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The democrats are scared. After Obama they expected to hold power forever. And when trump got in their whole little world crashed, Their dreams of a socialist utopia began to turn to ash before their very eyes. Now they’re panicking, Now not only do they not have their libtard empire but conservatives are taking control of everything. This could turn back the clock on their agenda and they could lose a century of plotting. If conservatives and freedom loving people want to keep those freedoms you gotta vote, you got to keep back the tide of socialism. You gotta support ICE we need to keep out the Dems illegal voters, their trying to get them in by droves.

LOL It’s the republicrooks who are scared s***less, and they should be. Even conservatives are admitting that they’re going to lose a minimum of 30 seats in the house, maybe even as high as 70. Keep up the happy talk if it makes you feel better.

Anything further on the word that KIMT is closing the Mason City facility as of Oct. 1? That would finish the whole thing here.

Being a big news tv reporter hater I’m glad to see them go. I watch as little of local KIMT as I possibly can. Why would anyone in Roch want to watch mason city news coverage of their town? They got channel 10 and 6 and there’s wcco cbs in minneapolis. another CBS in LaCrosse.

$9 an hour? How much do you pay your staff Mat?

What staff?
He’s a one horse dog & pony show.
NIT World Headquarters…..Bwaahaaaaa!

The real definition of the word Conundrum is: something that is puzzling or confusing.
Here are six Conundrums of Socialism in the United States of America :
1. America is capitalist and greedy – yet half of the population is subsidized
2. Half of the population is subsidized – yet they think they are victims.
3. They think they are victims – yet their representatives run the government.
4. Their representatives run the government – yet the poor keep getting poorer
5. The poor keep getting poorer – yet they have things that people in other Countries only dream about.

Not all Democrats are nut jobs, but all nut jobs are Democrats.

Democrats…real Democrats, not crazy socialists or insane leftists or unhinged progressives…should join with the rest of us who support President Trump…walk away from your insane party…help the rest of us make a difference for our children and grandchildren.

This is what Democrats have done to America: Let Illegals in: Let criminals out: Coddled the lazy: Persecuted Christians: Demonize police officers: Let boys in girl’s bathrooms; tolerate and accept Radical ISLAM; Advocate for the murder of the unborn.

Ha ha. Comedy is your strength. Or you are a clown. Either works for me.

lots of police on south wilson ave by caseys sunday..anybody know what happened. no news no inced3ent report

Free donuts.

The Democrat definition of STUPID: Knowing the truth, seeing evidence of the truth, but still believing the lie.

Whiny lib bitches gone again.

You are a Pussy

Not all Dems are nut jobs but all nut jobs are Dems.

Smart METERS for dumb people – rates go up at least 30% and more – PLUS a smart meter knows if someone is in the house -what time they go to bed and if the security alarm is on or off! What the hell do they have to know that – unless their crooks witch they are good at – going on1984. Major corruption going on by the left and their companies.

Put the crack pipe away…drugs are bad for you.

This post is just more proof that I-O-W-A stands for idiots out walking around.

Go back to Finland, vittu!

The left screws up several hotbutton issues which only makes their disappointment at the ballot box seem more inevitable. Look, Trump is a crook; there’s no denying this any longer, but he’s skilled at playing the 2 viewpoints against one another to enrich and aggrandize himself. Example: Immigration. The left continues soliciting for sympathy on separated border crossers (which is an effective detterent nobody wants to admit to) and by doing so they make it harder to defeat Trump on the corruption charges he should rightfully be impeached on.

More B.S. from the lefty because he has nothing else The real corruption comes from the Democrats and always have. Look at history and it is all there. The Democrat Party is made up of liars, cheat, criminals and support of criminal illegals over American citizens. They should be treated like the traitors they are. Thank God for Trump who is fixing all the crimes created by Obama and Clinton.

I agree with you (TortElvis) that the Democrats have placed diversity / inclusion more important than building policies to help multigenerationally born US citizens. It’s a fact that they want America etnically, globally, racially diverse, and think nothing of placing a foreign born Arabic student in line to receive a scholarship over a white US born Iowan. Daddy Trump is a crook though, and they will stop at nothing until he is impeached or indicted. He colluded with Russians and he has to pay the ultimate price for that action.

That is your opinion. You are wrong and you lost.

Welcome back Peter. Vroom vroom!

Traitors are executed. Are you saying that Democrats should be executed?

Not all Dems are nut jobs but all nut jobs are Dems.

Do you actually know facts or just the dribble from the left? It was Obama and Hillary that gave our Uranium to Putin not Trump, it was Bill Clinton that got half million for a speech in Russia and Russia have $400 thousand to the Clinton foundation. hum seems to me they are the buddies to Putin, but I know how you lefties hate facts.

Nobody “gave” uranium to anybody. Let’s see Trump’s tax returns to see how much the Russians gave him in loans, Clinton’s speaking fees are what he was offered (when is free enterprise a crime?) and show some proof that the money that came to the foundation from Russia-affiliated people was dirty money.

What? Nothing on the G8 Project Laughingstock, failure. What a bunch of fools our city council is.

Democrats have failed this country for over fifty years and thanks to Trump for exposing them for what they really stand for which is hate and resistance .

After the yearly session closed, all the Representatives went home exhausted and the damage was done. So what did they accomplish during this high pressure year in Sacramento? This is an update today on the progressive Democrats’ continued destruction of California. The ones who would not endorse Dianne Feinstein, because she is not sufficiently Socialist extreme.
By the way, we are already deemed the worst state for businesses. Here are some of the highlights of this session:
* Passed Cap-n-Trade Tax which will increase gas 0.63 to 0.93 cents a gallon change and the taxes that go with it. So do the math projection….. (0.12 + 0.63 = 075/gallon + current $3.10/gallon = $3.85/gallon)
* Proposed increase on a new tax every residence will pay for tap water!
* A $3.46B parks bond to pay for parks in “disadvantaged communities”. The debt service alone will be over $200 million a year. The good news is some money goes to help fix the Salton Sea which should have always been a State responsibility!
* Law to release any lifer (murder, rape , child molestation, etc.) who is 60 years old and has already spent 25 years in prison! Charles Manson would have qualified if he just waited a few months before dying; and the Melendez brothers that murdered their parents could be released in about 12 years? Victims?… What victims?
* A new $ 50 charge on all residents living in a mobile home parks to address “living condition enforcement” in those parks? What the hell does that mean? As if having to live in a mobile home park isn’t bad enough? Regressive tax on the poor?
* We picked an official dinosaur for the State of California. Really???
* Requires Tesla to either unionize with the United Auto Workers Union, or forfeit State incentives to buy their electric cars! Maybe political blackmail doesn’t count as breaking any law. Unions are loving it. “Watch out solar companies… They may be coming after you next!!!”
Hang tight Elon!
* Reduce from a felony to a misdemeanor the purposeful intent to transmit the AIDS virus to a unknowing partner
* Give preferential treatment to prisoners convicted of serious crimes that are less than 25 years oldbecause their brains are not mature enough to understand right from wrong. Whaaat?
* A bill to require our true sex be omitted from drivers licenses? Whaaat?
* Free legal services for illegal immigrants… Of course!
* Establish safe “injection zones” run by government to oversee people injecting heroin!
Yep, it all passed! You may consider forwarding this so that ALL Californians can be proud of our elected officials.

So, you think unemployment rates among black and hispanic Americans is “unAmerican?” You think building up our military for defense purposes is “unAmerican?” You think lowering taxes for everyone is “unAmerican?” You think One Nation under God is “unAmerican?” You think that protecting our borders is “unAmerican?” You think that Freedom is “unAmerican?” You think that standing for our flag is “unAmerican?” You think that a President who left his billionaire life of luxury to try to fix our country that was falling apart, while DONATING HIS PAY is ‘unAmerican?” If you think all of that, then you are living in the wrong country. Maybe you would be happier in a place like Venezuela, or Puerto Rico, or Denmark, or Sweden, or Germany. Maybe you never knew why people came to America in the first place.

Puerto Rico is an unincorporated American territory. It is not a country. That is the problem with many of you Trumpies. You are stupid.

The article said happier place. It looks like you are just to stupid to understand.

You have to read both sentences together at one time and then connect them using your thought processes – if you have any. The sentence preceding the one you cited says move to another country and then names Puerto Rico. You are TOO stupid to spell correctly.

Cuomo, along with others on his level…are evil. And they love being evil. He said…in that very speech…that “America won’t be great until every American is engaged”. What he really means is that until every American becomes a part of the left’s luciferian cult. They will soon be saying that without hesitation…as they don’t try to hide much anymore. They are an insane bunch of creepy people.

East park Band Shell showing neglect due to lack of use and some decay and vandalism. Interior of shell looks terrible and is in need of painting. Mason City needs to lease the back of this out or office on site someone who will oversee it’s condition and rental. I ahve talked with many that state it needs to be moved, and some state the some trees block the line of site for concerts. I’s sad to see it go unused, could be and should be a great venue with all the southern exposure for seating. NO, MC has to build a NEW outdoor Pavilion, what a waste. At lease rent it out.

I agree. In fact friends of ours wanted to put on a concert series there and were misdirected (lied to) by a park board member, I’m betting they would have leased it out too.
Now as I understand the ‘city of ‘ actually controls it due to it’s historical value. The park board is in charge of it’s rental and that’s where the problems emerge. Maybe they need to be on the same page. If the city controls it then the street department must have some take due to the street area that it would seem needs to be blocked during events.
Does renting the shell need park board clearance and if so why? Do all park shelter houses need park board clearance to rent?
Do they list any technical/electrical or lighting diagrams on the shell anywhere, possible renters probably need to know that. It just seems just like many area’s of ‘city of ‘ control, it’s done half way and too difficult.

Most municipal bands won’t use it because it’s acoustically unfit for todays modern instruments. But noise making bands love it.

“Parks do not look good in general”.. some perhaps, but most are very well cared for. East Park is the premier green space in all of North Iowa and the city does an outstanding job in maintaining this valuable pubic treasure, Band Shell issues notwithstanding.

I would say that central park is a premier green space, if they could just pull the weeds out of the flower areas.

Did you know that weed pulling and general care of the flower beds throughout the city, including Central Park is performed by an army of local volunteers and local civic groups?? We do this because we have pride in our community and all the while it saves the city money and it builds a strong network of “grass roots” support. There are tons of opportunities available and Im sure openings for weed pullers. Stop in at City Hall and apply today! Thanking you in advance for your service.

If your the one taking care of central park, you missed a few weeds. Hopefully they will be gone the next time I go by there, thank you.

The city should also enforce the NO smoking law, in central park. The cigarette butts are an eye sore.

The people violating the no smoking rule most at Central Park are there after City Hall closes, the buses have left, and Police are too busy with other calls.

One of big violators has long hair, wears a cap, and drives a three tone spray painted truck with no front bumper. But it’s no surprise that bunch causes a lot of problems down there, and keeps decent families from enjoying the park in the evening.

your kidding right? East park was not even mowed for band Fest or 4th of July events, it looked terrible.

Plus east parks has shitty bathrooms. The few they have. Ive seen people carrying toilet paper around looking for a bathroom. No joke

Live near East Park and in the last 5 years have notice a big drop in activities there. Band Fest moved, Up in Smoke moving, car show gone, National Night Out left, occasional movie night. Was somebody in the front office pro-East Park and that person left? Nice wall behind the train but other areas are looking shoddy, especially with trimming around stuff and the big pumper truck that is sometimes parked down the hill from Kentucky Ave. tearing the piss out of the grass/ground in that area. Also seen some bikes riding up and down the sledding hill on a “race course” ruining the landscape, why?

You don’t have a dedicated park superintendent any more, the parks are managed (lol) by the street dept.

Yes they are managed by the over the top rude street department, ever tried to call those moody moms, it’s like talking to Hillary Clinton

Flooding has been worse the last several years. Ground gets really wet and stays wet, so things that need electricity are dangerous to do, and people don’t like walking around in the mud.

Democrats…actual Democrats, not crazy socialists or insane leftists or unhinged progressives…should join with the rest of us who support President Trump…walk away from your insane party…help the rest of us make a difference for our children and grandchildren.

If you really want to make a difference for our children and grandchildren you might want to examine what the Trump administration is doing to our environment.

He is saving it from Obama just like everything else he is doing. You must be a typical Liberal falling for that climate crap.

People like you make me look good and it is easy. You Dumb Ass.

you really need to look in a mirror

I can look in a mirror. You, on the other hand would break it.

What’s the difference between a Old Socialist and a Young Socialist? Absolutely nothing. Both want to steal your money.

Hahaha….. too funny…… NOT

Truth hurts?

That is the ONE thing you’ll never hear from Trump.

Get off that crap. Everyone knows Obama was the king of liars. It runs in the Democrat family.

No one but a fool believes that crap.

eLViS, you have to be kidding, right? No one in their right mind could dispute it. Can you read? If you can, read the article and find one thing that polifact says that is wrong. Just one. Please.

Democraps BOO God, want the 10 commandments removed, take prayer out of schools, but whip out a Bible when immigration comes up.

85% of the money we paid to the Federal government to “put away” — you may be interested in the following:
Q: Which Political Party took Social Security from the independent ‘Trust Fund’ and put it into the general fund so that Congress could spend it?
A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the democratically controlled House and Senate.
Q: Which Political Party eliminated the income tax deduction for Social Security (FICA) withholding?
A: The Democratic Party.
Q: Which Political Party started taxing Social Security annuities?
A: The Democratic Party, with Al Gore casting the ‘tie-breaking’ deciding vote as President of the Senate, while he was Vice President of the US.
Q: Which Political Party decided to start giving annuity payments to immigrants?
A: That’s right! Jimmy Carter and the Democratic Party. Immigrants moved into this country, and at age 65, began to receive Social Security payments! The Democratic Party gave these payments to them, even though they never paid a dime into it!
After violating the original contract (FICA), the Democrats turn around and tell you that the Republicans want to take your Social Security away!
And the worst part about it is uninformed citizens believe it!

He questions and answers himself, funny!

It’s an informational post. Most people wouldn’t have the ability to ask those question, let alone answer them.

I sure this will be reported but most of what is said in the above post is false.

We could also look at the government’s own website on social security.

Everything is false, depending on what side of the fence you are on.

1. We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, But we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.
Funny how that works. And here’s another one worth considering..
2. Seems we constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money. But we never hear about welfare or food stamps running out of money? What’s interesting is the first group “worked for” their money, but the second didn’t.
Actually, President Kennedy and Sargent Shriver were the first ones to misuse the SS account. They used SS funds to start the Peace Corps. Not the first or last time our money has been taken from American citizens and given to foreign nations.
Things every US citizen should know and remember about Social Security and changes made.
History Lesson on Your Social Security Card
Social Security Cards up until the 1980s expressly stated the number and card
were not to be used for identification purposes. Since nearly everyone in the United States now has a number, it became convenient to use it anyway and the message, NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION, was removed.
Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social Security (FICA) Program. He promised:
1.) That participation in the Program would be Completely voluntary.
No longer voluntary
2.) That the participants would only have to pay 1% of the first $1,400 of their annual Incomes into the Program. Now 7.65% on the first $127,200 (2017)
3.) That the money the participant selected to put into the Program would be deductible from their income for tax purposes each year.
No longer tax deductible
4.) That the money the participants put into the independent ‘Trust Fund’ rather than into the general operating fund, and therefore, would only be used to fund the Social Security Retirement Program, and no other Government program, and, Under Johnson the money was moved to the General Fund and Spent
5.) That the annuity payments to the retirees would never be taxed as income. Under Clinton & Gore Up to 85% of your Social Security can be Taxed. Since many of us have paid into FICA for years and are now receiving a Social Security check every month only to learn that we are getting taxed on

The definition of the word Conundrum is: something that is puzzling or confusing.
Here are six Conundrums of Socialism in the United States of America :
1. America is capitalist and greedy – yet half of the population is subsidized
2. Half of the population is subsidized – yet they think they are victims.
3. They think they are victims – yet their representatives run the government.
4. Their representatives run the government – yet the poor keep getting poorer
5. The poor keep getting poorer – yet they have things that people in other Countries only dream about.
6. They have things that people in other countries only dream about, yet they want America to be more like those other countries.
Think about it! And that, my friends, pretty much sums up the USA in the 21st Century.
Makes you wonder who is doing the math. By the way………… …….

Three good posts, can’t wait for the nay sayers.

“A gun is like a parachute. If you need one, and don’t have one. You’ll probably never need one again.”

Trump called Amarosa a dog.I do not feel that is derogatory.In fact my dog is more intelligent than Trump.

Speaking of dogs…… Trump is Putins poodle.

I would much rather be a Poodle than a horses ass like you.

Hey Fido come lick this peanut butter.


Porn start blew presidents whistle

The Party of Trump so called Fascists, only want two classes of people.The very rich and the very poor.

How come none of the media is reporting the potential human trafficking that’s happening here locally? Walmart, fake DHS workers trying to enter houses. WTF.

Be Best A Holes

I read through the Republican Party platform. It calls for the repeal of the 17th Amendment. Why? And who would vote for a candidate running on a platform seeking to disenfranchise voters from electing US Senators?

What is wrong with the Mason City School system when it cost $130.00 to just register one child? Why does 480 children have to go to the Salvation Army for free school supplies? Why is school so expensive parents can’t afford their own supplies? Time to get rid of overpaid teachers and grossly overpaid administrators.

Teachers are not overpaid but the administrators are overpaid.

Why are drug prices so high that some people don’t fill prescriptions because they are too expensive? Why are medical costs so high people don’t call an ambulance when they need one because it costs too much? Why are gas prices so high?

Don’t pay 60.00 for the yearbook

It is NOT Racist to Love our country; It is NOT Racist to defend American Borders; It is NOT Racist to protect American citizens; It is NOT racist to support our President; IT IS NOT RACIST TO PROTECT AMERICAN VALUES.

The Unite the Right is racist and Dippity Donald will not denounce them.

Too bad Dippity Donald “Bonespurs” Trump doesn’t know how to be a true American. He should denounce fascism so he doesn’t equate himself with Hitler and Mussolini.

The real Fascist are the Democrats and always has been. Demoncraps are the real problem in this country.

Trump did not: raise your taxes, quadruple the cost of food,
Stir a race war, leave soldiers in Benghazi, send our navy to
fight for Al-Qaeda, arm ISIS and kill Christians, provide
financing and tech. To Iran’s nuclear program, give military
secrets to China, shrivel our military, betray our vets, cripple
Our economy, increase our debt to 20 trillion dollars, steal your
rights, violate the constitution, commit treason hundreds of times,
That was the Democrat Obama.

You are right; all he is doing is selling the US to Russia to make money for Trump and Kushner businesses.

The way the Dems are going nuts over Trump talking to Putin you’d think he gave him 20% of our Uranium or something.

You need to audit a few history classes since you obviously didn’t pay attention in school.

If we put Democrats in charge of the desert we would have a shortage of sand in five years.

Fascists are right wing republicans. Look it up in any dictionary.

I don’t read Liberal Bull Shit. I leave that for the brainless idiots.

talk about brainless.

Democrats are communist.They want everyone to be equal.

You are the brainless one. Maybe you should find a copy of the Declaration of Independence and read it carefully. Or have someone read it to you and then find a 5th grader to explain it to you.

What the HELL is wrong with our school system when 480 children have to go to the Salvation Army for free school supplies? Or maybe it is What the Hell is wrong with the parents?

Wouldn’t you go someplace if you could get something free. It’s called, operant conditioning, taught by our government, mostly the left. They believe that all citizens should be dependent on the government. And, this town if full of free loaders, rich and poor.

Farmer’s = welfare taker.


We don’t need farmers we have Walmart.

“Plenty of welfare takers around here”……. aka forgiveable business loan for the rennovation of the World Headquarters of NIT. Hypocrite!

Well, at least one of the takers is off the Board of Supervisors now.

They needed the booze and cigs not school supplies

They might be working parents but with shitty paying jobs. But somebody has to do it.

Get off that crap. There are lots of decent paying jobs available if they want to work They always have money for booze, cigarettes and of course their drugs, but never for food or school supplies for their kids.

And, of course, expensive cell phones!

Prove it… back up your hollow words with some facts….. or back off.

It’s funny how 8 out of 10 best states to start a business in are ALL Republican ran, While, 10 out of 10 likelist places to get shot in are run by Democrats.

Stormys’ attorney is going to start a go f**** me page to raise money for his presidential run!!!!

You be the first in line im sure.

Porn star attorney for president!

Porn star John for president! Donald John.

We the people better take back what has been stolen from our citizens for at least 75 years of socialist progressive government?

Ronald Reagan was a socialist progressive?

Ronnie Reagan was a socialist progressive? That is surprising.

I hate knowing that when I am dead and gone I will be a Democrat.

It’s not Congress, it is the Democratic Party; and whose members care only about getting more Democrats elected to continue to butter their own side of the toast. It doesn’t seem to matter what is good for the Country to them, just what it takes to get re-elected and make more money on the taxpayers dime, no matter what it does to the County.

MASON CITY council should be told to step down due to illegal use of power. the fireworks that have been going on all week are breaking the laws of MASON CITY as well as the state laws of IOWA. no disturbance after hours of ten pm, fireworks out of state date set by the state of IOWA . they may be bringing in so called income for the city, however ,the racetrack is not allowed to run past pm due to noise ordinances so these fireworks that are going of till early morning should not be allowed even if the city was bribed into allowing it for the extra money and all members of the council and the police department should show they personal banking info to make sure non of the funds went to them.

Quit whining its one week every 4 years. Thousands of people are enjoying them.

it’s the ONLY thing the Fairgrounds has that actually brings people

The Government Accountability Institute’s (GAI) Eric Eggers, author of Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election, warned of a potential “tsunami of voter fraud” within November’s forthcoming midterm elections. Eggers pointed to narrow electoral margins of victory in Tuesday’s elections as evidence of vulnerability to the threat of voter fraud.

Eggers is a nut. But here is something from the agency he works for

What kind of reporting can you expect from left center CBS and Kathryn Watson.

OK, buddy. How about this newspaper? It leans a long way right

“It leans a long way right” Where’s a cite that tells me that? I don’t take liars at their word without some corroborating evidence.

Even her moniker is a lie. If she wants to use an honest one she should post under “Bodassious”.

This is from their website “The Republican-American has a socially and fiscally conservative editorial stance. It advocates pro-business government policies, such as tax cuts and regulatory reform. The Republican-American is quick to blow the whistle on wasteful use of tax dollars, as well as unnecessary growth of local, state or federal government. The newspaper is a frequent critic of the demands of organized labor, especially public-employee unions, arguing they compel governments and businesses to spend beyond their means.”

I am done doing your work for you.

At bodacious August 10, 2018 at 6:48 am
Let me make this perfectly CLEAR, I am Not your “buddy”, AND, I have never asked you to do ANY work for me! Here’s a little unfriendly advice, mind your own business.

And here’s what Wikipedia says.

Because of its stance on the issues, the Republican-American is more inclined to endorse Republican candidates in election years. However, the paper is not hesitant to support Democrats who share its views or are uniquely qualified for the positions they seek.

It appears you did a half-assed job. As a great American once said, “you’re fired”.

You are funny. Heaven forbid a conservative paper support a Democrat. That automatically makes them non-conservative? You are a moron.

It, hates to be wrong, so it, must be a democrat, bodacious that is. And, a Christian (teacher) calling people names. Time for confession.

Not calling anyone a name. Moron is a descriptor. It describes you.

Idiot describes you, but you think it is a name, but it is just the truth.

medical Definition of moron
dated, now offensive
: a person affected with mild mental retardation.

You can’t say that word any more as it hurts peoples feelings. Just like the N word, and spik, wop, fag, etc. you should be ashamed of yourself. Check with your minister and see what he has to say, and then do 10 hail Mary’s.

Here is a definition of ‘anonymous’ – lacking individuality, unique character, or distinction. – fits you perfectly as it is also the definition of a Trump groupie.

Nice deflection there, bodacious, or whoever you are.

Whatever it is, it is stupid.

Isn’t the word bodacious, a descriptor, but what does it describe. Maybe it describes the event of logging onto NIT, and getting beat up.

I have never been afraid of getting beat up especially when I know I am right. A famous man, Mahatma Gandhi once said “Many people, especially ignorant people want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologize for being correct, or being years ahead of your time. If you’re right and you know it, speak your mind. Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.”


August 9, 2018 at 11:40 pm
“It leans a long way right” Where’s a cite that tells me that? I don’t take liars at their word without some corroborating evidence.

So then, answer the question, Gandhi.

Apparently, you want me to do your work for you so I will. Here is the page the quote is from. You might have to scroll down to the bottom of that page and find where it says Editorial Stance. Got it? Good. Now go fetch/

Nothing in the Editorial Stance says that the RA leans along way right. Your go to site, Media Bias/Fact Check, doesn’t even list it as leaning either way. So, you are wrong in your statement that “it leans along way right” am I correct. Actually since it collaborates with the left, it is more. Least Biased. Man up, and admit that your statement is false in reality, but only true in your leftist mind.

WOW, who is that gunslinger, anonymous, that just shot down bodacious???

Wow, you are dense, Steve or Gabe or Barb. In its editorial stance, it states, as I have pointed out to you twice now, that “The Republican-American has a socially and fiscally conservative editorial stance. It advocates pro-business government policies, such as tax cuts and regulatory reform.” What about those sentences do you not understand?

Your original comment, ” It leans a long way right”, STILL, has not been proven. Your copy and paste answers are not proving anything, except you can copy and paste. Being “socially and fiscally conservative”, does not prove the RA leans “a long way right”. Your leftist brain has got you confused to the point that you can’t figure it out. Go to your, go to site, Media Bias/Fact Check, and check it out, the answer is there. Your becoming repetitive and boring, I’m done.

When you can’t fix stupid you have a liberal

This is a good sign that people from the Democratic Party are finally realizing that the other side knows how to be happy and satisfied with the achievements of President Trump, that is in contrast to the Leftist liberal Democrats on the far left that are always bitter and always looking for something to gripe about!

The Left has always called for….Another recession, a Nuclear War, The President’s Death, Bombing the White House, Raping the First Lady, Riots in the Streets, and Attacks on Conservatives. All because they want America to stop winning.

Tariffs will no doubt lead to a recession or worse.

Liberalism is a Mental Disorder. Symptoms include, chronic whining, chronic lying, dizziness, lack of intelligence, and pure ignorance, and most of all zero common sense. If you have any of these symptoms just go to your quiet space and shut the hell up.

Libs are Left, and the Left is NOT RIGHT.

Spelling error?….. you must mean Vulcans.

Facts? Don’t read, delete. Continue living in a dream world.


I did not say anything about the comments not being true, just that you Republicans are a bunch of whiny asses

Whining and crying and fear mongering, that’s all you Democrat’s do. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

The day after Trump was elected as our president I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders! For the first time in 8 years I viewed the world in different light and was relieved that we finally had someone who truly loves America as our president, thank God.

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