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Segregation stopped 1 year before Harris was born. She spent her younger years going to school in Canada. So that little girl waiting for the bus must have been going shopping.

Dumbass Trumpanzee.

“Kamala Harris wasborn October 20, 1964
Harris began kindergarten during the second year of Berkeley’s school desegregation busing program.
She did not move to Canada with her mother until she was 12 years old, after her parents divorced.”


Go ahead and ignore the truth, it is what you Trump supporters do best.
Matter of fact it is about all that you can do.

You want toxic? OK, here is the reality.
In a little more than two years, Trump will be gone.
But his baleful legacy will live on. He is turning U.S. politics into a Superfund site and the Republican Party into the leading intellectual polluter in America.
It will take a generation to clean up the toxins he has released.
Trump is a racist, xenophobe and conspiracy-monger, and his party increasingly reflects all of those mental deformities.

who cares about racism? are you white? me too. so i just dont give a shit. i know there are terrible people and good people in every race but the thing is im from mason city iowa and the absolute majority of black men around me are criminals drug dealers dog fighters woman beaters pedophiles and thieves. i know these things because i spent time around them being open minded (or stupid and ignorant to the trouble and danger) honestly asians are better than us then white people than latin people and eventually at the bottom of the list you have africans. hell i was in the store last night and there where three black girls “talking” i couldnt decipher more than three words which where “dat” and “fuc***” the rest was just not english at all. anyway mason city has a serious african american crime problem. i dont know any black people that i care for therefore racism is just not an issue. im not black nobody that matters to me is black so why would i give a hoot about something that doesnt effect me at all, you shouldnt care about strangers problems either. makes you stupid and weak.

I hope that this account of the Harris’ family’s ownership of slaves is brought to light and that this information tempers the language of Kamala Harris whose language about slavery has been to demand reparations from the owners of slaves when it was her family who had slaves in the past.

I feel uncomfortable with all the illegal, undocumented, anti-American people they are letting into our country all along our southern boarder. Funny how that doesn’t scare some idiots. NEVER AGAIN STARBUCKS! (bye bye $$$)

Oh, you’re uncomfortable, Republicoward snowflake?

you should beconcerned to, why is illegal undocumented immigration ok in your opinion? nobody is angry about legal immigration. youre just out here being openly hostile and spreading the hate and the anger. why do you do that? i thought the left was all about peace and tolerance yet half of you speak like you never been knocked the fuc* out for your bad attitutde. nobody is “coming at you, bro!” just calm down. it should scare you that undocumented people are coming into the country. they could be murders or rapist of pedophiles or they could be carrying any number of third world diseases that we could treat before they infect the population. it just makes alot of sense that we should know who is coming into the country because we need to know a persons background before they just stroll on into walmart in a homemade suicide vest or start molesting little boys whilst being an aids freak. have you looked into canadas immigration policy? bet if trump recited canadas laws as if it where his new plan you and the rest of the lefty cuz its trendy crowd would be screaming about the racism and the hate more than ever. i guess i just dont see why you feel like it is ok to be hostile towards someone for their opinion, its not like they are creating policy you must adhere to with their thoughts. why do you think its ok to be a jackas*? there are probably more reason than i can think of that make legal documented immigration ok and beneficial there are probably even more reasons why undocumented illegal immigration needs to be dealt with swiftly and sharply. it isnt racism to want strong borders for our country. its a matter of national security. you moron.

Shameful…completely shameful. The Starbucks employee should’ve said…”I’m sorry, but we don’t do that to our local law enforcement.” But no. The completely stupid Starbuck’s employee told the officers to leave. Just shakin’ my head.

Your head shakes all the time regardless. If you’d sober up, you’d be more concerned about Russians than Mexicans. The Russians are better armed, thanks to American arms dealers.

there that selective thinking again. obama dumped guns into the cartel but we dont talk about obamas transgressions. you people need to look at obamas career harder and really look at it. he did the same and worse during his terms for illegal immigrants, you people never complained when he split up families or when he pulled fast and furious.

“When you look at the larger picture, it is clear that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is eager and determined to undermine and destroy America as we have known it.”
AOC is one of the many Soros handmaids reciting the script of the day. Just keep asking her questions on another subject… She can’t handle it. Crash and burn every time. Not one original thought in her head

You are quoting Newt the Fruit Gingerich? Hah. He is perhaps the most morally corrupt politician to ever hit this planet and the father of all the name-calling and hate speech that currently has swamped our country.

Think about that. Biden plans to force us to pay for insurance while handing it out for free to non citizens. That means we will have to pay more. While we are busy working 3 jobs just to keep from starving. They get theirs from you.
The “individual mandate” has been replaced with “get one of the many available jobs and have insurance” plan.

only “fragile, furious racist” here is Michael Harriot, the “world renown studier of white people and king of Ethiopia,” his words, not mine. This poor casting job means diddly squat to most of us “racist white folks,” however it was most certainly a politically correct pick and was a moronic move by Disney (if $$ was their goal). Casting IS important and it’s why I wasn’t cast as Kunta Kinte in Roots. I’m not mad about that either, by the way…because I understand not EVERYTHING is about race, but in some circumstances race is very important. Let’s face it people, we’re all God’s children and we come in varying ‘shades’ but if you’re an ass, I don’t like you, no matter your hue…and I don’t like Mr. Harriot but it has nothing to do with his color, he’s a race baiting ass that incites more of the same and we can do without that.

Saw this on KLMJ radio’s website. So sad.

07/06/2019 – Yesterday (Fri.) after 6pm the Cerro Gordo County Sheriff’s Office responded to the Camp at the Woods Campground in the 22-thousand block of Fallspark Drive near Rock Falls for a report of human remains being found in a pond at the campground.

The remains were identified as missing person 48-year-old Lawrence Howlett of Sandwich, Illinois with the help from family and property located with the remains.

Howlett had last been seen during the evening hours of June 1st at the campground.

The remains will be sent to the State Medical Examiners Office for an autopsy as this incident is still under investigation.

NORTH KOREA – Setting foot in North Korea for the first time, on Sunday, President Donald Trump praised that nation’s dictator, Kim Jong Un, for his efforts on immigration, telling Kim, “No one is trying to get into your country.”

After crossing into North Korea from the Demilitarized Zone, Trump remarked to the North Korean leader, “Your border is amazing! There are no people whatsoever trying to get in. You should see our border—it’s a complete mess.”

Barely containing his envy, Trump continued, “Of course, you don’t have Congress to deal with, like I do. They’ve caused all the problems I’ve had on immigration. You’ve got a much better deal. You want to build a wall, you build a wall. No one can tell you you can’t.”

Surveying the border admiringly, Trump bemoaned the brevity of his impromptu visit with Kim. “I have so much to learn from you,” Trump said. “You must be doing something right.”

Trump must be doing something right. The economy is soaring and will keep on going up. All of you lies and mis-leading statements can never change that. And, it sure seem like serving the country as president is just as important as being in the military. Trump is doing a hell of a lot more for the country than a army cook like you ever could have.

That is something called satire, dumbass.
But being the Trumptard that you are, it beyond your comprehension.

You are wrong as usual. Only liberals are Dumb Asses.

“You are wrong as usual”….
You’re such a delusional numbnuts.
Satire from The Borowitz Report:

I can only explain it to you. I can’t understand it for you.
If only your mother had swallowed you instead……
Life is full of disappointments, just ask your parent

“Trump predicts July 4 rally will cause a ‘big spike’ in military recruitment”

This is the best joke I’ve heard all year…come join the military run by a draft dodger named Cadet Bone Spurs.
Maybe a big parade would have inspired him not to dodge the draft during the Vietnam war.
Because everyone has nothing but respect for Cadet Bone Spurs, Coward-In-Chief, disparager of Gold Star Families and POW war Heroes.

Are Trump’s sons planning to enlist and fight in the invasion of Iran?
No, they can’t…. they inherited his bone spurs.

Trumpsters stop even pretending they’re decent human beings when they get pushed even a little. How’s this for traditional?


July 5, 2019 at 7:24 am

Tell the truth, you know because of the blowjob you gave him and all the other conservatives. Whore

Now isn’t that calling the kettle black.

You know all about being black.

And, you do give blowjobs and are a whore. Truth hurts doesn’t it?

Another zinger from eLViS’s book of zingers. You should market that book; you might make some money.

Fox News Anchor doesn’t know her ass from a hole in the ground…but that’s nothing new at Fox.
“Julie Banderas Thinks It’s Illegal to Burn the American Flag.”

She said “It should be ILLEGAL to BURN the flag”. As usual, the liberal mis-leads and lies.

Guess again Trumpanzee. Just more of your daily bullshit & lies.

Watch the video below. It’s actually the Fox News broadcast. Look at about the 1:10 time frame.

Disgraced Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), who was stripped of his House committee assignments this year over his white nationalist rhetoric, got duped causing his name to trend on Twitter.

Ken Klippenstein asked King to share a message of support for his “uncle,” Col. Nathan Jessup.
He’s in the Marines and spending the 4th overseas keeping our nation safe,” Klippenstein wrote, sharing an image of his supposed uncle.
The photo, of course, was of Jack Nicholson, who played the fictional colonel in the 1992 film “A Few Good Men.”

King retweeted:
“Colonel Jessup and all your Marines: God Bless You All. You Hae or back and millions of us have yours! God Bless America
and all her warriors defending our Liberty! SK”

Besides being a racist idiot, the draft-dodger (like his buddy, President Bonespurs) King is the ultimate dumbass.

The GOP (Gotta Obey Putin)

Trump on Friday blamed inclement weather and a malfunctioning teleprompter for flubbing part of his Independence Day speech.
The good ole “rain defense”. Good job Trump.

So instead, he decided to draw on his extensive knowledge of history and fill us in on the little known facts of the revolutionary war.
Like our army taking to the skies to blast the ramparts, our taking over all the airports, our victory at Ft. McHenry.

Trump believes what he wants to believe.
Trump can’t admit when he’s made a mistake, and that’s a bad trait for a president.
A president who refuses to admit mistakes is a disaster and Trump is a disaster.

There is no doubt that Donald J. Trump will have an asterisk next to his name in the History books:
* “Elected with the interference of Russia.”

The Russia shit was all Hitlary and Obama and everyone with a brain knows it.

I couldn’t agree more with you. Remember, if you like your doctor, you can keep him.

But, but Obama…But, but Clinton.
That is all that you dumbass Trumpanzees can say.
Everything stated about Trump is true & can be verifyed, but all that you numbnuts can do is deflect.
You’re just a sorry ass waste of skin.

That was just old eLViS repeating his same old mantra. Good trump, bad obama. I dont know nothing different.

The local Democrats were sure right. YOU ARE TOXIC!

U know what is really neat about Mason City? That anyone can go 2 northside liquor and buy alcohol.

even white people?

Too funny

As long as they pretend to be black like Harris does.

Except the FACT is Harris ain’t African American….in FACT she ain’t African ANYTHING! I capitalized the word FACT because it is so painful to democratic socialists
WE are Taxed to Subsidize & Support HOW Many Millions? WE have a RIGHT To KNOW How Many. A Number YOU ALT LEFT POS dont want US to Know…How MANY You’ll be Granting AMNESTY TO!!!

I think Harris’ father is Jamaican and her mother is Indian. No word if Harris has changed her name or ever registered as a foreign student. More later as news develops.

She has never claimed to be African American. She said she was racially targeted when she was younger because she was black. She is a minority in this country and she has experienced racism. that is something you will never understand.

Bull shit, she identifies as African-American. Her family were slave owners. She was part of the problem. Not the cure. It is called race baiting and she is a expert.

Oh, eLViS, can you come up with a site where this was stated that isn’t a known conspiracy website?

Oh Miss Toxic Mason City. Can you please go back to sleep and quit harassing the patriots.

You are not a patriot and neither was eLViS.

Except the FACT is Harris ain’t African American….in FACT she ain’t African ANYTHING! I capitalized the word FACT because it is so painful to democratic socialists
WE are Taxed to Subsidize & Support HOW Many Millions? WE have a RIGHT To KNOW H

While Democrats and media pundits pounce to decry the Betsy Ross flag as racially problematic — with one even likening the symbol to Nazi swastikas — the very same flag flew prominently during then-President Barack Obama’s second inauguration ceremony in 2013.

Witnesses in Panama claim that a massive surge of illegal aliens is marching through the country on their way to the United States. The 35,000 illegals are made up primarily of Africans and people from the Middle East, possibly carrying diseases and terrorists among their numbers. There have been many migrants coming in from the Congo, a hotbed of Ebola. If you think that is a good thing, thank a Democrat. This is what their open border policies spawn. Consider this. Just one person with Ebola can set off a pandemic. What could 35,000 do? It’s too frightening to think about.

Now I know where you are getting your information. David J Harris, Jr. A man who wants to sell more copies of his book. The best way to do it? Claim you have info no one else has. And broadcast it to Trump supporters and they will gobble it up. You are being used….again.

NIKE…SO!! ALL You can Find are Washed UP Never Really Had Talent RACIST QB’S to Pimp Your SHIT?

It’s a publicity stunt.

One of the MANY things a 2nd Civil War can FIX….Activist Judges WILL BE GONE!!!

Here it is, North Iowa. Trumpsters trying hard to start a civil war. Is this really what you want?

Some of US still Find FOOLS doing STUPID SHIT….FUNNY! Congress IS JackAss the Movie.

Obannanna go swammie = shimmy shake in the black house used executive power to remove citizen question from the census -always been there ! O Trump do dee master commander now will use SAME EXECULATIVE POWER to restore question back on the census form .Has no other choice as socialist rats are using illegals to increase the electorial vote -who will vote demecrap for letting them in. Traitors and treason is well established in the communist party of demrats. If the sc do not restore question then he can do it – supreme is not what it seems sometimes.

Wow, you are hammered. Put down the booze and dope and get off the computer.

Watch OAN news, news you will never hear from any other source. But be careful, it’s all fake, NOT.

If you watch OAN, you see only one side of the debate.

Only one side, but it’s all true.

One side is never always true. You are a cultisit.


Probably because they make it all up.

Trump’s buddy Putin’s state-run media outlet spent the entire broadcast yesterday mocking Trump, and us, for being stupid enough to elect him.

Is Trump going to wear a fancy military uniform covered in medals like a 3rd world dictator?

Yep he will wear a uniform from the same store that Rear Admiral Barry Obama and Colonel Slick Willie Clinton got theirs from.

More lies and fake news.

Um, you might want to reconsider what you call fake news there sport.

Trump didn’t serve in the military because he claimed he had “bone spurs.”

Clinton didn’t serve in the military partly because he was in England and not inhaling marijuana.

And of course Obama didn’t serve in the military partly because he was registered as a foreign student.

With the Lincoln Memorial in the background and flanked on both sides by camouflaged Bradley fighting vehicles, President Trump used his “Salute to America” speech Thursday evening to praise the men and women of the Armed Forces and American exceptionalism.
Awesome Speech and Fantastic way to celebrate our Independence Day. I really enjoyed how the history and song of each of our military services was told. Flyovers totally great . America, Home of the Free, because of the Brave.
Democrats are WORRIED! And they should be. Trump and his supporters are UNSTOPPABLE God Bless US DEPLORABLES!
The haters are gonna hate. They are still in meltdown mode. God Bless the USA.

Then why the bulletproof barrier around the podium? Why was Pence’s flight to a speaking engagement abruptly called back barely minutes after takeoff the other day? Obviously the Secret Service received information about a credible threat to both of them. Unstoppable Dump supporters indeed.

Don’t you think that any president has some type of protection, bulletproof or otherwise, when they are out and about. And just where & how did you come up with the notion the Secret Service received information about a credible threat to both Trump & Pence?

Don’t mind him, (anonymous) he’s just making shit up again, like usual.

When was the last time before this? Not for a long long time.

The court is extremely biased and have been swayed by their political beliefs they were appointed to enforce the laws of the land… illegal voters are just that ILLEGAL. We should know and i stand with this president the courts are no longed unbiased and have failed to protect citizens who are legally here from the tyranny of the democratic party who would rather flood our country with illegals bc they cant win the election without them.

WE are being Taxed & FORCED to Subsidize THEM….WE have a RIGHT to Know HOW Many. IT’S the Number the ALT LEFT Dont want US to Know when THEY Grant AMNESTY…The Next WAVE of DACA are NOW Here.

A study by the IFO think tank in Munich found that electric vehicles in Germany emit 11 percent to 28 percent more carbon dioxide than their diesel counterparts. The study considered the production of batteries as well as the German electricity mix in making this determination. Germany spent thousands of euros on electric car subsidies per vehicle to put a million electric vehicles on the road, but those subsidies have done nothing to reach the country’s greenhouse gas emission targets. This is just the latest example of government programs expecting one outcome and getting quite another, instead. To some it is ironic; to others it is funny. At IER, we believe it to be sad, as it is a waste of time and money that could be better put to use solving real problems.

That is what happens when you have a person with a success driven perspective running the economy as opposed to having an unaccountable tax sucking career political or bureaucratic control freak leach Obama running it.
The rest of the world is struggling to stop a slowdown but America is booming. Not a surprise. Several countries have recently elected their own “Trump.”

His only success has been stealing other people’s money, and credit for their work.

BREAKING NEWS: U.S. employers added 224,000 jobs in June, beating Wall Street’s expectations.
Our president is working hard for us, I wish DemonicRats could just support him to do more.
And TRUMP just keeps on winning , I love it Trump2020
Democrat politicians must be furious. Go Trump 20/20

Democrats ARE Creating the Manufactured CRISIS…ONLY Reason the Kids & Parents ARE Held together Now IS BY Trumps Executive Order…WHY aren’t YOU Democrat POS even TRYING to Change THAT LAW?

Bullshit. RepubliCONS have been behind this all along, just changing their tune now because they realize it’s cost them the support of Iowa and other ag-dependent states.

THERE Is a Manufactured CRISIS at Our Border….Democrats STILL Refuse to Offer ANY Solutions to FIX IT! They WONT Even Offer to Change the LAW as It’s Written that Requires US to Seperate these Kids from their Parents. TRUMPS Executive Order IS the ONLY Thing ALLOWING them to Stay together…POS

If you were worried President Donald Trump would use his July 4 “Salute to America” event as an opportunity to blast Democrats or the FBI in front of the Lincoln Memorial, you can rest easy. During the rain-soaked event, Trump avoided partisan politics, and instead focused on glorifying the US military — in completely historical ways.

Trump gave 4th of July speech in the rain.
Trump wouldn’t travel to honor Americans killed in action on Veterans Day last year because of rain.
They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate Trump wouldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to the Fallen.

Trump’s Salute to America was a second-rate Red Square rally.

And he did it cowering behind a bullet-proof barrier the whole time.

With idiots like you on the loose he would be foolish not to have protection. After we wipe you out in the next civil war it won’t be needed.

I think you meant in “completely hysterical ways” as evidenced by his remarks about our troops closing the airports during the Revolutionary War.

Some thoughts now the the 2019 4th of July fireworks season in Mason City is “officially” over.

What are some of theses yahoos thinking? Driving on Birch Drive by the campground after the M.C. fireworks and some guys were shooting fireworks from the north side of Birch Drive, arcing them just over the trees and having them land in the campground.

My B-I-L said his neighbors have a fire pit and would throw fireworks in it to “see what would happen”.

Other incidents I seen where common sense wasn’t a priority.

Idiots + fireworks + alcohol(?) = somebody’s going to get hurt. Maybe NIT can ask for a police/ambulance/hospital report of some sort and see how many more incidents occurred compared to a normal holiday.

I completely agree. Also, what is the point f shooting off the cannons?? What ever happened to our right of peace and quiet in our own homes. Our pets were going crazy everytime some overgrown child exploded fireworks. The city should ban them next year. People have shown they are not intelligent enough to show respect for other people’s rights.

*Ever Notice that ALL the Communist & Socialist within America…ARE DEMOCRATS & ALWAYS Have Been?

*Just THINK!..10.. 15yrs from NOW this NEW Generation OF DACA currently at OUR Border that the Dermocrats ARE ALLOWING Here will be expecting AMNESTY & Citizenship just like TODAYS….Yet NO ONE says a WORD …What about the Parents? Will THEY ALSO get the Amnesty the Democrats ARE Promising?

In 1986, President Ronald Reagan (Republican) signed a sweeping immigration reform bill into law.

It made any illegal immigrant who’d entered the country before 1982 eligible for amnesty.
The law granted amnesty to nearly 3 million illegal immigrants.

On this 4th of July I make this proclamation;
I’m a patriot born and bred,
and when I’m gone I’ll be a patriot dead.

Thanks, Dr. Seuss. Now put down the meth.

Problem with fireworks in town idiots that don’t respect their neighbors property.And what is the deal with shouting them off during day all you get is noise and just being a jackass to your neighborhood.Biggest idiots have their kids standing right next to them, accidents can happen and as a parent you would feel like shit if it happened and burn’t your child.Just like the idiot in our neighborhood that pushed older gentlemen and fired fireworks at his car as he drove away.Happened in Highland area and again he is one of biggest idiots in our neighborhood again


Asshole, you are the one who is moving back to Chitcago.

As soon as you move back to Russia, scumbag.

I’m so sick of the idiots who are not smart enough to think about anybody’s safety. Like they are hillbilly’s, but even more dumb. It’s embarrassing to live in Mason City with the stupid ones.

Kind of like drunk driving, which happens daily. Unlike the 4th of July, which only comes around once a year.

On this 4th of July I make this proclamation;
I’m a patriot born and bred,
and when I’m gone I’ll be a patriot dead.

Nobody cares, Dr. Seuss. Save it for your Twitter account.

Is Trump going to wear a fancy military uniform covered in medals like a 3rd world dictator? Bet he wants to. General Bonespurs!

it won’t make up for that tiny penis

Was old Bo your teacher?

How do you know how small it is?

Stormy Daniels took pictures and posted them

Tell the truth, you know because of the blowjob you gave him and all the other conservatives. Whore

The Army unveiled it’s newest Tank today at the Washington D.C. 4th of July celebration.
It’s called “The Bonespur”.
It has a yellow stripe down its back, the only gear is reverse and has rear view mirrors.

That would be the little pissant army in your mind!

He also talked about our ancestors in the Revolutionary War taking over airports and having Sherman tanks representing our military. Not. a. clue.

OMG, wasn’t that hilarious??

When you find out your flight has been cancelled due to bad weather and you and the Continental Army have to spend time in Valley Forge.

Apparently we took La Guardia Airport from the Brits in 1776.

One if by land, Two if by sea and Three if by AIR.
Trump makes Sarah Palin look smart. a. tool.

WASHINGTON —Calling it “incredibly exciting news,” President Donald Trump revealed on Wednesday that his long-planned Fourth of July parade in Washington will include a flyover by Russian Su-24 fighter planes.

“These are beautiful, gleaming Russian planes,” Trump boasted to Tucker Carlson, of Fox News. “I’m the first American President who’s had Russian fighters flying over Washington.”

He said that he finalized the flyover deal while speaking to the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, at the G-20 Summit last week. “Putin said, ‘This is the least we can do, after all you’ve done for us,’ ” Trump said.

Trump said he imagined that the crews of the Russian military aircraft will be thrilled to fly over the nation’s capital. “I’m sure they’ll be taking a lot of pictures.” he said.

Are you Rod Serling in disguise.

He’s a dumb ass. No disguise. He’s auditioning for a job with CNN and/or MSNBC.

This was part of the Borowitz Report which is a satire. It isn’t true although most of the Trumpanezees probably thought it was true and were happy that he invited the Russians to our party.

Severe weather in DC just in time to mess up Dump’s ego party. God’s slapping him down, hard.

If you hate America and it’s freedom – VOTE DONKEY (related to jackass family) Obama hated America but he was a fine Harvard graduate of political science (also know as a lieng piece of shit along with sorazz and his billions. Corruption at its finest then throw in the fbi/cia/and fake news channels to cover their treason.

No, we just hate you. You keep confusing the two.

SAD DAY IN AMERICA – cannot find the 4th of July parade in DC on any TV channel – what a disgrace to our loved ones who died to protect and found this great country – not to mention family members and friends of thee PATRIOTS – SHAME SHAME SHAME on the evil forces now within our boarders. Your time will come and you will pay for your TREASON OR STUPIDITY – same difference – penalty the same.

Even more news:

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