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This is very embarrassing. I’ve been meeting with the Prime Minister of Japan the last few days and he speaks better English than my immigrant third wife Melania. I will try to do better with pick #4.

Melania should take on something she can handle…like tackling yeast infections or bikini waxing issues. Cyber bullying? That would be a Conflict of Interest. During Melania’s English lessons, she may begin understanding her husband’s Tweets, which would embarrass her mission. I’d hate to see her backhanded by a furious Donald Trump when she feebly asks him to examine his own behavior so as to not make her mission seem so incredulous.

That reminds me…. Do you know what they call a 300 pound woman Trump supporter with a yeast infection? A Whopper with Cheese.

If NIT publisher thinks Bookmeyer and his crew at city hall and the chamber are corrupt what does he think of Trump’s swamp? You think he’s big enough to admit when he’s wrong? It’d be refreshing to hear a formal denouncement of Trump’s actions, instead of quietly chugging on trying his best to frame up Trump’s disastrous presidency in a favorable light. Just admit it: Trump IS the swamp.

If they want stores to come back to the mall y don’t they lower the rent on the spaces? I mean if they lowered the rent stores would maybe want to go there. Having stores paying lower rent is better than having no stores and no rent.

Very confused right now. A Trump supporter. Was told he worked 7 days a week. Been in Florida the past 2 weeks for 6 days. He golfed all day today. Don’t understand? 3 day weekends in 2 weeks. Help me understand?

I sure F’d up that Moose Limb thing.

If you want to see the great diversity of American terrain take I10 from Jacksonville to LA.

You’ll see great tall pine and oak forests, endless plains, great beaches, swamps, bayou, deserts, mountains, mesas, gorges, canyons etc. Stop for a couple of days in Arizona or New Mexico and take a detour a little north and you can add Alpine environments, permanently snow-capped mountains, and massive canyons.

Although the route can be boring in some areas (lots of desert and large parts of Texas are pretty normal looking generic Americana) it totally makes up for that if you do stops for a couple days in Pensacola or in Mississippi for the beaches, New Orleans for nightlife, and if you stop at Phoenix and head north towards Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon for a couple of days. Vegas is also not that far from the Grand Canyon, and you get to see the Hoover Dam along the way. By the end of the journey, you will be in LA anyway which allows you to start a trip north along the coast if you want.

Snowden is about to be extradited from Russia. What a fool Snowden was. The guy from Elgin must be crying….he loved Snowden so much. He loves Putin more, but loves Trump as well. What a cluster****.

Are you obsessed with this guy from Elgin? You sure do mention him a lot, which tells me you think about him a lot. It’s kinda sick that you would let someone you hate so much rent that much space in your head. Grow up and get over it.

Actually I rarely think of him…but when Snowden’s impending extradition popped up on the news it bridged the association with the Elgin substance abuser. You see Elgin went apeshit after Trump won the election, and he started pouncing on everyone and everybody who was on the Democratic side. He became an instant fascist overnight, without even adding water…or alcohol for that matter. As a result, he has some serious payback due. He liked Snowden so it’s part of the eventual fall of Trump for him to be handed all his just desserts. Outside of that,,,the guy is nothing to me…nearly completely forgotten.

Lots of people have their heads in their arses. Me, I dont. I just like to take dumps and think about things. I took a good one at Southbridge today. A smelly one indeed. My apologies to the guy that was in the stall next to me tapping his foot underneath my stall. I was hoping my anal aroma was enough to turn you off. By your quick exit I’m assuming my mission was complete. You might wanna go hang out at the YMCA locker room instead. I hear the sausage is plentiful there. Let me crap in peace for crying out loud!!

I wish you would have flushed. Only the initiated can sit in a closed stall for that long without a respirator and still remain sober to drive. The DEA made a serious mistake loosening their restrictions on closed stall fermenting. I’m not so worried about the foot tapping, because a lot of people are doing that these days…and that’s your prerogative…but not flushing is reckless.

Men going into nasty bathrooms full of guys pissing and shitting looking for homosexual encounters is not normal. Don’t kid yourself. I was told that Southbridge Men’s bathrooms were once a gay cruising site. I never believed it until went there myself to use the facilities. It’s quite disgusting.

The now deceased famous pop singer George Michael was a bathroom cruiser. I can’t imagine performing or receiving a sex act in a dirty bathroom with a woman let alone a man. I have to agree with you…it’s nasty and belies a disturbed mind. If you’re gonna be queer, you should find a proper place to be queer. A porcelain chamber / stool parlor is not it. Try the bar at the Park Inn Hotel or something. Earn your man the old fashioned way…by looking like Tom Selleck and buying the guy a drink.

Agreed. It’s a very gross and disturbing venue. I have say though…..guys looking for bunghole or tally whacker in these disgusting places are either very desperate or very horny.

Love it! 🙂

President Trump promised me he was going to keep safe on the campaign trail. Now he is not coming through. I voted for him. He’s not keeping his promises. Very disappointed in his actions.

President Pinocchio. Tiny hands and a very large nose.

You blame him for the liberals illegally blocking him.? He has only been in office a month and has already done more than Obama and Clinton combined. He will secure the borders very soon.

Would you like some more Kool-Aid?

Would you like to get your head out of your ass?

If That means becoming brainwashed like you by drinking the Trump Kool-Aid then no thank you. I prefer to think for myself.

When are you going to start?

Trump kool aid tastes like pussy.

For you to make the statement that a President, any President for that matter, has done more in one month of office then two presidents have done in 16 years proves that you do not live in reality. It proves you do not think for yourself and that you have been brainwashed…..Just keep drinking the Kool-Aid and everything will be alright my friend.

But its true he has done more. DAMAGE

LoL…Now that’s funny

Stupid but funny. Just like your comments.

I saw a truck driving around with a big rebel flag that read “HERITAGE NOT HATE”. You guys tell yourselves stuff like this to cover up your humiliation and shame. It’s not possible man. You just gotta let go of that bullshit…accept that you were wrong and work at redemption. You keep digging your redneck graves and God will keep on punishing you in this life and the next.


Hey Buzz, would you rather get kicked in the Joni or the Cha Chi?

It’s a serious question.

The village idiot returns. Aren’t you banned? Go away!

The Village idiot is the cyber sloth who deletes comments all day long and attempts to muzzle your posts. You cannot stop this conversation LVS.

He would rather kick you in the head to listen to your teeth click.

Buzz I have seen a pickup truck driving around the area with a giant rebel flag that reads “HERITAGE NOT HATE”. It’s obvious this guy is trying to justify his affiliation for the Confederacy and the notion of white power and dominion. But I’m saying that doesn’t work. It’s a false rewrite of history, and you guys should just let that shit go. There’s no way you can defend it. It’s indefensible. I’m embarrassed to see such kaka in the State of Iowa. Your thoughts Buzzard Brain?

When is Trump going to realize he is being used by the republican party?

Little Marco Rubio. What a sweaty little bitch. No balls. No spine. Towing the party line.

Trump believes he is already the best president ever, probably deserving a head on a mountain like Mt. Rushmore.Only problem I doubt if we have a mountain big enough for his egotistical big head.

Loved it! Loved it!.

I am not Larry.

Free $ Handouts in Mason City Again.

What ever happened to the good old American, personnel responsibility. Why is it that when some people break the law/rules, and get caught, they blame somebody else for their situation. Man up scoff laws, surely you are literate, and can comprehend. I’m sure we all learned right from wrong by age 10.

I guess when we see laws applied on a double standard basis, with some facing arrest and persecution and others driving around the street helter skelter with no mufflers violating Iowa law and Federal EPA rules…we get kinda fed up.

So really, what does that have to do with my comment. If I jumped off a cliff, would you.

“If I jumped off a cliff, would you.”
No, but I would watch you and just before you hit the ground I would say….Well there is one less dumbass in the world.
Why don’t you ask LVS to join you, he’s stupid.

Just heard on the scanner a woman got assaulted on a school bus in Mason City. Wow what is happening to our world????

What do you call Big Bird with a nose ring written backwards? Retep Soigal!! LOL!!

You forgot to include a load of poop in his underwear.

I’m kinda liking the new totalitarian state. It’s doing wonders for the resistance. I haven’t crapped my pants in quite awhile. I’m overdue for a plopping.

Indeed. A nice plopping. A nice wet one slapping the concrete as your bottom hovers out a second story window. I took a nice messy one a few minutes ago. Very caked and seemed full of tar. Laying blacktop lately. Damn that beef and noodles. Nice pooping with you almighty master!

Damn, you don’t need a diaper…you need a skid loader.

And a manure spreader.

Brady is synonymous with Trump. Both white boys gotta go.

You might be gone sooner than you think too. It happens.

Iowa is getting ready to gut the unions power starting Weds. in Des Moines even more then it already is.Ins.plans will be 1st to go,then they will attack the benifits one by one they have been waiting for complete control for 20 yrs (Republicans).Will get very ugly how this will go.

It is about time.

Wait till those Railroad Trump noobs start losing their cushy packages. I’ll be laughing.

Cushy? I don’t call anything cushy that someone has earned or has worked for, and that includes fair contracts negotiated between the company and the union. You are probably someone dead beat loser who has thrown his whole life away and is just jealous of what some of us hard working men and women earned. By the way, our last contract was shit, and guess who was in office? That’s right, your savior Obama.

We’ll see how you like Trump and company after Scott Walker steps in to advise on Union Busting. Wal Mart wages for railroad workers…coming to rail yard near you. Nice move by the Iowa legislators imposing the Federal Minimum wage State wide.

Not all public workers make a living wage or have cushy packages.
It is the administrators that have great salaries and packages. When budget comes their salaries are never cut.
When I worked for the city one year, as a union employee, I got only a 1.5% raise then when the brand spanking new health coverage came out the increase in cost had us making LESS than before the raise.
I would like to see unions do a better job than they do.

Thank you Matt for following our local athletes and keeping the community up to date on their college accomplishments!

Do conspiracy theorist truly believe what they are saying? rigged elections and rigged games. Tell us more about your alien abduction while you are at it.

Do Trump supporters really believe what KellyAnn Conway and Sean Spicer are telling them?

Of course they believe them. Just like we believed everything Obama said and did.

Does that include inauguration crowd sizes and bowling green massacres?

And length and girth of male sex organ?

Do you believe Germans in Nazi Germany believed in God?.In fact they believed in God very strongly.

When the Nazi’s came about in the 1920’s, Germany was already a Christian nation. They were Christian Catholics, and I guess it went down hill from there from what most Christians believe.

Allen: The Reformation began in Germany 500 years earlier and by the 1920s only 1/3 of German Christians were Roman Catholic. 2/3’s were Protestant. Martin Luther changed your numbers dramatically.

Your probably right, but the question was, “Do you believe Germans in Nazi Germany believed in God?.” And my comment was that Germans believed in God way before the Nazis came about. Maybe anonymous could clarify his/her comment.

Did the Germans believe in God? Absolutely. But Germany was not just Roman Catholic Christians as your post asserts. Why just single out one denomination…… and I’ll bet that was not your intention at all. No criticism, I just enjoy an honest debate. Thanks for indulging me.

Allen to further clarify my comment. Historically, the Roman Catholic Church in Germany never spoke out against Hitler. Years later several Popes made numerous apologies for the Jews for their silence. Several Popes traveled to the concentration camps and prayed for forgiveness. Discussing the Nazis and the Catholic Church always brings up generational pain and potential blame because of the Holocaust.

fact check: I haven’t read a lot of the history on Germans and the Holocaust, but I believe it did happen. I was a sad day in world history. From what little I have read, it seems that the Catholic church went along with the Nazi’s in exterminating the Jews and others. To think about it now, it just seems unreal that anybody could/would do that to another human. Like I said, it’s sad.

Winter Dance Party is more like a retirement home fiesta. With all original members passed away, let it rest Surf, let it rest. Lot’s of extremely grey haird people, and the Glob Gosette ranking in the ad dollars.

were you there matt?–I was and can confirm:
Johnny Rivers, Albert Lee, George Tomsco and Jimmy Gilmer(Fireballs); Jack Scott; Lloyd Price are all very much alive. It was a great party and once again was sold out. If it’s not your cup of tea than don’t go. It is my cup of tea-so I say to the Surf “Rave On”…..

Great comment! It is not my cup of tea so I stay away but I am happy you like it and I too think the surf should keep it going strong. I bet some don’t like the 80’s rock band the surf brings in but I do so I go to though shows. To each his own so why complain right??

Some of the best music ever made.

Since in fact, the Winter Dance Party is what made the Surf famous. I would assume they will continue to have it until it is no longer profitable. Old grey hairs still pay quite well for their tickets and spend money in the local economy while they are here.

The Super Bowl shows that Satan is stronger than God.Letting known cheats win the game.

Boston, one of the best places to live if you are an atheist.

Well, bite my tongue, stick a foot in my mouth, gag me. Super Bowl 51, Patriots 34–Falcons 28. Who would have thought it. Somebody must have been watching.

Like the election of Donald Trump, the game was rigged. 3 first down penalty advances given to Brady by referees. This changed the momentum of the game and allowed Patriots to score.

Just like all Demorats, a sore loser to the end.

You need not use any extra letters or symbols when referring to LVS anymore.
The stupid old coot finally realized that his feeble attempt to block his initials was an effort in futility.
To say that he is not the sharpest tool in the shed is a huge understatement.
To call LVS a dumbass is an insult to dumb-asses.

Demorats….How cute. I havent heard that term since second grade Snyder. Your posts are awesome Larry.

Rigged football. Not even fun to watch.

And I gotta special message for that crackhead racist out of Elgin, Illinois….YOU CAN SUCK IT PUNK. You and you’re ilk are going DOWN.

Have another drink Daddy. Thanks for letting me die by the way.

Thanks for assaulting your cancer stricken mother on her death bed because you are a chronic alcoholic drug user.

Please tell us more? What did the little douche boy do to his milk money mommy?

Here we go again in this site. The Clear Lake village idiot yapping about a dead baby. A baby he had nothing to do with. A baby he paid no child support for. A baby he is trying to profit from now over 20 years later so he doesn’t have to get a job. His parents cut him off and the welfare and mental disability checks must be going for drugs since he seems to need the money so bad. Pretty pathetic.

Oh, I’m sorry, you white PATRIOTS are getting your asses whooped tonite by predominately African American team out of Atlanta. Prophetic seeing how Brady supported Trump. Nice slams against your Orange God by the commercials as well. Idiot punks.

Poor Mark Wahlberg. I saw him up there in the stands all depressed. Good. Stupid idiot supports Trump. Brady too. You guys are getting stomped tonite. Why? Because God wants to teach you idiots a lesson. In fact God is teaching the bad parts of America a lesson. Shape up, or FACE RUIN.

I bet you feel really stupid this morning after a comment like that.

Actually no I don’t. The referees gave Brady 3 first downs gaining over 30 yards which significantly changed the momentum of the game. Without that handout from officials, Patriots would have continued the downward spiral.

@ rigged elections feb 6 1:45 pm. You really can’t say that for certain, you could only hope. But the outcome of the game is for certain.

Hello Buddha, Please remind me how last nights game turned out.

Football is rigged, just like the elections. Nothing can be trusted anymore. There’s no way Brady was going to come back from a 28-3 deficit without assistance from the officials making bunk calls…and notice how 3 of Atlanta’s players became injured and taken off the field? The whole thing is rigged for maximum suspense and excitement. Like a well-orchestrated election.

Matt where is this church located?? Hope you get the money, any jobs go with the new place?

Hope you find employment soon.

When do the Nobel Prize nominations come out and when are the winners announced?

I just watched a commercial that said if you witnessed bullying do something about it,how do you stop president dictator trump from doing it.

The same way you stop people on NIT from doing it. YOU DON’T.

If you feel that you are being bullied, you must first confront the bully and tell him how you feel and do not like what he/she is doing. If that doesn’t stop the bullying, take legal action. Violent retaliation is not the answer.

i’m still waiting for trump to sign a bill to help the middle class. So far everything has been for the rich. Lets pass a law that allows the mentally ill to buy firearms so they can go on a rampage to kill more middle class citizen.lets sign a law so it cost more to borrow to purchase a home lets pass a bill where your investment go to the investment firm. Lets gut ssi and medicare lets ban muslims mexicans and abortions. Lets give religion more rights and you worry about muslims. F** religion and everybody that believes in a fake god. By the end of this term you’ll wonder where your retirement is why you have no medical insurance no ssi. You people are a bunch of inbred hicks who should never be allowed to vote again.F*** all you republican trumptards.

Im worried too. We are off to a very scary start and I voted for him.

Give it a rest. He hasn’t even been in office a month yet. And, he has done a lot for the middle people like brining jobs back, killing the coal law, getting rid of communist regulations, and most of all keeping Mussies out.

Not so fast with the defense…… many are critical of President Pinocchio because of his endless promises of “one day one I’m gonna” (fill in the blank). Bring charges against Hillary, build a wall, the list goes on. Red meat feed to his loyal subjects. Time for out new kind to put up or shut up and knock off the bullshit.

Democrats are fast becoming D.I.L.D.O.S. Desperate, Intolerable, Liberals Destroying our Society. The time is fast approaching when we will stop them.

Democrats are the party of Hate, Violence and Division.

Democrats are the party of progress. What jobs has he brought back. I swear half the people that supported him are talk religion and muslims. You don’t have to look any further than the religous nut jobs in this country. Just replace the word muslims with christian and you’d be talking about america. Just killed a little american girl in Yemen what did this girl do. Mine as welled have walked out of trump tower and killed one on the street.

Progress my ass. You are nothing but thugs criminals and illegals. You are welfare queens living off the working people. You are rioters and murdering law breakers. Don’t talk to me about Christians when you believe in killing baby’s.

There was a 10 month baby killed in Mason City and you said nothing. Spare us your bullshit concern for children.

You mean the one where the father was to drugged up to protect his son? Yes, I remember it well. What a shame the child had to die because the father was a pot head with no job, no home and no sense of responsibility. That is exactly my point about libraterds.

What part about living 1100 miles away enrolled in junior college is your Trump infested mind not comprehending? Never mind, you’re too stupid even for Trump.

In your liberal, stupid brain that is a reason. It is really just a excuse for not taking care of the child like a responsible father would do. Then trying to blame someone else who was found innocent because you are to cowardly to admit you killed your son by not being there is unexcusable.

the person who thought he was a father wanted nothing to do with the kid alive or dead until he thought he could get a few bucks outta the deal. I also heard the guy who says he’s the dad is a dry ball and the kid weren’t his no way. Yes.

This is how certain low-life jerks in Mason City justify the murder of a defenseless child. He wasn’t found innocent…he was found not-guilty because of his high priced n**ger attorney out of Des Moines, and an incompetent Attorney General out of Des Moines. Didn’t help the fact the MCPD and County Court House were pulling for the defendant as well, by making things real nice and easy for him. Is no bail easy enough? You both are LVS style retards with an agenda of hatred and stupidity at the cost of morality and intelligence. The sooner you both are off the face of the earth, the better.

Anyone who would believe in dogmatic Biblical bullshit trying to justify the murder of a baby because the father didn’t comport with traditional marriage or work values as laid out by the hypocritical Puritans who plague this country with their religious bullpuckey needs to be admitted to the Good Shepard sooner than later. It’s traditional family value assholes like you who castigate anyone who doesn’t fit in with your 5000 year old “Good Book”…a book I’ve torn pages from many times, and wiped my white ass with. A book I’ll gladly use as cooking fuel. A book that is as worthless as the Quran. You ministers who may be out there reading this…F. U. You are responsible for why justice wasn’t delivered to me, you sick sons of bitches. I hope you all rot in the Christian hell you speak about every Sunday morning…you worthless leeches.

Cry me a river why don’t ya. You never gave two squirts about that kid before, now you think you can get the rest of us to believe you gave a rats ass about him. You are pathetic.

Tell us this father of the year….how much money did you contribute to the childs care? What amount did you pay in child support? How much did you pay for funeral expenses? And why didn’t you file a civil action against the person you said “killed” the child you never fathered in the first place????

Dry-ball Hahahahaha. That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in a while. Beside people thinking you’d never return to this site that is.

The most sickening thing is that the village idiot is trying to PROFIT from a dead child. Just another attempt to get money he doesn’t deserve so he doesn’t have to get off his stoned ass and get a job. Pathetic.

I take it you are talking to me. First off I’ m a retired worker who has worked my whole life at one job 40 yrs. Secondly what you consider when life begins is a separate topic. But you know blowing off a little steam is good for the mind.

Go F yourself…… the tribe has spoken.

I’m in a public place. The coffee is working. I’m lazy. I’m considering a public shatting. Weighing the repercussions of letting go in my pants versus getting up and using the store provided plumbing.

Coffee shats are usually very messy. Before doing such an amazing feat, I think it’s always wise to have an idea what the delivery is going to be……..solid or water. It’s one thing to be walking around with refried beans in your underwear and another to have stink water running down your leg filling up your shoe. Be careful. It’s a very tricky scenario.

Points taken. Nonetheless its unpredictable. I’ve pushed up into my lap with no wet spot on my backside before, but the humidity levels were perfect. I’m designing a new set of dungarees which will bake your loaf at 200 degrees on battery power. It involves a caking agent which clings, absorbing moisture, before the baking process begins. When it’s done, you’ll simply dispose of the Betty Crocker in the nearest garbage disposal or bushes.

I might start thinking of you like the Steve Jobs of poop and poop gear. Very interesting concept. I like it!

You guys are disgusting! Don’t you have anything better to do with your lives? How pitiful….

NIT is still bickering about the stupidest of things. All this power and enlightenment at your fingertips and all you can do is bitch about LVS and meaningless bullshit concerning the Globe Gazette or a snow plow on a street. Damn this region is a lost cause. #MC-EXIT

I just heard that the globe laid off 7 employees today. One that I know had 45 years with the globe.

Too bad for most of them but it would be no loss if one of them was John Skipper.
He was a fairly good reporter & journalist back in the day, but now he is just a hack for whoever holds the power in MC.

He wasn’t one of them.

Almost all of them with at least 20, and as you said, one as much as 45 years of service. Then an article in today’s paper about Lee Enterprises profits being up.

I see our cellar dweller, village idiot from Clear Lake is back on this site. Spewing his Nazi rhetoric. Go away loser!

What a Dumb Ass D.I.L.D.O.S. you are loser.

It is a sad time for World War II veterans who fought and died to protect the U.S.A. from Nazi fascists. We may just as well of let Hitler take over the world.We are now ruled by far right politicians which are considered Fascists.

According to theologians Jesus was the first anarchist. If that is the case then all you religious right fascists must have it wrong.

I watched Kellyanne Conway on Fox News tonight. She acts like a crack whore or tweaker. And Trump surrounds himself with people like this? WTF? Daily drama from the White House.

She is a super bright, intelligent lay who is very well spoken. It is certainly more than a whiney ass bitch could understand.

She would be an intelligent “lay” as you put it….. perhaps with duct tape across her mouth and a bag over her head.

Interesting. The House repeals an Obama legislation affecting the 2nd Amendment. Stop the presses. Trump may not be as bad as I thought.

“The House of Representatives approved its first effort of the new Congress to roll back gun regulations, voting to overturn a rule that would bar gun ownership by some who have been deemed mentally impaired.”

Ya, that’s real brilliant fu*king move.
Dumb-ass Republicans.

That is not true and you know it. The law only pertained to people on S.S. and was nothing but discrimination and a blatant attempt to get around the 2nd amendment.

Read it again dumbass.
What part of “mentally impaired” do you not freakin’ comprehend?

That means it just pertains to liberals dumb ass.

And, you need to read it again. I have been following it for months.

^^^ You sound just like that fu*cking stupid old coot.
Brain dead and if we are lucky the body will catch up very soon.

he only luck a loser like you is going to have is bad you chickenshit, Dumb Ass.

The only amendment republicans care about.

Earth to Buzz Crumcutter: Have you taken a shit yet today?

Imagine that, professional politicians not paying their fair share for health ins. Maybe they signed up for Obamacare.

The leaches get free healthcare for life and you pay for it. Whereas Obamacare would cost them at least a copay

Lets not forget, that we pay for Obamacare to.

Please explain. If you are not enrolled in the ACA what is the personal cost to you? No Faux News talking points please.

“Please explain. If you are not enrolled in the ACA what is the personal cost to you? No Faux News talking points please.”

I pay a $50 (every two weeks) “luxury Tax” because MY employer gave me a “good” health insurance plan. So yes the ACA does cost ME personally.

For anonymous feb 3rd 8;18 am. Where do you think the government gets the money to pick up the tab for obamacare/aca. It comes from tax payers, of which I am one.

Forma: Just what $50 luxury are you paying? And, how much of your payroll tax is allocated to the ACA? The numbers should be on your payroll stub. Enlighten us please.

Their insurance is through the State of Iowa and not through the ACA. They weren’t paying the amount of premiums they should have been. In Iowa that is not insurance for life. However, members of the US House of Representatives and Senate get their health insurance for free and lifetime pensions. Even with those perks, there is a pending bill to increase their pay as they apparently cannot live on $174,000 a year.

Women from around the celebrate religious freedom on World Hijab Day today.

One thing I am suspect of is why the liberal left is so adamant and energetic for bringing in people of foreign origins to these shores. Why so much passion for this? There are many issues they could be spending their passion on, yet this makes them absolutely berserk.

I is because they are future Democrat voters. They mostly come from socialist country’s and know nothing else.

The countries affected by the ban are not socialist; they are dictatorships and some are fascist

Can you please clarify, which countries on the list are dictatorships? And which of the remaining nations are fascist? Thank you.

Vacant building everywhere YET, rents are still stupid high. Nice plan Mason City.

Naming Coleen Devine as Executive Director of main street tells us all just were MC is heading, to the hog confinements.

The Greek piece of garbage deleted again.

still at it huh?

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