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Rapinoe, your inability to understand the gravity and consequences of your actions amazes me. You were given the opportunity to represent the United States of America on the world stage, but you selfishly chose to use that stage to advance your own personal and political agenda offending us all as you went. You were an embarrassment. So in the end you didn’t play for us, you played for yourself. So enjoy your so called victory alone! You will quickly be forgotten!

More misogyny. She can kick your ass all day long, and that’s what you’re mad about.

It would be nice to spend taxpayer money on Americans, such as the tens of thousands of homeless on the streets of California.

It’s a coming folks. The Judicial system is going to start telling us who we have to listen to and who we cant listen too. Its called legislating from the bench. Best to ignore it and hope it doesn’t become law. Remember we are just the unwashed masses to these people.
CA does nothing to help solve the ramped growing homelessness issue of American citizens in the state, yet jumps at the opportunity to give handouts to non citizens who broke the law and came here illegally. This is not a move of compassion, it’s a political agenda that the tax paying CA citizens are forced to pay for.

What are you, drunk? That’s been going on since day one!

Our courts are there to interpret existing laws. The example you posed from California is a case based on Constitutional provisions. The article, and a long history of court decisions clearly point out that any person within the U.S. is not only bound to follow the law, but must be held accountable. In the same light, those same people are given Equal Protection under the law.

No where in any of the governing decisions does it discriminate legal versus illegal when it comes to Equal Protection. It says in part, ALL people within the boundaries of our country (emphasis mine).

That is hardly legislating from the bench.

Perhaps you are a relative to the legal quack from Sioux City, Vander Plaats? Sorry old sock, but one cannot just pretend that laws they don’t like don’t exist. As a citizen, you are bound to follow all of them!

Anything for votes. Biden is desperate, and so are all the other democrat candidates. They will say anything, promise anything, for votes. I hope the voters will be wise when it comes time to vote.

Open borders and empty the prisons on our streets. That will keep Americans safe. Right. I find it hard after listening to Democrats that any American could actually vote for one.

We the People suggest AOC leave Congress and return to the job she’s truly qualified for.. cocktail waitress at a bar!

nah, I think she is perfectly qualified to slob on my knob. she can just give me her paychecks since shes into that whole communism thing we both get what we want. she being wealthier than myself can consider herself the top one percent of my garage and give me her income. i can blow loads in her insane walleye’s. America gets a little greater again!

God bless our President mr. Donald Trump goes to show there’s still corruption by the form of Democrats which is a total disgrace to the United States of America and for which it stands for we need a thorough investigation into the overthrow of a government that they were trying to reinforce their lies on the American public

Here’s your God-chosen president, evangelicals. He’s a lecherous pedophile who’s got you completely suckered, and doesn’t even care any more whether you know it or not.

What do you expect from a left center news rag!

Trump’s 4th of July parade; pentagon $1.2 million, parks services $2.5 million, learning about the historical significance of revolutionary war airports; priceless.

“Two Bradley fighting vehicles flanked Trump during his July Fourth speech last week, in which he praised American military might despite having himself been a draft-dodging coward during the Vietnam War with ‘bone spurs’ on his feet”

How great is it to live your life with a zero brain function…. rainbows and unicorns are everywhere around

just curious, did you serve? how old are you. where was your deployment rambo? if you actually did then i apologize. if not you should shut the f*ck up. youre being an ass.

Just because you drove a truck in the guard does not make you a soldier.

Are not these lawmakers degreed or something they appear ignorant? I’m confused ? They don’t appear to know their jobs they already hold,yet aspire to be president? They are very quick to disregard law. Quick to violate the constitution? Really I’m scared of these New Democrats!

ya the level of intent to ignore the constitution break it or amend it into submission among the democrats has grown to an unprecedented level already for this election. its scary but whats scarier is that people under 30 seem to eat up every word. remember the hitler youth started ratting on their own family for any suspected acts against the reich? itll be that bad if the dems win. they really do want to push us into 1984.

But you’re OK with Trump ignoring & violating the US Constitution on a regular basis.

That’s not all you’re scared of.

Hey, Michelle, you’re right. The crowd at President Trump’s inauguration was a reflection of “America loving people” who were so happy to see “Barack” out of office, to know that “Barack’s” agenda of ‘fundamentally changing America” into his sick vision was over, and that a man who actually loves America was taking over and making “America great again”. Michelle is evidently showing what a nasty side she has.. No class. No integrity. Her jealousy of beautiful Melania is evident in her every “rant”. Too bad. If she had kept her big loud mouth shut people might admire her. Too late.

Melania Trump is nothing more than a paid for skank.
She’s a former “escort girl” (Polite word for hooker) and nude model.

Melania sold her soul and her body to an aged egomaniac who cheats on her and belittles her daily.

Michelle brought intelligence, caring and elegance into our lives.
Michelle’s speeches are filled with her wisdom and desire to better Americans. They’re so good, Melania plagerizes them!

There is no comparison. One sold her body for money (Melania), the other (Michelle) made children across America happy with her programs!

Multiple Republican sources have said that Melania was in tears on election night, and that Trump drunkenly told her to shut up. That says it all.

Yes Melania did cry on election night.
While sobbing she was heard to say in her native slovenian anguage:
“Nisem se zavedal, da bi toliko neumnih ljudi glasovalo za mojega moža, oni so bedaki.”

Which translated to English means, “I did not realize that so many stupid people would vote for my husband, they are fools”

so, either youre a dude who is jealous an ugly old man could pay for awesome pussy so youo shit on and on from your mouth about any attractive women anywhere and thats your freudian basket of mental nutball soup that you need to sort out anger towards women in general and for no reason is EXTREMELY UNHEALTHY, they arent all your mom and no matter how many you strangle and stuff in your crawl space, youre never gonna be better. OOOORRRRRR youre an ugly chick who no man wants to be with so you use “feminism” as an emtional shield and blame men for your problems and see any attractive women as a threat or the cause of some horrible made up bs you claim to be a VICTIM of. the embodiment of some paranoid perception of wrong doing or evil…… milania speaks like seven f***ing langauges and is the first lady of the United States Of should ask your grand parents if they where so direspectful of that office in their adult life. they have seen alot more diversity in american politics than you or i and id be willing to bet theyd find your disrespect in general god damn embarrassing.

The ultimate irony is that Senator Bernie says democratic socialism gives you freedom and prosperity. what a lot of bull! The communists said exactly the same lies and falsehoods when they took away everything from hardworking people that they labeled as evil. Come to think of it Bernie and his followers say the same thing that people with money are evil too.

Socialism is the opposite of self-autonomy. Our constitution talks about individual liberty, and holds it up as the ideal to strive for. Sadly, too many have bought into the idea of collectivism, which makes everyone a slave to the state. Live Free Or Die.

Our young people will not listen, they have been brain washed by liberal teachers. I am very apprehensive about their future because they have been fed a bill of goods by our educational system and don’t grasp the founding history of our nation or the false promises of socialism.

How did you avoid this great conspiracy?

Can’t you tell?
It’s obvious, he didn’t go to school.

Or to work.

It is so sad that, despite all the information out there, our young minds are being fed this utopian promise of socialism by teachers and professors that inevitably leads to failure. People can only be equal when they are given the opportunity to perform to their greatest potential. Dependency only leads to poverty. When government tries to make everyone equal by taking from some and giving to others they deplete those they take from and increase the takers until there’s nothing left but big government, which soon also dies from lack of funds from those they have broken. It’s a downward spiral that never has a chance of success. History has proved this time and time again.

The last thing the founding fathers wanted was an oligarchy, which is what we have now. They’d be actively fomenting another revolution against what has become of the free nation they fought so hard to build.

Do some actual research. Trump banned him from his properties when he realized what kind of person he actually is. Also, testified AGAINST him in court. Try again.

Fake news. Both Dump and Epstein and pedophiles, and Dump even bragged about it.

Clinton took 26 flights on Epstein’s private jet notoriously named “Lolita Express,” several of which he ditched his secret service detail. But sure, he knows nothing.

Dump took many more than that.

Bill Clinton has already expressed deep condolences for Epstein’s impending suicide…July 10th 2019 will be a truly sad day.

Women’s Soccer Team DEMANDING Equal PAY..SMH..LMAO.Theres a REASON Why the WNBA Players DON’T get Paid Like Lebron & Curry…NOBODY Watches..Nobody Cares just like next Month…You’ll be forgotten. Want Endorsement Money…Go SEE NIKE they like Supporting 1yr Wonder Washed UP RACIST QB’S Maybe THEY will be Willing.

professional sports are all over payed anyhow. those people need to get some real jobs. adults who find watching a ball go back and forth to be exciting entertaining rewarding or somehow valuable are remedial and mentally retarded and should be treated as suffering from diminished mental capacity. you out here endorsing a pay gap is pretty fuc*in pathetic. you should go drink some bleach.

They’ve been WINNING, unlike most of the men’s teams, that’s why.

Another Clinton Crony…Dig a Hole For Epstein…He’ll NEVER See a Court Room.

You know Trump was and is in far deeper with Epstein than Clinton. Whatever the circumstances, Democrats are savaging both WJC and DJT over this, while Republicans are staying with their man. No wonder everybody hates RepubliCONS.

IT’S a DAMN Media & Democrat LIE! Illegals are FORCED into these Detention Centers & Cages….They can ALWAYS Go Back Home…NO ONE is Stopping THEM!

if you where trying to solve drug and violent crime in mason city where would you start? pretty tough to find a starting point, the situations a real tuffy… i wonder if theres any way it could be less of a tuffy. i wonder why this tuffy is still so hard to solve. idk if im making my point here or not. i hope understanding this post isnt to much of a TUFFY for anyone.

This is what a juvenile, drunken, drugged-up Republican sounds like. Your parents must be so proud.

They are dealing with another Trumper tantrum in the WH. Somebody told the truth about him and his administration and now he is upset. Probably start another war with Great Britain. I am sure he will use some of those new Sherman tanks and Revolutionary War airplanes to take them down.

Your favorite ex-teacher got her A– handed to her again and the posts disappear. Surprise, surprise. #DEMSRDUMB

I don’t delete posts. But I am flattered that I am your favorite ex-teacher.

The only one getting their ass handed to them, is the Trumpanzee that posts the same old bullshit every day all day.

Notice that his/her posts remain but any that are critical of Trump are deleted.
He/she is the one deleting posts.
Like most Trumpanzees, can’t handle the truth.

The rest of us run businesses, take care of families, and have real jobs, so we can’t spend whole days at a time here, like you do. Put down the meth.

Democrats are scared very, very, scared at what the IG and AG Barr have uncovered regarding the true nature of the Russian Collusion investigation..just wait, it’s coming!!

You’re the one who sounds scared.

The media has done more to divide the country and push it towards a civil war than anyone else. This story is a good example of what they are doing.
This kind of speech is designed to project the hate and anger of the left onto our president. The president’s supporters, his rallies and voters are peaceful, law abiding and patriotic. The left has shown the exact opposite. What’s so-called Antifa doing in Oregon? The Kavenaugh hearings? The ridiculous protests? This is all on the left. Bernstein is not only intellectually dishonest but is a shill for all that’s wrong right now.

Epstein is a friggin’ scumbag and should be punished to the full extent of the law. Acosta? You’ll have to ACTUALLY SHOW proof of guilt, because that is how our legal system works here and why we’re not _____. Trump? The article said he “might” know Epstein socially…might? WTH? You dipshit fake news people (because you’re sure as hell not reporters) REALLY need a beating, a serious, physical beating, until you agree to not just talk crap (slander) about whomever the DNC says is your enemy because you can’t think for yourself. Try again McFly.

“I’ve known Jeff Epstein for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with.
It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” – Donald Trump, 2002

You missed some LIB.

Epstein’s private plane took President Bill Clinton, actor Kevin Spacey, and comedian Chris Tucker to Africa to tour HIV/AIDS project sites, New York Magazine said in 2002, citing Page Six.

This was one instance of Epstein getting friendly with Clinton, as the former president would take several flights on Epstein’s private plane in 2002 and 2003, according to logs obtained by Gawker in 2015.

Ah yes, deflection at its finest.
What Trumpanzees are known for.
but, but, but Clinton.
but, but, but Obama.

That is all that you do, must come from kissing so much Trump ass and bending over for him.

I hate to confuse you with the facts LIB. You tried to give the impression that Trump did something bad and no Dumbocrat would do such a thing. You’re a PHONY FRAUD. I furnished you with a cite and facts which refute that impression.

Anonymous July 8, 2019 at 5:53 pm
“and no Dumbocrat would do such a thing”
Where did I say that, cuckservative?

Yes Clinton is in this as well (You going to admit the Trump is a scumbag too?), however he is not the current President of The US. Sadly Trump is.
Trump is in this deep.
Not to mention:
“Epstein had faced similar charges in Florida more than a decade ago but barely faced any jail time, owing to a widely criticized plea deal in 2008
that federal prosecutors — led at the time by Trump’s current Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta — offered him.”
” In 2007, then-Miami U.S. Attorney Acosta allowed Epstein to avoid federal charges for sexually abusing underage girls in a non-prosecution agreement
seen as an unusually light punishment given the severity of the charges.”

Trump Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta went easy on pedophile predator who ensnared victim at Mar-a-Lago:

You can rape babies and even kill them and manage to get only probation. Maybe if she would have had marijuana in her possession, the charges would have been taken seriously.
“Judge Quam also handed down a 183 month stayed prison sentence, if she violates probation. Karia will be on house arrest for a couple months until the rest of probation details are determined. She could be released as early as Monday.” Disgusting •

you just noticed non violent offenders caught with the least harmful and least dangerous drugs get the harshest sentences in cerro gordo county? try stabbing a guy at the liquor store before carrying a bag of weed, if you know whats good for you… or youre running your choices based on what mcpd will give you the least amount of charges for.

The continual physical attacks on conservatives. The continual hostility of the left. The left infringing on our constitution. Wanting to take our guns. Wanting to limit what we can say. Attacks on Christianity. Allowing millions of illegals in to the country is what will bring the next civil war.

Physical violence against CONservatives? Every single mass shooter mowing down little kids and innocent adults has been a hard-right CONservative. You’re going to regret making sure everybody could have guns, because it’s inevitable that they’ll be used on you, like arming the Afghans with grenade launchers to use on the Russians. They turned right around and used them on us.

Here’s a clue to the probable outcome in 2020: more likely voters now approve of President Trump than did BEFORE he won 306 Electoral Votes, in 2016. IMO, Trump will win approximately 40 states and 400 Electoral Votes against his 2020 opponent, regardless of who challenges him.


*Obama was the most divisive president in modern time. He demonized the police, the military, the working class, the rich, the straight all to further his socialist progressive fundamental transformation of America. Trump is trying to right the boat and bring us back to sanity. Unfortunately, the damage has been done and the left is full of nut-bags who want to further destroy our wonderful country.

Trump’s tariffs on foreign steel have sped the decline of some of the U.S. mills he vowed to help.
Since Trump announced the tariffs 16 months ago, U.S. Steel has lost almost 70% of its market value.

So Trump hasn’t saved coal, hurt farmers (but bailed them out to the tune of $28 billion in US taxpayer money), and now he’s hurting our steel industry.
And still his supporters claim he’s a great businessman, and is doing great for our nation. Facts say otherwise.
Why doubt the Trump? He’s only run casino’s and businesses into the ground and left 100’s of contractors without any payment.

Who’a fault is this you Trumpanzees? Who’s to blame? Obama, Hillary, AOC? the media? Nope.
There’s only ONE person responsible for the tariffs.
He managed to kill 3 major industries of the USA (coal, farming, and steel)

As always, Trump LIED to Americans.

Obama was the most divisive president in modern time. He demonized the police, the military, the working class, the rich, the straight all to further his socialist progressive fundamental transformation of America. Trump is trying to right the boat and bring us back to sanity. Unfortunately, the damage has been done and the left is full of nut-bags who want to further destroy our wonderful country.

Saying it multiple times doesn’t make it true. He wasn’t divisive just because you hate him.

President Trump on Sunday accused the “Fake News Media” of spreading “phony and exaggerated accounts of the Border Detention Centers” while blaming Democrats for the crowded conditions of the holding facilities. “The Fake News Media, in particular the Failing @nytimes, is writing phony and exaggerated accounts of the Border Detention Centers,” Trump tweeted. “First of all, people should not be entering our Country illegally, only for us to then have to care for them.” In his tweet, Trump also added the following: “We said there was a Crisis – the Fake News & the Dems said it was “manufactured.” Now all agree we were right, but they always knew that. They are crowded (which we brought up, not them) because the Dems won’t change the Loopholes and Asylum. Big Media Con Job!”

He even turned on his propaganda organization. Why should anybody be loyal to him?

He’s clearly spiraling. He even went after Faux News, normally his State-Run News Service. Why should anybody be loyal to this big baby, when he turns on everybody in a hot minute?

The FDA admits that it does not yet have a real understanding of the potential health risks (or benefits) associated with CBD. But liver damage is one of the side effects that it has uncovered in its limited study. During the clinical trials for the CBD-based epilepsy drug Epidiolex, which was approved for the U.S. market just last year, researchers found the medication caused liver toxicity in some patients. Even outside research on the subject of CBD and liver toxicity (using Epidiolex) finds that damage is possible. Even doctors in Colorado, where marijuana is legal for any purpose, monitor the liver enzymes of patients who decide to treat themselves with CBD or marijuana, according to a report from STAT News. So the threat is real. CBD Probably Doesn’t Cure Cancer or Any Other Disease. The FDA also wants Americans to understand that none of the CBD products being sold in grocery stores, truck stops, health food stores, or medical marijuana dispensaries have been given its stamp of approval. Not even the hemp-derived CBD sold down at your local CVS or Walgreens is revered as medicine.

Big pharma’s party line

Trump’s tariffs on foreign steel have sped the decline of U.S. mills he vowed to help.
Since Trump announced the tariffs 16 months ago, U.S. Steel has lost almost 70% of its market value.

So Trump hasn’t saved coal, hurt farmers (but bailed them out to the tune of $28 billion in US taxpayer money), and now he’s hurting our steel industry.
And still his supporters claim he’s a great businessman, and is doing great for our nation. Facts say otherwise.
Why doubt the Trump? He’s only run casino’s and businesses into the ground and left 100’s of contractors without any payment.

Who’a fault is this Trumpanzees? Who’s to blame? Obama, Hillary, AOC? the media? Nope.
There’s only ONE person responsible for the tariffs.
He managed to kill 3 major industries of the USA (coal, farming, and steel)

As always, Trump LIED to Americans.

More Liberal Bullshit. There was a article on NBC telling how happy the steel mills were with their increase in business due to Trump making America Great Again.

Trump rages at Fox News, says it’s now worse than ‘Fake News CNN’.
“Fox is moving more and more to the losing (wrong) side in covering the Dems,” – Trump
“Something weird going on at Fox.” – Trump

What a hoot.
What? Wasn’t Fox News the favorite “News” agency of Trumps?
Trump thought fox was bought and paid for.
This is so rich, Donald turning on the only news network that was airing positive coverage of his Presidency.
What? Trump is out of love with Fox News? Say it isn’t so!
What, no more nightly phone calls with Chief of Staff Hannity?

If Trump turns again FOX, then what will his followers watch?
Will they be required to boycott network television altogether and just stick to online conspiracy sites?

Delusional Trumps ego got bone spurs over this.

More FAKE news from a Libraterd. They can’t find anything to get Trump on so they make shit up. Think they are cute. It will be fun to watch them meltdown again in 2020.

NIACC College Board Meeting for the Month of July 2019 5:30 p.m.

Board Dinner/Workshop
NIACC Campus – Activity Center – Room 128A

7:00 p.m. Regular November NIACC Board Meeting
NIACC Campus – Pierce Administration Building – Room 100
500 College Drive – Mason City, Iowa
Thursday, July 18, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was at a shopping mall in California when the earthquakes happened a few days ago.

She was confused as to why nobody ran into the stationary store with her for protection during the earthquake.

Here it is, Republicans. This is who’s representing you now. Is this really what you want? Can’t answer a question, so assumes things about the poster, and goes straight to the gutter with responses that reveal far more about the writer than anyone else. Anyone looking for the reasons for the toxic political atmosphere doesn’t need to look any further than right here.

Trumpsters stop even pretending they’re decent human beings when they get pushed even a little. How’s this for traditional?


July 5, 2019 at 7:24 am

Tell the truth, you know because of the blowjob you gave him and all the other conservatives. Whore

Reply Report comment

July 6, 2019 at 7:52 am

And, you do give blowjobs and are a whore. Truth hurts doesn’t it?

You somehow forgot to copy and paste the comment that started it all. I’m guessing posted by a jackass.

Oh, please. The devil made you do it? It’s obvious that it’s all you can do to keep from spewing this bile at woman you see, and most everybody else. You’re unhappy, so you’re mad at the world. Get some counseling and lay off the substances.

youre funny. i voted for trump. i dont agree with alot of his bs. BUT. just because i supported the man doesnt mean i disrespect the women in my life, it doesnt mean i hate every other race. it doesnt mean a damn thing. why is it all anti trump people are so keen on labeling people? or pigeon holing people? why is it that people think right wingers fit into this little box and agree 100% with the party line? same with left wingers? if you can really fully support either party, youre a sick and disturbed small minded ignorant angry social troglodyte.

There are no women in your life, obviously. They can tell what you won’t admit even to your self-hating self.

Oh my God! He hurt my feelings and now I am offended. I had better cry and run to my safe space. What a damn sissy.

“damn sissy” is from volume 1.

DEMOCRATS Looking for a needle in that haystack again. It was an outstanding event. His speech was awesome. The fly overs were spectacular, the crowd was all smiles mixed with some tears. A deciding factor for many moderate Democrats who love this country. Much like his State of the Union message, TRUMP WON BIG TIME and made his critics look SMALL. Thank You Mr. President, you have EARNED MY VOTE.

Now that is funny right there I don’t care who you are that is funny

do you feel smart? you made a comment that seems disconnected makes no point and hasnt the least bit of wit or value. why waste words and type up empty useless crap?

“You Mr. President, you have EARNED MY VOTE.”

That is because Trump is Putin’s bitch and you are Trump’s bitch.

Kamala should be so proud of the situation in her home state of California and she thinks she can run the country that way too, Trump 2020 in a landslide

Gender and race need REMOVED AS A CONSIDERATION FOR SPECIAL Treatment…work ethic and job skills should be the driving factor in determining job placement and pay

There is NO PAY GAP! There is EFFORT GAP! Opportunity is available for everyone! EVERYONE! People make CHOICES and their CHOICES have consequences! Stop trying to BUY votes!

Bullshit. In every workplace, women do at least 40% more work than men, while the men stand around drinking coffee and making comments about them. The women are given different job titles than men, which is used as justification for the lower salary. If you’d ever had a job you’d know this.

thats so funny. ive worked at cargill and curries and the women that worked just the same as the men seemed to get the same wage. are you kidding me? every place in town has set pay rates and everyone that works there makes the same amount. where do you idiots get this dumb idea from? i know how your politicians come up with the numbers but its not the same as the idiotic way you just did. to be honest some of the laziest people in the job industry are women and they will sell out there gender and flirt or act feeble til a man does the job for them, seen it a hundred times in factores, thats not to say there arent women out there who work circles around alot of dudes but as far as anyone whos actually had A REAL JOB can and will tell you men and women make the same amount of money at the same companies for the same jobs. you live in a fu***ng fantasy land. let me guess, youre a man bun having feminist? probably one who wants to be a women and takes the hate he has for his penis out on the rest of us for being normal?

Yeah, right, loser. You’ve never had a job in your life.

Stay in school, go to college or trade school, marry before having children, don’t divorce. Read to your children and help them in school. It’s a recipe for success for mostly everyone.
Giving free stuff cheapens people in society. We need self-pride.

SHOW ME a Country which has NO Term Limits for it’s Corrupt RICH Career Politicians & I’ll SHOW YOU an A.O.C. STUPID Country!

Then why do you keep advocating for more terms for Trump, assuming he could even get elected to another one, or even finish out this one?

Trump 2020-Get used to it.

well, because there is a term limit for president, unlike congress or senate. thats the point retard. as far as trump getting a second term… its fairly likely and im not a member of wither party. stop reading buzzfeed and wap and nytimes or watching the news and just actually open your eyes and look around a bit. you clearly have zero idea how the impeachment process works in our democratic republic. he isnt gping anywhere. you should stop wasting time on pipe dreams and fantasy and start trying to analyze the facts and not through your liberal cuz its trendy filter of the world either.

*Some of US still Find FOOLS doing STUPID SHIT….FUNNY! Congress IS JackAss the Movie.

The Donald Trump Sandwich:
White bread, full of bologna, side of Russian dressing, a little pickle, with a wall of Mexican chips.

my grandpa told me some very good info years ago. if your not guilt, you wouldn’t have been arrested !!!!

Your Grandpa was an idiot.

In the US, between 2.3 and 5% of all those arrested are innocent.
And that up to 10,000 people are be wrongfully convicted of serious crimes each year.
Numerous innocent people have been executed since 1973.

Name 3, and your proof.

Stupid Democrats when you pander to a minority by giving special favors you lose the majority vote. Trump creates jobs for everyone.

That’s not the answer to the question, so what the hell you talking about.

your grandpa was a fu**king idiot. many many people are arrested every year for made up charges of charged with something because the cops dont want to do the work or dislike the person, google how many cases in america people have been released from prison after being exonerated from crimes they never ever committed. people are falsely accused in this country every single day. im going to go ahead and make a positive identification of your grandfathers mental capacity. half smart jacka**

AOC…Short for Amazing, Outstanding Congresswoman and defender of freedom and the American dream.

“Undocumented workers fired from Trump’s Golf Clubs ask him to help them stay in U.S.
Almost two dozen undocumented immigrants were just fired from President Donald Trump’s golf clubs.
Some of whom had worked at Trump’s properties for more than a decade.”

Wait, what? Trump companies hire undocumented workers? I am shocked, shocked I say.
Why was he hiring undocumented workers in the first place?
Why isn’t Trump hiring Americans?
And why doesn’t the Trump family have their goods made in the USA?
Remember when Trump said he was planning to fine companies that hired illegal workers?

Undocumented workers? Use the correct term LIB. That would be illegal alien.

Don’t talk about the facts, just switch the conversation to something else….typical trumpian reply.

OK, use the term “illegal alien” then.
So instead of discussing Trump’s hiring of “illegal aliens” then, you can only deflect with your pitiful response.
Trump professes to be so anti-illegal aliens and yet he has been hiring them for decades.
For once, just once, why don’t you address the issue of Trump’s hypocritical practices….if you can that is.
Go ahead, let’s see your defense of Trump in this case.

Trump claims he “didn’t know” about undocumented workers at Trump properties. Trump pleaded ignorance.

Despite Trump’s claims, many of the fired employees, who included maids and groundskeepers,
claimed the Trump Organization knew for years about their legal status, but only fired them within the past several months.

The Trump Organization hired undocumented workers, exploited them, then fired them.
“From Costa Rica to New Jersey, a pipeline of illegal workers for Trump goes back years.”
Eric Trump (who now runs the day-to-day operations) admitted that they employed undocumented workers.

AOC = America’s Official Clown

Priceless. Harris’s Dad is trying again to set the record straight on her Jamaican heritage. She has been trying to claim African American heritage all the way. The mainstream media will never report on this. Doesn’t fit their narrative.

Camel A. Harris The A stands for Donkey

When someone’s arguments take the form of personal attacks and name-calling it’s a pretty clear admission
that they don’t have anything valid or worthwhile to say.

By devolving into name-calling you’ve revealed the bankruptcy of your position.
Name-calling, the last resort of the truly desperate.

Then there are a lot of desperate LIBS on this site.

No, it’s one extremely stupid Trumpanzee.
Geez, wonder who that is?
Well, you just look in the mirror, numbnuts.

how very original, some of us simply enjoy insulting other people. it has nothing to do with our childhood our homelife what kind of jam we prefer on toast or anything else. some of us are just assholes and we know it. has that ever occured to you? that maybe some people are pricks for the hell of it and it doesnt actually correlate with any social economical or personal problems? jesus christ cant anyone just troll for the fun of it without some guy who skipped most of his highschool psych class coming out of left field with predictions and ramshackle diagnoses?

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