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Integrity verus subliminal suggestion (by Peter Children)

(Op-ed from Peter J. Children)

The council elections are looming in the near future, this shouldn’t surprise anyone because that’s the way the system works. I am both grateful and appreciative that I live in a country where that happens. It’s called democracy and it is not only the envy of the world but also the reason millions of people from around the world want to move here to live. Who could blame them?

While the above is encouraging there are also things concerning our democratic process that are both alarming and sad. Disproportionate money poured into small town races and the indifference usually shown by the voters are the main ingredients in cities like ours.. Whether it is national or local, the trend seems to hold to the fact that no more than twenty percent of those eligible to vote go to the poles to make their choices known….and that is sad really sad. All sorts of reasoning and excuses are offered but truthfully none are acceptable. Use absentee ballots or go to the courthouse early…you can go vote well before the actual day set forth. In national elections you can go as early as 40 days in advance, local elections up to 30 days; there really is no excuse not to vote.

Before you vote please do your own homework as to the choice you intend to make. Do not use your neighbor’s calculations or your mother-in-law’s, make your own choice based upon what you learned by watching and listening, and reading…..but above all do not follow the endorsement of the local paper in your city or town; that is about as worthless a piece of information that was ever printed on paper. A prime example is the Globe-Gazette here in Mason City. Not that long ago a candidate announced he was running for council at large against Weaver; nothing wrong about that. We are all fortunate anyone who qualifies can enter a race for political office. I urge you to look closely at the candidate, see who they are aligned with, and if you’re comfortable with that…then make your choice.

Now understand what I am going to say; never in my lifetime, and I am 77, have I ever seen the Globe make a front page announcement in color no less, regarding a candidate running for a council seat. That act by itself was a blatant act of favoritism unlike anything I had ever witnessed by this grand old publication, Earl Hall would have rolled over in his grave. At one time, this paper held the trust and respect of this community. That time is now but a distant memory held by those of us old enough to remember those men of character that filled that space with integrity and an unbiased approach to their subscribers. There is no other way to explain this blasphemy, this irreverence towards those actually pay $200.00 to receive this tripe. How utterly pitiful is all I can say. Do not blame the candidate, I am sure they did not request front page treatment. This sort of treatment is done to “massage” the populace into believing this announcement is far more important than it actually is. In truth it is what it is, no more, no less. This prejudice was given birth by the festering bias held by lead writers and manegment of the current crew that help drive what’s left of the Globe-Gazette into the ditch. And that bias is solely centered on one Max Weaver. In addition, the prejudicial display of affection brought forth by the Globe-Gazette may just backfire on the candidate. The public can easily see through these things, and may just decide to take it out on the candidate the Globe favors out of spite. Never assume the public is stupid, if you do…’ll lose.

Whenever you read a newspaper, remember this; more lies are printed on newsprint than anywhere else in the world. For over a century newspapers have influenced public opinion in this country because they were the only source for information. Now you are reading off a screen, that fact by itself does not make it taste any better, but it provides all of us with something very important….it is called a second opinion.

How many of you happen to watch the last regular council meeting? If you were one who did then surely you stood witness to the arrogance displayed by the beer drinker towards Mr. Melvin Harris as he attempted to speak from the podium. That podium here in Mason City is more than a mere piece of furniture, that assemblage of lumber is the symbol of free speech in ever city and town in America. It is what men have died for on foreign soil, it represents the First Ammendant, it is the right to voice your opinion towards those elected to public office…it is probably the most important piece of furniture in this or any other city in this great country. And on that day, June 21st, 2011 in the Mason City Room , Mr. Harris’s right to speak was rebuked over what amounted to no more than a insufficient technically. How many votes do you think that smart move cost the beer drinker? That piece of furniture is sacred, and anyone standing behind it with the intent to speak should be afforded the utmost respect.

Was the mayor’s rudeness towards Melvin Harris an unseen attempt to regain a modicum of masculinity that he finds lacking in his life? Is he screaming out for help? Does he hate to go home at night? Has he lost sight of the fact that this is a town you can drive across in any direction in about 6 or 7 minutes. I have a suggestion for him; loosen up, drink the beer before the meeting.

The moral of the story is simply this; do not vote for someone because they have the most yard signs in the ground, the biggest billboard, or the most ads running on television. All that means is they have the most money to spend; and money and intelligence are not that closely related. Have you ever wondered why commercials that are run on national television are contracted to run 26 times? It has to do with the same reason the funeral homes used to mail out calenders for you to hang in your home, it is why Pizza Hut hands out magnetic calenders you can stick to your refrigerator. It is called subliminal suggestion. This method of advertising has been studied and proven effective….it works. If you see that Pizza Hut calender on the door of your fridge every time you reach into the fridge, it means when your craving for pizza comes to the surface, you’ll enviably call Pizza Hut, or go there. Your subconscious takes over. This is why the airwaves are flooded and signs showing the name and face are spread all across the city. It is so when
you step into the voting booth, your subconscious will flash that name you had most often seen in front of you, and your inclination will be to mark the box next o their name.

Truthfully you don’t need all the advertising, just ask yourself instead who you feel will offer you and your family the best representation, not who dresses better, not who drives the most expensive car, but who will stand up for you. Are you happy with the beer drinker and his lackey’s, do you want one more at that table….one that could and would tip the scale against you? Three seats are up for reelection, they are currently filled by men who have guarded your tax dollars, men who are plain spoken, men with backbone enough not to fall prey to the manipulations of the king of the shot clock and the favorite son of every brewery. Remember the old adage; if it ain’t broke, then don’t fix it.

Peter Children

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