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The only Russian collusion is between Russia and the Clinton Foundation and the Hillary Clinton Campaign .

Lock her up!

Stop the harassment on our president, do your jobs you are paid to do or get out! We the people are sick of this! Let our president do his job!

Waste of time and money all because their darling Hillary LOST. Why don’t you go where there is real crime. The Clinton foundation and Hillary

Women=8.7% African Americans=16.1% GDP=2.5% Total Jobs lost=5.1 million

African Americans-6.6%
Total Jobs Gained-2.6 million

What’s the difference between a Democrat and a hooker?
A hooker stops screwing you when you run out of money.

What’s the difference between you and an impotent incel? Nothing.

Why are we letting our education system indoctrinate our youth into thinking Communism is better than a Republic?
We are paying to brainwash our youth!.!.!

I have a dream! Every damn Socialist Communist Democrat is voted the hell out of office!!!!!

Put down the meth. The hallucinations should stop in a day or two.

Wasn’t the Grand Canyon once under an ocean. Was there not ice all over at other times.? Was Az actually a lake at one time. So many fossils show what used to be. Everything changes over millions of years.!.!

Climate changes at least 4 times a year. Where is there a problem. Also warming? How about the heat from solar panels and the extra energy electric companies used to charge electric cars? Wind generators kill birds. So who is causing problems??? just askin.!….

He shouldn’t be driving on the sidewalk!

What are all the slobs and animals in the House of Representatives fighting so hard to keep from being exposed?? All this Mueller crap and now sloppy slob Nadler are just diversions! Will we ever have a department of justice again???

Trump is still doing well, many bills have been passed to help Vets, and seniors. Now I am able to go to a doctor out of state and my insurance will cover me. Such a relief, my kids live out of state and I use to have to pay for a doctor visit out of my pocket. Also jail reform bill, and our economy is booming, can you imagine what he could get done if the demon-rats would stop obstructing and resisting, and the bias news would be fair and balanced.

What bills have been passed to help seniors and vets? I am waiting.

I love AOC she’s going to be the reason why the republicans will take back the house in 2020 we republicans should thank her the gift that keeps on giving

Proud of Mr. Trump for everything that he’s done and disgusted with the Democrats and other people trying to tear him down it doesn’t matter to me what they think he did wrong he is serving our country and our military trying to save America and nobody cares but I do

You pretend Christian Liberals need to read this-You took the words right out of my mouth! You cannot change what God has created! A CHEMICALLY ALTERED MALE —- is STILL A MALE

I have a dream! Every damn Socialist Communist Democrat is voted the hell out of office!

The collusion was very evident when the president didn’t realize his microphone was still on and told the Russian ambassador, “Please tell Vladimir after my next election I will have more flexibility.” Oh wait!!! that was obama, not Trump. No wonder the media wasn’t shouting Russia collusion back then……..

Remember, Holder is the only AG in history who was held in contempt of Congress. And I think we all know why he hasn’t been prosecuted yet……

what has happened to our street crew, can hardly drive down a street that is plowed curb to curb and many have only a part of the driving lane then to top it off, the idiots that live there park right across from each other so you can hardly get thru on the street. to this idiots, hope you get side swiped and that vehicle leaves the scene and is never found.

Q: What do Democrats and porn stars have in common?

A: They are experts in switching positions in front of a camera

What do Republiperverts and porn stars have in common? Everything.

He’s a clueless, pie-faced simpleton. One look tells you that.

Isn’t it ironic that Red is traditionally associated with socialism and communism.

eric “The Gun Runner” holder.

Wow, when is it going to end. I think the democrats should subpoena trumps used toilet paper. Maybe they can find some fake bullshit that they can use against him. These people are totally nuts.

The people who don’t want the Wall also have fences or Walls around their property to protect themselves and don’t seem to care about all other American citizens.

If they worked, we would. Nobody tunnels under residential walls, flies over them, or overstays visas, which is where the real problems are. Of course we need better border security, but if a wall was the answer, the ones that area already there would be doing the job.

…and we have a reality of all the Thump-fascists soon wearing an orange jumpsuit that matches their leaders hair color.

We were a republic, we now let any idiot over 18 with a heart beat decide the direction of our nation. We are now a socialist democracy….

We are paying to brainwash our youth!

If Colerado didn’t charge schools property tax and take $750.00 per student to fund an over budget of Medicaid there would be plenty of money for schools…..

More on Hickenlooper
On his way out the door Chickenpooper asked the Colorado Supreme Court to help him eliminate our Gallagher Amendment and TABOR (Taxpayers Bill of Rights). They turned him down. Now Polis and the rest of the Blue Crazies are hell bent on removing the only protections we as taxpayers and property owners have in this state…..

From a Colorado Resident about Hickenlooper who is another Liberal Hack:
I live in Colorado and this douchebag cut teacher pay EVERY year, put in ridiculous gun laws, and started Colorado down the path to become another California. NOT A CHANCE……

Is this all you a-holes do all day, everyday? Where’s some legislation to make Americans lives better? You know…doing your freaking job????

WHAT! It does not compute.

The climate has been constantly changing for over 4.5 billion years, get over it!
When I was a kid, it was called seasons.,.

Sanders is the unwitting poster boy for why socialism would never work. Obviously corrupt but he seems to have gotten the support of people who just don’t seem to know any better.,.

What do Bernie Sanders supporters call their roommates?

Mom and Dad

You know each time one of these idiots shoots (using that word as a joke) their mouth about guns it is so amazing that they actually think the criminals won’t get guns. The second amendment provides for me to have my gun to protect myself from the criminals who have guns. There are not enough police officers to protect me (they can’t be everywhere) so I will continue to carry a gun and continue to protect myself from the criminals if I have to,.

Yep, lets go kill more people. Not sure where you were raised, but I was taught taking the live of another person is a sin.

It is time to take appropriate action. The house does not exist to persecute the President or anyone else. This is an open violation of the Constitution’s equal protection clause. Partisanship is not grounds for forming congressional committees. Nobody has to like Trump. However congress cannot use the vast powers of their offices to harass a president. Harassment is a crime, persecution is a crime. This needs to stop right now or we need a petition to bring the house members responsible under criminal investigation. It is one thing to have grounds for impeachment. It is quite another to ascribe criminality to everything the president does on the basis of personal hatred. If the left wants a fight by God let’s give them one. But on our terms and not theirs. We the people are more powerful than the House.

So, whats your point?

Make it a felony for elected officials to violate their Oath of Office. Uphold the Constitution Judicial Branch,.

Ok Trump the Democrats aren’t going to help you so use our Military to stop this invasion and take Pelosi and her followers out with them,.,.

That’s called a military coup, and the military will refuse to obey that order.

Only completely stupid people would say there is no emergency. They don’t all come to improve their lives! They come to rape, rob and generally cause havoc because the US allows it to happen. Wake up,.,.!!!!

Trump SLAYED Hillary! Imagine what he’ll do to Sanders, a SOCIALIST! Can’t wait! Lol,.,.


In 1961 DETROIT was the wealthiest city in the US ran by Republicans till that point. Since then every mayor has been a Democrat and DETROIT is now a wasteland. This is what happens when your cities become filled with brainwashed people that keep voting Democrat. Poor and struggling families have been voting Democrat for 75 years they are still poor and still struggling.,.,.

Republicrook sponsored NAFTA did that. Why do you think they voted Democrat ever since?

NAFTA was put in under Clinton you freakin dumb ass!

The bill was written by Republicrooks during the first Bush administration, and Clinton signed it very early in his presidency. He now says he regrets it.

Hillary Clinton Scandals
Watergate 1974, Whitewater 1978-1998, Vince Foster Suicide (?) 1993, Travelgate 1993, China Gate 1996, Senate Campaign Donations 2000, Clintons Foundation 2001-2015, Candy Berger 2007, Wikileaks 2010, Benghazi 2012, Haiti Mining 2015. WHY ISN’T SHE IN PRISON…????

Why aren’t you?

Because I didn’t break the law and she did.

Only thing he ever slayed was a bucket of fried chicken!!!

Try explaining to us how she was part of Watergate you royal turd head?

Damn, you really are a Dumb Ass. Go research it yourself you lazy ass liberal.

Ok Trump the Democrats aren’t going to help you so use our Military to stop this invasion and take Pelosi and her followers out with them…..

Make it a felony for elected officials to violate their Oath of Office. Uphold the Constitution Judicial Branch!!!!!

Talk to your bitches, Kavanaugh and Roberts about it. They’ve been in charge for awhile now.

You know each time one of these idiots shoots (using that word as a joke) their mouth about guns it is so amazing that they actually think the criminals won’t get guns. The second amendment provides for me to have my gun to protect myself from the criminals who have guns. There are not enough police officers to protect me (they can’t be everywhere) so I will continue to carry a gun and continue to protect myself from the criminals if I have to…..

The time we banned alcohol there was more around than before the ban. and in the wrong peoples hands, Banning guns will be the same way people will still have guns and people who do not have guns will be finding guns to protect themselves. On the other hand I could come up with many ways of killing in less than and hour if I went to my shop….

Wasn’t the Grand Canyon once under an ocean. Was there not ice all over at other times.? Was Az actually a lake at one time. So many fossils show what used to be. Everything changes over millions of years.

Climate changes at least 4 times a year. Where is there a problem. Also warming? How about the heat from solar panels and the extra energy electric companies used to charge electric cars? Wind generators kill birds. So who is causing problems??? just askin…..

If there were ample evidence, let’s compare that evidence to that of the collusion between Obama and Russia; remember the open Mic? You have nothing “Little Schitt” and you know it! Impeach impeach is all they know in Liberal/socialist DC but it won’t fly with the Presidents supporters who see the success he’s obtained, compared to Jr Senator Obama the foreign born!

Is this all you a-holes do all day, everyday? Where’s some legislation to make Americans lives better? You know…doing your freaking job?

Anyone hear about the stabbing lastnight?
Haven’t read any updates yet

Tearing up as he described the courage he would have had no choice but to summon had he not been born into a life of luxury,
President Trump reportedly took time Tuesday before the North Korea summit in Hanoi to travel south and lay a wreath at the spot where he would have died in the Vietnam War if he weren’t rich and a pussy.

“Today we recognize those who, like myself, would have been forced to make the ultimate sacrifice had they not come from wealthy families who could call in a favor from a doctor friend and get exempted from the draft,” said Trump.

“I would have died bravely with my fellow soldiers right here in this field had I not had a father who could pull some strings and make sure I never had to do anything like that. So today, I reflect upon and cowardice all those who were able to avoid service,
especially those who received a medical deferment from a podiatrist who rented office space from their dad.”
Trump went on to announce that a new monument would be erected on the National Mall in Washington to honor
all cowardly draft dodgers of the Vietnam war.

Oh, please. He had his chance, and wiggled out of by having his lawyer cry “bonespurs.” Then he has the gall to mock John McCain, the son of a military family, a pilot, and torture victim ex-POW, and his treasonous pukebag Repuglicans buddies applaud. He should be impeached, and they should be jailed, for that alone.

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