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Mason city’s new nickname is “Little Detroit” High taxes and few new jobs with a sharply declining population and long soup lines.

A better name for some parts of Mason would be Snickers Town, because some blocks are about 60% chocolate and 40% nuts.

It’s nice to make Minneapolis money in Mason City. Who determined this pay? It’s at least double what it should be. However we should not be paying for Blue Zones in the first place. WE had to join because they chose our city…much like a car dealer chooses us to win a free car if the key fits.

Regime change starts at home.

I wouldn’t use the word regime, other than that I do agree with you on this one.

Iowa voters are idiots, there’s no other way to avoid this except to move out of state for good.

How about we just get rid the idiots. It would not be legal but it would solve the problem.

@ Marybeth, you were so right a couple weeks ago when you said that “Jay Urdahl is bought and paid for by Gary Blodgett.” Casey Callanan, who used to work for old Doc, is in the same class. Then there is Mr. Dougherty, who was about to lose in the last election to Chris Watts. Phil won only after Doc flooded his district with letters claiming that a Watts victory meant higher property taxes. I, for one, do not like the idea that three Supervisors can owe so much to one Republitard.

I’ll tell you what “regime change in Iraq” brought about. It brought about millions of dollars for Cheney and his cronies. War means big money for select groups. For the rest of us it means billions of dollars in tax money expenditures and thousands of young lives lost in a war we could never win. Makes me sick.

but that’s just your opinion

I wholeheartedly agree with that opinion.

you would

The majority does. You are in the minority here.

I didn’t say I agreed with him or disagreed, all I said was figured you would agree.

@maybe-The majority agrees with you on this. Only a few fool liberals are denying the truth.

Dick Cheney, You have been so wrong, Iraq will NEVER be a peaceful country. By the way, how much did you make off that fiasco.

Freakin’ Dick Cheney, now you got me started.

Chicken Hawk DICK, that cowardly freakin’ weasel. He was all for going to war, well except when it was his turn back in the 60’s during Vietnam.

The sniveling coward got 5, count them 5 deferments to get out of service.
You ever hear his comment on that?
“I had other priorities in the ’60s than military service.”

Cheney is on my bucket list, before I die, I am going to take a crap on his grave.

He is the definition of asshole.

I watched a show on the military channel last night called black ops, about different military units and the ops they were on. Last nights was about a squad of green berets in 2003 that went into northern Iraq with some kurds going against an offshoot of al qeada who was making risen to use against US troops. Who would have thought that WMD’s were in Iraq.

Interesting, I see that Doug Nelson just won the nomination as the Democratic candidate for District 2 supervisor tonight, getting 8 of 13 votes at the convention.

Even though he finished fourth out of four in the primary.

Yes, Nelson got it, I bet Gary Blodgett could not be happier. Doug is OK, but no way he get’s past all that Blodgett money old doc put behind Callahan. Doc already bought Turdall and Dougherty. BOS is suppose to mean Board of Superviser’s. Now our BOS will be Blodgett’s Own Suck-up’s.

At this point, there is no chance for Doug Nelson to win. I hate to say that, he is a very nice guy. But, Callanan has it and will as long as he has the Blodgett money train behind him. I have always thought that most local and county elected officials should not be party affiliated anyway. How different would u treat a drainage ditch if u were Dem Or a Rep??? How would u follow the code to the letter if you were a different party… It has never made any sense to me…

There are selective cliques who comprise regional political systems, and they pick and choose which rules to follow. We all know Iowa Code 321.436 is NOT enforced. (yes i’m going to hammer on this forever because it’s proof our elected officials aren’t law abiding themselves.) So don’t act as if our officials enforce rules impartially…they don’t enforce some of them AT ALL. VROOM VROOM Boehnke. Hope you sleep well at night…cuz Lord knows many of us can’t.

@Marybeth_ I certainly agree with you on this. Party affiliations should have nothing to do with local politics. They should be 100% for all the people, not just the party they belong to.

I agree.

It was rigged. Check out who the voters were. (Shaking my head in disbelief.)

I think Mediator is alright, but let’s face it: if you only got fourth in popular vote, yet won the electoral college, the fix is in. It could be that corrupt delegates are working for the opposition by selecting the weakest candidate. Does it make sense any other way? Congratulations btw Doug.

It don’t matter if their corrupt, or stupid, maybe both. Like you say the fix is in. The weakest canidate got it, Gary’s boy Callahan will win now. Some democracy we got here.

I’m just surprised that people are so apathetic, uninformed, or flat out stupid to understand what’s going on with their Democratic Process and elected city governments. They must just figure as long as nothing major goes wrong, the regime in power is free to do what they please. If this Blodgett indeed is the head vampire running Clear Lake, then I was oblivious to his power last election November. I did notice yard signs popped up overnight, as it was all set to go by the machine.

I have nothing against Doug Nelson, but he doesn’t stand a chance against Callanan. I think Mike Grandon would have had a much better chance.

One thing’s for sure: if you don’t vote in November, YOU’RE TO BLAME if we end up with supervisors who are all under Gary Blodgett’s control. And I’m fairly certain you’ll still be on here complaining about the whole situation. You have time to do THAT, but somehow you can’t find the time to vote. Pathetic.

I’m still a legal resident of Clear Lake. Me and the other members of this house will be voting for Doug Nelson aka “The Mediator.” (3 votes)

Philosophus, sorry if it sounded like my comment was directed at you. It was directed at all Cerro Gordo County voters.

@new citizen-they do not want people to know what goes on in the council. Everything is pre-arranged to the mayor’s wish before the meeting ever starts. The vote is nothing but a rubber stamp. Citizens have no voice at all in what happens and for the most part are not allowed to voice their concerns. If they do have the guts to get up there they are just ignored or the mayor try’s to make them out a fool. No one goes anymore as it is a waste of time.

Yeah? And you’re kidding yourself to believe the same thing doesn’t occur in Clear Lake? Of course it does. Those meetings are all pre-determined, pre-decided rubber stamp sessions. I wouldn’t doubt the CL council breaks Quorum rules. They’re smart, so I’m sure they just interpass things thru Scott Flory the City Administrator. But when the gabble drops, Crabb flies thru those things…a clear sign their minds have already been made up ahead of time.

The people of Clear Lake don’t deserve democracy. They’re not smart and able enough to use it properly. But hey, in fact they don’t really have democracy…just autocracy, and a dash of plutocracy.

@ LVS…Amen to that brother!!!

Your right Marybeth, its democracy for the few here. It will get worse if this Republitard Callahan Blodgett’s have bought and pay for, he wins for our BOS. He gets in, all 3-0 are in Gary’s pocket. Old doc writes out them big checks shakes his money tree gets his rich Buddy’s to kick in, our election’s are decide before even the vote. Urdahl is already bought, Chris Watts would of beat Phil then Gary mails out all them letters, they say, if Watts wins your tax goes up. 3-0, awful.

Dear Animal control officer this is how its done! Read and watch maybe you’ll learn a thing or two.

You advocate vigilante justice?

Here we go again– The City Council is taking up the privatization of the Janitorial services again. It will pass this time since Hickey was gone last time and is bringing it back..

This is just so wrong on so many levels…

But, I never believed it was true– that u can’t fight City Hall… but in this town—- So very true and so very sad!!!!

@Marybeth-They have control now and can pretty much do what they want. They will probably contract it to one of the mayors friends as political payback. And of course Hickey will be nothing but a yes vote for whatever the mayor wants. We had a chance to change all this last year and the lazy butts in this town would not get out and vote.

You are so right!! Their sense of entitlement, and superiority has grown out of proportion since the election. I never like to say there is no hope, but right now, there is just no way our citizens have a voice in any decision making. Jodi and I were talking a couple weeks ago and we agree that it is worse than ever. They refuse to entertain new ideas and have only one agenda– follow the Mayor!!! There is hope for Alex Kuhn– but he is only one vote!! It is just sad…

I think it would help if the “report comment” feature was moved far away from the “reply” option. When using smart phones with tiny screens, how many of us mistakenly report a comment while trying to reply? I just did again by accident. And I’ll say right now I’m not a fan of the “gazillion” options which causes every little “hover” to open up into a new feature or link. It’s maddening. Simple is always best.

Matt, I know I entered my correct password but I still can’t get in. Will you fix this please? Thx!

Marijuana Compound Kills Brain Tumors in Humans

Iowa wants you to have cancer.

you are totally stoned

However, you are on plethora of hard pharmaceuticals, don’t work and is disabled. This is rich, you sit home all day and take pills, yet everybody else is a drug user.

First of all I don’t sit around all day, I keep busy and yes I take certain drugs for pain but I don’t take them a lot. I have Vicodin and tramadol for the pain but I haven’t taken them in a while. The only thing I take on a regular basis is aspirin for my headaches. You are trying to compare medical drugs to recreational drugs?

BS, marijuana is medicine even in Iowa. You just can’t get the 70’s out of your head because you’re all drugged up.

so you take hardcore extremely addictive narcotics but your against people using marijuana?? and that makes sense to you??

Yes the doctor prescribed me the drugs but like I said I don’t take them. I know you guys are trying to make me out a hypocrite but I have been nothing but honest with you, the drugs I have are for pain, which I am constantly in but I still refuse to take them but someday I might need them.

@maybe-The major difference between what you do and what these brain dead druggers do is called “LEGAL”. What they do is “ILLEGAL”. That makes them criminals. They are all for enslaving and killing kids just to satisfy their weakness.

So what’s with the blond hair mullet guy occupying the downtown bars like he owns the places? I’ve even seen a KIMT girl following him around with a drink in her hand. His brad Pitt good looks? Or maybe something else is going on that makes him such a “popular” guy?

Janet Solberg looks like the wicked witch of the west.

She is a piece of work. Smug, entitled, rude, no personality, and gets paid a fortune. Her only real qualification was that she is a State Senators daughter..and the husband is a jelly fish… she rules the roost….

Whats up with the disc golf course so INCONVENIENTLY located? If you drive over the bridge your car almost gets pelted by one flying over head thats gone stray. If you try and walk your kids through the park you almost need body armor on to protect yourself from getting hit! I wish more of the players had respect and at least waited for people to pass…lets face it many of them have an AWFUL AIM. Can’t we peacefully coexist with out someone getting a black eye or cracked windshield?

Beaned by a Frisbee. How criminal. Lock em up Andy.

All joking aside, a frisbee disc thrown full force could easily kill a child, or wildlife, and would seriously injure or possibly freakishly kill an adult. They are like death saucers, with rigid sharp edges, designed to fly maximum distances. I sure as sheep wouldn’t want to get hit with one. It could knock you out if it hits you in the back of the head. They weight anywhere from 150 to 190 grams. Yell 4 for Christ’s sake golfers. Teach your kids what “4” means.

Your hypothesis about the infamous Frisbee Killing Machine and serious injuries caused by launching it is substantiated by what source?

My licensing and accredation with the National Board of Killer Death Saucers…179 class.

“Early Bird gets the first Squirm.” I wake up earlier than you, and I go to bed later than you, yet you still think you’re the better monk than I? You still come at me with your foul stench. I walked from Clear Lake to Mason City yesterday 10.4 miles in the lightning and thunderstorm at times. I’m the better Range Rover LVS…beating you in intellect and physical prowess. I’m not even sure at this point, I would allow you to manage my stead or polish my armor.

You spend way too much time as it is polishing your own armor. Try not to let your mom walk in on you while you are doing it.

All you people bitching about sponsors in youth leagues. If you don’t like it, then open up your wallet and sponsor a team otherwise shut the hell up. You are lucky pure pleasure and North Iowa Boar Semen even give a shit about youth leagues. Everyone gets a trophy and there are no losers. No wonder MCHS is the laughing stock of 4A sports in the state.

You are all a bunch of idiots who bitch about the names and sponsors of mason city youth baseball. To begin with there is NO North Iowa boar semen and NO pure pleasure teams. Mason city youth baseball “doesn’t have to go there” Its just more made up crap that the idiots on this site take as the gospel truth. Kids wearing a jersey with dildo’s on it…are you serious? I as head of the idiot police am coming after you.

What does this have to do with MCHS sports being a laughing stock? It seems to me there are several sports at the high school that are extremely respectable.

@Ben-I think what they mean is you must train the kids to be winners starting when they are young. Otherwise they think winning is not important and it follow through when they get older. To say it affects all high school athlete’s is just wrong. Every year we have a few that still do very well. When they lose year after year it is not the kids, it is the coaching or administration. Our kids are no worse than any other kids. It is how they are trained.

Thats classy. No matter how much parents shield their child from custody battles the kid still has to go through it to some degree. The fact that you felt the need to plaster it all over a public forum is just low. What were you hoping to gain or start from this? Issues involving children should ALWAYS be kept private. I suggest this being deleted.

Got to love a our city summer help,they drive around an follow each other in green city pickups.Hardly ever see them doing anything,maybe reason why it takes 2 weeks to mow some of our parks.Seems to me they are just plain lazy.Work hard or hardly work take your pick.

No custody you must be a special kind of low life to post peoples personal matters on a public forum. These peoples personal matters are none of your business. Pull your lower lip over your head and swallow real hard.

Has anyone seen the transvestite African American on North Federal? He/she is very whacked out on something. He raises Shish Tzu’s and is quite the drama queen. Cheap entertainment!

They will still send the 2nd place vote recipient in as the candidate.. but at least it may start to send a message…maybe.

Nevada Democrats Chose ‘None of These Candidates’ in Primary

Leonard Foster sueing everyone he can, wants a “settlement”. Cry foul lenny to get free money because you’re black. you and your kind make everyone sick. go away and stay there.

@ Taxpayer-

Leonard is not suing anyone. Lionel is…

. . . oh crap, my bad. um no edit button

I was recently talking with a good friend of mine who is an Iraqi war Veteran. He spent 15 months in Iraq the same time my brother did. After his service he has been suffering from PTSD and gets real bad Headaches. They come and go but usually cause a repercussion on his body afterwards. This friend works (worked) for the City of Mason City and recently got fired for his attendance issue (all excused by the VA) the day after Memorial Day. Great way to treat a Local Veteran. More details coming!

The week before this year’s Memorial Day he had a real bad Migraine and went to the VA. They gave him a week off pass to recuperate. He gets contacted by his boss and she asked him to give proof of this VA note and he does. One day after Memorial Day He gets fired for not showing up for work the last week. He had sent them the doctor’s note in the mail and they received it Tuesday. But they still fired him. It really sickens me that the City of Mason City treats their local veterans this way.

I can understand these people that want to live in the woods away from everyone. I park at the lake to enjoy the day, I get a lady wanting to share her religious beliefs with me, I drive to east park, I get a group in matching tee shirts wanting to visit with me. I go home, turn on the tv and have young men on bikes at my door. LEAVE ME ALONE!

Another shooting: school in Oregon. Par for course?

Now that looks like a book worth reading. Thanks for the link. 1/4 acre farming. Maybe, you may actually be transcending LVS’s school of negativity, and moving into the realm of positive pro-action. Does this mean you’re becoming a progressive?

@Philly-Only you would ever think moving from a hole under a house (your mothers basement) to a hole you dug in the ground as something progressive. It mus be a death wish on your part waning to live in a grave. I hope it works for you.

LVS, I once helped dig a very large latrine shit pit. It was comforting down there. Underground shelters stay perpetually cool. With the right greenhouse attachment over top, it could be a very efficient shelter to stay warm and comfortable in. I’ll link you pictures as my projects further along.

Progressives is just another word for communist. I sent you that link because I thought you might like it, don’t read anything into my actions.

Philosophus: blog your project, you will be surprised the followers you will get!

@Philly-I am going to give you a break and pass on the obvious reply to your post. I am surprised that you would give me an opening like that.

LVS, there’s nothing wrong with making peace with the earth. The pit hadn’t been used yet silly turd. The future of the planet may be found in subterranean dwellings…ala’ The Matrix Trilogy.

@Philly-It is nice you helped dig a latrine shit pit. It will make a good place to bury a piece of crap like you.

pardon the pun but when the SHTF I might need to hire you peter to help me dig an outhouse hole.

LVS I’m thinking of donating my body to the Kinney Pioneer Museum for permanent display…while I’m still living that is.

Maybe they will make a statue out of you, put a shotgun in your hands, a huge hat on your head and stand you next to the rabbit at the police department, Elmer.

Maybe, with all your experience driving tanks, you should rent a bobcat on tracks and skid dig it out.

Growing up on a farm I have more experience with a bobcat than a tank. I just figured you needed the work.

No, what I really need is someone with backhoe or bobcat to take me past my first wave of excavation. Callouses are forming and I’m only a foot down. 5 more to go at least. With the deep freeze this past winter, I may need to go 8 foot down. Where’s the water table? Good question. I need standpoint well also!

Peter, all I have to say is dig faster, after august we don’t know whats going to happen.

Monday Humor…..:-)

Fun fact:
Humans are deuterostomes, which means that when they develop in the womb the anus forms before any other opening.
Which basically means at one point we were nothing but an asshole.
Some people never develop beyond this stage.

That Cracks me up!! No pun intended

What did I do to cause all this? Even if I didn’t agree with you on everything at least I respected your right to say it. I guess that only goes 1 way.

I’m just throwing a little chuckle knuckle your way maybe, I don’t mean anything by it, you’re at least discoursing in a respectful manner. LVS on the other hand: I mean every bit of it! His sour ain’t ever turning sweet.

@maybe-don’t take it to heart. He is to damn stupid to know what he is saying. I have been leaving him alone but he just can’t keep his mouth off other people.

“Also: The United States ranks 3rd in murders throughout the world.
However, if you take out Chicago, Detroit, Washington, D.C., and New Orleans, the United States is 4th from the bottom for murders. These 4 Cities have the toughest gun…”

That’s new true, show me your source.

Typical socialist, instead of doing the work to prove them wrong you just sit there and have him prove himself right. He already did the research, now it’s your turn to do it to prove him wrong. Come on nature boy, get off your a$$ and do something.

Burden of proof is on the claimant.

what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? lawyers and politicians make statements all the time that may not be 100% true. So whats your statement got to do with anything?

Agree with Mediator.

If you make a statement that you imply is fact, you had better be able to back that statement up with proof.

Now if you are stating an opinion, that is another matter.

As to what “Crusty, grizzled red neck’ posted, all you have to do is Goggle pretty much any of it and you will see that it is all pure hokum and bunk.

“Burden of proof is on the claimant.”

To lazy to Google, eh Joao do Carmo?

Very well, here “Let me Google that for you”

Interesting, I’m lazy because I won’t “goggle” your assertions; but you’re not when you won’t “goggle” Crusty’s assertions.

Ah, I can appreciate a contrarian.

Where did you read into my comment that I did not “google” his comment?
Actually it was the first thing that I did.

My point was that if you are going to post what you believe to be a statement of fact, you should post a link to back up your assertions (as you so quaintly put it).

Perhaps I should have posted a link that disproved his post, instead of just suggesting it.
Especially since that was my point.

I’ll do that, if you won’t assume.

Here’s a great way to put North Iowa on the map. Recumbent bike racing. The Great Iowa annual Recumbent race. GIARR. It could be a tradition, just start out with a $5k prize and trophy and you are set. It would grow to become famous like RAGBRAI and bring all kinds of people to the hotels. We don’t have a shortage of income, we have a shortage of ideas.

“Neither of the logos on the shirts are funny or appropriate. A cartoon hog being “serviced” and a two “toys” crossed like swords.”

Is this for real?! Are you kidding me?

I don’t know if it is true but my grandson plays in pee wee and according to my daughter, who goes to every practice and game, that there are no teams that have those sponsors. Like I said, I don’t know.

Perhaps she got married because she requires North Iowa boar semen? Ha

Do you what they call a North Iowa pimp? A swine herdsmen.

I don’t think he’s for sale.

It is free, and I think the RAGBRAI committee and maybe the Chamber and Downtown Assn. might be paying for it? Not sure, but I don’t think the city itself pays for anything besides overtime for city workers, police, etc.

isn’t it City Park? If it is I would say it’s free.

Do you mean how much did the city pay for him to play?

I know the county gave the city $10,000 to help “promote RAGBRAI in Mason City”. Perhaps some of that was used to help cover this expense.

Whatever they paid it’s too much. Not a fan! What would be funny is if his do-rag blows off and then everyone would know he’s completely bald under there! How many times can you hear “Every rose has, blah…blah…blah.

Wow, a criminal? Really? I’m not much of an Obama fan but a criminal? Could you get any further to the right!

I am not right or left, I am an American that doesn’t have his head shoved so far up his own ass that he can’t actually see whats going on.

Take a breath. He has not broken any laws. I am so happy he has not let us into war for purely personal reasons costing thousands of lives. People of the opposite party of the president always critize, whine, complain and make salacious accusations about the president. Obama has done a good job. I am so happy millions have health care so my my insurance premiums don’t go up when ERs are providing primary care.

I guess for some, ignorance really is bliss.

The only thing worse that someone that is far right is someone that is far right but thinks they are in the middle!

I am a realist, I listen to what they are saying, both left and right. I see the laws they pass and want to pass. If they say Obama wants to do something I look for a video of him saying that, as well as other politicians, I look for videos of them saying things. I look for eye witnesses to the events and I put everything together and that’s where I get what I talk about. From what I have seen and heard, Obama is the biggest crook ever, as is most of the left and some of the right.

Maybe-I can respect that. We really need more people that are not just straight down party lines, need more people that think for them self’s and vote for a person not just a party. I think our opinions on Obama are similar, I am just not ready to call him a criminal yet.

The release of terrorists for a deserter without notifying congress is against the law and holds a sentence of 10 years to life according to the law. I have been voting since the 80’s and every person I have voted for has been republican, coincidence I guess. There is a guy that was running for senate, Bob Quast, a democrat and I really liked him and what he had to say, just sorry he didn’t make the primaries.

Bob Quast?
Seriously, Bob Quast?

Quast never got enough signatures to run as a Democrat(no surprise there) so he now touts himself as an “Independent”…Hmmm, that sounds familiar.

Bob Quast is a nutcase pure and simple.
He shamelessly promoted his own sisters murder to advance his own whacked out ad.

As to your “research”, I’ve checked out the links that you provided in other posts.
Everyone of those links to some site that makes Rush Limbaugh look like a moderate.

Far right wingers that claim to be an Independent are just too embarrassed to admit what they really are.

I still can’t believe that you think that President Obama should commit suicide, that’s sick.

I call out the Prayer Hag: the one who claims prayer circles against political candidates. Come forth hag…let your wicked presence be felt.

North Iowa Boar Semen and Pure Pleasures Team shirts for little girls sports teams. Now THAT’S funny, I don’t care who you are.

Neither of the logos on the shirts are funny or appropriate. A cartoon hog being “serviced” and a two “toys” crossed like swords. Does Mayor Bookmeyer have any pull (no pun intended) in this area?

I’m sure everyone would gladly allow you to sponsor a team or two.

That was left here for the next council meeting even the carnies think our council is nothing but a amusement ride. Hope there are enough seats maybe Urdahl can join them. NOW THATS FUNNY

Why is there a carnival ride still parked down at EastPark 2weeks later
after BandFestival?If car parked for 2weeks on city property it would of been ticketed and towed by now.

Why is there a carnival ride at East Park still? Did they forget it?

I have driven by that thing daily and wondered the same myself. Why was this ride abandoned? Maybe it was past the point of being repaired. Either way it should probably be relocated before people start messing with it.

A loud “hog” went by the valley early this morning. I could still hear it over 2 miles away. For the first 1/4 mile it was ugly repulsive sounding. How on earth is it legal for these machines to spill forth such volumes for such great distances? Loud pipes are mostly heard BEHIND the motorcycle.

Karma. We have to listen to you, you have to listen to them.

First Stone- who threw it?

“But they started it” is not a mature point to make.

Confuse, obfuscate, obstruct. This has always been the tactic for you loud pipe apologists. Never wanting to face the reality of your illegal, harassing status. Still surprised and joyful society has let you get away for as long as you’ve gone. Trying to keep loud pipes as the norm. Obnoxious pigs. Karma? Karma is more and more accidents claiming your kind. That’s the real karma.

I don’t own a loud motorcycle nor do I like them. I also do not care for your incessant whining about the noise at your moms house. To make light of accidental death, shows your true level of compassion.

Loud pipes wake up your mother then she’ll confiscate your stash.

That was no ordinary “hog” that was a HARLEY!!!!!!

Makes a man glad to be alive when you hear one of those babies rumble by doesn’t it.

Let it go, you’ll get used to it.

I wish some of these Harley riders would invite Peter to Bike night to voice his concerns. But in all honesty, he doesn’t have the guts to talk to them personally.

What you refer to is called “self-help”, and citizens living in a supposed civil society aren’t supposed to need to resort to self help to achieve remedy; that’s what laws and police are for. It’s not my job to “confront” bikers about their illegal behavior anymore than it would be my job to confront a bank robber who just robbed a bank. It’s the job of the police, and the lawmakers to refine any legislation that appears vague to the police who are charged with enforcement.

Your knowledge of “doing a job” is purely theoretical.

@ Mark Mark — “Let it go, you’ll get used to it.”

Umm, he can’t and no he won’t. Ever. People in that condition fixate on something and that’s all that matters to them.

” I could still hear it over 2 miles away. For the first 1/4 mile”

You measured? How OCD of you.

Yesterday a car went by my house with the booming speakers. Too much bass. It was so loud that my windows were shaking. I can’t stand that noise! But, who cares. They drove by and were gone. Geez. Get over it Peter. Stop being such a cry baby. Find some other source to vent. Take it to the individual themselves that are annoying you. I’m sure they would be interested in what you have to say…….NOT!

Let me guess, a black Humvee?

Didn’t see the car, just heard it. Who cares. My point was to tell Peter to stop being a cry baby!

I love sneakers in the dryer it’s more musically appreciable.

Congratulations Matt!
I am happy for you and your family.

Can you clue us in Iowaviking5 or is it too personal?

Yes, but it’s better that you are clueless.

After attending the Parks and Rec softball games last night, I now understand why more high school students are not going out for and/or quitting high school sports. 90% of the adults that were there were complete idiots. Youth sports continue to go down the drain because of the adults. I suggest a no fan rule at the games. Maybe the kids will have some fun that way.

The problem is no consistency in the way the games are run.Certain coaches can get away with bending the rules, umps are 13 year olds.Tonite in my sons game the other coach kids repeatedly would crouch down when ball was being pitched so there was no strike zone and take walks,and bat kids out of order. We pay a lot of money for our kids to play in MCYBA and they can’t have any kind of officials looking over the games. There is no order in any of the park and rec or youth leagues.

Thank you for making my point for me. It’s the adults like you are ruining it not the umps. I’m guessing your son had to listen to you complain on the car ride home too. smh

My 2nd grade daughter blew a chance at a double play in Parks & Rec softball. When we got home I hit 100 ground balls at her. That won’t happen again! Can’t count on the coaches to make em better. She costed us the game and me a $25 bet! We can still win a championship if they put thwir Barbies away and their get their stuff together.

I am one of the Parks & Rec softball coaches and I take offense to the suggeation that the coaches are moronic, self-centered yahoos. No one spends more time on tlhaving the girls on their team watch me take swings than I do. No one coaches more on game day than I do. No one is louder when I make them quit amiling during the game then I do. That smiling makes me so — mad. Dial in!!! I blame Mayor Bookmeyer for not budgeting the Parks & Rec budget so they can PAY me what I deserve!!!

Hope you coach better than you write.

“She costed us the game and me a $25 bet! We can still win a championship if they put thwir Barbies away and their get their stuff together.”
“No one is louder when I make them quit amiling during the game then I do. That smiling makes me so — mad. Dial in!!!”

So its all about winning?

I sincerely hope this is a “tongue in cheek” reply!

Fed Up, not at all. I don’t do that. It’s just some of the coaches that also coach sports in other sports do get special treatment or officials don’t care. Parents who have their kids in youth sports know the ones I’m talking about.Whent to a game last night just to watch, The coaches were arguing with each other because they both were bending rules (one being a league commissioners team).Good thing Tabe was there to straighten it out.

OMG! The wusification of American continues!!! If you ain’t a cheaten you ain’t a tryen!

Jao do Karmo-


If you don’t want to be concerned with winning go play soccer. I hear they don’t have scoreboards their and every one holds hands throughout the games.

At that age, I thought it was about having fun. Not winning at all costs.

Like I say to the girls in my pre-game speech, “Winning is fun. Losing sucks. LET’S GO HAVE SOME FUN!!!”

Thanks “Coach”, I think you made the OP’s point for him.

MCYBA is always looking for volunteers to help with baseball since it is a non-profit organization. Each year the league has 6 to 8 teams that don’t have coaches. It is impossible to have someone at each game when there are 9 games going on at a time. Parents can find a board member on call or check with the concession stand if there are any issues on any night.

Who chooses the sponsors? I know they are hard to come by but really??? My daughter has to wear a shirt that says North Iowa Boar Semen on it? Nothing against the hard-working, hands on people that run that business but I have had to answer a lot of questions from my 1st grader that I hadn’t planned on yet. And I would think the coach could have a different end of the game team cheer then having them all loudly spelling out North Iowa Boar Semen letter by letter from the middle of the diamond.

XL please.

I see they are out painting our streets again. How much money is this costing us? I think I remember last year they contracted it out to some des moines company.

Maybe the roads shouldn’t look like a complete rundown crap hole if we are having thousands of guests riding their bikes through town.

The streets are in terrible shape! I was driving around town with someone from another town and I was so embarrassed by our bumpy, pot hole filled streets. And this isn’t just the side streets. Hwy 122 needs a lot of work. We’ve had good weather, but I haven’t seen our street dept filling pot holes. Where are they? I also haven’t seen the street sweeper out. There’s sand everywhere left over from winter!

@Just. the sand is on the road because they have not run the sweepers in most area’s. There has not been one up here since last September. There are so many leaves and seeds in the gutters the water can’t flow down them. If we get heavy rain there will certainly be some flooded area’s.

Dang Abner,
did yoo mayk it passsed tha 8t gread.

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