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Melting polar ice caps will lead to oceans rising 10 feet

Antarctic glacier
Antarctic glacier

NIT – A new study by researchers at NASA and the University of California, Irvine, finds a rapidly melting section of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet appears to be in an irreversible state of decline, with nothing to stop the glaciers in this area from melting into the sea.

The study presents multiple lines of evidence, incorporating 40 years of observations that indicate the glaciers in the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica “have passed the point of no return,” according to glaciologist and lead author Eric Rignot, of UC Irvine and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. The new study has been accepted for publication in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

These glaciers already contribute significantly to sea level rise, releasing almost as much ice into the ocean annually as the entire Greenland Ice Sheet. They contain enough ice to raise global sea level by 4 feet (1.2 meters) and are melting faster than most scientists had expected. Rignot said these findings will require an upward revision to current predictions of sea level rise.

“This sector will be a major contributor to sea level rise in the decades and centuries to come,” Rignot said. “A conservative estimate is it could take several centuries for all of the ice to flow into the sea.”

Three major lines of evidence point to the glaciers’ eventual demise: the changes in their flow speeds, how much of each glacier floats on seawater, and the slope of the terrain they are flowing over and its depth below sea level. In a paper in April, Rignot’s research group discussed the steadily increasing flow speeds of these glaciers over the past 40 years. This new study examines the other two lines of evidence.

The glaciers flow out from land to the ocean, with their leading edges afloat on the seawater. The point on a glacier where it first loses contact with land is called the grounding line. Nearly all glacier melt occurs on the underside of the glacier beyond the grounding line, on the section floating on seawater.

Just as a grounded boat can float again on shallow water if it is made lighter, a glacier can float over an area where it used to be grounded if it becomes lighter, which it does by melting or by the thinning effects of the glacier stretching out. The Antarctic glaciers studied by Rignot’s group have thinned so much they are now floating above places where they used to sit solidly on land, which means their grounding lines are retreating inland.

“The grounding line is buried under a thousand or more meters of ice, so it is incredibly challenging for a human observer on the ice sheet surface to figure out exactly where the transition is,” Rignot said. “This analysis is best done using satellite techniques.”

The team used radar observations captured between 1992 and 2011 by the European Earth Remote Sensing (ERS-1 and -2) satellites to map the grounding lines’ retreat inland. The satellites use a technique called radar interferometry, which enables scientists to measure very precisely — within less than a quarter of an inch — how much Earth’s surface is moving. Glaciers move horizontally as they flow downstream, but their floating portions also rise and fall vertically with changes in the tides. Rignot and his team mapped how far inland these vertical motions extend to locate the grounding lines.

The accelerating flow speeds and retreating grounding lines reinforce each other. As glaciers flow faster, they stretch out and thin, which reduces their weight and lifts them farther off the bedrock. As the grounding line retreats and more of the glacier becomes waterborne, there’s less resistance underneath, so the flow accelerates.

Slowing or stopping these changes requires pinning points — bumps or hills rising from the glacier bed that snag the ice from underneath. To locate these points, researchers produced a more accurate map of bed elevation that combines ice velocity data from ERS-1 and -2 and ice thickness data from NASA’s Operation IceBridge mission and other airborne campaigns. The results confirm no pinning points are present upstream of the present grounding lines in five of the six glaciers. Only Haynes Glacier has major bedrock obstructions upstream, but it drains a small sector and is retreating as rapidly as the other glaciers.

The bedrock topography is another key to the fate of the ice in this basin. All the glacier beds slope deeper below sea level as they extend farther inland. As the glaciers retreat, they cannot escape the reach of the ocean, and the warm water will keep melting them even more rapidly.

The accelerating flow rates, lack of pinning points and sloping bedrock all point to one conclusion, Rignot said.

“The collapse of this sector of West Antarctica appears to be unstoppable,” he said. “The fact that the retreat is happening simultaneously over a large sector suggests it was triggered by a common cause, such as an increase in the amount of ocean heat beneath the floating sections of the glaciers. At this point, the end of this sector appears to be inevitable.”

Because of the importance of this part of West Antarctica, NASA’s Operation IceBridge will continue to monitor its evolution closely during this year’s Antarctica deployment, which begins in October. IceBridge uses a specialized fleet of research aircraft and the most sophisticated suite of science instruments ever assembled to characterize changes in thickness of glaciers, ice sheets and sea ice.

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Let me see, when it comes to climate science should I listen the worlds best scientists or should I listen to a retire factory worker from the North end of Mason City, LVS?

Better listen to LVS.

You mean those same “wprld’s best scientists” who just 40 years ago claimed the world was experiencing global cooling?

40 years ago, the SAME experts? I suspect most would be children or not even born yet. There was no consensus 40 years ago, just speculation. We’ve progressed.

You take your advice from an old retired factory worker from the North end. I’ll listen to Bill Nye the Science guy all his colleagues.

@Dick-You are an idiot. I never was a factory worker but you sure seem to think that is a bad thing. It is a honest living and good work. Something a waste of space like you knows nothing about.

@BCN-I talked to the good doctor a little bit last nigh and will visit with him some more over the weekend. You are correct that he feels that humans are the cause of some of the warming and his real concern as I said was the release of methane if it gets to warm. He said that even though the earth is warmer, the atmosphere above is getting colder and that is a concern. He also said if the U.S. stopped all pollution today we would barely make a dent in world pollution. China, Korea, India,

Continued-And other 3rd world country’s pollute far more than we ever did and they have no intention of stopping. The situation with the glacier at the south pole is not cause by human factors but by continued “climate change”. He said the world is constantly going through climate change and always has. Only 10,000 years ago we had the last ice age. Very interesting discussion. I will let you know when I find out more.

LVS, correct me if I am wrong. Doesn’t it melt and freeze and repeat every year? Some more, some less year to year? Where we’re they when the ice shelf grew more this year? Stands to reason we would have more to break off then, right?

@Liberty Boy-You are right but this is a land locked glacier and is a different deal The sea ice melts and reforms every year and there was a record amount of sea ice this year but that is unrelated to this. The melt from this glacier is far under the surface of the ocean and is caused by a warm current. This is a natural process that is “NOT” caused by humans. We definitely do contribute to some of the problem but fixing it in the U.S. will never solve the problem. China and the 3rd world

Continued: world country’s contribute much more than us. I have been to China and Japan and Korea and you would not believe the pollution there. They burn sulpherized coal for everything including cooking and it is so thick you can’t breathe. Mexico and South America are not quite as bad but still much worse than us. The last time I was in Mexico City the air from the 20th floor of my hotel looked like a cement road at the 13th floor. Nose started running just going outside. Very nasty.

Must be awful warm down there, sea ice starts to melts above 28 degrees F. I would think it would have to be significantly above that for a substantial time period to melt that much ice. Wonder what the average summer temp is down there, maybe BS eater BCN can tell us.

@Liberty Boy-They say it is because of warm currents that are coming in at the bottom of the ice flow. The reason it is sliding off is the terrain under the ice flow. No mountains or hills to help hole it down so as it melts a little it becomes slippery and slides off in to the ocean. They claim that nothing can stop it other than the current change direction. Big write ups about it on Google News and Yahoo today.

LVS: I hope you ask your scientist friend if it’s possible that mankind can add to global warming. I think it’s pretty clear that all of the heating is because of the sun; all of our energy derives from the sun(or a past sun, in the case of nuclear) at some point, and that the energies involved are massive. But the amount of heat that is trapped is pretty much the important part and I’d like to hear what you heard about that part and how it’s affected.

@Mediator-i will certainly ask him, but I am pretty sure he will say that carbon dioxide in the air contributes to the heat. I know from previous conversations that his real concern is methane release. If it warms up enough so the arctic tundra melts and the methane is released we have a real problem.
I read this morning that as the glaciers recede the land rises, This is happening in North America as the land recovers from the last ice age.
Climate Change Scientist agree the Earth has warmed

Continued: And cooled every 100,000 years for the last 900,000 years. They do not know how much the “Human Factor” will effect the climate. It will certainly effect it some, but when you think of the other factors such as solar wind and the suns radiation and heat effect (which is massive) they just don’t know how much. It is interesting that no amount of global warming or cooling will cooling will make a dent in the retreat. It is being caused by the lack of hills and mountains under the…

Climate’s changed before
Climate reacts to whatever forces it to change at the time-humans are now the dominant forcing.

It’s the sun
In the last 35 years of global warming, sun and climate have been going in opposite directions.

There’s no consensus
97% of climate experts agree humans are causing global warming.

97% of the world’s scientists contrive an environmental crisis, but are exposed by a plucky band of billionaires/oil companies & believed by unthinking…


believed by unthinking lackeys and minions.

A climate scientist and a climate change denier walk into a bar.
The denier says, bartender, show me your strongest whiskey.
The bartender says, this one here. It’s 95 percent alcohol.
The denier slams down his fist and leaves the bar in a hurry.
The scientist says, you know, that’s the problem with these guys. You show them the proof, and they still don’t buy it.

I Don’t buy it when they are making millions off their wet dreams and other people are going broke because of it. Gore is the worst person to have fronting for this. He doesn’t believe it himself and does nothing to correct millions promoting it. In my opinion it is nothing but a liberal scam. Making jokes will not change my mind. I will have more information for you next week.

“I will have more information for you next week.”

I have an open mind and am willing to listen to any factual information you present.
Just put politics aside for awhile, as not everything that you disagree with is a “liberal scam”.

You just provide some verifiable facts to back up your opinion.
I will await your presentation.

Here is part of it then. Did you know it will take 200 to 1000 years for this to happen if it ever does? A reversal of currents could change this in very short order. Instead of posting on you emotions why don’t you go to Google news and read all about it. I will be talking to a world famous scientist about this in person over the weekend and we will see what the good Doctor has to say.

Please LVS, please don’t tell me that you are going to twist the words of the good Dr. Richard L Snyder again.
I already proved you wrong on that one.


Dr.Snyder acknowledges climate change and talks of “increasing atmospheric carbon loads”

“Dr. Richard L. Snyder– a biometeorologist from UC Davis. He gave a remarkable and very sobering presentation on climate change. He shared the irrefutable evidence of the increasing atmospheric carbon loads..”

@BCN-Like I said, you don’t know the good doctor at all and I certainly do. We shall see what he has to say this weekend and I will let you know.

@BCN-By the way, I acknowledged climate change as well. Just not your viewpoint on it. Did you read the article on Google News? It is under the science section. Or do you know so much you don’t need to see the latest findings?

Wow, you change your storyline more than a politician.

Even when faced with posted facts that contradict your earlier statements, you still manage to twist and turn like a corkscrew.

@BCN-For a educated person you sure need to work on your reader comprehension. I said “The climate is always changing and always has” If that isn’t climate change what is? We may be part of it but the world is constantly changing. The SUN is the cause of all weather in the world. If you will just set aside your animosity of me and think about the effect of the sun on the whole surface of the earth, especially the oceans you will see what I mean. Nothing that man can or will do can touch it.

By the way, the good doctor was the one who told me that and he has spent his whole life studying that type of stuff. I have even seen his experiments in California.

How many climate change skeptics does it take not to change a light-bulb?

Approximately 100.

One to say that the current absence of light is the result of natural solar cycles and the other 99 to disseminate this finding through Fox News and Oil Industry funded think tanks.

@BCN-I might have known you would come across with something like that. People like you should be banned. You offer nothing but desension. I said, my information was from a leading scientist, not Fox.

My comment above was not a “reply” to you, was it?
It was a general comment directed at no one in particular.
Are you paranoid?

By the way, in that context, it is spelled “dissension” not “desension”.

But since you decided to get testy I just have to ask, you’re a member of the Flat Earth Society aren’t you?

@BCN-Thanks for the spelling lesson. I knew it was spelled wrong but just didn’t bother to look it up. I guess I thought most people would have been smart enough to understand it. Guess I was wrong there. No I do not belong to the “Flat Earth Society” but I do belong to the common sense club and do not drink the KOOL Aid. I will say it again, I believe that the earth has always gone through climate change and always will and that there are things in nature that we just can not do anything…

Just to continue on, anything about. Now, that being said, do I believe that we have a air and water pollution problem? You bet I do. I lived in Southern California and experienced “SMOG” first hand and a lot of it. I can remember driving to work and not being able to see my hood many times and the smell of diesel in the air was suffocating. Have I seen the dirty water in our streams, rivers and lakes? You bet I have. Thank you farmers and developers for destroying our land. There, now you…

I will bet some hack (probably Al Gore) will blame this on our pollution levels. It is due to natural climate change. They have already discovered that at one time this whole area was much like Alaska. I have heard from a scientist that has studied this his whole life that these conditions are caused by the energy of the sun radiating on the earth’s surface which is 2/3rds. water. he told me that nothing man can do can possibly compete with the energy the sun puts out in one day.

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