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I cant believe all those that are pissed about Trumps immigration law, did you all forget about 911? I really hope you all that are protesting get fricken killed by a terrorist and us people that want this restriction miss the bullets. Pull your heads out of your assholes!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Hey genius…….The 911 terrorists were not immigrants.

No, but some of them had overstayed their visa. That is one more thing Trump is cracking down on.

Not so. all of the hijackers who committed the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks were foreigners. All of them entered the country legally on a temporary visa, with entry permits for six months. Although four of them attended flight school in the United States, only one is known to have entered on an appropriate visa for such study, and one entered on an F-1 student visa. Besides the four pilots, all but one of the terrorists entered the United States only once and had been in the country for only three to five months before the attacks.

Poof I just blew bath tub bubbles on you.

Hey NIT, where’s your coverage of the Quebec Mosque Shooting? You know the one where the white nationalist Trumptard Terrorist killed a bunch of people?

Turn about is fair play. The savages got what they deserved.

Dumb Ass Liberal Zombie. You lost so STFU.

Wow that was a lightning fast deletion there! You’re an ignorant Trumptard.

Why don’t you set up a red line you freakin idiot. Then we will know for sure you are a IDOT.

I’m going to assume you mean “IDIOT” and aren’t referring to the Iowa Department of Transportation here.

Assume anything you want Greek. That just makes you a bigger ass than you already are.

I love how you think you know who I am. You’re wrong. Yet I know exactly who you are.

We all know the identity of “IDOT”. Its our home grown idiot, the famous, anonymous, one and only>L>V>S.

We know who you are and what you are is easy. You are a card carrying, leftist P.O.S. Greek. You are banned and won’t stay away. You post under different names to try and hide because you are a coward.

I love you too Larry. Can I go Greek you again sometime soon?

Remember how much you enjoyed it Larry?? Wink wink.

War is brewing.

Bring it Greek. I would love a shot at you.

That would be winner to a loser like you stupid.

Ignorant Greek making threats against the working people of America.

You never worked a day in your life. Opa!

All you war makers never consider that if you miss…if you fail…if you slip…the person you shot at…most definitely will be firing back. Then how stupid you’d feel…for a moment before you slipped into unconsciousness. So it’s best not to be talking such smack.

Hard to hit anything when you cowards are running away.

Speaking of cowards, how ya doing this fine morning, L*V*S you stupid old coot?

Im doing well thank you. Just sitting here in my wheelchair and getting ready to shit in my depends. Another exciting day waiting for the runoff to drizzle down my legs.

America is headed for civil war. Better have plenty of food and ammo stored up.

We are the ones with the guns and use Clear Lake Greeks for target practice.

The Greeks resisted the Nazis and beat the fascists better than anyone in Europe. We will do the same here.

Opa MF! Go for it.

What a ignorant, stupid comment by the ignorant, dumb ass troll.

A great deal of Trump supporters suffer from the L*V*S syndrome.
Too stupid to realized that they are stupid.
Too incompetent to recognize their own incompetence.

It is also known as the Dunning–Kruger effect:
“The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which low-ability individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability as much higher than it really is. Dunning and Kruger attributed this bias to a metacognitive incapacity, on the part of those with low ability, to recognize their ineptitude and evaluate their competence accurately.”

L*V*S syndrome is basically the same thing as The Dunning–Kruger effect.
Simply put, they are dumb-asses.

Look at the one posting under a cutie little name trying to be judge and jury. F***K OFF.

It’s hilarious the illogical argument being wagered here. “Give me your name so I can eldlessly harass you online and possibly in your home or around town…and if you don’t give it to me you are a coward. Never mind that I write anonymously myself.”

What a sick pitiful life you live

Wow, and find out a lot just by plugging a phone number into Google. Probably cross the line on this one.

What’s the matter chickenshit? Can’t take it. Put your real name on here and let’s see how tough you really are. Of course a coward like you can only snipe and will never stand up like a man will you you ballless wonder?

The incompetence of not bringing him to trial within the 90 days.

Maybe they should work the 40 hours a week they are paid for or more since there are professionals, take less vacation and show up a 8:00 a.m. like other county employees.

My guess would be he snitched…or going to become an informant for the police therefore they just let it go 91 days to get him out of jail on a clause

Look at the court order.

Why don’t you give it a rest for a while? I know you think you’re funnier than hell for your constant bashing of someone but enough is enough. If you are so tuff and smart, why don’t you go to his house say your stupid crap to his face?

A Mason City drug dealer gets off scott free because of the incompetence of the County Attorney and no media covers it. WOW!!

Who was that? There are so many of them it is hard to keep up.

Indeed! In his very own words you just cant fix stupid.

I just got off the phone for the 5th time today with someone trying to sell me medicare. I can’t be the only one getting these annoying calls. Does anybody know who a I can call to get these calls stopped, and don’t tell me to get on the do not call list, I’ve been on the list for 5 years. Another government failure.

Have you registered for the “Do Not Call List”? I’d try that first.

f you call back the number that called you it will usually ask you if you want to be deleted from their call list. It isn’t always that way but most of the time it works.

Our jail is almost full. Maybe the police need to back off and only arrest the hard core people or those that are a danger. Something is wrong with our system when there are that many people in jail. It is probably only the tip of the problem.

Just ran across this old news, and I don’t remember people complaining when it happened.

Mike Adams
Natural News
Nov 7, 2012

As of this writing, it looks like Obama has a lock on the electoral college victory, although it simultaneously appears he has lost the popular vote to Romney.

That is because it didn’t happen. President Obama won the electoral vote and the popular vote.

The article says, “As of this writing”

I used to work with Mike Adams, and I don’t think that he is a nut case. He was just different.

does anyone out there know how long a person remain free and do as they please while waiting for bed space to open at BG Clark?? Is our system so f**ked up that instead of jail they let these people walk around town, not working while waiting for a place to eat, sleep and have fun at BG Clark. what a joke

I believe that if a person is sentenced to Beje Clark, they are in jail waiting to go there.

A person is not sentenced to Beje Clark, he or she can be placed there as a condition of probation. If, at the time of sentencing, the person is not in jail the Court cannot order the person be held in jail if the sentence is to prison term that is suspended as custody has been transfered to the Director of Adult Corrections. This was a Supreme Court ruling based on Iowa law; if you have problems with this contact your legislator.

Record snowfall. The snow plow drivers are to be congratulated for a job well done under difficult circumstances. Thanks guys

That is their job and they were well paid for it.

And a public thank you costs nothing. Hats off to public safety and emergency workers as well.

You must be one of them

You must be unemployed

You must work for the city too

I see that Cerro Gordo county has two (2) full time road worker positions open. Just think, good pay, great bennies, and all the great things that come with a job working for the county. Here’s your chance to stop whining about government workers, and become one. What more could you ask

I would but, I’m in a near full time paralegal curriculum, with eyes on the 3 year fast track program to U of Iowa law. Give it time.

Besides manual labor is beneath me and Mommy would take away my allowance if I had a real job for once.

Hey NR, if you had a real job, you might feel a whole lot better about yourself. Just a thought.

How am I supposed to have a real job when I live in Moms basement while I try to convince all of you how smart I think I am?

Can’t let I take alone can you Kyle?

I was watching a crime show tonight. The bad guy had a narcissistic personality disorder, and double personalities, along with mommy issues. Makes me wonder if the writer of the show knows the village idiot.

Was this the President’s interview on ABC?

You mean the one from Kenya that just left?

No, he wasn’t on tv last night but the orange-haired guy was.

I should clarify. When I mentioned the village idiot, I meant the village idiot from Clear Lake.

Where were all the snowplows today?

Out plowing snow, there is a method to their madness, it’s called priorities.

The question was where were they yesterday?No plows for residential?

Out plowing snow, there is a method to their madness, it’s called priorities.

Going to get very ugly out in N.Dakota over pipeline.Trump’s thin skin,ego get in the way for him to ever do any good.He is starting a movement for sure,To me he seems not very informed before making (he calls them).His business deals meant not paying his complete share,he undercut his construction employees by using Chinese metal and materials from oversee himself.So why would anybody in labor ever stand with him is beyond me.Going to be very long 4 years.Got to love 25 -30 people died from storms in south east quess what not a word as you would hear from many past Pres.This just tells you the type of REAL person he is (MORALS) really BIG *ss!

The Democrats are spineless sycophants. Completely worthless to stand up to Trump. Schumer? Pelosi? Absolute trash. It’s in the hands of the people now. The TENS OF MILLIONS and growing.

Man you people are so delusional, back in the hands of the people ha ha you make me laugh. The government is so far out of the hands of the people now but you are to brainwash to figure it out.

Question to Imperius Petrus Legious. Any follow up report on the Domino’s Pizza Dump?

Me an the boys at Ransoms were snickering the other day.bout how Ragan wont get too many more trips to the captal. Bout time we get a God-feering consarvative to take her place. Steve gona clean her clock in 18. Got my vote.

Capitalism turns humans into either pathetic whores, or villainous predators. It is an evil system which needs defeating.

It usually involves work too, but you wouldn’t know anything about that you lazy sloth.

Henry David Thoreau worked, the Amish work, the local organic farmer works. Capitalists sit in their offices and exploit. Big difference.

And you don’t know anything about either one so shut your mouth. Yes.

Keep your capitalism off of my body and we’ll be fine.

The sad part is Trump actually has some good ideas. But how he got there matters. The GOP’s obstruction and treatment of Obama will never be forgotten, nor forgiven. The Country is going to have to suffer for awhile longer until those obstructionists on the GOP side are voted out…and that includes the total kiss ass career no-soul Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer who lick Trump’s ball sack and are utterly pissing off the protestors who want total obstruction from the Democrats.

Good afternoon, my dear wagecuck. Are you making it through your Monday grind okay?

Good good goody, that’s what I like to hear.

Me, oh, I just ordered myself a Domino’s pizza! I logged right into my Pizza Profile and selected one of my custom favorites (ham and pineapple, of course, with olives, peppers and yummy chunks of feta cheese, mmm) and had it rushed straight to my front door!

All without leaving my bed!

The Domino’s Order Tracker even let me know exactly when my delivery-boy Michael (he’s a wagecuck like you, do you know him?) would arrive! Well, I had better let you get back to work.

Ta-ta for now, wagecuck! Enjoy the rest of your week- only four and half days left now! Yes, four times to remind yourself:

another day,

another dollar.

Looking forward to a detailed guided tour thru the alimentary canal.

The wagecucks will be changing your geriatric diaper one day.

So says the Welfare sponge living off the hard work of other people.

Looks like you quit something again.So much for the vegan B.S.

Can’t you see this is false news? An imposter trying to rile up revulsion against the true Petrus Snuffus. Labor is a cherished valued thing…cleansing of the soul, body and mind. It’s the conditions surrounding that labor that I call to question…not the labor itself. Some labors are frivolous, some harmful…but most are exploited. Trump is doing some good things, even though how he got there makes him a pig. That won’t stop his eventual downfall though. I’m just hoping he can get as many Bernie Sanders policies (which he stole) in before his head finally rolls, and Pence is put in his stead.

Who gives a rats ass what you think? Not anyone on this site that’s for sure. Back home sucking off the parents again huh? Not surprised about that, you never could finish any thing you started. Your name should be Peterless Dogshiterlingus. What a fool. Yes.

Come on Elgin. Give it a rest. Powerful forces are mobilizing. Very Powerful. The Great Liar is on his way to the shortest Presidency EVER.

Alternative Facts says the whore monger.

Jealous much? Get used to not liking the person that was elected. We have for the last 8 looooong years.

BO was a Kenyan. Trump is a Russian

She started looking her true self up against the white house in that latest interview. Bags under the eyes, drooping meth infested skin. KellyAnn learned from the Nazis what she COULD do, instead of reading those lessons to learn what politicians SHOULDN’T do. She’s deplorable in every sense of the word, and her downfall is inevitable.

Anybody know if graham is laying off workers this week? Heard they were

Congratulations Americans! – From Russia with Love. 🙂

Спасибо! 🙂

Заткнись и перестать смущать твою мать, ты тупой ублюдок.


And the very first time you disobey me Donald I will release those tapes of you having sex with Russian teenage girls. Comrade Putin

I heard the difference between a garbanzo bean and a chickpea was that Donald Trump never had a garbanzo bean on his face.

President Pootang

Millions protesting the Orange Liar.

All Liberal Ho’s, so, no one gives a shit!

Tell us all about your experiences with Liberal Hos LVS

Hes Agent Orange

Millions protesting the Orange Liar.

Yeah and we just got rid of the black liar too. Thank God.

All East Coast and West Coast liberal fools. No one cares about that shit.

Saw yo mamma marching. Recognized her cause she wasnt wearing any panties

Yes, all East Coast and West Coast. That is going to be the norm from now on, lies. Lots of those women must have traveled to Des Moines and Minneapolis because both had large turnouts. But, in the Republican’s new world, alternative facts are legit.

Real people don’t care if you want to make a fool of yourself, and, you do.

Trump is a hero. He got all you fat, whiney women out walking and getting exercise. That is more than Obama ever did in 8 years.

I didn’t get my way because no one else believes what I want. So, I am going have a march and disrupt the people who voted Trump in. Then I am going to cry, whine and bitch and see if I can get my way. If I can’t I will destroy other people’s property. That is the Democrat way.

I thought that you know who…the village idiot from Clear Lake, wasn’t allowed on this site. He wanted his ip address banned, so he is using different locations and ip addresses to post on here. It’s bullshit. Matt needs to send the police to his house or get a no contact order that would keep him off here.

I see that Cerro Gordo county has two (2) full time road worker positions open. Just think, good pay, great bennies, and all the great things that come with a job working for the county. Here’s your chance to stop whining about government workers, and become one. What more could you ask.

I would but, I’m in a near full time paralegal curriculum, with eyes on the 3 year fast track program to U of Iowa law. Give it time.

Besides manual labor is beneath me and Mommy would take away my allowance if I had a real job for once.

There’s no way he would even be considered for a governmental job. First you have to pass a drug test and a criminal background check and a credit check. He couldn’t even get a job at McDonalds.

Last evening I was electronically attacked by an alcoholic drug user from Elgin, Illinois (formerly Mason City) who once assaulted his dying mother and was arrested by the MCPD and taken to jail. He attacked me to celebrate the Trump inauguration. Is this what Trump supporters are like?

STFU peeeter you prolly deserved it.

Peder eater pole puffer is too stupid to realize or maybe not far enough into his legal studies to realize that you have to submit your full medical history including mental health history with doctors names prior to passing the bar and being allowed to practice law. Should he somehow miracously finance and finish his education he would never be allowed to practice law. Maybe the guy should spend his time more wisely building a spaceship, a solar powered vibrator to shove up his ass or maybe an organic vegan friendly guillotine to end his miserable life and do everyone a favor including himself.

Restraining order against you by your cancer ridden mother. Girlfriends you sexually, mentally and physically abused. A stint up on the psyche ward. Prostitutes, crack cocaine, meth, stealing a car from Hosmer Toyota, list goes on and on.

At least he can get girlfriend.

He buys them, like he pays for Eastern European webcam girls. Throws Ton of money at em, then abuses them by psychologically neglecting and ignoring them, and keeping them as pets. He videotapes them in sexually compromised positions and shows his friends the footage and threatens to put it on internet when they break up with him.

Your time has ended. Either get in line or get out.

Your time has ended. Get in line or get out.

It is to bad the attack wasn’t real. We can probably arrange that.

Did anyone happen to catch the parade down Pennyslvania Ave in DC today? It was the funeral procession of Abraham Lincoln

Get used to it loser’s. America comes first and you damn socialist can go live in Russia. Democrats are nothing but a bunch of crybaby criminals and rioters and the good people of this country are fed up with your bullshit. If you want war it can be arranged.

Get used to it loser’s. The good people of this country are fed up with you Democrat criminals who do nothing but whine and cry and destroy property. If you want war it can be arranged.

Stop threatening people. Millions marched across the world and millions can be mobilized at a moment’s notice. Steve Bannon, Trump, and the rest of the GOP has been put on notice.

We have the guns and all you have is a big mouth.

We have civilization and conscience…items you like to tell yourself you don’t need, but do. You COULD kill a peaceful protestor, telling yourself it was the right thing to do…but your internal justification wouldn’t last long. Then your days and nights would be numbered. You’d bear the mark of Cain. It wouldn’t be good. More of us than you, but that’s a GOOD thing because too many of you, and you start hunting and killIng yourselves. You NEED us as a guide an anchor.

It was a GREAT Parade. Nothing phony about it like Obama’s.

You are right… nothing like President Obama’s. bands asked to march in his…lasted 4 hours, not 1.5, and he didn’t have to photoshop his crowd.

To the father who waits with his child for the bus every morning at the corner of State and Willow Drive: You make me smile every morning. What a wonderful way to show your child how much she is valued. My best wishes and thanks to all of you parents who take the time to wait with your children for the school bus–you are showing them how much you value them and their education.

“eyes on the 3 year fast track program”
Hahahaha, my guts still hurt after reading that line of BS. 3 year fast track from the guy who couldn’t even finish a child’s paper-route.

You keep on laughing and I’ll keep racking up these A’s. Sounds like a plan to me. Btw Buzz, last semester I was full time @ 4.00 GPA. What does law school require? Oh that’s right …3.50 to be considered.

Stfu and stop embarassing your poor mother!!!!!

If someone is capable of getting a 4.0 gpa they are capable of working a job. I smell social security fraud.

Censorship on NIT? Say it isn’t so! (Great Americans in Action)

NIT – North Iowans for Trump

I think both sides can agree that NO ONE really wants reconciliation with one another-Liberals nor Conservatives. No one wants to set aside their differences for some kum-bye-ya campfire song. Rick Perry dancing is not the same as Rick Perry dropping a hit of acid. It may work in the movies or on the television screen, but in real life…the day to day…animosity persists. Both sides agree that THOSE ON TV who call for reconciliation are the annoying ones, since no one (including Trump himself) agrees with talking head assessments for how we should behave and get along. We get along with whom we choose to get along with. We associate with whom we choose to associate with. The problem with this American system (beyond the quagmire of red tape and confusing rules) is that it’s a winner takes all system…and THAT is what needs to change. Division is still an option, and both sides should realize what’s at stake every 4 years, and agree to go our separate ways.

LSD to the LEO is the most frightening of all things. That the mind can be exploded onto an external canvas, or that internal images like a dream can play like a movie becomes intense fear rather than wondrous pleasure. That neurons are firing and exploding in ways that utilize 70 and 80% of the brain simultaneously as opposed to 20% singularly is enough to cause LEO a meltdown. Beer makes them feel funny in just the right ways, for just the right amount of time…enough to be up for work on Monday morning at the local factory. “Tonight is kind of special” Lowenbrau. But when the entire day or week or month could become kinda special the idea seems too good to be true…like a month long fishing trip to Canada with no rain or mosquitoes.

The bikers are rumbling into Washington!!!! VROOM! VROOM! VROOM! Maybe they can come through Clear Lake on their way home.

The Wall of Meat will soon learn the power of the pissed off people whom they mistakenly believe they can intimidate. Trump’s administration will result in a catastrophic attack on our soil. You Dump Trumps are beyond sub intelligence. Dum stupid bikers and bigots.

The Truth is that no one really believes in the religions being touted, nor do they really believe in any type of orderly afterlife. As a result, no one really feels that what they do or don’t do has any consequences of bearing on their post-mortem existence…if there is one. And so no one stops to wonder if the police / prison state which has developed and been practiced here in the United States is truly just or profane. So what I’m getting at is that if a person is locked up for their entire life in prison…sentenced for one of man’s questionable laws such as marijuana growing or distribution, and they supported this law during this lifetime…no one really thinks that they will suffer in the afterlife if it turns out (hypothetically) that God never wanted his marijuana plant to be persecuted. Thus people like the NIT Publisher are risking their eternal souls with damnation by supporting the drug war.

To clarify I meant “the person who supports that the marijuana user is locked up in prison” whether actively prosecuting the drug war as a LEO, or by virtue of a citizen who cheers it on, or a legislator who refuses to adjust the laws. Only an atheist or agnostic would lock someone up for their entire life in a cage because any moral person who believed in an afterlife would be concerned that what they prosecuted or supported would be considered unjust and immoral. The weight of such a scenario seems to place more liability on the person doing the locking up, then the one being locked up. After all, a plant growing in the wild certainly on its face doesn’t seem to be violating any of God’s laws…even though some men have claimed it to be a violation of both man’s and God’s laws. Popping of Hydrocodone to realize the body is inherently a sensless experience devoid of feeling, pleasure or pain, by way of licensed physician or street vendor doesn’t seem to qualify as an actionable offense in the afterlife…does it?

IN the end I think most people, especially law enforcement officers, don’t really believe in anything. They either take it as it comes each day, or they have long understood that religion is a pacification of the mind which seems to work as crowd control making their jobs a bit easier. Authoritarianism is its own God, and has its own set of rules, which is what most of these people follow. God to them is discipline and quelling the mind from excessive thought. Function and faction are the more important items. “Not getting what you want” as Trump’s insulting Rolling Stones campaign song croons, is the type of forlorn subjugation to 3rd and 4th choices which most Iowans think they deserve. Daddy Trump is going to “give them what they need…not what they want.” It’s an important indication towards dissection of the midwest mind.

Your thoughts and perspective are always welcome and appreciated.

Nice of you to answer your self peatter. can’t use your real name cuz you got that banned. Just the same ol bullcrap from you, now you know why we think your a tard. Yes

It’s nearly official now. America Part 1 is over with. America Part 2 is the inevitable by-product when Trump takes office. Millions of people do not support Trump’s America, and they will NOT be reconciling just to be reconciling. Not this time.

thank you pea-eater but nobody cares what you think even though you voted for him,

Well I care and Im gonna bomb the shit out of him!

Can someone tell me how animal control can leave me a complaint about my dog being at large when the only time my dog is off the leash is when shes in her own yard.Sometimes I take her outside to go to the bathroom off her leash. I’m always right there with her then we go inside.Doesn’t animal control have to see her off the leash?She’s in her own yard WTF. Also complaint for being aggressive. The only thing a two year old lab is aggressive about is playing.Doesn’t animal control have to witness that too? What a fricken joke.

The animal control officer is a fricken joke.

Just a guess……. animal control is not very proactive, they move very slowly and generally only when they get a complaint. Take a look across the street, next door or down the block. You probably have a neighbor complaining about your pooch.


Dang it! Who let him out of the basement?

I just adore how Obama needs to make it clear he didn’t pardon Chelsea Manning he commuted her jail sentence. Still give him props for doing what he has done.. in any case, go ahead man. Stop this political poop. General society is done listening to it. We need Snowden liberated, we need Assange liberated. Free the whistle blowers. Manage it. They are just adversaries to you not the rest of us.

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