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Does anyone know if Lt Logan Wernet’s wife still shop at Kohls in Mason City?

So Phil, from your whiners post 28 Oct at 1:59 pm, right back at you….

Philosophus Reply Report comment
October 28, 2014 at 9:01 am
So you’re an advocate for murder? Figures.

The Dallas nurse Amber Vinson thanked “God” for helping her beat Ebola. What a crock of shit. It was the exceptional medical treatment, anti virals, and blood transfusions which saved her. They gave her top attention and care, unlike for poor Eric Duncan, whom they let die in the most obviously Nationalist/Racist Manner. Amber Vinson is black, but she’s American, and they weren’t going to let an American die. What Americans have died from this? None. I’m thinking this is deliberate

They wasn’t going to let an american die? Where have you been, this whole administration is all about killing americans or at least allowing others to do it for them.

And people wonder how the Germans could be so mind controlled even though it was destroying their country? Maybe, you are an anomaly. Obama has saved thousands if not tens of thousands of lives by his steady hand keeping the military out of harm’s way. If McCain or Romney would have been elected, the death toll from American soldiers dying would steadily have climbed, opening other war fronts. You make no sense “you big silly man” (quoting Veronica Corningstone).

liberals are cowards, we gave our word to have our military protect them and he backed out, we didn’t save lives by pulling our military out we cost them more lives, and what about the americans at bengazi or seal team 6 or the troops he is sending to fight ebola?

Bush should have thought about all that before he opened up 2 war fronts. It’s terrible I agree: the political fallout, and civil strife caused by an invading force meddling in the internal affairs of a region. Alliances are formed, promises are made, but when those people cannot maintain a semblance of order, and honesty, why would Americans continue to invest blood and money to a disjointed, backbiting, treacherously malignant, coward people, who are halfway on board? Blame Bush.

I blame cowards like you, they drew first blood so when we retaliate bleeding heart cowards like you start pointing fingers and blaming everybody but who is really at fault. People like you, politicians and everybody else that believes we should just sit back and let them kill us are the real problems. You want to be a pussie thats your choice but don’t drag the rest of us down with you.

Islam is a form of brain damage, and America should stay the hell away from any ‘nation building’ in such regions. All monies invested into a foreign military such as Pakistan or Egypt should be terminated. Talk to defense contractors here in America who make money by Congress divesting money away from the American people into their hands to arm foreigners if you want to understand the corruption. “You’re like a child” (to quote the blue Na’vi Neytiri).

There’s only one way I’d ever commit to sending troops over to Islamic lands, and that’s with the commitment of completely obliterating them, seizing their land, and annexing it into a territory, or additional state of the United States of America. Unless you’re prepared to do that, I wouldn’t waste my time on Muslims or Arabs. They have cultural distinctions and practices too far nadir from the sensibilities of modern Western Democratic minds. Any other action would be a waste.

The only problem with that is the politicians here that all want to be involved. You send our troops over there, give them all the supplies they need and tell them to kill everybody then and only then will we win. I do agree with you about islam being a form of brain damage, it is NOT a religion but a way of life. There are way too many limits put on our troops to win anything and now that obama is getting rid of almost 80,000 troops will make it that much harder.

Philosophus: Do you quote movies to try to give your points some validity or relevance?

Islam shouldn’t fall under the freedom of religion enjoyed by us in the United States because it by definition denies the same extensions to others. It’s oxymoronic in how it benefits from legal protections, while denying others theirs…like a virus gobbling up and destroying its host cells. The world needs to change its thinking on Islam. Either leave them alone completely, or completely obliterate them and integrate their women and children into other lands.

Gave our word to protect them?

We shouldn’t have gone into Iraq Or Afghanistan in the first place.

You know better, don’t you?

Perfect for retired folks, college-age or someone seeking extra income: seeks assistance with online sales. Strong commission. Bonuses. Work from home. All materials provided. Email resume or inquiry to

Philly….this job has your name written all over it. Get on it. Now.

Will the Editor of NIT right here, right now, make a commitment to the readers and participators of NIT NOT to post under the myriad false names and identities created, so we the readers can feel confident that the people who post under all the goofy silly and anonymous names are in fact real people and not duplicate identities of Matt M. trying to egg on an issue or make a side point? That little bit of integrity and assurance can go a long way to restoring confidence. Thanks.

Can you even define the word integrity?

@Anonymous-It sure looks like Philly has taken his GOOFY pills again today. How paranoid can one person be? It is always someone else’s fault. He never takes responsibility for his own actions.

INTEGRITY: Posting comments in an online community setting using ONE online identity, or making it known if you are other identities.

Integrity is contextual in this circumstance bub. I’m referring to ONLINE INTEGRITY. More important than content itself, is for people to know who the voice is behind the keystrokes. I use ONE IDENTITY ONLY, because I indeed, in fact, most truly possess INTEGRITY. 🙂

@Philly-If you truly believe what you are posting, perhaps you need a vacation to get your mind straight (although that might be impossible. Why don’t you take a extended trip to say, Colorado. I hear it is nice there this time of the year and there will be lots of people just like you walking around stoned.

ELVIS, I had a lot of family members that came in unexpectedly during the last week, so I needed to stay around for that. I will be heading out soon, and will post the proof of my voyage on Philosophus Supplemental. I know you’ll be glued to your computer screen waiting for my updates.

@Philly-who the hell are you trying to kid. Your family disowned you years ago except for your poor mother. More Philly lies. They won’t let you into Colorado anyway. They already have enough brain dead idiots.

brash, abrasive, callous, stunted, terse, challenged, myopic, boxed-in…these are some words that come to mind when I read your posts.

You were undoubtedly the type of kid who kept calling someone a “ninny” over and over again, because you weren’t creative enough to come up with anything better…then relied on your big oafish size to back you up. No one sledgehammered you down, so your brain got stuck in OAF MODE.

Phil@ let it go and go seek help. You accuse me of being Matt@ you accuse Matt@ of being Buzz@. You accuse Buzz@ being everything under the sun. When you point one finger look at the five pointing back at you.

I think leftmc is peters feminine side coming out, why does the movie psycho come to mind?

@Big Country-Let MC is really Philly posting under another name so he can rant without people knowing who it is. Look at the words and the writing style. Old Philly is really a woman.

It’ what you Republican wolves do best: lie, cheat, steal, obfuscate, divert, confuse, bully. I’m only the blue sun tile named Philosophus…no other…unlike the editor of NIT who creates multiple identities, many of whom engage in back and forth maligning against me…Big Country, Buzz Crumcutter, perhaps Allen and any other grey and white profile that shows up promoting subscriptions, or enticing NIT to “look into” an issue. Hey, that’s his prerogative, but I find it dishonorable

@Philamena-You have a lot of room to talk you gutless, cowardly troll Posting under the name of Left MC. we know who you are and we certainly know what you are Philamena a two faced bitch.

Wow, the NIT hounds of hell are on attack mode. Someone throw LVS a nice maggot filled steak.

@LVS…I tip my hat to you sir, well said.

Remember when Philly was also none other than Ghost Writer? I am certain he is also Iowa Sucks too.

Was he Happy Guy too?

I never thought of that, but you are probably right.

Hey, you are right, your tile is blue. I’m sure it matches your eyes. Good job on covering up your yellow streak too.

What I find funny is that everything that you just described there, you do.

@Peter, What I find funny is that everything that you just described there, you do.

there’s only only way to be ….I’m so stoned quartz was melting balls. literaly my balls were melting in the form of fine crystalline quartz ball fromal= police function. If that makes sense to you, turn yourself in.

I’ve said many times I don’t know how anybody can call themselves a christian and a democrat at the same time, you are either one or the other and this little old lady confirms it.

The same could easily be said for the Republicans…

Republicans are evil, if I have ever seen evil, it’s them. They want to starve the poor, feed the rich. And only take parts of the bible they have a purpose for like bashing gays or women or minorities. Your one sick puppy if you think other wise.

Ignorance is running rampant here in north iowa.

@maybe-You sure got that right. What the hell is wrong with Philly now (other than being born a loser)? Is he high again or just way off his meds?

It’s not all just peter, there are quite a few people here that are 100% for the democratic party, which is the downfall of our moral society.

Thank you for posting this.

Don’t ask me those questions cuz hurtin is for real. Ultimaly i’d like to see the personal “stemming” (cutting off) of situationl. I trust the f(((cuked up.

I am very angry about the bicycle that was stolen from the Culver’s employee last week. The bike belonged to a special needs employee and that was his mode of transportation not only to work, but everywhere. I am sick of the losers in this town that just steal anything they want from anyone they want. If anyone knows of a decent bike that they would be willing to sell at a decent price, please respond back to this post. I would like to help this kid out.

What size bike you looking for?

How do I get a hold of him? I will buy him a new bike

Stop into Culvers and talk with any of the managers. Or if John the owner is there you can speak with him………Bless you.

Calling there now

His new bike and lock have dropped off at culvers. An early merry Christmas to him

You are the best. Thanks from everyone. I am sure everyone one wishes they could do this for someone else.

@Caring-That is great. It is nice to know that people like you are here.

Awesome!!! I know Nate and he is a grest person. Thank you and God bless.

@Caring, you are the most accurately-named person on the internet! You’re clearly a terrific human being, and I hope your generosity and compassion are returned to you a hundredfold.

Great Job!

I am impressed. There are decent folks out there. Thank you. Everyone else who sees this should do something kind for somebody else in honor of you.

Anon@ That’s terrible. Let me do some looking I may have a coulpe bikes that were good brands when I was young. There a little dated. Ones a GT-something. He can have it. People nowadays. I will repost if I locate it.

Regarding the Casey Callanan for Supervisor issues–First off don’t vote for him. Illegal campaign contributions and not even attending one meeting????
More importantly, did anyone else notice, Matt from NIT was the only one to report on these two incidents.
John Skipper would have had it all over the front page if it were “someone else”–oh but it involves one of the good old boys-better not rock the boat!!

What’s weird is just a few hours ago, Gary Hugi and his son Jason were in my dreams. The setting was some sort of public bus, and I began chastising Gary for not standing up and representing someone on the bus who was receiving an injustice against him. His son Jason just turned around and looked at me in a goofy way. I told people on the bus that I was the true representative who cared. Then I woke up…True story.

Yep, you’re right it was a dream. And thank goodness it was, because there is no way on God’s green Earth that you will ever be elected, appointed, anointed, commissioned or otherwise, to represent any living person. Ever. People know you for what and whom you are, not what you’ve fooled yourself into thinking you are.

Have a good day, friend.

Well “Buzz”, you weren’t elected to anything either…so I guess we’re even.

Even? I bet Buz may have accomplished more and given up on less in their life than you have. I would hardly call you two “even”.

Was it a short bus? Did you have your ear plugs in and your helmet on to avoid those loud pipes?

Has anyone heard about a rollover accident on the weekend of October 12-13? I had heard that a man that lives in Rudd was booked into Mitchell County jail for DUI and drugs. But havent heard anything on any new source.

I’m still really disappointed that Matt from NIT is behind many of these voices. Especially Buzz Crumcutter. I found Buzz to be the funniest character on NIT and to learn he’s not real is upsetting. He may have ridiculed me, but he seemed to at least be keeping track of me and dare I say “care”? All this time he was Matt. I guess it’s just startling…like learning your wife used to be a man.

1. Time stamp discrepancies (comments inserted in between timeline as Buzz Crumcutter coinciding with Matt Marquardt insertions around same time)
2. Buzz pushes for people to become subscribers, yet he is not a subscriber himself (evidenced by grey and white profile picture tile,not colored one)
3. Numerous witnesses have seen comment handles change from Matt Marquardt one minute…to Buzz Crumcutter and other names the next minute upon refreshing screen.
4. Buzz seems to know a lot

@Philly-You are smoking the funny stuff again and must be way off your meds.

LVS, you old fumigated sock. How many times you gonna use that line? No one smokes any “funny stuff”. Here in Iowa it is not legal, and we follow the laws of the land we live in…including muffler laws. So go pick on a Biker.

@Philly being legal or not legal has never stopped you before has it. You can deny it all you want but we know who you are and what you are. Take some more LSD and go into dream land again.

LSD is a simile for any free-form contiguous yet non linear, array of colorful and profound thought forms unrestrained by time or space.

Just because your thoughts have been locked in a 2’x 3′ box your entire life, doesn’t mean ours have been. You’re scared of your mind…I get that, but the Seraphim and Cherubim will one day split your head open in a million different directions, and you won’t have your gun to cling to.

At this point, I’m willing to have a coffee shop sit down with Buzz Crumcutter to prove that he is not real. Sending someone as a surrogate won’t work, because I’ll know Buzz’s personality, and not his exterior skin. I’ll quizzz him about former comments. #maybe is probably jealous upon hearing this. 🙂

@Philly-You would just hide behind the potted plant and would never talk to him. Who do you think you are kidding? You can only go there so many times and people figure out you are just shooting off your mouth again.

Be in the parking lot of the Globe Gazette in an hour.

@Buzz-Don’t wait to lone. There are no potted plants in the parking lot so Philly would have nothing to hide behind. He won’t show up.

Sorry Buzz, I was busy working on a project this afternoon;just saw your message now. Besides, I’m not so sure I like the tone of your “be in the parking lot of the Globe Gazette in one hour”. Why the Globe? Why a parking lot? Are you Joe Buttweiler or something? I sorta thought you might be him awhile ago. If anything it would be in a coffee shop in the morning (before my bowels have moved) and I’d probably want LVS, and Maybe there also, to give them my autograph.

Even so sometimes you really piss me off peter by nature I am not a violent man and I would love to sit and chat with you.

@Philly-they probably don’t have enough potted plants for you to hide behind if I was to decide to come. Really, you are not worth the time.

Philly, Don’t worry about your morning constitution, if things go like I think they might, your bowels will have moved before we are done “visiting”.

Be at the Northwood casino at 9:15am tomorrow.

Buzz, all these sordid, amoral locations. Why would I meet you at a house of gambling? First you want me to meet at a house of controlled lies, then a house of buffets and slot machines. I think your morals may be in serious disarray. And as far as my loose stools, if I can let go in a girl’s car on a first date, then I certainly wouldn’t have any qualms freshening the air near you.

And they say “all the good ones are taken”

@Philly-once again you waffle on a invitation to meet someone smarter than you. You never cease to amaze me with your lack of real intelligence.

Maybe that Buzzing is just inside your head?

Sports fans, the Mason City Mohawk 2014 football season is over. The final tally is one win.

They traveled to Waukee tonight and got a real hurtin’ put on them. The Warriors rode a 42 point second quarter to a 59 – 0 final victory.

I’ve been to a few of their games and I don’t think the coaches have a clue.

Did you see Ms. Micich at any of the games you attended?

Excellent comments, Matt. I feel the same way. Wish we knew how to change this. I know young kids who are involved in youth football programs right now and are obsessed with the sport. They absolutely love it (and it keeps them out of trouble). They’re looking forward to playing high school football. I guess they’ll need to move to Clear Lake to play for a “real” team.

When I was in high school we played mason once and they had an awesome team.

The problem is the best players don’t always get a chance.It’s the kids that have parents will pull in this town.

Or the leave the program before they reach their full potential.

For example, Cooper Merrill and Ethan McHenry open enrolled to Clear Lake this year after baseball season. Both played varsity baseball this year for Mason City. I THINK they also took their State money to Clear Lake with them.

Nothing in the Glob about this. But don’t worry folks. Nothing to see here. Anita has banned cupcakes from the tykes and she’s the blue zones queen.

@JMO-excellent post. I have said for a long time that I do not believe the kids in Clear Lake or Newman for that matter (although Newman is having a off year)are any better athlete’s than the Mason city kids. it has to be in the coaching or the program as it has been going on for a long time. About as long as Anita has been here.

Anita is the super for the Clear Lake School as well but they don’t put up with her crap.

Mason City has not taken the lead in seeing this coming, remember, Anita wanted to eliminate the AD director in MC? She in fact did in a way

So what can we do as a community and as parents? I don’t think there were a ton of coaches wanting to take the season over this fall when they needed a new coach. Abandoning the program is not the answer. I don’t think giving up should even be an option. Not every student is an every season athlete and football may be all they have. There are a lot of parents that support these kids, thru the loses. And yes, Anita was at several games this year.

Urdahl, Blodgett at it again!!!
Read about it on the home page. Watts’s article.

Urdahl, Callahan, all them stooges are only the one’s gets Gary’s checks, and the steaming piles of cash old doc gets his rich buddys to give to them he wants in there. Can’t stand Jay, use to work with the stingy smelly nose pickin creep. But I tell you, Turdall is not the root of the problem. The problem is Dr. Blodgett, he is the one pulls the string’s. A fish rot’s from the head down you know.

Can we do something about all these political calls? I’m even getting them on my cell now. I’ts bullsheet

@Matt-I have been getting them every day for weeks. Mostly from Braley and Ragan and sent out by the Super Pak. It really makes you think they are scared to death. I have a real problem with people who do nothing but attack and never tell you anything positive. I guess they don’t have a record they are proud of so have nothing left but to attack. I would never vote for them.

LVS, isn’t it wonderful that Republicans NEVER attack? They’re so perfect in every way. What a beautiful country we have because of all the billions/trillions they’ve spent on needless wars. It would have been a huge shame if they’d used that money to help our own country instead. Yup, Republicans all deserve sainthood for the caring ways they look after the less fortunate in our own country. And they want EVERY unwanted child to be born. Now that’s real love.

If the child is unwanted then why are they having unprotected sex?

Uh, maybe because they’re human and get caught up in the moment? It’s just a good thing Republicans are ready and willing to adopt all those unwanted kids. Aren’t they something?

Not all pregnancies are from unprotected sex. Every form of birth control has a failure rate, even abstinence.

But do you agree that any form of birth control is better than nothing?

I usually figure that by using the name anonymous that they are either in too much a hurry to put a name at the top or just didn’t know about it but in this case they didn’t put a name because their response is pure stupidity. I do understand that birth control is not perfect but by saying that a person could get pregnant through abstinence shows their total lack of intelligence.

Maybe they read it in a old book somewhere.

Maybe, I wondered the same thing. If they get pregnant, it’s NOT due to abstinence.

Anonymous, I agree they could have read it in an old book. Those books used scare tactics and told readers that just “fooling around” could cause pregnancy. The kind that causes pregnancy is not abstinence and goes way beyond fooling around.

I am totally against abortion but I understand that it is their choice not mine and the bible says judge and you will be judged so I won’t judge them for their decision. If the life of the mother is at risk well that again is their decision. There are great people from the bible that was born out of rape. I also understand them not being able to afford a child. I don’t know the right answer, all I know is what I believe.

@JMO-I am not going to get into the abortion issue with you as you already know where I stand on that. You are flat wrong saying that about republicans. They are just like anyone else and give as much or more to charity as anyone. They also tend to own businesses and provide employment for thousands of people. Mostly those who want to work so they are probably not liberals.

LVS, wow did you leave that one open. I hope it’s okay to quote you:

“They are just like anyone else and give as much or more to charity as anyone. They also tend to own businesses and provide employment for thousands of people.”

You are so 100% correct about that. They do own businesses and provide employment for thousands of people. I guess we can all give thanks and praise to Walmart, Hobby Lobby, and all the other “generous” Republican businesses who pay poverty wages.

@JMO-and if you were a shareholder in any of those sucessful company’s you would be jumping up and down with joy. It never ceases to amaze me how two faced liberals are. You don’t think government should ban abortion but you think you should be able to dictate how much a business pays or believes in. If the employees do not like what a company does they have a RIGHT to leave, You or no one else should have the right to tell them how to run their business as long as it doesn’t effect safety.

@JMO cont.-what gives the government the right to dictate what insurance company I use or what doctor or hospital I go to? What gives you the right to tell me I have to pay for one form of birth control and not another. As a matter of fact, what gives you the right to demand that I pay for any birth control for someone else. My wife is well beyond childbearing age, so why do my taxes go for that? Liberals are hypocrite’s of the worse kind. You critisize others for what you do.

My comment was about the failure rate of abstinence. If you don’t believe in the story of Jesus, then that’s not going to be as funny to you.

But practicing abstinence is a great theory until things go too far. It’s just like any other form of birth control, there are many ways to fail. But I do think using birth control is better than not and I encourage it’s free use to anyone who can’t afford children.

Not supporting that is just bad economics.

@anonymous-The only issue with what you psoted is that welfare pays them extra for every kid they have so the ones you want using birth control will not use it and won’t as long as they can make money having baby’s. It doesn’t make any difference that the kids have little chance in life, all that matter’s is that the mother’s get their fix for the day.

Always attacking nothing positive to say?

Sounds like Fox News for sure…

I work in a nursing home and some of the patients are receiving them on the phones in their rooms. It’s really annoying.

WTF? Oil hasn’t gone up but gas prices in town have gone up over 30 cents a gallon since Tuesday.

NOPE not rigged at all.

I paid $1.41 a gallon the other day. I love my fuel savers.

Hey Phili….so that trip to Colorado obviously fell through.

No it hasn’t fallen through. I’m helping take care of a family member who returned to the area with medical issues. I’m still wrapping up some projects and legal issues in the area as well. A multi-tasking renaissance man such as myself has a lot going on; construction, digital editing, music making, guitar building, legal crusader, activist. It’s happening, and perhaps soon. I thought I was ready a few days ago, but things came up, and I had to drive someone North for appointments

at least you are still humble

Just here for a while but I saw your question. In my county we always keep the fairgrounds gat locked up because nobody has any reason to be there unless something like an event is going on. People will steal everything that isn’t tied down.

Damn-I did it again. Hit report when I was wanting reply. Sorry Matt.




@The Wendigo-There are lots of fools out there who think they are tough when they don’t even know how to spell the word. I think the guy was just lucky you didn’t teach him some manners on the spot. Stay safe and tough.

Matt@ and LVS@, thanks buds! Was a little hot about it last night! Had to breath some fire out of my lungs!

I thought it was spelled The Wendingo.

AT least I know what a Wendigo is after Googling it. It’s a fictional character from the Algonquian tribe, cannibalistic. Wendigo psychosis is an intense craving of human flesh and fear of becoming a cannibal.

@Philly-see there, Today wasn’t a total loss, you learned something.

Did anyone else out there notice that our Governor uses the Game of Thrones theme song as background on one of his commercials. That is an interesting combination. King Terry!

@bodacious-What is your point? Does the railroad know they have a pot head driving their trains?

Nice LVS. Real nice.

@bodacious-It was a honest question. You are running a train in our city, we have a right (and so does the railroad) to know you are not impaired. I suspect some of you are the way you block the roads for hours at a time. Even though it is against the law. I saw one last night that had four crossings blocked at rush hour and it was just sitting doing nothing.

To answer your question, I don’t know if the railroad knows that. Why don’t you tell them? And, also, does the insane asylum know that their head kook is out and writing under the name of LVS?

@bodacious-Oh now Bo, be careful or you will hurt my feelings, if I gave a crap. I am certain someone from the railroad reads N.I.T. and will be coming to test you real soon. But, to be put down by a whiney, cry baby liberal almost makes me cry. Go blow your horn and wake up some taxpayers, or better than that block some toads so they are late to work. You have no room to talk about anyone the way you abuse the public.

Thanks alot LVS, I will be the one he wakes up with his horn.

@maybe-well you are a little closer to the horn than I am. I saw you raking up your leaves the other day. I see in the GLOB that they are revisiting the horn problem and may spend some of our tax money on something that will benefit the quality of life of all citizen’s instead of just the privileged few.

Nah, I don’t think so LVS. You’re not going to get this one. Not going to get any of them. That’s what happens when you decide to play partisan politics on issues of general community concern. Like the true asshole most Republicans are, you only choose to give validity to an issue when it suits you. So forget about it. Anything NOISE related, you don’t get. I’m taking it from you…right now.

Sorry LVS, wasn’t me raking my leaves but keep looking. I think peter is going over the edge calling all republicans assholes. Apparently he just doesn’t get it.

@Philly-Are you off your meds again?? What the hell is wrong with you today.? Did you run out of LSD? I am not a Republican but when it comes to assholes you are a expert being one yourself. It was in the GLOB and has been in the works for years. Just because you can’t get Clear Lake to respond to your piss ant complaint doesn’t mean we won’t be more progressive over here.

@maybe-It is possible I have the wrong house. Are you the fellow with the flags? I don’t want to say anymore because I do not want to give away where you live. There are lots of mentally deranged people out there like Philly that are capable of retaliation to perceived insults because they are incapable of understanding the truth.

Sorry no flags, I don’t remember seeing any flags close by.

@maybe-O.K. – wrong house then. I know you live up here somewhere by Monroe park which is only a couple of blocks from where I live. There is a guy who is obviously a vet who has some military flags who lives by the park that I though might be you.

@Philly-Just when the hell can we say good bye and good riddance to you? When are you leaving for Colorado? Or is that just another one of your continuous lies? Leave soon before you get snowed in and we have to put up with you all winter again. I hear the Harley drivers are coming to Clear lake for a loud ride past your house.

LVS suffers from that classic flip flop disease of being for something, until he’s against it. At first LVS saw the decency and common sense of wanting motorcycle noise reduced…he even agreed with me numerous times, but then flip flopped and went VROOM VROOM siding with Bikers when it suited his purpose (to antagonize me).So don’t go acting like you care about Train Noise…cuz if folks can’t get remedy for loud mufflers, you’re not getting relief from the occasional train horn

LVS maybe we should meet at the park someday.

I have NO MERCY for your train horn issue. Goddamm bikers destroyed my guitar making business, and caused me to be unable to stay and work in Clear Lake. Then a goddamm psychopathic tea party religious nut case republican conservative Obama hater drove me off my land with his guns and bad attitude. Republican Conservatives are nothing but scum. And yes the Franklin County Attorney played politics, as did the Clear Lake City Council: ALL SCUMS.

Stay tuned folks, we are on the verge of witnessing another one of those famous Philosophus, nut-spin meltdowns. It won’t be much longer (based on past history) before he has another psychotic, manic episode and then he will go back down his little rabbit hole again for a few days.

The best is yet to come!

Iowa is swinging back to racist, redneck, myopic, ignorant conservatism again, and I wouldn’t doubt in this next election Republicans sweep into victory. I don’t take kindly to the real time damage, harassment and abuse I’ve suffered at the hands of partisan asshole Republican minded people who have maliciously set their sites on me for political reasons. Most asshole bikers are of the Republican kind.

I live a somewhere near train tracks and an intersection so I hear the train horn all the time and it is very loud. Sleeping at night used to be hard but now I can hear my floor creak but I don’t hear the train horn, you get used to it. As for your hatred for republicans, all that does is shows how ignorant you really are. Even though I believe people like you are the reason our country is going downhill I don’t hate you peter. Even though you knew he was a traitor you still voted for him.

@Philly-never said I didn’t want it reduced. Just said you are a paranoid idiot on the subject and deserve everything you get. You just are not smart enough to know that the more you bitch the more people are going to tune you out as the mentally deranged person you really are. Take some more LSD and go back to bed.

@Philly-You just are not smart enough to know that you are your own worst enemy. You don’t work, you sponge off your mother and welfare, but yet you pretend to be all knowing and tell the rest of us what to do. I think you have not left for Colorado because you just can’t cut the apron strings from you mother. You just can’t survive with out her to take care of you.

@maybe-Yes we should. Or I can ask Matt to give you my e-mail address so we could communicate without the haters like Philly reading what we say.

sounds good to me

I’ve learned after travel in 48 states America repeats itself and is rather boring. Corporate plutocracy abounds everywhere. One town looks the same as the next. Churches, McDonald’s, tick tack houses, and some A-hole with an oversized loud pickup truck or biker out “living the Harley dream”. It’s depressing enough to make you want to stay in your mother’s basement for a VERY LONG TIME. Cops, Crime, Prisons, Serial Killers…the list goes on and on. America enlightened? Hardly.

If you hate it so much here peter the southern border is wide open, use it.

America should divide so we don’t have to live with one another. You don’t want to live with me, and I sure as hell don’t want to live with you (your political leanings anyway). It takes a special kind of self centered jerk to think they have the right to drive their truck or motorcycle loudly and harass others. I’m not sure why people can’t grasp that simple golden rule concept. Loud pipes is just one of the reasons we should separate and be done with it.


(Philosophus Supplemental)

so you are becoming an anarchist because of loud pipes? Did obamacare cut into your medication?

Hey LVS@! Sorry to jump your comment my phone is hard to see reply button, there were no reply on most posts. If you and @Maybe are going to meet up in the park, I got a few new recipes for the grill! Im pretty sure Matt@ wouldn’t mind participating in that. We can plan up a venison hunt.

Sounds like the makings of a party.

“Buzz”, you’re finally busted. Time stamp of your comment: October 23, 2014 at 12:18 pm— somehow inserted in between my two comments 9:52am and 10:02am. Nice.

If buzz is busted then so are you cause there have been many times when your posts did the same thing to me.

I suspected it was him from the last discrepancy, but now I’m 100% certain. It doesn’t change the entertainment value of Buzz Crumcutter, but the perplexity of wondering who this person is, has been resolved. Oh well, I suppose when you’re trying to advance readership, you need to create some counterpoint. What’s sad though is now I realize there’s not even ONE other witty character out there in North Iowa Ville who can rival my intellect. Crumcutter was it.

Like I said peter, there have been many times when I responded to a post and an hour later a posting from you will appear above mine. I just passed it off as a software glitch but when you are paranoid you can see whatever you want to see.

Philly….As far as being “busted” I have no idea what you are talking about and of course, you don’t either. I hit the reply button to your 9:52am comment and alerted the posse you were on the verge of another nut-spin meltdown (which you are, you just don’t realize it yet) so they could be witness to your self destruction.

If you don’t believe me about the time I posted, check the internet usage log at the library. You are allowed to go in there aren’t you?

I suppose for a person who sees weapons of mass destruction when they’re not there, your logic would seem fitting. The upside down tipsy topsy world of “I tell you, and you believe” is precisely the world politicians like George W. Bush easily rule over, and prefer. You keep believing in Santa Clause, and I’ll stick with logic and scientific evidence. We all know who Buzz Crumcutter is. It’s no longer in question.

You don’t get out much do you? It’s all over the news that there was WMD’s there and now ISIS has them. That ststement of yours actually shows how ignorant you really are.

Your definition of WMD is a bit liberal. As I stated before, most nations have chemical weapons of some kind, and those being discovered are probably originating from Syria. WMD alleged in Iraq were biological weapons, and nuclear weapons, which weren’t found. Of course Saddam could have smuggled out or destroyed the biological weapons, but it’s doubtful he had nuclear around. Chemical are too common and plentiful to include in the description.

You’re stupidity is driving me crazy, time for me to layoff for a while.

@maybe-It is damn hard to cure total ignorance and Philly is totally ignorant. Contact Matt and he will give you my e-mail address. He is looking for you.

@Big Country-that sounds good. As soon as I find out when we will meet I will let you know.

Philly…What’s it like in your world? I mean really, your little guts have be in a constant knot. Especially when you know you are on a one way ride on the looney train. Again. The problem with that is, you’ll never get off.

The nice thing about being as nutsy as you are, you can hide your own Easter eggs. Have a nice trip little fella.

@LVS…. Getting together and meeting with the people you visit with on this site sounds like fun. BUT….be very careful so you aren’t stalked by some loon in a small black (looks like it was painted with a brush) car with one white door.

I’m certain you guys can take care of yourselves, but none the less….be careful.

The last car I was stalked by was white with 4 orange fenders, we called them the mafia.

“Well, I’m gearing up for the drive to Colorado.”

Like a house made of tires, a council seat, guitar building, newspaper boy or a deputy sheriff, this too will never happen.

There has been a “Philosophus” sighting at Fareway today.

Fareway?: Adel,Algona,Altoona,Ames,Ankeny,Atlantic,Belmond,Bettendorf,Boone,Burlington,Carroll,Cedar Falls,Cedar Rapids,Centerville,Charles City,CHEROKEE,CLARINDA, Clear Lake,Clinton,Clive,Council Bluffs, Cresco, Creston,Davenport,Decorah,Denison,Des Moines, Dubuque,Dyersville,Eagle Grove,ELDORA,Emmetsburg, Estherville,Evansdale,Fairmont,Faribault,Fort Dodge, Geneseo,Greenfield,Grimes,Grinnell,Hampton,Harlan,Hiawatha,Humboldt,INDEPENDENCE,Indianola,Iowa City,Iowa Falls,Jefferson

Sorry, I thought it was obvious…..Clear Lake,Ia.

I remember walking past a man and woman who had a look of offense about their faces, as if I had just bumped into them (which I didn’t) or if I had ripped a big fart (which I wish I would have). I’ll bet you were her.

BAMMMMMM right there is your proof… YOU ARE OFFENSIVE.

Sandy.. why would you wind this guy up. let his motor wind down.

Sorry, it’s like pulling a wing off of a fly…. I do it to watch it(him) go in circles.

Sandy…I like the way you think. Keep up the good work!

Buzz, I decided 500 characters with no photos or video was too constraining. Philosophus Supplemental can be found <a href=""HERE.

Philosophus: Matt decided you don’t deserve more than 500 characters to try to make your point. Good luck with this (third?) Attempt at getting attention running your own blog.

Anon: This is only a Philosophus Supplemental for those devotees who may need a bit more Philosophus than the 500 character limit allows, or when I need a medium of photos and video, or extra dissertation space to make my points. I’m not intending this to compete with NIT, or draw away readers. It will only surface from time to time as a link in a comment, like showing a photo of LVS’s SIDEARM

Philly, I’ll never downloaded anything you’ve provided as I’m afraid my computer might catch a kootie of yours. Besides, you can’t even say HI in five minutes, so 500 or even 21k words would never be enough for you anyway.

As far as you “gearing” up for your trip…you might want to get off your ass and out of low gear and be on your way already. The way I see it, the sooner the better for the sake of all that is good. And Buddhist of course.

You’ll never download, or you’ve never downloaded? (Grammar check Buzz). Besides, clicking on a link doesn’t require downloading anything. You’re loss though…LVS’s “weapon” is quite a doozy.

@Philly – if you really want to see my side arm that can be arranged. Of course you would hide behind the potted plant as usual, probably shooting off your big mouth. Why are you not gone already. Won’t your car start or are you waiting on your welfare check for gas money. Did Momma cut off your funds again?

LVS you gave me the perfect segue to my next point: Government Getting Out of the Way. We all know by now justice is granted to those whom the powers that be deem worthy. I wouldn’t be hiding behind any potted plants were I granted my full capacity rights and abilities, unhindered by corrupted political and economic forces. Power is granted to only a few. Matt doesn’t have it, and neither do I. If you non-conform in any way frightening, they will body slam you in court.

I’m answering your allegations that I’m somehow a coward. I’m no coward, I just won’t place my life in the hands of authorities to weigh my fate. Right now, if all the police, prosecutors and judges in the world disappeared, I’d finally come alive as a man, and I’d take care of what I need to do. The justice system is an aberration and obstruction in the path towards true justice, well being, healing, and true rectitude. Manhood damaged can only be repaired by combat.

But modern authorities found a way to emasculate the population en masse’ by requiring that WE adhere to the laws on the books, yet not enforcing those laws equally or appropriately. Over time it lulled them into complacency, and the population into a paralytic pacification. The message sent out was: Don’t expect to use the criminal justice system for your own purposes…we’ll come looking for you if we need to find you, not the other way around. Authority disables.

Combat can be found in many forms and in many places in today’s society. It is not a cure for your “damaged manhood”. That is just another excuse for how you act.

@Philly-same old Philly. All mouth and no guts. Keep hiding behind that plant. Maybe it will protect you.

AT heart I’m essentially like a Navy Seal or Delta Force: I go straight to the threat and eliminate it. But society in its malformed embodiment won’t allow me to act, so I’m coerced into using the “appropriate” channels. When these are skewed or don’t work properly, limbo occurs, followed by paralysis. MOST who roll the dice with self help, go to jail. Only the most skilled and wealthy could ever hope to manipulate the justice system, and even they fail. Dysfunction all around.

@Philly=Are you back on the funny weed again today?

Look at it logically: Outspoken Buddhist Visionary, Independent, Non-Conforming, Revolutionary is the last man standing amongst a sea of dead bodies (enemies). What do you think largely Christian Conservative Republican Authority Structure would do with such a guy? Of course: CRUCIFY HIM. So my rights are essentially LESS than a Bubba factory worker, or a “God fearing” Church Attendee. The past is held against us or for us depending on the crowd in control. It’s all CLIQUISH.

“At heart” you can be anything you want. When you grow up some day, you will realize what you do in real life is what counts. You talked a good game about your mudship but you let someone take that dream away from you (by invitation). Not very “seal like”.

I’m going to admit that you ‘got me’ on that one. You’re right,from the very first campfire when I heard the guy saying that I should be prepared to engage in an armed stand off with police to fulfill his ideation/agenda for WAR, I should have told him to pack his stuff up and drive away. I sat there and listened to more of his philosophy because I was curious as to what kind of psychotic humans are roaming around America. He was like a virus that got away from me: EBOLA-ish

But he came to me with his tail between his legs, all wet and pathetic and told me that if he just had some land of his own, he’d be alright and just wanted to be left alone. I took mercy on him, and sold him the back piece of land cuz I understood what it’s like to not fit in, and to roam aimlessly around America in search of a home. The day after the land became his, he started up a skirmish with the nearby Hispanic family. The land was sold, and there was nothing I could do.

I tried to mediate between the two warring factions over the barking dog, but I deemed the man was becoming too psychotic and dangerous when he told me he was contemplating killing the entire Hispanic family, including the children, “or else they’ll grow up and take revenge on me”. At that point, I called the Hispanic man and we went into the Franklin County Sheriff’s Dept for assistance. The deputies declined to intervene, despite that he revealed to me his 3 rifles and pistol.

The subsequent weeks and months were spent with numerous outbursts and sporadic gunfire (some at 4:45 in the morning), yelling, numerous calls by the Hispanic family to the sheriff after the man was yelling at his kids, calls by me (after the man crept up on me and fired a high powered rifle behind my shed to alarm me), as well as another neighbor who feared for his kid. I tried and relied on authorities to handle the situation. As I was saying, if I was free to handle the threat…

I had befriended numerous people in Iowa Falls as well as Franklin County, including some precocious college kids who were interested in sustainable housing. My plans were to make that a workshop and learning facility for the college as well as schools. I couldn’t in good faith proceed with this hostile lunatic living behind me in the woods. That would have been irresponsible. The area was compromised, and I sold it to the man’s elderly father who had a large checkbook.

So the County Attorney of Franklin County can sit back in his easy chair and feel satisfied that he drove away a progressive human being who was liked and loved by growing numbers of people in that area, who stopped many times to talk and check on my progress. In hindsight I believe it was for political reasons that SOB County Attorney let the crazy white man run rampant in Burdette, to harass and menace Hispanics and myself. He KNEW what he was doing…nasty son of a bitch.

For those who think they are all tough,consider in a heavily wooded canopy, it only takes ONE SNIPER BULLET to take you down. Imagine trying to live and work in that environment, where there is a confirmed psychopath living with a hostile agenda and high powered rifle. I relied on the police to do their jobs, and they failed. We neighbors left to our own freewill could have easily neutralized his threat, but were tied by the mechanism of the law.

On the night of the big storm, a deputy car raced past me and turned into the Hispanic’s drive…2 patrol cars were there and people were outside in upheaval. I stopped and helped with the dialogue between suspicious deputies and the Hispanics who didn’t realize I had sold land to this lunatic. All they knew was a man came out of the woods with a club to kill their dog. I was willing to lead deputies back to him, but they punked out…when I told them he had guns.

Now here’s the question I pose to all of you: Should I stay to file a civil complaint against the crazy man in the woods (and try and reach some semblance of justice) or should I accept the losses and move on (accepting that Iowa has too numerous ignorant and corrupt forces)?

Civilized people who work within the law are always at a disadvantage & Criminal psychopaths always have the upper hand because at their leisure they can decide when to initiate the act. One can provide defenses for themselves only up to a point, but if a psychopath decides “today is the day when I’m going on a shooting rampage”, chances are you won’t have much time to react. I can’t keep a gun in my hands 24/7 waiting until the time he decides to strike. It’s a form of terrorism.

I don’t like to be in hostile environments with uncertain outcomes. The feeling of trying to work with that lunatic placing me in his rifle scope sites degraded me after an entire summer. The “danger hackles” were raised on me numerous times (and my survival instincts are strong). He never got any better and only stepped up his outbursts and harassment. With his stalker behavior, I have no doubt he had me in his sites several times. Soldiers should know what I’m talking about.

@Philly-You can’t win. You never, ever win at anything, so, just move on and do it soon.

Philly….”AT heart I’m essentially like a Navy Seal or Delta Force” You are truly off the reservation with a comment like that. You do remind me of a seal, but it would be the zoo type and not the same type of military you constantly disgrace and degrade.

About “your property”….You said you SOLD it back. Are you saying you actually held the deed to that piece of property?

I almost said something about the seal and delta force comment but I choose to keep my big mouth shut.

Buzz, I don’t degrade the military. I merely expose many of their flawed policies. I sold out my interest in the property. I was on private contract with the owner…but you already knew all that. I’m still wondering if I should sue the guy in small claims court for $5000. What do you think?

Buzz, I’ve had a lot of fun playing around with NIT and different ways of thinking, but I think I’ve come full circle with my head and need to wrap it up. Going down the Rabbit Hole is quite an adventure, but eventually the thoughts become exhausted, the LSD wears off, and we return to who we really are. I’m really a well mannered kid from Mason City, who played basketball, and fit in with the team but suffered a traumatic home life which ripped me apart. Wonderland is about over

This is the link you were going after…. sans the word HERE…

Well, I’m gearing up for the drive to Colorado. Wish me smooth travels and high gas mileage. 🙂

remember pot is illegal here in iowa.

Don’t forget to remember that you don’t use marijuana.

I don’t use marijuana, but I do eat Goji Berries from the Himalayas and Hemp Seed from Canada. All these can be found in the health food section at Hy Vee. Try them, they will help you to think clearer and feel better: something I think all of you need to do. Sickness is probably what’s at the root of everybody’s mistaken views, ill will, and lack of insight and understanding. Thank the brave people who took the time to persevere against Con Agra and Monsanto while ur at it.

I get a kick out of a lot of your posts. I even agree with you on about 50% of what you write about. Not only are you extremely intelligent, you’re the most progressive person I’ve ever followed.

I wish you the best. Let us know if/when you get back. Maybe you can educate all of us on the difference between sativa and indigo. I’m going out there soon, so I’ve been reading up. I won’t be bringing any back, however. Just not worth it. I’m a big chicken.

The time between being high is like being asleep, and you only come alive when you’re high, thus I’ve been asleep for a very long time. I’m sure I’d have a meltdown if I read back on half the stuff I’ve posted on here. Some of it’s good, but not all. It takes being in a profound state to have a profound moment 🙂 Slowing down to smell the roses is a good thing. Like all things, I must prepare. Cuz going into that Rocky Mountain High without preparation isn’t wise. Altitude alone 🙂

The gist of my life is but a train wreck. Being high only reminds me how bad it is. But, to get better you have to climb the mountain to see the other side. You need to go through the turbulence to get above the clouds. The longer a person is away…the more mail they have waiting for them when they get back. Stay thirsty my friend 🙂 🙂

Like you are healthy Philly? You look sick and anemic. Grassley could beat you in a foot race. Why would anyone take any health advice from you? You have accomplished nothing in your life and you are a drag on society.

John the biker still pissed cuz someone challenged his ability to make noise. Whether I’m sick or anemic is none of your business. We all get sick and die…you too. Some of the antagonists who badger me on NIT do so with a bit of humor and some underlying goodwill, but you’re just a nasty old big fat ass self centered POS. You probably drank your liver under the table, and beat women and dogs. So how bout not talking to me eh? Much appreciated.

Look around John…your version of society is crumbling and won’t be around for too much longer. McDonald’s is crashing and suffering record lows. Humans are evolving. Society is evolving. People are getting smarter. The old toxic industries POS’s like you worked at are giving way to cleaner, brighter business models. You’re an unnecessary relic of the past, and soon you and humans like you will be EXTINCT. So keep on yapping, you big POS biker fool.

Matt, if I see anything interesting or news worthy, I’ll send you over photos and comments through the NIT email. It should be interesting to witness the culture of Colorado since recent changes in their policies and viewpoints. 🙂 Thanks LVS, as long as my vehicle holds up, I’ll be making my way WEST. And yes Maybe, I understand cannabis is illegal in Iowa, I’m not intending on breaking any laws.

Philly…I see the Burdette property transferred, again. Other than the huge mess of tires you’ve left behind, you probably don’t have much holding you here.

Don’t forget….the concealed carry laws vary from state to state. At any rate, have a safe trip and I hope you enjoy your stay out west.

I sold the Burdette property to the father of the insane man who I mistakenly partitioned off 1/2 acre to. It was intolerable living near him. He had started a war with the Hispanic family living nearby over a barking dog. Gunshots were being traded, and the entire air was foul with ill will. It was unfortunate this madman disrespected my generosity to help him get off the streets and out of his VAN. What’s done is done. I will finish my project in another land.

Philly…So you are just going to leave that huge mess of dirt and tires there they way they are? That’s not very neighborly of you. I would have thought a person of your caliber would have returned the earth to its original state and cleaned up that unsightly mess. Wouldn’t that have been the Buddhist thing to do???

When will you leave for Colorado and how long before you are back? Enjoy your fantasy.

Buzz, it was with great dismay that I had to relinquish the property (and my project) to the father of the insane man. Many people wanted to see the project’s completion, including the County Sanitarian, and Officials at the Des Moines DNR Tire waste disposal unit (who were rooting for me). I made a terrible mistake with my good will generosity, and it cost me big. This man was a terrorist, and extremely mentally ill. I could take no more. Iowa has lost greatly and must now wait

I have no doubts the man will complete the project (as I left dozens of large glass panels behind) or turn it into his private doomsday bunker. He constantly spoke of the upcoming “war”, and even boasted that he’s willing to get into armed standoffs with police. He was a psychotic, dangerous religious zealot who was angry and mean. I thought my Buddhist love could temper him…I was wrong. He destroyed my relations with area residents, and created turmoil. I had to leave.

Due to his outbursts and tantrums, the sheriff’s had to be called about twice a week to come out and babysit him. He would yell from the woods, threatening children made threats to kill the Hispanic family, as well as freak out and yell and scream at me from the county road. I had witnesses, and many neighbors tried to file complaints and get restraining orders but the worthless corrupted county attorney in Franklin County refused to prosecute. It was pathetic. Guns were in play.

BTW…he had no money of his own. It was his brother’s and father’s money that purchased the tracts of land for him. He’s a sicko, demented loser who has been driven out of every community he’s tried to join. I have no doubt something still will happen down there…we may one day read about it in the papers. The Hispanic family won’t soon forget the threats this POS made to their lives. There are HUNDREDS of Hispanics in that area. The dog was a nuisance, but the sicko was worse

Philly….So the short answer is; you finally found all the excuse you needed to walk away and leave someone else to clean up your mess.

Buzz you crack me up because you hit on kinda/sorta/half truths which make me chuckle. Who wouldn’t want to walk away from that mess? Yes the work was tough and pioneering, but I came to love it, and I was on my way to having the roof trusses delivered…but I stopped myself. I had plans to make it a place of learning, healing, and peace, but the guy who lived behind me wanted war, chaos and destruction. I’d return in a moment if that son of a bitch was gone. He disgusts me.

The bottom line is that Franklin County authorities are WEAK, and possibly racist.This man was literally begging for an armed confrontation against police, and the deputies were too scared to walk back there and confront him…even after he trespassed on another man’s land with a club to go kill his dog dressed in camo. The County Attorney is pansy.They didn’t want to help that family because they were Hispanic. The White Crazy dude was allowed to win. Why?

I knew the guy was anti-social and had a lot of pent up anger, but it wasn’t until AFTER the land was sold to him that he began the war with the Hispanic family. It was literally the very next day when he began going over to their house at 5am and ringing their doorbell and yelling at them from outside their door to shut their dog up. A couple days after that…on the night of the big hail storm…he dressed in camo and went armed with intent to kill the dog. Disaster ensued…

No half truths on my part, maybe yours but not mine. Could there be a chance that your neighbor feels a continuous barking dog is the same version of your loud motorcycles.

If you are dissatisfied with the service you got from the Franklin Co Attorney or Sherriff, I’d suggest you contact the Franklin Co Supervisors.

I do find it odd that no matter where you are, there is always a problem with authority figures and none of its ever your fault. Coffee before you leave???

I always stated to the deputies, the lunatic, the Hispanics and all the neighbors involved that I agreed the barking dog was a problem, and should be quieted…however the man was also a racist and wasn’t right in the head, so he chose to bully and even try to kill the dog…completely ruining the diplomacy I had established with my new neighbors. They blamed me for bringing him to the hood. I tried like hell to get both the dog quieted, and the Hispanics protected from the lunatic

The lunatic’s agenda was to drive me off the land by creating a rift in the neighborhood, and to start a war with the Mexicans. He wanted the land all to himself and maintained a steady campaign of random gunshots at all hours of the night, harassment, sweeping me with his pistol and firing it while my back was turned, and general intimidation and lunatic behavior…including threats to kill and start a war. The County attorney had numerous opportunities to hold him and arrest him.

I shouldn’t call them Mexicans as they were all US citizens. The entire family was scared and we went into the law enforcement center two times to tell the story and make statements. Numerous deputies were called out to the land because he was acting up and either shooting his gun in someone’s direction or yelling from the woods or from the road at me, or the children or the elders. He was a deranged son of a bitch and I hope he rots in hell real soon.

And why am I wasting my energy telling you? You don’t know squat. You weren’t there. You’re just a ridiculous internet antagonist who likes to garner chuckles at my expense. What we all went through out there was hell. Not knowing if that son of a bitch was going to open fire on us with his scope…or come and start yelling. IT was a living nightmare, and I had to get out from it. There were other neighbors involved too and everyone hated him. I was sad to go, but had to.

Ultimately it was the refusal of the Sheriff’s department and County Attorney to do anything about the situation that made my decision to sell the land to his vulture father;who was waiting in the wings with his checkbook. I lost a lot of money and hard labor on this deal, and if the County Attorney dropped dead from a second heart attack…I wouldn’t care in the slightest. Sound harsh? NO…it’s not. Not when children were being threatened.

You poor, pathetic soul. Nobody ever has as bad as you do. Can you say…self inflicted misery??? And…you wishing someone would die of a second heart attack. That’s not very Buddhist of you now is it.

I’ll have to see what it would take to get your Buddhist union card revoked. We deserve better Buddhists and you aren’t one of them.

Buzz,I’m going to explain things real clear: When an officer of the law (The County Attorney) has an obligation to uphold the law, and protect innocent life and he DOESN’T DO HIS JOB, he places people’s lives in jeopardy: therefore it becomes political: therefore if he stands in the way between safety and security, life and death…he is an obstruction. If I had the capability to enact self help, the situation with the insane man would have already been resolved…but I don’t.

A friend of mine through FB just now told me that Iowans are arrogant, and they deplete the brain trust right under their noses because of that arrogance. I’m certain he must have been talking about you, and others like you. You’re all pathetically arrogant and self righteous, at the expense of truth and forward progress. You Buzz Crumcutter, and all of your ilk are the worst degenerates Iowa has ever known, because of your conceit.

You see Buzz (my simpleton friend) this is why I concern myself with the study and contemplation of THE THEORY OF JUSTICE and the nature of civilization and agreements, because all conflicts between men stem back from the relinquishing of individual power over to the State. I know how to fight. I’m a warrior at heart…but I’m also smart enough to know I lost the ability to wage my own battles because of the power the State holds. And when the State becomes incompetent…I anger.

For it is the State which stands in the way between men and their true potential. The State asks us to temper ourselves, to offer restraint and caution, yet it exacts violence without notice when it suits its whim. Men within the State enjoy unmitigated action; something the rest of us can only dream of. The State is a bully, stripping men of their pride and independent affairs. I submitted to the rules of the State…now it’s the State’s turn to live up to its end of the bargain.

Always blaming someone else.

@Philly-Boo Hoo, it is always someone else’s fault that Philly is the way he is. He never accepts responsibility for being a loser.

Philosophus might know how to fight an call himself “a warrior at heart” but he has shown us he is a bigger quitter than anything else. Good luck in Colorado.

“Behold I stand at the door and knock 3 times…and for those whom open the door, I sit down and dine with them, and they with me.”

If Jesus cannot be blamed for leaving the doorstep, then how could I? I’ve offered myself more than 3 times to North Iowa, and continue to suffer rejection, incompetence, and turmoil. Enough is enough don’t you think? If the door had been opened, I could and would have worked miracles. Change cannot be forced, only accepted willingly.

You are right. It was foolish of everyone to think you could change. You lack the capacity. You cannot hold a job. You cannot be in charge. And you cannot take responsibility. Good luck in Colorado. Things should be COMPLETELY different there.

I offered to bury the hatchet more than 3 times and you refused all of them.

I enjoy our little banters so I would hate to see you in jail.

I would hate to see you eating healthy, and thinking clearly. So we’re even…I guess.

I eat healthy thank you very much, love those pizzas.

The hell of jail is not being locked up in a cell…that is just good meditation. No it’s the hell of being surrounded by ignorance, and being fed toxic ignorant food. American Jails are under the direct supervision of Satan itself, with the design, staff, and day to day operations all just as demonic as the inmates and the crimes committed (with the exception of non violent,non-harming, personal libertarian choice issues which some label illegal).

Buddha is coming to a mind near you. Stay tuned. 🙂 #9774

@Philly-stay out of jail. I don’t think you would last very long in there. You would come out talking soprano.

I already sing falsetto…soprano would be a great achievement.

@Philly-You are not going to get very far if you stop to post on here every five minutes. How far have you gotten by now. Did you get out of your mothers driveway yet?

@maybe-Philly isn’t going anywhere. He doesn’t have the guts to leave the basement and the warmth of his mother’s checkbook. He is just shooting off his big mouth again. He is just a epic failure.

Hey Matt=I clicked on report when I meant reply on Buzz’s comment. Sorry.

@Philly-drive careful. I hope you get farther than the last time. Stay in touch.

If you like motor sports, be sure to check out Bosselmans truck stop on I80 at Grand Island Nebraska. actual race cars hanging on the wall. antique motorcycles with mufflers hanging from the ceiling. work a stop.

America is a like a great expanse of wide open vanquished & exquisite turmoil…deceptive, captivating, mesmerizing. One lulls themselves to sleep with promise and hope while in the fields of Nephilim, only to be woken up to the the Ned Stark reality upon driving into the towns and hamlets.The predominate tenement has been conquered and etched into stone by generations of forefathers.The world I’ve envisioned is but a wee little spark, and my misery has been living to not see it be

First marijuana store on I-76 to Denver is in a small town, Sedgewick CO, a few miles west of the Nebraska border.

Tell em rahmbo sent you.

This ebola coverage is interesting but i’ve learned something. We need the news but don’t pay too much attention to the mainstream news sources. You can get dragged into it all only to find out there was incomplete and misleading information. It’s best to wait and find out what Really Happened. I see journalists and politicians as being similar in that they need to talk about everything without being an expert in anything. So then we are exposed to their half baked conclusions and opinions.

That is why they are called talking heads. There are very few real journalist anymore. They all have a agenda they are promoting.

I’ve seen on some major news sites that there is over 4000 confirmed deaths but on other sites they say less than 1200 confirmed deaths. I don’t believe any one site over another, I triple check it with other sites just to make sure.

How are our local jails going to deal with Ebola if it reaches here? Will they start screening everyone that comes in to the jails? Someone needs to start preparing for this just incase. Don’t be cocky about it and think it wont happen we have LOTS of visitors. The only Media who seems to be concerned about this is KIMT they report/ and at least try to educate people about it daily. Employers at retail stores especially stores like Walmart need to inform their employees & protecting…

@Matt-This doesn’t surprise me at all. They will get away with whatever they allowed to do. Some think they can do no wrong. I would bet there is a lot more going on that we do not know about. I wonder how many are taking days off with pay for personal reasons.

Matt, I hate to tell you this; in fact, I’m very surprised you’re not aware that this probably takes place every day in almost every government job in our entire country. They abuse the system because THEY CAN. The rest of us would do it too, if we could.

I read in a book the other day that GOD is full of $hit, and likes young boys. Since I read this in a book, it must be true. The same as other people think the bible is all true as they recite from it all the time.

Got a deal for ya. you stop spewing the bible and I will stop saying God is full of $hit, and so on.


ever hear of the 1st amendment?

Yes I have…. And that gives me the right to say that I think GOD is full of $hit. Anyone that believes in a book wrote by basically uneducated people years ago is also foolish.


Yes you do have the right to say what you want just as we have the right to say what we want. If you don’t want to read it then don’t, we are not stopping you. Christians talk about what God says in the Bible and we don’t try to force you to believe it but you people that don’t believe in God try to force your beliefs on us.

most wars are fought over a religious belief. No religion/no wars.
I wonder if any christians ever tried to change the beliefs of African tribes???? I wonder. hel yes they do. talk about not wanting to force beliefs on another. practice what you preach.
BTW how many advertisement by atheist do you see on the air, in the news, on a billboard. Non… non at all. please name one that I can see for myself if I am wrong.
Signed … proud to have common sense, not just some sheep

@Anonymous-You are correct that most wars have been fought over religion. However, even though I am not real big on religion I do respect people’s right to believe what they want. My wife is a huge believer in her religion and I would never try to stop her from her belief’s. I don’t think religion is the culprit here but radical’s are. All religion’s except Muslim’s teach tolerance for other people. Only the radical’s violate that.

It’s not religion that is the problem… It’s “organized” religion that is the problem.

Religion gives use faith and focus. And these are indeed, the key ingredients to redemption.

And for without redemption, the end game will always fall short. Because that is simply human nature and the way of things.

When religion starts paying taxes, THEN they can start spewing politics.

In a nutshell: The phenomena of online anonymous communities has poked at various nerve centers of the previously unmassaged soul. Because the feedback is near instantaneous, the capacity for emotional turmoil and varying gradients of anger, thrill, hate, disgust, love are plentiful; the direct introduction of thoughts from your brain to the masses*. However, nasty trolls under the bridge eat people up and start them on a voyage to neurosis and compulsion.

The entire experience of NIT has essentially been a few nasty trolls under the bridge who badgered, belittled, harangued, and degraded others with differing opinions or views than themselves. These trolls know who they are, and many enjoy a sort of prominence on NIT using notable handles. I’m not fooled. Yes, I got swept up in the typhoon, but I know the truth of the origin of how it all began. In the beginning…there was only the word of Matt…the NIT GOD….(Genesis 1.0)

You call foul. You vow to leave. You return. What exactly is the point you are trying to make? Maybe you are just Matt posting under a different name to be outrageous/sensational to drive traffic to his website? Either way at the end of the day, you render yourself irrelevant.

@Philly-WHAT?? You really need to get out of that basement fast. Get up in the light and things will look better. You can not continue to live your life on the darkside. We realize you can not think much of yourself being a dredge on society like you are, but, it you will try you can make it,

All I’ve ever wanted was a respite from the world and its ills. A monastery to gain relief from the ignorance and abuse of others. I’ve given up on the world and take my place among the other great Buddhists throughout time. I’m drawing down all projects and footprints. My next stop is for the mountains and eternity. This American Society is sick beyond repair, and its trappings too numerous. So very dangerous. It makes people sick and spits them out.

One must remember above all. We do so believe in redemption. For without such thought, all life does become meaningless.

“redemption” can only be had by release from suffering, which is only achievable by physically detoxing yourself away from the ingestable poisons society inflicts on people. The foods and drinks served by this culture is toxic, and leads to confusion and physical sickness. It takes effort to seek out the right foods, and discipline yourself away from the processed con agra kraft food bullshit. I eat pure now, and less. Mind is freed only when the body is.

And thank God for the wide selection and growing Health Food Section at Hy Vee. Hopefully it won’t be too much longer before it pushes the toxic food-which currently sits on the shelves in domination, to the minority, and then to extinction. To think we’ve gone through over 70 years of processed food garbage to the tune of trillions in health care costs and deaths/sicknesses before those stalwart noble band of organic non-GMO adherents finally made their way to the mainstream.

Those with loud aggravating tailpipe noise on the roads wouldn’t be the only ones I’d have arrested. Supposing for a moment I was a Supreme Commander, I’d have nearly every doctor and administrator at hospitals arrested and imprisoned…fed much of the toxic pharmaceuticals they push on others. Many nurses would be spared, because not all of them are corrupted. The fact that hospitals don’t take into consideration nutrition and holistic treatments makes them CRIMINAL SADISTS.

Redemption comes in many forms and many ways. It is a dish that is sometimes served quite hot, or even freezing cold. But when served, with a side of truth. Can accomplish more then the sum of the two.

What is the reason for the spread of Ebola at Texas Presbyterian? From CNN and others I can only assume they were sitting on their hands or napping or texting. But then the wolf was at the door. There is no excuse for letting nurse Vinson fly commercial with a fever. No excuse for sending Tom Duncan home with all the symptoms. Yet they have excuses, issue statements.
Everyone should support the nurses here and in Texas who are striking on this issue. We obviously can’t depend on hospital…

@anonymous-there was no excuse for letting Duncan into the country. It is absolutely stupid not to ban all flights coming out of Africa until they get this under control. It is obvious that those people have no regard for anyone else. Either that or they are just stupid.

The Texas hospital is now liable for their incompetence. The CDC director Tom Frieden is still an inept fool. The disease is spreading. America’s healthcare system is incompetent and negligent. Wall Street is plummeting. The FEMA camps people spoke of may have been there for a reason. It’s possible the 1% have an immunization already in place. This could be it people…the beginning of the end.

Welcome to the tin foil hat club peter.

Ebola so perfect in it’s transmission it’s almost become airborne… Did you know that vomit can become aerosolized at the point of ejection?. And is termed as projectile vomiting. So, someone can be vomiting a distance from you. And then you get Ebola through the air.

I also have to Wonder, if this disease isn’t possibly on the verge of mutating into a airbone illness.

The CDC says it is NOT airborne but the WHO says it is.

@Philly-You really need to get out of the basement and lay off the funny stuff.

I would fully support any one in the Medical field in a strike. Ebola shows NO MERCY!

Did anybody else hear about the guy from Charles city that said he was a part of ISIS and he was going to start killing kids. I thought I heard that and that he was arrested but I can’t be sure.

@maybe-they did a plea bargain with him and downgraded the charge to harassment. In other words, they are going to turn him loose with a fine. It looks like all he was guilty of was shooting off his mouth. He had no weapons and no access to any.

Has Mercy hospital made any comment on what is being done locally should someone show up with Ebola? I’m pretty tired of official statements. Instead of saying ‘nothing to fear we have it all under control’ they could be honest and say something like “We realize this is an extremely dangerous and difficult situation to deal with. As has happened in Texas careless mistakes have been made. We at Mercy are being proactive in our preparations. We are keeping well ahead of any Ebola…

I haven’t heard or read anything about what Mercy would do if Ebola shows up. You would think Education should be in place but I doubt it. No One can be ahead of ebola if you’re not equipped for it and Mercy is not. I bet there will be a lot of lawsuits though. You couldn’t pay me enough to be a Nurse in this situation!

The next BBQ Bash to be hosted by an area newspaper is being held-up (pun intended) by a Mason City group of authorities of smoke? (double-entendre intended)

The city won’t approve using East Park until the paper gives data as to how much charcoal will be burned. OMG! Which one of these city authorities has the specific, higher education required to determine how much is too much? What laws are there in effect that regulate BBQ? The newspaper’s getting a taste (pun) of too much gov’t!

@Trucker Dave-It is Kuhen who thinks it is his jobe to tell everyone else how to live. He is a card carrying liberal who try’s to hide it. You have to watch out for Turncoat too.

Hey Philosophus, you owe MAYBE and all the veterans that fought in Iraq a huge apology. They announced on the news this morning that there was weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq. 4000 chemical warheads were found buried in the desert. The information was hidden by the administration and the Pentagon for political reason’s. I guess all you Bush hater’s were wrong again. I really don’t expect you to admit you were wrong. That is probably more than you can handle.

It’s been common knowledge for some time that Iraq had chemical weapons. You may recall Sadam’s brother, who they called Chemical Ali. So named, because he had used chemical weapons on entire villages wiping them out. If they displeased him…

You must have me mistaken for someone else. I’ve never professed one way or the other, and find it irrelevant. Chemical weapons are possessed by nearly every nation…what’s new here? More than likely they were recently brought in from Syria by ISIS which isn’t too hard to figure out…is it? Well maybe for you LVS. The military owes ME an apology and hundreds of thousands of others. Go make your wars, maim yourselves and die…just stay away from me.

me me me, it’s all about them. If it isn’t about them it never happened. Now he wants me to apologize to him. Meet me for coffee and I will apologize.

I’ll only meet you for coffee if you come handcuffed, and turn your piece over to the barista. I’ll be sitting near the potted plant.

Why??? Did you do something to me that threatened my family? Just because we don’t agree doesn’t mean I can’t me civil. I have good friends that are democrat and the thought of hurting them never ever even crossed my mind. Sounds like you are paranoid.

That was my wry attempt at humor. Right now I’m in a limbo state, not open to any new relationships or encounters. I’m the ghost in the machine. Yet again, humans have reared their ugly heads and destroyed that which is fair and beautiful. I’m at a lost, and on the verge of a meltdown. So no, probably not a good time to be meeting for coffee. I’ll drink my coffee in silence and in the shadows.

If you’ve ever seen the video of the pig getting his head cut off by the chainsaw, you’ll see that events can happen to a creature and it takes their bodies more time to fully realize what happened. This is a crude metaphor but with me, things happen, and I process days, weeks, sometimes months or years later. I’m in a processing state right now about somethings that happened. Injustice is so pervasive and so plentiful it creates a paralytic effect. I’m paralyzed right now.

Have they upped your meds?

@Philly-are you smoking that funny stuff again? You have said overe and over that it was Bush’s excuse for going to war and you have hammered Maybe many times over it claiming that it was Bush’s and Maybe’s lie. Maybe stated he had personally seen it and you called the man a liar. Now, stand up and be a man and admit you were wrong and apologize to Maybe.

LVS, when that Iraq war was brewing in 2003 I was attending ISU electrical engineering program. I protested on the side of the road along with dozens of others against the start of the war. I actually dropped out of college because I was so disgusted with the trajectory Bush was taking us on. I knew then what a massive debacle sham it would become. It’s strange how Americans can be so damn stupid and easily led? I lost my country and my soul after 9/11, and it’s never returned.

America should have sucked up the loss of lives, done the Christian thing and “forgave the attackers” and increased border security, eliminated all foreign travel to hostile Islamic states, developed our own energy supply, owned up to the misgivings of the past, humbled herself and cleansed from false pride, and begun anew building up the greatest renewable energy infrastructure and civilization the world has ever seen. Instead, we followed a retarded man into war…

Have you ever heard the saying “The truth shall set you free”? Now that the truth is out there you should feel free now, I know I do. As disgruntled as you seem to be about our country, you don’t plan on joining ISIS do you?

PETER, you know how I feel about that word and if that word is to describe anybody it’s you not Bush.

The Jewish Hollywood propaganda is at a ridiculous level: The latest case in point: Transformers: Age of Extinction. I mean how much more brainwashing can Americans be fed before they’ll start parading down the streets with torches and jackboots? Enter Mark Wahlberg, that rough and tuff “American independent Male”, show everything can be solved with a fast car and a loaded gun, and cliche’ all day long about a father protecting his virgin daughter. Reiterate: INDEPENDENCE ad nausea

Movies are NOT real, you need to get out more.

Maybe, discussing alternative courses of history with you at this point would be like discussing alternatives to the 3rd Reich with a former German soldier: it’s kinda not an option. You participated in the debacle. You got to fire off ammo and put into practice your training. Of course soldiers like a chance to feel relevant and highly praised…but that doesn’t mean it’s the right thing for the nation to do. Movies like Transformers continue the Jewish Military Brainwashing

I think there is a line drawn in the sand on how much koolaide you can drink before brain damage is irreversible. You can believe what you want to believe about the war but it only shows your ignorance. You have believed all the lies for so many years that even now when the lies are proven false you still will believe the lies over the truth. It’s like the old saying’ “do these pants make me look fat”? You answer that question in any way and you will have the wrath dropped on you.

You see America needs to be constantly fed reinforced ideology to condition them. Mark Wahlburg is the current face to continue promoting the diaspora, and the military industrial complex. The themes throughout that sham of a movie were this: American Inventor, desperate to hold onto his foreclosing farm, stay off welfare, put kid thru college, struggle against all odds and rationality, and be abusive and macho while your trying to keep your daughter from getting laid.

You really need to stop watching movies, they are not real. I haven’t seen that movie, matter of fact the other day I finally saw the first transformers movie on TV. I don’t analyze the movies about underlying meanings, I just enjoy the break from reality. It just slays me that someone comes back at me during a debate using a movie as basis to make their point, good luck on that peter.

In short, it’s all pie-in-the-sky bullshit giving humans an impossible independent dream to hold onto, while ignoring the practical realities of working together to build better communities and lifestyles: gaining the REAL INDEPENDENCE by getting out from under banking systems loan sharking and corrupted endless mortgaging. Keep selling the dream of STRUGGLE and OBSTINATE delusion…while continuing to participate and be complicit within established norms and go nowhere.


I mustn’t forget the other pervasive message Hollywood likes to send:THE TATTLE TALE ALWAYS GETS KILLED. In about every movie or television story anyone who “narcs” or is exposed as a double agent (unless they do it to support the protagonist) ends up meeting a grisly demise. What’s up with that? Is that the Jewish way of getting revenge on those who reported them to German authorities? The character Lucas got zapped cuz he reported Optimus Prime for reward money.

I guess you are right, going out for coffee would be a bad idea, I would end up calling an ambulance for you.

So instead of promoting unity and cooperation, Hollywood promotes division and line-drawing. One team is pitted against the other, and if you betray whatever side you may be on, you’ll meet an ugly end. US Military vs. Taliban-Al Quada-ISIS, Cops vs. Drug Dealers, Minnesota vs. Wisconsin etc. All throughout this society it is reinforced that you better “pick a side” and stay with it. Life isn’t about being on a TEAM. It’s far more diverse and colorful. War promotes TEAMS.

That’s why I stipulated Maybe, that you’d need to check your piece at the door, and handcuff yourself…I knew you had latent violent tendencies that would come out once I began my ministry to you. I was going to be by the potted plant to camouflage myself until I was certain you were complicit with my protocol.

what violent tendencies?

All soldiers who have been conditioned to train their weapon on other human beings have violent tendencies. Would Jesus shoot someone in the head? Did he not stay Simon’s hand? Did he not heal the lopped off ear? If the United States Military would at least drop the pretext of being Christian, I may find it a bit more palatable. Deception and hypocrisy are never flattering qualities…but the military doesn’t care much about that do they? They are a classist racist organization

So what you are saying is that you CANNOT be a soldier and a Christian at the same time? You need to read some more of your bible then because there was quite a few soldiers that were followers of Jesus. Does that also mean that since I believe in my 2nd amendment rights I have violent tendencies? I am a peaceful man but if you threaten my family I can be driven to violence but that is true of anybody so does that mean anybody that has a family has violent tendencies?

@maybe-you are letting Philly do the old dodge and shift. He is changing the subject to avoid growing a pair and apologizing to you like a real man would. He is really off the wall today. I guess he does not like being proved wrong. In his simple mind that just can not be.

He claims that he is not a liberal but in reality he is, I don’t expect an apology from a liberal, all I expect is attacks. He doesn’t bother me at all, I don’t hold a grudge. He knows deep down that he is wrong, deeply wrong and he needs to apologize so since he doesn’t apologize it is eating him up inside.

@maybe-you are a lot more understanding than I would be. If it was me I would really be pissed after the names he has called you and the other veterans.

sticks and stones

And how about an apology to me? For all the attacks I’ve suffered…the name-calling, the categorizations, the Denial of Service attacks, the stereotyping, discrimination. I’m waiting for a big fat apology from all of you.

You’re like the Dothraki…you only follow and worship power. If it’s not overlording you, you won’t believe it or subscribe to it. You only understand hegemony and the whip. You are like the Unsullied (Game of Thrones speak…look it up)

The difference between me and you is that I tell you and everybody else the truth and I get called a liar but now we find out that I have been telling the truth all along. As for you, you give us your opinion as you see it, pink elephants and all.

Was that a Q & A part of the meeting or Matt just being disruptive?

That is exactly where our kids get it from LVS. If that was an assault I would guess all the kids in the lunch line tomorrow will be filing assault charges.

@Leslie-You are one of those people that think the law is for everyone else except your pet’s. Well here is news for you, it works for everyone. I hope Matt pushes this far enough he gets her fired and run out of town.

Hey Matt-I saw you on KIMT News tonight. I can not believe she was dumb enough to assault you like that.

LVS-Thanks for the heads up. I just checked it out on, look forward to hearing more about this here on N.I.T.

I just saw the news story on 10pm KIMT. Wow. They are going after you. fer sure. LOL

Ummm… I don’t think you saw it at 10pm on KIMT.

Yer right, you cotton picking pirate….it was on about 10:15 pm. DOOFUS DOUCHE BAG PIPE HEAD CRACK MAN oh I’m sorry, some primal blogging rage came over me. Perhaps you’d better send me another $10 bucks, and this time leave the white powder out of the envelope.

It didn’t show any assault though.

It was on at the 6pm news, not the 10pm news. You only get $10 when you run for city council again.

That’s coming in another year. Sit tight and don’t suck yer thumb too hard…it’ll buck out yer teeth. You ready to double down? $20 for 100 votes.

I saw it on the 10:00 news but they didn’t show any assault, just matt, which I think they called him mark, but he was there with his cell phone camera which now days has just as good a picture as the expensive cameras.

Yeah, I’d go $20 on it next year if you got 100 votes or more. I’d LOVE to watch you in a debate. Then I could sit in the back of the room and mumble to myself and chew my fingernails like you did at the Prime & Whine during the Mason City debates. #FunTimes

You’ll need that $20 to clean up that mess of tires you left down in Southern Franklin County. You must have gotten ‘tired’ of it because I see it got transferred to someone else. What a shame.

Maybe sexual assault… If she had missed touching his hand, and grabbed something else…

But without injury, there isn’t any assault is there?

She made physical contact. That was battery. We will shocked if charges are not pressed.

Little advice for the Savage Squad (especially the one reported to have a gun) Take that gun, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger. Because that is what it will eventually come to. Carry a gun with violent intent and you will die by gun violence. The world does not need more idiots with guns in their hands, especially wanna-be gangsta children. Grow up. And to the parents of these kids…pull your heads out of your asses and do some parenting!

@Anon-If he shows that gun to the wrong person he could end up getting shot. There are a lot of people out there that are one hell of a lot tougher than these punks who would take his gun away and shoot him with it.

The general rule for coffee shop owners is they definitely SHOULD hire aesthetically pleasing females or highly personable and interesting gay guys to barista for them. Ordinary plain & boring workers just isn’t whom we want to see in the morning. Stick with the formula that works. There’s plenty of assembly line work for pear shaped middle age women to gain employment from. We want eye candy. Am I right or am I right?

@Philly-That is a jerkwater thing to say. I have seen you and you have no room to talk about anyone else.

I’m not working at a coffee shop am I? Stating the obvious of what everyone’s thinking. I’ve noticed that coffee shops tend to have young, attractive females working, and I don’t think this is by accident. They are selling more than just a cup of joe. I’ve also noticed a preponderance of gay guys working at coffee shops as well; sometimes a winning formula is worth sticking to. Boring people are my real focus, and they shouldn’t be working at coffee shops. We like personality.

We will add “shallow” to the list of your shortcomings.

Your wrong LVS. I would love to see a cute 20 YO with huge boobs popping out serving me coffee. They deserve my tip.

@ LVS…I always had him figured as the coffee house worker kind of guy. Looks like I was right, again.

I’ve seen him too and you are correct, he’s no raving beauty either.

Are you saying that he is either a 20 something gorgeous woman or a gay guy Buzz?

@ Maybe…. None of the above really. I just imagined that working at a coffee shop wouldn’t be real hard, physical labor. I figured even he might be able to handle it. I doubt it would be as physically taxing as delivering newspapers was for the poor guy.

@Buzz-As I recall he had a job washing dishes but thought it was beneath him and he lasted less than a week,

I’ve seen some plain janes working lately in various coffee houses. They serve you your cup and that’s it. What’s the point in going out to a coffee house if you have Maude serving you your java with a stoic face? It should be lively and entertaining, and yes, there should be a hot young female revue going on. Applebees, BWW, The OP all feature the equivalent of legalized Christian Stripping. Unless the coffee is exceptional (which it isn’t) we need some pizazz.

Bring back the A-Team!

Let us know when they start labeling your drink with “perv”, “creep”, or “lech”

Oh really? You think it’s by chance that places like Applebees or Ruby Tuesdays hire all those young attractive people to serve for them? Same goes for coffee shops, but I’ve noticed some coffee shops have been trying to slip in some ordinary people and if the ratio gets too out of hand, they’ll lose customers: fact. It’s really just like TV:when people go out, they want to be charmed and seduced, if only for a moment. You can deny reality, or accept it: YER CHOICE.

If that isn’t the lamest thing I have ever heard.

Yes, it’s coming to Iowa, and the rest of the country as well…

The whole situation has been a debacle from the beginning. All flights should have been shut down to and from Africa until the situation was resolved. All medical personnel should go through medical transport when travelling to and fro Africa…with quarantine periods of 21 days between visits. The CDC director needs to resign ASAP.

@Philly-this one I agree with you on. They are still saying they can contain it but it has already been proven they can’t.

@Matt-I am convinced that it will show up in Minnesota first. Minneapolis and Rochester both have large populations of people from the infected areas. Once it is in the hospitals there it won’t be long and we will have it here too. They had the chance to stop it but were so arrogant they have now let it get started in the U.S.

@Matt cont.-Or, it will be brought in from Chitcago or Detroit with all the imports going back and forth. Send them back where they came from before they infect us all.

It might take a while but yes I believe it will make it here eventually.

Matt, it is absolutely not making its way to North Iowa. Could we have a case or two? Absolutely. But it would be contained quickly. ISIS can’t spread it fast enough for it to be of much use to them.

Totally agree with Anonymous, below.

who said it would be spread by ISIS, there are airports all over the state that brings people from other states or countries. If there is an outbreak only those ignorant say it will not make it here besides you contradicted yourself, you said maybe a case or 2 but otherwise no it wouldn’t make it here.

It must be easier to catch then first thought. Or hospital workers decked out like spacemen. Couldn’t be catching it. Like we see happening already.

Stopping flights and quarantining form African countries, should have been immediate!

I agree with the latest doctor talking head on CNN: There needs to be concentrated treatment centers for EBOLA rather than expecting hospitals to treat them. Also, I wonder why the US still thinks of itself so highly when the US isn’t the greatest at much of anything anymore. The for profit medical system is dangerous to everyone’s health. Capitalism is a lie…a very good lie, seemingly impenetrable, but a lie nonetheless.

Why don’t they just use the FEMA camps then?

@Philly-here you go again. You go from one post where you make sense to something like this that is off the walls again,

The head of the Nurse’s association in California stated the “For profit medical system has been skimping on supplies and protections”. Capitalism is a lie as a motivational tool. Michael Douglas on Wall Street said that “greed was what made the world go round”. No, innovation and a desire for knowledge and a good quality life are what makes the world go round…capitalism is a distraction and hindrance.

@Philly=always been that way. Where have you been?

The story is already out. Our disease control funding was cut in half, by conservatives. Insisting that any plague or virus, couldn’t touch them because they are rich. lol

That is a bold face lie, the funding was increased well above what Obama wanted, check the facts before you spew your lies.

Matt, This is Bodacious. I can’t read some of the stories because the story is telling me to log in or subscribe. Where the link normally is to sign in, there is just the word sign in without the link. Thanks.

Matt, That is the trouble. I can’t log in. Actually, there is only one story that has the link to it but no where can I find a link to the log in page.

@Anonymous-go to the bottom right hand corner of the page. Click on “Log IN” and put in your user name and password.

Thanks LVS. That is what I needed. I never knew the log in was down there.

@bodacious-everytime Matt resets the system it signs everyone out and you have to log back in. It has been happening a lot lately. I think there are some jerks trying to hack N.I.T. At least it acts like it.

It is a wordpress website. Don’t expect high performance from a cookie cutter solution.

Extrapolation helps me identify you. Competing web designer, Philosophus follower. Gee I wonder who that could be? Go ahead and launch if yer gonna launch. It’s called shit or get off the pot where I’m from.

You have no clue who I am. Only feeble guesses.

Did anyone else hear the gunshots around midnight last night in the 12th and North Federal area? They were gunshots, not fireworks. I know the difference. This is right around Kum & Go North. This is not the first time I have heard them in the North End.

It was another wow game for Micich’s Mohawks tonight. But alas, the “wow” was in the wrong direction. The Urbandale Jayhawks defeated the Mohawks 41 – 0.

Was Anita at the game tonight?

Hit the nail on the head, Matt.

It would be great to get more community support for these kids. Come spend some time at Mohawk Stadium and cheer them on. Last home game is Friday the 17th-kickoff at 7:30 for Varsity. They don’t want to lose. They work hard!

I have been told that a lot of good athlete’s will not play because they do not want to be on a losing team. It is to bad it has come to that. Losing is part of life, but if it happens time after time you lose heart.

@Matt-Nothing I would like more than to be able to brag about the Mohawks again. It has been awhile.

Why have all the comments about Tracy Rohrer lack of character and past been
Deleted? I find her to be a cruel, terrible person

@John-N.I.T. Whiners Den was hacked and everything was wiped out. I don’t know if the post you asked about were part of that but if they were on Whiners Den that is what could have happened. Also, as I recall N.I.T. does not allow personal attacks when trolls attack for no reason other than to cause problems. Not trying to speak for Matt, this is just what I remember.

John – if you have a problem with my sister, Traci Rohrer, you should address the issue with her instead of being a coward and slandering her on NIT. My sister is far from a cruel, terrible person as you so stated. Apparently, you don’t really know her.

Maybe you not smart enough to realize we live in America and people have rights to free speech and their own opinions! Also I can tell you the difference between slander is something SAID and Libel is something Written. know the difference skippy if you want to make threats. I dont know Traci Rohrer from Adam, but I do know the difference between slander and libel. Go back to your hole

first of all where did you find threats in her post? and I’m sure if he wrote it he probably said it. so yes it is slander. either way its defamation of character….look it up! And oh “skippy go back to your hole”. What a loser! Freedom of speech! LOL

You may know your vocabulary but you as hell don’t know shit about constructing a sentence properly.

So it goes – Ooops… sure as hell. That’s all I have to say on this page because I have never spent much time reading this garbage until I heard something disrespectful was posted about my sister. So as “so it goes” suggested I guess I’ll be going back to my hole now, Skippy.

Hey John lets you and I have a visit sometime!?

All the pessimistic detractors and stone throwing name-callers couldn’t get me off of NIT, but what did finally was learning the editor of NIT is Buzz Crumcutter and Lord knows how many other identities on here. That just hurts. I can take public ridicule and scorn, but I cannot take dishonesty. All this time I was jabbing back and forth with the same person using multiple names.

So why does Buzz go into over 500 character count selling pitches trying to get people to subscribe to NIT? We all know the only person on NIT who gets to post video and photos and lengthy comments is U. Hey, if you’re Buzz, that would explain how you seem to know so much about me…as obviously we are connected by another computer guy in town, who feeds you info about me. Some of the divulge of personal information have been fairly telling. 🙂 Glad to meet you Buzz.

Same old philly. “Waaaaaa someone has something I want but can’t get! I must try to shame people into giving me what I want!” Good luck with that.

@Philly-so you have went from accusing Buzz of being a Clear Lake cop to being Matt? You really need to get out of the basement and get some light.

@LVS…He’s accused me of being the UPS man, a motorcyclist, a Clear Lake police officer, CG Sheriff’s deputy and a truck driver to name but a few. Who knows what he will think up next. One thing is for certain, he sure seems to look for excuses/ things to blame his short-comings on. He’s probably a nice guy when you get down to it. Maybe we should all meet and have coffee some day. At the tire hut, of course.

@Buzz-do you he he would give us directions on how to get there?

I’ve offered to have coffee with him, my treat but he refused. Buzz, if you can drag him out I would love to tag along. Peter and I don’t agree on a lot of things but I don’t dislike him, he is entitled to his own opinions as am I.

The bellows breath, the diaphragm, and the vagina all contain related elements.

no comment

@Philly-does this mean you are leaving us? AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN?

I return because NIT is so lost without me.

@Philly-at the very least you do stir up conversation.

You return to NIT because you are lost with out it. Plus…you being lost has nothing to do with anything other than yourself. NIT is the one place in your little life where you get to have your nut-spins, talk smart, go Buddhist, hate the local and US governments, hate the police, disrespect the military and still come crawling back and expect all of us will forget about your blathering.

Now, how about an update on the tire house project???

very impressive, I would bow to you but I bow to no man so I will just say bravo.

@Buzz-WOW, very well said. Philly does depend on N.I.T. for his social interaction and to a certain extent so do I. However, I am no where near as far off the wall as he is. I always support our military and respect them for their service. Our elected government is another story.

Maybe we could all attend a Clear Lake City Council meeting with him? I’m sure he goes as he sure is critical of them. I’ve seen Philly before, all curled up in a chair, mumbling to himself during the Mason City debate last fall at the Prime and Whine.

Thanks Matt. I was at Bennigans in Clear Lake earlier partaking of those illustrious Summer Shandy’s ($1 a piece for 20 oz draw) when I gave the rather elusive enigmatic response above. I laughed heartily however at the absurdness that rolled out my fingers (Sometimes things just flow from the nether). Tis’ true that I do enjoy the option of commenting. I love to weigh in on the world, and blogging is a Godsend. NIT gives the opportunity to exercise Free Speech. 🙂

” NIT gives the opportunity to exercise Free Speech.”

OK, I accept your apology, but….you shouldn’t drink and type.

So you are affiliated with NIT? Perhaps you are Joe Buttweiler from the Globe Gazette Discussion Forum days? I did read something early in NIT’s history that Joe joined up with Matt…but now no longer hear about him. Joe=Buzz? That last sales pitch imploring people to pay the measly $2 bucks a month really sounded a lot like something someone with a vested interest in subscriptions would write; it bordered on desperate. Why would Buzz care so much if he weren’t affiliated?

@Philly-there is one way for you to find out. He offered to go to coffee with you, just take him up on it and then you will know who he is. Of course it could be a set up to get you alone. Are you afraid??

@LVS…It’s so easy to get into his poor little head that its no longer any fun.

Still waiting on the tire house update. Something has to be up with that project as I notice he keeps avoiding questions about it. Hmmmm.

I wonder if he knows they are talking about him in the huddles at the football games?

Your right on the money Philos.
Your a lot smarter then the games being played here. 😉

Philosophus: You return because any parasite cannot survive without it’s host

Old A.P. the used to be running back of the Vikings has gotten himself in more trouble. It seems the law takes a dim view of anyone dumb enough to smoke illegal drugs like pot when you are out on bond. They are trying to revoke his bond and then he will sit in jail until his trial in December. Real smart fellow.

They want to revoke his bond even though he was never caught red handed smoking pot, he just said he did. Guilty until proven innocent.

He is alleged to have violated a condition of release but is not charged with a crime to this is not a questions of innocent until proven guilty. The should be a hearing on the application to revoke so he is given his due process to a hearing. The burden of proof will probably be perponderance of the evidence rather that beyone a reasonable doubt.

so the key words are Due Process?

@maybe-the way I understand it is it showed up in his mandatory drug test and then he admitted it too. Pretty dumb.

I heard that First Credit of Mason City, keeps keys to all the cars they sell in case they want to pick up the vehicles and leave families without transportation.

If it’s true, it sure is cheaper than towing. Can you blame them? Just be sure to make your payments and you won’t have to worry.

Why does Mason City even need a Mayor.We could save some more money even though it is not very much.We already have city administrator?

@MC-we could save a ton without Eric. Just think, 150K right off the bat for the stupid bike signs in the streets. Much more for the blue zone. Not to mention the statues and the list goes on and on and on. Damn, our taxes wouldn’t have gone up without Eric and our water and sewer bill wouldn’t have gone up without Eric. The only ones that would lose would be his buddy’s who are making money off the rest of us. Bye, bye Eric.

Do you suppose our I.T. at city hall finally got smart enough to break in.

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