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BETO would not even make a good street bum let alone a politician. He needs to get himself a real job so he can be productive and pay his taxes.

I’ll give 50/50 that Beto comes out as bi in order to catch Mayor Pete.

Every American should be furious at Omar and anyone taking up for here. Our country was deeply wounded, but by dang, we came through.

Beto’s mother laundered money at her business in El Paso. His father was a judge in El Paso that was caught with cocaine! The evidence “accidentally” disappeared!!! He made poor elderly Hispanics lose their homes BC his rich father in law had a project to build at that location!
Believe me…..he is a big rat!

You want to talk crooked parents? Look at Trump’s…one of the biggest crooks in the NE US.

Little pissant got his snowflake panties in a bunch over the President who has went through more security briefings then he can count and more investigations with no proof of anything other than made up bullshit by people like you.

We will see how true that is in a few hours, won’t we/? Problem is people like you won’t believe the truth because you are brainwashed.

Can you imagine the outcry for justice if it had been a white/caucasian man that threw a black/person of color, child over a balcony in the MoA

Cops shoot persons of color every day based on their race.

And your mute point is? Hopefully not another DUMB comment.

Can you imagine the outcry if a mentally ill person threw a child off the balcony at the mall of america?

Picking on cripples now, eh?

Nasty Oprah Like UN-Foxy Foxx seems to enjoy tipping the scales against Justice. This time she needed to rely on Chen and Big Mike Obama..

She’s a liar , ,what’ do you expect from self serving Democrat .Another Kamala Harris , , the only difference is Fox is doing everything under the Table instead on The Table .

You don’t like women, especially black women. That says a great deal about you.

How do you know that?

The color of a woman’s skin means absolutely nothing to me. Their character does, but not their skin.

The color of a woman’s skin means nothing to me, their character does though. That Foxx woman has no character and being black is just a excuse.

Why did you delete my comment you woman hating racist.

I didn’t you lying P.O.S. Using racist just means you are a racist and it sure shows you really are a woman hater.

Sorry buddy but you are wrong. You have no idea what a racist is but you are one. That is high comedy.

I am the farthest thing from a racist that a racist like you will ever find. I just have zero tolerance for traitors to our country and for liars like you.

Poor little Pissant Snowflake who is to dumb to know what a racist is all the while being a racist himself has his pretty panties in a bunch.

Just because you married a hispanic doesn’t mean you arent racist. You don’t like black people, muslims and most hispanics because you think you are better than them

I stand with Chicago Pd
Smollett is a National Hollywood disgrace
Smollett promoted a hate crime
The prosecutor was pressured by Obama and Soros to drop all charges
We want justice
Boycott Smollett

He’s being pretty well boycotted already, he lost his job and probably won’t get another one. Nobody’s going to hire a guy who faked a hate crime because his part got cut.

Sorry, he has not lost his job yet. One can hope, but not yet.

He was already written out of the next season of the show, that’s why he faked the attack to get attention

Build the walls and lock the gates to keep them in …..But how can we be sure they will not stray and do more damage to us? Take funding from those sanctuary cities. They want them …Let them find their own way to keep them…

According to the Democrats immigration is good for the United States but when Mr Trump recommends moving them to a specific state (in this case to New York) the governments of these states are opposed, pure hypocrisy.

Even with all the truth about stupidity, Demoncraps were still able to take over congress, not a good thing….
I’m curious as to how much truth people need to stop eating the democrat/socialist ice cream….here now, gone in 3 minutes theory…

Republicrooks have the senate and the white house and nobody can believe that either

Having Trump in the White House is the only thing that saved this country. You have never had it so good.

Wrong again. YOU’Ve never had it so good

This is what the truth is, they know they can’t win another election, the country has woken up, so first they planned on fighting to let illegals stay, but not in sanctuary cities because those states are already blue, they want them everywhere else, then they want to give them the right to vote, and who do you think they would vote for…the dems of course for giving them a free ride and rights in our country, and if dems get into office they will slowly buy surely get their hands in everything so they can to take control of this country, healthcare, housing, education, guns, they want nothing but money and power, it blows my mind that there are still people who cant see this, cut the cable people and stop listening to the brainwashing media, and hope and pray your kid isn’t being brainwashed by some crackpot professor

What a Dumb Ass Quinn Sym is. The more he deletes the more I will post. Then he will delete and Matt will put them all back in and they can’t be deleted. Then the Dumb Ass Loser Quinn loses again. What a Brain Dead Idiot.

Omar;s hate for Americans,America ,Jews,President Trump & GOD makes her unliked by many. The ” death threats” are all just made up. Trump & his supporters,whites,blacks conservatives are not the violent,threatening,attackers. Democrats,like Waters,& lunatic liberals,celebrities like DeNiro,Griffith,Madonna,& CNN,fake news,late night hosts incite the violence.

That is really funny. You are one sick person.

You are part of the criminal, hate family and a traitor. Remember 911

When you make a remark diminishing the 911 affect on this country you invited everything you are experiencing to come down on you!!mothers and fathers lost children brothers and sisters lost parents siblings and so on!!! And some people did something just don’t CUT IT with us!! If you were a true American you would also feel the PAIN we are still feeling even after 18 yrs!! So by your statement we all know that you are not a friend to America!!!You need to resign and go back to Somalia or wherever you came from!!!!!

Trump has done nothing, death threats started the minute Omar opened her TERRORIST mouth

Well Cher darling! You can thank Jerry Brown, Pelosi, Waters, Feinstein and your ultra liberal peers for offering up California for the taking. Let them all live at Streisand’s house.

If you don’t like our flag, symbols and others signs that promote patriotism, go back to where you came from! Those things are not racist, intimidating, or harassing. But what is is the fact that you are here taking advantage of what this country provides, and yet you complain and spew hate, harassment, intimidation, and racism!

DO THESE PEOPLE EVER LISTEN TO THEMSELVES? All of a sudden, words that have been used to build the border wall are being used now by Democrats. Safety, can’t take care of our homeless or our vets, city can’t afford it, etc. Sure sounds familiar. FYI……we need a border, ICE and our system up to date. How about another vote now??

nobody can hear anything with your constant babbling

To the Left everything is racist. They have actually diminished the importance of an accusation of racism by labeling anything patriotic, disagree with, or don’t like, as such. I have serious concerns about the apparent fragile mental state of some of the people who are so threatened by everything.

If you are here in our country to work, raise your family. I would think you would want to be under our flag for freedom. So if you are not then I would be glad to send you back to where you came from.

The people’s republic of California.
Why don’t they just secede already.

OUR American flag displayed OUR country on OUR Police cars can’t possibly be racist! Could only be racist to RACIST!!!!!!!!!!
Get out Go home!!!!!!!!

None of the Dem politicians even like each other, but expect the rest of us to support them?????? And it goes without saying, that they don’t show respect for Trump (they don’t have to like him). AOC doesn’t like Biden; Pelosi doesn’t like AOC and her other two stooges; and on and on. Just like Obama, they are all worried about themselves and their legacies, instead of doing something good for the sake of Americans…..

Pelosi and Schiff all claim to have PROOF of impeachable charge a la high crimes and misdemeanors. Isn’t it they DUTY to file impeachment charges or supple the AG with this “evidence”? Why do they even care what’s in the Mueller report when they already have enough “evidence”?
The democrats are turning on each other. Might as well have a socialist party, democratic party and republican party.
Do you know what the real definition of Fascist is? Because the Nazis were fascist and killed thousands of Jews and President Trump has not, so the racist and fascist party are the Democrats who make laws to kill babies, go against Christians , has 3 crazy Bitches in congress who hate Jews. Your liberal king Obama has good evil friends black lives matter hate racist group .
Change socialist to communist. This way the fathers of communism (socialism) would agree with you….

AOC’s handlers need to reign her in! She does not have the brain capacity to think lucid thoughts about anything. I hope those handlers realize what a monster they’ve created.
A bartender who is a Climate change scientist, End Days scholar, Tax and economy expert, Roof ballerina and now a Constitutional lawyer. Wow! I didn’t know that Bartender School would prepare you so well….

It is amazing to me that there are states who VOTED AOC into our government! Certainly not what the founding fathers had in mind!!!
It’s to the point now where EVERYONE is making fun of AOC. The left leaning people interviewing her ask AOC the questions they know will get a reaction, just for likes and views. Kinda like when CBS started putting a gay person on every season of Survivor. They claim to be inclusive but in the end, all they did was demonstrate how really wacky they are. It started to feel like CBS was making fun of gay people. That’s why I quit watching. That and it was very annoying. Ha….

Years ago, as a California teacher, I was shocked to learn that state and national teachers’ unions collude with Planned Parenthood. They use teacher dues money and resources — behind our backs and against our wills — to bring the abortion industry into our schools. Many of our nation’s public schools require teachers to instruct children as young as 12 on how and where to obtain birth control — including the morning-after pill and abortions — without parental knowledge or permission. If teachers refuse to teach this, the law mandates “experts” like Planned Parenthood take over the classroom.

Unions also work with the ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center, GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network), SIECUS and many other far-left groups to push a radical sexual agenda onto our kids and to punish teachers, parents and students who dare to speak out against it.For example, pro-life Christian teachers have been spit upon by NEA activists. When they dared to produce medically accurate evidence seeking balance in NEA sex education policies, union activist teachers told them, “There’s a special place in hell for people like you.” Leaving the unions might be terrifying. They’ll tell you you’ll lose your pay, pension and liability insurance if you reject them. They’re lying to you, just like they did about their support of abortion. Thankfully, there are great organizations (like CEAI) providing superior services without the union tentacles. You can learn more about opting out of union membership, connecting with CEAI and other loving teachers who share your values here. The good news? Pro-life teachers no longer have to fund the unions’ greedy, heartless abortion agenda. Thanks to a lawsuit (Friedrichs v. CTA) brought by 10 California teachers and CEAI, and another suit brought by an Illinois government employee named Mark Janus, we’ve convinced the U.S. Supreme Court that forced union dues are unconstitutional. You can now opt out and pay unions nothing…..

You are lying. You were never a teacher.

The anonymous person who posted this is once again copying and pasting from other sources. It shows that he or she doesn’t really think these things up but finds someone who says something he agrees with regardless of the truth. Iowa . is a right to work state. A teacher doesn’t have to join the union if he or she doesn’t want to. Those that don’t accept welfare from the ones who do because the ones who bargain for wages are ISEA members.

Baby raping troll QUINN deleted again. The Little pussy is such a wimp his wife had to rape a baby to get satisfied. Then he got his family evicted many times even though living off the rest of us on section 8. What a P.O.S…

None of the Dem politicians even like each other, but expect the rest of us to support them?????? And it goes without saying, that they don’t show respect for Trump (they don’t have to like him). AOC doesn’t like Biden; Pelosi doesn’t like AOC and her other two stooges; and on and on. Just like Obama, they are all worried about themselves and their legacies, instead of doing something good for the sake of Americans..

Do you know what the real definition of Fascist is? Because the Nazis were fascist and killed thousands of Jews and President Trump has not, so the racist and fascist party are the Democrats who make laws to kill babies, go against Christians , has 3 crazy Bitches in congress who hate Jews. Your liberal king Obama has good evil friends black lives matter hate racist group .
Change socialist to communist. This way the fathers of communism (socialism) would agree with you…

Pelosi and Schiff all claim to have PROOF of impeachable charge a la high crimes and misdemeanors. Isn’t it they DUTY to file impeachment charges or supple the AG with this “evidence”? Why do they even care what’s in the Mueller report when they already have enough “evidence”?
The democrats are turning on each other. Might as well have a socialist party, democratic party and republican party..

It is amazing to me that there are states who VOTED AOC into our government! Certainly not what the founding fathers had in mind!!!
It’s to the point now where EVERYONE is making fun of AOC. The left leaning people interviewing her ask AOC the questions they know will get a reaction, just for likes and views. Kinda like when CBS started putting a gay person on every season of Survivor. They claim to be inclusive but in the end, all they did was demonstrate how really wacky they are. It started to feel like CBS was making fun of gay people. That’s why I quit watching. That and it was very annoying. Ha.
AOC’s handlers need to reign her in! She does not have the brain capacity to think lucid thoughts about anything. I hope those handlers realize what a monster they’ve created.
A bartender who is a Climate change scientist, End Days scholar, Tax and economy expert, Roof ballerina and now a Constitutional lawyer. Wow! I didn’t know that Bartender School would prepare you so well.

Years ago, as a California teacher, I was shocked to learn that state and national teachers’ unions collude with Planned Parenthood. They use teacher dues money and resources — behind our backs and against our wills — to bring the abortion industry into our schools. Many of our nation’s public schools require teachers to instruct children as young as 12 on how and where to obtain birth control — including the morning-after pill and abortions — without parental knowledge or permission. If teachers refuse to teach this, the law mandates “experts” like Planned Parenthood take over the classroom.

Unions also work with the ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center, GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network), SIECUS and many other far-left groups to push a radical sexual agenda onto our kids and to punish teachers, parents and students who dare to speak out against it.For example, pro-life Christian teachers have been spit upon by NEA activists. When they dared to produce medically accurate evidence seeking balance in NEA sex education policies, union activist teachers told them, “There’s a special place in hell for people like you.” Leaving the unions might be terrifying. They’ll tell you you’ll lose your pay, pension and liability insurance if you reject them. They’re lying to you, just like they did about their support of abortion. Thankfully, there are great organizations (like CEAI) providing superior services without the union tentacles. You can learn more about opting out of union membership, connecting with CEAI and other loving teachers who share your values here. The good news? Pro-life teachers no longer have to fund the unions’ greedy, heartless abortion agenda. Thanks to a lawsuit (Friedrichs v. CTA) brought by 10 California teachers and CEAI, and another suit brought by an Illinois government employee named Mark Janus, we’ve convinced the U.S. Supreme Court that forced union dues are unconstitutional. You can now opt out and pay unions nothing.

THANK YOU, François-Henri Pinault.

Do you know what the real definition of Fascist is? Because the Nazis were fascist and killed thousands of Jews and President Trump has not, so the racist and fascist party are the Democrats who make laws to kill babies, go against Christians , has 3 crazy Bitches in congress who hate Jews. Your liberal king Obama has good evil friends black lives matter hate racist group .
Change socialist to communist. This way the fathers of communism (socialism) would agree with you.

Pelosi and Schiff all claim to have PROOF of impeachable charge a la high crimes and misdemeanors. Isn’t it they DUTY to file impeachment charges or supple the AG with this “evidence”? Why do they even care what’s in the Mueller report when they already have enough “evidence”?
The democrats are turning on each other. Might as well have a socialist party, democratic party and republican party.

AOC’s handlers need to reign her in! She does not have the brain capacity to think lucid thoughts about anything. I hope those handlers realize what a monster they’ve created.
A bartender who is a Climate change scientist, End Days scholar, Tax and economy expert, Roof ballerina and now a Constitutional lawyer. Wow! I didn’t know that Bartender School would prepare you so well.

It’s to the point now where EVERYONE is making fun of AOC. The left leaning people interviewing her ask AOC the questions they know will get a reaction, just for likes and views. Kinda like when CBS started putting a gay person on every season of Survivor. They claim to be inclusive but in the end, all they did was demonstrate how really wacky they are. It started to feel like CBS was making fun of gay people. That’s why I quit watching. That and it was very annoying. Ha.

It is amazing to me that there are states who VOTED AOC into our government! Certainly not what the founding fathers had in mind!!!

Years ago, as a California teacher, I was shocked to learn that state and national teachers’ unions collude with Planned Parenthood. They use teacher dues money and resources — behind our backs and against our wills — to bring the abortion industry into our schools. Many of our nation’s public schools require teachers to instruct children as young as 12 on how and where to obtain birth control — including the morning-after pill and abortions — without parental knowledge or permission. If teachers refuse to teach this, the law mandates “experts” like Planned Parenthood take over the classroom.

You are lying again. You were never a teacher, in any state.

Unions also work with the ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center, GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network), SIECUS and many other far-left groups to push a radical sexual agenda onto our kids and to punish teachers, parents and students who dare to speak out against it.For example, pro-life Christian teachers have been spit upon by NEA activists. When they dared to produce medically accurate evidence seeking balance in NEA sex education policies, union activist teachers told them, “There’s a special place in hell for people like you.” Leaving the unions might be terrifying. They’ll tell you you’ll lose your pay, pension and liability insurance if you reject them. They’re lying to you, just like they did about their support of abortion. Thankfully, there are great organizations (like CEAI) providing superior services without the union tentacles. You can learn more about opting out of union membership, connecting with CEAI and other loving teachers who share your values here. The good news? Pro-life teachers no longer have to fund the unions’ greedy, heartless abortion agenda. Thanks to a lawsuit (Friedrichs v. CTA) brought by 10 California teachers and CEAI, and another suit brought by an Illinois government employee named Mark Janus, we’ve convinced the U.S. Supreme Court that forced union dues are unconstitutional. You can now opt out and pay unions nothing.

They had no problem with Obama sending them to Minnesota when he was president. Look what came of that. Send them to San Francisco and New York.

Why? Obama brought thousands to Massachusetts at fort Devens. Nobody questioned him about paperwork!! Why now. Seams like the Democrats want a million new voters in the great state of Texas for some reason. I quote President Reagan to Nancy Pelosi” take down that wall” surroundings your house and open arms to those dreamers…

that. Send them to San Francisco and New York.

Why? Obama brought thousands to Massachusetts at fort Devens. Nobody questioned him about paperwork!! Why now. Seams like the Democrats want a million new voters in the great state of Texas for some reason. I quote President Reagan to Nancy Pelosi” take down that wall” surroundings your house and open arms to those dreamers…

Trump should give the Democrats what they want. They said they welcome illegals with open arms welcome everyone. Let’s give them their wish to send as many immigrants as possible. New York and California can get the most as they have the resources to give the needed resources.

It is nice seeing all the hypocrisy coming from the politicians of these sanctuary cities now that Trump wants to add more illegal aliens to them….thought they liked and protected them…now they don’t want them???? Looks like they are NIMBY’s after all. (Not In My Back Yard)

Democrats are great at demanding to see this, demanding to see that. What they are absolutely useless at is doing something for the American people. The eternal tripod that the Democrat party rests on is killing babies, confiscating guns, and importing votes from south of the border.

I’m not voting for ANY DEMOCRAT. Their agendas are too progressive and radical. They offer nothing to American Citizens and offer lots of freebies and welfare to NON AMERICANS

I believe that most Democrats would vote for Satan, himself, if he was on the ticket. it seems like all of the Democrat candidates, so far, are running on an Anti God, Anti Christian and Anti Israel platform

AOC needs to resign or be impeached.
Simple as that.

Does she represent the Democrats in Washington? Hope the good Democrats are ready to speak out against this woman. She is so immature and irresponsible to be a Congresswoman!
This was Obama that used the cages. Don’t you know anything?

No thanks, I have already been duped by a smooth talking Democrat, his name was Obama. My vote is for the man, the myth, the legend. Trump 2020.

If this is the new generation, I want the old one! I agree, never again will a Democrat be elected President of this great country! Trump 2020!

Well Hell that is what President Trump has been trying to do all along is take care of the American people but all you Democrats want all these Illegals to come in our country; but now they are changing their minds when it come time for them to come to their city.

Drop them in all sanctuary states. They want them they can have them
Don’t go changing your minds now.
You wanted it you get it.

The Human Brain is a Amazing Organ. It keeps working 24 hour a day, 7 day a week, 52 weeks a year. From before you leave the womb right up until you vote Democrat.!

And then you wake up and realize that you made the biggest mistake of your life!

So criticism of Omar is bad because she may get an increase in death threats, but criticism of Trump is OK and if he gets death threats, that’s just the consequences of his actions/words… got it…..

I don’t think Omar’s getting death threats because of Trump’s comments; she’s getting death threats for her non-sympathetic, callous remarks about 9/11, her adoration for Farrakhan, her involvement with CAIR, and other comments she’s made. But because she can blame it on Trump, that gets more attention.

Republican Party……you better fight these socialist/communist party.With everything you have……Because they are coming after us…..don’t let 2020 become the 2018 mid-terms… They are fighting hard, and more to come…..We better wake up.We must be and stay on guard….All you RHINO’S better start supporting our President and goals.

When you start a shit storm & then complain about the shit then I’ve got to believe that this was your intent all along. Liberals are great at starting the shit & then complaining about the shit they’ve started. It’s part of their M.O.

What about the direct threats to all Trump supporters, trump cabinet, etc that endured hate crimes towards them after Maxine Waters incited violence when she said yell scream knock em down when you see them out?

Its a @CAIR tactic. Omar is deflecting on purpose, so as to gain sympathy, to take her side. Come on people, don’t take her bait. She is a serpent working for CAIR. Do your homework, its Public Record. One of the founders of CAIR was Convicted in Texas, he was Money Laundering for the Terrorist group, Hamas.

I have no sympathy for someone who hates what my country has stood for for 200 plus years
You don’t like it go back to Sudan that industrial metropolis of democracy and growth.

Obama made our police our enemy. He also had little respect for our military. The Democrats are all for Auschwitz (Planned) Parenthood. They have very little respect for life. But we are told by the Democrats and mainstream press that Trump is the problem. In a way he is in that their hate for him is uncontrollable. They have mental deficiencies….

The United States Constitution was created to limit the power of government, not the liberty or freedom of the people! You would think a United States Senator would understand that?! We must always protect our right to defend ourselves and our loved ones! The Second Amendment guarantees that right and it shall not be infringed!!!!

I have zero doubts that Trump was spied on. Question is, how many and who were behind it. Clapper certainly was as was Comey and probably Lynch. I would not be shocked at all if Obama and the Clintons were in on it also.

Deny deny deny. It won’t help you, Clapper. I think you’re running scared. You were part of the plot and you will be held accountable.

You enter a country without permission, you are illegal.

Feel free to pack your bags, people! No one makes to live here and if you’re ungrateful for all the blessings our country has been provided and all the beautiful men and women who protect it and have died for it, surely you SHOULD live elsewhere!

They left out this statistic about Englewood, Il…… Caracas, Venezuela is still the world’s most dangerous city with 120 homicides per 100,000 residents but Englewood blows that away with 172.

So what the hell is your point? Oh course it is, more legals than illegals, duhhhh! But I guess you people don’t give a damned those killed by illegals which in most cases could have been prevented? Right? After all it’s just a small percentage!

The BLM movement is full on with their violence and hate. Take guns from Democrats. Problem solved.
The Muslim Bitches start crap then get indignant when someone retaliates. They are just trying to start a war. Muslims are using our laws against us.

“White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders disdainfully declared on Fox News Sunday that “this” Congress isn’t “smart enough” to understand Donald Trump’s tax returns.”

What a load of bullshit from Trump’s little bitch.
165 members of Congress have law degrees.
8 have master of law degrees. 16 are medical doctors,
6 are scientists, and 5 are accountants.13 have PhD’s.
Or perhaps it is because Trump’s tax returns prepared in Russian.

Meanwhile, Sarah, what’s the name of that crappy little Bible college where you got your undergraduate degree in communications?

Your panties are in a bunch!2

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