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News & Entertainment for Mason City, Clear Lake & the Entire North Iowa Region

Whiner’s Den

Enter the Whiner’s Den and post your rants, raves, observations, news tips and confessions.

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It’s officially May 30th. Your down to hours there philly. I hope the heck you are GONE after May 31st. And I think it’s asinine for you to make demands when you are getting banned. Why should Matt go to the trouble to delete your comments when you just keep adding more and more. And you’ve done so in the last week. Pack your bag. Good riddance!

And Buzz, we all owe you a drink for helping get rid of this lunatic.

Buzz won’t know what to do with himself if I’m gone. And FYI….it was I who initiated the process of leaving NIT. And the deal is for my entire presence to be wiped off of NIT…all comments from any device or IP address. But nothing is certain yet, so don’t be counting those chickens yet. It’s possible I end up in my beloved Think Tank, where people can check in for the real scoop on how life works. I’m ambivalent about it…I could take it or leave it.

” ambivalent about it” Yeah, right. You are on this site, simply because you can’t interact with people any other way. You are a social misfit as well as being the cankered colon of north Iowa.

his “website” is prime example of his lack of style and his raging ADHD. GLWT.

We can just email you at if we want more info from you. 4524 Timaru Dr — I’ll have to map that out and drop a burning bag of dog poo on your steps.

Actually, I had nothing to do with getting rid of Philo other than contributing $50 to help him on his way. Philo whined (again) and said he wanted his comments removed (again) and that he was going to leave …again. Matt said it would cost $250 to remove them and that he wouldn’t work for nothing. I then offered the $50 so he would hurry up and leave. How the permanent came into play, I’m not sure. The bottom line is, Philo won’t ever leave and he’ll end up driving away more people in the…

Yeah the original idea was to be gone for one year. Matt adjusted that to become permanent when he saw everyone’s eyes light up, tongues wave, and salivation dripping. $250 is far too cheap to be able to permanently ban your premier source of apothetic entertainment. I’d say $1000 with half going to me. Hopefully Matt will come up with an amicable solution. I wouldn’t mind staying in the Think Tank but I still want all comments gone. People have skewed and malformed my original meanings…

Why allow you to stay at all? You have no financial skin in the game as you don’t have two nickels to even rub together. You showed your ass and said you wanted to leave, so leave. Who gives a rats ass if your comments are here or not. Shut-up and leave already if that’s what you want!

Despite the notion that comments submitted become the property of NIT, I have another notion that they are my intellectual property, and go with me. It’s like people getting to make comments and call you names when you’re not in the room to defend yourself. If I go, then I go in a big and grandiose way, and with Zen at my back, I disappear completely…without a trace. I’m sure the babykiller’s family is waiting in earnest for that moment.

Crazy idea but if you want something (a good or in this case a service), why don’t you go raise/earn the money to get it?

The babykiller wants to get back to those years with no trace of Philly…where I was in the wilderness roaming and thinking. He wants at least a 20 more years of blocking out the memory before the demons carry him away to his post mortal waystation. He’ll be in it for awhile…that’s for sure. Those demons claw hard and they are terrifying. The part where he gets shook to death next life will be the real moment when his deed gets paid off. Can’t wait. Just get it over with I’m sure…

@Buzz-The dumb a## will stay as long as people keep feeding him comments. It is his only reason for staying. He loves the attention and in the real world people get real tired of his B.S. in a hurry and drive him off. Quit feeding him comments and he will get bored and leave.

And I leave as an undefeated prize fighter who ends up relinquishing his belt voluntarily for lack of any real competition. That’s the best part of my retirement from NIT…knowing that none of you could actually debate and defeat me…but rather that you used pitchforks, torches, and knives to try and drive me out. Not even those really worked. But I decided to let you think they worked, because hanging out with a mob grows tiring.

You are not going anywhere. You are to cowardly to leave. You would have no one to interact with as no one else wants anything to do with you and in your view negative attention is better than no attention. Even you Mother can’t stand you. You are like a little child crying to get his diaper changed.

It’s nice when you play the sympathy card and use the term “baby killer” like that really meant something to you. Its also entertaining when you go Zen on us too. As a final hurrah, please mention Buddha, guitar building, mangled hand, tire huts, getting thrown out of a grocery store, crapping your pants and who could forget loud pipes.

He doesn’t want his diaper changed. He wants people to look at what he made. He wants to blame the food he ate. He wants to leave “undefeated” without leaving. He wants what he thinks he is entitled to. He wants, wants, wants. Another selfish person masquerading as a crusader (as long as he gets his too).

That is a question to ponder…just how much excrement have we produced or will produce in our lifetime? Would it fill up a Wal-Mart storage container? Would it fill up a semi-trailer? All that rich waste gone to the chemical plant when it could have returned to the soil. It’s all wasted opportunity, and indicative of a malfunctioning society. I do remember this hot Brazillian girl with dread locks I made out with once in Eugene, OR. (ADHD rules)

I’m wondering if anyone would have some information they could share on the old brickyards. My first question would be if anyone would have any idea what happened to te old factory records and shipments they had over the years? And when they were demolished?

I’m trying to think of a good historian of Mason City. It was Art Fishbeck (apologies of not spelled correctly ). He was a great source of knowledge of Mason City. Unfortunately he passed away not too long ago. I wonder if there’s anything at the library.

Mason City has one of the most comprehensive local history archives in the state at the Mason City Public Library. Contact Terry Harrison, the Archivist. I’m sure he has information about the brickworks.

Is there a log in page for NIT anymore?

No need for log in.
It’s been free for quite some time now, although some have still paying for it.

When all is said & done, it will have been at quite some time that full access to this site has been free to all.
You claim to have hundreds of subscribers & yet you have still been raking in their money, having them pay for something that is free.
Anyone of integrity would either refund their money or apply it to an extension.
You doing that Marquardt, or are you just scamming them, as is allegedly your wont.

Just wondering if NIT can tell who’s voting in this poll. It seems that there is a way to circumvent the 1 vote rule. I never really read any posts that are supporting Philosophus in any way, and find it hard to believe that the vote is close.

Actually I liked Pollsmokers so much I registered it as a .com. Thanks NIT haters! You’ve inspired another brilliant creation. for the most relevant polling questions. The questions you wanna be asked!

Looks like you’re working real hard at your nanny job today. Careful, the kids will be getting into your stash next.

Philly, when you are on a rant I just blaze by your comments. But I did check out Polesmokers, now that’s some funny shit coming on there. Why do some of these bloggers feed you and then hate you for it? It’s just entertainment to me. Keep it coming but the long rants just get ignored over here. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

Well thanks Mick. I’m glad I’ve done something right.

That’s it! I am done with this site!
Ridiculous! Now Peter has his own polls. Really?
At one time I thought this was a news site.
This has become Peter’s playland!

C’mon NIT. Now he is putting his own polls on here? You give this guy an inch and he takes a freaking mile. When is enough enough?

If philo is allowed to stay, I will NEVER renew my subscription. If anything make him stay in the Think Tank.. then he can carry on all he wants and no one will bother going to that part of the site.

Why would anyone be dumb enough to let you have their ip address?

More like a simpleton man-child in the corner with a coloring book.

My vote is that Philo’s picture be included in the NIT Logo.


Closer than my city council election? Wow. This’ll be interesting!

Matt you do know that by clearing out your cookies and browser history it allows a person to vote again don’t you? You need to set the poll to the setting “limit voting by IP Address”. Otherwise, I’m afraid the results will be skewed. And this does nothing against using multiple devices. Just thought you should know.

I did this on all of my devices and it didn’t let me vote again. Stop whining. Your just afraid you’re getting voted off!

So now you’re Steve Jobs too huh? Why is it you want to leave sooooo bad, but you don’t have guts enough to do it? I have a theory….you want to be able to piss and moan to the rest of the world that you were banished from NIT, like its some form of a badge of honor.

You don’t want to leave and you won’t. If you stay or go is of no consequence to me. I will be one of the growing many subscribers who will not renew my subscription when it comes due. Plus it looks like I’ll be getting…

Plus it looks like I’ll be getting my $50 back too. Just think, that $50 is more money than you made all last year or will probably ever “earn”.

Thank you Buzz. Glad to see I’m not the only one to say I’m leaving if philly stays.

Why don’t you all calm down? You know that I’ll gone after May 31st so why not just enjoy me while you have me? As long as all the comments I’ve ever posted are gone I’ll leave in peace. However, depending on the poll results, if Matt says I can reside in Think Tank, I may continue to contribute and share my opinions/views/thoughts/experiences. But I suppose those who paid for my deletion would have to agree with that? Maybe if the full amount isn’t raised…Think Tank becomes my new…

NIT, you should have your vote for Philo on the front page. Some people don’t come to the Whiner’s Den because they don’t want to be bombarded by Philo’s posts.

Sorry, should’ve checked first… bad.

The results of the OTHER survey is can be found here. Fairly close race. you can also take OTHER survey here.

Same thing for you Survey Monkey…you need to set the poll to “limit voting by IP address” or people can clear out their cache/cookies/browser history and vote again.

Duplicate entries will be deleted.

No, duplicate entries will not be deleted…not unless you set it to recognize IP address. I just proved you could vote twice or more by clearing out my cache and cookies and voting again both on your Survey Monkey and the NIT poll. Look, don’t argue with me…I set polls during my election (gave Matt and the city of clear lake the idea for polls). Find the setting and switch it…or suffer skewed results.

My entire life’s mission has been to prove that a complete nobody, with terrible credit, no college degree, A GED (or not), and no social or religious affiliation should be able to present ideas that are good and make sense, and both the public, and the government should regard those ideas outside of class, money, social status etc. That’s what’s all about…but even blue collar slaves are part of the class caste system, and seem to enjoy the system. As a Buddhist, we’re all equal in my…

there are 8 responses. vote again and watch it stay at 8. clear your cookies and watch it stay at 8.

You were saying? How many more times should I vote for myself? Like I said…don’t argue with me. Find the setting and fix it…or suffer skewed results. I’m guessing you’ll have to start a new one. Pay attention to IP address setting next time when it asks you.

Like I said, Marquardt needs to do the same with his poll or people will repeat vote…myself included. Now here’s what you need to be contemplating. Since Philosophus was correct about what he was explaining…how much more of what Philosophus writes about is correct and needs more consideration beyond personal attacks and vitriolic hate? Think about it.

and we have our first banned ip!

So instead of admitting your error, and crediting me for informing you, you choose to kill the messenger…by claiming to have banned my IP address from taking your survey. You really are a North Iowa tool aren’t you? So if you haven’t fixed the problem, then it will allow my detractors to vote repeatedly against me….so basically you and your Survey Monkey poll are garbage.

But that’s essentially what has happened both in North Iowa and on NIT…people are incapable of giving credit where credit is due. With the Kingdom of Solaria…every person’s merit is correctly viewed and credited. Think of how important that is people…how many times you’ve suffered because of someone trying to “save face” or pull a power trip stealing your thunder. Renounce and reject these Cretins…they are no good and will be going into the Lake of Fire.

After they’ve all been bulldozed into the pit…I will personally light the match and watch their souls burn. It will be an enjoyable bonfire. I hope the righteous will join me.

“Duplicate entries will be deleted.” Your opinion on the matter was well known before you voted the first time and is taken into consideration. You don’t want to be on NIT. You cannot quit on your own. You promise to leave (multiple tiimes) but always return. If you have solution, give it, prove it, and let people adopt it. E.G. put up your own bullet proof survey that is cookie deletion resistant and works perfectly or pipe down. Let the voting continue.

Why do you continue yapping? I already proved I could duplicate vote….when you said it would stay at 8, in a few cycles, I pushed it to 11 all in my favor before you took the survey down. Your poll has no value…you have no value, because your ego and hatred of me are as such to skew reality and the truth. So how about you park it over on that transit park bench in Central Park, and leave the business of blogging to the professionals.

Philly the only thing you are a professional at is being a loser.

Why do YOU continue yapping? You said you would leave. BTW professionals are compensated for their work. I will leave you to get back to pro-nannying. Enjoy your “profession”.

Skipper keeps track of your site because he has a difficult time finding news stories on his own. If he doesn’t write about the mayor, then he has nothing else to write about. The people at the globe read this site because they know they lost a good employee. And this site is not like a drug to everyone. Philly is an addict. To him this is just another drug. Give him an intervention!

GO ahead and click on my red name…I set up 2 polls done the right way based on unique IP address. Just to show you that it can easily be done (if you know what you’re doing)

Do you think I am stupid enough to let you get a hold of my ip address? Face the facts philly, the people of nit want you gone!

Phillys losing on this poll. NIT just might be a much better, brighter NEWS site in a few days with a certain plaque being removed.


Let’s find out the truth!

School in mason city is still in session because of the union contract for a week long spring break which is in the first week of march and a girls BB game that was a waste of time and of course the snow days. Time to quit taking so many days off for spring break and some of the bullshit teachers days off for bogus meetings. Kids learn nothing after Memorial day, and the teachers are tired of putting up with the mouthy little students so they teach nothing. Get real Mason City School District.

Did they start late this year because of some type of construction?

How many people think a NIT popularity poll would be interesting to let readers vote for their favorite writer/contributor? There could be categories. I think it’s time to give back to those of us who write and contribute on a daily basis, and an award’s poll would do the trick.

Well guess what Bro??? A new poll says you are the most annoying, idiotic, lunatic that has ever set foot in Iowa. Looks like you’re a winner!!!

Congratulations to Nebraska for abolishing the death penalty overriding the Gov.’s veto. It’s a step in the right direction to heal and civilize this Nation. Yes, we all want to see murderers punished, but statistically death penalty states have higher crime rates. Civility promoted at the highest levels sets the tone of the state. Good luck NE for reducing ur crime.

Next step is completely ending the drug war. The prison lockup curmudgeon crowd on NIT and elsewhere will yet again be proven wrong concerning their criminalization stance on drugs. Our nation is on the verge of healing from decades of ignorantly corrupt legal policies. When loud pipes are banned, I may actually embrace my country again.

Just a thought. You might think differently if a person that received the death penalty, for whatever reason, did some time and was then released. Just to turn around and rape, torture, kill, someone in your family, or all of them. If a person receives the death penalty, it must be because of something he/she did, like the Honken case. Why should people like that be allowed to go on living, even in prison. At tax payers expense I might add. Just a thought…

They shouldn’t be allowed to go on living. Dustin Honken and Angela Johnson killed innocent little girls. They had their swim suits on thinking they were going swimming. All for drugs. Yea, drugs should be legal…NOT. Meth is destroying this country. As far as the loud pipes, get over it loser! It’s summer.

The part you’re missing is that illegal drugs are what led Honken to become a dealer, and the threat of the informant testifying against him resulting in decades of incarceration for Honken are what led him to do the dastardly deed. Even so, Honken and Johnson should be tortured first, then executed, and yes it should be on public television. But you need to start somewhere. Taking away the criminal element to the drug game will eliminate future Honkens.

Obviously philly, your brain is fried. Meth is causing all these problems. It’s not just the illegality of the drug, it’s what the drug does to a person’s mind. The last thing this country needs is more people running around hopped up on meth. There’s enough of that already. And please, stop with your pro drug comments. It shows the true person you are. A disgusting, pathetic loser.

Today the kids were huffing a helium balloon and I admonished them. One of them became lightheaded and almost passed out. I spent a good 20 minutes lecturing them against huffing or ingesting any substances any friends may offer them. I’m not pro drug. I’m intelligent enough to understand that criminalizing behaviors does not work to stop them…but educating honestly about issues does. Prohibition is an extension of authoritarianism, and that’s wrong.

B.S. philly. There have been many, many times you have said on this site that LSD, meth, cocaine should be legal. Now you’re changing your point of view because you don’t want to be kicked off of here. You are pro drug. You are a user. You were denied entry to the armed forces because you were high on LSD. I’m surprised you didn’t huff on that balloon with them. Here’s an idea STFU!

Yeah you keep on believing whatever you want to believe. The truth is substances make me anxious. I don’t like that feeling. Even alcohol and tobacco increase my anxiety. I’ve puffed on marijuana less than the number of fingers I have on one hand in the last ten years…that’s the truth. When I was in Colorado, I took a few puffs in the hotel room and gave the rest to a hippy at a gas station. I do want to grow though, and when I return to buy land, I’ll be doing so.

Buy land? You can’t even keep a roof over your head. Go away philly.

I see that Michael Servantez’s complaint against the Mayor & council was dismissed by the Iowa Public Information Board.

Please help refresh my memory to what this was about?

I have to go anonymous just to say anything, my last 3 posts have been deleted and even peters response to my last post was deleted and all I said was that my posts have been deleted. Yes peter does piss me off sometimes but what pisses me off even more is the violation of my 1st amendment rights.

You clearly have no idea what your First Amendment rights are.

my freedom of speech, I wasn’t putting anybody down, I wasn’t threatening anybody just saying what I think, if that isn’t guaranteed by the 1st amendment then I don’t know what is.

You are perfectly free to build your own website or head to the public square and say virtually anything you please without fear of reprisals, imprisonment or penalties from the government. This however is not you space, and while I disagree with Matt on many issues, this is his space to do with as he pleases. Don’t like it? Don’t subscribe.

Here’s what us not right about the deletion of comments. Phillys comments ALWAYS get put back on if they are deleted. But everyone else’s dont. Kind of tired of Philly running AND ruining this site.

I post something under my name and it disappears right away. To the person that hates everything about me, bummer. You are probably the one that reports my comments. It seems as if this page is turning into a liberals only, it won’t last very long that way.

You mean the part about prohibiting CONGRESS from interfering with freedom of religion, speech, assembly, or petition?

Surely they must also have meant anyone’s right to say ridiculous & absurd things on the internet as well.
Ya, MAYBE that is it.

#maybe, the other cats are correct: this is a private website, owned and operated by Marquardt. Now you know how pissed off I’ve gotten when people report my comments which sometimes leads to permanent deletion. It sucks to have someone cut off your voice. It’s a form of castration and death. Our voices are who we are. I’ve said from the beginning I wish 100% free speech were adhered to, but this is matts space: his rules.

And think about it…there are people who hate my voice so much they have pitched in money to have me permanently banned. That’s some real free speech hatred to go to such lengths. Unfortunately it takes something sucky to happen before most people can empathize with others who went thru the same thing. This hopefully will be an eye opening experience for you concerning censorship.

The way I see it, if I don’t like what you are saying I will either respond and tell you so or just not read your post. I have never nor will I ever report anybodys posting.

Somehow I find that last statement difficult to believe. The only time I ever report comments is when I see all mine held for moderation. Then I indiscriminately return the favor by Reporting every LVS and Buzz comment I see. Again, the report policy is another design blunder that I’m attempting to help Matt fix…but his pride is as such…how long can he postpone the inevitable? 2 to quarantine is an exercise in tyranny. If there are as many readers as he says there are it should be 10…

Here’s the issue Philly. People only want YOUR comments gone!

The Globe reported today;

“””Mediacom internet in Mason City and north might be experiencing slower speeds than normal due to equipment issues.

“It’s not a complete outage,” said Tom Larsen, company spokesman. “It’s a network slowdown.””””

That’s PR bull$hit. Every business and home users I know were down with no access at all. No email, internet and credit card possessing. At work, our Mediacom came back around 3:30-ish.

Why the lies ?

Can someone please enlighten me as to why Mason City schools do not get out until June 9th? The smaller districts are either out already or done this week. The 9th seems quite late.

Some of the schools started a week to 10 days before us.. Next year they start two weeks later and still get out bout the same time.So that doesn’t make sense to me.

Yeah the kids here in Vegas have to go through the first week of June also…it’s ridiculous. June is the summer. The school year should be from Sept.1 to May 31st, no make up days, no exceptions, no nothing. June, July, and August are the summer. I’m sick of these school bafoons running the show…they are doing a piss poor job of educating as it is. They don’t need more time…just quality time.

Actually, based on how learning is actually accomplished…I’d say a system of going 3 months on, 1 month off would be apropos. Why would kids need 3 months of idleness? That makes no sense. Sept, Oct, Nov then December off. Jan, Feb, March, then April off, May, June, July, Then August off…

Don’t pretend to be an expert on education without one.

You have no education, no kids. Shut up.

When the purge comes, I’ll enjoy processing you first.

Censorship wars are a waste of time. FYI, I don’t report so at least 2 people out there don’t like you.

Awe, looks like Phillys comments were put back in. He must have whined and cried like a baby to Matt about his free speech b.s. You’re never gonna leave are you Philly? You nauseating loser!

Philly keeps saying he wants off of this site, and wants his comments deleted. So why on Earth is he just commenting more and more and more. Why should he expect Matt to do more work for him? Geesh, what an attention whore.

I don’t think you even want to leave…’re just a big attention whore!

You are the one who wants all your comments deleted, but yet you just keep adding more and more and more. Why should Matt do more work? Especially when no one cares what you have to say?

I’ve had with the f’in trains blocking 6th st. Every god damn day at around 3pmand almost every day at 8 am. Today it sat there for over 40 min. I came back 15 minutes later and the f’in thing was back now another 20 minutes and counting. The tracks are right next to the transportation office. WTF Engine #7633 go F yourself

Think about poor 8 hour shift…he’s been trying to report on his bowel movements for days and Matt’s having none of it.

Uhmmmm I see a white female cop gets killed and guess what no riots. I cant fricken believe the white people in Omaha didn’t burn that city to the ground. Oh another guess what did anyone hear President Obama say how sorry he was and go to the family of the police officer? Id say he might be a little one sided.

@Joe-Do you think??? Where is the outrage and the riots, and the burning of legitimate business????

That’s because white people haven’t been systematically enslaved and discriminated against almost their entire existence in this nation. Geez, it’s not too hard to figure out Joe. I’m not trying to justify it, just saying that it’s quite easy to explain. White people have always had the upper hand advantage. There’s no need for them to riot in the streets…why would they? Destroy their own things?

bite me bitch.

Now we’re seeing the real Maybe. Let more out. Show us who you really are.

So you want to know who I really am? I am an American who loves his country and would die for it. I believe that every person has the right to their freedoms guaranteed through the constitution although I am not too fond of our government right now. I believe that people get out of life what they put into it and that means if the sit on their arse all day and are perfectly capable of working but they don’t because the government gives them money then they don’t deserve it. If life knocks them…

…down get back up and fight and stop whining about how everybody owes you, grow up, get over it.

Sheriff Joe,
Watch this
It seems your racism is showing a bit.

My solution, my plan, gimme land, gimme shelter, gimme food, gimme, gimme, gimme. It’s all about me,me,me,me. Geez Philly give it a rest!

Actually it’s about all of us…not just me. It should be construed as fascinating to people how you take from my writings that I am selfish, when it’s the complete opposite…so much so, that it’d be like calling Jesus or Buddha selfish. Jesus had Judas, and Buddha had a jealous detractor known as Devadatta who tried to kill him on multiple occasions. I’m well aware of the levels of ignorance out there, and what it does to people’s minds.

You ARE selfish. Also spoiled, lazy, pathetic, nauseating, drugged, a loser, an embarrassment to your family, need I go on? If you weren’t selfish, you would have left here like you’ve promised many times. Oh yeah, also a liar. Instead, you insist on disgusting everyone with your presence and your gimme theories. You have no ambition to work for anything. You want everything handed to you. You are 40 something and you act like a spoiled brat……gimme gimme gimme.

You are jealous of anyone who has money. You can’t seem to understand a simple concept. WORK. that’s how people get money. WORK. but nope, you would rather sit around and whine and cry and want a hand out instead of getting off your ass and working for a living. You sucks Philly. People like you are what is wrong with this country.

There’s a story in todays Glob on the Clear Lake Lions baseball team. It mentions Cooper Merrill and Ethan McHenry who played for Mason City last year. No mention by the author Jarred Patterson as to WHY they’re playing for Clear Lake this year. Their transfers were approved by both Boards of Education.
And the Glob wonders why they have so few subscribers. Who is in charge over there when it comes to school stories; Anita Micich, Skippy, other? Or is Patterson just simply that…

bad of a reporter?

They switched schools because Mason City’s sports programs aren’t as good as other schools. Micich has destroyed the sports programs in Mason City.

Altho I am not a fan of Micich, I believe the problem lies deeper into the teachers and athletic’s coaches. The AD is a bone head and Rood is a suck a$$. Just go to a game sometime and listen to how he treats his players. Yea I know, he won a Championship one year, it wasn’t because of his awesome coaching abilities it was by luck of the talented athletes he had that year.

@Anonymous-I sure agree with you on this. I have been told by people who are in sports that the problem lies with the parents and cowardly coaches that play the favorites instead of the best athlete’s. I has been that way a long, long, long time. Micich is only part of the problem. The coaches will not stand up and do what is needed.

I don’t think Rood ever won a championship, but lost it due to a bone head move late in the game.

Troy Rood should resign or be fired. He not in it for the kids. He doesn’t give a crap about them and is a bully and very demeaning to his players. When it comes to favoritism, he is the king. He has ran very good players out of the system. Many kids could further their education by getting scholarships playing baseball but not while they are on one of his teams. Sad it continues to hurt the kids and he gets to continue abusing them and the system.

Anonymous, you are spot on with that statement. NIT, go to a game or practice and sit in the shadows. You’ll find out yourself!

I cannot take it anymore. I’m sick of this site being taken over by Philly. His whole gimme, gimme, gimme, and it’s all about me attitude. Why don’t you leave like you keep saying you’re going to do loser?????


There’s an interesting article on the yahoo news site titled, Don Lemon: Baltimore Crime Is Off The Charts. Guess Who Is To Blame?

The NRA and their cockamameey plan to arm the entire nation to assist their weapons manufacturer clients?

No, bleeding heart liberals who want to take away the only way we can protect ourselves. If you don’t want any guns peter then you just go to baltimore unarmed for all I care, coward.

I think I’m not getting my point across to you. It’s not that I’m against guns and ownership of them by people who understand the Golden Rule and values of peace and civility. It’s that by and large I have little to no faith in the mental makeup of the general population of humans, and arming them will only continue to bring about more carnage. Not everyone is as reserved and thoughtful as you or I. Many are full of pride, macho, and possess jealousy and anger and these are the types…

When I bring up the NRA, it’s because ultimately their vision is that every American, felon or not, should have access to and rights to possess firearms by virtue of our Constitutional 2nd Amendment. This is evidence of the antiquity and simplicity of our founding document, and its general irrelevance in today’s modern times. My solution is to focus on designing a society where the need to use a weapon itself in defense or offense becomes unnecessary. That’s the primary goal.

And this goal can only be achieved when the masses of uneducated, base and vile humans receive ethical training, and the training in virtue, compassion, and possess the desire to strive for personal knowledge and innovation of our society. Presently we have hordes of nihilist, sex addicted, alcohol and drug addicted hedonists who don’t believe in anything, and were trained that might makes right, and money and a big cock are the solutions to all life’s problems.

i find it hard to believe that its not profitable. If its not how does lehigh keep producing and paying a great wage?

It depends what you think is a great wage for working in a hot, hazardous, filthy workplace.

I thought Philly was wanting to get off NIT sooooo badly. Couldn’t tell that by today with all his posts. Just another boring day with his drugged up rhetoric filling up this site. “Give me land, give me a house, blah, blah, blah.”. Same whining, different day. Get a job Philly.

X Holcim Worker
LVS thinks that he he is an expert on everything.
He complains about current low wages then says that you got paid too much.

Think the city should give Holcim cement company some kind of incentive to open back up

To make a product that isn’t profitable? Brilliant idea! I can see that liberal arts education is really paying off. What else do you “feel”?

Forget your “profitable”…and concentrate on making a useful product for people in the area to use. You going to let china incapacitate you into doing nothing for yourselves because they provide you cheap cement? Think of the world as preparation for catastrophe. Would it be strategic to have cement producing nearby? Yes. You capitalists aren’t as smart as you think. That’s why China is taking over

ok. I’ll bite. how do you stay in business without being profitable? I await the high school econ wisdom to spew forth… oh wait that’s right, you didn’t finish high school. You got a GED. I still am quite curious how you do the math on this one? I am betting it involves some sort of hand out.

Who says you need profitability to stay in business? The Chinese think strategically and resources are used for their advantage and security. Their homogeneity works to their advantage, and the state would think nothing of keeping a business open if it served some strategic purpose. Making cement insures contractors in our region have product to build and repair. It’s in Mason city’s interest to make it work, for themselves and others

And while they’re at it, get some cement over to clear lake to repair all those cracked and uneven sidewalks and roads. Vegas is immaculate when it comes to sidewalks and roads.

So you think that complete government control (as in China) is the solution? Now the government is supposed to take care of the free market?

This government already ceded to China…and it began with NIxon. Switch your mind to think like the Chinese…not the so-called “Global Capitalists” who are just a bunch of Illuminati 1%ers and care little for National Boundaries. RESOURCES are the name of the game when building up nations, and having a cement plant in your backyard is a strong resource. Utilize it. Make it work. Think Globally, but ACT LOCALLY. Protect yourselves. Every region should possess its own capabilities.

And all this can be traced back to Bankers, Mortgage Companies, and Expensive contractors who inflate the cost of living by attaching exorbitant prices to construction, thereby indebting every human being to a slave 30 day payment which threatens to evict them onto the street. By eliminating or vastly reducing shelter costs, workers can be paid less, and the focus can shift to building up society, not trying to survive it. Idiots don’t understand the golden years were golden because of the…

Real Estate companies are also part of the devil when it comes to the reasons why no one likes society anymore. They are the scabs of the scabs…and their interest is in inflating sales to make their % commission. They have been behind the steady increase of shelter costs because they keep driving the price up. C’mon people. This isn’t that hard to figure out. Doing something about it is the difficult part. At least acknowledge the problem and sources.

Think logically not theoretically. If money coming in is less than money going out, how does a business keep going? Try to explain that without spinning the conversation off into some unrelated topic like real estate, loud pipes, or legalizing drugs. STAY ON TOPIC.

One cannot have a discussion about profitability of companies without first analyzing the community circumstances the company is located in. Part of making a company profitable is keeping the payments to workers as low as possible while remaining fair and inviting. If the workers have high costs to live due to high real estate and rent prices, those become part of the equation.

My National plan is to implement a housing freeze, and outlaw mortgage interest schemes by banks…and to cap real estate commissions…basically cutting off the capitalists from profiting over housing. Land owned by the government is to be distributed at the rate of 1 acre or 1/2 acre per human over the age of 18. Development is up to the humans, but the land is theirs to camp on if they choose until they can procure funds to build.

Of course what to do with all the existing dinosaur houses already built? That’s the dilemma and that’s why contractors need to QUIT BUILDING the stick built 90 degree angle worthless pieces of wood and drywall they build at inflated costs. Anyone who has paid over 50% of their mortgage bank note would be given their home, and those below 50% would pay up to that point to the government and their home would be theirs. Essentially shelter needs to be eliminated from the capitalist scheme.

When shelter costs are no longer a problem, society can return to building up innovations and technologies as well as promote the beautification and betterment of their communities. People are so locked into surviving they have very little time to get to know each other, or to enjoy the communities they live in. That’s due to shelter costs. I want them eliminated almost in their entirety. Capitalists need to concentrate on other venues to make their money.

“Who says you need profitability to stay in business?” Math and logic dictate that simple fact that continues to elude you.

The will of the mind is a concept that continues to elude you. Money is just paper. Resources and land are physical fixtures. A region can decide to do with its resources and land whatever it chooses. With a keystroke or wave of pen all debt can disappear. Prison sentences can be overturned with executive pardons and orders. We live in a self imposed prison until collectively we wake up.

If you would elect or appoint me to power I would wipe away the sources of misery that enslave men to a life of bondage. I would free people by going straight to the heart of the matter. Most cannot see clearly, or personally profit…but I am plagued by neither hindrances. My objectives are global freedom, and elimination of all sources of violence and bondage. Buddhists are the only ones capable to deliver the world from itself

Elect or appoint you to WHAT? King of Narnia? Grand duke of ItDontExistville?

It’s not a shelter Philly. People in the United States live in houses. We make them our homes. Whether they are rented house or owned houses. Shelters are places for displaced people or homeless people or people in crisis. Here’s your problem. You are just too damn lazy to get a job and rent or buy a house. You think you should have everything handed to you. Get off your ass and get a job and while your at it, try staying off this site like you keep saying your going to do.

Those houses were constructed for large families where everyone lived within the home and paid it off quickly. They are leftover vestiges of another era. They do not represent the modern new world man and his present needs. Land has been zoned to accommodate these dinosaurs and it should be freed up for a cheaper, more sleek and sophisticated incarnation. Why I considered running for Supervisors was to topple the existing restrictions.

@Anonymous-Holcim is dead and gone. That plant can not be started up. All the electrics have deteriorated and the plant is falling apart. They would have to tear it down and rebuild to make it work and the labor was to high. They moved where it was cheaper and won’t be back.

LVS? Did you work at Holcim?

I worked there years ago and had relatives and friends that worked there.

Labor was high? I beg to differ. We worked in some pretty extreme conditions with all the dust and dirt. Our wages were what we bargained, earned, and deserved.

@”X” Holcim-O.K. let me rephrase that. The wages and cost of running the plant were higher than the company wanted to pay so the shut it down and built a new plant in the south where they paid $8 to $10 instead of $25 to $30. Also, I believe the new plant is Non-Union. Not saying the guys didn’t deserve it. Just saying they wouldn’t pay it.

I drove around Mason City and Clear Lake today and seen at least 10 business’s with help wanted signs out. They may not be jobs a person would want to keep for
ever but its work. There should be no excuse why someone is on assistance right now unless they are just plain lazy.

What in the hell’s ur problem with people on assistance? That’s all I hear from a few of you jerkoids. If it bothers you so much, why don’t you go down to Mohawk Square and protest on the sidewalk?

The people on assistance that bother me are the ones that can afford cigarettes, or drugs. That have lots of tattos, which are expensive. My tax dollars are paying for those habits. I have no issue with the so gle mom who is on assistance. And I have no problem with the single mom that works at least part time and still gets assistance. It shows she’s trying.

I meant single. And also, people need to be accountable. If your going to have children, then at least make an effort to help pay to raise them. And it sets a good example to kids that you don’t grow up to do nothing and leach off others and the government to live.

I agree about having 2nd, 3rd, or subsequent children. If you have one and are on welfare you need Norplant or Vasectomy. But if you’re single person, and struggling,,,then at the minimal ur rent should be paid. This idea of putting people into homelessness is characteristic of the law of the jungle…and if we claim to have ascended the laws of nature, we need to demonstrate that by insuring shelter is provided for.

If your single and have no children, there’s no excuse for not having a job unless you are physically incapable of being able to work. There’s plenty of jobs out there and if you have to work more than one, then that’s what you do. Stop being so lazy Philly and whining that you want everything for free. Get a job.

I have a job, and I work hard every single day. But you’re evading the point I’m making is that shelter should be a given. Humanity needs to prove itself humane by removing shelter from the capitalist/money equation WE don’t need computers, cellphones, cars or Netflix….but we do shelter. And at the minimal a space needs to be Constitutionally protected. I refuse to pledge allegiance to any flag until that is so.

It shows she’s trying? Trying to do what? Make Ed Kent, Jay Lala, or Russ Hardy some money? The fact that between them they own over a thousand properties, shows how sick and controlled your society really is. I’m still waiting for the government to teach people how to fish.

“I’m still waiting for the government to teach people how to fish.”….I’m sure you are. Then you’ll bitch and moan about how its not fair that you didn’t get a free boat and motor from the government too. Then you’ll bitch because the government doesn’t have a free program where someone cleans your fish.

See, it never stops with you. Why not try and be responsible for yourself and your own actions for once? You might surprise yourself and find out that you will actually start to take…

Finish your sentences Buzz. I was somewhat interested in where you were going with it.

…..pride in yourself.

Nope, Philly just wants everything for nothing. I don’t understand where this idea of entitlement comes from. He must have been a spoiled brat of a kid. Now as an adult all we hear from him is gimme, gimme, gimme. You never hear from him about how to work hard and EARN anything.

Philly wants all his comments removed……one question. Why does he keep creating more of them?????? Just goes to show he’s not a man of his word. He’s never going to leave.

The sense of entitlement is more a sense of reality. Why would I want to patronize and follow systems that make no sense? Just because everyone does it we all should? Jump off the cliff and so should I? I’m challenging the world to think about itself, instead of just accepting everything as set in stone. I realize it’s a monumental task, but I’ve really deduced there is no other way…if a person is going to lead an examined life.

Collectively humans need to mature through capitalism’s gyrations. In short people need to GROW UP. You call me immature for not wanting to follow the scheme, but in reality, i’m highly evolved, and waiting for the rest of humanity to take the challenge…to develop this planet in a way that sets our course for the stars.

Why does it take a World War to motivate you lazy bums? Only when you’re threatened, or get the chance to pick up your weapons do you feel the urgency to work and develop new products and ideas? Most of the time you sleepwalk through your unawake existence in your tiny little sleepy hamlet. Why don’t you people set down your grilled stuffed burritos from Taco Bell, set out to meet one another and decide to do something dramatic.

Oh right, you can’t meet with one another, because you’re not free. You have no time…you’re too busy paying off your bills…paying off your house payment, car payment…all ur insurances…the schemes of 1% men who figured out a way to set an agenda for you…for the rest of your life…to keep you busy and controlled…to keep you outta trouble…to babysit you…like the little babies you really are.

Babies deficate themselves without shame and expect others to take care of them. Not responsible adults.

Babies also explore their genitals until their caregivers swat their hands away teaching them shame…what’s your point?

And ultimately what you call responsibility, I call a contrived plan.

We wont have jobs if we protest about lazy jerks freeloading off of us.

My problem with people on assistance is this. If they are physically able and can get a job, even a part time job but they refuse and are willing to live on assistance they are the ones that need to be dropped from the program. If they are physically able but cannot get a job and are trying or are not physically able that is what the program is for.

My guess is they either won’t be replaced or they will be replaced with college interns, and entry level positions. I won’t even bother to buy a globe. I buy the Des Moines register on Sundays simply for the coupons.

I think it’s time for closure. NIT should accept what was raised, delete my entire presence, and ban all my IP’s. I patently disagree with letting people “report comments” leading to their immediate disappearance. That implies “guilty until proven innocent” and it should be the other way around. 2 bobos shouldn’t have that much power. Just delete me and get it over with. Enough’s enough. NIT makes me miserable.

I finally bumped up to fresh pineapple over the canned-what a difference! Pineapple is awesome anti inflammatory. Sorry you had the runs from it. Incidentally, I engaged in a 20 minute chat with a veteran lady of air force 20 years who was collecting money for vets this Memorial Day, and I told her about getting rejected from service over a drug charge and she agreed with me! She also smoked pot while in service. So these haters on NIT are all hot air.

Be the real woman you are and just leave if that’s what you want to do. Why would you insist your comments have to be deleted before you can leave? Even for you, that doesn’t make any sense. Once you leave (we know you won’t ) sooner or later, your comments will fade away the same as all your family members and friends have. Even a person like you should be able to understand that.

I agree with Buzz. Why can’t you just leave. No one gives a hoot about what you’ve said anyway. Most people don’t take the time to read your garbage. Just do us all a favor and LEAVE! And stop posting with your multiple personalties. We know your 8 seconds also. Are you seriously that obsessed with the shit coming out of your ass? Good riddance loser.

I feel like you now me Buzz….like you know of me. You say things that are close to true, and that makes me wonder who you talk to , to learn as much as you do about me and my life. No matter. It’s a fair point about friends and family fading away…I remember distinctly in 91 – 92 when that process began. It needed to occur. I had to shed my former self to find my true self. I was molded by family and friends, and that wasn’t going to do. Yoga saved me.

And actually my viewpoints aren’t really all that different or strange if you break them down. 1. I believe all humans are entitled to a square of land, and what you do after that is up to you and the free market system. 2. I believe in the concept of freedom through liability…meaning you can do whatever you want provided it doesn’t harm another. 3. All are entitled to serve their nation

I would like to thank all the veterans, past and present, for their service to this country on this Memorial day.
Thank you for fighting for our freedom and our democracy.
Thank you for your sacrifices and for the sacrifices your families had to endure.
May God Bless.

No Band Fest coverage?

Hurry up with that fundraising people. I’m ready to be blasted into the outer reaches of the internet.

I gained “insight” into my “condition” last night as I had switched the polarities on a jimmy rigged tail light assembly I picked up from the scrap yard (in yesterday’s earthquake). A mechanic wiz happened to be at auto zone and helped wire it up right. I felt like a tool for awhile and wondered if that’s truly what I am: a tool.

Very difficult to get people to come to the circus without a dancing monkey (or one that soils itself). The show must go on!

“” for you. I mean what does it take for you lazy gonadal toads to type in a name for yourselves? I type my moniker, website and email for each comment I make using my non-cookie setting iPhone. Nearly every time…but you bums can’t even deviate from anonymous or anon. No wonder you’re part of the herd

Will you be using a working link to a website anytime soon or do you insist on using that broken link for some reason?

Yeah, I’ve been distracted working on other people’s stuff: that’s what capitalism does:distracts you and detours you. I’m almost done with the nanny gig and my car. Then I’ll setup the emancipation/extrication website so genuine seekers can get off the wheel and walk a forward purposeful direction.

Anon is right…… you are being sold Philly

Apparently you have til may 31 to determine whether the dancing defecating monkey stays or goes.

Matt won’t kick Philly off his site. He needs an ant to torture when he’s not poking sticks at Robin and Bookmeyer. It’s like a snack for his ego building needs.

He wants off NIT. Grant him his wish.

He doesn’t want off. He just wants attention. He thinks he’s funny talking about crapping his pants, when in reality he just makes himself look more like the homeless, jobless fool that he is. Philly thinks he’s smart. But how smart can someone be who cannot live in the real world? How smart is someone who never finished school and hid away in their mommy’s basement for years? How smart is someone that has fried their brains with drugs for years? He’s not smart, he’s just an ass.

Your server crashed because of high traffic?
Pffft..that’s hilarious.
Your server crashed because you use NetFronts, the poor mans choice in web hosting.
Any & all analytics run on this site and it reads very low in almost all areas.

And the graphics?
This site looks like something from the late 1990’s.

You need to find a good web developer, because whoever designed this site, it looks like a middle school project.

@Matt-Are you sure this Anonymous jerk isn’t Philly? The writing is similar and so is the mentality. Ban the jerk and be done with it. You should not have to put up with that on your own site.

Trust me, I’ll consider it a blessing when all comments are deleted and I’m permanently banned. It’ll be like placing myself on a “Do not admit to Casinos list”.

I’d say that qualifies. Welcome brother!

Is anyone else concerned over the number of people in our jail? What makes these people think they can break the law and get away with it? What makes people think they can just take (steal) something that ?someone else has worked for? Liberals think the law is for everyone else but them. They learned that from Holder and Obama and of course Clinton is the biggest criminal of all. Democrats should be so ashamed.

Most people who commit crimes don’t think. I am most ashamed of W.

So you’ve resorted to raising money through donations to kick a contributor off? Matt Marquardt is the lowest of the low human scum. He’s a bottom feeding piece of human garbage. This site is exhibit A and his Iowa Courts Online search is exhibit B. Matt and his circle jerk of crazies represent all that is wrong with MC.

My complaint is that he doesn’t give me a simple ” Should Philly Stay or Go?” poll alongside the donate button. I’m merely playing along with my original request to delete all my contributions and disappear without a trace. Matt attached a price to the request, and Voila’ here we are. Poll Matt ! I provided you with a lot of entertainment. NIT owes me a popularity exit poll.

What in don’t understand is why can’t he just be banned without deleting his comments? Then he says it will be a blessing when he’s kicked off. If that’s truly the way he feels, he should be a man FOR ONCE and just leave instead of playing these childish games.

And a few people wonder why this website is the laughingstock of North Iowa.

Mention this place to North Iowans and 99.999% either roll their eyes and chuckle or laugh hysterically.

That’s because Matt has allowed philly to take over his site. It’s not a news site anymore. It’s phillys site to do and say what he pleases.

@Anonymous-You sure talk to different people than I do. But as a establishment stooge I guess that is all that will talk to you. Why don’t you just get off the site if you don’t like it?

Yikes, LVS, what the heck? I’ve never said a mean word to you ever. Maybe other people by the poster name anonymous, but me, never. Also, it’s a really low down dirty thing to do to go digging around on court sites and dig up people’s pasts. Whoever is doing it needs to stop. This is why I keep myself anonymous.

@Anonymous-My apology. It is hard to tell which Anonymous I am talking to. There have been other people using that name and trolling and sniping for two days. Pick out a name (not your real one) and use it when you post. Anonymous is the name used by non-subscribers and trolls just looking to cause trouble.

We all have skeletons, some people have gone through nasty divorces. Others have made stupid mistakes. That kind of information needs to stay private.

Matt, I think you (or someone like you) could serve a legitimate purpose in MC. Someone has to hold elected officials accountable for their actions. Someone has to investigate and dig to find the truth behind hidden and/or unethical actions taken by them. Someone has to ask the hard questions, make them squirm a little and let them know that someone is watching. That is the traditional job of the press. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the press has forgotten or abandoned this duty. The…

… Globe certainly has forgotten.
I think that, in general, your efforts are in the right place, but I strongly disagree with how you go about it. You have the right instincts and undeniable talent for digging and finding the truth. Your efforts are all for naught because of HOW you do it. When you resort to things like calling the Mayor and City Council by childish nicknames, use “informal” language, insist on using purposefully unflattering pictures of them, etc your message gets…

completely LOST.
If you want to be the person fighting for the common man, the muckraker, the champion for truth, etc, you must clean up your act. Use proper language, report using only facts, be objective… in short be a “true journalist.” Mason City needs someone like you but not you. I hope I have been clear, if I haven’t, let me know and I will be willing to be more specific. Thanks.
Also, I have not seen you at a single council meeting this year. How come?

You agree that the way you present your stories destroys your credibility, readability, and your message. You also say you have no intention of changing the way you do it. Thank you for clarifying. The message is that you are NOT here to be a journalist or to do a public service. You are here to make money and enjoy yourself. Got it. Seriously, that’s fine. More power to you. Disappointing.

We all use the toilet everyday too. It doesn’t give it credibility, it just defines it’s purpose. Get over yourself and maybe you will get your house in order. Good luck.

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