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Here in Worthless county I wonder if we will get to even vote on the gas pipeline project to where? that’s worth county 26 million share/Mitchell county 34 millionshare of taxpayer money for this mystery pipeline to what – CAFO’s – The county supervisors should get pocket plump from this theft of our hard earned money – If we are wrong please tell us how this will benefit us personally as I don’t own Alliant Energy or a cafo ? PS Don’t want to here the old JOB creation ploy – that’s short for free money to big corporations. – That figure is known as $1,000,000 for every job created paid for by local property owners.

Any rumor to the large turnover at the MC fire dep?



Mason City Fire Chief resigned??? Rumors starting to come out.

What are the rumors.

Todd would not get involved in Mason City politics. Peter probably has his own reasons.

Knock it off Symonds you little chickenshit.

Shows what you know, the jokes on you.

So what has happened with the wonderful Blue Zones project? Is the city still pouring money into that silly boondoggle?

Still wasting money painting arrows on the roads that are gone after the first snow.

Digital pill? How stupid. Dissolve it in warm vinegar and it should send out the same signal. What fascists.

To Dan Varnum & Steve Nelson and the rest of the liars at Mason City Mercy Hospital: if there is a God, which at this point I doubt, you will have to pay and answer to Him one day for bearing false witness.
This for all of you;

I’m sure they come here and read these whines.. smh. Why don’t you meet them face too face and tell them your problem?

Because he’s full of hot air.

I tried but they are whinny female dogs.

Matt remember one thing. Those people saying bad things about you and lying about you have the most to hide – they fear you. Drain the swamp my friend.

YES, go Matt !!!!

To the people out there looking for a rental house there’s a landlord in Mason trying to rent a rat infested house. Do your research before signing a lease with anyone.

So Mr. Children where have you been since the vote didnt go your way with the fear mongering you were doing? You have been pretty quit since the community voted yes that you said would never happen because their were far more NO people out there. Like I have said in the past to you many of times instead of being a tough guy behind a keyboard get up and do something about it and run for a public office. Until then your silence has been extremely nice!!

Just waiting for the whole damn thing to fall apart. And. I believe it will.

Ok Larry, we will do that.

The fear mongering could still be real. The money pits haven’t been built yet, or should I say dug.

Hey bud, Children does what he wants when he wants! He’s straight edged – something you can never achieve!

Explain something to me. Yes team comprised of elected officials had access to multiple thousands of dollars to run their campaign. Then they were allowed to count the dam votes at the courthouse? Just how the hell is that possible?

Exactly. The vote should be thrown out and recounted by independent, impartial judges.

So how come you don’t speak up when local city councils decide on candidate eligibility issues? Most judges in small towns are subject to several factors of influence to a degree.

What good would that do? They would just ignore you.

The yes people won and you lost. Get over it.

Just like you got over Trump?

Just like you got over Trump winning?

If facts reveal Robin and John Lee had support by russian operatives, and a planned a kidnapping plot to illegally extradite Max Weaver to a Turkish island prison for 15 million dollars then it is prudent to investigate the YES campaign. If not, then you are right, NO voters should get over it.

How do you know that isn’t true?

Because it wasn’t just the hotel people were voting on, it was a city council election, so they had to be counted at the election commissioner/auditor’s office, in the courthouse. Also, what elected officials were on the committee? Elected officials may have expressed support, but that’s a lot different than actively promoting it. All the money used to buy ads and signs, etc., was contributed by private citizens or organizations. No taxpayer money.

What ever happened to Quinn Symmonds?

Nothing, he was born that way !!!

Now that’s a good one.

Matt could buy the glob’ and make it worth something.

yes I’m sure Matt has a few million $ laying around he could use to buy it from Lee Enterprises.. He could even change the name to ” mug shots of druggies.”.

Probably in jail where he belongs.

Matt, sorry to tell you again that Robin and the yes people really have it in for you including the city money guy. Good luck.

He’s willing to sell NIT for 50k and move out of town. Bookmeyer can buy it and become the NIT editor.

I’m wondering how much more scandal and corruption will occur amidst the GOP until Matt comes home to the Democratic Party?

That whole Music Man Square deal – where was Barb Hovland at the tail end of the election? I thought she was in charge over there. Then, nothing. Total silence. Matt can you find out what happened?

Cheatin, lyin, underhanded, rotten to the core, evil, wicked, devious. Describing politics and the people involved thereof and the Clintons are the leaders.

Janet Solberg skipped another city council meeting this week. What a servant of the public she turned out to be.

It must eat him up that she’s retiring from the council undefeated. Bad hair and bad skin beat the Superman of North Iowa.

Roy Moore…gift that keepson giving. #MAGA

Why is it that when I press on the home button the homepage will no longer come up? It says that the URL has been changed? Does this happen to anyone else on this site?

Quinn Symonds for Mayor.

He tried that before but couldn’t pass the drug test.

There is no drug test, only a conformity test to see if you are brainwashed enough to fit in with most of the public. First stage at determining eligibility is watching how well you recite the pledge of allegiance during council meetings.

Hard to do that when you are so stoned you can’t remember where you live, much less where the council meets.

If you’re sober why would you take the back roads? Why would you do that? (Enter spaghetti western music).

Breaking News (something NIT isn’t on top of) Video exists of the Texas church massacre. Mike Pence is praying for everybody. Meanwhile…the next shooter is taking notes getting ready to strike…somewhere in Amerikkka.

Did anybody else see KIMT’s news this morning. Worst I’ve ever seen. The two idiots couldn’t get through one sentence without stumbling around, and that doesn’t even include the names of the people who got elected, most of which were wrong. We should boycott them and demand that Mediacom give us KCCI in Des Moines instead, now that KIMT is broadcasting from Rochester.

I hate to burst your bubble but Emily is one of the better ones along with Robin. Robin should be the anchor. She is so much better than what they have. She probably didn’t want to move to Rochester.

Ur on crack if you believe that. Boster trips up nearly every live broadcast.

I refuse to watch KIMT. And I won’t listen to Hairy O either.

Well Tyler, Emily, Katie, AJ, Amy, Bill, Pete, Adam, Jim, Dave…are sure gonna miss you!

Well 1st you’d have to get KCCI to agree to Mediacom’s high fee demands…

KIMT’s are pretty similar

Does that satisfy your obsessive need?

Tomorrow, Nov 7th, vote Mike “Doc” Adams for park board, His mind is a terrible thing to waste.

write in MAX WEAVER for at large city council seat

Done, so did my wife.

Why? The majority of MC doesn’t want his dumb ass at the table again. The city would look like his park and have a “gentleman’s club” on every corner. The only thing he got accomplished during his last terms is a huge raise for the council he was on. And chasing business out of town. Yeah we need that clown back like a hole in the head..

While Circus Maximus was on the council they passed an ordinance regarding “yard art” thus enabling him to collect junk at the Rancho Deluxe legally. Hes a stay at home kinda guy with nothing better to do.

Art, what’s wrong with recycling/repurposing. There’s a show on TV that does the same thing.

Max has an issue with over talking, but the park he created isn’t a negative. It’s very unique and creative. Living amongst unimaginative uncreative religious conservatives takes its toll on many of us. We never asked to be born unto you, nor you us. It’s best if we all go our separate ways rather than pretending to live together. I HATE the American Christian religion. I hate how it has stolen so many human minds and slowed potential.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste, vote, Mike “Doc” Adams for (PARK BOARD) 7 Nov.

Donna Brazile you full of it! But we believe in you. My whack door knocking didn’t sink Bernie! And no I wasn’t banned by the Bernie campaign that is all lies.

Weird … but ya there was a rumor about a simple young man who tokes a lot he done got himself banned by the Bernie campaign. Lord sakes he was a door-knockin’, plum yellin’ at folks if he couldn’t convince them to vote for Bernie. Laws yes, he done got himself kicked out theys dint want him knockin’ no mo do’s. Probbaly why Hillary beat Bernie, that and the cheating local Democrats who threw the caucuses. Stickman and the like. Laws yes I saw it with my own to eyes.

WAIT a minute. I think that kid came over to my house back in 2016. Wanted me to vote for old Bernie. I says ‘hell no I’m for Trump’ and the kid went berzerk. I wondered what was going on, was this kid nuts or imbalanced or just high?

That must be an urban legend. Sure that freaky kid got the boot by Bernie’s bots. But shouting down folks in their own doors cuz they refused to vote for a commie? Can’t be so – I mean, I HEARD it happened, and SOME folk said ya, the kid tormented them, hootin and hollerin. But WHO does such a thing?

I believe his name was Quin and he was so high he doesn’t even remember what happened. Still is.

Ewes sounds lick a trump muppit. yezzum ewes sho does. Hope you grasped that. I’m not real fluent in trump language..

A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Vote, Mike “Doc” Adams for park board, 7 Nov.

WTF does that endorsement mean? Is he running for the mental health board?

A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Vote, Mike “Doc” Adams for ((park board,)) 7 Nov.

Polling stations open at Mercy Hospital?!! It’s a terrible location first of, parking there when you are a patient is headache enough! Secondly, Mercy has come out in support of an issue on the ballot, it seems incredibly shady to have a vote there, would be much better in a neutral location.

By your logic: The county supports taxation. Lets not vote at the courthouse.

I agree Calvin. Churches are hardly neutral locations either!

Shady is what this establishment is all about. They plan on screwing the taxpayers to pad their own pockets and then disappear. Vote NO!

Pad their own pockets and disappear? You are seriously delusional.

You are seriously STUPID!

It makes perfect sense to have a voting area at Mercy. It’s the largest employer in Mason city (hence many MC voters working that day) MC residents coming and going to office calls it saves them a trip elsewhere. Plus MC residents that are patients that day. It’s the largest place in that ward. And lastly, “Mercy employees DON’T COUNT THE VOTES”. duuuuuh.You brain dead haters love to hate. So glad I don’t live there among you. The hate stench would be overpowering and depressing.

Marquardt you just go ahead and keep deleting comments, it does not change the fact that you’re a pussy.

Vote Mike “Doc” Adams Nov 7th for park board.

LVS is in charge of bringing refreshments.

Solberg skipped council meeting this week, guess she’s cashed out.

Dumb ass……. call ghost busters!

See that another store in the mall is gonna close

One would think that with all the revitalization that’s planned for the mall area, more stores would want to get in on the cash crop.

That so called revitalization ain’t gonna happen…the vote on that is going down like the titanic.

If it isn’t Peter the Greek posting under a woman’s name again. He is banned but just can’t stay away.

Winter is the perfect season to start shit on NIT. Cage match. North Iowa needs a good brawl.

Sure Phyllis, bring it on.

You are referring to Philosophus, who is NOT Phyllis.

It must be that troll, anonymous, doing his thing.

Not a troll but the NIT Editor as he has final say on content.

Are you saying that he is the only one that can delete comments on this site?

Ask the Editor about how material is deleted. His site, he built it, he should know. Lets get a definitive answer, maybe.

Well what do you know, Peter the Greek TROLL is posting under a woman’s name again. He is sticking his nose into our politics trying to stir up crap against Matt.

LVS… what time are you serving tacks and razor blades in the apples tonight?

Saving them to shove them up your Dumb Ass!

Ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

…and the vision that was planted in my brain…still remains…within the sounds of silence…

VOTE NO has canvassed the North end businesses and residents today. They feel left behind due to this is the 4th time the downtown will be remodeled if it passes to -0- times for them. IF I LIVED ON THE NORTH END OR CENTRAL HEIGHTS, I’D BE PISSED! VOTE NO.

Vote yes has illegally posted signs on public properties that include the Music Man Square. They will do anything to push their pro HOCKEY agenda…anything! Even breaking the voting rules.


Marquardt is a narcissistic blow-hard, a little boy that never grew up.
He not only did not answer any questions posed here, he then had them deleted.
The proof of his hypocrisy and weasel ways are when he or one of his lackeys deletes these comments once again.
He is truly a sad and pathetic little man.

Sick and tired of you naysayers. You see the signs all over town? You are finished, beaten, dead. We will get what we want and we don’t want you there.

Horrifying to know people like you live amongst us. I voted no.

Plenty like me, good people with real educations and businesses. You probably work at one. You don’t know us because you’re not invited or wanted at our meetings. All we need from you is to punch a time clock and stay quiet. YES will prevail.

People like you is why “NO” will prevail.

And, yet you still put your pants on one leg at a time just like we do. And, you can only cast one vote and it doesn’t count one bit more than ours. People like you are the reason we are voting no.

Provoking class conflict? So tell me golfer which burger joint do you work at? Btw…anyone who hashtags #servemyfries needs a swift kick in the nuts. I’m an unabashed communist who believes every piece of the machine is equally important…to include the earth’s ecosystem. Take a swing at me sometime “golfer.”

You should change your name to “loser”.

Why would I call myself a Loser by advocating for equal treatment for all? Communism is the purest form of social equality that exists…satisfying most of the tenets of the world’s major religions far better than capitalism. Jesus would be a communist. Just because Stalin, Mao, screwed up Karl Marx’s original ideas, doesn’t mean the ideology itself is bad. It simply means that all parts of the machine are compensated and valued equally. There are no elitists who hold workers hostage and in enslavement. Like a Hive or Ant Den, all the insects collectively work for the cause of survival and advancement.

Eric, is that you? I see the signs all over town. But, there are approximately 10000 single family households in Mason City, not counting apartment complex’s, did you know that. A person in your position should. Anyway, also what I see, is thousands of houses that don’t have any “vote yes” signs. To me, that means “NO”. Getting those thousands to the polls will be the deciding factor, and the only way you will get the only good thing on your next resume.

I voted YES today so did my wife and two kids 18 and 19. We GOT this. See, the cream always rises to the top and the trash sinks to the bottom. You naysayers are a joke. Go back to your crappy jobs, collect your food stamps, and just wish you could set foot in OUR new arena. Maybe you can be a janitor there. Closest you’ll EVER get.

Exactly. Most of the regulars here are just riff-raff, the dregs of NI society. Mindless minions suitable only to serve their betters.
NIT regulars like LVS and Peter Children are amusing little lackeys but not exactly very bright.
They just do not belong with those of us that are the movers and shakers of the world.

It must be terribly hard for you to be a mover and shaker with your head so far up your ass.

We are voting NO along with my extended family and all of our friends. This con job by the city is going down.

Extended Family? Illegal wet backs can’t vote

They could if they were Democrats, but it doesn’t matter, everyone of my Relatives are American Citizens, born and bred.

Great post! This got a guffaw out of me. Not just a mere chuckle.

Old golfers never die…their balls just end up in the back of LVS’s throat.

As a proponent of the project, I find your comments repulsive. You sound like a poser, who probably owes more on his SUV than it is worth and lives beyond your means because it makes you feel good…a “10 cent millionaire”. Have a nice life.

I couldn’t agree more. I’ve seen these people, drive fancy cars, live in fancy houses, they have 10 credit cards, all maxed out, and don’t have enough cash so their kids can go to the show.

Nobody, unless they are permanently stuck to Bookmeyer’s ass even know what these signs are talking about. It has to be the most inept marketing campaign I have ever seen in my life. You would have to be truly delusional to think this has even the slightest chance of reaching 60% yes votes.

Unfortunately, you are right. There is no way this gets a 60 % approval in this town. And I say this as a supporter of the project. This is a town of largely of geriatrics and working poor and they’ll all vote ‘no’ because there is a 1% chance this project could lead cut into their worthers original or cigarette fund. Progress is always going to be a tough sell in Mason City.

yes signs on vacant properties and rental homes where the resident is not registered to even vote…good luck

they need 60% MC…let’s leave them with 35% and be done with this bankruptcy plan for MC

to remodel a building only to lease it afterwards from a guy that is 200k behind in taxes ON THAT BUILDING, this is because NO business minds exist on the MC council. Real smart MC. Vote No.

The President now is calling LaDavid Johnson’s wife a liar. He has to be the lowest human being on this earth.

Myeshia sure is getting a lot of notoriety out of this. Just saying….

I think that is due to Trump’s inability to admit he is wrong. If he would shut up and do his job rather than worrying about who wins he might find that some people will accept his presidency a bit more. But, he can’t seem to do that. He always has to have the last word just like most of his followers.

I call BS on you again Bodie. Libs criticize the Trumpster and his family for EVERYTHING he/they do. And you are one of the biggest Lemmings when it comes to agreeing with the party line.

What is bs about my post? Trump’s ego does get in the way of his Presidency, he is all about us vs. them, he lies constantly and he has no clue how to treat people and he cares little about the majority of Americans. You might think he is our savior but he is our curse.

How can you possible confuse Trump with Obama. Obama is the one with the vacant look in his eyes when the teleprompter fails and Trump is saving the country from the criminal policy’s of Obama. America First! Love it or Leave It!. Need help packing??

I didn’t compare Trump to President Obama but I can if you want me to. How is this?. Obama had morals, Trump has none. Obama would never call a widow of a fallen soldier a liar, Trump did. Obama would never say a soldier who was a POW for years was not a hero. Trump would. Obama would never trade in his wife every 10 year for a younger model. Trump does. He even test drives the new models before dumping his old one. Obama would never make up names to call his opponents. Trump does. Obama would never profess to be a religious man if he wasn’t one. Trump does. Obama would never have made fun of a physically handicapped person. Trump did. Obama would never call a woman derogatory names. Trump has always will. Obama wouldn’t make crude sexual remarks about women or his daughters. Trump does both. Obama didn’t appoint cabinet members whose sole purpose was to enrich themselves. I can go on for a few more pages if you’d like, you deceitful old man.

Obama was and is a traitor to this country and is a closet homosexual who truely hates women. Who the hell do you think you are kidding? He should have been impeached and jailed. Your party is nothing but a bunch of bottom feeders and welfare queens sucking off the system and the taxpayers, just like the teachers union. Now we find out it was really Clinton who was colluding with the Russians, it never was Trump. Now stuff that up your prissy butt.

Unfortunately for someone like you, I am a hell of a lot smarter than someone like you will ever be. All you can do is hide and snipe at people who are smarter and better than you could possibly ever be. If you think I am that old put your name on here and I will show you. But, you won’t do that because you are a coward like your whole damn lying, thieving family.

eLViS, you are a pathetic old man. You can’t refute any of the comparisons I made so you go on the attack with shit you learned on the . Trump is not a leader, he is a divider. You are not smart, you just think you are. You have no class and never did. Go to bed. It is time.

And, You are not bodacious. You are the damn, cowardly big mouth copycat that is to chickenshit to use your own name.

Diverting the 1 cent LOST local option sales tax to cover this plan downtown robs MC of the chance to pay for other needed projects and basic maintenance of other areas of town. No where near fair, but the banker man in the fancy black SUV planting yes signs in run down rental properties around town dont wanna talk about that. Beware, citizens.

One cent local option tax is not being used on this project.

At: Son then why have not only ignoring questions but then having them deleted?

Say what.

Why are people buying gas from Casey’s and Yesway when the can buy it 17 to 21 cents a gallon cheaper at Fleet farm?

Keep buying at Fleet Farm and watch your vehicle freeze up when it gets cold. Cheap Gas at a cheap price.

How do you save that much at FF.

Not enough to pay for a new engine.

What are you talking about?

It;s only 2.07


2.02 now 22 cents without a coupon. F’in nutts

Got some today, it’s still 2.02, you might have to wait a little tho. It kind of brings back memories when it was 0.17.

I want to know if Matt is planning on using the same city hall toilets as Bookmeyer?

Great questions Matt. Thank you for serving the public interest. We know they have had expenses that are being hidden. This whole project is a farce.

Where have you been? Matt has been asking questions like this for 7 years on NIT and holding these crooks accountable, trying to protect US. You must work for the Globe or something – maybe your name is Mayberry.

Thanks Matt. Great questions that deserve answers. You will make a great councilman.

Incredible. Borderline illegal, really. When DID the city council put an item on an agenda proclaiming Bookmeyer the economic development dignitary/expert/honcho, giving him a budget and a blank check to lolligag across the state (and the nation) creating these assinine “deals”? When? The answer is NEVER DID. How much $$$ does he waste on these fruitless trips to DC and Des Moines and God-knows-where? Answers???

Get real! You people are goons. Eric is a bonafide Econ genius compared to you wage earners. Just seve our fries and beers at our new arena and keep quiet while my kids skate by.

Couldn’t agree more. I’d trust a monkey to make economic decisions over the typical NIT reader.

I will never understand why your parent took the chain off and let you out of the basement.

Then what are you doing here? Hypocrite!!

Entertainment. Much like the people watching at a Walmart is divine, reading what the town idiots have posted at NIT is every bit as satisfying.

With the exception of a very few, NIT seems to draw in the ill- informed & ignorant.
Much like a flame to moths, NIT seems to attract some of the most idiotic and stupid people in North Iowa.
Many of the “regulars” on here are candidates for “thinning the herd”.
They are funny as hell though.
They have delusions of being adequate.
It would be most amusing but for not being so pathetic.

This memo is all about Marquardt grandstanding in order to revive his dying political career. RIP

Great questions Matt. We all deserve a answer, but I doubt if you will get one.

widespread drug use at 3m forest city…… meth use on site endangering hundreds…… HELP

Call Chief Jenson, 641 585 2113.

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