards etc.
Do you enjoy being a lazy slob?
Clean up the messes you make that is not the people’s jobs in the store to pick up after you as they got enough work to do.

If some of you people cared just a little more then you do then our towns wouldn’t look so awful.

Why don’t you start with all the garbage stacked on front porches or in the yards. Maybe you could clean up all the junk vehicles in the yards. How about getting bikes off the sidewalks, maybe you could start with the city cleaning up weeds and people mowing their yards. That doesn’t even take into account the shit hole called downtown with its junk sidewalks.

I take care of my property and make sure garbage is thrown away.

If the rest of the slobs would do the same there wouldn’t be any issues.

Unfortunately, this is far from the first display of heinous anti-Semitic comments coming from Democrat House members this year, and it’s clear this is now the norm for their caucus. It’s long past time for Speaker Pelosi to take swift action and make it clear that these vile comments have no place in Congress.

I remember when Trump was elected the first thing they yelled at him was antisemitism. Now that it has been totally disproved, look who turns out to be antisemitic

As if you give a damn about the Jews.


Why do you attribute your feelings about Jews to the poster? There’s not a thing in the post you’re replying to to indicate the poster is anti-Semitic. But on the Democrat side there is plenty of evidence of dislike of the Jews. As examples, Obama, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Louis Farrakhan, et al.

He can’t express his feelings about anything to anybody, because he’s just a little piss-ant and nobody would listen to him anyway.

I can tell you that my Aunt and Cousin and his family were Jewish and they were just like everyone else. They worked hard and took care of their family, paid taxes and did everything they were supposed to do. Just because they save money and are good in business is no reason to dislike them. The bullshit about Palestine is just that. Read the history and you will find the Jews were there first.

This is what happens when Muslims populate in America and get into political office. Look at the “Islamic refugees” that have been taken in here. We are being invaded and we are actually enabling the invasion. Just look at where this woman has gotten. Who voted her into office?

There you go. All back in again with a few more just for good measure. Matt thanks you for the donation to his bank account. Every time you delete comment and I put them back on it is just more clicks for him. Clicks are money you know.

Right now the Democrats are in a competition to see who’s the stupidest in the Congress.
I think they should stop their pay until they start working and getting something done in congress. And besides that they said there was not enough money to give people on SS a raise even though that is our money.

You’re not smart enough to know you’re a moron.

Congress get a raise?? For doing what, exactly??? Turn every last pol out who votes yea for this.
Congress has failed to do the people’s business therefore there pay should be cut , or they should be fired.
Congress just had a raise not too long ago. Freeze their assets and audit them all. None have upheld their oath of office.
Congress is doing nothing for the citizens who pay their salaries. How about we set term limits, and end the pensions that they are given after only 2 terms! This is bankrupting our country.

*Here is a tip. If your hate Pres. Trump more than you Love The USA. You are out of control of need therapy. There have been Many Presidents I did not care for; But I always loved My Country The USA and respected the office and the Laws of the Land. Democratic state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal needs to be removed from office and enter therapy…

We love the USA, which is why we hate Trump, who is trying his best to destroy it.

*It’s the Democrats that have spread hate, violence and division since they lost in 2016 not the Republicans. The media is complicit which is why it is out of control…

*Comey in handcuffs is more likely than the President being impeached!

*Crooked Hillary & Comey Lies & Deceit. Treason against Americans & America’s President..

*Corruption in IRS was never looked into, it died on the vine with Lois Lerner taking the 5th. Then we’ve been occupied with Russian collusion that never happened. Now back to IRS to find out what really happened there! Reopen the case!!!

*For once, I agree with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi—our country is in a constitutional crisis. However, I strongly disagree with her on the cause. I put the blame at her feet and those in the Democratic Party who follow her, along with many in the media. For the last two years all we have heard about was Russian collusion. After the Mueller report was released, Speaker Pelosi and her followers just cannot accept the fact that no collusion was found. She is the leading cause of this crisis. It might be good for Speaker Pelosi to listen to her fellow Democrat, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district, who said after the Mueller report was released—It’s time to move on! Nancy is a constitutional crises…and many others like her..

* Barr has enough cause to open an investigation to the Democrats attempted and continuing coup to our president. A grand jury investigation should be opened and target all the Dems and their DNC. Goal should be jail time and to decimate the Democrat party so they never gain power again…

*This is so unethical. I could care less about President Trump’s tax returns but I do care about the tax returns of all these Congresspeople who just keep getting richer will serving. If he has to produce tax records so do they, period…

*This will be the new America if we don’t vote them out!!! Vote Republican save America!!! Our country is at stake!!! Wake up USA!!! They are destroying us from within!!! The democrats are promoting this!!! God save the USA!!! President Trump 2020!!!!!

*The last two years President Trump has really made the Democrats show just how evil and self centered they really are!
I hope the American voters are paying attention to what the Democrats stand for in this country! Because it is not for American people or this country! Trump 2020!!!

*Get rid of these Democrats. If they would do what they are supposed to do and work with Trump and for the American people, oh, what a wonderful country we would have. Trump is doing it all alone, shows how strong he is. Doesn’t need the POS Democrats after all…

*The democratic party is the most corrupt we’ve ever seen. It has changed for the worse. I was democrat when the party was for the people and now it’s the party for their pocketbooks..

What a dishonor this would be to the American people. We are taught that we must work for a living. They should have to prove themselves worthy of a pay raise. Based on the past several years, they have sat on their butts, doing nothing but causing animosity among our people. It has been dog eat dog and we are fed up with their immaturity, of both parties.

What a dishonor what would be? Try to make sense for a change.

*Did you hear: Trump signs law to punish websites for sex trafficking. The Obama admin turned a blind eye to porn & online trafficking. These are things we have needed done for years! We are so thankful President Trump is addressing this as well as many other important issues for our protection. God bless him. We pray every night for him, his family, Mike Pence and his family as well as for our country..

*So we have a president who does what he says he will do. I remember when he was campaigning he said he would. So many arrests for trafficking and pedophiles..

The real loser here is you. Everytime you post your B.S. it is another click and more money in the bank for N.I.T. Every time you delete comments and we put them back on it is more clicks and more money in the bank. Matt thanks you for the financial support you Dumb Ass.

Support local businesses!

What happened to most of the May 11, 2019 posts?

So we have a president who does what he says he will do. I remember when he was campaigning he said he would. So many arrests for trafficking and pedophiles.

He has NOTHING to do with any of that! He IS a pedophile, just ask his daughters!

Did he manage to get Mexico to pay for wall?
Did he lock Hillary up?
Did he make this so-called great health care come about?

The answer is no you stupid worthless blind dumb bastard.

Did you hear: Trump signs law to punish websites for sex trafficking. The Obama admin turned a blind eye to porn & online trafficking. These are things we have needed done for years! We are so thankful President Trump is addressing this as well as many other important issues for our protection. God bless him. We pray every night for him, his family, Mike Pence and his family as well as for our country.

Another lie from a fake so-called christian.

*Most leftists/progressives will take the oath, but then by sunset of the same day they are actively engaged of undermining and circumventing the constitution. You have to understand that many/most possess little in the way of morals, ethics, honesty or trustworthiness.

*Here is a tip. If your hate Pres. Trump more than you Love The USA. You are out of control of need therapy. There have been Many Presidents I did not care for; But I always loved My Country The USA and respected the office and the Laws of the Land. Democratic state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal needs to be removed from office and enter therapy.

*Comey in handcuffs is more likely than the President being impeached!

*Crooked Hillary & Comey Lies & Deceit. Treason against Americans & America’s President

*Corruption in IRS was never looked into, it died on the vine with Lois Lerner taking the 5th. Then we’ve been occupied with Russian collusion that never happened. Now back to IRS to find out what really happened there! Reopen the case!

*For once, I agree with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi—our country is in a constitutional crisis. However, I strongly disagree with her on the cause. I put the blame at her feet and those in the Democratic Party who follow her, along with many in the media. For the last two years all we have heard about was Russian collusion. After the Mueller report was released, Speaker Pelosi and her followers just cannot accept the fact that no collusion was found. She is the leading cause of this crisis. It might be good for Speaker Pelosi to listen to her fellow Democrat, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district, who said after the Mueller report was released—It’s time to move on! Nancy is a constitutional crises…and many others like her

Nobody cares what you think. Love the decorative asterisks, though.

* Barr has enough cause to open an investigation to the Democrats attempted and continuing coup to our president. A grand jury investigation should be opened and target all the Dems and their DNC. Goal should be jail time and to decimate the Democrat party so they never gain power again.

*This will be the new America if we don’t vote them out!!! Vote Republican save America!!! Our country is at stake!!! Wake up USA!!! They are destroying us from within!!! The democrats are promoting this!!! God save the USA!!! President Trump 2020!!!

*Get rid of these Democrats. If they would do what they are supposed to do and work with Trump and for the American people, oh, what a wonderful country we would have. Trump is doing it all alone, shows how strong he is. Doesn’t need the POS Democrats after all..

*The Trump administration on Friday moved forward with a proposed rule to make it harder for illegal immigrants to access federally subsidized housing — the latest crackdown by the administration on immigrants who use public assistance. The rule, proposed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and posted in the Federal Register, would require that those seeking public housing would be subject to verification of their immigration status. Only families in which every member is either a citizen or a legal resident would qualify for federally subsidized housing. Currently families where at least one person is either a citizen or green card holder can get federal assistance, even if other family members are not. “Because of past loopholes in HUD guidance, illegal aliens were able to live in free public housing desperately needed by so many of our own citizens. As illegal aliens attempt to swarm our borders, we’re sending the message that you can’t live off of American welfare on the taxpayers’ dime,” the official said..

That sounds like something that most American tax payers would agree with.

Little Mattie Markwart and his BS pathetic website.

He got his sorry ass fired from the Globe Gazette. Started this sorry ass site, lost two runs for city council,the first one to a complete idiot Janet Solberg, then begged for $30,000 of MC taxpayer money for his one guy dog & pony show.
What a loser.

What’s your problem with Matt? If it weren’t for him you’d have no place to post your crap day after day. You should thank him.

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