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Peter Children Opinion:  Trump has emboldened those with marginal mental capacities

The internet and the airwaves are dominated by rhetoric surrounding anti- Semitism across the country. Placed an increase of 17% statistically. This is Sufficient cause for alarm especially in smaller communities were synagogues are located and become vulnerable targets.

The president of this country has emboldened those with marginal mental capacities. When he expounds vile rhetoric with impunity it is tantamount to issuing a license to emulate pure hatred to please this mental cripple. He single-handedly destroyed the agriculture markets in the Heartlands with the implications of tariffs on farm products. Trump really believes he is playing with Monopoly money. In truth he is without doubt the most dangerous man in the world… simply because he is unfit for the job he holds, in short he is totally out of control.

And today as I write and you read, history is spilling out onto the floor in front of us, and while I brought the truth with me so many of you have turned your back on it simply because you refuse to acknowledge anything that will awaken you from the trance in which you slumber.

What did Christ say as he hung from the cross; “Forgive them Father for they not know what they do.”

Peter Children
Mason City, Iowa

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Attention Democrats: Remember, while you can VOTE yourself INTO Socialism, you have to SHOOT your way out of it. Millions have died trying to escape from the oppression of Socialism.

As a former Democrat and not a Republican, the Democratic Partie’s platform DOES NOT represent the best interests of the American working family!

President Trump has started an economic boom in American. There is NOTHING mentally defective or marginal with our President or the voters that put him in office, contrary to this article.

President Trump’s agenda is a great beginning to repairing America’s broken system. We have a long way to go buy Trump has us on the right path. Sorry, Pete, you are very wrong on this one!!!!

“The judgment of history is going to be that a group of scoundrels in control of the U.S. House of Representatives placed partisan interests above the country, undermined the Constitution, weakened America in the world, and lied about the duly elected president of the United States.”

It takes an amazing person to have the determination to continue doing good while some very obnoxious people are trying to put you down. I am so proud of this President, he has not missed a step in carrying out his duties, unlike this group constantly attacking him while the whole world watches.

It doesn’t matter your gender, it doesn’t matter your race, these rights for American citizens are the rights for all American citizens, they shall not be infringed, it’s written right there in the constitution. Race has nothing to do with it color has nothing to do with it gender has nothing to do with it. These are our rights. Government gets Its powers from the people and the people are saying no to this. When government overreaches its boundaries it is time for the people to restore those boundaries, including with force if necessary.

More of the same hate filled ramblings from a low level, hate filled, inbred filthy Greek.

Who s Greek? I am American/Serbian but there is nothing wrong with being

That comment was uncalled for. If I knew who you were I would punch you in the mouth.

I am soooooooooo scared of a sniveling, low level keyboard warrior like yourself!!I am all a quiver!

No your not all aquiver you are all a fool. Anyone using that piece of shits name as their name is a coward and a frickin loser. He killed kids.

That’s no opinion! It’s just an ad for hillary 20never

Peter Children Opinion: AKA ~ opinion for dollars or click bait.

Remember folks, he was the same person that was a hired pen for the Globe Gazette.


As Pres Reagan famously said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” He was right, because the road to communism is paved by the apathy of free people. Be aware of the radical agenda being pushed by Sanders and his comrades!

I’m a white, gentile, heterosexual, American male. Trump is the only candidate who doesn’t claim every misfortune in the world to be the fault of white, gentile, heterosexual, American males. I am voting for Trump.

Trump now says he “obviously never said Mexico will pay for the wall” This is the guy some of you defend.

four more years!

Trump 2020

Senator Sanders promised a U.S. citizen that her husband and other illegal immigrants living in sanctuary in Missouri would be given “immediate legal status” and put on a path to citizenship: The problem with Bernie’s promises are that he thinks the American people will be just fine with higher taxes. Does he also think Americans will be ok paying for the healthcare and college education of illegals?

Democrats are trying to sell socialism, poor young folks today, do not understand what that means…..all they hear is free this and free that……realism, Work, save, raise your family ….with values and integrity and that is not only their future but the future of your their grandchildren …..Hope their parents will educate them before Election Day!

**The Dems. Have done NOTHING to improve Americans’ lives since Trump has been in office; Yet they have been busy as Bees trying to Destroy this Great Country!!!! TRUMP 2020 for sure!!!!

Hey bot, you don’t need to post this crap on every page. Stick to whiners den where you belong.

*WALK AWAY from Democrats Party! We did and millions have and are!They are not working for us or our National interests!

*The Dems. Have done NOTHING to improve Americans’ lives since Trump has been in office; Yet they have been busy as Bees trying to Destroy this Great Country!!!! TRUMP 2020 for sure!!!!

*That’s a big part of the problem with the left. They don’t believe people have the right to decide for themselves what they will pay or what they will charge. They believe profit is evil. They insist that people’s work, innovation, and investment don’t belong to them. They believe everything you have and everything you do belongs to the government.

***College. Health Care. Guaranteed Income. These are the main freebies that most all the Democrats running for president think government should provide. The price tag for these programs is so large that those who study these things pretty much agree the added cost each year will be more than the entire federal budget this year — estimated around $4.8 trillion. Then there’s the Green New Deal which most of the candidates have endorsed “in principle.” The cost for that has been estimated at around $50 to $90 trillion over the first 10 years. Add it all up and Democrats would come close to quadrupling federal spending. Still, that’s not enough for Congress’ newest celebrity leftist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

***President Trump ordered a drone strike the killed Iranian Maj. Gen. Qasam Soleimani. This is a good thing. The man was the regional grim reaper. He brought death and destruction to the region. Why was he in Iraq? It wasn’t for a peace summit. The man is responsible for hundreds of American service members’ deaths. And yet, the initial reaction was insane. You’d thought Mother Teresa was blown halfway to hell. Then, there was the staged retaliatory missile strike against U.S. forces, which resulted in zero deaths due to early detection technology. There are some reports that Iran even tipped us off. It was done to save face. That’s fine. The situation has de-escalated. Trump won. World War III lasted less than 36 hours, with most of the world sleeping through it. Iran had some missiles fired and Soleimani is still dead.

***This week, House Democrats finally submitted articles of impeachment against our President without any evidence of a “high crime or misdemeanor” — and without the bipartisan support that Speaker Nancy Pelosi promised would be a prerequisite for impeachment. It’s a disgrace. As acquittal in the Senate nears, millennials should be warned that such behavior cannot become normalized in our Democracy. We must think of the long-term implications of partisan impeachments. A partisan impeachment is inherently undemocratic. But many Democrats have compounded the problem by neglecting to teach millennials the fundamental civics of this country. A study released in 2016, for example, found that only about 30 percent of American millennials think it is “essential” to live in a Democracy. This is all a terrible shame for millennials, because we will have to live with a mess that current congressional Democrats created.

Defenition of NARCISSIST: TRUMP.

You too! It takes one to know one!

Trump is doing a good job… You would have to be in a trance yourself not to see this…

Fake. The Devil knows every word of the bible like crazy peter. Any true Christian can tell that President Trump has repented in recent years by his actions and words in favor of Jews, Christians and Unborn children. Which is a HUGE difference from lying baby killin demonrats that think wrong is right and have major mental illness. Thank you very little. Again

Keep America Great!
Trump 2020!

The author of this opinion has become old, confused, and clearly has Trump Derangement Syndorome! He used to be able to recognize a good thing!

Excellent piece as always from the Golden Pen Award Winner!

Peter Children’s, have you had a stroke or perhaps fallen down and took a major hit your head?
Um, not sure how you can blame Trump when it’s the squad that’s Anti-Semitism who compromise of all Democrats. And, you say Trump is to
blame for everything that’s wrong in Washington? Really?
It’s time for term limits for Congress. Congress is no longer serving their constituents best interest nor following their oaths of office. It’s disgusting all the corruption that’s been happening in Washington but that’s apparently what Peter Children wants to continue.

I am amused with all the Democrats who will waste their time to caucus when the DNC has already chosen Quid Pro Quo Creepy Biden. Haven’t you all figured out your votes don’t count?

The Dems. Have done NOTHING to improve Americans’ lives since Trump has been in office; Yet they have been busy as Bees trying to Destroy this Great Country!!!! TRUMP 2020 for sure!!!!

WALK AWAY from Democrats Party! We did and millions have and are!They are not working for us or our National interests!

I walked away from the Democrat party, as well. Years ago, it didn’t make any sense to still be a Dem when they were turning to socialism. It’s not the same party and more and more people are starting to wake up. Go Trump 20/20

Certainly this opinion piece by Mr. Children won’t qualify him for another Golden Pen Award. It’s plainly obvious that his opinion (which he is certainly entitled to)is very partisan and is meant to cast a negative light on anything to do with President Trump.

I appreciate the point he made in which he quoted Jesus Christ. But, shouldn’t we also remember the message of; “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.”

Just know this, Mr. Trump wasn’t the first choice of many people, then again, neither was President Obama. Some how we miraculously survived the 8 years of an Obama presidency, just the same way you will survive the 8 years of Mr. Trump’s presidency.

Well said


Not excellent. Drivel.

No, it was excellent. That’s why your mad and that’s why you are crying. It must be tough to be a mush head, but I’m sure you’re used to that by now.

Peter is right only the dimwidded sopport Trump. Im for Bernie this time he will make the rich pay for this.

Just another loser like Bernie.

Dimwidded?? And you’re a college boy? I bet your folks want their money back.

College. Health Care. Guaranteed Income. These are the main freebies that most all the Democrats running for president think government should provide. The price tag for these programs is so large that those who study these things pretty much agree the added cost each year will be more than the entire federal budget this year — estimated around $4.8 trillion. Then there’s the Green New Deal which most of the candidates have endorsed “in principle.” The cost for that has been estimated at around $50 to $90 trillion over the first 10 years. Add it all up and Democrats would come close to quadrupling federal spending. Still, that’s not enough for Congress’ newest celebrity leftist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Here’s what AOC said: “Our guarantee to having a home comes before someone else’s privilege to earn a profit.”

That’s a big part of the problem with the left. They don’t believe people have the right to decide for themselves what they will pay or what they will charge. They believe profit is evil. They insist that people’s work, innovation, and investment don’t belong to them. They believe everything you have and everything you do belongs to the government.

Cabbage Buoy ~ are our serious? You aren’t even smart enough to master spell-check?

From the looks of things, you couldn’t spell CAT if they spotted you the C.

This opinion page is nothing but the rantings of a senile, bitter old man.

**Huge Crowd Takes Over Milwaukee for Trump Rally: “Four More Years!”

I watch on u tube the crowd was facke no one was there is was just angles thats what my niacc professer said

You need to get your eyes checked. You are blind as well as stupid.

And find another professor too. Yours is obviously as retarded as you are. Also, you must be the child of a NIACC staff member as well. You are another one that gets free tuition as one of their perks.

*Phase one of the trade agreement will increase by about $16 billion a year, our ag exports. That includes a lot of soybeans, it includes a lot of pork, and it fixes that component.
*In addition, with the passage of the USMCA deal in the Senate, and the prospects of a strong bi-lateral trade deal with Britain following their #Brexit from the EU, we are really moving into an excellent position on trade.
*“The Speaker lied when she claimed this was urgent and vital to national security because when the articles passed, she held them for an entire month in an egregious effort to garner political support.”

I voted president Trump to do his magic, business, that great wand that Obama talks about. Haters won’t recognize anything as long as Nancy and the deep state continues open their manipulative pie holes. Easy influenced won’t pay attention.

* I only ask: why had none of the previous five presidents had the courage to DEALon trade? The Obama administration was so “yellow” they had to have over a billion+ “green” to bribe a lopsided deal.

*The sickness and evil that the Democrats embrace seems to know no limits. #TRUMP2020

*President Trump has accomplished so much in the last three years. Just imagine what they could have done if the Democrats worked with him. Think about that and all the money that could have been used to cut the deficit and take care of our veterans and seniors and homeless!!! He’s accomplished all these things with his hands tied behind his back(figuratively speaking) Way to go President Trump. Now let’s move on from this sham of an impeachment!

*Trump paid a $2 million settlement, not fine, and it was paid to a charity of his choice.
Trump reimbursed all students for their tuition for the failed University which was actually very successful in its first 3 years, the management team he put in charge made the changes that drove it into a non-working situation. There was no $25 million judgement against him, in fact the case was thrown out as the students were suing for investments they never did.
Trump gave tax breaks to all, not just the wealthy, the tax breaks have improved the situation for all in the USA, even liars and corrupt individuals like.yourself, no money was taken from SSI or Medicare for this at all. The money taken from.these two areas was done by the DEMs under Obama.
His travel expenses are 1/2 of what Obama spent. His vacation time is the same as Clinton’s and Bush’s, Obama has the higher amount.
His family travels on their own dine not on taxpayer dimes.
Trump has been accused by 6 women, not 22, and never was accused by a 13 year old. The 13 year old disappeared and a case was brought against him and Epstein, although Trump was not involved as he was travelling and not around the area where this action supposedly took place, his name was removed from the lawsuit.
He never promoted violence at any rally. He mocked a reporter who mocked him, so that is OK too.
It is beyond me how people like yourself continue to breathe air, you are corrupt and devoid of any ethics or integrity. Stay away from children.

TRUMP 2020

Fake news.

You’re so ignorant you don’t even deserve a comment!

don’t particularly care for the stable genius, but these hackneyed platitudes of peter’s made me more likely to hold my nose and vote for him anyway.

No matter what the dems come up with.. I know that they are only trying to hide their corrupt crap that they have been getting away with for years.. thank God Trump has opened the eyes of many.. Those that still choose to bash trump are the reason the dems have gotten away with this all these years.. . Open your eyes people !! It’s not Trump you need to be afraid of.. it’s those crazies that have been in white house way to long and the ones who want to bring the worst times you can ever imagine to your life and. to your children’s lives..

Got a LOT done without the help of the Dem legislature the last two years. Which begs the question, do we need Democrats? No.

President Trump has accomplished so much in the last three years. Just imagine what they could have done if the Democrats worked with him. Think about that and all the money that could have been used to cut the deficit and take care of our veterans and seniors and homeless!!! He’s accomplished all these things with his hands tied behind his back(figuratively speaking) Way to go President Trump. Now let’s move on from this sham of an impeachment!

Trump paid a $2 million settlement, not fine, and it was paid to a charity of his choice.
Trump reimbursed all students for their tuition for the failed University which was actually very successful in its first 3 years, the management team he put in charge made the changes that drove it into a non-working situation. There was no $25 million judgement against him, in fact the case was thrown out as the students were suing for investments they never did.
Trump gave tax breaks to all, not just the wealthy, the tax breaks have improved the situation for all in the USA, even liars and corrupt individuals like.yourself, no money was taken from SSI or Medicare for this at all. The money taken from.these two areas was done by the DEMs under Obama.
His travel expenses are 1/2 of what Obama spent. His vacation time is the same as Clinton’s and Bush’s, Obama has the higher amount.
His family travels on their own dine not on taxpayer dimes.
Trump has been accused by 6 women, not 22, and never was accused by a 13 year old. The 13 year old disappeared and a case was brought against him and Epstein, although Trump was not involved as he was travelling and not around the area where this action supposedly took place, his name was removed from the lawsuit.
He never promoted violence at any rally. He mocked a reporter who mocked him, so that is OK too.
It is beyond me how people like yourself continue to breathe air, you are corrupt and devoid of any ethics or integrity. Stay away from children.

We all know what opinions are like, don’t we, and they all vary!!!

Thank you Allen, you never disappoint us with your shallow comments. Come back when you go up. Peter has forgotten more than you will ever know.

That comment was not aimed at Peter, as I’m sure he is highly intelligent, but you, and the other assnonymous s. Besides, I’m not “go up” any where.

*You’re so ignorant you don’t even deserve a comment!

Now, isn’t that calling the kettle, black???

I come with the truth too. If there is anyone or your ilk, which knows anything about marginal mental capacities, I believe it would be you.

I so enjoyed your absence from this site. Much the same as others have enjoyed the same absence from another blathering relic which shares the same first name as you, from Clear Lake.

See you at the caucus!

You wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you in the ass.

Oh contraire my tin siding salesman and trinket purveyor. Your days from the Bloody Camel are well remembered. Your truth began there.

Absolutely. Too bad so many are blind to the truth.

There is YOUR truth, MY truth, SOMEONE elses truth, then, there is the actual truth.
Which one are we blind to?

If the community agitator (Obama) hadn’t stirred up racial and religious tensions during his presidency, we wouldn’t have these problems to this extent.
Obama is the one that stirred up the Muslum anti-semitism to the levels that they are. It was on the rise,sharply I might add, all through his presidency. The rise was largely ignored by the media(didn’t want your/their demigod to look bad).
My comments from papers written by using data from the Anti-Defamation League.(Yes, people like you hate these pesky things called FACTS).

As for,”The president of this country has emboldened those with marginal mental capacities.” Yes, he has, you(Peter Children) and Allen post often. See, a pesky FACT.
“expounds vile rhetoric with impunity it is tantamount to issuing a license to emulate pure hatred to please this mental cripple. ” are we talking about Pelosi, or Schumer? Or is this you and Allen again?

Speaking of agriculture markets in the Heartlands, did you happen to read some FACTS?
“Today, President Trump secured a historic win for the American people. Forging a stronger trade agreement with China puts Iowa farmers, families, and small businesses first.”Governor Kim Reynold.

Maybe if you put down the kool-aid, put on big boy pants, wipe your tears of losing the last election, and grow the f up. You might learn something not spoon fed to the masses by the liberal media.
I know your going to say, blah,blah,fox,whatever. I don’t watch television, About the only things I read from the US(I am from North Iowa) is NIT, and the Globe obits. I like to pick my news up from less slanted sources. Look overseas.

Yeah, Obama stirred up racial tensions during his presidency. Wanna know why? Because he was an African-American and people like you couldn’t stand it and you let your racism out. You get your news from the President and that is dangerous because he only wants you to vote for him and revere him which you do.

I could care less that he is African-American. I know many black Americans, a couple African-Americans(born in Africa and naturalized US citizens), some Polish-Americans(born in Poland and naturalized US citizens),ect.
The community agitator tried/did create strife within the US, by HIS own actions.
He set race relations back by at least 30 years.

You think everyone that doesn’t agree with you or doesn’t kiss liberal ass listens to Trump? WOW, talk about having your 1 brain cell washed by liberals.
It is painfully obvious that you did not read the post you commented on. it said,” I know your going to say, blah,blah,fox,whatever. I don’t watch television, About the only things I read from the US(I am from North Iowa) is NIT, and the Globe obits. I like to pick my news up from less slanted sources. Look overseas.”
For the most part I don’t know what is going on around the US, and don’t give a crap.

You keep saying he kept causing strife so name me a few of those things he did to rile you up and just living in the same town or shopping in the same stores as an African-Americans doesn’t make you friends.

I Grew up next to the brickyards and went to to Grant school. My closest friends were black as were my neighbors. ask Lenord and Lionel Foster if I am prejudiced see what they tell you We were a immigrant family. I took Cynthia Martin to the Christmas formal. Yes she was black… you have no idea of who I really am.

Peter, they talk out of their ass a lot, because their heads know better. Oh no, another shallow comment.

Peter, this big country has hundreds of ‘hoods where you wouldn’t last 5 minutes. And, they’re all Black neighborhoods. Maybe you could tell ’em you took Cynthia Martin to the ball right before they play ‘Knockout’ on your mushy head.

*what, why are you so violent?

You don’t know anybody LESS violent than me. I just am so sick of listening to stupid, virtue-signaling, PC idiots like Peter Children talk BULLSHIT.


January 18, 2020 at 6:38 pm
You don’t know anybody LESS violent than me. I just am so sick of listening to stupid, virtue-signaling, PC idiots like Peter Children talk BULLSHIT.

May I suggest that you turn down the volume when surfing NIT, that way you won’t have to listen to whats being said. Also, don’t read Peters posts if it causes your panties to bunch!!!

Peter, I wasn’t talking about your original post as I was replying to Anonymous who wants to blame President Obama for Donald Trump’s shortcomings.

Afro Americans are fellow citizens whose forefathers were brought to our shores against their will, exploited as forced labor on the plantations and doomed to pass down their poverty and misery for generations to come.

Obama is none of those things. His mother was a privileged white feminist, who expressed her independence by spreading her legs for married men. Obama is the mongrel product of this lifestyle. He grew up in a white upper class environment that was abdundant of money, connections, social capital – everything except his African father.

Considering these facts it is no wonder that many Afro Americans take offense to the -very white – notion that he would be one of them.

Don’t forget that those Afro-Americans are descendants of Africans who were captured and sold into slavery by OTHER Black Africans. That’s a fact you never heard Kaepernik mention.

Oh, I get it now, it is the fault of the blacks they were slaves. White people were just participating in the market. I see. Great history lesson.

Obama is Afro American.
His dad was African,his mom was American.
Like I said before.
Afro American compared to black American, I’ll give you a hint, one involves passports or travel visas.
Afro Americans= having one or both parents being citizens of an African nation and the other being a US citizen/being born in the US.
Black Americans are born here in the US/to US citizens.
In all honesty, we are all just Americans, nothing more.

your idiotic definition of afro-american has exactly one proponent and lots of afro-americans would punch you in the mouth if they heard your ramblings. cant blame them.



Truth is Always the last one invited to the table.

The problem is neither you nor Allen would know the truth if it bit you in the butt.

dude you dint even said nothing bout your balls this time we laughed before when you said that in them stories bout how bad you had it. maybe you just biter nobody cares what ya think todays

truth aint always the last thing invited to the table. so are you dude. the rants you post on this site aint no more than click bait and you know it. how much you get paid for these.

None of your business $$$ $$$ $$$$!!!!!

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