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News & Entertainment for Mason City, Clear Lake & the Entire North Iowa Region

Whiner’s Den

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who is looking forward to bandfest? I know im not, it will be really lame like it is every other year. Why is it a town this size cant have anything decent? If you want anything worth while you hafta go to all the smaller towns. pathetic really

MC can’t have anything nice because of people like the NIT publisher and the group of nutjobs that reside here. Naysayers, all of them. No one wants to see MC fail more than MM and his crew. I’ve never read one thing supportive of MC here.

Mason City is failing because of people like you who do not want an open debate on the issues. If someone disagrees with the establishment they are labeled anti Mason City or they don’t want Mason City to prosper and nothing can be further from the truth> Open discussion and different opinions is what is needed to see this City prosper.

@Anonymous-Most of the people I have talked to are going to Forest City. There just doesn’t seem to be a lot of interest in our Band Festival any more. Even our local T.V. Station has regulated it to the 2nd string by putting it to 3.2 which anyone with satelight can not get. It is a shame and just shows how bad our city has gotten. Everyone in tow used to go to BandFest. Now, only the people with kids in the parade go. And, of course the thieves and drunks.

“Our” Bandfest?! It’s NOT Mason City’s Bandfest. It’s all the “North Iowa High Scool Band KIds ” Bandfest. MC just hyjacked it to make money for MC. PATHETIC! GET IT RIGHT! It needs to go back to the HIGH SCHOOL BAND KIDS! Anyone who doesn’t like the bandfest can feel quite free to NOT attend. It’s for the kids anyway. Go to FC and get drunk with the rest of the pigs.

@Matt-It is a darn shame. Back in the day when I marched in the parade there were 100 bands from all over. It was a huge deal and went on for two days. We used to have the battle of the bands at Roosevelt Field and the place was packed. They have destroyed it now.

@NIT….How much money was raised? Also, if I remember correctly, that last time you removed all of Philo’s comments, didn’t he pay $75 for the service.

I think I paid more than that. Buzz face it. I was meant for NIT. I represent a part of the consciousness that cannot be denied. The Yang to your Yin. The Black to your White. The Skeksis to the uRus. I tried to leave but destiny turned on the radio.

Ugh. You are such an egotistical,.narcissistic asshole. Even if the money would have been raised, you wouldn’t have left. It was all just a big scam to get more attention. Maybe we will all get lucky and you will drop dead, very soon. You are toxic to this site, to everything and everyone you touch.

Philly was kicked off the GG. I know that for a fact! But they are a legit new site. This place is Matt’s playground. But those he targets don’t give a shit. So he’s only a legend in his own mind. Matt & Philly are sorta like twins……Precious isn’t it. The MC “Bobsy Twins”. Twit & Twat. Ying & Yawn. Dumb & Dumber…

You know why I come onto NIT and tell stories of farkling in my pants? Because you’re all boring as dirt to me. Talking about the mall, or what do with this, or what hotel that…it’s as boring and mundane as taking a piss…or a dump. So I make my own fun. I’ve been waiting to engage in a conversation that interests me since day 1. MY entire tenure on NIT was spent in endless combat.

I mean NIT, and the GGDB were guarded by what I call “Status Quo Sentinels”…these are LVS, Buzz, Observer etc. These sentinels basically guard the Status quo like it’s 1950…and any suggestions or thoughts on how to do things differently gets met with staunch stonewalling, and belittlement. There’s like ZERO imagination and creativity in the Sentinels’ minds. They only look for people not following their 1950 rules.

They want your mind locked down…and your body tired. So when you lay down to sleep at night, you’re thinking everything is perfect as it should be…in its place…in order. They want you following what your boss says, and your mind surrendered to the process. They can’t describe what the process is…they only know that a person needs to be supplicated to it, and following its mysterious morays. Disobedience in any form is considered mental illness and heresy to them. People MUST have a…

@Buzz-As i remember it the number was $100.00. I think that was the 2nd time he had his comments removed.

Okay you turd lovers. You had your shot. You couldn’t put your money where your mouth is. You wanted Philo gone, and didn’t do it. You had your chance. Now, if you don’t like him, don’t comment on his posts. Its real simple. 250 bucks was a measly fee to pay to rid yourselves of a so called cockroach, but you couldn’t pull it off. You guys say he is all talk, but you LVS (which I thinks stands for LOVESVALSSCHLONG) and BUZZBUTTBLUGGER are nothing more than a whole bunch of talk…

Pizza Ranch is a crock of shit. I came in and asked to see a menu to buy some lunch and listen to Rick Santorum who may run for President of the United States.

Then the guy behind the counter got all piss’y with me and said I had to buy the buffet for 10 dollars if I wanted to come in. I didn’t mind buying lunch but the attitude of the Pizza Ranch employee or owner cooked his own goose with me. I will not patronize the Pizza Ranch in the future.

Personally I believe that the website owner gets some perverse thrill out of all this.
He kicks back and smiles as his click count goes up, then probably gets a woody just thinking about it.

He likes to foster a culture of confrontation, thereby satisfying his need for attention and getting his jollies at the same time.
There are some dark things buried within this guy.

Another seriously disturbed guy is this LVS character.

Here we have the pot calling the kettle black.

Just another TROLL. As a matter of fact, you write just like Philly. Are there two imbecile’s like that in this world. Silly question wasn’t it? There are a lot of liberals on here and they are all alike. Just like Philly.

He wouldn’t have left anyway. And you probably wouldn’t have made him.

Cry, cry, cry-grow a pair you sissy. Did you really think Matt would let you dictate his business? What a dunce.

Brown nose

Exactly Anon, this is the only kind of thing that MM can dream up to generate interest in his gossip blog. He’s getting more clicks out of this crap than any of the garbage he “writes”

@Matt-If anyone should be run off N.I.T. it is these “Anonymous” trolls who come on here and don’t pay it. They serve no purpose except to stir up hatred and dissent. Lets take up a collection to get rid of them.

@LVS, I go by anonymous, but I have a paid subscription. I even kicked in a whopping ten bucks to get philly off here. Sure it’s only ten bucks, but I figured that NIT would let him come back anyway. Matt can put that towards my renewal if I choose to renew. I will have to wait and see, because I truly cannot stomach philly.

@Anonymous-There is one of you that isn’t a bad guy. The problem is you get confused with the TROLLS. I wish you could find another way to identify yourself so we know who we are talking to.

LVS is the biggest troll here. He only seeks to incite with his comments and name calling. He deserves to be slapped like one of Matt Marquardt’s former female relations. Right Matt!?! By the way, take a moment and check out Matt’s Iowa Courts Online page. Actually, it will take you more than a moment. SCARY

I mean I get the deleting my comments thing, but there’s something about the way you say “banish” that seems harsh. I think the price should be much higher for a permanent banishment. Your original idea for one year seems much more fair. Down inside, I know many subscribers will begin to miss me after only a few weeks, if not days.

I don’t care if your comments were deleted. I just didn’t want to see any future comments. And YES I wanted you banned permanently..forever. Go find someone in Vegas to annoy. You don’t live here anymore, but you insist on leaving your skidmarks.

Ok seriously. Can I ask you why do you hate me so much? Can you at least write it down? Maybe it will be therapeutic to both me and you. Clearly there’s something about me that tears you up inside. If I can tolerate seeing Carrot Top’s strange face in a grocery store, I can handle hearing your truth.

You couldn’t handle a paper route. There is very little you CAN handle.

What a disappointment. I was hoping to log on today and see philly gone! And by the way, he keeps asking for a poll. Give it to him, Give him the dose of reality that he needs. That no one can stand him on here, or stand him period. You would think that his failed campaign attempt would have proved that to him.

I watched it and took it to be comedy. I guess some of today’s liberals might take offense, but it was meant to be funny. Being somewhat older I took it the way it was meant.

Im a liberal and I liked it.

That doesn’t surprise me in the least. You are certainly dumb enough.

LVS-All the guy said was he is liberal and he liked it and you have to call him names and put him down. He did nothing to you and you still have to stoop to name calling. They should throw you off this site too and we could get back to debating the issues instead of name calling. Grow up!!!
And yes I am a paid subscriber……..

Name calling isnt necessary.

Pretty mild, really. And funny.

Sorry Maybe. I was hoping you would not take it as you. I would like to think you are the #4 poster.

And actually, the vast majority think of LVS as #2

Oh now that would really hurt if I cared one bit about your opinion troll.

If you are talking to me, I have no hate in me for peter at all, just frustration.

This is an open comment to the top 3 posters: Doesn’t it get exhausting going to sleep with such hate and then again waking up with such hate?
Do your spouses/partners also have to take what you dish out all day long?

LVS keeps his Hispanic wife in a closet all day until he lets her out periodically to clean around his internet station. But he paid for a remote control lock and electric dog collar system to keep her within the perimeter of his home. He basically sits in his Lazy Boy Recliner with a TV tray and his Windows 95 Desktop computer off to one side. It’s why his comments are never more than a few sentences, because he’s basically staring at the screen from a cock eyed angle.

He eats those cheap 98 cent Banquet TV dinners which his wife puts in the microwave for him. She tried cooking him an authentic Mexican meal once, but he beat her senseless and said she was being “unpatriotic”. His Wood grain Zenith television console sits on the same shaggy yellow carpet from 1971 when he purchased his home. His cupboards are bare, and he only gets up to piss and mow the lawn.

He still sleeps with his .44 Magnum Revolver in the recliner, but his bullets were taken away long ago by his children who periodically check in to make sure his wife is still alive. They replaced his hollow points with blanks, but left him one bullet in case he’d help speed up the inheritance process for them. It’s placed 2nd in the chamber order, because they figured he’d shoot at the wife first before turning the gun on himself.

Better watch what you’re saying there philly. You don’t like people bringing up your child.

Geez, I’m just kidding. It’s satire…humor. At least an attempt at it. I figured the lead in was too irresistible to pass up.

andy-Go play in your kitchen if you don’t like what you read. No one forces you to look at the posts.

LVS-Quick Question, Why are you always such a jerk to people? Have you been that way your whole life? I feel sorry for you as you life must just suck having that much hate running through your veins.

@Anonymous Too-I don’t hate anyone. But, I also don’t let jerks like you who are looking for a fight push me around. Now, go away tough guy, you bother me.

Hey guy. Lighten up and you will be better because of it. No one is looking for a “fight” when they post here, just some interesting and fun dialogue. Many comments that object to your posts are on target.

Hey LVS, looks like you’re next on the chopping block. Too bad you weren’t escorted out of here first, cuz the reason I became bitter was because of your non stop bitter attitude towards me

@PHILLY-This is the last time I respond to your phsco post. Bull Sh##. You are a A-Hole, born bred and true and I had nothing to do with it. Now, shut up child killer.

If Phili REALLY wanted to leave, he would have. Truth is he CAN’T. He has no self control, never has. He has to be banned to get off NIT. So the ball is in NIT’s court. I would like to see (if possible) a running total of what has been raised. That could be his “popularity poll”.

That would be interesting.

You know I’m liking where this is going….I guess the drive to see me banned wasn’t as strong as some would have made it out to be. I’m still thinking the poll is in order…because why in the hell should Buzz be able to reach into his wallet and pay the entire amount just to see me go? Let the poll numbers decide…accompanied with the cash. Democracy? Remember that word?

Why SHOULDN’T one person be able to pony up the full amount? You seem to have no qualms about monopolizing and derailing anything you wish on NIT?

I think NIT smells money to be made in all this. $250 to axe me, then supposedly more subscriptions when I’m gone. And just so assholes understand: this is what I WANTED, not you. I’m the one who put this in motion because NIT was becoming a bad habit, like cigarettes. Personally, I think you’re all punks who can’t compare in intellect and analysis.

And C’mon look at how Matt operates. Fair? Hardly. I’m on the verge of leaving permanently and he won’t even put up a popularity poll to accurately gauge how many readers despise me and how many like me. Is he afraid to know the results? I know how cliquish and small minded regions like NI are, and I’m sure many who like me are scared to publicly admit such for fear of reprisal. A poll would allow an anonymous registration.

Have you ever considered that he just doesn’t care. You are just a bad dream to most of us and he is probably included.

Vice Versa. You’ve been a nightmare to me. North Iowa was a nightmare to me. My upbringing in that abusive shithole, my so-called “education”, the stacking of criminal charges by your corrupt police, and the killing of my family member by a quintessential Catholic boy gone bad. I hope you all rot in hell. I hate you immensely…enough to want to haunt you.

And if I could, and he was standing right there….you better believe I’d do it. And as I’ve said…were I the pilot of Enola Gay with the ability to fly over and drop my payload…you better believe I would. absolutely. So just know that LVS…know how much some people love you and your region you old curmudgeon son of a bitch. Without second thought.

I think you have just crossed the line with your threats. I will turn this over to the police as you have become a treat to everyone. I am not worried because I know you for the coward you are.

I am a treat…a delicious mental treat. Please do turn me in to those fabulous internet police. And if your dumbass was referring to a threat…well that would be one hell of an incident report…”So let me get this straight…you say this blogger named Philly is going to pilot the Enola Gay and drop a hydrogen bomb over Mason City?” Go for it grandpa.

Maybe if I’m lucky, you can get Jason Hugi to call me up on the phone and tell me to play nice on the internet or else he’ll get his father to pass resolution 2447 forbidding the dropping of imaginary hydrogen bombs over regions that provided nasty misery to children based on myopia, religious chains, and general ignorance and good old fashioned dog kicking abuse.

Your poor mother should have pinched your head off at birth, you damn freak. I sure wish you would have followed through with you threats and showed up at my door. You Coward.

Peter, do you normally have these fantasies of mass murder?

I don’t consider them dreams of mass murder #maybe…more like mass cleansing…or mass purification.

@LVS…report him to the police in Vegas. He should be easy to find. A piece of shit car, with cerro gordo county plates and a foul smelling man sleeping in it.

And what’s this shit about “sending Philo packing?” “Blast him into the outer reaches of the internet”? I made him a special request for me to leave NIT in return for him to delete all my comments, and he attached a sum to that request. Then he put it to the NIT vermin who couldn’t wait to pull out their wallets. Then he wouldn’t even grant me a poll so that it looks like it’s all negative. What a mistake NIT was….like picking up that first cigarette.

NEWSFLASH! You aren’t the only one talking here. There was a proposal for a fund to get you off this site as you seem unable to exhibit any self control to do what you say you are going to do. You won’t do what you say you will? OK. We will help you with that then. You’re welcome.

Just wondering. How much is the bounty to banish the name calling old buzzard LVS? He and Philo are birds of a feather. Neither contributes much to the quality of the conversation.

you’re delusional if you think I’m anything like LVS. Are you the same one who calls himself Iowa Sucks or LeftMC? Geez what a traiterous punk you are, when we seem to align so much on philosophy. I think you’re jealous of me. You wanted all the lime light, and you just can’t compete.

What’s the matter TROLL? Can’t you handle it. I was here long before you and I will be here long after.

LVS, get a clue
The comments are not about subscriptions, but about collecting money to get rid of someone.
As has been said, many, many more would subscribe were it not for the likes of Philosophus and to a lesser degree a certain old coot.

As to your comments, you need this:

Buzz Crumcutter

This attempt to fleece money from readers is something only sneaks would do.

Don’t buy into it….. it’s a scam, pure & simple.

I hope you update everyone on the number of comments you delete from me. I’m curious to know the totals.

So let me get this straight…is this a one year ban or a permanent one? I need to know the specifics of the execution before I agree to it.

That’s what I wanted in the first place. And just so you know, those who stand to profit from this the most are right of center fascists who will delight in having my insurmountable voice removed. When I’m finished with NIT, I will consider it a center right publication. It will return to the boring banter state that I found it in.

You can’t even stay gone for 24 hours. No one on here is the least bit interested in anything you say. We consider you a Pain in the A## and that is all.

And who the hell are you? A north end nobody. You think just because you keep your comments to a few sentences that you’re somehow more tolerable. People despise you LVS. You’re a curmudgeon and a bully. The kind of family member no one wants.

@Philly-Now I would be hurt and sad if I cared one bit about a crazy persons opinion of me. The same goes for “Anonymous” poster who can’t stand the heat. You mean nothing and you just ca’t get that through you thick skull. You are a waste and contribute nothing to society. You are a leech on the rest of us and always will be. Even your own mother can’t stand to have you around. What a embarrassment you are tyo your family.

A sneak is someone who comes on a subscription ite and trolls around for nothing. He is offering a service for a price. If you don’t like the service don’t buy it, but shut up if you don’t like the results.

This is beyond pathetic.

Website owner ignores the vast majority of readers input to get rid of someone for months.
However it appears that the website owner can be bought.
If everyone is willing to pay him, he will delete the information.
Talk about bribery & scamming people.

Marquardt, you give weasels a bad name.
Even the mayor could take lessons from you.

Let me clarify as I was the last person to propose a slush fund to get phili to finally leave. This is merely feedback from the reading public. I don’t subscribe to NIT because of phili. I won’t subscribe if he and his blithering kind are allowed to verbal vomit their causes over and over and over again on NIT. I am not alone in not subscribing for these reasons. The proposition is a simple one. Keep letting phili and his kind post and hope it gets more readership than it drives off or allow…

I kicked in ten bucks. We all know that Philly won’t be going anywhere. He will just post under a different name. He like a bad virus. I’m curious to see where and how this goes. I figure Matt can out that towards my renewal if this jackass Philly doesn’t really leave. That’s if I decide to renew. I can’t stomach philly, so if he’s still here, then I get my ten bucks back.

It seems that’s another chapter of what’s going on in Mason City. Lots of news lately about the north end, and the owners of properties, and landlords. News of drugs and drug dealers in the community. It’s spring and people are out more. Going out to the bars, (not my choice of things to do)and some people have no business drinking. Much less hanging out in the bars.

Can you create a poll alongside it for people to vote on whether they want me to stay or go? I’d like to at least see how many closet fans there are out there…if any. Also, it’d be nice to see progress updates as to the amount raised…but I’m sure you’ll want to keep that secret. Have fun with it….you get one shot to exploit an execution for all it’s worth.

How much do you want???? I will gladly participate!

C’mon man…it’s the condemned’s final meal. Put the poll up. Let me see how many were fans of mine before the blade comes swinging down. That’s cruel to deny me the knowledge of my supporters. Either way, I’m gone for one year. It won’t affect my request for execution.

@ Matt…Please let me know when others start to contribute money towards the deletion of Philo.

Call the event by its proper name: The Execution of Philosophus. Why don’t you just pony up all the money Buzz? Then when people start feeling that Philly deficit, they can remember his arch rival Buzz was responsible for the removal. Nah, I suppose like a firing squad, you want others to join in on the killing.

I want it called : The Execution of Philosophus. That’s the proper name for the event.

You can call it what you’d like if you put the money up, you cheap slug. Until then, remain silent for once. I’ll honor my word about pledging $50.00. BUT…..if the entire amount of the $250.00 isn’t raised, I want my money back. AND….if you come on this site again and post ANYTHING, I want my $50.00 back. That’s the deal, take it or leave it.

I agree, any money put on there needs to refunded if he comes back.

Ok, but how about that poll? I think I should at least be entitled to know how many fans I may have out there who are sad to see me go.

That wouldn’t do the people who paid for my removal any good now would it? C’mon…the moment is now. The executioner’s sword is being sharpened. Put the poll up alongside raising the money, and let’s see how people vote.

@NIT….There was NO MENTION of a 1 year absence in any of these posts until you brought it up. Here is his 5-17-15 at 9:07 am post; ” Wipe me out completely and I’ll stay gone. That’s my word to you.”
I’ll go out on a limb here and make these predictions; The money won’t be raised so Philo will continue to post. The money will be raised and Philo will continue to post.

Like I said before, if the entire amount of the $250.00 isn’t raised, I want my money back. AND….if he comes on…

@ NIT….

Like I said before, if the entire amount of the $250.00 isn’t raised, I want my money back. AND….if he comes on this site again and posts ANYTHING, I want my $50.00 back. Do we have a deal?

I was watching Season 7 Sons of Anarchy on Netflix. Yeah, I said I wouldn’t return to NIT if everything I’ve ever posted is deleted including articles I’ve submitted…and a permanent ban on my real last name.

I still want a popularity poll though. I think I deserve one after all the contributions I’ve made. Some people out there like me, and I want to know who. A poll up or down will let me know.

Pbully, sorry but you have zilch, zero, none. No followers at all. Anyone that would appreciate your posts is probably locked up because they are clinically insane. Or high on drugs. You should know you have no followers after your campaign attempt. That was a joke! You as a councilman. Ha ha.

Ok, never mind my request for transcript. I’ll save everything from WhIners and Think Tank and call it a done deal. But I do insist on having every comment deleted. I like the idea of Zen Nothingness…building a mandala, and wiping it clean. It’d really be cool if NIT wiped out their entire data banks and started over…as a gesture to impermanence. But I realize Matt has things he needs to keep up against the current administration in Mason City.

@Philly-where I normally just ignore your post unless you are talking about me, I have to ask what difference does it make. Don’t you think we make copies of your comments? Go ahead and delete them if you think it rally makes any difference.

It tells a long story, and chronicles history. I have transcripts from back in the Globe Discussion Board days, and it’s fascinating to read back, especially after you’ve long forgotten about them. I was profound then, and I’m profound now. Actually then I was even more profound, because I had an optimism that was unsullied. Over the years of facing off with bullies and tyrants like yourselves, it begins to wear one away…which of course has been your goal. Nice to know your ogre…

Ok. I have Think Tank saved. Now I move onto Whiners Den which may be longer yet. I’ll let you know when I’m done. It’s too bad the archives don’t seem to go back to the very beginning. They cut off. Let’s see how far Whiner’s goes back.

Ok, I’ve got Whiner’s saved all the way back to someone saying “Hi Petey!” which is as far back as it goes. If there’s a way to go back farther thru archives let me know. So basically that’s it….have at it. When they send you the money…delete me. And if you do find a way to download every comment specifically from me through WP plugin…let me have the transcript. you know my emails. Go ahead and delete Think Tank also…might as well. I’ll just wait for the gallow floor to…

And if you’re going to remove my head…I ask that you do it in a clean and complete way. No dull knives. I want that sucker to come off. Drive a stake through my heart as well, and burn my body. No chance for resurrection. Rope won’t do it. Holy water only sizzles off.

It probably should be a Pay Per View Event. “The Execution of Philosophus”. Might as well fill as many seats as possible. 🙂

C’mon NIT. Seriously, Philly has posted over 50 comments in 24 hours. This is not what I paid a subscription for. He called your site a saloon for bafoons. Every time he gets ticked off he rants about how horrible you and your site it. Then the next day he’s right back on here with his hundreds of comments. Please consider your paid subscribers and advertisers. This isn’t what we paid for.

You’re in luck. I’m gonna set it down for awhile to look for land. Sorry you were so turned off by me. Maybe had I not been so bullied and berated I wouldn’t have launched a full scale counterattack. But you don’t care about that do ya? You just want ur loud pipes and child murderers to continue on as they were.

You’re still posting, about shitting your pants of all.things. can’t even be gone for an hour. Liar!!!!!! You have no integrity at all. Can’t keep promises, you just keep telling more and more lies.

Here’s my special request to Matt: if you really want me gone…delete every comment I’ve ever written off your site, from whatever source I wrote it from: cell phone, laptop etc. i may have a few transitory names like ghost writer etc but u can find them by ip match. I did change laptops and phones a few times. Wipe me out completely and I’ll stay gone. That’s my word to you.

If you were to also block him from the site forever, plus remove all of his posts, I’ll help pay to have all his comments removed. I doubt it would take much time and others would help chip in to see him and his rants removed.

I want a PDF transcript of everything though Buzz. I’ll accept a massive Word file if it can be printed off and converted. .txt etc. whatever is usable and formatted. Just my comments. No one else’s. I like to analyze my wisdom, because often when it comes out, it’s a whirlwind. I just turn on the spigot….and it flows.

There you have it NIT peoples. Matt has named the price: $250. If you really all want me gone that bad raise the money and pay it to Matt. For that price I’m gonna ask for a downloadable transcript of every comment I’ve made. There should be some form of a script plugin to allow for that? I’m not sure. I’d say assign LVS or Buzz the job of going through every comment I’ve made and saving it to PDF but I think they barely know how to login.

“There you have it NIT peoples. Matt has named the price: $250. If you really all want me gone that bad raise the money and pay it to Matt. For that price I’m gonna ask for a downloadable transcript of every comment I’ve made.”

Guess what genius? IF others pay to have you blocked and deleted from NIT, I really doubt you have any chips to bargain with. Even you should be able to figure that out. Well…..maybe you might be able to.

Matt’s doing this at MY REQUEST…not yours. And I want a permanent ban on my last name and all related configurations. And I want a transcript of every comment. That’s fair…if Matt has to UP the price for the downloadable transcript…so be it. You all can pay to have me gone, since you want it so bad…it should cost you.

And I want a permanent ban on my real last name…forever…in all the former configurations. If you wipe me clean from NIT, I’ll consider North Iowa a blasted out nuclear hole and never return to your site again. Block Philosophus in all it’s configured possibilities a well. I don’t want people talking shit on me while I’m gone. That’s the offer. I’ll await your reply.

Actually I don’t care about Philosophus…let that name be discussed for ages to come. And I may check back periodically to read what’s going on, but I’ll never comment again under any moniker. That’s the Sunday morning offer.

You won’t leave. You never do. You’ve promised many times that you were and you dont.

You aren’t even a man of your own word. Promises mean nothing to you. You just want attention. You have no life, so you make everyone else’s miserable with your presence. You are nothing but a liar ohilly, plain and simple. And yes I did see the post you made about Matt. So you lied about that also.

I have no choice but to refer to you as Cretin (my sincere apologies to persons afflicted with cretinism). You’d never know if I posted a comment because you have no access to my ip information; Matt does. You keep rambling on about some bs accusation someone leveled against Matt claiming he has a domestic assault charge against him…which is false. What a shady world full of anonymous quacks NIT is plagued with.

You’re still here. Thought you were leaving.

“Actually I don’t care about Philosophus…” Well guess what??? Neither do the rest of us. Everyone is sick and tired of your CONSTANT manic rants.

Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

Actually I’d like if Matt could give me a downloaded transcript of every comment I’ve made first before he deletes them. The last few times we did a zen purge the number was around 20,000 I believe. I really wish I would have transcript end all those first. Actually Matt could make money by releasing coffee table books of the NIT EXPERIENCE were he able to figure out how to transcript comments into usable PDF

Yep, just as I figured, there’s always a catch with you. Maybe Matt should stand on one leg while eating a piece of toast while he deletes your comments. Would that help? Why can’t you just try being a man for once and honor your word???

Yes they do Matt…and we did get them all last time…at Coffee Cat. LOL. You know, I think it’s a combination of several factors. 1. My mission against loud tailpipes in residential neighborhoods. 2. My disapproval of the war against drugs (war against personal liberty and consumer choices) 3. My disapproval of the military’s enlistment / hiring policies 4. My general analysis of many hypocritical and faulty rules/ practices/ procedures. 5. My belief in the sanctity of the human home 6…

And yes, the 1993 court case in which a man was tried for 1st degree murder of my child and acquitted by a jury of his peers (mason city residents). You’ve stood for free speech as long as you could on my behalf, and I appreciate that. But the pitchforked masses are at your Castle. Let them kill me. My spirit lives on, and the truth I wrote will always resound in their minds, whether it’s printed or not.

I’ll gladly send you $50.00 to see him blocked forever and removed forever. BUT…I’d think if he isn’t the one paying to have this much needed service done, then he shouldn’t get anything in return. Why enable him to run the whip when he hasn’t contributed anything?

@Matt-You don’t seem to understand. What we hate is his constant lying and babbling on and on about his philosophy which no one cares about. His hogging the site is another thing and his comments about our military really piss me off. Because of this he has been hated and despised. Where I would like to see him gone it is not my wish to see him banned. I would like to see him controlled.

I don’t mind peter being on the site, he just has alot of time on his hands and posts alot. The context of his postings seem to be around his vision of what he wants the world to be and he just won’t stop no matter how ludicrous it is.

@maybe, I do mind him being on here. I am totally against legalization of drugs. The whole marijuana issue is one thing. The use of that drug helped her through her chemo and pain issues when she was dying. But the legalization of cocaine, lsd, meth is just pure insanity. Also I get tired of him talking down our military. I come from a family of veterans that fought for his freedom and he has no appreciation of it at all. He is constantly putting down America. Also, nothing is free. He thinks…

…..that someone should just bend over and give him a house for free. He thinks everyone should just hand him whatever he wants. He has no motivation to get a job and contribute to society. He hasn’t even ponied up the cash for a subscription to this site! YES I mind him being here!

to clarify, a good friend of mine died from cancer and used marijuana on occasion. She suffered for a long time with a horrible illness that took her life. I felt she was entitled to do whatever helped the pain.

Yeah, and there are people suffering from other types of pain besides cancer, including psychological pain, so why shouldn’t they be entitled to medicate with what they see fit?

More heated bullshit fueled by a forty something out of Vegas. This is one of the main reasons you will only have readers and not subscribers. Clean your house.

Clean house? There’s a very simple solution for cleaning house: lock up murderers when they commit murder. Leaving it to the population only causes these kinds of persistent embarrassing problems. The bible talks about an eye for an eye. Most have accepted a lifetime in prison as a substitute for that very strict rule. Sodom and Gomorrah were punished for letting murderers run free. You’re being punished.

Don’t believe in the Bible you say? There’s another simple solution: it’s called the 9mm bullet…also known as “self-help”…or “the law of the jungle”. That’s where one animal overpowers another animal and kills it for territory, breeding, or food. Problem is the government switches back and forth between civil rule and the jungle depending on who’s in control.

Since the law of the jungle was acted upon me by an animal for breeding purposes (lion kills cubs of other male lion) the government would need to suspend its rules (impose a moratorium) to allow me the chance to counterattack the attacking lion. You see at the time I was under the false impression that government’s rules of civility were in effect. Had I known otherwise, I could have attacked the principal lion violently and decisively, to prevent it from killing my cub.

Knowing the general population of Mason City and how they think, I would never subject myself to their discretion or judgment. Therefore the ONLY thing protecting the principal lion is the uncertain and illogical thinking processes of the other animals in the region. Now, should I ever tire of living…that’s a different story. But as if yet, I’m still interested and entertained. But I’ve also stated that before, so there’s no need to be redundant…or is there?

And of course there is a slice of mercy and compassion that exists within me as homage to my fondness for peace, the Buddha, and JC.

There’s rope and a tree, as Judas Iscariot discovered…and I’m praying the lion believes…so that he may ascend the laws of the jungle, meet the spirit of the deceased, and ask for forgiveness. He has that option, and I’m hoping he does the correct thing…the thing a real believer would do…and go to the next world..,thru the portal of God’s forgiveness. Here on earth there is nothing for him, just me nudging him along to his destiny.

Matt could make him honor his promise, since he seems incapable and unwilling. Hell we should start a fund to cover the loss of his subscription and some maintenance to keep him out of here. I could get behind that. Who’s with me?

Deprivation beckons deprivation. If you deny someone their voice, their life…so too shall yours be deprived. You fight what’s inevitable. You fight destiny. You fight so you may draw a few more breaths, see a few more sunsets, sit under a few more trees. But you’re living on borrowed time. You deprived, and the price for that is to be deprived.

An unwholesome vile act has been performed, and the villain lives among you. Your complicity is registered by your hostility to me. Your silence speaks of your longing to be free.

Remember this comment??? “The last thing I’m going to say to you fooches before I permanently delete NIT from my life and computer altogether….”

Please honor your word and leave (for the 30th time) as you promised. You’ve had your say, now move along. Its bad enough you constantly crap yourself and people think you’re an idiot. But to continually post your non-stop rants as you do, only proves to people you really are an idiot.

I share those crap stories because they are funny, true, and pervasive…meaning everyone has been struck with an urgent need to rapidly expel the Burger King McDonalds they just ingested. I’m just honest and relaxed on how I deal with the stress of it. Shitting one’a drawers isn’t a pleasant experience, but neither is the stress of holding it in. I try my best, but if it needs to come out, I prefer to mitigate the damage.

The longest I’ve gone with a load in my pants was 5 days, but that was after my child was murdered and I was severely depressed: 1994. Recently I went 4 hours while driving around Vegas with no where to go. It was funny too cuz I went driving thru these million dollar neighborhoods near the foothills in this crappy finished car with a full smelly load in my drawers. It took me weeks to get the smell out of my clothes and the seat

Attentive NIT fans will remember the “Live Fecal Blogging” I attempted to do from the JC Penny parking lot I was parked in, until Matt deemed it too much and deleted my comments. I was giving a ‘play by play’ of the experience as it was happening. I didn’t have Bob Fisher calling the plays but would have liked to.

Yep, and his posts don’t get deleted. But God forbid if you say anything against Matt’s precious Philly. Matt deletes anything that’s said against him. Why? What does he have on you Matt? We know he’s searched you out on the courts site as he posted a comment about a charge you had at one time? What else does he have on you that you keep protecting him?

I’ve never searched Matt out on Courts Online and I’ve never posted anything about his personal life. Matt knows this because he knows my IP address. He knows that I post under ONE NAME ONLY which is Philosophus. Morons like you don’t understand that WP moderators like Matt and myself can spot any IP address region that a person is posting from, unless they take elaborate steps to go through an IP masker. Why would I do that? Unlike you cowards, I’m proud of the comments I make and want…

Matt wants to foster entertainment first and foremost. Secondly I believe he mostly believes in delivering free speech the best he can. Thirdly, I think when it comes to unpunished child murderers, he has a genuine interest in seeing some kind of justice come about. As Matt is the same age as Donahoo, I’m sure he remembers the case (unless he was in college at the time?) Matt gives voices to the voiceless, and he’s gotten better at that in the past few years.

Seek help now.

I have never even bothered to look. The point I’m making is when you pulled Philly comments when he was promoting his Web site, his response was to say there was something about you on Iowa courts. And yes the poster was philosophous. I reported that post and it was removed. I just cannot understand why you have let him take over your site.

When I see 75% of the postings with his name on it, there is a whole lot less to read then.

That’s a bullshit lie. Matt knows you’re lying because he sees the region my posts originate from. You’re still at it huh?

@Maybe-When I see his name on a post I don’t even read it. And, when I sign in and see all of his post I don’t look at anything, I just sign off.

That’s the point I’ve been trying to make to NIT. when he’s all over the site it turns people away. It turns subscribers away. And also possible subscribers. It’s sickening that he is allowed to rule the site.

Yes, the Globe sank to a new low today. Earlier on their web of the say “top stories” they sold out to Pritchards. I have no problem with Pritchards but so sell a spot of “top stories” seems desperate?

Even if you took both players at their absolute prime, Jordan would certainly still have a major tussle on his hands & would be giving away about 3 inches and 50 pounds.
But today?
Fuhgeddaboudit, Jordan’s only chance would be to take the showdown onto a golf course.

Not a fan of LeBron. So, I would like to see Jordan win this one. I agree with the other post. Maybe they should take the challenge to the golf course.

Hey Matt, any thoughts on putting your hat in the council race again? Would love to see you on the ballot again.

True, I have always liked Alex Kuhn. He’s cut from a totally different cloth than Solberg and Hickey.

Hey Buzz-I won, I won, I won. I told you old poopy pants would be back in less than 48 hours and here he is. He has no one who will have anything to do with him and his new venture as a web designer is another abject failure like everything else he does. Here’s betting he is back in his momma’s basement before fall.

I knew he would be back. Just like a bad case of herpes. He’s just a pathetic leach. I threw up in my mouth when I saw him on here AGAIN. Why can’t he just go away????????

Why can’t he just go away and STAY away is the million dollar question.

@Anonymous-It is like I said. He has nothing else. We are a captive audience for his rambling B.S. He has no friend or family that wants anything to do with him. He was such a embarrassment to his mother she just wants him out of her life. It is a sign of metal illness and excessive illegal drugs.

@LVS. . It was nice the 24 hours he was gone. I don’t like to think badly of people. But I have to say I just cannot stomach seeing his name on posts. I absolutely despise this guy. Last week ,he was stalking Matt on Iowa courts, now has the audicity to come back. He has redefined what a POS is. Someone needs to just kick him in the nads and punch him in the face. In fact if he shows his ugly mug around North Iowa that might just happen. Lord knows he has pissed off ALOT of people.

I know a few guys that ride with the Hells Angels that live in vegas and have loud pipes.

@anon: you don’t want to think badly of people? What a crock of sh**…Of course you do. That’s PRECISELY what you want, so you can “kick someone in the nads and punch them in the face”. You ain’t fooling anyone home slice.
@maybe: solicitation to commit violence is a felonious offense. U better just take care of those grand kids and hush up.

First of all butt munch I never said anything about violence, all I said was that I know some people. Secondly, DID YOU JUST THREATEN MY GRANDKIDS???

“Hell’s Angels in Vegas?” and directly in response to a post by someone who says I should be “kicked in the nads and punched in the face?” Save the stupid-routine…We all know what you meant by that… And I’ll say it again Bubba…calling on known violent biker gang members to intimidate or commit violence against someone is a FELONY, so watch yourself Bub.

@maybe, I have Philly license plate number and make of car. You can relay those to your biker friends. Although pretty easy to spot that car with cerro gordo plates and the smell that radiates from it.

To LVS, Buzz, maybe and every other poster and subscriber on here. PLEASE email at and voice your opinions of what is going on here with Philly. This is ridiculous. It’s not fair to the paid subscribers, or to the advertisers. These rants have gotten out of control. Philly is monopolizing this site. He is driving people away and the advertisers are wasting their money when people don’t even want to come to the site because of Philly. Please all do this! Philly needs to go.

@LVS….It’s too bad you didn’t get up some sort of a pool. You could have walked away a big winner on your prediction!!!

The sad thing is, everyone else loses when he comes back.

@Buzz-Yes, I know. I am surprised that Matt didn’t ban him after his comments and all the disruption he causes. He hogs the site with his meaninless rambling that is certainly a sign of mental illness. In other words he is crazy as a loon.

I see where the “Shrine” Circus is coming to town next week. Get this, you can watch them beat Elephants with a barbed stick for the mere cost of $17.50 general admission if you order on line. And for a real treat you can walk around “back stage” and witness inhumane animal care. Where can I get more information about joining others to protest this barbarism? Looking forward to NIT coverage of this event.

Your attempt at connecting to facebook was a good idea but the problem that I saw was there was no place to respond to the postings, no reply button. I have no problem with using my real name as long as everybody else has to do the same.

not suitable for use is an interesting way to describe something as “working”.

Well, well, well, Petey. Couldn’t stay away could you? Do you think we wouldn’t recognize a new poster?

Hi Petey!

And I don’t think this is LVS who is posting this about Matt and NIT. Nice try phili. You’ve sunk pretty low this time.

I see that the band concert schedule is out. Isn’t it something that thousands of dollars were spent on the band shell, but the Mason City Municipal Band isn’t doing any concerts there.

This morning, Tuesday, they’re repainting the sharrows on east state st. I figured it out, it’s a dog and pony show for band fest. I can feel my savings account shrinking.

If I remember right, last year they were $200 thousand over budget on painting the streets.

Not so many years ago City employees did this job for far less and they had other responsibilities too. Last years paint job was a joke by the private contractor and whoever authorized payment should be ran out of town.

That would be our mayor.

Couldn’t they just have been touched up?

Bush stock market at 7000 obama stock market 18000 bush 2 wars not payed for 3 trillion dollars obama health care for the people anybody who bitches about the aca i hope isn’t on medicare or ss people are just plain idiots when it comes to the gov dolling out money. Its just what side of the line you are on.

The last thing I’m going to say to you fooches before I permanently delete NIT from my life and computer altogether….

Anonymous = Cowards

Any website moderator that allows a bunch of anonymous users to snipe and attack without any accountability is running a bafoon saloon. That’s what NIT is basically…a saloon for bafoons.

And sorry Matt, but Jesus didn’t give you anything. You’re a product of genetics and science.

You’re leaving? permanently? Again? Who’s the buffoon?

Oh NO, not again? The biggest B.S. Artist I have ever seen is threatening to leave us for about the 100th time. The other thing he is besides being a B.S. Artist is a damn coward and a liar. Good Bye, Bad luck and good riddance.

Crappy trails Captain Crap-o-rama. Let the farts be with you.

But….we all know, like diarrhea, you’ll be back.

@Buzz-Do you want to take any bets on how long old crap in his pants is gone this time? I am betting less than 48 hours. He has tried this before and like everything he does it failed. He has no one else to talk to and like a little child negative attention is better than no attention.

@LVS… He will be back just as you say. In fact, he’s probably on here now just slinking around. I know we haven’t heard the last of him either.

This will be; “I’m Philly and I’m leaving for ever” version 28.0

Poor phili. He’s all mad because Matt did the right thing and deleted his posts promoting his own site. You want to promote your so called business? Well then pony up the money to pay for the advertising. Good riddance phili. Hope you really stay gone this time.

You won’t leave, you will just post under a different name.

@anonymous-He probably already is posting under a different name. there are sever new names on here since he said he left.

@LVS, you are correct. I’ve noticed a couple new posters also. There’s one by the name Webster. His lingo is too much like Peteys. And since he thinks he’s a web master now, the name kind of fits. We will NEVER be free of him.

Philly is like Herpes, when it will infect the host…… nobody knows.

@Sandy-Very True.

Hmm mm genetics and science? Not Jesus? Pretty strange thing to say from a self proclaimed minister.

Hmmmmm genetics and science? Not Jesus? Pretty strange thing to say from a self proclaimed minister.

All of them were terrible for America. I would say the Auto Rescue ranks right up there.

The Dodd Frank act was what caused the economy to collapse in 2008. You would never guess that they are democrats.

The auto bail out was a smart move. We got our money back with interest. The biggest mistake was that no banking officials who caused the near collapse of our economy was sent to jail for a very long time. Just goes to show you corporate greed is forgiven but your a thief if you work for a living and want a decent wage and some health care coverage for you and your family.

Monday May 11 @ 1:00 PM I just saw a company called QSI, removing the sharrow signs in the 1400 block of east state st. What a waste of tax payers money, the city last year had them painted on at the cost of several thousand dollars. I wonder what it’s costing us to have them removed, and what it’s going to cost to replace them, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ It’s time for a revolution….

I saw them too. I drove down state street. It seems they covered some and kept the ones that weren’t very faded. Stupid. They could have left them alone and they would fade on their own. What a waste of money.

@anonymous-I think they have to take them up before they can put down new ones. Watch your wallet. They are getting ready to stick it to you again.

Matt, I don’t think it’s fair to the businesses on your site that actually pay for their advertising, and you’re allowing phili to put his business for free! You need to get his comments with his Web site off here.

No once cares about your site. Matt should be charging you for advertising.other people with legitimate businesses pay for their advertising on his site. Just goes to show what a leach and loser you truly are. Go away phili. It was nice when you were gone for the last couple days.

Entering this website into the URL crashed my iPhone’s Safari all 3 times I tried it.

A wordpress site using a theme created by someone else. *yawn*

Do you think anyone really cares?

No one on here gives a flip. Our one hope is that it will keep him off this site. I am sure Matt noticed there were a lot more comments by other people without him hogging the site. Hopefully, once he is gone people will come back.

Anyone know what is being built West of the Iowa State Patrol office on the North side of the road?

Iowa DOT building

and on the south side down the road they are building a alliant energy building

With building an Alliant building. Will they still be occupying their building downtown.

Anyone have any idea when is the final date that we will find out Mason City don’t get the state money to build that dumb hockey rink in the mall???
It will be fun to watch the disappointment wash over all the dreamers and I don’t want to miss it…

Thanks for the update… No matter how it shakes out, they don’t get the money, or Marriott tells them to pack sand, or they get the money…
It will just be fun to watch it all fail….

Because if it fails, that will help the City out?

Has the “decision” already been made?

I see that the sports memorabilia store is moving to the Younkers wing.

If they end up renovating the penny’s store I to the sports complex, wouldn’t that pretty much take up that whole wing? I’m just guessing. But the only thing left on that wing is the eye glass store and younkers home store. At least the memorabilia store isn’t leaving all together. Maybe they know something we don’t.

I don’t know what it is with the state of Wisconsin. A shooting on a wilderness trail occurred. Remember the Mung shooting skirmish between local hunters and the Asian Mung man who alleged they were uttering racist language towards him? Jeffrey Dahmer? Wisconsin is a strange state. Makes me think the more wild an area is, the more crazy stuff happens.

So more charges filed against police by state prosecutors (Baltimore this time) yet NIT declines to feature any coverage. Sometimes NIT seems anti-police, and other times pro-police. Most of the time, pro police, unless the police or prosecutors decline to act in accordance with NIT’s wishes. Regardless, nationwide reform is arriving, and the militarization of the police is finally drawing to a close. Long Overdue.

shut up

If you hate America so bad, then get the eff out! Tired of your rants against my country Philly.

“Your” country is only one manifestation of it, and based on the expense and exploitation of others. MY COUNTRY is based on fairness and equality for all. MY COUNTRY allows freedom and personal liberty. MY COUNTRY obeys golden rule maxims. YOUR country hurts and bigots against people.

In your mind your country runs rampid with people high on drugs causing chaos. In your country, people don’t work for a living and have everything given to them including a house. In your country people contribute nothing to society.

I can’t wait for the day that NIT is anti you and they refuse to publish anything associated with you.

I pop in every once in a great while now, that is until he leaves then I will probably come back. I suspect the liberals are all glad that I am not here as much.

Buzz, I must have really gotten you good. I can tell you’re hurting. These National stories about police getting arrested and charged with murder is tearing you up inside. I’m just sorry that all the murderous cops in Iowa and Minnesota didn’t get brought up on charges. I spoke out on NIT early on. Now the killings can no longer be ignored. Murder Inc. (aka The police in America) are going to be overhauled. It’s coming, and much of my policy vision will come true.

You are a true psychic, idiot savant, with diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the brain.

Yep, you’re an injured lion. At the mercy of the hyenas.

You need to grow up Marquardt

This is not only funny it has a lot of truth about it too.

You really need to grow up Marquardt

You really should sue the University of Iowa and get your tuition back.
The education didn’t work.


I read an interesting article in the globe the other day about how the mayor of Swaledale asked the county BOS for support in getting rid of run down houses and Jay’s response was to incorporate! I find it interesting he would want the taxpayers of the county to take on city’s massive sewer debt. Dig into it!!!

Im not a prejudice person and with all of this riot shit going on lets turn the tables, white people have been getting killed by the police for years and we don’t riot. Looks to me like the rioters are mostly young unemployed youths that want to blame someone else for the losers they are. To me its not right for the police to just shoot or kill anyone but the focus is on the black community but cop killing whites and blacks have been going on for years. Our world is doomed and in a sad way.

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