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Democrats ran the country for 20 plus years and haven’t done one thing to better the average American life

Dear Mr. President – thank you for your excellent work on the behalf of the American people.
Please disregard the lunatics and traitors that pursue you.
Please protect your family and your people as you see fit.
I am behind you as are millions of REAL Americans and billions of REAL CIVILIZED PEOPLES I believe that you can do no wrong.

Donald Trump lies 12 times every day, he’s the Real Fake News.
The real fake news operation is taking place in the White House itself.
Fact checkers now put Donald Trump’s lies and falsehoods at over 9,000 since assuming office.

Trump’s misleading statements are just the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps more damaging is his relationship with Fox “News”.
Fox News has always had a Republican bias, but its connection to the Trump White House amounts to propaganda.
Trump’s lies, deceit, and falsehoods are the real enemy of the people.
Trump has given birth to a culture of disinformation and formed opinions based on lies.

Trump’s a loser, temperamentally and intellectually unfit from the start and incapable of learning on the job.
Trump and his sad followers can’t distinguish wins from losses, friends from foes nor truth from lies.

Did you make this up, or is it copy and paste from some left wing nut propaganda site.

It’s made up all right. Just like all the other Blong B.S.

Ron Blong is in jail or should be.

Do you have your sump pumps ready?

Did anyone else notice that your cell phone bill went up a little from last month. It is due to the Federal Government raising the tax a few cents, the State of Iowa raising taxes a few cents and Cerro Gordo County raising county taxes.

My TracFone bill hasn’t gone up in five years.

It will because it is a sales tax.

Not all service members are heros. The transgender community are not heroes because they are confused. It is a fact that it affects the morale of the service men and real women in a negative way. Life or death is what should not be played with for a social experiment bottom line,sorry no apologies here

What happened to having to be in top medical condition for military service? Please don’t try to claim that having major reconstructive surgery and hormone therapy does not constitute medical compromise.

The left has been confused about what constitutes a hero for a long time.

That Manning DUDE, that is now that Manning CHICK. Convicted of espionage and other crimes against our country while serving in the Army. Now back in prison for contempt of court.
HELL NO!!!!!!

The military is not a science project. Deal with it. People with mental issues aren’t heroes.

Trans are not heroes,they are people looking for a free operation so they can pretend to be somebody they are not,except in their head.

Omar was elected by her own kind… It’s called a sanctuary city… Democrats have been issuing democratic voters registration cards to these marauding entitlement seeking invaders since daca was shoved down our throats by obummer! The new voting bill the democratic house is pushing to save us from outside international election tampering is a farce. It will actually legalised this practice which they have kept out of the limelight. It will loosen constraints on mail-in ballots and allow 16 year olds to vote! Convicted felons get their voting rights back also. Get the Picture!!! This is why democrats see no crisis at the border… Illegals can…and have been voting illegally! This bill will legitimize these illegal democratic voters. Need the wall. Need ID VOTING VERIFICATION and a reset in the debacle that is our immigration laws. Congress won’t do its job and legislate the crisis out of existence, Trump should close the border. This is why democrats pander to illegals. Their new voting base! It’s about numbers. It’s also why democrats want to end the Electoral Vote! To have elections decided by popular/ vote … Majority mob rule! California & NY WILL DICTATE THE WINNER.

Sadly, Obama brought in a lot of these people and democrats changed our laws so they can be elected in our government. This is not by accident.

OK you people who elected this anti-American Omar whatever she is you better get things straight on the next election and get her out of there she will destroy our country along with her friends she wants to bring

Omar does not live in the district in Minnesota that elected her, she used her father’s address! Her district is little Somalia!

Omar was being elected by Muslims that have taken over her district. Wake up America and kick out every one of these Muslim Welfare leeches!

Richard Maddow showed her sheep! trumps tax returns… she embarrassed herself as usual and it was a NUTHIN BURGA ! liberals are obsessed with his taxes because they literally have nothing else to go after and look like rabid cats chasing their tails ..Imbeciles

AOC went for a ride in a hot air balloon. After an hour she suddenly realised she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. She shouted to him, “Excuse me, can you help me? I promised some supporters I would meet with them an hour ago, but I don’t know where I am.”

The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, “You’re in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level..
Cindy rolled her eyes and said, “You must be a republican.
“I am,” replied the man. “How did you know?”
“Well,” answered AOC, “everything you told me is technically correct. But I have no idea what to do with your information, and I’m still lost. Frankly, you’ve not been much help to me.”
The man smiled and responded, “You must be our silly little girl AOC, the leftie Politician.”
“I am,” replied AOC. “How did you know?”
“Well,” said the man, “you don’t know where you are — or where you are going. You’ve risen to where you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made lots of promises you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. You’re in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but somehow, now it’s my fault!

The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim, The Beltway Sniper was a Muslim, The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim, The Underwear Bomber was a Muslim, The U.S.S. Cole Bomber was a Muslim, The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims, The Bali Nightclub Bombers were Muslims, The London Subway Bombers were Muslims, The Moscow Theater Bombers were Muslim, The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims, The Pan Am #93 Bomber was a Muslim, The Iranian Embassy Takeover was by Muslims, The Beirut U.S. Embassy Bombing was by Muslims, The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims, The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslim. Are you starting to see a trend here??????

Islam is a Form Of Government that is not compatible with the US Constitution. Muslims should not even be in America. They hate this country.

I see that people from San Francisco who moved to Houston has begun to destroy Houston just like they did in San Francisco where Government employees make more than the State Governor. I am telling you those people from California are carrying a virus! They have infected California and now infecting a new host with stupidity.

Funny how it is always teachers, firefighters, and police officers that have to be laid off when there is a budget issue… but never any of the many bureaucrats that siphon money from the taxpayers, and provide little in return for it.

While firefighters sometimes have horrific jobs by and large it is a pretty cushy job. Yes I understand when it is bad it is something I would never want to do. That is why we don’t mind the other 95% of the time it being cushy. Managing all the demands of the morons who think the government is supposed to take care of everything isn’t a walk in the park either.

Houston is run by socialist liberals, it is a stronghold that the people of Texas must defeat. Texas has a strong economy, jobs, and is a desirable place to live. People are coming here who do not understand that Texas obtained it’s greatness because of our strong belief in God, and conservative values. You are welcome in Texas if you leave your socialist ideology behind.

Arrest AOC and investigate her like they have President Trump!!!! Make her pay her taxes , or take them from her pay !!!! Investigate the missing $1,000,000 !!!! Investigate her connection to Soros. !!!!!!!

My, what a shock…a Democrat with unpaid taxes, and sticky fingers…

How to become a millionaire:
1) Buy a MAGA hat on an outing.
2) Mind your own business.
3) Smile while being bullied.
4) Wait for Fake News media to vilify you.
5)Then take their lunch money.

Bring it on!!! I am so glad to see this happening. The left’s hate is fueled by the disgusting and hateful reporting of CNN. It’s time they are held accountable.

Sue the hell out of CNN and make an example of bullshit media

We can only hope that Nick Sandmann becomes a billionaire while destroying the MSM

The sacrilege of signing autographs on Bibles is one more reason this man is demented. God help us.

Even God can’t help a lying hypocrite like you.

But who doesn’t want a Wally Bonespurs signed bible. He’s the anti-Christ in disguise!

If the mind or body is compromised the cost is too high. There a reason the service does not accept sick, disabled or high maintenance members. No ones guaranteed the right to serve!

And you’re an idiot in disguise. And it’s a lousy disguise.


People sign Bibles all the time for all different reasons. It is just paper you lying P.O.S.

Bernie had no problems when a Democrat President constantly used his pen and his phone to write laws. He had no problems visiting communist Soviet Union. He had no problems with what Fidel Castro did to his people. He has no problem with what Maduro is doing in Venezuela. He had no problem with Crooked Hillary and the DNC rigging the primary election against him. Goes to show you what kind of man he is….

Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris and all the rest talks about gun violence and children while she supports abortion up to birth. Sorry Sen you don’t get to have it both ways your actions speak much louder than your words. And your words says its ok to murder children in the millions.


Sorry but children have been dumbed down and babied so much I think we need to raise the voting age to 35.

Pelosi is no long upholding her oath . By law she should immediately be removed from office!!!!

Starting a Monday, The thing made me see why we will never come back strong in manufacturing .The Unions put pressure on Cadillac Wages and Unworkable demands. So automation has opened up the game, sad to say but the people asked for it and the profit lines got very low. So go to school and learn how to operate the new Robots and CNC’s . They are here to stay….

The unions were important at one time. But when they forced higher wages, companies just moved plants to Mexico. Look at Webster City as an example. Now they don’t have to move. They build robots instead, and cut workers.

I am sorry, but you, as a consumer, chose it. You welcomed it with your own pocketbook. You embraced it with your choices. Consider the Japanese transistor radio. Consumers abandoned the products of Philco, Lafayette, Zenith, and GE for radios made with innovation, and reliability.

Advanced processes for manufacturing, and low standards of living, lead to inexpensive products.

America fell behind while in other countries, advanced methods of production took hold, such as Statistical Process Control. Quality control in the U.S. meant inspecting products after they were made for defects, and re-working or scrapping them. In Japan, it meant engineering processes so that defects were eliminated before it became a final product. (It was a learning experience to be sure, there were problems at first, but in time, the need for scrap piles went away – as doing it right the first time, eliminated them.)

In the 50’s, 60’s. and into the 70’s, U.S. company’s rejected the idea of process control, it was wholesale and total. Yet, in Asia, they embraced it, and prospered. It brought an entire country out of the ashes of WWII.

In all that time, U.S. consumers gravitated towards products that worked better, lasted longer, and most of all, were cheaper. It was the U.S. consumer that rejected American products first.

In doing that, they also rejected the American way of life, and it’s standard of living.

You are talking about electronics and light manufacturing. We were talking about heavy manufacturing such as metal forming presses, cranes and truck manufacturing. It is a whole different type of manufacturing and utilizes welding robots and transfer lines.

Statistical Process Control works for just about anything, be it automotive, steel, machine tools, iron castings, or electronics.

Union Tank uses process control and robotics to produce 30,000 gallon tanks. The examples are too numerous, in all industries large and small.

Toyota adopted Statistical Process Control starting in the 1950’s. In 1979, Xerox adopted Statistical process control in it’s U.S. operations.

It took that American company 30 years to recognize the need for process control. And during that time, they lost market share, from 80% to 42%. They did come back, giving the consumer what they wanted, and produced it costing less, and making that product more reliable. That was all because of Statistical Process Control.

Boeing in it’s quest to improve products and gain market share, embraced process control in it’s production. Indeed, they incorporated robotics to assemble and paint parts of the aircraft.

Process control is important in improving a product, and meeting or beating the competition. By design, it cuts costs. But in the long run, it grows employment as market share is gained.

It was once observed, while U.S. companies focus on where they will be in the next quarter, Japanese companies examine where they will be in the next 20 years.

S.P.C. is only a small part of the manufacturing process. You are behind the time here. We went on to Kaizan and Six Sigma which is much more intricate than just S.P.C.

While Six Sigma, et al are modern methods, and perhaps dig deeper into controlling output, my aim was at the transformation of manufacturing in the U.S. well after what had been implemented overseas.

My case in point with the Japanese transistor radio, may be an oversimplification, and misses other relevant factors, it still is a significant milepost where the U.S. consumer began choosing products made overseas. It was the pebble that caused the tidal wave of what was to come. It undermined our industries, economy, and I might add, society.

I would be naive to think we can turn back the clock, and undo the damage that has been done. Look around and see what that consumer choice has wrought.

We will never again have everything in America, made by Americans. Nor will we have the wholesale standard of living we once had.

Industries, such as my example of Xerox, tried to stem the tide, and actually reversed it in one sector (I will admit that while the focus of it’s leaders was successful, one part of the company let it’s innovations and indeed the future slip away).

From my observation point, too many others who put up the banners and slogans of ‘Quality’, did it as window dressing. They succumbed to what I previously wrote; looking at the next financial quarter, instead of the next quarter century of existence.

But again, I blame the U.S. consumer. They chose cheap, and in the end, that is exactly what they got. It was true 30 years ago when I said it, and it is more true today.


Witness tampering by Little Adam Shit??? Isn’t that illegal???

Collusion by the Democratic Party with a known felon by Little Adam Shit! All the demonrats are crooked assclowns can’t stand any of them….

Who’s going to win the Dem primary? I want to put some money down in Vegas. I figure since the FIX was in for Hillary last year it probably is in for someone else this year.
I want a sure thing.

Obama did not pass tax reform. The vast majority of economist and all CEO’s credit this as the main reason for the boost in the economy. This combined with de-regulation is why the GDP is above the anemic 0% to 1.4% under Obama. Remember, he was the one who said that 1.4% GDP was the new norm and that the days of 3% growth was the thing of the past. The tax reform and deregulation is why big and small business is booming. It is why new businesses are forming; existing businesses are expanding and re-investing. It is why businesses repatriated billions of dollars from overseas accounts. I can site more and more. Yes, economies can change on a dime given the right stimuluses’. No, Obama had zero to do with the economy the past two years….

What the Democratic Party did this week was refuse to condemn one of its own for relentlessly trafficking in at least two of the oldest, most pernicious canards used to defame the Jewish people. What the Democratic Party did this week was whitewash, deflect, and (oftentimes) openly apologize for open, transparent Jew-hatred.

She thinks the spawn of Satan is a Obama’s pretty face ? Can’t wait to see what she’ll say about Hillary. She will be suicided in less than 48 hours when that happens

Trump is dangerous, towards the Democratic Mob, he’s upsetting and uprooting the corruption that has been concealed within the Democratic party for decades

We have never had a dangerous president since our freedom from England. For any candidate to say that a president is a danger to the country, being unable to remove him. This just goes to show an old person grasping at the attention of Millennials that look at their phone every 8 Seconds.

I hope obama chokes on his next meal. BUT he has created this world. and i wouldn’t be a bit surprised that he is the Hitler..

Three terminations, two for stealing and one for assaulting a supervisor


Someone who doesn’t Blong here know what this is.

Sorry but children have been dumbed down and babied so much I think we need to raise the voting age to 35…

Pelosi is no long upholding her oath . By law she should immediately be removed from office!


Starting a Monday, The thing made me see why we will never come back strong in manufacturing .The Unions put pressure on Cadillac Wages and Unworkable demands. So automation has opened up the game, sad to say but the people asked for it and the profit lines got very low. So go to school and learn how to operate the new Robots and CNC’s . They are here to stay.

The unions were important at one time. But when they forced higher wages, companies just moved plants to Mexico. Look at Webster City as an example. Now they don’t have to move. They build robots instead, and cut workers….

Your comment was a bit hard to answer, but I will try.

CNC has been around since I was a kid. They taught the principles of it in High School in the 70’s, with 3D CAD machines coming into the market in ’76.

Robotics came about because of the repetitive output from them, meeting exact specs every time. Welding tanks for example with precise results for hours at a time. No human can do that.

Repeating steps in a process with the same results every time is what statistical process control is all about. Just about every successful company uses it. Developed by W. Ed Deming, he once said:

“Learning is not compulsory… neither is survival.”

Whiny Little Bitch can run but not hide. Just doesn’t Blong here. Doesn’t pay for a subscription and is stealing from N.I.T. It runs in the family.

The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim, The Beltway Sniper was a Muslim, The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim, The Underwear Bomber was a Muslim, The U.S.S. Cole Bomber was a Muslim, The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims, The Bali Nightclub Bombers were Muslims, The London Subway Bombers were Muslims, The Moscow Theater Bombers were Muslim, The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims, The Pan Am #93 Bomber was a Muslim, The Iranian Embassy Takeover was by Muslims, The Beirut U.S. Embassy Bombing was by Muslims, The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims, The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslim. Are you starting to see a trend here??

No. Can you be more specific.

Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris and all the rest talks about gun violence and children while she supports abortion up to birth. Sorry Sen you don’t get to have it both ways your actions speak much louder than your words. And your words says its ok to murder children in the millions.

We have never had a dangerous president since our freedom from England. For any candidate to say that a president is a danger to the country, being unable to remove him. This just goes to show an old person grasping at the attention of Millennials that look at their phone every 8 Seconds.

Bernie had no problems when a Democrat President constantly used his pen and his phone to write laws. He had no problems visiting communist Soviet Union. He had no problems with what Fidel Castro did to his people. He has no problem with what Maduro is doing in Venezuela. He had no problem with Crooked Hillary and the DNC rigging the primary election against him. Goes to show you what kind of man he is.

Sorry but children have been dumbed down and babied so much I think we need to raise the voting age to 35.

Pelosi is no long upholding her oath . By law she should immediately be removed from office!


The Trump syndrome won’t work this time, Smollett has been proved as a liar, so we know it wasn’t MAGA.

The unions were important at one time. But when they forced higher wages, companies just moved plants to Mexico. Look at Webster City as an example. Now they don’t have to move. They build robots instead, and cut workers.

The FEDERAL budget deficit reached $310 billion in the first four months of fiscal 2019.
That’s a 40 percent increase over the same period a year earlier, the United States is on course for a $900 billion deficit this year.
And the causes are plain to see, Trump and a Republican Congress enacted massive tax cuts in December 2017
while imposing essentially zero restraint on federal spending.

And just remember we are being led by someone who has been bankrupt 6 times ( ya, 6 times, not 4).

Question? Could all these Anonymous right wing diatribes be from Russian Bots? This is EXACTLY how they influenced the election!

The old geezer goes to bed before 6 pm and his old lady gets him off the computer by noon so look at the time of the post to get an idea of who it comes from.

She lets him back on after supper around 6 p.m. Being married to his loser ass must be an exercise in misery.

So you actually think this is about Putin and not his Troll Farm? Oh wait, I get it now. You were trying to be funny. Good one Matt.

It’s all by one or two people.

You’re wrong. That’s the LIB’S modus operandi.

People who align themselves as strictly either republicans or democrats are the enemy of the people. Think for yourselves sheeple.

The sound minded people of this country just need to hold our position! We also need to get on the backs of the Republican politicians and stress to them to start getting backbones and fight back! Good will always win against evil and we are literally in the fight of our lives and freedoms against this absolutely insane Democratic party!

The Trump syndrome won’t work this time, Smollet has been proved as a liar, so we know it wasn’t MAGA.

A.O.C. is just like the rest of her party …ignore the rules and steal what you want .. No consequences A.O.C. became a swamp creature in record time….

I think you are describing the Trump family rather than AOC. Didn’t take them too long to all become swamp creatures once they figured out how much money was involved.

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