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Iowa Democrats miffed at Chuck Grassley’s endorsement of Steve King

Steve King
Steve King
DES MOINES – IDP Communications Director Sam Lau issued the following statement in response to Chuck Grassley’s endorsement of Steve King:

“It is fitting that Chuck Grassley, who is refusing to do his job in the Senate, would endorse Steve King, who was recently named the least effective member of Congress. Iowans can’t count on either of them to put the needs of working families above their partisan posturing.

“Unfortunately, this is the type of representation Iowans have come to expect from their Republican delegation in Washington—a commitment to obstructionism over progress, and extreme ideology over middle class priorities.

“Chuck Grassley and Steve King have both been in Washington far too long. Kim Weaver and the Iowa Democratic candidates for U.S. Senate are running to finally give Iowans the representation they deserve in Congress.”

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Senator Grassley would not have much choice in this matter. You can hardly expect one Republican Senator of a state to not endorse the other Republican Senator of a state. I dislike King and have not voted for him the last two times he has come up for election even though I am a registered Republican. I am not happy with Grassley’s SCOTUS stalling tactics and have written to him about same, but overall, I think his record has been very good.

The best way to honor Sen. Grassley is with embalming fluid.

Ironic ??? This tuesday DONALD TRUMP will slaughters Lying ted cruz in New York – That same day in our history books marks as the beginning of the Revolutionary War in the year 1775 – Now our freedom again will prevail with Donald Trump 2016. THRUTH HURTS for the king George azzholes ( coroporate owned elites/kingsmen) who have raped America for their own greed.

INFO WARS – Why was Ted Cruz hatched in Canada – Answer – His Father was a draft doger and moved to Canda to avoid being drafted during the Vietnam Era. Any veteran who would vote for this lying piece of shit is beyond me.

Actually cruz’s father wasn’t a citizen, his mother was, so his father wouldn’t have been drafted because of that so your statement isn’t true.

@David-On this one you were wrong. As a legal immigrant he was eligible for the draft.

didn’t the draft come from the selective service?

Show me one thing a politician has said that is 100% the truth – Lying elected crooks out to line their own pockets with corporate money – Vote TRUMP 2016 — AND YES you are correct! He was never a politican/crook – Save America and prosecute these evil money hungry liars like TED CRUZ.

Give me an example of one thing Grassley has said that isn’t true.Bashing is easy, back it up with some facts.

I like king, I like grassley, I just don’t like the republican party or the democratic party.

“We should not have a government program that determines if you’re going to pull the plug on grandma.” —

If I remember right, isn’t that a part of obamacare?

@David-I read just this morning that Obamacare is failing fast. All of the providers claim they are losing money and will drop the system. Obamacare cost 22% more today than when it first started and they are still losing money. So much for legacy.

give me an example of one thing Steve King has said that isn’t true.

“If there is a sexual predator out there who has impregnated a young girl. Say a thirteen year old girl; and it happens in America more times than you and I would like to think. That sexual predator could pick that girl up off the playground at the middle school and haul her across the state line and force her to get an abortion to irradiate the evidence of his crime and bring her back and drop her off at the swing set and that’s not against the law in the United States of America.”

“Mexican kids with thighs the size of cantaloups smuggleing marijuana across the border”.

This as further evidence that even so-called “serious” members of the Republican Party have no problem cuddling up to the rankest extremists among them like the idiot Steve King.
Even being a liberal, I used to respect Chuck Grassley as he was a good man.
The key word there being “was”.
What the hell happened to you Chuck?
You need to retire as it is quite obvious that you have completely lost it, as you have become what you used to fight against, just a political hack.

You’re preachin’ to the choir!

The democratic party has gone down the wrong road for so long that it’s people think that good is bad and bad is good.. they have been brainwashed to think that anybody that believes in the country and not the government is a terrorists. The government is slowly killing itself and driving a wedge between the people, the only way to put us back on the right path is to get rid of BOTH parties and only elect those that love our country.

Your rants and raves are becoming nonsensical, approaching Peter. WTF are you talking about?

I am talking about both political parties suck.

For once David, I agree with you.

@David-I completely agree with you on this. But, I do not care for King very much.

Chuck, you used to know better. Time to hang it up. SAD.

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