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Whiner’s Den

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Holy Sh**…. I just got my property tax bill. Anita bent me over and had her way with me to the tune of over $100 + increase compared to last year. Didn’t even get a kiss from the witch but then again I don’t play that way. Everyone else who had their hand in my purse seemed to hold the line except the wicked witch. Shame shame watch out boys, guard your nads!

Voting or not has no bearing on Jury Duty.

Why would you have to pay the property tax if you are renting? The landlord is usually responsible for the property taxes.

@anonymous-all cost including rent goes up when taxes go up.

Thanks for the kudos… but how come you got a property tax bill when you own property and say that you are renting?

@Mother Nature-Do you know that in some other states (Illinois and Kansas) if you don’t have kids in school you don’t pay for school taxes and levy’s. That is the way it should be here. They want us to pay for their over spending.

It’s the overspending and salaries of administration that I find most objectionable. Kicking in a few bucks so the little kid down the street can get a free public education makes sense to me. After all both or his or her parents are working for minimum wage and cant afford to pay the education tab. But I’m on fixed income and Anita isn’t.

@Mother-I too am on a fixed income and already pay taxes to support the schools. They spent 38 million dollars a few years back and lied about having the money then. Now they are coming back and wanting even more money. That is bull in my opinion. They should live on what is given them just like we do. I paid to send my kids through school and they were not around to help. So, why should I pay to send theirs?

Agreed. And I’m pointing the naughty finger at Anita and gang, not the kids or our working class families. They are us but Anita and the Elita is a plague on this community.

How would one get a petition started for Anita to quit and move out of Mason City? She has done more harm than good for our school system. All she’s done is put the school district into debt. And the sad fact of the matter is that the school board kisses her a** and gives here everything she wants!

torch her house and car. she will get the hint

yup ours went up 172 dollars!

I voted “NO” on the question of the retention of Judge Weiland in Matts pole and I will vote no come election day. But in discussing this matter with a friend I learned that judges must adhere to something called the “sentencing guidelines” and therefore the same leniency exists system wide. Can someone enlighten me on this legal stuff?

The legislature classifies crimes & sets the penalty for the classification. For misdemeanors the judge can sentence people to the maximum penalty in jail simple max is 30 days & serious/agg is one year) and specify a certain length. Forcible felonies require prison time up to the maximum allowed by law. Otherwise the judge sentences up to the maximum allowed and the amount of time is determined by Dept of Corrections. Probation is an option unless it is a forcible felony.

Thank you, very helpful. So do Judges have much latitude within the guidelines? Judge W has the reputation of being quite permissive. Is that a fair assessment or is she simply following the legislative rules? Just wondering.

I don’t know if she is lenient. The code sets the maximum for felonies and her option is deferred, probation or prison unless it is a forcible felony. Misdemeanors are a determinate jail sentence. The Department of Correctional Services should step up and disclose the policy for monitoring those on probation. The last I heard people have to pay $300 to be on probation.

@Nichole-I think part of the problem is tey never even bother to pay the $300.00.


“I’ve said a lot these past few days and made a lot of great points. I deserve a break.”

Hahahahahahaha, yeah right.

I don’t know what everyone else thinks about this Ebola outbreak but in my opinion they should burn everyone who’s been in contact. There’s no cure or treatment so why bring it back to the US and put others at risk. It seems someone is getting cocky thinking they can cure this. Everyone should stay put where there at until they get this under control. And yes I would be saying this if it were my family members as well


Well Terminus, you’re wrong about that. There is palliative care (symptom management) and life support measures that can be done to keep humans alive while their body fights off the virus. Not everyone perishes from the disease, and those who live may offer support in developing a vaccine. Without care, 90% die, but with support 40-60% survive. What does need to happen is the President needs to issue an Executive Order Restricting all travel to those areas by everyone except Military

NO I’m right and YOU’RE in denial. There is NO CURE and NO treatment they said it themselves you would think ‘Professionals’ would know this. Why jeopardize millions of others just to ‘hopefully’ save 40% of others? Keep it over there and treat it from afar. The US has recently done some stupid things but this tops the cake! Besides, if someone volunteers for this then they should be prepared to die!

@Terminus-You are correct. Also, someone on here said it was not airborn and I guess that may not be exactly the case, but if someone coughs or sneezes they spred droplets in the air (body fluids) and you can catch it from that. So, if you are in a emergency room and someone with the disease sneezes or coughs you are probably going to catch it. From what I have heard you have less than a 30% survival rate with good care. Why in the hell should we chance it?

You are exactly right LVS’. All their doing is telling people what they think we want to hear and hope that the citizens don’t know the difference but some of us with a clue know better! We got cocky US doctors who think they can cure this. These two doctors who are infected were protected from head to toe but they still managed to get the virus.

Outbreak Movie Trailer Prophetic perhaps?

Seriously, no thanks to the operators of the hog confinement buildings down the road who are gassing me out with their pig manure. It’s blowing through my window, and making me puke! I can’t sleep because it’s do putrid and nauseating! If more of you would eat less pig products, there’d be less need for these Auschwitz swine operations. Terry Branstad can choke on his bacon for protecting these jerks from cleaning up their operations, as with the Iowa GOP. JERKS!


Branstad is not the first governor to protect/endorse large factory farms. Much of the explosion/expansion of your nasal enemies happened over the welcome mat of Tom Villsack!

Why do I pick on the GOP for this? Consider this morsel from their most recent Iowa Convention:

“3.7 We believe anyone moving into areas zoned as agricultural should be prohibited from filing “nuisance” lawsuits. However, any previously established residents should retain the right to file against any expansion or development that infringes on their property rights.”

Clearly the GOP knows EXACTLY what and who they are protecting by such wording such tenets…FACTORY FARMS.

you are assuming

Large factory farming type operations are not only stinky but most importantly cruel. How do you think the animals feel breathing in that amonia smell…not to mention living with flys crawling all over you. Its a shame there isn’t more smaller family farms that can practice more humane farming…(this would also cut back on the awful smell to some degree)

I’ve slipped from my vegetarianism at times, due to lack of good alternative choices, but even so I’m definitely making a point to boycott all pig products, and I hope all of you do too. Yes the cruelty goes without saying…so overwhelming in its breadth, that it becomes easier to put it out of your mind than accept its realities. (Germans probably were forced to do the same thing during Hitler).

So you want me to boycott all pork products because you don’t like the smell? If I remember right the biggest pig farm in the area was northwest of Leland and that was 15 years ago. What you are probably smelling is a small family farm.

@Maybe-sorry to tell you that the small family farm that you are thinking of has almost completely disappeared and it is a shame. Drive around the country side and you will see abandoned farm houses everywhere. It makes you feel sad to think that people raised their family’s there and now they are falling apart. I used to work for a lot of them and now they are gone. Farms are owned by out of state corporations.

As a small (less than 200 acres) farm owner, who can only afford to rent out my family crop ground, small livestock farmers are indeed endangered.

Most markets we sold our hogs and cattle to now have appointments for “shackle time” in which your critters have to be ready to market or face penalties. We can not produce enough to get the premiums large corporate farmers enjoy.

But large corporate farms support their community – see the brand new Hansen Family Hospital in Iowa Falls.

@Cruelty-I do remember back in the day of the family farms (which have pretty much disappeared around here) that 200 head was a big operation and every farm had a few pigs and raised their own with some chickens and cattle. Today all the farmers want to do nothing but grain so they can all go to Florida in the summer. Prices have gone up since the corporations have taken over and the animals are not treated as well. It is a shame.

I want to say “Thank God” North Iowa has a decent news forum provider such as Matt, who runs his forum in a “protective of free speech” sort of way. We are all lucky to have him. Now with that said, I’m going to take some time off to work on my construction site. I’ve said a lot these past few days and made a lot of great points. I deserve a break. Enjoy NIT and remember it’s a great resource to speak in an honest and truthful way about the world we live in! Peace and thanks Matt 🙂

@Philly-Best of luck to you on your quest. I really hope it works out for you. But, if the past is any indicator you will be back in 24 hours or less.

@LVS….You predicted the amount of time he’d be gone about perfectly. Good job. Everyone knew it was too good to be true.

@Buzz-what can I say. I guess I know him pretty well.

I’m cautiously optimistic but I believe We The People of The United States of America can work through our differences and achieve favorable resolve. I’m renewed in my hope once again. P.S thanks to the sheriffs dept. for addressing the issue and making the call. (Not Cerro Gordo.,.another one.). 🙂

1. Inclusion of disenfranchised citizens. 2. Using fertile lands to grow local food. 3. Increasing liberty, freedom and personal responsibility. 4. Distinguishing true harm from imagined harm in our penal code. 5. Equality and fairness in our government process. 6. Strengthening the family home and establishing true citizenship status. 7. Local manufacturing of everyday products. 8. Flat tax. 9. Creative freedom and autonomous control of transportation, housing. … Cont.

10. Equal land use rights for all. 11. Overhaul of education system to include modern agrarian principles. 12. Renaissance of architecture and thinking.(there are dozens more). If these things “disgust you”, then I’m afraid I really don’t understand what it is you hold to be valuable and true…and therefore cannot help or accommodate you.

Yes. Matt is deleting comments once again if you upset his precious Peter. Pete needs a visit from his local law enforcement for his harrasament. Slandering. Defamatiton of character
Cyber bulling. Peter is not untouchable. He just cant say and do whatever he wants to people. Many of his comments on here are against cyber laws. And I have kept them as proof. So myself or someone else just might have to make the call. Thats the only way he will be quiet.

Peter is arrogant and thinks he knows everything but that doesn’t make him a bad person. He has a right to his own opinions as do all of the rest of us. Peter and I disagree on quite a few topics but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to sit down and have a chat, along with coffee or iced tea.

I’d sit down and chat with you maybe, but I’d want us to type everything thru a laptop, and run it through one of those robotic sounding speech software programs, like Stephen Hawking uses. Also we’d need to both be wearing motorcycle helmets with dark visors and be facing in the opposite direction, about 6′ apart. You could sip your tea thru a straw. I’d also want it videotaped for YouTube and NIT. Let me know when you find a coffee shop willing to accommodate. 🙂

I have this friend, I used to visit her all the time and we got along great. She is a hard core democrat so we butted heads all the time but we still got along, plus my aunt is a democrat and I get along with her too. I understand that everybody has their own opinion and if it doesn’t match mine then so be it. If you are too afraid to meet me I understand, not everybody is as tolerant as I am.

“..not everybody is as tolerant as I am.” – maybe


Bwaahaaaa…(wipes away tears of laughter)

OK….OK, done laughing hysterically for the moment.


That was some seriously funny stuff there, maybe.

I am glad that I could entertain you.

Maybe, you provide a great deal of “entertainment” of scores and scores of people every day.

People from all around North Iowa click on NIT everyday just to see what “pearls of wisdom” that you espouse.

They hang on your every word, savor every tidbit of your thoughts, and digest your every nuance.



…they roll on the floor, laughing their asses off.

If they think what I say is funny, there must be a lot of idiots out there then.

@maybe-I agree with most of your comments. Except for the part about sitting down with him. We are way to far apart for that. He is entitled to his opinion although I think he goes to far sometimes.

I keep all comments as well. I state my views on matters, and people incessantly attack and threaten me. You’ve got it all backwards. Go ahead and call law enforcement. I’d love to get to the bottom of who this Big Country is along with all the other anonymous people making threats against me.

@Anonymous-Look who is talking.

He’s not a hypocrite, ‘Maybe’ is his first name. ‘ Later’ is his last. Look it up in the IOOF directory.

That is an excellent point. I have stopped shopping there anyway, just on principle. First it was they won’t carry Hannukah decorations, since they are against the Jews. Now this. Employers should have no business in their people’s business at all. It is egregious to say the least. This just opens it up to all sorts of other discrimination from all sorts of businesses… Where will it end– if we don’t speak out and say enough is enough!!

@Marybeth-I certainly agree with your comment about business should not be allowed in people’s business. But, if that is true they should not be required by the government to fund their sex acts either. The courts seem to agree with that. I don’t think they really care that much thatyou do not shop there as their business seems to be doing pretty well.

@ lvs I understand your point. But what is interesting is that it is not about sex acts. It is about the employer denying coverage, not the government. The government intervened like idiots and said they are allowed to impose their religious views on their employees. It really opens businesses to allow discrimination of all sorts. What if a Muslim owned company stated that all Christian employees need to wear face veils.etc. Why do they cover Viagra then??? It takes two to tango right!!!

@Marybeth-Good point. I had not thought of it that way. What is good for the goose should be good for the gander and visa versa.

And 99% of the crap they sell junk and trinkets made by kids in third world counties who work for a hand full of rice a day. If that is a Christian business model… no thanks!

So far, Maybe is the only one who has an understanding of what I am trying to say.

My post has nothing to do with right wing anything.

Islam teaches Muslims to lie and kill to further their beliefs, which is nothing more than a cult. If you do not agree to believe in Islam and the Koran, you will be done away with.

I have read the Koran and there is nothing peaceful or loving or sane in it. Actually the Koran plagiarized the New Testament.

Get with it.

And so what George Bush said something good about Islam. He drank the cool-aid too.

Don’t mean you folks have to swallow all the lies that re in the Koran and President Obama puts out!

Witness President “King” Obama committing UN-American activity.

I’ve read articles stating that some ranchers along the southern border have found Urdu to English dictionaries, that is the official language of Pakistan. It makes me wonder how much of a muslim Obama is and having possible terrorists come across the border is why the immigration is so laxed.

Wow maybe, just wow….

You are traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.

A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination.

Your next stop, the Twilight Zone!

You might want to take the blinders off there bud.

Actual words of the President’s statement:

“In the United States, Eid also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.”

Really tired of the far right wing media altering the President’s words to incite the most gullible of the right wing minions.


How about this one?

“Islam is a faith that brings comfort to people. It inspires them to lead lives based on honesty, and justice, and compassion. Our Muslim citizens contribute greatly to the building of our country”

– George W. Bush 2002

Now I know why some of you people use the Anonymous, because you don’t want people that might know you to know that you are brain dead or gullible and ignorant.

I could go into a lengthy discourse about your lack of intellignece, no rational thought what so ever and your complete disconnection with reality.

But when it comes down to it….

When you boil it down to its base element…

And when sometimes a simple statement is best…

maybe, you’re a dumbass.

I believe Anonymous has you dead to rights maybe.

Perhaps “Maybe” is just as anonymous as “Anonymous” or even “Barney Fife” or my friend and soul mate “LVS”. As far as I have observed the only one with balls and vibrato who posts with their real name is Matt

Anonymous doesn’t even have me in his sights let alone dead to rights. You people have no frikken clue to whats going on out there and when they land on you like a ton of bricks you will sit there and pee your pants. It will come right out of the blue and you people will be clueless. Go ahead and call me names and make fun of me all you want but I will not be caught with my pants down.

I agree with you #maybe to an extent…not about Muslims coming across the border, or the president being Muslim, but about bring prepared. That’s why I’m building what I’m building. It’s about self sufficiency and survival.

I never said it was muslims coming across the border, what I said was Pakistani to English dictionary was found, actually numerous ones were found.

How hard do you think it would be, for propaganda purposes, for someone to place a bunch of Urdu to English dictionaries somewhere and put in an anonymous call to border agents, or tell them they found them near the border? Could you not think of many concerned Patriots who would have an incentive to do such a thing? How about defense services or contractors who may stand to benefit from a border fence being built? I don’t know, but it’s possible.

Sure it’s possible but it wasn’t border agents that found them, it was normal people like you and me that just happen to live down there.

Another thing, about that quote from bush, islam is NOT a religion of peace and honesty. Islam is the total opposite of peace and honesty and if you don’t believe me just google ISIS.

And you think Christianity is a religion of peace and honesty? Look at how LVS and Big Country behave, with their insinuations of threats, and talk of guns and violence. I’m assuming they were raised Christians. Think about it #maybe before you make broad sweeping indictments against Islam.

The Bible says you will know them by their fruits. You look at islam and those that follow it to the letter. The beginning of the Koran talks about peace and tolerance but the last half talks about hatred and violence and killing the infidel. According to experts any verse that contradicts itself, the second verse is the one that you follow. So those that say islam is a religion of peace, they are either very ignorant or they are out right lying to you.

Peter, I know you said that you left again but just in case read this article or letter. This is the true islam.

So what Bush said that. George Bush drank the cool-aid too.

That don’t mean you have to.

@watchdog-Anyone who believes that Muslims are not out to destroy anyone who is no one of them is stupid. Anyone who believes Obama does not support Muslims needs their heads examined. Just my opinion of course, but, I am not blind, deaf, or stupid.

When Obama said what you think he said maybe you should have turned the volume up alittle bit.

hey lvs im hanging in there bud. maybe@ we should do second season shotgun than and i will try to get a extra tag to drop one for lvs. phil@ sanction a cage fight. if my lawyer
says the paperwork is ok, im game to take you in combat. ps-its going to hurt. somebody has to shut you up. i guess its me.sorry it came down to this.

I’ve never shot a deer with a shotgun before, I always went bow hunting, and even then I never sat in a tree stand. I preferred to sneak up on them, they have a better chance to get away that way and believe me many have but some haven’t.

Big Country,…are you for real? This site is meant for intelligent conversation(which I’m afraid to say, you have none to offer).
My advice to you is this: go back to Hillbilly Chatrooms with Wendingo. Just leave the talk about your guns, knuckles, and small penis out of it. Don’t worry, you’ll get along fine. Have a good day Derwood. LOL.

Looks like you made some people nervous Big.

@maybe-bunch of scared sissy’s.

This is the only known footage of Big Country. He’s the one in white pants Photo of BC.

Yeah im really hurt by there comments lvs and maybe, im also very scared now. phil said he would take on anybody on in combat. im game

Years ago my, lets say my instructor told me that some think they can and some know they can. Those that think they can always try to prove it, those that know they can say nothing.

@Big Country-Yep, we all tremble when Philly says he is coming after us.

Phil,…is that real “our” Big Country? If so then that must be “our” maybe on “our” LVS’s shoulders huh???
Feedback appreciated.

That’s all of them on stage playing…BC, LVS, Wendingo, Maybe. They were Big Country the band but became jaded after the public rejected every other song they sang besides their one hit, so they moved to north Iowa and turned to deer hunting, alcoholism and conservative ideology…and later of course blogging . Btw laughed my ass off on “KelvinKoolidge”. Suntana is pretty funny also. 🙂

You think that you are so funny, we changed our name and had quite a few #1 hits.

Phil made a challenge, i accepted. and maybe i dont think they would like the sound of our music bud!

Study Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes and the teachings of Siddartha Guatama aka a The Buddha. You’re just a man BC, with flesh,bones, sinews, pus, blood, hair, etc. you’re fallible, and susceptible to birth, illness, aging and decày. You can play the tough guy routine all day and night long, but I know you’ll eventually tire and need to take rest, and will by default appreciate the Agreements society has made with one another…so spare us your bullshit.

And if you persist with this redneck hillbilly tough guy routine to the threat and intimidation of me or any other blogger on this website, I will begin preparing the legal and ethical grounds to place your pathetic ass in a cage for the rest of your biological life. So think about it. You value your freedom? Do you value your life? Stop bulling people. Make your points or go away.

Look who is threatening legal action. Old Philly who hates the courts, hates the police and hates the law in general, but will sure threaten people with legal action. Talk about trying everything to bully people into his way of thinking. Except it won’t work. He had better talk to Matt, who knows that posting anonymously on an anonymous website will pretty much stop all legal action.. Also, we have enough on Philly to show he brings it on himself. Getting Matt t delete his comments won’t work

@Philly-This is going nowhere. You are not going to change me and I am not going to change you. I have made you this offer before. You keep your mouth off me and I will leave you alone. Of course you can’t do that for more than a couple of days, but it will stop for awhile. Just remember, I know you for what you are. So, you stop and I will. how is that for a offer?

Yes but like it or not, you have become an epitome for a certain type of thinking. You earned it LVS, you’re now the archetype and example on which all others in your class are based. I think you may even qualify as a brand, but one in which the patents ran out. I’ll try not to refer to you, but it’ll be hard…like trying not to say Xerox when copying a document.

@Philly-I don’t mind at all thet people know I think differently than you and the other libraterds that spout off on here. As a matter of fact that is my goal. As I said, I will leave you alone as long as you keep your mouth off me.

hey lvs and maybe. its getting close to fall. if i can get maybe to lay the stick and string!! you boys up for a venison hunt? 1st season muzzleloader. leave your addres with matt m. hes as trustworthy as they get. freezer is out of deer meat!!

I haven’t been hunting in years, all I have is a shotgun and an AR.

@Big Country-How have you been. It has been awhile. It has also been a lot of years since I went hunting and the last time I did I just took pictures to show everyone I could have shot that buck. To much work to clean it and haul it out of the woods. Besides, I really don’t enjoy killing anymore. However, I do like to eat it if you get some. Good to hear from you again. Matt already has my address I think. I would have to tell him it is OK to share.

Pulling the shutter and not the trigger…that’s admirable LVS. I’m not against hunting though, if it’s done for food and with respect.

Ebola virus outbreak: 2 Americans infected. Really, it’s time to enact the Ron Paul isolationist policy and everyone stay home. I’m tired of hearing of Americans in far away dangerous places causing our CDC and State Dept. headaches. Some are placing our own people in danger here at home by spreading disease. STAY HOME!!

maybe they are missionary’s helping people, could be worse though, they could be riding motorcycles with illegal exhausts.

@maybe-I hate to say it but I kind of agree with Philly on this one. Why bring it back here???

I didn’t say anything about them coming back. If they felt they had to go to another country to help them that’s up to them, not peter.

@maybe-well that’s alright with me if they want to go there. just don’t bring it back here to us.

Ebola has a 90% mortality rate. It spreads easily among bodily fluids. It’s a national health emergency. It is NOT their choice to travel to such regions unless they are prepared to stay there and die. I wouldn’t let anyone else travel there by executive decree.

@Philly-I am pretty sure I have been reading that it is transmitted by airborn. That is a whole different deal. It can spread just by coughing or sneezing. Bad stuff and nothing to take any unnecessary chances with.

It’s not airborne.

Phil, if your ancestors would have stayed home… wouldn’t be here. Shut up.

Does anyone else find it strange that the President of the MC Chamber of Commerce is not a Mason City business person but a Northwood Gambling Operations Man. He must do a great job of convincing the folks in Mason City that a casino is a bad idea for Cerro Gordo county. Think of the loss of jobs, taxes and revenue our local businesses have lost to the casino then the powers to be elect a person like Kim Pang to lead the organization. Rabrai was a great success for a few too! keep on keepin

@Matt-It is all about the money with the chamber. Class and integrity have nothing to do with it.

The issue to come before the City Council about vicious animals is not about that at all..It is just one more way to strip the rights away from the citizens.. With this new ordinance, the police can determine the dog vicious and do not need a court order to euthanize. I said b4, some dogs are not vicious at all, but scared. When they have been abused in the past especially. Just give them a chance and get the court order. These council persons are meaner than most dogs I know…

sorry MaryBeth, I am a delivery person and these nice dogs attack me all the time. The owner always says, “he/she has never done that before,” I have heard it a hundred times. If you order on line, lock your dog up, it might be your best friend but it is not mine. I will also be calling the police to confirm rabie shots as I only have three days to live after getting bit.

Our dog was over 17 years old at the time, a mailman came around the fence and startled our dog so he barked at him once, 1 single bark. He never charged him , he just turned toward him and from 20 feet barked. The post office contacted us and said we had a vicious dog and they wouldn’t deliver to us until we got a mailbox out front. our dog had arthritis so he couldn’t run anyway.

“Buzz did you know the letter ‘P’ is the only letter you can run through all the vowels with and have them make sense?”

Just as I expected, you sit around the house playing with your Pp.

“This site is not Peterx3.” Oh, really???

Philosophus July 26, 2014 at 1:02 pm.
Philosophus July 26, 2014 at 1:11 pm.
Philosophus July 26, 2014 at 1:22 pm.

“Philosophus makes his points.” No, more like manic rants, again and again and again and again and………

Exactly. Manic rants. That are allowed to go on, and on, and on, and on………over and over again.

Buzz did you know the letter ‘P’ is the only letter you can run through all the vowels with and have them make sense? Try it: Pappy, Peppy, Pippy, Poppy, Puppy. Now say it real fast over and over again. It’s like a tongue twister. I discovered this important insight on my own. Do you see now how important I am to the forward progress of our species?

Dare I ask how you come to that knowledge peter? Did you move your finger up and down on your lips in a rapid motion while saying the letter P?

I’m sorry, it rained again, and I’m waiting for my construction site to dry up, so my presence is stepped up when I’m indoors, idle. I don’t hate police or the military. I’m angry the police isn’t doing their job properly concerning the subject I won’t mention…and obviously I have philosophical grievances with certain aspects of the military and its culture. I write, because all other channels are exhausted. What greater way is there to change minds then to write?

@Philly-I sure hope it dries up soon and your phone battery goes dead.

Once again, Matt is deleting my comments against Peter. Ya know Matt, people judge you by the people you are friends with. That’s fine. This site sucks because all it is is Peter, Peter, Peter. He just goes on and on and on. He’s a loser. Nice friend ya got there buddy!

This site is not Peterx3. Philosophus makes his points. You and anyone else is perfectly capable and relatively free to do the same. What I notice is people make nasty rude personal attacks and pass them off as comments. I make points, and have a clear directive,objective, and logic concerning the world I’m immersed into. Some of the ongoing detractors, like LVS, and Buzz I don’t mind, cuz it serves a yin/yang purpose. Personally, I don’t like to see any comments deleted, but not my call

And Matt and I are not friends. We’ve met only a few times. I appreciate that he allows my views to be heard on NIT. It seems to me that everyone is entitled the same shot at writing comments;it’s just that instead of people trying to make their objective points, they spend their time taking pot shots at mine. I suppose Matt gets sick of that and deletes the ones he considers “lame, uninteresting” (as he mentioned). Again, there’s plenty of room for everyone in my view. Learn to write.

And sorry for a third comment on this, but perhaps you would feel more comfortable at the Globe Gazette Discussion Board where everything is highly monitored and censored? I remember writing on the Globe site many years back and watching my comments get deleted just for making points about how the city was being run, or certain landlords stealing deposit monies. That was true censorship. I think that NIT has come a long way and instead of trying to get me censored, counter my points!

There is nothing interesting with Peter’s comments. It’s just his same rant over and over……..oh boo hoo, loud motorcycles.

I went to Mercy Leigh Credit Union yesterday.. I noticed a different feeling in the air. Seems like the place is totally diffent. What a breath of fresh air

I’ve had excellent service there for a long time. Recommended them to a friend who’s mother retired from Mercy and is now deceased and they were rude to them and “slammed the door in their face.” I was embarrassed for recommending them.

On Interstate 35 just now, I saw a candy apple red souped up Charger or Mustang Iowa State Patrol car that had pulled over a pickup truck. It’s lights were flashing in the back window. This is the first time I have seen a red hot rod car being used by law enforcement. BE CAREFUL as it’s unmarked vehicle. Personally, I think unmarked cars should be banned from use. All Law Enforcement vehicles should be uniform and clearly marked. Why should I pull over for some Red Hot Rod?

Don’t pull over for law enforcement. See what happens. Hell, why pull over if you don’t think you did anything wrong?

Red Super Charged Muscle Cars? Business must be good for law enforcement to get such nice, expensive and flashy toys. Why red? So officers can feel COOL with their shades on riding down the highway? I think it’s perfectly legitimate to ask for uniformity and visibility in law enforcement vehicles. Anyone could equip their vehicle with lights and pull someone over, then rob, or kidnap them. I wouldn’t feel comfortable pulling over for an unmarked red car lights or no lights.

They have the choice to keep or sell anything they confiscate from drug busts, you don’t have a nice car do ya peter?

Yes, actually I do. But I don’t use drugs, so it doesn’t matter. U,Yew,Ewe,You use drugs though don’t you #maybe? Tell us about your addiction to dogma.

dont you drive a geo?? except when your mommy lets you take her car out. State troopers have been driving chargers for years you just look for shit to whine about dont you?

Trying to turn this around on me huh, the only thing I take on a regular basis is aspirin, I take aspirin every day. The other pills I do have but after seeing others addicted to the same stuff I refuse to take it unless I absolutely have no choice. You can try to make me look like a druggie but it isn’t going to happen.

@maybe-that is what they do when they have no answer and no defense. They try to turn it around against you. Good job in not letting him get away with it. Philly has admitted many, many time on here that he is and was a drug user.

“The Fourth Amendment (Amendment IV) to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights that prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and requires any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause. It was adopted in response to the abuse of the writ of assistance, a type of general search warrant issued by the British government and a major source of tension in pre-Revolutionary America.”

So stop acting like pissed off British Monarchy ok?

the 4th amendment is a thing of the past, get with the times peter.

@anonymous: Aww, little boy wants to make noisey? All fussy and pouty cuz daddy takin away his noisey? Callin daddy ugly cuz little boy thinks he’s pretty?

You’re only pretty son, cuz your mother and I made you, AND, we dress you in those pretty dresses, and spend lots of money on skin creams for you. Don’t forget those braces we paid for, or your teeth would be cutting wood out back right now.

Happy saturday everyone. Get out there and attend your gardens. 🙂

@Philly-They use all different kinds of vehicles now. They use pick ups that look like work trucks and I have seen one in a yellow Camero. Obey the law and it should not be a problem.

“Anyone know where they were returning from, going, or what they were up to?”

Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.

Seen a large convoy of military trucks driving south on I 35. Stamped 1035th IANG. Out of Des Moines I think. Anyone know where they were returning from, going, or what they were up to? Must have been over 20 vehicles.

The 1133rd just got back from their annual training so I am assuming the 1135 is also.

It was IANG 1034 out of Des Moines. CSSB Unit. Recently returned July 13 from overseas. I see those obnoxious and illegal “Patriot Guard” motorcycle riders were escorting them again on July 13. I’m so damn tired of the collusion between loud illegal motorcycles and official government agencies. Enough already. Come into compliance with your machine before thinking you can “escort” military or police units. A-holes.

You know what peter, screw you. Why don’t you grow the F up and stop being a frikken baby.

Grow the F up? I’ve been thinking the same thing about these men with their loud obnoxious playthings. Same for the police running around with their plastic badges and ERTL die cast guns. I’m waiting for them ALL to grow the hell up.

If you refuse to grow up why are you complaining about others not growing up?

@maybe…He couldn’t muster up enough hair to stop a member of the Patriot Guard and tell them how he felt though could he. If he had, growing up would have been the least of his problems. I’m thinking he would have been too busy pulling their boots out of his ass to complain about anything.

If they knew who he was it would be a muffler they would be pulling out of their a$$.

The website describes the “ride requirements”, stating “all riders must ride with a helmet”, yet makes no mention of having legal tailpipes. It pisses me off to no end when these pricks assume what laws they will or will not follow, and the police go along with it all in the name of this crock of bullarky “patriotism” guise. Bulls***. Show your patriotism by following the laws drafted by our legislators for the protection of our communities!

I haven’t ridden in a couple years but the last thing I knew it wasn’t the law here in iowa to wear a helmet. Some states it is the law but not here. If you don’t like the law then run for office and if you win then submit a bill to change the law or contact your congressman and petition them to change the law. Otherwise give it a frikken rest because we are ALL tired of your ranting about it.

@maybe-it is time for the weekend attack trolls to come on here and shoot off their big mouths.

I have noticed that there are tins more on here that are not happy with the administration and government than there are that are happy with whats going on. The only difference is the ones that are NOT happy usually don’t complain as much which maybe they should. The other ones that would drop to their knees at the sound of obamas name are not as many but they complain a lot. Some of the trolls just come on here to try to insult people or to start a fight just for the fun of it.

Yeah Peter if the riders who choose not to wear a helmet and would rather have their brains scraped up off the highways it’s their prerogative.

I would love to stick a tail pipe up your…but I don’t know where your mother’s basement is!

That happens every year about this time. The Guard has been going to Minnesota for training as long as I can remember.

Goodness! I could have sworn you PROMISED to leave the area and NEVER blog on NIM ever again if you didn’t get elected….why the change of heart…? I don’t recall you ever explaining …

@Matt-Philly promised on N.I.T. too, several times as a matter of fact. But, he is a confirmed liar so no one pays any attention to what he says. He just takes up space and breathes air that could be put to a better use.

“is a confirmed liar… just takes up space and breathes air that could be put to a better use.”

Just described yourself perfectly.

@Ron-well hello there A-Hole. I would have been real surprised if a cowardly troll like you didn’t come on here on the weekend an snipe at people. You are a real low life piece of crap with no guts.

Hats off to Main Street Mason City for coordinating a phenomenal RAGBRAI!!! People forget to mention that the Coordinator was Jodee O’Brien, Executive Director of our Main Street program. She was the ” Wind Beneath our Wings”, to get all of this put together and should be congratulated for her success… WAy to go Jodee!!!

It appeared to be well planned and executed. And from the few riders I talked to they thought it was great! Good job to all!!

Doesn’t KIMT just love to showcase the Mason City police? The two are symbiotic and mutually dependent on one another. The latest story about officer Prohaska so diligently and sacrificially taking time from his RAGBRAI route to work as a police officer Wednesday about made me puke. Give us a break.

You may want to consult a grown and responsible adult to help you cope with your work/nausea condition.

I watch KWWL tv in Waterloo. they have been talking alot about Ragbrai this week and I have noticed that they do not say anything about Mason City. What does KWWL have against Mason City??? they mention every other major town across Iowa but NEVER mason city. WOW

I would say their main focus is Waverly… since that’s right out their back door.

Is it me ? Or does it look like Mason City is NOT READY …for the big event on Wednesday ? We are a HOST TOWN !

Hi could someone, who knows, tell me the difference of the bio-chemical plant that will be going into Manly and the one we have out on 19th Street. Will it be dangerous to people, the animals? I’m sure this is something many people in Manly would like to know.

@Needsome-From what I was told tonight it makes the same type of chemicals as the one here and they are very explosive under the right conditions. Also, they are very caustic if they should be spilled.
this happened a few years back in Eldora Iowa. it took 6 months before the autopsy results came back as normal causes. there should be a hit list out on these officers

@burrito maker-she is just a piece of fluff that was put on the council to get as much as she could for her business and the downtowners. She has always been that way.

I always chuckle when I see that picture of Jean Marinos. It reminds me of a puppy wanting to please its master. Or a woman begging for a bone, I’m not sure which.

I see it as her leaking gas inadvertently and scrambling for a quick way to pass it off on the next guy. Or the look of a deer in the headlights when she knows everyone heard the toot, and proximity could only place it to her.

Next they’ll have a picture of the Mayor of Hampton on there for missing his share of meetings. My peeps down there tell me the shine is gone from the apple.

Can anyone recommend a good painter? And NOT the one that advertises on this site.

Went to the Franklin County fair today. Wow what a nice fair! Today was the last day of the fair & you could not tell at all. The animal barns were still full, the midway was running strong, shows were going on and the other buildings and exhibits were all still up and full. The other thing that was full was the parking lot, a lot of people enjoying the fair. Now my question, if a town the size of Hampton can pull off a fair this nice why can we not have a decent fair like this in Mason…

perhaps, perhaps you should have ended up as a stain on the mattress. some of us agree with LVS.

Welcome back Big.

I would say that there are a lot more here that agree with LVS but the way the bullies have been acting they are too afraid to say anything. or don’t want to stoop down to their level.

This keyboard owns fascists.

How does everyone feel about Ragbri coming thru Mason? Seems like most people could care less when you look at the fact they are still looking for volunteers this close to the day. I have talked to people and they think the Chamber and Downtown association should provide all the labor for this event considering it will be their members that benefits financially from it coming to town.

@Matt-That would not surprise me at all. Piss me off yes, surprise me, no. My problem with the whole thing is, the average taxpayer gains nothing from all this. Only the elite and their cronies make money off it and the rest of us pay for it. I have nothing against people having a good time but it should not be at the taxpayers expense.

I hope they don’t come and ask the county for more money again. The $10,000.00 they got to “promote Mason City” should have all of the other cities in the county sitting up and taking notice.

Maybe they could have that coach come in for $25K again….that could have raised some funds.

I’ve lived in Mason City all my life, and never had to be showed on which streets I could ride my bicycle. But now I see bicycle signs being painted on streets all over town. What a waste of tax payer dollars. It’s kind of like the sidewalk railings under the under passes. Instead of getting galvanized railings that will stand up to the weather, this city had to put up fancy? powder coated ones that rusted the first year and had to be repainted, and repainted, etc. with tax payer dollars.

@Allen-Don’t worry. Those expensive, worthless street paintings will not be there very long. They are already wearing off down town. Once they put a little snow and salt on them they will be gone. Of course the spendall council will want to repaint them for another 100K of your tax dollars.

LVS-My family and I are avid bike riders and I hope you are wrong about repainting the streets. It was a total waste of money the first time and will be a total waste the second. I would rather see them use the money on bike paths or use it to lower taxes for that matter. The painted signs have not made riding on the streets any safer, not that the streets were unsafe in the first place. As a biker if you follow the laws and ride correctly you dont need any paint on the on the street to be safe.

@Iowa Viking-Good comments. This time I agree with you completely. I am not against people who ride bikes (I did for a long, long time) It is good for you and the enviroment. I am against wasting tax money on something that does no good at all.

One of my pet peeves is when they don’t stop for stop signs and just go right through, I almost hit one last year for doing just that.

@maybe-I almost got one coming off the 12th street bridge. He came shooting down the bridge and across Monroe and never slowed down or looked or anything. Of course he was on the sidewalk as well. If I had hit him it would have been my fault. I have seen them ride in the middle of the street, on the wrong side of the street, on the sidewalks and blow through stop signs. Now, it is not all by any means but certainly enough do it to give them all a bad name. It is to bad for the responsible riders

As a young kid growing up in Fertile we used to ride all over the place on both sides of the road but we all knew the rules and when a car came along we all made sure we followed the rules. Now days rules doesn’t matter, wither they are on a bike or not.

To CL Resident: I want you to know that I have been in contact with the CDC and they have not confirmed your claim that the waters of Clear Lake are swarming with an as yet unidentified strain of brain eating bacteria. They did say that because you seem to be exhibiting the type of symptoms that would be expected with this type of disease you should contact your heath care provider at once for further testing.

Has anyone else seen the Facebook page “Vote Judge Weiland Out”? It popped up yesterday when I was on FB. I kind of got a chuckle out of this, but am hoping this judge is ousted from the bench!

Everyone who goes to jail gets out. When you send them to crime school for long periods and destroy their soul you are making life less safe. See the big picture.

Yah, right. The same old people are on mugshots time after time. Revolving door. They clog the court system and are a drain on tax dollars. Destroying their soul, now that’s funny. How many things and lives have they destroyed. Book em Dano!!

Court a drain on tax dollars?! What about the cost of incarceration. It costs $30,000 to $60,000 a year to incarcerate just one person. They are being booked Dano. Do you think your life is safer once they’ve done 10 to 20 years with no hope for the future? You’re a fascist who supports the incarceration industrial complex.

@Hesh-You are a ignorant IDIOT.

Hesh, Many of the people you are trying to convince will not listen to reason. They don’t understand that our prisons are overcrowded as it is, and if one person goes to prison, another has to get out. And, yes, Weiland does do a lot of deferred sentences with probation, she doesn’t do it because she is soft on crime, the sentencing usually goes with what the prison system can take at that time. If, we need more prison space, then we need to build more prisons.

And guess what guys, someone has to pay for that multi-million dollar institution. And, who else, but the taxpayers will foot the bill. So, let us raise the taxes on the general population. That will please most of the whiners who think they have a better way.

@bodacious-so what is your answer smart guy? (doesn’t have to be smart to be a train driver). Do you want to turn hardened criminals, murderers, rapist, drug pushers and theives loose to do their crimes again. Come on, you are so damn smart lets here your answer. Mine is just shoot them, but you milksop libs would never go for that.

Criminals rarely do 10 to 20 years in the slammer. Most criminals don’t serve the amount of time that was handed down to them by the judge. They are released from jail and find themselves right back from where they started, and don’t even think about turning their lives around. You must be a stupid ex-con yourself since you are defending criminal behavior. Just look at NIMS and see the revolving door of idiots that can’t get their crap together.

I really don’t want to comment on your reply LVS, because I don’t have a solution but shooting them all isn’t an option. All I was trying to point out that removing Weiland isn’t solving the problem because the next judge will face the same system. Your numbnuts solution isn’t realistic. I don’t want murderers, rapists, etc. set loose. That was my whole point. Prison should be for the worst offenders. Someone who was caught with a bag of pot shouldn’t be in prison.

@Anonymous-Your response is as expected. Once again you have proved you are full of crap. People with a bag of pot have a CHOICE. Obey the law and do not smoke the ILLEGAL crap or break the law and go to jail. What the hell makes you dumb a## liberals think you can make up your own laws. Laws are there for a reason and the reason is to keep idiots like you in line.

I expect the LVS of the 1920’s to fully comply with the law and pour out his whiskey and vodka. I also expect him to never buy any alcohol or fraternize in illegal “speak-easies” where alcohol is bring seved.

@Philly-How many times do I have to tell you how ignorant you really are. I don’t DRINK alcohol and I do not smoke. Were you born stupid or do you have to work at it. Sorry, I know work is a nasty word to you.

With that new chemical plant coming to manly how concerned should a person be living in manly?

Hey Matt I thought the City Council has said we need to run the city like a business. I don’t think any business would pay this much for lines to be painted on streets especially when they will need to be repainted year after year with no end in site. These people are great business people. I just wonder if this is how Fed-ex runs.Bet not

@Matt-when we were downtown today I noticed some of those bike signs already were faded and wore out and it hasn’t even been a month. Glad to see my taxes being used so efficiently. Probably the mayor and his friends own shares in the street painting company. Worth checking out.

Has anyone heard of a brain eating bacteria in Clear Lake? Apparently hospitals have been notified but I haven’t seen anything in the news. If true, probably something people should be made aware of.

ask peter

@maybe-Do you think Peter has it?

he lives in clear lake

@maybe-You are probably right. Something must have damaged Peter’s brain. Possibly he was dropped on his head when he was a baby. It is to bad his mother didn’t do the right thing and pinch his head off when she had the chance.

Peter could have it if he went swimming in that cesspool. You on the other hand couldn’t have it LVS, because there’s no brain to eat.

@Hesh,..Don’t leave out maybe. I think they they may have gotten it thru some serious rough sex. Who’s to say for certain?

careful that you don’t cross the line, we give each other a hard time here but it’s all in fun, we don’t attack someone like that because that is just rude.

I apologize for making you cry.

The last time I cried was when my sister passed away 4 years ago. Takes more than words anyway.

You need empathy to cry. Maybe has none. Sure he can cry about his sister but he hates the general public. An evil hate mongering demagogue.

You have me all wrong, I have no hate in me, just disappointed at the way our government is being run. I am a patriot, I would live or die for my family and my country.

You’re just a corporate shill and nothing more.

that’s just your opinion which you are entitled to have, as wrong as it is.

Let me say that being a former avid cyclist I have nothing but good things to say about the benefits of riding. That said, I think the “sharrow” thing is misguided, a waste of money, and just plain stupid. These symbols of an urban utopia just don’t make sense in our auto centered town,for better or worse
I hope they are only painted for the cynical purpose of pandering to RAGBRAI and will disapear soon after.

I just betcha that those white painted symbols are meant for one year only. Then they are gone.

More than likely just a few months. Yes, kiss the $$$ goodbye.

The symbols are already starting to wear off some of the busier roads. They will never make it through a winter.

Those symbols are the stupidest things I’ve seen…meaningless. They should have spent the money drawing REAL bicycle lanes, and not these stupid “routes” that no one understands, or gives a hoot about. Who are these people making these decisions in Mason City? Geez, how hard is it to run a city? My GED education could do better than these schmutzes.

He looks like a Lance Armstrong protégé. Is that ice cream with a plastic spoon? 🙂

I just have to bitch about the bike symbols painted in our roads. This mayor and council members think they are great business people yet they waste over one hundred thousand dollars on this crap. Go uptown and they are already wearing away. This is just another money pit this council has gotten us into.

In Regards to Tick Tock and the $50,000 payment on the front page of NIT could this be related?

School District involved in $50K bullying settlement

The Clear Lake School District has paid a $50,000 settlement to the parent of a Clear Lake High School graduate based upon claims filed with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission alleging discrimination.
School Board minutes and General Fund bills published in the July 9th Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter listed a $50,000 payment made to Tim…

This culture is so devoted to automobiles that bicyclists have to ride in fear of being struck and killed on thoroughfares, as second class commuters. You can lie and say a semi trailer barreling up behind you on a narrow country highway doesn’t bother you as you ride, but I’d know you were full of shit. Too bad a secondary system of roadways hasn’t been developed exclusively for human powered motion. Do we thank Reagan for this delay in progress?

at least you can hear a Harley coming up behind you.

@maybe-I am surprised he didn’t try to blame Bush.

We were waiting for you to blame Obama actually.

So, I have been thinking about Branstad’s campaign strategy. He needs to admit that he has Parkinson’s disease for one. But based on that, I have heard from some Republicans that he just wants to get elected and then after a period of time, make the announcement. His Lt. Governor Reynolds will then be appointed to fill the vacancy. Sounds like a Branstad move. Dishonest to the core!! No wonder he is friends with Bookmeyer, Robin Anderson and the crew..

Reynolds is with him EVERYWHERE… I could see it.

@Berkah-Even if he did what you say (And you can hear anything you want) having her would still be 100 times better than crooked Hatch. He is nothing but a give away free libraterd.

12 Billion dollars shipped in $100 dollar bills air dropped into Iraq by the Bush administration to pay off private contractors like Blackwater and bribe people. Nothing more said about it. That’s blatant stealing and corruption, and yet you don’t hear a peep about it from some of the Republican minded conservative bloggers on this website; the same ones who go on and on about Obama. That’s my whine.

To borrow some words from you peter, show me the link. Just because you say it is true doesn’t mean squat to me, you have to prove it to me.

@Philly-386 billion dollars p/year spent by the Obama administration to fund ILLEGALS in this country. Why don’t you whine about that. It is happening today and then the FOOLS want to let more in.

@Philly-I usually refuse to do your work for you but look at these links,,,,

Peter’s family were immigrants to this country at some point. Many greek families came to this country with welcoming open arms. I’ve known many greek families and they are very hard workers, and grateful. Maybe Peter should take some lessons from his elder generations, be more appreciative of our country, and also get a job.

Spoken like a true Serbian. How ya doing these days PJC? I thought you might weigh in with an article about the upcoming Barlas trial. Glad Matt’s no longer paying you for your articles. I was shocked to learn you didn’t PAY HIM to get them published. Someday you’ll learn respect for me, if you haven’t already.

Sorry there Pete…not PJC or whoever. And I will NEVER have respect for you. You are an insult to your family, and your heritage.

he did it

And you know this how?

branstad doesn’t write the laws, he will sign them to make them laws but doesn’t write them so blaming him for something someone else did is just plain liberal of you.

Last time I checked. The governor can issue pardons.

Yes he can so you should have said he hasn’t stopped it instead of actually sending them to jail himself.

If it will garner him a couple more votes in the election, he will do it. That’s our governor.

OR THIS…. obama doesn’t write the laws, he will sign them to make them laws but doesn’t write them so blaming him for something someone else did is just plain conservative of you.

Yeah…It works both ways.

the only problem with that is according to the constitution that is the way it is supposed to be but Obama HAS been writing laws and passing them using executive orders which is against the law.

So is it just Obama you take issue with or all Presidents?
“Executive orders are subject to judicial review, and may be struck down if deemed by the courts to be unsupported by the Constitution.”

President Obama has issued the fewest Executive Orders of any in 100 years.

Franklin D. Roosevelt 3,522
Richard Nixon 346
Ronald Reagan 381
William J. Clinton 364
George W. Bush 291
Barack Obama 183

He has the authority regarding executive orders. Take a constitutional law class.

The amount of executive orders isn’t the problem, it’s that he is using them to either rewrite existing laws or writing new ones all together which is against the law. Yes congress can do something but they are not which makes them just as guilty.

BCN, did you even read your own link?
Ford 169, George Bush 166, both less than 183.

It’s a little odd that NIT doesn’t keep up with big news headlines…as in CISNEROS FOUND NOT GUILTY. I sorta expected to see it front and center with the conversations already raging.

Journalism on NIT? That would be new!

Well NIT is a 1-man show, so one bad buffet can send a man to the crapper for hours. Maybe a story will show up after the streams run clear.

Keep making excuses for him. It’s cute.

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