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Globe-Gazette pulls Blodgett’s jokes; Todd’s friends defend his humor

Globe Gazette
Globe Gazette

MASON CITY – An NIT and Globe Gazette reader alerted NIT this morning of potentially dangerous comments posted to the Globe Gazette’s website.

The comments were made by a regular columnist and contributor to the Globe Gazette – Todd Blodgett – under a story about two Mason City citizens who have decided to run for City Council.

The comments may be considered offensive and potentially dangerous, as the comments specifically mention the Muslim God Allah. Islamic extremists have used the the mocking of their religion – and especially Allah – as reasons for past terrorist attacks.

Todd Blodgett in the Oval Office with Ronald Reagan, 1988 - Official White House photo
Todd Blodgett in the Oval Office with Ronald Reagan, 1988
– Official White House photo

At this time, the U.S. government is extremely sensitive to the situation in the Middle East and proved Monday morning that it is watching any and all information in the media on the situation there.

At 12:01 AM Monday morning, NIT published a story titled “US Commandos Kill 5 Insurgents”. At 5:13 AM, a Public Affairs Officer for the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force in Afghanistan contacted the NIT newsroom and said “There is no such thing as US commandos in our military. The story refers to Afghan special operations commandos. Please correct the record, and let us know when it happens. Thanks for your time, and sorry for the confusion.”

NIT immediately changed the story headline as requested.  “We need to be a little clearer on our end. The story can be a little misleading. Thanks for the quick fix,” the officer responded.

This weekend, the Globe Gazette published a story about a 42 year-old Caucasian woman – Jodi Draper – and a 75 year-old African American man – Leonard Foster – who announced intentions to run for City Council in Mason City.

Within hours, 21 comments were made under the story, with several from long-time Globe Gazette contributor and blogger Todd Blodgett, who lives in Clear Lake.  The comments remained published at as of 1:10PM Monday afternoon.  Todd Blodgett’s Guest Opinion columns are something of a lightning rod for Globe-Gazette readers, and he evokes strong reactions on both sides of the political aisle.

Blodgett posted several comments that some are describing as “troubling” in light of the context of the comments in reference to Muslims and even race.

The Globe Gazette claims to not allow comments that are “off topic”.  They have a strict list of etiquette. Publisher Matt Marquardt called the Globe Gazette newsroom Monday to ask about the comments.  Reporter Judy Delperdang said she did not know about the comments, and Editor Jane Reynolds also denied knowledge of the comments.  Mrs. Reynolds said she would “look into” the comments and said they may be removed.

Here are some of the comments Mr. Blodgett posted, along with the headline to the Globe Gazette story:

Would Muslims find the above comment offensive enough to retaliate?  Does this comment put North Iowa at risk?
Would Muslims find the above comment offensive enough to retaliate?  Does this comment put North Iowa at risk?
What was the implication here from Todd Blodgett?
What was the implication here from Todd Blodgett?

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Who is Matt dissing here? Todd , the Globe or both?

I have met Todd before. Once. This was during the last time or the call for service happens with him in clear lake. It was the only time I met the man. He was nothing but respectfull and honest with me. His opinion is that of his own. I have personally been bashed on this thread before. Matt stepped in and helped me out with that and I thank him for it!

I have worked and been a friend to muslins for years. Unfortunately most of them are not nearly as tolerant as Christians what has happened in the middle east proves it. . Granted the jokes are in poor taste get over it and go on with life. Have some tolerance for those with poor humor and get on with life. Even this web site’s author has way too much negative outlook on the world.

Evidently not friends enough to know how to spell “Muslims”

Todd’s funny. What isn’t funny are all the trogs here who take it seriously. Todd is not racist in the least. He just plays one on TV.

I am actually inclined to concur with that. Whatever else Blodgett may be, which could be said to be an opportunistically-inclined profiteer who was demonstrably insensitive to how others perceived his business deals, and the pain they caused, and even something of a second amendment fanatic, I do not think he is a bigot.

@ 4ever49, maybe Cheryl is upset that Toddy Boy joked about religious leaders getting blown up? How would you like if a dope fiend or meth addict or whatever he is made a joke about your minister or priest get blown thru your church roof. Muslims are people you know.

@Jenni-Muslims are not a religion, they are a cult. Wake up before it is to late.

Yo, they’re ALL cults. Look it up!

@just the facts-Wow-good post. Watch out now, here they come.

What a sensationalized piece of crap story. The narration a below the screenshots are just as offensive as Todd’s original comments. You make it sound like Muslims will attack anyone who disagrees. Shame on whoever wrote this article.

Enjoyed the video….you should include one in each comment section.

Maybe if this wasn’t brought to everyone’s attention on NIT, this would be a dead issue already. Besides, how many of you folks on here actually read the Globe or visit its website anyway?

Glad to hear that Todd is on his way to being clean and sober. Maybe I’ll run into him at a meeting.

@ Buzz Blodgett is hypacrite he still drinks, you can not be a true recovered addict and still drink. Ok so he don’t smoke crack now, he is still a hypacrite. It is all or nothing my friend this means Todd is a failure in recovery he would be nothing if it was not for his money he never works for.

Hey Cheryl why call recovering addicts low lifes? I am not Republican but at least Todd admits his problem and he stopped using. I guess I am a low life in your book right. Let’s see you work two jobs and put your smart mouth through NIACC like I had to, and get clean from meth, raise 3 kids at the same time. Stop judging people! 90 days to a new way of Life, God grant me the serenity to put up with your likes. Have a good day.

@Narcotics Anonymous- Glad to hear you are clean and sober. I just wish more would follow your example instead of trying to justify their habits.

i thought it was kinda funny. quit being so sensitive people.

Sieg heil, DS. Do your initials stand for Dumb Shit?

so because im not overly sensitive im a dumb shit?? its a joke thats the problem with american people like you

so because im not overly sensitive im a dumb shit?? its a joke. thats the problem with america, people like you.

I must agree with 4 ever 49 on this one. Besides, if Todd Blodgett is as bad as they say he is (I do not know him at all) maybe it would be a good idea not to piss him off. After all, he is entitled to his opinion just like the rest of us.

Blodgett is all right, I know him a bit from here at the lake. He’s always joking around about something. Mouthy at times, but always says hi.

“The comments may be considered offensive and potentially dangerous, as the comments specifically mention the Muslim God Allah. Islamic extremists have used the mocking of their religion – and especially Allah – as reasons for past terrorist attacks.”
So what?! Who cares if they are offended? I am offended by our lack of an aggressive response to these medieval nut jobs.
It is time for the rest of the world, particularly the politically correct, spineless, all-are-equal apologist wimps that populate our political class and MSM to wake up and smell the coffee – or cordite.

You sound like a racist pig. Muslims are human beings, they do not deserve Blodgett making fun of their looks. The Nazi junkie’s slam’s against women are offensive. I am sure all women everywhere hate what this spoiled male chauvanist pig said about their faces. Do you and Toddy Boy belong to the same gun club or do you just smoke crack with him and his lowlife buddys.

@ Cheryl. You do not speak for all women. Mr. Blodgett did not make fun of all women, he just joked about Muslim women’s faces. I thought it was funny and it is. I am going to tell the joke about the Prophets going thru the roof to my bridge club tomorrow. I know the girls will love it!

@Cheryl-You are the only racist on here. Grow up or move out.

Cheryl – first of all Muslim is not a “race”.
If you think “the “Nazi junkie’s slam’s against women are offensive”, just what do you think of a Muslim who runs over his own teenage daughter with his taxi (in Arizona) for dating non-Muslims?
At what point does a Muslim man have too many wives and you might find that offensive? Shouldn’t a Muslim woman have the ability to face her rapist in court on equal footing as the assailant, but instead is the one found guilty (Pakistan 2012) – or is that too offensive?
You really need to do some homework and find out the history of Islam and just how murderous it has been, and still is.

@4ever49, I was in Iraq, deployed there in 09-10, the Muslims are not to be blamed for 9-11-01. The Radicals are! I am a white Christian, Am I to blame for slavery? White supremacy? Oklahoma City Bombing? Columbine? Newton? Auro? the list goes on and on, But NO White Christians are not to be blamed, the Radicals ARE. Just because there are bad apples in EVERY Religion does not mean EVERYONE is bad. I have met very nice and Educated Muslims,and unfortunately some very uneducated radical Muslims who tried multiple times to take my life, and I even work with one who has a PHD, my Sons primary Dr. is a Muslim, so please next time people speak “type” please try to be more correct as you are embarrassing yourself.

Jeremy: so the “Muslims” are not to be blamed for 9-11-01, just the “Radicals” (who I assume are also Muslim). You are right to say there are bad apples within every religion. The fact is that Islam is more than what we traditionally define as a “religion”. It also has within it a system of laws that they impose on all that they can dominate. Look up “dhimmi” & dhimmitude “to see what I am talking about. As a service man I assume you also know the history of the Marine Hymn and the “shores of Tripoli”. Look it up.
I assume you are aware that the Muslim Brotherhood that was recently deposed in Egypt as they sought to have Islamic laws enforced “democratically” – whatever that means. Look it up.
You met nice Muslims. I too know nice Muslims, but that does not mean I am willing to give a pass to their “religion” given its long history of forced conversion at the point of a sword, mistreatment of women, gays, and their propensity to kill apostates.
As a Vietnam Vet, thanks for your service in Iraq.

@4ever49, I appreciate your service as well, and your civility in this debate, however, here is another valid argument, I am a Lutheran, Should I hate Catholics because of the Priests that molest children or the simple fact they forbid contraceptives, or LGBTs’ from marriage,or they forbid there Priests and Pope from getting married? that seems like a dictatorship to me. As I don’t use the word hate to often I do however, hate Pedophiles. so if we keep the status qua here, if the Muslim religion is to be blamed for the violence and terrorist and suppression that you speak, are the Catholics to be blamed for Pedophilia? BTW the Definition of Cult, Noun
A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.

Jeremy, your question was “if the Muslim religion is to be blamed for the violence and terrorist and suppression that you speak, are the Catholics to be blamed for Pedophilia?”
Do Catholics teach pedophilia? No. Should they be held to account for covering up – yes, and they have been paying for it.
Does Islam teach hatred towards Jews & Christians? There is ample evidence that the answer is yes. Apostates are to be killed. It is ok to enter into a treaty with your enemy and later violate it according to the Koran – so lying is ok as well. President Jefferson learned this in his dealings with the Barbary pirates and we need to be mindful of that as well.
I really think it is an error on our part to continue to draw parallels with Christianity & Islam thinking both are simply “religions”. Islam is far more militant and seeks domination through whatever means it can. Take a look at the happenings in Europe where millions have settled into France, England, Belgium, etc. There are “Muslim only” areas where even the local police do not go.
Wherever they can they set up sharia councils (their own courts) outside of the civil law of the country. Guess what happens to the rights of women and others they deem less than deserving.

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