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Donald Trump’s Memorial Day message attacks his assault victim, calls folks “human scum”

MAR-A-LAGO, FLORIDA - Donald trump used harsh language this Memorial Day to once again attack his sexual assault victim whom he owes many millions of dollars for defamation and then called folks "human scum" for having different views than he does.

MAR-A-LAGO, FLORIDA – Donald Trump used harsh language this Memorial Day to once again attack his sexual assault victim whom he owes many millions of dollars for defamation and then called folks “human scum” for having different views than he does.

Donald Trump’s scathing Memorial Day social media post was rife with dangerous attacks and whiny language he could have used in court last week to defend himself in his latest trial, but he revealed himself to be a coward and refused to take the stand.  Instead, today, he offered nothing to our beloved veterans.  Most folks would refer to our men and women who served in uniform as “heroes” but reportedly, Trump has used different language to describe how he feels about them.  According to the Associated Press, “Donald Trump (made) disparaging remarks about members of the U.S. military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as ‘losers’ and ‘suckers.’  Defense officials said Trump made the comments as he begged off visiting the (U.S. military) cemetery outside Paris during a meeting following his presidential daily briefing on the morning of Nov. 10, 2018. Staffers from the National Security Council and the Secret Service told Trump that rainy weather made helicopter travel to the cemetery risky, but they could drive there. Trump responded by saying he didn’t want to visit the cemetery because it was ‘filled with losers.'”

Even as Trump failed to acknowledge our military as he doggedly pursues another four years as Commander-in-Chief, he quickly pivoted to lashing out at those he detests the most, starting with an older woman a jury decided he sexually assaulted and defamed.  Donald Trump owes E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million dollars after his assault of the elderly writer, whom he then defamed numerous times, including again possibly today.  A  jury already decided his guilt, and today’s attack may cost him more millions, if yet another jury hears about it. Of course he is appealing the outcome in the hopes he can become President again, enabling him to continue to evade justice and simply ignore all his legal troubles.

Trump had no appropriate words of support for veterans, but he did offer up a serving of his typical,  bombastic, dangerous language for folks not pining for the good old days he refers to in his “make America great again” rhetoric.  He claimed today that America was “once great” but evidently, no more, and those opposing his nostalgia are “human scum.”  Even as many thousands of our troops died in battle in wars since the 1950’s to keep America free and prosperous and terrorists at bay, he clearly believes they failed.  Not just at defending America, which he and his MAGA followers remind us daily is an awful, declining nation, but in their endeavor to serve the USA (“suckers and losers”).

This Memorial Day, Americans deserve better from politicians seeking office than what Donald Trump and MAGA zombies offer.  A thought or two about those drafted into war who paid immense sacrifice for our freedom is due.  And moving forward, those with common sense not misguided by hate and ignorance should cast a wary eye on any draft-dodging, 90-time indicted, adjudicated sexual assaulter who buried his ex-wife under weeds on a golf course.

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Our country will be great when he is 6 feet under.

this is fabrication, just like this site. joke. Even the pic is altered. Why advertise here????

See below. You are the joke.

Another Lying, BullShit article by the communists at NIT

Hate the truth?

He’s a moron. God help us if he’s still relevant in November.

Even more news:

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