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Da world according to LVS, just sayin and the rest of em here…You guys are over 40 years late.

@Steal-you are so cute for a baby. Smoke a joint and take a pill. You will be OK later.

LOL!!! All in The Family was a show before its time!! I used to love to watch this with my parents when I was a kid! We laughed so hard at Archie….but the truth of the matter is, he was right on 90% of the time. He said things we all were thinking but were afraid to say because it was perceived as wrong.

OK- so I read the Globe Gazette’s article on Dennis Vrba and his antics at the YMCA. I am just amazed at what his defense team has come up with to justify his illicit behavior. He was brought up in a sheltered, protective, conservative environment. Well, so have most of the people living in rural Iowa. By that standard, all of the men at the Y would be weenie waggers. And, that this was a product of him being in a situation that he’s never confronted in his life. Well if that’s the case, why didn’t he just turn around and walk out if it bothered his so much? No, let’s see. I have never seen this before, but maybe I will have sex as long as I am in here naked.. He did not expect to see naked men in the locker room– but he had been a member since 2002? What– he never went into the locker room before? He admits he had sexual contact with Doug Petersen in front of other people, but that is ok, since it was consensual. But, he did not have sexual contact with Dave Escher. It seems to me that since Escher and Vrba knew each other since junior high, it isn’t much of a stretch… So, does he expect that the locker room is a private room in the building?? There is no expectation of privacy in a public building.. And, then his wife says he is passive sexually. Well, ya think. IF he likes men, that would make perfect sense. And, then his Defense Attorney Byrne makes the brilliant statement–” Not all inappropriate behavior is illegal.” That is true, but if it is in public, I beg to differ. People get arrested for urinating in public and get on the sex offender registry for god sakes. Indecent exposure in a public venue is fine??? Is anyone thinking of the child that walked in on this and witnessed the consensual sex acts by 3 supposed decent professional men…. The verdict is to be rendered in September or October… the other 2 got deferred judgements, one year probation and 10 years on the sex offender registry. I think this sheltered, conservative, sexually passive person deserves no less….

If one were to take a hard core conservative republican and open up his head, a bunch of dicks would fall out. Get real.

Was that kind of comment really necessary? What really motivates a person to write such things in public?

Just in case no one has told you before. Sex (hetero or homo) in front of a child, not cool. Didn’t know if you were aware.

Well at least one of them seems to be bi-curious. Vrba is married and his wife is sticking by him. Although, she stated that he was passive sexually. So, perhaps he prefers men to women. Escher’s divorce was just finalized. Petersen’s status is unknown to me.

As far as old Greek geezers running around naked– the ones I know– that would be hilarious…

Mason City Chamber explains modern statues to Mason City populous.

Just a thought on anonymity on this blog site. I think it is perfectly acceptable to use a blog name when you feel like it. Sometimes people just need a venue to vent and would rather not have to deal with the flack from friends and family about their ideas and opinions. I think that this site does a real service for the community by allowing that option. It is kind of like talking to a therapist– you can say what you need to say and doesn’t cost $ 150 per hour. Unfortunately, we live in a society where people will rip u to shreds if your views don’t match up or will try to crucify you by spreading malicious gossip. At least with the anon- feature, you can say what you want and have one place to get it out…. Some people have more to lose than others– that is just a fact of life.. When I talk to people in person, I generally tell it like it is. In person, you have the luxury of immediate responses, you can read the body language and hear the tone and tenor of a conversation. Blogs are mostly left up to interpretation.

Thanks for the open microphone!!!

I agree wholeheartedly, you take the good with the bad in a free forum. But please keep in mind that NIT KNOWS everyone’s multiple names through IP’s and is certainly able to relay information to law enforcement or government if it likes. Oh, by the way…

All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. This funky cat makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information he types on this site. This crazy rock and roller will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information.

You dig man? Cool

@Steal Panther-another way to put it is-this is an opinion site. Every comment on here is someones opinion. Very simple.

An opinion is a viewpoint that is subjective and not absolutely certain. Are you saying everyone’s comments are not facts?

They are comments that may be factual in the persons mind that makes them, but the word is their opinion.

Well stated.

@Steal Panther-you are right in your comment but I think Matt is smart enough to know if he reported everyone to the police they would quit coming on here. Now if it was a major crime I think he would be obligated to report it but he would have to be careful. Just my opinion of course.

Unless someone has a static IP, that really proves little.

Anyone know what all of the excavating is going on between Behr Iron & Metal and the Bio-diesel plant?
(North side of Hwy. 106.)

I think Croell ready mix is building there.

Matt Marquardt Reply

August 6, 2013 at 8:11 pm

Peter, again, persons close to the Barlas family asked me to close the comments on the incident you are referring to. Out of courtesy, I did that. It’s called having some compassion for a family that was traumatized. This has always been NIT’s policy. I’m not sure if you are angry at them or me, but really, get past it and move on.

It is called protecting your pocket book. Because if you don’t allow comments they will pull their advertising.

You make it sound as if the victim died. There was no mention of that as of an hour ago when the story was updated on the Globe. I hope she will be OK.

No it is reported that she died. What a tragedy!!

here is a bit of information on the loyalty of the Mason City police. A friend of mine caught a person trying to steel his car in the middle of the night. He stopped them and found out that he knew the person. He called the police and gave them the persons name and his plate number stating that it was a black car. the police replied back that the plate number given came back as a gray car and dropped the investigation.
To serve and protect with justice for all. HA

Sounds like “your friend” needs to file an official complaint.

There is always more to the story!! Usually the people involved are pretty short on details….

You have to think about what has happened in baseball in North Iowa in the past 3 months. NIACC did a phenomenal job at the CC World Series, Clear Lake State Title, Newman State Title, Central Springs at Sub-State…Just a hotbed of good players playing a team game…Thats a pretty cool thing to see in our area, this isnt happening in Des Moines, or Cedar Rapids, its happening right here…celebrate that!

And no story about two state champions at Newman or Clear Lake on NIT.

@Anonymous-nice try at trying to discredit N.I.T. again. All you have to do is look at the Home Page under the sports section and low an behold right there at the to are articles about Newman and Clear Lake winning state. All you have to do it read it. If you can’t do that I am sure some 6th grader can read it to you.

” although since they always use fake names I can see how they think they are getting away with something. They should take note that that’s not always the case.” Matt what does this mean?

matt. don’t you have access to their email addresses and IP addresses?

I’d like to know too, Matt. Just how anonymous are we on this site? I could say a whole lot more in my posts than I’ve already said, but of course I’m a coward who would never want my identity known, mainly because I have close family living nearby.

Are you man enough to answer this truthfully?

Don’t worry JMO ,Matt is just like the Wizard of Oz.

For f*ck’s sake, Reggie…SHUT UP! I swear you must wake up every morning & think to yourself, “Hmmm, what can I do or say today to ensure that people don’t forget what a douchebag I am?” It’s almost like you & Boobmeyer are one & the same.

Alright…Hey now…

OK, I’m all tuned up now. Let me tell you a little story about MC. This one goes out to all the males who turned 18 in Mason City, Ioway in the 80’s bro.


Ricky was a young boy
He had a heart of stone
Lived 9 to 5 and worked his
Fingers to the bo-WOW-WONE!!!

Went to Orange Leaf yogurt across from Walmart last night. WOW! What a great treat, atmosphere etc.. Thanks for coming to Mason City!!!

Went there again today. It is really yummy!!

The only thing I wonder is–how is Mason City going to support 2 self-serve yogurt shops? Especially since it is so expensive. It cost over $ 8.00 for 2 of us today. The family of 5 ahead of us had a bill of $ 23.00. Most families couldn’t do that very often.

The only difference between Orange Leaf and Cherry Berry is the interior color. Orange vs. Cherry red.

But, with that said– they are delicious!!

Welcome to the wild wacky world of capitalism. Only the fittest will survive. It will be interesting to see how this impacts Birdsall’s.

You really need new meds or get off the ones you are on!!!! Nothing u say makes any sense. Cannot follow your thought patterns, logic etc– actually cannot find any….. It always seems to be about the 80’s, hot chicks, Bro’– that’s about it?????

I am referring to Steel Panther…

Google our band Steel Panther. That may explain things a little more.

Steel Panther, it’s almost as if you and Marquardt are one & the same…a MUCH more savory duo than Eric/Reggie, or Eriggie, as I like to call him/them.

Can’t leave any lawn ornaments out in front yard of home in MC,for 2nd time in less then 8 months stolen.First birdhouse now solar lights.Live in ne.part of town use to be good,seem like the not so good parts of town spread wider all the time.Lived in same home for 21 years no problems until last 8 months.Some not very good people must of move into neighborhood in last year, that would be my quess.

*#*#-they are everywhere in the city now. I drove thru the central part of town today and thought I was in Detroit so then I drove thru the S.E. part of town and was amazed at how run down it looks. The N.W. part of town has gotten very quiet this year and the lawns are mostly mowed except for the slum lords houses of course.

petco sucks

Hoovers suck.

The only thing made by GE that doesn’t suck are their vacuum cleaners.

GE’s locomotives are highly productive, industry leading equipment (reflecting their experience in switchgear and industrial software). GE’s wind turbines hold their own against the competition. GE’s ‘GE9X’ jet engines are cutting edge technology, along with their MIL-spec avionics (not to mention their UAV’s). GE has been a leader in electrical power plants, switch gear, gas turbines, and distribution for decades.

Such high dollar items do not survive in a market if they are unworthy.

OK, check it out man…so I’m outside mowing the lawn right, and this hot chick rides by on her bike. And she was like hot bro, I’m serious. I mean, she was like one hot chick man.

Vintage needs more than his eyes checked — maybe his brain?

Why can’t Mediacom carry local sports like the state baseball games

You can. MC22 Channel.

The Hispanic influence.

Let me tell you a little about how I’ve seen Austin changed. The parks are used now. From pinetta bashing with a group of children, to young couples practicing dancing to Spanish music. They get up and out of the house for a change. The young men play pick-up games at the local courts. Austin is young again in many ways. Mason City is a shrinking community. The only people with any any will to move here are hispanics yet all we see here are posts about how they are not welcome. This is because it’s mostly the losers who stayed behind in MC. The progressive cool people all bolted after college.

Well said.

No, they left to follow the money.

First, if you went to college, you have already left town.

Second, if you went to college, you have about $35,000 a year, if not more to pay back. And that requires good pay.

Third, if you went to college, you have a good idea that thing kids like today cost money, and that kind of investment will never pay off in Mason City as compared to an Iowa City or Chicago (namely, night life, popular entertainment, interesting food, professional sports, culture).

Fourth, if you went to college, you learned what it took to get ahead and ‘network’ if that is what you aspire. Again, you will not find that in Mason City (unless you think becoming the next Robin Anderson is getting ahead).

Take a look where those who became successful went after college in my day. It was not small towns.

Tom and George Barlas sure bucked the trend, eh?

And Robin Anderson is cute, get over it. Don’t be jealous.

@Vintage-get your eyes checked.

Robin is good looking for a 70 year old woman. get over it LVS.

This is from talking with many young people, who after college refused jobs here because of low pay compared to other markets, and lack of the kind of entertainment they found in other areas compared to a small town.

This was their preference, this is the kind of thing young people (professionals) look for. All three people I had conversations with, including my daughter, related in why they would not live and work here. In my daughters case, it was over $10,000 in pay per year for starters.

It was not a slight to those who have stayed here, and built up businesses, it is the reality of what young people consider.

Observer: I dont know, thats why I ask this question. What is the cost of living in those towns compared to Mason City? I myself do not earn a lot of money but my house is paid for and living is fairly reasonable. recreation is another thing.

The cost of living is much higher in places such as Chicago or other metro areas. Yet, even reflecting that, the pay is also much higher, for differing reasons. One is competition in some markets, especially health care.

Here in Mason City, we have a one pony show; Mercy Medical Centre. In other areas, there are competing hospitals and clinics, so the ante is higher, to get the best staff and keep them. In a market with competition, if one does not like the pay, conditions or management, they can go down the street as so to speak, and find better.

This is why students enrolled in good programs have jobs (not just offers) before they finish their schooling.

@50 miles and Observer-the cost of living is much cheaper here in Mason City than it is in places like Minneapolis and certainly cheaper than California. When we lived in those places it cost about 25% more to live there due to taxes and transportation cost as well as housing. You lose a little in entertainment and certainly in growth opportunity for younger people but it is cheaper here.

My reply was regarding MC’s unaccepting attitude regarding non-natives (non-whites? maybe). Most of the best memories of MC natives are the result of hard working non-natives who came here and made MC the community that M. Willson wrote about. MC’s attitude toward Latinos is hurting us all and if that doesn’t change, the hurt will effect our largest employer(Mercy Healthcare) and those that support them (bankers, money managers, home builders). The pyramid w/the widest base is tallest.
I believe an inclusive attitude will serve us all better than exclusive. Yeah, I have reservations about posting under my real mane, but sometimes you just have to stand up.

@Peter L.-Take a chill pill and calm down. I don’t know what your problem is other than you are jealous because your web site was a failure. Get a life.

It took journalistic courage to tear the mask off mental illness and confront the demon deep within us. Where there is light there is hope and perhaps this will be a start toward understanding and treating human suffering. Matt and Peter Children… what say you?

“Heidi knows what a great person Eric really is, how talented he is and what a great role model he is as that towns mayor.”

Role model? Examine the priorities in the City.

A museum over services to citizens.

Attempting to eliminate one of the most basic rights a U.S. citizen has, to address their local elected officials.

Giving taxpayers money to a business that markets a product that lowers the quality life of citizens.

Allowing non-elected people dictate policy to City departments

Allowing council members to act on items where there is an appearance of impropriety.

Promising civility, yet behaving at times worse than what one sees from a five year old by making faces at others who are speaking publicly.

Those are hardly the actions that come to mind when thinking of the leader of a city, village, or town. Minding one’s manners in public, putting aside one’s self for the good of the whole. Promoting ethics. Building up or mending factions in the community and improving the quality of life for everyone.

Great post !!!

And to Nicole Bench–

Did u miss the Harrassment charge in Muscatine?? It did get dismissed, but u need to talk to them down there… Very interesting…

He has not been arrested or convicted of OWI yet– I have just had the opportunity to watch him stumble out of a couple of places and get in the car….

You can defend him all you want. 98% of the people agree with me….. The other 1-2 % of the silver spooners don’t count…

Did Peter C use a high priced lawyer to get out of his trouble years ago? Just saying everyone is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.

No matt! Not the laughing stock of Fremont, NE! How horrendous!

Good thing us “Iowa hicks” just simply, dont give a shit. 😉

I was totally unaware that Fremont, NE was an urban metropolis… Hillbillies– since u are categorizing all of us Iowans that way– then you are also name calling Bookmeyers’ buddies as well. It is just a damn shame for us hillbillies, that Bookie didn’t just stay put in Nebraska. I would rather be a hillbilly than a self-righteous, bloviating ignoramous!!!! Bullies don’t make good leaders and this guy is a joke amongst the majority of us hillbillies…. But, he does fit in with those who enjoy lots of Moonshine– on a regular basis…

So, Fremont– send him a bus ticket home!!! Us hillbillies would thank you!!!

@fremont-you like him, please take him back so we can get our city back.

@Peter L.-If it annoys you that much why do you continue to come on here? Are you that lonely with no one else to talk to? Take a pill and go to bed. You’ll feel better tomorrow.

If anyone has a problem with Mr. Marquardt’s site, please document your reasons and post them for readers perusal. Until then, I shall continue to read and enjoy. Thank you very much.

@Husker Fan-Thanks for your opinion Mr. Mayor.

Wow, you guys must be drinking the Mayor’s Kool-Aid!! His morals and values are certainly not what I would consider stellar. He may go to church and recruit his cronies to his boards and commissions and bring the same type of person with him. If u don’t think that yelling at the poor hairdresser at Fantastic Sam’s to put him in line before anyone else because as he said : ” Do you know who I am? I am the ” F_ _ _ _ _ G Mayor !!! If you don’t think that is offensive, especially in front of his child– then I think we have more problems than Bookie in this community. If u think drunk driving is not a problem, if you think a stay at home dad that takes his kids to daycare every day is fine, if u think that winning by intimidation is good for the citizens, if you think disrespecting the city employees is ok, the list just goes on and on….. What has done for the community– $ 40,000 worth of sculptures, the Blue Zones staff and program taking over city hall– those costs are not all covered by a grant. He plays by a different set of rules than the regular citizens of our fine community. His record on the Iowa courts shows a interesting past, he makes up storeis about his educational and employment background…
I know there is someone out there that could do better than this– God help us!!!

Iowa Courts on law show convictions for a speeding ticket and a stop sign violation. Everything else has been dismissed. Nothing regarding drunk driving. I know many stay at home mom’s who take their children to daycare. You can disagree with a person without being disagreeable and mean.

Matt-I got to had it to you, don’t know if I could be so calm towards someone that just persanaly attack me for no reason. I too am up sometimes at 4 am reading NIT but not because it keeps me up at night, I just want local news with no agenda no matter what time of day or night it is & I know I can get that here. Thanks again & keep up the good work.

Very classy retort Matt. Keep staying above the name calling and you may get me as a fan yet.

Although I doubt if you really care if I’m a fan or not.

What does that have to do with anything??? People are individuals and in my family– we don’t always agree or think the same way…. People can support whomever they choose. That’s America bub!!! This is such an non-issue….

“Cody Studer” are we adding his name to the long list of repeat losers in mason city? this kid is just a punk abusing his grandparents for their money, too bad grandpa just doesnt cut him off.

Allison: It is “public defender” and you have a lot of nerve talking about “intelligence”.

Max’s dice are radical !!!!

It would be nice to hear about the funeral and/or lunch for those who couldn’t attend. Is the other son going to run the Chop still?

Can George cook as good as his dad?

Yes, George cooks just as good as his dad. I had a steak prepared by George just a few weeks ago, and it was superb. Don’t count this Barlas family out when it comes to business and quality. Sr. handed down his skills, and I am sure and pray that CHOP will survive. It has to. It’s the best eating establishment in Mason City.

Amen, I understand that. The older I get the more I appreciate the art of finely prepared food and it’s importance to health as well. I used to love Tom Barlas’s Tenderloin steaks, salads. Shrimp Scampi, lobster, crab legs, banana’s foster for fricken desert home bwoy! Oh…Chit!

His garlicy mashed potatoes at Sunday buffet..ya hear me George? lol

I’m wondering if any of you older guys have used the internets in ways to contact people you used to know from High School? Or, are you afraid that perhaps the person has changed so much that it would be like bothering a perfect stranger.

Have you ever found yourself communicating with someone who you knew well, trying hard to find some common ground and then awkwardly realizing that you have absolutely nothing in common anymore at all?

Both things have happened to me. You just never know whether you will still click or not, but it’s worth a try to reach out if you are missing someone. Most of my new connections have been through FaceBook.

I have not attempted that in about 20 years now. Many folks did not change much, some are still walking through life with nose elevated. I was not really close to most of them, and those I was, are flying below the radar.

Because of that, any considerations I might have had to attend the 35th reunion were dashed.

I’ve noticed many people 50 and over prefer to fly very low under the radar. While the kids are giving it all away on social media. I’m thinking there’s gonna be a whole lot of people in 30 years who are gonna think, what the hell was I thinking. I suspected these were sights for government to mine for info and I was proven right.

I really can’t believe how stupid kids/people are with some of the things they post on Twitter and Facebook. Just watch the news and see for yourself. The drama all of this social media has caused is unreal. I long for the days when a person was out with friends and came home at night and the next day nobody knew what that person did unless they TALKED to that person. Now, the minute a person wipes his or her butt it is all over North Iowa in a matter of minutes. Flying under the radar is a wonderful thing.


Hey, can anyone find me a car dealer “for the people.” You know, they ones that will look out for me instead of the dealership?

I’m sure you’ve heard them advertise on the radio.

“How can he show up to court in Iowa if he’s locked up in Florida? Is it even legal to charge him…”

If you are supposed to be in court, it is your responsibility to show up. Your attorney can file a motion in your stead, but it is up to the judge to accept it or not. If you do not make a reasonable effort in some way, the judge can and will hold you in contempt, and revoke any conditions to your prior violations if applicable.

It ain’t a real hard concept.

If the judge doesn’t know he’s locked up in Florida, they must live under a rock. And as far as his attorney filing anything, when all you’ve got is a “public pretended” you don’t know what they are intelligent enough to do and not do, without you holding their hand.

I meant “public pretender”.

There are legal remedies to incompetent defense counsel, if that in fact is the case. So that argument does not fly. It is also not hard to file a continuance or stay, due to incarceration, or any number of legitimate reasons.

The law is quite clear, it is incumbent on the defendant to appear as ordered. It’s not up to a judge to make excuses or assume anything for the defendant.

In this case, the defendant appeared to do nothing (I have no real idea what went on in the courtroom). I would find it hard to believe that the judge in question was not aware if there was proper notification of the defendant to appear. Those types of things are included in case notes.

Were you present when the case was discussed with the Court? It appears you are just presuming what may have happened. Do you know if a motion to continue was presented or if there was any agreement regarding the case?

My grandson enjoyed it as did I. There could have been more trucks but it is a small arena, probably couldn’t even fit 5000 people so they couldn’t come up with enough money for more trucks. I’ve been to see the monster truck races in vegas and this wasn’t even close but it was still enjoyable, and cheaper.

I see Cody Studer is in jail again. This time for drugs. Probably why he fled from the police the last time.

Why is it that some people never learn? I guess that’s why they call them LOSERS.

ya, he’s a LOSER because he didn’t do the right drugs. Booze and cigs. If only he’d have stayed with societies chosen drugs then he would not be a LOSER.

That’s where you’re wrong….he’d STILL be a LOSER.

Apparently his baby daughter and a good job wasn’t enough for him to get his act together. Way to go Cody, you should be ashamed of the way your life is going. Get it together already and grow up before it’s too late!

Let me tell ya a little story.


Ricky was a young boy
He had a heart of stone
Lived 9 to 5 and worked his Fingers

to the bo-OW-WONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoyed the give and take concerning teachers, teachers pay, teachers as part time workers, etc. There are many facets to learning: teachers, schools, material to learn from, homework v no homework. But I feel the main issue is a students willingness to learn. And from the teachers and successful students I have spoken to, a lot of our youth lack that ingredient. And to the question “Where do you see yourself 10-15 years from now”, they have not the slightest idea, nor the slightest care. I feel people should stop looking for easy answers, and face what could be a harsh reality. And if people are so jealous of teachers pay, they should become teachers themselves, and stop complaining.

@just saying-Not all of the teachers are bad. As a matter of fact most of them are decent people. They are kind of stuck in the middle between the parents and the system without the authority needed to disciple the kids in school. The problem is that the union way is to protect all union members the same no matter how the perform and therefore we have some teachers that make a lot of money for doing a substandard job. Not all mind you, but some. School costs keep going up and up and teachers are only part of that issue. We have way to many administrators for the number of students and they are always trying to justify their jobs by spending more taxpayer money. We need better quality education, not more money poured down the same rathole year after year. Just my opinion.

@ LVS – Nothing that you posted even remotely addressed my entry. My premise was students need to be willing to learn. Rocks can’t learn. Trees can’t learn. Students can learn if they want to. The teachers, materials, classrooms, and opportunity are all there. Students need the desire to persevere. Otherwise you are throwing good seed on solid rock, with no chance for it to grow.

@just saying-can’t argue that.

Well, I just found the grocery store comments. What a move away from the craziness!!! For the person who likes Walmart’s produce– fresh etc. Did u ever notice all the birds flying up in the ceiling.. Ever since I found bird poop on the apples, tomatoes and grapes– no more Walmart!! And as far as Hy-vee being the highest price store– u got that right!! One example is this. Cut up fruit at Hy-vee– $ 6.99 per pound Fareway– $ 2.99 per pound.. Now that’s outrageous… Aldi’s may be a strange no brand place, but their produce in affordable and good. Just got 2 pounds of Driscoll Strawberries for $ 3.99 not one mushy or spoiled…. and really sweet…. Now how is this for a boring story……

I am going to stick to the teacher side of things as I will agree there are too many positions of 100K plus and funds seem to be mismanaged sometimes. This lies in the hands of administration, not front line workers so let’s keep the blame where it belongs. Some things are definitely done differently now in the education arena than they were when parents were kids but teachers have to follow orders from their principals, who have to follow orders from the super, who has to follow orders from the State, who has to follow orders from national govt. Ever heard about that wonderful thing called “No Child Left Behind?” Do you think that was teachers who wanted to implement this bogus and educationally destructive law? Not hardly. Teachers have their hands tied more than you could possibly imagine so it would be nice if you got your facts straight before spouting off. Parents are the #1 most influential people in a kid’s life and yet how many parents actually READ to or with their kids. If kids can’t read when they are in school that blame should be placed directly on the shoulders of parents. If kids can’t do simple math facts then i would ask why mom or dad didn’t but a pack of flashcards for a couple of bucks and work with their kid. Oh, that’s right….because that might take some effort on their part and then they would have no one to blame but themselves when things go bad. It also might take time away from going to the bar or money they use for alcohol, cigarettes, or pot. It is all about priorities and it seems so many parents today have theirs screwed up….then we have the audacity to ask ourselves what is wrong with kids of today. Wake up, People.

Well stated, Ben. You’re exactly right. It begins in the home.

Did anyone else see in the salaries of the Mason City Schools in the GLOB this morning. I counted (9) that is NINE people making well over 100K and so many I couldn’t count them all making 60K to 100K. These people do not deserve or need any more money. What the need is to take a salary cut to get in line with the majority of the taxpayers that are paying their salary. Another thing is look how many people there are working at the schools and in administration. How many people does it take to support 600 students? VOTE NO, NO, NO.

I am glad you know what people deserve for the work they do.

Oh yes-A bunch of way overpaid, part time workers who are sponging off the taxpayers. It doesn’t surprise me that someone like you would support them.

“A bunch of way overpaid PART-TIME workers.” Define the term “part-time” so everyone can better understand your opinion. It is unreal to me that anyone would bash teachers as a whole. I don’t think any of us can appreciate the job they do unless they would spend a few days in their shoes. Saying that they should take a pay cut to match salaries of the taxpayers paying them is just crazy. Getting a teaching these days even at a state school is going to cost $60,000 minimum. A teacher’s job is not glamorous. If it is, step up to the plate and go get your teaching degree and check it out for yourself.

@Ben-B.Sh##-the kids today can’t read or write or even do simple math with out a calculator and you think teachers are doing a great job? No one in that administration can justify 100K plus jobs when taxpayers only average 40K. That is what is killing other cities round the country. They spend 35 million on remodeling a high school and spend god know how much to change the name of a middle school for no reason. And now the secretary’s have secretary’s. Then they spend another 300K on security doors that should have been part of the remodel but they forgot security so had to do it as a add on and they want more money. I don’t think so. Mismanagement does not deserve more money. What we really need is a good house cleaning in the school system.

I am going to stick to the teacher side of things

The kids I know are literate and can do math. Maybe parents should start parenting and require their children do homework instead of driving around.

600 students??? If you average 300 kids per grade and take that times 13, that comes out to 3,900 students in MC.

@Peter L.-well you have left before and promised never to come back and yet here you were. It’s to bad because when you are on your meds you post some interesting stuff. Have fun on your lonely web site.

The family of the mother who was killed by her son was a good family too. The media had a hayday with that case. But because Matt is friends with the Barlas’ family and Community Motors and the restaurants advertise on this site, he is looking the other way. Up until now I had respect for him — but no more. I don’t like our mayor either but Matt is just like him in protecting his cronies — what a hypocrite! In other words, don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

A very good example. In reality what is the difference between these two murders? Not much. they knew who did it in both. People had questions on “why” in both. Both had stories listed here on NIT with comments.
OOPS. Kinda makes me wonder too.

I’m so glad other readers are seeing the hypocrisy of NIT’s coverage of the Barlas case in comparison to other local, high-profile cases.

I now only view NIT as a source of entertainment. I don’t access it for credible, unbiased news coverage.

I had to laugh that Matt is on the Whiner’s Den complaining about the school district not releasing employee salary information to NIT, but yet releasing the information to the Globe. The school district is doing the same thing you do Matt….

I started to read your babel and realized it was too long and full of shit to finish. You need to start cleaning your own house before you post this type of shit on here. If your going to strike down your false shepherds then why haven’t you struck down all those pedophiles that have been molesting children for decades, if not centuries. talk about the pot calling the kettle black. you have been way to lax on striking down those television freaks that say they will go to hell if they don’t raise millions of dollars. Look at and clean your own flock before you spew your shit to people that dont want to see it. so as far as I am concerned you can get the flock out of here until you can practice what you preach.

who are you?

I agree with all of your comments regarding the lack of coverage by NIT on the Barlas story. Matt can defend his lack of coverage any way he wants, but most of us readers know had this been anyone else, Matt would have been ALL OVER the story.

I haven’t seen any other stories since then on NIT that have had the comments turned off. Poor journalism and questionable ethics and news source.

Makes me wonder what other stories have been misrepresented, embellished or skewed.

have we already forgot how NIT reported on this sensitive subject? At least 5 stories in all

Many stories are sensitive. But then again its the news. treat it equal.

@Peter L.-I thought you were out of here. But yet here you are again. Just can’t stay away from the site you dislike so much can you?

Cute, Matt. You’re really mature.

(He’s posting as me, everyone. Isn’t he cool?)

@SIKandSTUPD-Hey Dummy-you are getting paranoid again which means you will be back home in 5 east where they have a padded room with your name on it just waiting for you. Do you really think Matt would put something so obvious on his own site. It is just you looking for sympathy. Go Away Tubby.


@Two Faced-I read in the GLOB this morning that there is no information available but they are having a preliminary hearing for the Tom Barlas Jr. Police have not released any more information. So just what the hell do you expect N.I.T. to put on here? You are just trying to smear and discredit N.I.T. again when there is nothing to report.

@Peter L. Didn’t you read my post this morning. The police are NOT releasing any more information at this time. What do you want him to do. Make something up just to keep you happy. You are being unreasonable. I am sure there will be a update tomorrow after the arraignment. That will be news.

@Peter L.what do you mean closing comments. I don’t follow you.

Peter is correct on this LVS. the comments and search information should have been left ON from the beginning. I doubt anyone would have had anything to complain about if Matt had left them on. Like it or not it simply proves that Matt is no different than the globe or any other news media.

I know one thing im sick and tired of paying for their court appointed lawyers when most of these losers make more than most of us selling dope.I wish the government would put 3 strikes on everything, like you get 3 charges in 1 instance your doing time. No more parole.

Maybe you should try and repeal the Sixth Amendment or get the courts to overturn Wainwright v. Gideon. Henry Fonda was great as Gideon in the movies Gideon’s Trumpet.

Here’s a rant…PISS OFF WORDPRESS. I’M NOT COMMENTING TOO FAST YOU SLOW ASS POS. What a crap ass piece of shit platform….

Sorry Matt…the site is great but the platform sucks.

@my voice-I used to have the same kind of problems when I was using Explorer and Bing. Since I changed to Google Chrome I have had very few problems. I have heard Firefox is having issues too.

I’m not sure if you are referring to anything specific, but I’d like to know more.

NIT has lost major credibility with me over the LACK of coverage of the Barlas story. NIT would have been all over this story had it been anyone else. A good journalist doesn’t play favorites, and that is what was done with this story.

Even the Globe addressed the story before NIT did.

The so-called “asking hard questions” only applies when it is towards a person NIT does not like. I still look at the stories on here, but it’s more for entertainment now.

@ Peter L – – What more exactly would you like reported at this point in time? Are you wanting to read a second by second account of the tragedy that evening? The basics of the story were reported by both NIT and the Globe-Gazette, and I’m sure by the local radio and TV stations as well. We know the names, where it took place, when, that a suspect was apprehended, and what that suspect is charged with. I would be willing to bet there won’t be any additional information about what unfolded officially released until trial. Anything that “comes out” between now and then would likely be pure speculation. Hopefully this will help you calm down.

@Peter L.-get off it. If you don’t like this site go start your own. Oh, that’s right, you already tried that and it didn’t work.

And more proof.

Why don’t you prove he didn’t.

That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m gathering proof of who you really are.

When you find out let me know and I will let you know who you are. I am pretty sure I already know.


Why are you yelling?

@USMCSSG-they are going to mess around with these guys until they finally kill someone. When they do I hope someone sues the shit out of those judges that keep letting them out. I know all three of these people and they have always been punks that like to beat up and use women. They brought Sauer back from Florida for violating his probation and then let him loose to take off again. With any luck the other two will kill eachother in jail.

Larry Snyder you are really good about calling names on a blog site. Why can’t you be civil.

Sorry, that was @ Anonymous.

Now you did it. This could get interesting….

Read the story.How can he show up to court in Iowa if he’s locked up in Florida? Is it even legal to charge him or is it a huge case of CYA?

A great man was laid to rest today. Tom and Kathy Barlas helped so many for a great number of years. Sister Myrna was always there as well. We will always remember the good times. Our hearts go out to Kathy, Myrna . Joanne, George. Tommy, Johanna and Nico. All our love. Kim and David Bresnahan

Yes, it’s a nice clean store with a good selection. Gotta love me some Annies Goddess salad dressing but I don’t think Hy-Vee carries it, Walmart super centers does.

yea besides the ridiculous prices..

I’ve lived in communities where there were two HyVees remodeled and a new one built. It’s always the same thing: they stock new products and put higher quality food in the deli for a month or so then it slowly disappears and you’re back to te same blah things to eat. That’s exactly what happened at the east side HyVee. Thank goodness for the farmers markets this time of year.

Hy-Vee is the highest priced grocery store in town. I finally quit going there. Target and Walmart beat their prices on EVERYTHING. Do your own comparison shopping and you’ll find out.

I don’t shop at Wal Mart. I shop carefully at Target and Fareway. I am less concerned about price than I am freshness and sourcing locally grown food whenever possible. Most of what you find in grocery stores and supermarkets these days is over processed nutritionally lacking crap that shouldn’t be classified as food anymore than Velveeta should be classified as cheese. I’m lucky that I can cook from scratch. A lot of people these days can’t and rely on the processed crap.

you need to check out walmart. produce at walmart is the freshest around. why??? because they sell far more than other stores. check out the color of the grapes at walmart vs any other store.

Absolutely disagree.

They used to offer for sale five year old cigarettes, two years after being told about it.

It is very hard to find where everything is at, meaning, a lot of things are not in logical places. (not all the bottled water is in the same aisle).

They do not carry the brands I like, and when they do, it is overpriced compared to other outlets , or even purchasing it via the Internets and paying for shipping. (a bottle of sweet tea is $1.79, while other places it’s up to 40 cents less) Product depth is lacking. (one mediocre, bland tasting brand of cheesecake)

On one trip eight years ago, I asked a clerk, cashier, and manager for a certain product distributed by a major bottler. They had no idea what I was talking about! Fortunately another customer heard the conversation, and knew right where it was. It saved me from making a trip to another store.

Rubber-like pizza slices, burnt Calzones, a case full of maple-smelling donuts, the list goes on and on and on.

Why bother when there are other grocers in town with better meats, variety, and depth?

Then there is the Internets, where I can get items like real Italian sausage, spices, goats milk ice cream, Bigos with Kielbasa, and other Polish, German, and Czech foods.

@Observer-Which sore are you talking about. It is hard to tell from your post.

I meant store of course. Need a new keyboard.

HyVee East.

@Observer: I love Italian sausage that isn’t very spicy and has anise in it. Do you have any idea where to buy some of that? Ge-jo’s is the only place where they have decent sausage on their pizza, but I would like a little less spice and more anise.

Stopped and bought some locally grown Johanns Sweet Corn today. It looks fantastic!
I was worried that it didn’t make it thru the earlier rainy Iowa weather.
Will give you the taste bud report after supper tonight!!!

I have officially overdosed on sweet corn.
It was fantastic! Thank you Johanns!
I know I am gonna pay for this tomorrow but it is sooo…. worth it!!!

Matt, why isn’t there an obituary on NIT re: Tom Barlas? Why have you dropped that story? Why are they any better than anyone else? This was a MURDER! It IS NEWS !

How about maybe respect? I’m glad there hasn’t been a story. My family has known the Barlas family for many years. Let’s give them their privacy.

Uhhhh, duhhhh? It is the family is who writes and turns in the obit for publishing. It’s up to them when and what is published.

Disregard the second “is”.
Uhhhh, duhhhh to myself!

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