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Why would cerro gordo court extend the seal of a search warrant on John vancise? Weird.

While at a local eatery this morning, I over heard a couple mothers talking about the MC cheer leader program. From what I could understand, it seems that the cheer leader coach is going to change the levels of cheer leading, beginner, jv, varsity. Next year she wants to let any girl become a varsity cheer leader. That means that any girl entering 9th grade can automatically become a varsity cheer leader, no matter what their ability. I’m wondering, does she have a daughter entering 9th grade next year?

What’s your interest in this Ms.Obama ears? It sounds to me like you don’t like the coach.

Not many, if any, of the girls do, Pinocchio!

at MCHS the cheerleaders out number the uniformed players, terrible coaches, AD and cheer leading advisor.

If this is correct I am sure ability will factor into the equation.
If you are good enough as a Freshman to be on Varsity then why not. That is the way it works in every other Varsity Sport.

I didn’t realize that cheer leading was a sport.

Most people don’t, you should come to one of their competitions these girls work just as hard as any sports team. They train by running & weightlifting Just like any other sport. Come to Iowa city this weekend and watch the competition you will see some of the best athletes in the state.

Problem is they don’t turn anyone away.If you don’t make varsity you have your parents bitch about until you do. Yo don’t need a hundred f’in cheerleaders.

Why would any girl want to cheer for a losing team. Yes losers that is all the football team does LOSE But they should take some pics by the lovely goal posts that us tax payers payed for.

Why are you SO OBSESSED with High School Football?

Probably because he rode the pine for all of his high school career and his kids did the same.

Because my hs coach only care about winning yes winning. Jr yr we were 6-3 I played some From 7th grade they preached we are Sr dominating teams wait til you are a Sr. Sr yr we went 8-1 was ranked #1 lost in triple OT in those days we played on the point system being we lost to a smaller school we were out of the playoffs, Our stupid paper dumped on us and the stupid booster club dump on us the whole town only cared about winning. He ran the score up on all our wins then threw in the Jr players because they were very good next yr they made it to the 2ns round of playoffs. After our last game he told me and another Sr we had a great yr. sorry he didn’t play us more. My Sr. yr I played less then half as much as I did as a jr When I got older I got into coaching other sports and almost to a tee it was the same story I teach win with grace and also lose with grace. My students have told me my old school still only cares about winning and running up the score also wants my students to quit my sport when they hit middle school so they can focus on school only programs. The few times I have attended my old school events I set on the visitors side because they do not teach the students life skills. So Yes I do have issues with public school sports. Also in my school dist A student was told his first yr of little league don’t bother coming out next yr because it was his first yr and he was never going to play. This also was the norn in other programs of the school dist. I have never attended any of my HS reunions because they only cared about winning. My Nieces and Nephew have told me they have not changed in 30 some yrs. One of my relative was a cheerleader and her dad on a bad weather day told her not to go to practice The cheer coach kicked her off the team because of that the rest of the squad lived in town she lived in the country. So don’t jump to judging me til you walked a mile in my shoes MISTER

Here is the issue at MCHS: we have a cheer leading coach that nobody likes, we have an AD that forgot to lift his skirt and check for bal_ _. She takes the squads to Clear Lake FD for pictures(MC FD wasn’t good enough). She belittles 3 cheerleaders at HOMECOMING during the game. Because the AD refuses to do anything to pull in his lacky, rumors of boycotting games is a real issue and many boycotting parents night tomorrow night. Between a skirted Ad and a bad cheer leading advisor, MCHS has a BIG problem.

Did she get the cheers out of them last night had to cheer when the team loses week end week out. Not even coming close scores like 63-7 50-0 ect being the norm. I would quite the team not wanting to be a part of that history. years later son grandson asks how did your high school team do, ohh we were 0 and 9 most scores were 50-0. vs our team was so rotten I got sick of losing so I quit the team.

I forgot to add telling son grandson but we did have some real nice goal post for our opponents to look at and use as we never got to use them.

No scandal, the above Right wing Waco has become a terrorist with no morals and zero scruples.

Do not cut him any slack…he has become vile, fecal matter, that is more concerned about degrading Americans than uniting..he called the game…take it to him

What goes for conservatism these days is a mishmash of neo-liberalism on economics, neo-con on foreign policy, white supremacy, a heavy dose of libertarian stupidity and anti-liberal.
The trouble is it’s hard to square all that with reality so they have to lie to themselves, when the truth becomes inconvenient.

Remember, according to that AMERICA HATING BITTER BITCH, when Republicans take the low road, they will take the high road. Well, if the DIMOCRAPIC PARTY LEMMINGS TOOK THE HIGH ROAD, I would like to see the low road. There isn’t a DIMOCRAPIC PARTY LEMMING THAT EVEN KNOWS WHAT THE HIGH ROAD IS. I watched the SENATE HEARING. Those God DAMN BASTARDS WERE RUDE, RUDE, RUDE!

They’re mindless sheep/bots. They want violence, they’ll get violence, probably more than they’re prepared for.

You should know what the low road looks like, you are defiantly on it right now.

If you think that post is the low road, you must watch a lot of CNN, MSNBC, and the network tv. Listen to the folks who attack people in public. Listen to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, and the other Democrat leadership folks. Then you’ll know what the low road is.

Yep, Looking down and can see you are on the low road as well.

Every couple of hundred year’s socialism or some form of it takes hold and is presented as the way to utopia. It always appeals to the down trodden and disheartened. The democrats have created a group of victims out of the misfits of normal society. Because of our freedoms this group has been allowed to continue as they desired. Now that this group can’t convince the rest of us to join their principles of life they want to use the equalization of socialism to force us to join them. The constitution is now in the way of their required ideal. In order to remain free we will need to crush this attack on the constitution.

The left is stirring up some very dangerous sociopaths.

That happens when oligarchs get control, and steal absolutely everything. Then you get revolution, like in France, Russia, etc. Remember grade school history, and what happened to the greedy rich and their families?

Where are the obnoxious duo, i. e. Bodie and Ben, aka ex-teacher and teacher? No posts, at least under their Bodacious and Ben names. Evidently the local Democrat power knows they’re toxic and doesn’t want them riling the conservatives any more than they already have.
P. S. Wasn’t the vote Saturday impressive? How many interruptions were there, caused by the crybaby liberals?

Yes, really impressive, 50-48. A landslide.


If you consider 50-48 impressive, you are the moron. And in need of a cleansing. TDS is impairing your thinking.

And yet another Trump political appointee resigns…U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has resigned.

Like rats deserting a sinking ship.
Over FORTY people involved with the Trump Administration have left, voluntarily or otherwise.
What does that say about the stability of this presidency?

And is it coincidence that Nikki Haley resigned on the same day that it was announced that she is being investigated for ethic violations involving her acceptance of seven free flights aboard private jets from a trio of South Carolina businessmen.

Wow what are the odds that someone from the Trump camp violates ethics?….Ha!

You are truly STUPID. More made up liberal B.S.

But the demorats don’t want people working and spending money. They want people out of work and the country come to a stand still. People wake up if demorats take over again we’re screwed. Don’t vote blue because of Trump vote red to keep the economy moving

Give it a rest numbnuts. You spew out the same crap all the time.
Everyone with a triple digit IQ gets it. YOU’RE A DUMB ASS LIB.

I wish I knew who it was that shot out those windows, Woo-Hooo

I am growing tired of this constant narrative of treating Ford like she’s a credible person. Her testimony was full of falsehoods, no witnesses, and she deliberately removed her background from the Internet. It’s time to uncover that. She’s not a victim but, I believe a hard-core activist. (I think this has hurt true abuse victims and continues to harm the Kavanaugh’s. That is where my passion to uncover the truth stems from.)

You should be doing stand up comedy as you can say some really funny stuff.

The fact that Kavanaugh outright lied and evaded questions when he was before the Senate Judiciary committee does not bother you, eh?
And the fact that Trump nominated him means that is good enough for you, huh?
And we all know what a “stellar” job Trump has done at nominating people…

Kavanaugh is a disgrace to the Supreme Court,

Hey dude, Kavanaugh is straight edged, so of course Trump picked the right man for the job!

THAT is what is wrong with the Brett Kavanaugh situation – and I don’t care about your party affiliation…you all have a man you love – a father, a grandfather, a brother, a son, a nephew, an uncle, a grandson, a boyfriend, a fiance, a friend —- we are headed down a very scary road if words, only words, with NO PROOF, can ruin a man. Get on the right side of this: It’s so beyond politics. Do we want to live in a country where we can ruin a life by speaking whatever we want and we are believed simply because we are female? I do not. Turn the tables and imagine if this were your family!) Look at their faces!! This evil sham has destroyed them!!

If you kept your nose clean, said your prayers and ate your Weaties there should be no problem my friend. Brent had beer bong buddies and butt buddies and got caught grabbin pootang. Only reason he got away with it was the good old boys bailed his sorry ass out.

I didn’t write the following, but I couldn’t agree more: This morning, think about this: Regardless of your political affiliation: I could, right now, call out ANY man that I knew 44 years ago in high school, by name, and tell you a story that paints a horrible picture of him. It won’t matter if the story is real or if it’s made up. And more than half of the comments I’d receive would be how sorry folks are for me, hope I am okay and pray he gets his due.

Relax man don’t take yourself so seriously. If you did nothing seriously wrong your have nothing to worry about. Us old white guys need to keep our paranoia in check.

Donald Trump is the greatest president ever.

Put down the crack!

The democrats have become the drug lords of our country. You can thank Bill Clinton for that, he started the drug problem when he started laundering drug money when he was the governor of Arkansas.

Not quite, that was Ronald Reagan.

Christine Ford is not a VICTIM……she’s an ACCOMPLICE!
Christine Ford is not a SURVIVOR……she’s an OPERATIVE.
Chistine Ford does not deserve our COMPASSION……she deserves our SCORN.
Christine Ford does not deserve to be BELIEVED…..she deserves to be INVESTIGATED. PERIOD !

Real men can never be emasculated or castrated. Real men know who we are, and do not kowtow to the depravity of the feeble liberal minded.

You wouldn’t know a real man if he punched you in the face, which has probably happened.

I really wish you would try. I eat sissy’s like you for lunch

The only thing you eat is ass while you are kissing it.

Poor come back, but expected from a chickenshit big mouth.

When will Hollywood and sports stars realize they are paid entertainers………….glorified liberal clowns………….we’re not amused by their insane notions on how to live our lives ………….most have messed up their own!

Then why do the CONservative Republechers keep electing them?

MCHS Cheer leaders to boycott last two games is a real possibility.

Who is the new cheer advisor?

You are so correct. Very disappointed in this site,as I met Matt at a Democratic function at the Surf Ballroom in August, 2016. He was standing at the bar and I recognized him immediately. Was very glad to see he was supporting Democrats and I told him so. He was quite evasive and I recognized that I had prematurely guessed his political affiliation. Now I see he was just there to scope everything out. Can’t blame him as he’s really just a reporter doing his job. Good looking guy! We even had a short hug. If he’s anything like Kavanaugh he’ll deny this. Come on, Matt. It was just a quick hug.

what happened to all the comments the 3rd reich take over?

Mason City just needs to write off KIMT, and complain to Mediacom that we don’t have any Iowa channels, which they’re legally obligated to provide. Complain to them publicly here: We also need to complain to the FCC, preferably on their social media, because they don’t even bother acknowledge emails. We have NO Iowa news channels, and they won’t do anything unless lots of us complain. Everybody, complain! Then they’ll have to put KCCI on our cable lineup for CBS, WOI for ABC, and WHO for NBC. They’re all Iowa stations, and we need to know what OUR state government is doing! Minnesota laws don’t apply to us!

We get all the news, weather, sports and intellectual nourishment right here at NIT. Who needs the Globe or KIMT anyway? NIT, a six pack of Bush Lite and banging my first cousin Mabel is all I need.

As I said before, the transmission tower on Second Street NE only use now a days is as a roost for the turkey vultures. But alas, they have already moved on.

Maybe an artist can put “critical” art on it. That will be a boost for the local economy like the statues and painting on some downtown buildings. Remember, it’s “critical”.

I thought I would add the quote from the person who made such a silly statement.

“The need for public art for Mason City’s downtown is critical, according to Hertzel. She is a Mason City native currently residing in Denver, Colorado.”

She associates with the non-elected. yet dictator of City funds and spending; Robin Anderson.

My understanding is that when their lease is up, they are out of here.

Real men can never be emasculated or castrated. Real men know who we are and do not kowtow to the depravity of the feeble liberal minded.

Real men can never be emasculated or castrated. Real men know who we are and do not kowtow to the depravity of the feeble Right Wing Wacko minded.

The so called men of today runs shivers down my spine. Man buns??? No such thing, men don’t wear buns, Sissy buns. The American male is almost gone. I was raised by a real mans man. I could never be anything else. I have 2 sons and raised them to be Men not sissies. Hope all that reads this have the same ideas as to what real men are.Just saying.

And i bet both are on their 2 or 3rd marriages, they believe in rape and taking what they want just like any real man would.

Hahahaha some of the fiercest people to ever walk this earth had long hair. Your real man vision is one of nazi prisoners shaved to avoid lice outbreaks. Skinny little shits around here wearing clothes 4x bigger than they need. Mouthing off until they get thumped, and have to call in their gang of identical loser friends. I have over a foot of hair, and bet good money you wouldn’t say shit to me in public.

I would take that bet if you had any real money. All you have is a big mouth to go with your woman’s haircut.

I would love to see that a fight over hair lol made my day….

When will Hollywood and sports stars realize they are paid entertainers………….glorified liberal clowns………….we’re not amused by their insane notions on how to live our lives ………….most have messed up their own

Christine Ford is not a VICTIM……she’s an ACCOMPLICE.
Christine Ford is not a SURVIVOR……she’s an OPERATIVE.
Chistine Ford does not deserve our COMPASSION……she deserves our SCORN.
Christine Ford does not deserve to be BELIEVED…..she deserves to be INVESTIGATED. PERIOD !

Christine Ford is a VICTIM……she’s NOT an ACCOMPLICE.
Christine Ford is a SURVIVOR……she’s NOT an OPERATIVE.
Chistine Ford deserves our COMPASSION……she DOES NOT deserve our SCORN.
Christine Ford deserves to be BELIEVED…..Kavanaugh deserves to be INVESTIGATED. PERIOD !

Why are these screen whores even given one iota of credence? WHY?? Actors and actresses are NOT a part of the progression of this Nation. They contribute nothing that is wholesome and lasting for the good of this nation. Discard Their Voice.

I fail to understand why the eff U.S. Taxpayers are billed MILLIONS of $$$/year so that federal employees get a paid day off to somehow “celebrate” (?) the “achievements” of a SAVAGE MURDERER called Columbus!
Research that a-hole’s REAL history !!! DEEPLY!!!
He was NOTHING to establishing America. Unless you count opening the door to bringing Europeans to our shores to SLAUGHTER native people so make it safe for invasion by a foreign country?
And btw…Isn’t that something the U.S.A. insists on doing: “saving” countries from “invaders” who want to take over by SLAUGHTERING THE NATIVES? .But that’s okay because THOSE “natives” are more deserving to live than American natives? (Why don’t we have an “Amerigo Vespucci” day…The dude the Americas were actually named after?

Bill, you always have thoughtful and well reasoned posts. I dont always agree but this time you get a two thumbs up. Thanks for raising the bar here. It will take lots of patience with those who respond to you with incomplete sentences, poor grammar and childish insults but you are definitely up to it buddy. Carry on!

I’m calling BS on you BEN. You know not of what you speak. Does the school district know you’re a flaming lib?

Donald Trump is the best president ever….MAGA

Does anybody know anything about this incident at Frank Pearson’s house? It’s worth $1K if you do. “NOTICE RESIDENCE OF MASON CITY, IA: I will pay a $1000.00 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the individuals that shot six holes in my windows with a pellet gun on homecoming night, Oct. 5th at about 10:35 pm. I will also attempt to keep that person’s identity confidential. These individuals are more than likely MC high school students meaning someone knows who they are.”

Welcome to Supreem court judge kavanaw please undo ROE fast and save the babies I hope you can finish it this coming week thank you

You can support all the deformed and waterheads that are going to die soon anyway so the taxpayers won’t blow millions $$$$. Step right up good Christian. Maybe they will be delivered to your house.

AnonymousReply Report comment
October 7, 2018 at 9:03 am

Soros should be arrested for interfering in the president election with his rigged voting machines he owns, for his funding terrorist groups. Let’s send him to Russia they want him for the same thing.

What is the difference between Russian interference/collusion/manipulation VS George Soros influence/money/connections? NOTHING!

Confiscate his assets in USA and should he be residing here arrest him as a terrorist and send him to GITMO to be executed

Soros should be arrested for interfering in the president election with his rigged voting machines he owns, for his funding terrorist groups. Let’s send him to Russia they want him for the same thing!

Obama in 8 years set this country back 25 years at least.

AnonymousReply Report comment
October 7, 2018 at 9:01 am

The Democrats’ rage over Kavanaugh and they talk about Kavanaugh’s demeanor during the hearing between Kavanaugh and Ford? As I said before, Democrats ALWAYS accuse others of what THEY are guilty of. Just listen to Schumer talk about the confirmation and what he says,..he is talking about the Democrats’ disgusting behavior.

Funded by George Soros and other anti-American Democrats all these protesters need to be charged with high treason along with all those behind the scenes

Can’t get a date again, so you’re mad at all women.

Soros should be arrested for interfering in the president election with his rigged voting machines he owns, for his funding terrorist groups. Let’s send him to Russia they want him for the same thing.

Maybe Dump can give him a ride the next time he goes there for his Golden Shower.

Funded by George Soros and other anti-American Democrats all these protesters need to be charged with high treason, along with all those behind the scenes

The deformed Dump and his repulsive offspring are the traitors. They’re in Russia every other week, sucking up to Putin so he won’t release video of Donnie Dump, the human urinal.

This is America, you buffoon. Protesting is protected by the Constitution. Go back to Russia where you will be welcomed.

Ford wasn’t a pawn, she knew exactly what she was doing, she planned this and the dems ran with it, ford is even worse than the dems.

I am growing tired of this constant narrative of treating Ford like she’s a credible person. Her testimony was full of falsehoods, no witnesses, and she deliberately removed her background from the Internet. It’s time to uncover that. She’s not a victim but I believe a hard-core activist. (I think this has hurt true abuse victims and continues to harm the Kavanaugh’s. That is where my passion to uncover the truth stems from.)

Obama in 8 years set this country back 25 years at least.

The years 1955 to 1980, maybe.

The Democrats’ rage over Kavanaugh and they talk about Kavanaugh’s demeanor during the hearing between Kavanaugh and Ford? As I said before, Democrats ALWAYS accuse others of what THEY are guilty of. Just listen to Schumer talk about the confirmation and what he says,..he is talking about the Democrats’ disgusting behavior.

Listen to the Republican doing just that.

When they going to find Jodie’s body. I bet she is out in the quarry land owned by the cement co. Wild land out there.

Stay away from there, there’s been talk about a 12 foot tall hairy creature roaming around there. I heard it from someone that lives on the south side of B20.

no.. that’s Maxine Waters

MORE issues with MCHS’s cheer leading new advisor. First she takes the squads to Clear lake for pictures at their fire station now she made 3 cheerleaders sit out during the Homecoming game because they weren’t “cheerful” enough, during HOMECOMING cheers, Parents are pissed!!! They could see a cheer leading boycott of the last two games. Many phone calls being made to support this boycott, MCHS better step in FAST.

They don’t want to cheer for a bunch of losers?

For community day, several of the girls were sent to the fair grounds to clean up horse crap.

That has nothing to do with Cheering or high school spirit the coach needs to get a life

Matt, you sign up to coach the cheerleaders. You seem to know everything anyway. I am sure you would be fair and tough.

How do you know there’s a body?

The MC High football team lost Homecoming. When was the last time they won a Homecoming? I bet the teams they play look forward to playing them a sure win for them.

Maybe you should join/coach the team, if not, give it up. Hopefully soon, someone pounds salt into your wounds, and then reminds you every day how redundant you sound.

ike I tell people Hate makes you warm. Plus it is easy to bring up they lose time and time again. If you can’t take losing don’t play the game.

love too, asked too, but was snubbed by the coaching joke that is there

If they put half as much effort into that as they do shooting up houses on homecoming night, maybe they could win a game!

Obviously you know something, lol, you should come forward, it’s worth a grand.

I suggest you volunteer to coach a football team through the Parks and Rec department or the schools or whoever organizes the leagues. You seem to know a great deal about football so your expertise would be welcomed. All schools who have good teams year in and year out, have great youth programs where the kids learn the basics and develop the mentality it takes to be winners. It also helps the numbers a team has. Another thing you could do is volunteer as an assistant football coach at the high school or middle schools. Just let them have an earful of your take on the situation and what needs to be done, and I am sure they will be glad for the help. Don’t tell them to quit. Make them better.

It does not surprise me that the Republicans support rapists, I mean look to their leader is!

And where’s the English teacher when you need him? Oh, I get it, the poster is a liberal.

Where are the obnoxious duo, i. e. Bodie and Ben, aka ex-teacher and teacher? No posts, at least under their Bodacious and Ben names. Evidently the local Democrat power knows they’re toxic and doesn’t want them riling the conservatives any more than they already have.
P. S. Wasn’t the vote yesterday impressive? How many interruptions were there, caused by the crybaby liberals?

Yes, 50-48 is another impressive achievement. A landslide by Trump’s count.

I heard that VanHorns is liquidating and is going to close for good

I have heard the exact same thing

Base on their customer service they should have close up a long time ago.

Went to buy a radio/HVAC center cluster and wanted to look at it before I bought it. I knew from that they had one in stock. Asked to see it before I bought it as several options/trims were available. The one brother kept telling me that it would fit and I said I know it fits but wanted to be sure it was the same as what I already had. He wouldn’t get off his duff to get it off the shelf unless I bought it, I wouldn’t buy it until I was sure it was the one I needed.

A “no sale” that day at Van Horn’s. Never set foot foot in the place again.

I’ve heard that, “the one brother,” didn’t like you.

Congratulations to Brett Kavanaugh. Now, I hope some healing can begin. What we witnessed from politicians on both sides of the aisle, hasn’t been easy to watch. I for one am glad this entire process is over.

I say, it’s over and it’s time to move on.

So, you think all the lies and all the left wing childish acts should just be forgotten? Not on you life. Vote RED in the next election and piss off a liberal.

You have it right. Crybabies will never play by the rules unless they win. VOTE RED!

Left won’t play by rues?! LOLOLOLOL Let me remind you of a couple things… Pubs wanted to stop Obama from nominating a judge in the last days of his term. But now they will allow trump to just before Nov. elections and while an investigation is going on…. Kennedy retired early. His SON is the ONLY banker in America that will loan trump money. Don’t you find it odd that his daddy retired early so trump could pick a REP judge? I bet you don’t. You hypocrite pubs make me gag. And Kav has NEVER tried a case in court… He’s only been a clerk… wow some qualifications…These figureheads trump picks are not fair play. They’re not qualified. But I bet they say Yes sir to trump and FU citizens. ugh.

What are you smokin’ LIB?

Ford’s allegations were all staged from the democrats in an attempt to gain beleivability by saying she didn’t want it made public all while she cleared her social media, retained prominent liberal antiTrump lawyers, a ridiculous polygraph test done in a hotel room alone with a male stranger? Reminding everyone she was allegedly almost raped 36 years ago? And her life long friend disputed her story and the she was later approached by one of Christine Ford’s co-hearts trying to get her to lie and say it happened. Christine Ford has brought nothing but shame on real victims and should be investigated and charged for lying to the Senate committee and false allegations.

Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh needs to sue for Defamation. He deserves every single penny of their GoFundme money !!!!

And, Me Too!

All politicians, are crooks, liars and thieves!

Left wing liberal troll can’t even come up with his own comments. Shows how stupid he really is.

Right Wing Wacko troll can’t even come up with his own comments. Shows how stupid he really is…

Right Wing Wacko troll can’t even come up with his own comments. Shows how stupid he really is!

The Democrats are really going to be upset when there so called blue wave is nothing more than a babbling brook! this has ignited the G.O.P. can you imagine Maxine waters chairing a committee?

Nice try, but nobody believes that, not even you.

I’ve never seen a more stupid, illiterate bunch of rednecks (with couches & TVs in their front yards) than the Trump supporters we have in this country. I’ve had more big laughs at their expense. I should thank them.

Please feel free to do so, the very second you get out of rehab.

The “left” are going to need safe spaces, coloring books & crayons and therapy dogs

The “right” are going to need safe rooms and good lawyers.

Yes it backfired on the Democrats. People are turned into the Republicans for their vote now. After that circus in the hearing on Kavanaugh. Only a fool would vote for a Democrat after that scene.

Yes it backfired on the right wing wackos. People are turned into the democrats for their vote now. After that circus in the hearing on Kavanaugh. Only a fool would vote for a Republican after that scene.

Yes it backfired on the Right Wing Wackos People are turned into the Democrats for their vote now. After that circus in the hearing on Kavanaugh. Only a fool would vote for a republican after that scene..

You reap what you sow Diane. In some respects the republicans owe her a huge debt of gratitude. Her and her cohorts despicable display of behavior in the Kavanaugh debacle has completely re-energized her republican counterpart base to get out and vote in the upcoming midterm elections where they otherwise might have been somewhat complacent. They will show up in droves to VOTE RED. Thank you Diane.

Citizens of Maine should be very proud of their senator. Senator Collins have one of the best speeches ever. She is a class act.

The “right wing wackos” are going to need safe spaces, coloring books & crayons and therapy dogs..

Bill Amos is sounds to me a “backseat attorney” that doesn’t know a thing.Hey Bill keep your nose clean and you wont have to worry about any of that.

I heard that Pritchards has purchased Lake Chevy and will open as Pritchard Chevrolet on Monday Oct 8th

Did it happen, or is your comment just a rumor?

I just discovered some VERY interesting posts online re our rights (as drivers) when snared at check points.
There are MANY legal ways to REFUSE to answer their (Cops’) questions.
If your vehicle reeks of weed. Or they see an open container of alcohol. Or your face is in the steering wheel and you’re snoring. Or they see hand grenades on the jump seat. etc….
JUST BECAUSE THEY CARRY A BADGE. AND A GUN. If YOU want to drop to your knees in such situations, well, that is YOUR admission of: “I’m SCARED of cops! They can bully me any way they want to”!!!
Find these posts (most with videos) yourself. Then also check out the Cops that SPEED (without being in pursuit ) SANS LIGHTS OR SIRENS. i am referring to more than 5mph over the posted speed limit. I have been stopped for doing *5* mph over the limit. I was not cited or searched, but I DID become part of a national citizenry data base. As have ALL traffic stop drivers AND THEIR PASSENGERS have become.part of a NATIONAL data base. Just saying..

Bill, you have offered some bad advice. The obvious paranoia not withstanding, you seem to hold a grudge against Law Enforcement.

This is not Mayberry any more, society has changed, and I am afraid not for the better. The criminal element in our community do not wear scarlet letters. They do everything possible to evade the consequences for their behavior. Law Enforcement is tasked with separating the chafe from the wheat, within the bounds of the law.

They (Law Enforcement) are not above the law, and yes, some make poor choices. Overall however, in my contacts with them, they seem fair, and firm. Provoke them, or give them cause, and they will act accordingly. That, is what we pay them to do.

Am I in their ‘database’, yep. Do I have anything to fear? The answer is no.

Anonymous Reply Report comment

October 4, 2018 at 10:42 am

I don’t know about the rest of you think, but you are one very serious numbnuts and an idiot.

And it’s obvious who your teacher was. Tell her I said “hi”.

Well, at least SOME people on here actually HAD teachers. But alas… “home-schooling is allowed in Iowa. And actual “school teachers” these days are PATHETIC. Glad I never went to school in Iowa. Shit…My H.S. diploma = an MBA down here!

You’re a career criminal and likely have a rap sheet a mile loug. That’s why you hate cops and are afraid of getting stopped. Keep your nose clean and you’d have no problems. People like you are why cops keep their finger on the trigger. Never know what crap you’re going to pull. It’s how/ why people get shot. Acting stupid and suspicious.

How bad is the MC football team going to lose by? I think the score will be 0-56

With 4:17 left in the 3rd quarter they’re on the short end of a 48 – 14 score. The legacy of Anita Marie Micich lives on.

I can’t believe they scored 2X

With 4:46 left in the game it’s Des Moines East 55, Mason City 14.

They’ve got to get rid of the horrible coaching staff.I don’t like to blame the kids but there is a couple that shouldn’t be playing anymore either.

I’d like to watch one of their practices.I’d like to see what the defense works on.They can’t defend the pass at all.Can’t tackle either.Long snapper hasn’t had one good snap to the punter all year. Do they have the quarterback throw the ball in practice?

Where are the obnoxious duo, i. e. Bodie and Ben, aka ex-teacher and teacher? No posts, at least under their Bodacious and Ben names. Evidently the local Democrat power knows they’re toxic and doesn’t want them riling the conservatives any more than they already have.
P. S. Wasn’t the vote today impressive? How many interruptions were there, caused by the crybaby liberals?

1 54 55 56 57 58 446

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