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School Board to meet Monday; wage increases for administrators recommended

by Matt Marquardt –

MASON CITY – The Mason City School Board will meet Monday and cover a range of important issues.  If you are a property owner in Mason City, as much as 42% of your property tax goes to the school district.

Wage increases are recommended for Superintendent Anita Micich, district administrators, and other personnel.  Micich is paid over $170,000 as Superintendent of the Mason City and Clear Lake school districts.  The amount of the pay raises was not disclosed in the agenda or any other material submitted by the district prior to the meeting; NIT hopes to gather this information during the meeting to present to the public.

(PHOTO: Mason City School Board and Superintendent Anita Micich at June board meeting.)

A tentative agreement between the Mason City Education Association and the Mason City School District for a 3.94% total package increase that includes an increase of $970 to the base salary is recommended for approval. MCEA ratified the tentative agreement on June 27, 2012.

The board clarified its “open forum” policy, possibly in response to NIT’s questioning of the board at the June meeting.

Former explanation of open forum policy: “This portion of the meeting is designated for patrons who wish to address the Board about agenda or other items.”

New explanation of open forum policy: “This portion of the meeting is designated for patrons who wish to address the Board about agenda or other items. To participate in Open Forum completion of the open forum request must be submitted to the Board President or Superintendent prior to the start of the meeting. Comments will be limited to five minutes. The Board of Education will not take action on matters presented by patrons in the Open Forum. Board Policy 213.”

Note to the general public: If you have any specific questions or observations you would like the board to hear, please leave them in the story comments below and I will relay that information to the board.


Mason City Community School District
Board of Education Meeting
July 16, 2012
Mason City Community School District Vision Statement: In the Mason City Community Schools every student will excel and develop into a responsible and productive citizen. Our staff, parents and community will support and nurture students to reach their highest potential.

Note: Finance Committee Meeting
The Finance Committee of the Board of Education will meet at 5:00 p.m. in the Board Secretary’s office to review the financial reports of the district for the month ending June 30, 2012; to review investments made since the previous board meeting; and to review the list of warrants submitted for Board of Education approval.
Regular Meeting of the Board

The regular meeting of the Board of Education will convene at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room of the School Administration Building.
1. Consent Items
a) Minutes
b) Approval of Bills
c) Personnel Report – BEM Number 1 (Board Goals 2, 4)
d) 2012-2013 Student Handbooks (Board Goals 1, 2, 4, 5)
e) Free and Reduced Lunch Policy and Income Guidelines – BEM Number 2 (Board Goals 2, 4)
f) Cooperative Sharing Agreement Application Renewal– BEM Number 3 (Board Goals 1, 2, 4)
g) Student Driver School Permits – BEM Number 4 (Board Goals 1, 2, 3, 4)
h) Open Enrollment – BEM Number 5 (Board Goals 1, 2, 4)
i) Board Policy Updates/Revisions – BEM Number 6 (Board Goal 4)

Aug. 7-8

PK-6 Registration, Lincoln Intermediate – Noon-7 p.m.
Aug. 7-8

Middle School Registration (7th grade at JAMS 7) (8th grade at MCHS IC) – Noon-7 p.m.
Aug. 7-8

Mason City High School Registration, MCHS IC – Noon-7 p.m.
Aug. 9

PK-6 Registration, Lincoln Intermediate – 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Aug. 9

Middle School Registration (7th grade at JAMS 7) (8th grade at MCHS IC) – 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Aug. 9

Mason City High School Registration, MCHS IC – 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Aug. 10

Mason City High School Registration, MCHS IC – 9 a.m.-Noon
Aug. 13

Mason City High School New Student Registration – 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Aug. 20

New Teacher Reception, Lincoln Intermediate Commons – 8:00 a.m.
Aug. 20

New Teacher Luncheon with Board and Administration, Lincoln Intermediate – 11:30 a.m.
Aug. 20

Regular Meeting of the Board of Education – 5:30 p.m.

Mason City Alternative School Registration – 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Aug. 24

First Day for Teachers ~ Meeting Free Work Day
Aug. 27

All Staff Meeting, Lincoln Intermediate Gym – 8:00 a.m.
Aug. 29

Elementary and Intermediate Parent-Teacher Conferences
Aug. 29

Classes for JAMS, Alt. HS and New Mohawk Day at MCHS (9th grade & new students only)
Aug. 30

Classes for K-4, 5th grade and 7-12 students
Aug. 31

Classes for all K-12 students
Sept. 3

NO SCHOOL – Labor Day
Sept. 5

First Day of Classes for PK Students

This portion of the meeting is designated for patrons who wish to address the Board about agenda or other items. To participate in Open Forum completion of the open forum request must be submitted to the Board President or Superintendent prior to the start of the meeting. Comments will be limited to five minutes. The Board of Education will not take action on matters presented by patrons in the Open Forum. Board Policy 213.


2. Tentative Agreement between the Mason City Education Association and Mason City School District for 2012-2013 (Board Goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
The tentative agreement is a 3.94% total package increase that includes an increase of $970 to the base salary. MCEA ratified the tentative agreement on June 27, 2012. Approval is recommended
3. Superintendent, Administrative, Supervisory and Other Miscellaneous Contracts (Board Goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
A salary/benefits package increase for superintendent, district administrators, supervisors, food service managers and other school personnel not under bargaining units will be presented. Approval is recommended.
4. Appoint Board Secretary/Treasurer and Recording Secretary (Board Goals 4, 5)
It is recommended that Ramona Jeffrey be appointed as Board Secretary/Treasurer and that Susan Deike be appointed as Recording Secretary for 2012-2013.
5. Resolution Naming Depositories (Board Goal 4)
Executive Director of Business and Financial Services Ramona Jeffrey will present the resolution for naming depositories included as BEM Number 7 for adoption. Adoption is recommended.
6. Award of Food Service Food Bid for 2012-2013 (Board Goal 4)
Executive Director of Business and Financial Services Ramona Jeffrey will present bids and a recommendation for food services food purchases for 2012-2013.
7. Proposed 2013 State Legislative Priorities (Board Goals 1, 4, 5)
The Board will discuss and vote on proposed state legislative resolutions to be submitted to the Iowa Association of School Boards in consideration of that organization’s 2013 legislative agenda. BEM Number 8 is a proposed listing of legislative action items from the Iowa Association of School Boards.
8. Blue Zones Project School District Commitment Approval (Board Goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
BEM Number 9 includes a copy of information related to the Blue Zones Project Certification Process. Superintendent Anita Micich will review information related to this process and recommend the district approve a commitment to this process.


9. Student and Staff Recognition (Board Goal 4)
Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services Hal Minear will provide information regarding recent accomplishments of students and staff members.
10. Board Policy Updates – First Reading (Board Goal 4)
BEM Number 10 includes Board Policy Regulations 505.1R1 – Student Progress Reports and Conferences/Grades K-4, 505.1R2 – Student Progress Reports and Conferences/Grades 5-6, 505.1R3 – Student Progress Reports and Conferences/Grades 7-12 and Board Policy Exhibit 505.1E1 – Mason City Community School District Productivity Rubric being presented for first reading.

11. PPEL (Physical Plant and Equipment Levy) and ISP (Instructional Support Program) (Board Goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
The Board will continue discussion related to whether the district should move forward to present to the community a vote on an ISP (Instructional Support Program) and/or PPEL (Physical Plant and Equipment Levy).

– Communications Committee
– Facilities Steering Committee
– Fundraising Committee
SUPERINTENDENT’S UPDATE (Board Goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
– MCCSD Student Support Services K-12
– Board Planning Session
– Committee of the Whole Meeting Times and Dates
– Superintendent’s Update
Chapters 11 and 12 – “Leading Change in Your School” by Doug Reeves – Facilitated by Board Director Appelgate
Board Goals: What areas/topics from this agenda resonated specifically with you?
Suggested topics for future Board meetings.
12. Closed Session – Superintendent’s Annual Evaluation (Board Goals 2, 4)
A closed session will be held to conduct the superintendent’s annual evaluation. The motion should be stated as follows:  “I move that we hold a closed session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Open Meetings Law to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose performance is being considered to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation, as that individual has requested a closed session.”

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Give me a break! Every year my taxes go up! Due to the improvements!! lol Gee i have mowed my yard up my taxes $450 I have to work 70 hours a week all year so the admin can give himself a raise! You are welcome!

It was a troll Anon… Don’t be so quick to bite the hook.

Seriously “Summers Off”….
You only portray a very selfish attitude and don’t represent us teachers at all!!! Do you realize the message you are sending here? You make all of us look very selfish, and that is not what all of us feel….hope the community realizes that NOT all of us feel that way as educators….enjoy your summer; “Summers Off”, but realize how much of a privelage that is!! M.C. people,I understand your concerns and value them!!!

Shut up and pay more taxes. We only have 6 weeks left on the golf course, and then we start a new 180 year. And no, I am not going to pay any of my healthcare, you can do that too.

My problem with pay increases is with the teachers union. To get a teacher fired they would have to be sexually molesting a child in public, on camera, and the teachers union would still probably put up a hell of a fight defending them. Their union gives all unions a bad name. If teachers had to worry about losing their job like the rest of the world they could not handle it.

You’re wrong.

Per the above article remember that as much as 42% of your property taxes goes to the school district. That is a ton of money and why would people just follow like sheep and keep saying yes? When your kid keeps asking you for money, do you just keep giving it to him?

I beleve that Micich should own a property, she has been here long enough that she should contribute to the cost of the schools.
I also do not think 4 buses of students who were in summer school needed to be taken to DesMoines Adventure land on the taxpayer dollar. This school has no idea how to cut expences.
No way I’d vote to give this school more money. Students cant get extra help when then need it because the teachers beat the students out the door.

Do we know that summer school kids went to Adventureland for a fact? If so, I hope each child purchased their ticket and paid for transportation. My question as to if this did happen, “Why?”

The summer program was open to all kids for Harding because the school is on that watch list and they are trying to improve reading scores. My daughter went. On one of the last days they took a field trip to the Blank Park Zoo. They had been reading all about habitats.

I got my property tax statement today and saw that my school portion of the taxes went down 8.536%

For questions asked I would like for each of the school board members, each individually, to answer for the record why they think it is fair, when people are struggling so much, to ask for pay raises.

Another question would be using Watchdog’s fine points above, do they understand the seriousness of the financial situation and what do they plan to do about it? I guess I would like them to verbalize that they understand how property tax revenues will be lower and how people have less money with layoffs, etc., and higher prices such as for groceries. How do we even know this board gets it? They probably need to be interviewed and asked these questions to make sure they are financially literate and realistic people, not just dreamers or worse yet, “yes” men and women.
I applaud them for stepping up and serving on the board. It is a lot of work and they are trying to do a good thing but if they don’t get it, they don’t get it. Could we just make sure they understand what they are doing?

More of the education cash grab,

….Teachers across the country face pay freezes and possible layoffs, but the heads of the two biggest teachers unions saw their pay jump 20 percent last year, to nearly half a million dollars apiece.

American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten’s pay jumped to $407,323 between 2010 and 2011, while her counterpart at the National Education Association, Dennis Van Roekel, got a raise to $362,644. Factor in stipends and other paid expenses and Weingarten took in $493,859 and Van Roekel $460,060 for 2011.

I would be embarrassed if I did not know that you can receive social security benefits at age 62. Look it up, though I would have thought you would do that before you posted. Difficult things like math? Somebody better try reading.

Just how much is $170000?? Let’s break it down some.
$14166 per month.
$3269 per week.
$465 per day.
If you made this much, could you take a raise and not feel embareassed and guilty??

As a teacher in the Mason City District, I do understand all of the concerns being shared in regards to raises during these very hard economic times!! There are numerous people struggling to just make ends meet, and now is not the time to be stepping up to ask for almost a 4% increase. I’ll be one of the few that will admit that we should simply take a pay freeze for another year. If we want to show the people of M.C. that we are in this for the kids, then all of us (including administrators) need to listen to the concerns shown by the taxpayers (not just on this site), but it’s being shared throughout the community and take a pay freeze. Let’s set the example and show our taxpayers what we’re really about!

Thank you, Annon… I appreciate the strength and courage it took to put yourself out in the public like this. THANK YOU!

Strength and courage, really? Without attaching your name to something one is displaying cowardice not courage. For all we know it’s Jack McCourt pretending to be a teacher.

Only a fool would attach their name. The teacher above with the courage to speak out would be met with hostility from the rest of his peers.

I too thank you for your courage.

I’d be afraid to submit my name if I was a teacher, too….’cuz the union will bust your ass !

Teachers Union is the reason the U.S. Education system is failing – plain & simple

We have trouble here in River City. We have elected a bunch of educated folks that do not understand we are in a deflationary period.

The highest priority of the School Board should be cutting the budget. That includes wages too. Tax money is drying up!

Housing values are dropping and will continue to drop. Wages are dropping and will continue to drop.

Until world economics stabilize we all should be learning to live with less. This will take a very long time.

This may be hard to accept but a reality none the less.

People retiring on the IPERS system (meeting the rule of 88 that is age plus years of service) get basically 60% of the average of their highest paid 5 years.
Example: If the average of a person’s highest 5 years is $50,000 then they get $30,000 a year for the rest of their lives. (They also are eligible for social security at age 62). So someone may retire at age 55 with 33 years of service and will receive $30,000 every year. Those are tax dollars. Do you see why people are worried about this as not being sustainable? Just do the math and figure out how this is all going to work.

When does social security kick in? You may not be ready for difficult things like “math”.

Not all of that is tax dollars. The returns on investments pay a very large portion. If it wasn’t feasible to start with then the system would have never been built. PS Im not a teacher, but I do work for a company that provides a pension.

Instead of coming on here to complain, why not just go to the school board meetings and register your complaints then? Has that concept ever occurred to anyone??

I for one will be working – driving a semi-truck – somewhere between Wyoming and Nevada at the time of the meeting…

(exact location depends on the speed of others to get me loaded)

Otherwise, you would see me at the meeting.

Trucker Dave: You have a very valid reason for not attending.

Why is it that privite business are having pay freezes and pay cuts and the school board is passing out pay raises iam sick and tired of my taxes going up up and up.

Why indeed? Private business is sitting on close to $1.5 trillion in cash, and still calls for wage freezes and cuts. Private business is still profitable at the expense of the worker. Why does private business refuse to pay their workers decent wages?

What is wrong with your head? The money that private citizens and business have is not yours to take.

You school teachers and liberals are nothing more than thieves. You use the political process to steel money from working people who by the sweat of their brow worked their way up and saved some money.

Why are SOME businesses storing up cash? (It’s VERY unfair to lump all businesses together – some are profitable, others are not, thus they are CLOSING in this tough times)

Here’s a few reasons why businesses are storing up ca$h:

1.) Obamacare uncertainty – already, many businesses that are unfortunately having their health insurance renewal time come up right now are facing DOUBLE their insurance premiums. (HMMM – another good reason teachers and admin need to pay more of their premiums)

2.) EPA regulations for clean air – some major benchmarks are due. Exhaust from boilers, manufacturing processes all have HUGE new maximum allowables to meet, or shut down.

3.) Utility rates are skyrocketing – read more on that elsewhere on this friendly site.

4.) Obama pledges to take more of the cash out of private businesses accounts through higher FEDERAL taxes (not to mention State, Local and Property taxes).

5.) Even businesses need a new equipment or buildings or remodel an older building to meet new needs – schools are not the only ones. With today’s economy, there’s constant pressure on to sell cheaper, be better, more durable.

The world is not all rosey if you open your eyes when you step outside your classrooms. Look around you!

Southbridge mall bankrupt
Greenhouse company east of town shut down
Holcim shuttered
Sugar plant locked out union – replacements paid far less than former workers.
Sears Mall less than half occupied
Willowbrook mall being leased out by Mercy
OVER 70 HOMES BULLDOZED BY FEMA – city owned property don’t pay taxes, teachers!!!
How many vacant store fronts are there in the newly remodeled uptown?

Thats because a private company or public employer without unions to deal with can pay out what ever they what and freeze what ever they want and jack up healthcare costs onto the employee when ever they want. They have more $$ in there pockets showing more profit, the stocks go up and the fat hog gets fatter.

Pay raises and bad markets are why we’ve gone from an IPERS program that was funded at 100% and is now at 80% or less. The 20% underfunding is an additional taxpayer liability. In the last 15 years this number continues to increase beyond control. Currently it is over 5.6 billion underfunded. 2011 Iowa population is 3,062,309 so that is roughly a liability of over $1,800 for every man, woman, and child living in the state of Iowa. And the thing just keeps growing.

Bad markets? Blame that on investment bankers who have successfully plundered everyone’s pockets. These bankers have made off like bandits and forced you to bear the costs of their risky investments. Now these bankers are heavily lobbying congress to remove even the meager regulations that exist to protect YOU, the taxpayer. Recognize who the real threat is.

The real threat is you! It is your greed not the bankers investment brokers that caused IPERS to be underfunded.

What you think you know is not so!

IPERS is underfunded because the school teachers and public employees took over State Governments and voted themselves constant pay raises and more benefits.

IPERS is not Actuarial sound! We don’t have enough people working and paying into the money pit to pay for IPERS.

IPERS is doomed as it is now. It is only a matter of time.

Let’s see… educators took over State government. Tom Vilsack? Oh yeah, an educator from Mt. Pleasant.
He reigned over most of the IPERS decline.

Now his wife has the gall to come back to Iowa, and want us to hire HER to represent us? (Another former teacher). Hasn’t been in Iowa in three years, except to visit.

I don’t know Steve King at all, but at least he’s not a carpet-bagger.


Doesn’t matter HOW the IPERS system works.

The “fact” is the taxpayers are tired of seeing ridiculous headlines in the newspaper about teacher/admin reactions to things – eg. refusing to allow elementary children sing Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA”, encouraging children to learn chants praising Obama’s goodness, chastising students for criticizing Obama, teachers accused of wrong-doing sitting in “rubber rooms” daily earning full pay for YEARS as they appeal their cases, the list goes on.

I’m tired of paying MY money to schools that let buildings run-down due to poor maintenance practices then say “Oh! We need a new building ’cause the last one the taxpayers gave us is in bad shape.”

FACT IS – For each dollar contributed by a Mason City police and firefighter to their retirement, by a state-wide agreement signed by Chet Culver as he raised a finger to wave good-bye to Iowans, forces the city to pay in THREE DOLLARS! That’s a 300% return on investment!!!!

I CHALLENGE ANY TEACHER OR ADMIN to show ANY private business in THE WORLD that provides any return on their employee’s retirement investment greater than 50%!!!

(By the way – that’s the main reason Wisconsin teachers were upset. For every dollar a WI teacher put into retirement, the state had to put in $75!!!! Example: A Wisconsin teacher sets aside $100, the state had to put in $7,500. No wonder the teachers behaved poorly when the Governor slain their golden goose! New York City police, fire and teachers get a 19:1 return on their retirement programs by their taxpayers)

UPS teamsters don’t pay a dime to their pension fund. They can retire after 25 years of service with a $2500 pension for life, health insurance costs $50 a month(for the whole family) until age 65. There it is trucker…the biggest part of the problem is the fact that banks and markets crashed due to the greed of the rich.

If Micich has averaged $170,000 for the last 5 years and if she is eligible to retire she will receive $102,000 PER YEAR for the rest of her life. Say she is retired for 25 years after leaving the school system- that is $2.55 million. See how this works? That is your money, taxpayer money. I am not trying to single her out but trying to help people understand the seriousness of the retirement money that will need to be paid out.

This is just so wrong. Enrollment is down and they want more money. Seems to me my boss says sales are down their will be no raises

I am concerned about whats going on in Mason City eduction these days…seems like we are building and remodeling for the sake of building and remodeling…how does this better my kids education? The disruption is now going into year two and its getting old fast.

With the declining school enrollment we should be seeing a declining budget.

Great. Every time they get a pay raise it increases their IPERS payout and causes IPERS to be that much more underfunded. IPERS is guaranteed by the taxpayers. We not only are paying for their wages, we are going to have to pay for any underfunding of that system that is currently over 5.6 billion underfunded. Their IPERS payout is based on an employee’s highest five years of income. Rather than continue to give raises to somebody we better figure out how they are going to solve the underfunding problem. When a private sector employee’s 401(k) loses money it is that much less they have to retire on but with IPERS when IPERS loses money taxpayers have to make it up—not the public employees but taxpayers. People are ignorant of how this system works and it is a shame because I think if they understood it they would be more resistant to these constant raises. I think we can agree it is politically incorrect to speak out against the schools so they get a pass all the time.

Hmmm… isnt there a lawsuit against the school for bullying and more kids on drugs and individual education plans than ever before? Sounds to me like the administration is not doing a proper job, and certainly not a good enough one to be rewarded. I think the board has to tighten Micich’s leash and force her to hold her incapable principals accountable for turning our school system into a mere daycare.

We need a completely new school board. I hope some people step up and lead us out of this money pit.

In today’s economy, asking for ANY pay raise takes guts.

Let’s face it, things are tough. Homes are being foreclosed, businesses are closing and more of the same lay around the corner.

IF the school board had the courage to do what’s needed, the teachers and staff would be asked to pay between 15-20% of their health insurance premiums, cut the amount the school pays for retirement to 50% of the first 3% the employee pays into IPERS, and no pay raise for this year.

The students graduating this last spring face unemployment figures almost double that of adults.

College students graduating this last spring met 15% unemployment for their age groups, have to live at home with their parent(s) and have to repay student loans upwards of $80,000 plus on fast-food restaurant pay.

IF the economy turns around, the board would be welcomed to re-visit the issue.

Taxpayers can’t go hungrier just so public officials can get a raise. Things like this are creeping closer to the tipping point of setting off a “we versus they” climate with public employees being the “they’s”


Here is an idea. Publish the entire budget down to a dime. Name names. I bet the general public could easily whittle it down to the limits of revenue. No increases, no new taxes.

They do publish every single public employee and their earnings for the year along with how much was paid to which businesses whose services were rendered or products were purchased.

MC should of never put a lady in charge of school, and now she run CL too. Ladies make good teachers and secataries and nurse, but lets dont make a lady the boss man. Look what happen. yes.

You’re a male chauvinist for saying that. Females as a whole now have higher IQ’s than men and you just proved that.

He proved that the first time he posted on here. He obviously can’t spell or form a proper sentence. Vince has a lot of gall putting women down like this. I think he feels threatened by them, and he SHOULD. No way could he ever manage a business as well as most of the women I know.

Vince “VIAGRA” Ventura… yes that VIAGRA must have fried your brain…who has been running the U.S. for decades causing trillion dollar debt ?

M.C. needs an entire new school board.. like last year already !

Educational administration is nothing but a scam–can’t get good administrators unless you pay them high 6 figure salaries? Lol

Next to go should be Niacc prez Deb Derr–she has run the place into the ground. Teacher morale is the lowest it’s ever been. Students are paying some ridiculous technology fee for her Sunguard IT contract (a contract for an out of state company to the tune of hundreds of thousands per year) which has improved nothing for the students.

If she completes this upcoming school year, she will get her “signing bonus”–something on the order of $60K. I say give it to her tomorrow and let her go back to Canada from whence she came.

Why are we spending more money on the administrators when the teachers are the ones who should have that pay raise. Administrators should get payed less then the teachers. Teachers are under aperciated and under payed. Note I am not a teacher myself.

I sure hope you’re not a teacher! Why did so few people who post on this site pay attention to spelling, grammar, and punctuation in school? Education was the best free thing you could have ever received!

IQ is clearly not intelligent!


Probably another teacher, aka educated idiot.

I commend the MC Schools and the personnel. Teachers are much more than teachers today…they are the only positive role models some of our children of today receive. Congratulations and thank you for all your time spent with all children from all walks of life. I support any raise given to all of you…..Anita, you are doing a job that 99 per cent of us could never do….you and everyone in the district are a gift…..

Are you serious? Some of the teachers are a gift and some are well not. To ask for a raise when times are tough and you make roughly 6 times more than the people of this city, this is nothing but criminal. You must be one of her stooges shame on you too.

I thought Scott would have some brains but it seems he’s just another bent over yes man.

More money for Micich!!!! Why?????????????????????
These people on the school board need to be voted out next election!

I do not understand why anyone would have the gute to ask for a pay raise, when they are makingover a hundred thousand and only work halfm a year. to bad we have so many greedy people living amongest us.

LIBERALS with Union backing – that’s the problem !

Why don’t you mention all the conservatives that are union members. I know its hard to believe but they take those good wages and safe working conditions and never say a word!

Even more news:

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