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Is it okay to grab pussies? I’m confused about proper legal etiquette.

Yes it is. And it is ok to have kinky, and I mean real kinky sex with teenage russian prostitutes but dont make the same mistake that I did. When I was in n Moscow they caught me on video in a bugged hotel suite and it will be the end of my puppet presidency.

Get off the fake crap!

The tobacco enema was used to infuse tobacco smoke into a patient’s rectum for various medical purposes, but primarily the resuscitation of drowning victims. A rectal tube inserted into the anus was connected to a fumigator and bellows that forcedthe smoke into the rectum. The warmth of the smoke was thought to promote respiration.
comment image?w=418&h=292
Doubts about the credibility of tobacco enemas led to the popular phrase “Blowing Smoke Up Your Ass.”
As you are most likely aware, this odd tool is still heavily used today by Trump and his supporters…..

what’s your excuse

No, No, No!


You can’t vote this is only for citizens that it will effect

duh, we know that. stupid post from you to assume the opposite.

our group has surveyed over 8000 mason citizens who will vote yes

our group meaning

we’re a closed group who are for the project. just like that group that opposes economic growth thru new businesses recently proposed for the city, we don’t have to expose anything to you who are against city advancements

Lies. There won’t even be 8k people voting.

so do you want to chance that it will get 8000 yes votes? It will be sweeeet to see it happen

Just wondering, what part of town did you do your surveying in.

like we stated above, we have no obligation to disclose information to anyone outside the group. we see no reason to supply information to those opposing the progressive plan so that they can rebut the information using fictional data, fear factors, and bullying like they have used in the past

In other words it is Bull Shit!

I was just wondering, because everyone asked didn’t know anything about a survey. Other then city hall, I don’t get to the cultural crescent much.

—-They better because there IS a MC group of business owners that are voting NO. They have a legit 416 votes. Matt, doesn’t it require a 60% majority? This group HAS swayed two elections.

I am not sure how I will vote yet. I am still listening to both sides of the debate.

I will be voting a big no.have not talked to many people who are in favor of this.

100% NO

When did KIMT News become the weather channel ? They open with the weather, mid-way thru there’s a weather report and wind up at the end of the broadcast, again. Just sayin’

KIMT is looking for help in their new Rochester studio.

I return after years being gone to see the same bs squabbling and complaints about censoring. And you gave this guy your money enabling him to purchase real estate to be a player? What’s wrong with you all? Clearly you favor dictators and oppressors to free speech and democratic ideals.

Your probably right, but it does give one something to think about. So why are you here.

And now, I’m being censored !!!

You are being censored because you are an obscene 4 letter word unfit for viewing on a family oriented site such as NIT.

You should be censored because you are an obscene 4 letter word unfit for viewing on a family oriented site such as NIT.

You are a bigger pussy than I thought you were. You continually antagonize someone then you act all pissed off and offended when he hands you your ass for messing with him. Just give it a break. I’m tired of reading your continual bullshit, schoolyard bully crap. Enough is enough.

It give the kids something to do. More fun working up a sweat trying to wreck something than getting a job.

Pieces of art are good for target practice and that is all.

Just because you like them doesn’t mean everyone else does. I don’t. They are a waste of good money.

So who wins on this issue? The barren landscape crowd or the “we like interesting things to look at” group? Do you think people are shitting in your pudding when they take an artistic risk? Are you so fuddy duddy that even a change of underwear is considered a night on the town? Does your neighbor’s bird bath anger you?

Oh aren’t you cute. Just because you like some ugly pieces of crap doesn’t mean everyone does. You are really showing what a artiest you are with your low class response.

I like the sculptures and the arts in Mason City — the museum, coummunity theater, NIACC performing arts, Fridays downtown etc. The more cultural experiences the better. Educate yourself with cultural experiences, expand your mind and horizons.

And now, I’m being censored !!!

Deleted/censored…… same deal. Your comment offended me pal.

And how’s that.

That doesn’t answer the question.

Not my comment Allen. It is the copycat again. Matt needs to bar people who do that on this site. I pretty much always agree with your comments.

Allen-always look at the icon. It will tell you who is commenting. The icon from the troll has a different look.

You are just to STUPID to know the difference!

The Greek Idiot thinks he is being cute.

LVS and the Real LVS are the multiple personalities of the old coot up on the North End. It develops over years of ass kissing and cowardly deleting comments of other posters.

I am very pleased that I have a personality and not living off my aged parents because I can never stay with anything or even hold a job as a dishwasher.

LVS & The Real LVS are just two versions of the same thing.
Butt-kissing cowardly old geezer that deletes comments of others, makes dumbass comments and is just a worthless old POS.
Complete waste of skin.

And, all that from the resident Clear Lake idiot living off his parents.

The Real / LVS is such a clueless and ignorant old idiot.
He thinks that it is always just one person calling him out for his lies, BS and stupidity.
Heads up LVS, there are scores of people on here that know you for what you really are.
Just a dumbass old douchebag.

And, all that from a ignorant dumbass that is to cowardly to use his own name. What a chickenshit you are. Nothing but a bigmouth bag of wind.

Nice try, feeble old man.
Everyone here knows what an ass-kissing old dickhead that you are.
The only reason that your comments remain on here all the time, is due to your kissing the site owners ass on a daily basis.

You’re too stupid to make on you own and always have been.
You’ve been that way your whole pathetic life.
The only way that you survived for so long is by kissing ass, boot-licking and being a back-stabbing coward.

And, firing Dumb Asses like you.

I’m trying very hard to resist trolling this site all day long. I really want to find another way of life but I seem to be an obsessed. It seems impossible. Will I ever be able to stop running my mouth, posting anonymously or deleting comments that challenge my way of thinking? I have been advised to start a Go Fund Me Page and seek donations.

I know it’s not you…

What comment was that?

Matt any idea why mc police incident reports not updated

Enter the Whiner’s Den and post your rants, raves, observations, news tips and confessions. Won’t let me post news tips, what’s up with that???

Party barn move it to the north end or south by bowling alley. Why ruin peoples lives because they like solitude.

What u talking about

Just wondering, did anybody hear anything about the code blue that happened at John Adams today.

Never mind, it was brought up at the meeting.

And who is “HE”? Care to elaborate?

If you said “HE” then why did you thank local employees for not reporting you in for ethical/immoral misconduct unbecoming of a transportation “manager?”

People get reported for ETHICAL behavior now??? You’re just trying to stir up something, just be quiet and go away.

I am sorry. You are correct. That behavior is definitely “unethical”
I apologize for any confusion

Boom!!! Exactly!!!

Well sports fans, the former employee Human Resources officer of the Mason City Community School District, Jodie Anderson, is 2-0 versus the taxpayers of Mason City after receiving a contract and an extension to remain the HR person on a contract basis. This is after she received the benefit of more than $10,000 in improper payments.
Tonight the Mason City Mohawk football team lost to the Marshalltown Bobcats 16-13 at Mohawk field. This despite outgaining the bobcats 322-251 in the yardage department. They have started the season 0-2.
Maybe we should have Ms. Anderson coach the football team at no charge for the rest of the season. That way we taxpayers could at least recoup part of her improper payments.

Here ya go Marquardt, it was just announced that Janet Solberg will NOT run for 4th ward city council again.
Ya going to run for it?

I just don’t see why holcim would just let that plant sit. They pay taxes on all that land, u can not.tell me they were not making $$ when they were in operation. How long do u think that plant will just sit MOTHBALLED?

The plant is gone for good. They have already sold a lot of their property and have the rest on the market.

Well they need 2 sell the plant 2 a company that would use it. I heard they will not sell it cause they don’t want the competition 2 have it

Man up would be an anatomical impossibility. The old coot has no testicles or scrotum.

Reggie (Red)-I did not delete your post. As a matter of fact I posted a reply this morning and it is gone too. I did read your post and just found it comical. I suspect the troll tried to delete my post and took out yours too.

Finally getting rid of your stash, huh.

Not quite, I keep a stash on hand to pass out to ass-kissers like yourself & LVS, so that you may refresh your palates from the copious amounts of butt-kissing that you do. A little odor & taste control if you will.
My guess is that you may also sorely be in need of some lip balm, due to your & LVS’s severely chapped lips.

The only reason you are still here is because you are to cowardly to post under your own name, so, you hide behind Anonymous like the chickenshit you really area. Come on big mouth, lets see what you are made of.

Come on LVS man up! Least you can do is admit that you feel guilty for deleting Reggie’s comments. No respect for you my friend.

Look i’m not anonymous anymore!

SVL..Is that you? Snyders Vagina Leaks?

You can’t really blame LVS for not being able to man up, as he he is incapable of that.
You see, LVS has no balls.

Agreed. LVS has a mangina.

LVS is easy to summarize, he’s a douchebag dumbass old POS.
Between his ass-kissing and craven ways coupled with his dumbass comments, he is a pathetic old waste of skin with no redeemable qualities.
He will delete these comments as he is a butt-kissing, yellow-bellied liar and a dumbass.

Care to elaborate, so everyone on this site can know what you know, or are you just spreading a rumor.

So my 2 comments got deleted? I come here all the time to get current news and only comment infrequently and i get deleted. OK that is BS.. So Matt you going to let divergent ideas be expressed or censor them?

LVS has deleted so many comments on this site it is hard to keep track of.
He has stated many times that he deletes comments whenever he feels like it.
Matter of fact, he will more than likely delete these…check back & if these comments are gone, it is guaranteed to have been done by LVS.

Sorry Reggie, that comment was from me.

I decide who gets deleted NOT Matt. If you get deleted you deserve it.

Matt has nothing to say about it. I set and enforce censorship rules in this playground and then delete comments that offend me. -LVS

Very. nice building Matt, love the neon light!!
Congratulations your well deserved success.
Your hard work has paid off.

It’s the best the free city money can build. Talk about wasting money when there are poor and uninsured homeless people in the county. A prime example of government waste at taxpayers expense.

There’s a reason ” there are poor and uninsured homeless people in the county” Can you guess why that is.

Wow, now that’s cold!

No one but you cares.

Just in Cedar Rapids in the running for the new Toyota plant. 4000 jobs, omfg if that comes to that area I’m leaving and you all can loot my run down shack. Also burn it after you loot it.

Why no story on this site about Max running for third ward council?
Or maybe I missed something?

just a repeat story from years ago. There is no current news when a max weaver is involved. You’re just getting a rerun of the same old crap from a has-been

I know holcim has gotten rid of a lot of there belting for conveyors and they got rid of the whole machine shop. U say it’s a eye sore for the north end? Well I have worked a lot in both plants and Lehigh is so much more rundown, trash everywhere, half the building in the plant they don’t even use. They need to look to the south cause that plant is a lot nicer, cleaner, modern.

I am referring to the land by the highway and the fence, over grown area. This is one of the first things people see coming into the city from the north. Not so much the buildings. Coming into the city from the other directions is just as bad. Not a good first impression to people that have not been here before.

That has always looked like that. Maybe now it looks better since they cut some of the trees down.

So instead of seeing pretty trees you want to see them cut down and see unkept grass land and rundown buildings.

Matt any idea why mc police incident reports not updated

Is the Hancock County Jail closed? Why?

Zero crime = no prisoners since Sheriff Arpaio moved to town.

Well sports fans, the high school football season is underway. And if Friday nights results were an indication of how the season will go, it’s going to be a long year for Mason City Mohawk fans.
The Clear Lake Lions opened a can of whupass on the Mohawks and waltzed off thehe field with a 55-22 victory.

Their going to suck until they get rid of the coaching staff and let the talented kids play.Berkley has no clue and Thomas shouldn’t even be on the staff since he doesn’t work for the school.

Game plan for every game, run run run punt run run fumble run run run punt run run interception run run run punt run run run run turnover on downs (had to try something different down 28-0) run run run punt.lost 48-3 Quarterback 2 for 10 for 11 yards 3 ints 4 fumbles.Only throws the ball when he’s down by 35 or more.

I just hope ISU keeps Anita Micich far away from the ‘checkbook’ ! Can’t wait for the next audit to be released to see how much taxpayer dollars have been squandered by the greedy Mason City Public Schools Administration !

I wish Mason City would have pursued the Toyota factory. Remove the old Holcim plant and good part of north end. Access to rail and highway/interstate.

There is not enough of an employee base. Businesses can’t fill the openings they have now.

If you pay a competitive wage you will get employees. Simple economics.

I just wish the cement plant would start back up. I have done tons of work at both plants and the holcim plant is 10 times cleaner and nicer than lehigh.

Holcim will not reopen. They removed all the valuable equipment and moved it to there other plant. Now coming in from the north side of Mason looks bad because of the lack of maintenance at that location. Wish the would donate the land to city or county for ATV park and expand lime creek

The city doesn’t want it because of hazardous waste clean up. It is a superfund area.

The city doesn’t want it because of hazardous waste clean up. It is a superfund area.

We should make them clean it up before the CEO’s take all the profit and the business closes or goes under and leaves the tax payers with the bill.

Good luck with that!

Why do you repeat yourself all the time LVS? Two identical posts when the first one was way more than enough for most of us.

Why do you repeat yourself all the time LVS? Two identical posts when the first one was way more than enough for most of us.

perfect example of what’s wrong with mason city residents, always dreaming and never living in reality…..

Bill Gates dreamed of a computer company. You will alway lose if you never try. I guess you beleive it is easy to complain then try and make things better.

The only area that can support this in Iowa is Cedar Rapids area,they have the shovel ready land and people250000 -300000 Des Moines area said they didn’t have room.

Does anyone know how long a car can park on a Mason City street in a residential area without being moved?

48 hrs

Thanks for the info, much appreciated

My experience in dealing with a persistent parking issue in our neighborhood is that the Mason City PD is very responsive. Junk cars on private property are another matter and our code enforcement efforts are pathetic! I mention this because our neighborhood “junk collector” moved his car off the street and on to his SIDE YARD where it continues to sit since the last snow melted.

Use the “Clickfix ap” for the city of mason city. It works for me.

Make Mason City a sanctuary city. Meeting to be held at library soon to kick this off. All will be welcomed.

So now the lazy bums that want free stuff also want to make Mason City a lawless city by proposing “sanctuary” status.

I hope they film the participants so we can keep track of who the knuckldraggers are!

Forget about the Gatehouse PROMISE to pay back the $4M after 20 years. Next to worthless absent a third party secured financial agreement to do so. City will be stiffed on the $4 MILLION PLUS INTEREST. Duped dummies who vote in favor of. BE SMART SAY NO.

Who asked Henkel to do the front end concept and estimating for the ice arena? For what fee arrangement? Odds are, NY owner will hand the arena construction contract to Henkel – no bid deal!

Tomorrow the State Auditor releases the Special State Audit of the MCSD. A “must read” document. Who knows today just who & what
is it’s targets.

Makes one think of potential similarities with recent City plans had fate not intervened in 2016 and come Nov. 7, 2017.

In 2016 we had a eastern wealthy party wanting millions from the public of MC and Iowa for his pig plant to be IN MC provided we pilled the public money high enough to satisfy him and enough
votes on the City Council to ram it INTO MC.

Then maybe certain local entities/individuals would have reaped the $$$ spoils. Construction contracts, bonuses, jobs, rental of shacks & ???

On Nov. 7th we get to vote on this arena scheme for giving away $12.5M of public money to fund an ice arena in a failing private old enclosed shopping center recently acquired for a pittance by another eastern US party seeking the MC & Iowa public millions. Local entities & individuals may be envisioning no public bid construction
contract DEALS from the $12.5M given to the NY party who will own it and rent it to the City and it’s citizens-taxpayers who will totally fund
this $12.5M gift scheme.

Defeat this ice arena gift scheme on Nov. 7th by rejecting the Lease the City needs in order to deliver the $12.5M bag of money to fund it.

Plus there will be no need to make a 20 year, public funded $4,000,000. Interest free, no payment loan for a dream hotel being pitched via another under funded so called hotel Developer when “N0″voters in MC prevail on Nov. 7th.

Does anyone know where you can get or purchase eclipse glasses in Mason City?

You don’t really need those hokey eclipse glasses. You can train your eyes by looking into the arc of a welder for a couple of minutes to get nearly the same effect as looking at the sun.

Ha, Ha, Ha, Dumb Ass!

That’s just one side of the story, I’d be interested in knowing the other side. Mason City has had recycling since the early 90’s, and some people still can’t get it right, so they blame their ignorance, on the workers. Believe it or not, there are rules and regulations that govern what can be put into a recycling bin for pickup. It’s really not that hard to figure out.

And if I have one single wrong item they won’t take any of the stuff. So into the landfill it goes – 17 years and counting.

I didn’t think that you lived in Mason City. Anyway, no one is forced to recycle, it’s just good for the environment. Most environmentally minded people recycle.

I like to imagine that I’m leaving an archaeological record for future explorers to unearth.

Welcome Home MP

Sounds like a management failure if employees are acting on their own accord. Hopefully Trout can look into this issue and deal with management or employees if they are not doing their jobs properly.

A certain person needs to understand I have nothing to do with anyone from my teenager years to early twenties. I realize it’s nostalgic and all for ya, but really man, if you see me around town…no need to come up behind me and say my name. I have blotted everyone out from my mind and would prefer to keep it that way. Thanks.

For all of you people that believe that all this shit that took place in Virginia with the Confederate statues you guys are fricken morans. Riots,terrorism,and beatings have been going on for ages. This to me has nothing to do with a statue, it is caused by how you are raised. Shit we have punk ass kids here in good ole river city running around calling each other the N-word and the Black kids calling the white kids prejudiced honkies. It’s how we are being brought up. Most of the dirt bags in town think they are owed something cause they were born in America. If you don’t like it here get the f**k out and go to North Korea. Most of you are lazy fat f**ken losers anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, that was a violent encounter. He must have been to ashamed to answer the question. If he had been drinking a bottle of, Angel of Darkness, I’m sure the outcome would have been different.

Absolutely true, Matt. They are lining up all over to put the 25th amendment into action.

Nothing but FAKE news from the FAKE news source CNN.

Nothing CNN says abut Trump is true. It is all fake news.

boy, an award winning effort to come up with that info. lol

MATT use your investigative powers and find out about the windmills

I asked before and no one answered and ive asked numerous people and no answers. the 3 windmills on the avenue and the 2 by Portland., who owns them?? I had heard the 3 were built for the pig slaughter house and the 2 by Portland for a future planned hog farm. now they sit idle. have never been on line for a estimated 1 million dollars each you would think that someone would do something with them. anyone know whos they are for sure???

Lets encourage Allen to comment on your question. He has an intense interest in posting rumors.

Carly — What is your opinion as to what the end game of the democratic party is?

What is your opinion on what the end game of the Republican party is?

I value your thoughts.

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