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Trump tweets out the name of the whistleblower twice in the last 3 days. He once again proves that the laws mean nothing to him. Whistleblowers ares supposed to be protected. He is once again commiting a crime.

No violation of law here. You’ve been watching too much Rachel Madcow and Don Leemoan. But since you’re so sure of yourself let’s have a cite. You know, an authoritative source like the U. S. Code. It should be child’s play for a LIBUFFOON.

5 U.S.C. § 2302(b)(8).

You’re going to have to do better than that oh superior one.
5 USC 2308(b)8): “take or fail to take, or threaten to take or fail to take, a personnel action with respect to any employee or applicant for employment because of—”

You are going to have to do better than that….read the whole thing. (2)solicit or consider any recommendation or statement, oral or written, with respect to any individual who requests or is under consideration for any personnel action unless such recommendation or statement is based on the personal knowledge or records of the person furnishing it and consists of—
(A)an evaluation of the work performance, ability, aptitude, or general qualifications of such individual; or
(B)an evaluation of the character, loyalty, or suitability of such individual;

Read – make such statement that is based on the personal knowledge or records of the person furnishing it and consists of (B) an evaluation of the character, loyalty or suitability of such individual. Calling the whistleblower a traitor sure fits into this section. Actually, if you want, you can fit it into many of the sections.
Quit making excuses.

Good one. never confuse a liberal with facts. It gives them a headache

They’ve been preaching no one is above the law, I guess it doesn’t apply to democrats! The sad part is, they have no idea how hypocritical they sound, their lack of self awareness is astounding!

Hey llaarree, get with the conversation. Trump DID tweet the whistleblowers name and, yes, it is a violation of the whistleblowers law.

Hey Stupid, don’t blame me for other people’s comment’s, even though I agree with them. He wasn’t a whistleblower, he was a spy and should be treated as such.

At, Anonymous, December 28, 2019 at 11:48 pm

Has any of that been done? If so, what.

No. That’s why there is no specific cite to support his statement. The cite given was 5 U.S.C. § 2302(b)(8). The text of the code section cited is printed above. The response “….read the whole thing.” is BOGUS. I read the cite YOU GAVE. It doesn’t apply. Neither does the second response you gave.

Just because your low intellect won’t let you understand, doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

Know why the hate-filled southern Baptists who have taken over the Republican party hate Latino immigrants? Because they’re Catholic. That’s what this whole thing is about. If you’re Catholic and you vote Republican, you’re voting to agains your own people.

MALARKEY AND BALDERDASH. This post is why DEMOCRATS CAN’T GOVERN. They’re too busy trying to divide the country.

Southern Baptists are Catholics? I did not know that hmmmm. And because someone is against ILLEGAL immigration that means they are against Latinos?

Would that also mean that Democrats are anti-children?

How drunk are you? That’s not even close to what the post says.

Sure looks like it to me.

then you must of wrote it because it makes perfect sense. Southern Baptists hate Latinos because their Catholics.

I don’t know how people who claim to be so smart can fall for this trash presented by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Very shallow and sad that they refuse to understand history. Everyone who pushes socialism claims that their version will be better. Why can’t millennials see that?

Republicans, Democrats (POLITICIANS) is there really a Difference POLITICIAN’S ARE POLITICIAN’S they all have the same goals LIE to get Elected that’s why Trump will WIN he’s not a POLITICIAN and he is the most Transparent President EVER (TRUMP 2020)

THIS WAS the plan – anything Democrats could do to ’cause’ this President NOT to succeed, at anything, EVEN if it destroyed our Nation! Democrats don’t care. It is sheer evil. They see our President being ‘loved’ too much, and Democrats HATE it. Our Democrat Party is truly deplorable. And Despicable. And Deleterious.

Government pockets the financial aid money. Greed is the downfall of most things and socialism is nothing but more money for the greedy government. It fixes nothing. Jobs and people being productive fix this.

Actually it’s the Never Trumpers “Progressive” movement that has created the crisis in California. They were the first to be a sanctuary state. And in case you missed the memo; The cities that the Government has poured the most money into are the ones that are the worst. Giving someone a Hand out only leads to this kind of Crisis. Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish he eats for a Lifetime. The situation in California is heart wrenching. But, it was like that way before President Trump took office. It became that bad under the Hussein Obama Administration. And went completely un-checked. It was only brought to light by President Trump.

Pelosi should be forced out of office for the lack of work in her district. Hey California she was elected to represent and help you. Yet she hasn’t lifted a finger to do anything positive for you. You people need to stand up and start filing complaints, and you all need to try and get the media involved. So you can show the rest of the country just how bad the conditions are.

“Crazy Nancy should clean up her filthy dirty District & help the homeless there…. It has gotten so bad, so fast — she has lost total control and, along with her equally incompetent governor, Gavin Newsom.”

CNN is a disgrace to the news media and I hold them partly responsible for brainwashing so many followers who do not think for themselves and question what they are fed!

Illegal is illegal…laws are laws…the democrats want to pick and choose which ones to follow purely for political advantage and to stay in power and be able to cover the massive theft and other crimes imbedded in that party.

More false reporting from CNN that is listened to by brain dead viewers. This continues to be the problem.

According to a report about ICE raids that ran on Monday’s CNN Newsroom, during which the network failed to use the term “undocumented” even a single time. Fill-in host Ryan Nobles introduced the piece by describing a series of ICE raids in Mississippi as though a category five hurricane had ravaged the state: “Mississippi town is still reeling months after a series of massive workplace immigration raids. Families say they’re living in fear and businesses are struggling to stay afloat after nearly 700 mostly Latino workers were arrested on the job back in August.” Notably absent from Nobles’ introduction was any indication that those “mostly Latino workers” had been arrested for entering the country illegally. Neither Nobles or CNN correspondent Nick Valencia, who narrated the piece, would even admit that the workers arrested by ICE were “undocumented.” No, these individuals were just “Latinos.”

Bloomberg is an anti 2nd amendment activist. If someone running for the Presidency can not support the Constitution they should hung in the town square. They have no business trying to rule this country. Notice he has not spoken out against impeachment. They have no criminal charges on Trump after 3 years. Every Democrat has to be sent packing out of Washington DC. Bloomberg is scum just as nefarious as Pelosi.

Democrats just want to do nothing for this country other than hurt it. Removing President is best for them not this country. And, when this impeachment crap goes to Senate and is dismissed we can all look forward to 2 more terms now because of the impeachment

These are the child molesting rapist perverts who have taken over the Republican party. They make Catholic priests look like, um, monks.

Just for fun, let’s talk about NORTH IOWA for a minute. Just noticed today that the whole strip mall just west of the hospital seems to be vacant. Did the hospital buy it to expand into?

I heard that Kwik Star bought it.

I thought they only bought the land out by walmart.

On the corner by the fair grounds.

KWIK Star Bought the strip mall too. They are going to build two new stores in 2020 in Mason City.

It’s what we’ve come to expect from CNN; although, what I find disconcerting is that they actually believe what they are saying. Lying to the American public with a straight face is their hallmark; but, they cannot tell the difference between the truth and the pack of lies they spread with glee.

Sounds more like trump than anything or anybody else. Over 10,000 lies to date.

MALARKEY. 5 Pinocchios.

You have Trump mixed up with Obama.

typical right wing wacko deflection.

What is wrong with the Democratic Party! Unbelievable what these candidates are coming up with and they want us to elect them for President.

Harvard and Oxford sure are turning out some insane people these days. So does he ever think of the situations these drug possessors put their children in, and have put their children in because of their possession of these drugs. What about someone who possesses large quantities that qualify for dealing? What about people who possess fentanyl or carfentanil? What about past criminal history? What if it is packaged in many different baggies and the possessor has a scale on him or her?

I think we should drug screen,everyone that’s running for and holding offices, from president on down,all of them.

Repubs don’t want that to happen. All people except the president should be drug tested. If he got drug tested, he would test positive.

The last great President of the Democrat party was John F Kennedy. He said “ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country”. Jimmy Carter was an honest man, however, he was a lousy President. Democrats have lost their perspective on honesty and integrity. Very sad.

So new gym addition in route MC.
New swimming pool in route MC.
New CG engineering building in route.


Maybe a new school board and supervisors board needs to be in route.

who’s getting a new gym, and for what. I didn’t think that there was any real gym classes anymore because everything gym related is to dangerous.

Mason City might want to try running street sweepers,even state street is terrible.

agree. does MC have street sweepers?

yep, they are using them at the 35m dollar ice skating rink. LOST CITY.

Hows that? If you see trash, pick it up and do your part. Its going to rain the next few days so that will help clean off the streets.

I’d like to see who is asked to participate in these “polls”. Previously this year they were asking Democrats 3-1 over Republicans. Garbage in, garbage out.

“Thanks to a report from the Obama-appointed inspector general of the Justice Department, now everyone knows the truth about 2016. The Obama administration misled the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and wiretapped an American who supported the presidential campaign of the party out of power.”

AT THE CLOSE: The Nasdaq Composite crossed the 9,000 level for the first time Thursday as the major averages extended a Santa Claus rally that began on Tuesday. All three of the major averages closed in record territory and touched fresh intraday peaks.

President Trump! Would you please stop all this winning. All I’m hearing everyday is winning, winning and more winning. I’ve been retired for fifteen years and my 401 is back to the level it was when I retired! This winning has got to stop before you make every oppressed victim a winner!

ICE needs to arrest all governors and mayors of sanctuary cities and states.

A birth certificate, social security, marriage license, a bill, I highly doubt most have any of these but they get a license??? And we can’t even upgrade to the new license for flying without some of this info but I guess they get that too! What a freakin joke!

AOC is a total nutcase. Please people get out and vote out all the Democrats that voted for impeachment of Donald J Trump. They want to take over our lives.

All AOC’s crazy plans sounds so good to the delusional left but they haven’t figured out where the $$$$ are going to come from after they spend all of everybody’s else’s money and we end up like Venezuela.

Bernie is a registered communist, AOC is his Goddaughter. Free everything, take all the money from the hard working middle class give it to lazy people.

Yes, their movement will be called Sons of Lunacy, the movement to give government control over every aspect of your life, not to be confused with the Sons of Liberty, who actually fought for a true cause: Life, Liberty, Freedom from government control of people’s lives, and the pursuit of happiness.

Socialism isnt advanced it’s actually a modern version of monarchy. The king aka govt owns everything and decides who gets what and masses live off of the “generosity” of govt and dont own the fruits of their labor. In every case in both monarchy and socialism the common man losses. Capitalism is the best way for a worker to be free to improve their own life but it also allows for failure. In nature the strong thrive, so too in capitalism, if you fail, look at yourself and ask what can you do to improve not to govt. Dealing with govt is like dealing with the devil it will give but it also wants to take. In socialism the choice to enjoy the fruits of your own labor doesn’t exist as the govt gets the fruit, so everyone but govt loses.

Demographics! Different cultures have been moving in all across America since the 60’s with the INTENT on changing our country into a European style culture. The Immigrants of today are NOT the Immigrants that built America. This is purposeful and has been underway since the assination of JFK. The Deep State has been at work for decades silently working against all of US Citizens and the Culture that built this country. Can we save it????

*Sorry Chucky, your opinion doesn’t matter just like the Republicans opinion didn’t matter in the House!

*Absolutely correct. This President has accomplished more and with pressure no one else would have put up with. Just love that he speaks his mind. Seems many more feel that way, just watch his rallies, people stand in line 9 hrs to get in. That speaks volumes. 2020.

* GOODBYE TO HALLMARK.!!!! They were founded on conservative principles but apparently have forgotten!!! The LGBTQ community have many choices for their “viewing pleasure”… including LIFETIME….but conservative viewers have HALLMARK and not much else!!! They should leave Hallmark alone!!!! Hallmark has caved and lost MANY faithful viewers in order to please a few who probably don’t even share the same values!!!!!!

*While public universities across the nation ban conservative speakers or permit students to violently protest them, one of the offending colleges has erected a Palestinian terrorist shrine. The University of California Berkeley, successfully sued for discriminating against speakers with conservative views, has allowed a student group at the taxpayer-funded institution to construct a display honoring distinguished female terrorists from Palestine. A New York-based newspaper dedicated to covering Jewish and Israel-related issues provides details and photos of the UC Berkley sanctuary honoring the jihadists involved in bombings and hijackings.

*President Trump had a Christmas Day message for California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Wednesday, and it wasn’t “Happy Holidays!” Instead, Trump delivered an ultimatum to the Democrat first-term governor regarding the Golden State’s homeless crisis, warning of federal intervention if the problem isn’t addressed soon.

Something needs to be done about high rent around the country. The high rent is rigged against people that don’t have the money for down payment, closing costs and other costs people just don’t have. The millionaires that own property around the country know this, so screw the little guy until he/she can’t afford the rent increase every year, that’s why there’s so many homeless people. I agree this is a problem but the real problem is drugs.

The problem is just as big here in Mason City and Clear Lake. You’re right that drugs are a problem, but the real issues are greed and extreme income inequality.

It’s more than time for us to take care of our homeless. How can we keep bringing more people in, in good conscience when we have so many people living on the streets.

You have to realize what this is all about, Obama was lazy and left a lot of open judge seats thinking Hillary would continue stacking the courts with activist judges so no matter who was in charge they could make law in the courts and stop anything the current president wanted to do. Trump has appointed over 185 judges more than Obama in his 8 years and 2 on supreme court and maybe another 1 if he gets re-elected .This would set back the leftist agenda 50 years and they know it so, expect this BS impeachment to continue until the election. If you think this had anything to do with Russia or anything Trump did you are a fool . This is their last stand and they will lie, cheat, make things up to stop Trump .

That is big bullshit. Obama’s judicial appointments were blocked or stonewalled by none other than Moscow Mitch. Quit lying bot.

They need to get rid of the President because he and his administration are closing in on the Democrats abuse of power, election interference, pay to play, and on and on. If President Trump gets another 4 years, he may be able to remove a lot of DS bureaucrats from government (let’s hope and pray he does). They are guilty of everything they are accusing him of!

*Court Documents: Hunter Biden is the Subject of Multiple Criminal Investigations Related to “Fraud, Money Laundering and Counterfeiting Scheme”
Court documents filed Monday in Hunter Biden’s Arkansas paternity case claim he is the subject of multiple criminal investigations related to “fraud, money laundering and counterfeiting scheme.” Florida-based private-eye firm, D&A Investigations, claimed in Hunter Biden’s case against the …

Good morning bot. You are really full of it this morning. What’s the matter? Afraid of something?

Please keep your comments on-topic and interesting. Do not attack others……

Court Documents: Hunter Biden is the Subject of Multiple Criminal Investigations Related to “Fraud, Money Laundering and a Counterfeiting Scheme”
Court documents filed Monday in Hunter Biden’s Arkansas paternity case claim he is the subject of multiple criminal investigations related to “fraud, money laundering and a counterfeiting scheme.” Florida-based private-eye firm, D&A Investigations, claimed in Hunter Biden’s case against the …

President Trump had a Christmas Day message for California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Wednesday, and it wasn’t “Happy Holidays!” Instead, Trump delivered an ultimatum to the Democrat first-term governor regarding the Golden State’s homeless crisis, warning of federal intervention if the problem isn’t addressed soon.

Hey bot, you should check on some of those homeless to see if they were some of the people who couldn’t rent in trump properties because they were black.

Hey Bullshit artist, come up with something real, you Dumb Ass!

Hey llaarreeyy, Im not doing your work for you. Google Trump properties fined for discrimination.

While public universities across the nation ban conservative speakers or permit students to violently protest them, one of the offending colleges has erected a Palestinian terrorist shrine. The University of California Berkeley, successfully sued for discriminating against speakers with conservative views, has allowed a student group at the taxpayer-funded institution to construct a display honoring distinguished female terrorists from Palestine. A New York-based newspaper dedicated to covering Jewish and Israel-related issues provides details and photos of the UC Berkley sanctuary honoring the jihadists involved in bombings and hijackings.

GOODBYE TO HALLMARK.!!!! They were founded on conservative principles but apparently have forgotten!!! The LGBTQ community have many choices for their “viewing pleasure”… including LIFETIME….but conservative viewers have HALLMARK and not much else!!! They should leave Hallmark alone!!!! Hallmark has caved and lost MANY faithful viewers in order to please a few who probably don’t even share the same values!!!!!!

Need a safe place bot?

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