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The inherent problem with socialism is one shared by ALL large organizations — governmental, business, religious or political. That is that massive concentration of power invites corruption on a massive scale. All power MUST be divided, in order to minimize tyranny. Socialism is, by definition, a concentration of power in a government-run monopoly — a direct invitation to corruption.

THE President has the constitutional power to grant a full and complete pardon to ANYONE for any and all crimes past present and future. Even fake ones!! He will never go to jail. But hillary should because she actually broke the law. Do Democrats want a civil war? Because this is how you start one and they wont like the outcome.

When the Democrats get the White House back, as will inevitably happen, RepubliCONS will be sorry they let Bonespurs set all these precedents. No, you won’t keep the WH forever.

You are partially correct. The President may issue pardons for Federal offenses. He cannot issue pardons for State offenses.

Here’s a thought. Instead of spending money on bike trails for the elite’s, why not spend the money doing what was promised years ago and pave the roads in Central Heights. We could also fix the pot holes that are on almost every street in town with that money. That is what our tax money is for.

Are there a lot of bikes using Central Heights? Do they use RUTF money for trails. I noticed there must be a ton of elite children in town too, based on the number of bicycles that are at the pool. Its nice to have elite children. Yes.

You should go door to door in central heights and ask the property owners if they want to (pay) for the paving. The ones that I have talked to say (no), because they can’t afford it. Central Heights is not, Asbury, Brierstone, Stone Pillar, where the average house is $250000.

Home owners all over Mason City have paid for the streets in the areas they live to be paved. Many of them struggled to pay their bills. But they were hard working had pride in themselves, and did what they had to. They cared about their properties. They deserve to live in nice areas with nice paved streets because they paid their share. Poor people think they are entitled just because they are poor? Have you seen the way they take care of their properties? Junk all over their yards. Yards that are not taken care of. They are lazy and think they should be rewarded for it. That attitude might explain why they are poor. Get up and work like everybody else. Maybe you can contribute only small amounts and it might take a longer than you want it to but it can be done. Maybe you can get together as a group and try to find ways to earn the money you need. Quit acting like it’s not fair. It’s not fair for you to get for free what others had to pay for. It’s not fair hard working people have to pay more just because they work hard. Have some dignity and maybe others will want to treat you with respect. That area of town has been ugly and dirty and “poor” looking for a long time. The streets in that area do have safety issues. The home owners should be penalized for neglecting their responsibilities. It’s been years they have been allowed to ignore the issues and refused to get the streets in decent shape. If the streets in asbury were in that condition there would be a lot of demanding that those homeowners be held responsible. It’s nice that the areas of town where homeowners pay what is required get what they deserve. Raise the taxes in the Central Heights area for the damage that’s being done, like cost for vehicle repair or bringing down the value of cars because they are forced to drive on such bad streets. There is probably a lot of reasons the condition of those streets is unacceptable. Start penalizing the homeowners that are not paying their fair share.

sorry but im not rich or elite and im also not a lazy piece of shit and like the idea of the trail. if you werent stupid youd know that the old rail line runs from the very south to the very north side of town and the way it sits and has sat for many many years has allowed it to be taken advantage of by everyone wanting to transport sp,ething illegal across town under the cover of darkness, or just stummbling up it drunk to avoid the piggies. its a positive thing and maybe people like yourself should embrace it and take the opportunity to get some excercise, its been linked to better brain function and mental health. man the rednecks out in central heights dont want paved roads. you are the minority there. your neighbors wanna drive go carts and four wheelers around on the gravel. that area of towns always been a little different, why would you wanna change that?

And what do you propose LIBUFFOON? How about we use the Obama / Biden method? Let’s give them some Federal loan guarantees. That should keep them afloat for at least as long as Solyndra was kept going.

Solyndra was the Silicon Valley startup that collapsed, leaving taxpayers liable for $535 million in federal guarantees .

Do you know something that nobody else knows, or are you jumping to conclusions? It seems that a couple of years ago Pitman Family Farms bought Simply Essentials. The CEO at the time said that the purchase would be good for his business, well maybe it wasn’t. I’m just wondering, are you a donkey, or just somebody talking out of your ass, because your head knows better. Stop posting fake news.

Even the guy who originally posted your copy and paste admitted that the majority of these are probably not true.

people are stupid as hell. thispc thing has to stop. i miss when people werent sensitive to everything and whining about it all. usa today published an article called “Summer Is Sexist” i thought it would be satire, bad jokes. No, they are serious, apparently summer puts pressure on women to strive for supposedly unobtainable beauty standards. sorry but fit thin pretty and healthy are not unobtainable, some women may npt be able to achieve those things but that doesnt mean its some made up standard no women can reach. its sad and wrong to let these fat ugly women try to control society because they are jealous and unhappy dumpy lazy pigs. lets not take away the accomplishment and pride from women who actually work out and take care of themselves, lets celebrate beautiful women and hold them above lesser women, lets shame gross unfit fat or ugly women. summer isnt sexist, some women just dont respect themselves and feel bad about it when they see happy fit healthy gorgeous women and have to reflect on how they are just to lazy to try, so they take their free time and become journalists for rags like usa today or buzzfeed or whatever and they promote these types of stories thinking if they pretend they arent the minority it will somehow change society. they literally want every women to feel hopeless and give up the way they have. these feminazis and dykes as well as the dumpy fat gross or ugly women are just trying to convince every women they cant be beautiful so that they arent alone anymore.

You live a sad existence.

All my life, I have found women who starve themselves into a paradigm of beautiful, treat men as pawns, who think “until death do us part” as mere words for everyone else to follow.

I will not deny, there are women who do not take care of themselves, for what ever reason, mostly mental health or substance abuse issues.

But there are those, who through no fault of themselves, do not meet the unreasonable image of beauty queens. But, under that skin, are sensitive, wonderful human beings. Who are loyal, trustworthy, and above all, God fearing. I adore such women of substance.

ya, my sad existence. the one where i dont have to pretend i see the inner beauty of a fat or ugly women. no. i live a pretty good existence. 115 lb fit girlfriend with a pretty face and nice body. You live a sad existence where you have to lie to yourself and everyone around you, you like a little extra weight or shes got a great personailty. all justifications to help you deal with the embarrassment and shame of having no options other than pigs and ugos. its not fair to attractive people when dumpy people attempt to spark this change. they seem to be of the idea that they are the average or real and because they cant obtain true beauty they have to reset the bar with them being the new average. this is america we dont set the bar low and congragulate everyone for making it over. we set it to the highest based on whats common and good. its not unobtainable. go to the gym and use your eyes. just in this horrible little town there are tons of women with tight bodies they eat right and work for it and they should get more respect simply for their effort than any pos fat girl. its not tough to at least maintain a healthy weight and shower… idk ive never been fat never had any fat people in my family never had to endure or tolerate any fat people around me, from where i sit its alot more common place and normal to be at least slim if not somewhat fit. it was pretty telling when you made the comment that basically attractive women treat men like dirt and dont respect commitment, so you got with a chick out of your league and when she realized you were beneath her she left you? otherwise i cant justify the anger. maybe you just never had the confidence to approach a real women and youre resentful? either way you have issues. youre the one living the sad existence, probably watching some disgusting fat pig shovel food into her greasy face while she watches some tv. all the while the rest of us who arent lazy bastards sit next to pretty petite intelligent funny women who dont smell like cheese and yeast.

This PC BS is going to ruin this country!

Socialism has a perfect record. It has failed 100% of the time it is tried.

Great post.

Socialism 101 – take away the guns – Bernie thinks he is sooo much smarter then our founding fathers. I think these folks were an advanced people and wrote a BRILLIANT constitution and bill of rights. Sorry Bernie not buying your socialist dream.. Trump2020 Ivanka 2024.

Is your middle or first name Moron?

Jussie, is that you?

Nope. Is that you Gabe? I think so.

what gabe? the piece of shit one?

Let me tell you what’s un-American, Ilhan Omar is un-American, the people that voted for her are un-Americans, the people in Washington who support her anti-American behavior are un-Americans.

All Omar does is bash this country! she is the the biggest anti american and anti semite to ever be in congress. she is a pro terrorist who took terrorist classes and she married her own brother to get in this country. her remark about 9 -11 says it all, some people did something? yes your people killed 3000 of ours in a terrorist attack.the 3 musketeers omar,tlib and cortez are the biggest embarrassment to congress and the united states.

Since May 30, 500+ Africans have arrived at the Texas/Mexico border. Yet, Nancy Pelosi claims that there’s “no border crisis.” Well, obviously, these people – illegals – didn’t walk to Mexico, or swim there. There IS a MAJOR crisis at our southern border, as proven by what the BBC reported this morning.

The real enemy of ours is our government. They work for everyone but us. They open our borders cater to Muslims and want to break the American dream. Want to bet the government will secretly supply military grade weapons to illegals and Muslims. If they build up an army of these killers remember this. White people and Asians will be wiped off the country we live in. Stand and fight think of your kids and grand kids.

The real enemy is Dump and the alleged-Christian Sharia child molesters who have taken over the Republican party. If you think they’re going to include you in the chosen ones exempt from the purge they want, you’re delusional. They only want Southern Baptists, nobody else.

Not a fan of the ‘new look’ of NIT. Not the ads under the home page banner or the reduced list of comments.

dont criticize the web design. it only makes someone lash out like a child, nothing gets fixed til the temper tantrum subsides and as you can see the attempts to improve things produce more clutter, more ads. some things do work better now though.

His business, his look. If you don’t like it don’t come on here. You are probably to cheap to buy a subscription anyway.

FU Lawrence

IG Report is almost ready, get your popcorn popped, this should be good. Love to watch criminals get caught.

what does CNN and the liberal MC Globe Gazette have in common? who cares.

Go west young man. I heard the roads used to be covered with gold. Now they’re covered with human feces. Thanks Dems.

was just in both San Fran/LA, it’s a cesspool

A cesspool of the highest paying jobs in the country/world, unimaginable wealth, high tech industry, and endless economic opportunity?

138,887 ILLEGAL border crossers arrested in May 2019. THANKS LIBS and DEMOCRATS.

Oops. My mistake. Should be 132,887.

Not only do the House Democrats not deserve a raise they need to be put out of office for being lazy and not doing their job. If they conducted themselves like this in a real job they would have been fired years ago! I say stop paying them at all until they get some good legislation done for our country.

Dear Ms Pelosi, when throngs of people inundate your borders brandishing the flag of another country that is called an invading army. If an army is invading your borders and your country they would come under the definition of the invaders or whatever law you just quoted.

That’s SPEAKER Pelosi to you.

Nasty Nancy is just a old, senile hag that should be in prison with Hillary.

More of your hatred of women.

Pelosi is clearly suffering Dementia. The Queen of Slum Town, Sanctuary cities, and streets littered with needles and human excrement…
and MS-13 gang members is having….. ‘another moment’
where her fantasy world doesn’t jive with the concrete reality of the wreckage she is standing on top of.

Life in prison for criminal dems? The criminal dems and rinos deserve the death penalty. this nonsense has gone on way too long! It’s obvious, the dems aren’t going to lighten up or change their minds. the criminal dems need to be reeled in and made an extreme example of. May God’s wrath reign down on the criminal dems, according to His will, of course.

God doesn’t choose sides in political disputes. Quit pretending he does.

dont pretend there is a god. grow up.

Today’s Republicrook party is far closer to the Taliban than Christianity. Nothing Christian about them.

Yeah it’s them Republican’s that all they want to do is kill them babies.

Over 70% of Republicans think abortion should be legal in some cases.

RepubliCONS want babies alive so they can starve and molest them.

Is Sean Hannity circumcised? How long does he last when you stroke your index finger and thumb up and down his little prick?

Doesn’t surprise me that Obama is trying to give advice to Iran on handling Trump. Very un American. Obama needs to keep his nose out of things, he made a big enough mess when he was president that Trump is trying to clean up.

Impeach Trump but try Biden for treason! Look, he was aware of when he was Vice President! Gun running, IRS scandal, Benghazi, Iran deal and billions in cash sent to our enemy, his China deal with his son, his Ukraine deal with his son, spying on Trump, clearing Hillary and on and on and on!! Who is the real criminal?? Creepy Joe!!

Tlaib is the one who daily calls for tha murder of non Muslims ,Jews,Christians, etc. she and Omar do fundraising for ISIS, CAIR, and Muslim brotherhood . She backs Hamas ,All are terrorists.She is totally unAmerican. Is it any wonder she gets threats?

So many lies.

Tlaib did not sound like a mother when talking trash and saying vulgar words about President Trump in front of and to your child after the election. You want respect you have to earn it. You spew hatred and when it comes back, you play the victim. Now you know how Tucker Carlson, Sarah Sanders and others who have had the liberal democrats threaten them and their families, and you should stop and think President Trump and his family deals with this on a daily basis. It is shameful whoever does it, but don’t act like you are the only person who has ever had this thrown at them.

Get ready and thank the democrats for the disaster that is getting ready to happen and is happening to health in America!!!
There needs to be a wall separating California from the rest of the states.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats passed H.R. 6, providing a massive amnesty for illegal aliens. Congressman Biggs voted against this legislation and issued the following statement:
“Our border is being overrun. Our nation is being invaded. Our Border Patrol agents are outnumbered. And yet Democrats just passed an amnesty bill to reward and incentivise the lawlessness besieging our country – without any measures to address the humanitarian and security emergency at the border…

*“Democrats took a short break from their witch hunts against President Trump to ram this disastrous amnesty bill through the House. Democrats opposed every substantive amendment aimed at fixing true flaws in their legislation during committee consideration, then prevented any amendments from being offered on the floor. Both Democrats and Republicans should be furious with this form of consideration as it prevents Members from truly representing our constituents. As a border state Congressman, I have a duty to ensure legislation will not negatively impact Arizona communities, and I was prevented from doing that today…

(“If enacted into law, this bill would permanently exacerbate the crisis at our southern border. This legislation legalizes millions of illegal aliens, incentivizes fraudulent applications, provides green cards to criminals and gang members, gives taxpayer-funded dollars for green card assistance, and adds tens of billions of dollars to our national debt. This is irresponsible governance. The American people should be outraged at the Democrats’ partisan maneuvers around the rule of law. I call on my colleagues to stop their attempts to reward illegal aliens with amnesty and access to taxpayer dollars. Let’s secure the border and address the humanitarian crisis first and foremost. Let’s protect the American people…”

*Rotten stupid ass’s ignorant Democrat dumb mother Fu–ers! They need to face the citizens of the U.S.Line them up and let them run a gauntlet,of born in the USA Citizens with clubs! Rotten to the core treaters! They dam sure didn’t go to Washington to help U.S.LEAGAL CITIZENS!!!

It is ironic that you, of all people, call Democrats ignorant. With your spelling, punctuation, and grammar skills so sorely lacking any relationship to real English, you just need to shut up.

Where in the world is Hidin’ Biden? How much money did he get from Hunter? How much did Obama get?

I have a suggestion: why don’t you north iowa LIBS move to the west coast? LA, Frisco, Portland, Seattle would be more suited to you. Why do you want to ruin Iowa? Go out west and join the rest of the Dems on the sidewalk.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats passed H.R. 6, providing a massive amnesty for illegal aliens. Congressman Biggs voted against this legislation and issued the following statement:
“Our border is being overrun. Our nation is being invaded. Our Border Patrol agents are outnumbered. And yet Democrats just passed an amnesty bill to reward and incentivize the lawlessness besieging our country – without any measures to address the humanitarian and security emergency at the border.

I try not to publicly comment on all this political BS that’s going on, but are these people insane. Do all Democrats think like this. This is definitely going to turn around and bite somebody.

Rather than relying on one person’s opinion of HR 6, and knowing nothing about it, maybe reading a little about the bill will help you make an informed decision. The person who posted this wants you to believe this bill will allow every immigrant into the country. The White House opposes it because it doesn’t give Trump his border wall money. Read the entire article.

Just stopped in for a second, to see how much BS has showed up since 12:12. Your right, I didn’t read the truth about HR 6, if there is any truth to it. I don’t have the time to read every bill/law that the democrats try to pass, or for that matter, the Republicans to. I will take time to read it, but it still sounds like something the democrats would do. By the way, are you going to comment on the original poster of the fake information?

Then why did you not post the actual law cite instead of a LIB cite. If you want to read the law:

It is a ‘site’ not a ‘cite’. Bloomberg translates the law into readable and understandable English. They are not a ‘left wing’ site. They deal with the rule of law and how it applies to government.

Not a left wing site? “…Michael R. Bloomberg endorsed Hillary Clinton for the 2016”. presidential election.

I don’t know if moron is your first, middle or last name but there is a difference between Bloomberglaw and Bloomberg News. Bloomberglaw is a pay site where they review decisions and laws that attorneys may find useful. They don’t take sides. For your information there are more Bloombergs than just one.

That does paint a different picture then what the original post says. But, I’m still against illegal immigration of any kind. Thousands of illegals trying to come into this country daily, cannot be good. I’m not against immigration, legal, that is. But, if they want to come here to live life as we know it, they need to assimilate to our way of life. That means learning the language, laws, customs etc. as we Americans know it. Thanks for the information.

Allen, I don’t know anyone who is for “illegal immigration”. I certainly am not nor are my friends who vote Democratic. They want stronger laws that don’t discriminate against anyone and they want the US to honor its commitments made in the past to the Dreamers. They are not for open borders nor do they want more drugs to enter into the US. What they don’t want is a monument to the current President that is over-priced and not necessary.

“…I don’t know anyone who is for ‘illegal immigration'” Just look in the mirror.

And the LIBs and Dems aren’t for sanctuary cities and open borders either. Or abolishing ICE. You should get a job at Disneyworld. You could play Goofy.

Do you know me? Do you know anyone other than other ‘conservatives’ who believe that all Democrats believe in open borders, illegal immigration, et al? The only people spouting those lies are the President, his minions or people who want to believe that Democrats are the enemy when, in fact, they are your fellow countrymen. By the way, I put conservatives in brackets because you are not really a conservative. You are an anarchist who thinks you do away with your political opponents by exiling them or killing them. You also bare not a patriot.

“Democrats took a short break from their witch hunts against President Trump to ram this disastrous amnesty bill through the House. Democrats opposed every substantive amendment aimed at fixing true flaws in their legislation during committee consideration, then prevented any amendments from being offered on the floor. Both Democrats and Republicans should be furious with this form of consideration as it prevents Members from truly representing our constituents. As a border state Congressman, I have a duty to ensure legislation will not negatively impact Arizona communities, and I was prevented from doing that today.

“If enacted into law, this bill would permanently exacerbate the crisis at our southern border. This legislation legalizes millions of illegal aliens, incentivizes fraudulent applications, provides green cards to criminals and gang members, gives taxpayer-funded dollars for green card assistance, and adds tens of billions of dollars to our national debt. This is irresponsible governance. The American people should be outraged at the Democrats’ partisan maneuvers around the rule of law. I call on my colleagues to stop their attempts to reward illegal aliens with amnesty and access to taxpayer dollars. Let’s secure the border and address the humanitarian crisis first and foremost. Let’s protect the American people.”

Rotten stupid ass’s ignorant Democrat dumb mother Fu–ers! They need to face the citizens of the U.S.Line them up and let them run a gauntlet,of born in the USA Citizens with clubs! Rotten to the core treaters! They dam sure didn’t go to Washington to help U.S.LEAGAL CITIZENS!

It is the Republicans who skirt the rule of law consistently. Look no further than Mitch ‘the Bitch’ McConnell. His blocking of all appointments by President Obama during his last 2 years in office, his refusal to let the Senate vote on bills that passed the House, his shortening of debate time over confirmations, and on and on. When it is your side doing it, you dumb ass Republicans don’t give a darn. Now, you do. Hypocrites one and all.

Nice try at deflection, but like most liberal bull shit it just won’t work. We know what the Democrat Party has been turned into. They are the party of hate, criminal and lies.

What did I deflect from? I pointed out that your post was one man’s opinion. And he was a politician. “The American people should be outraged at the Democrats’ partisan maneuvers around the rule of law.” is the statement I was referring. You need to improve your comprehension.

A LIBUFFOON calling someone else a hypocrite. Now that is rich!

Today in Mason City I witnessed 2 grown women in a red minivan yell at an elderly man in his car. “Turn you retard!” is one thing they said. I couldn’t hear the rest. Those women should be treated like the animals they are. It’s not against the law to disrespect an elderly person but it is sad to see people act that way. He wasn’t endangering them in any way. They were behind him. It was a red minivan with handicapped license plates and stick figure characters on the back windshield. The driver has red hair. It was near the court house. If you see these people, yell at them like the did to that old man. Or at least know what disgusting behavior they are likely to exhibit towards someone in your family. Too bad there isn’t a law to stop them from intimidating old people her are alone. They we’re picking on a weaker person. And seemed proud of it.

And they probably needed the handicap sticker, but I didn’t know you could get one for being a jackass.

It was actual handicapped plates. Neither one appeared physically handicapped. They got out and started walking towards the court house. I don’t know who owned the van. The women in it today should have special plates for ugly behaving people.

There are all kids of those clowns using a handicap sticker when they are not authorized. Watch them get out of their vehicles and walk away, nothing wrong with a lot of them other than they are jerks and retarded.

“KINDS” not kids.

‘handicap stickers’ need to be a lot tougher authorized, and using fake ones should see a $500 fine per incident.

Hannity is not a news person. He is pure entertainment who has an agenda and needs ratings to make money.

Where does it say Hannity’s a news person? But according to you libs Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper et al are purveyors of the news.

I don’t watch MSNBC or Fox. Occasionally, I will watch CNN when something big is happening. Hannity pretends he news reporter but he is just a paid for shill for the Trump cartel.

Hannity is an opinion host who happens to report more news than CNN and MSNBC.

And, he tells the truth, nothing like CNN and MSNBC.

He lies almost as much as Trump. The only difference between the two is that FOX makes him recant his lies. Too bad Trump doesn’t have someone who could make him take back all his lies.

dude….CNN is in 18th place and last among news broadcast. CSNBC is just above them, seriously did you look before you yacked?

Sean Hannity yesterday on FOX “She wants a political opponent locked up, in prison? That happens in Banana Republics. Beyond despicable behavior” He was referring to Nancy Pelosi. He is a shill.

bushel boy farms. hopefully the city wont screw us out of a company that actually provides something positive like 50-100 jobs that aren’t making doors or food.

I’m a bit confused what tomatoes are- if they are not food what do you use them for? OK, I don’t want to know…

I don’t think it’s been the city that’s ‘screwed us’ out of employment prospects. It seems like this ‘news’ site and the regular coalition of geriatric curmudgeons that make a circus side show of council meetings have been the ones that have sunk recent job opportunities in this city.

They will probably hire migrant workers, so get ready for the protest.

Some of these anti-Trump activists are absolutely crazy. What will happen when an angry, violence-prone Leftist provokes a legally armed Trump supporter in a state with a Stand-Your-Ground law? If the law-abiding Trump supporter, claiming she fears for her safety, squeezes off a round, riots will ensue?

We all knew that Obama was behind it all. We pray that every single person that was involved that caused two years of an investigation and an attempted take down of a duly elected by the people President Trump are fully held accountable and prison is coming for all of them.

Obama was the most corrupt President in American History…..

The ENTIRE Obama Administration committed MANY Crimes against Our Country and the American People. Over time we are going to LEARN just how much they did and stole, too.

Take their entertainment and stick it. What makes you think your shows are worth more than a baby’s life not one but more than we can count. Your not that special. I can live just fine without your movie’s in my life. Bye to Netflix bye to many TV channels . I already refuse to watch NBC and never watch CBS or ABC.

what the hell are you talking about?

Americans pay among the highest prescription drug prices in the world so that big drug companies can make BILLIONS.
No one should have to choose between buying medicine and buying food. Tell your legislators to support common sense solutions to lower prescription drug prices today!

Nobody at the drug companies is interested in helping anybody. They’re just there to make as much money as possible for greedy rich stockholders.

This is why the Democrats want to do away with the electoral college! This is why the Democrats want illegals to vote! Yeah they’re all up in arms over Russian interference? How can you say that when you’re saying it’s okay for someone who has nothing to do with this country to vote? I got news for you all immigrants aren’t just Mexicans! The Democrats have completely lost the American people so they’re trying to do away with electoral college get 16 year olds to vote and let foreigners vote Trump 20/20

Let us pray that the next earthquake on the West of the USA, detach California from the mainland. So they can have their own republic, their own language, apply their own rules.

CNN May rankings. They fell again to 18th spot behind HGTV. Last place with CSNBC very close.
How do they stay in business paying out all those over-blown paychecks?

CNN is liar’s poker channel.

kinda like the liberal MC Globe Gazette

How many times do we need to prove the Democrats are wrong? The Democrats are digging themselves deeper in a hole than they realize. They cannot keep telling the majority of American voters that they are stupid and get by with it. There is no way the Democrats can continue with the Execution of our president without having to pay for the injustice of their evil ways.

Even more news:

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