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For the first time in 30 years, we finally have a president that’s actually doing something about our traitorous trade and immigration policies – And the corrupt manipulative media, establishment puppet politicians and their globalist masters are blatantly fighting President Trump and the American People tooth and nail every step of the way.

The politically influential Culinary Union in Nevada released a statement on Wednesday claiming that its members have been “viciously attacked” by supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders, after the union publicly warned its members against backing a candidate in the state’s Democratic caucus who supports “Medicare-for-All.”

The website includes a video that shows criticism of the plan by Democrats, analysts and even environmentalists. It also cites estimates that the plan could cost as much as $93 trillion.

Why didn’t you post a link? Because there isn’t one, is there? You made this up.

That website was created by America Rising which has absolutely no credible attributes. What is really hilarious about using this site is that it was founded by Mitt Romney’s campaign chairperson.

In case you didn’t know…
Every time the Dems “create an investigation” they appoint lots of Dems to do the work, which gets them more $$$$ on their paychecks. That is how they end up millionaires, especially the lifers like Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, etc.
It’s all about the Benjamins!!!

Demon-rats always bring us back to the issue of race. It’s time to move on. And maybe if you move on, your district will flourish. As it is, you’re stuck in the past and therefore no improvements.

Republiperverts always bring us back to the subject of women’s genitalia, which apparently they’ve never seen, and are obsessed with. Here’s just one example.

Slavery is exactly what the democrats are promoting. They want to hold people down with government handouts, and there by, get their vote, instead of striving to give them the ultimate freedom and happiness by providing a good education and a job so they can realize their self worth. The democrats seem perfectly happy to live in their fancy homes, have the best health care, and live high on the hog while their constituents live in squalor.

Pelosi should be voted out & if not that,then TERM LIMITS! She is detrimental to ourCountry. We need a”speaker Of the House” that loves America & will work for this Country!!!!!

“The Green New Deal is the most radical proposal ever embraced by liberal politicians,” AR2’s communications director Chris Martin said in a statement. “Every American deserves to know how many jobs it could destroy in their state and how much their energy costs could increase should this liberal pipe dream ever be implemented.”

What is AR2? This post has no credibility if there’s no context or link to context.

AR2 is another branch of former Mitt Romney campaign manager’s site America Rising. They are a right wing pac that has one purpose – to divide America up so that the Russians can gain more control in this country.

The dems are trying to destroy the constitution. This way they can bring in their socialist agenda and totally destroy America. They want to be the ones in power and the only way they can do that is to destroy our way of life and the constitution. And for years they have been brainwashing the majority of our children in the colleges and schools.

That’s Trump and you know it

you are proof

Obama is “pro-Obama” only, he doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself

Let’s face it, if it wasn’t for Trump our bought and paid for puppet politicians and media would still be talking about peripheral social issues like gay marriage and abortion, rather than the core issues that have destroyed the real American economy and the economic future of the American people – It’s called polarize and distract – But this time it’s not working, because most Americans are finally seeing through the media manipulation – Plus, unlike Sanders, Trump will not allow himself to be marginalized or pushed aside.

Although, I like that Sanders helped bring some of the core economic issues out into the light of day – He’s way too far to the left and can be more easily marginalized by both parties and the corporate media as some crazy old loon, which he actually may be. In all the years that Sanders has been in office, what has he actually been able to accomplish in fighting our traitorous trade and immigration policies?

Blumenthal, the guy who said he served in Vietnam and it was a LIE !!! Wow!!!! What a credible person!!!!!!

I remember back in 93 when Clinton had Janet Reno fire 93 attorneys appointed by George H. W. Bush, in 1 day, because of the investigation against his buddy, Dan Rostenkowski.

While it is true, Reno fired 93 attorneys, the reason behind it was not as you say. Reno gave the attorneys time to finish their investigations which included one into Rostenkowski. Guess who was the lead attorney for the government in the Rostenkowski case – Eric Holder. Remember him?

Stop it already. If you had anything on him that’s impeachable you would have thrown it out at the impeachment trial you lost. Are you trying to waste money and create a deeper national debt during his presidency or are you trying to distract our president and his supporters, or are you just too lazy to do anything constructive for our Nation? Leave it alone or you may get the voters to impeach you all.

What crime will you create this time? I’ve noticed that everything you accused Trump and the Republicans of you Democrats have already done! The American people are sick and tired of your delusional antics!

Sadly, the democrats have insulated Trump to such a degree that he could actually commit a “high crime or misdemeanor” and no one would believe them. Their hatred toward this president has left them intellectually challenged.

Democrats, Quit being so obsessed and Do SOMETHING WORTHWHILE!!!!!You are and have lost your credibility!!!!! America is sick of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are anti American !!! This is NOT good our country!!! QUIT IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Over 400 bills on McConnell’s desk.

And, they are Bullshit bills from the house that are going nowhere. Remember Harry Reid?

You are correct again.

You say they are bullshit bills. Why not let the Senate make that decision rather than having Moscow Mitch make the decision? Bring them up for discussion. That is what this country is based on – freedom of choice. McConnell has taken that choice out.

like Harry did

No shortage of STUPID in Hollywood as they BELIEVE We will Vote by what THEY Say…smh

Obama left office rich off taxpayers back ,did he not ?? Obama gave NO raise to seniors on social security his 8 years . He voted to NOT to lower the cost of medicine . He Is buying his 3rd mansion . How did he get so much money ?? Benghazi was a disgrace ! Democrats first took from social security and need to be made to put it back . Medicaid is the free one for people that don’t work ! We pay for Medicare !

No, he didn’t get rich off the taxpayers. His book deals before and after his presidency provided him with lots of money. Maybe you could write a book and see how many copies you could sell. Bet you would not sell as many copies as Barack and Michelle have.

Maybe he could start with reading a book and go from there.

He could write a book about lying dog-faced pony soldiers. I’ll bet that would sell. Heehaw, heehaw.

As a leader or boss of a corporation why would you want anyone working for you that was disloyal. Funny how Democrats are fuming over this when are they going to start doing what they are paid outrageous salaries to do and that is working FOR the people

Just goes to show how stupid they really are… Who in their right mind would keep people on board who are not following the program?? I mean ANYWHERE I ever worked they would be let go…. Great Job Mr President!


who he is in charge of

The people of California really need to look at their state and honestly determine if their state is thriving under Pelosi and the Democratic Party or dying a slow death.

Hello bot. Starting a little early for your 2nd round of copied posts but now that even AG Barr is criticizing Trump, you have a lot of bs to spew.

Hawkeye Harvest Food Bank is Closed today

Independent newspapers are struggling. The estimated total U.S. daily newspaper circulation including both print and digital in 2019 fell 18% from the prior year to 28.6 million for weekday, according to the Research Center for Journalism and Media.

New York Times executive editor Dean Banquet bleakly predicted the demise of “most local newspapers in America” except for ones bought by democrat billionaires. The Washington Post and Los Angeles Times, both national publications,owned by democrats, are doing well. The Boston Globe, Minneapolis Star-Tribune and Las Vegas Review-Journal are among other democratic American newspapers that appear to have steadied themselves after being sold to these political minded individuals. Note the democratic based buyers own over 87% of today’s media, including broadcast, cable and newspaper sources.

hence the GET President Trump agenda.

Black, white, Hispanic, whatever-Americans – are seeing unprecedented successes under a president who said he wouldn’t forget them. Imagine the possibilities if those in Washington opposed to the president put aside their personal animus, ceased looking for ways to stop him, and realized that the successes he is achieving are successes for the American people. Imagine what could be accomplished if Congress and the president started working together. Those once forgotten could flourish even more.

You like Trump, believe “working together” means accepting everything you want while giving up everything we want. Maybe if Trump would abandon his “I can do anything because I am President” attitude he would get a little more respect from Americans.

He has the respect of real Americans. The others don’t count because they won’t be here long.

Define “real Americans”

And, here we go again! The Democrats are so afraid that Trump really will continue draining the swamp, they can’t think clearly.

Trump IS the swamp, him and the Kroch Crime Family, and Putin.

NO the swamp is that backyard of yours on the North End LL.

Go drink your warm milk and laxative now.

You are a lying dog-faced pony soldier.

The Trump tax cuts and the repeal of piles of job-killing regulations have grown the economy and reduced unemployment to levels not seen in nearly 50 years. Moreover, minorities and women are seeing some of the greatest benefit, experiencing some of their lowest unemployment rates ever. On top of all that, America’s lowest income earners have seen their wages grow faster (in percentage terms) than any other income group.


Trump 2020

Like every other stat, the Trump handlers are cooking the books on this. Even if that were true, low wages are the problem. As long as people can buy secondhand and fix up, or make, things to sell on eBay, Etsy, Facebook marketplace, etc., work from home at their own hours, and make more than $12 or $13 an hour, they’re not going to take a crappy job from a shitty employer who treats them badly and won’t provide any benefits.

L. L. did you take your pills today? GO, take your pills and brush your teeth. nite-nite

Black Americans are part of the forgotten, too. For decades, politicians have repeatedly promised urban communities good jobs, good schools, and safe neighborhoods. Instead, they have delivered policies that more often increased crime, degraded educational standards, and made it harder to get work.

President Trump’s “forgotten” are the average, patriotic hard-working Americans who pay taxes for government programs many of them will never use. Many are religious. Some are gun-owners. A surprising number are Democrats, independents, or political agnostics.

Like Social Security, you mean? Those are SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, which every working person for the last several decades have paid into and counted on GETTING BACK, BECAUSE THAT WAS THE DEAL. You touch our savings accounts and you’ll get that civil war you want so much.

Millennials don’t understand that socialism is a division of wealth, while capitalism is a multiplication. Their inability to compute or to question, something these youths have been conditioned to ignore, has led to the inevitable empty-minded predisposition to craving socialism. Bernie has simply taken advantage of what public education has served him on a silver platter:

Millennials do know what socialism is and they know a great deal more than you give them credit for.

Do they understand what it will do the the USA?

Do you understand what an oligarchy is, and what it IS doing to the USA?

Bernie capitalizes on this. Free healthcare for all! Legal weed for all! Free college for all! Cancel student debt for all! Free childcare for all! And so on. Young voters did not grow up understanding the consequences of what Bernie proposes or what Che did to his people.

I know that there is no such thing as “free,” that someone always pays for it. I know that if someone is offering something to me, he wants something in return.

Millennials grew up as a generation expecting handouts but not learning work ethic or personal responsibility, never finding the inner drive to succeed independently.

I was taught that if someone offers something for free, I should tell them, “no, thank you, I can’t afford it.” But those days are gone. At the start of the new millennium, adults have lost sight of teaching kids the basics.

Bernie Sanders keeps telling young people how he will give them so much free stuff, if only they will go with him, vote for him. Bernie basically stands in front of a windowless van, telling kids to get in, luring them with candy and puppies.

There is no reduction in spending because it applies to future spending plans only and budgets wouldn’t decline compared to current spending. When asked for details, the Health and Human Services Department declined to talk in terms of dollar figures for Medicare and Medicaid, offering only that the plan “slows the average growth rate” on Medicare by a small percentage over the 10-year period.Overall, HHS stated, “funding levels will be no lower each year than they are today..”
A policy expert at the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation, said the administration is right that the plan cuts the growth in Medicare spending without actually cutting benefits for current enrollees. But she also notes that it includes a proposal that would make it harder for some seniors to qualify for long-term care services, for an estimated $34 billion in Medicaid savings..
Like Medicare figures, HHS declined to confirm that figure, saying only that the plan “slows average annual growth” from 5.4 percent to 3.1 percent “to ensure a more sustainable program for the truly needy and gives state flexibility to reform and innovate.” The plan factors in savings by imposing work requirements as a condition of accepting Medicaid coverage for people who aren’t exempt..

There you have it. The left wants to destroy this nation and will support socialism/communism. I remember as a child when a Russian leader named Nikita K said that the USA will destroy themselves from within. Seems that the Left is on track to do what was predicted..

You are correct.

A bunch of democratic morons who in their right mind would stand behind socialist communist government especially in America these Democrats have lost their mind..

Seriously Democrats want us to pay other countries to commit the murdering of children only an insane person would say something like that.

WTF are you talking about? Nobody said anything like that.

Its the voices in his head that he keeps repeating on this site. He skipped his meds again today.

Sanders continues to make all these ridiculous plans with OUR money. It’s a good thing that President Trump will be reelected!!

in your big gay wet dream

That be Mayor Pete…..

And you.

I remember the good ole days when you at least felt candidates from both parties loved America and supported basic American values..

Yes, the days before Trump and the other oligarchs sold us out.

You mean Barrack don’t you

barock is a muslim.

you are a russian tool.

Bernie isn’t gonna win over any more supporters than he already has. He has the radical left. If he is the nominee people will either stay home or vote Trump. He has the old hippie vote and the votes of millennials who graduated from schools that don’t teach economics or real history that shows what socialism and communism leads to. Trump would trounce him!!

Then why is Trump so freaked out about him?

There will be no criminals or even crimes if the Dems get their way. Do whatever you want. Collect your monthly check. FREE !!

You mean Social Security? Those are SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, scum. Come after those and you’ll find how many retirees bought the guns you wanted everybody to have.

Pelosi Deserves A Noose along with EVERY other POS Who Voted FOR the Impeachment…BOTH Houses…YES Your LAME Sorry ASS Too Romney..

Hey bot, there is only one House. The other body is the Senate. Better get reprogrammed.

Yes, the House and the Senate. Both of which are HOUSES of Congress.

At a time when college debt for American students is at an all-time high, is it fair for some universities to be offering financial resources to illegal aliens??

Where did you see that? I’d like to learn more about it.

Our poor grandchildren have to take out loans for college and graduate with so much debt , it’s ridiculous. Giving free education to non Americans is absolutely insulting and totally unfair. Bad system!!

The lies perpetrated by the Dems just during the impeachment hearing, previous administration, far exceed this situation. Thank AG Barr for your standing on this!

Morning bot. I see you have a lot of bs to spew out today.

Criminal President applauding his criminal attorney general for letting the criminal accomplice off the hook – – and the criminal Republicans are applauding it all.

Trump tell stooge Barr to cover for sleazebag Stone — Trump supporters live in a world where John McCain and Col. Vindman are the villains while Stone is a victim and hero — yet pathetic sheeple continue to open and swallow the Trump dump…

You are a freakin, lying idiot. Trump stated his personal opinion (which he has every right to do). Barr followed the law and did it by the law after crooked liberal prosecuters didn’t do what they were told to do. Nothing illegal about it at all. Stone was railroaded by liberals. Even rapist don’t get 9 years in jail. You are a phony asshole.

I suppose the jurors who found him guilty were paid off by Soros.

Trump hung a Medal of Freedom on fellow draft dodger, racist & liar Rush Limbaugh, then fired a Purple Heart recipient the next day.
I’m curious Rush – when you pass soon, does Ken Ryan or Mitch McConnell inherit your knee pads?

One draft dodger gives the Presidential Medal of Freedom to another draft dodger, and they both used that platform to bad mouth a veteran who served an active duty tour in Afghanistan and received the Joint Service Commendation Medal instead of thanking him for his service.

The asshole you think should get a medal is a lying traitor and will soon be brought up on charges over it. Rush Limbaugh is more of a patriot and man then you could possibly ever be..

How is LTC Vindman a “lying traitor”? He was subpoenaed to the trial, he gave his opinion of what Trump’s call was, and he did it honestly. You believe everyone should protect Trump. If he is such a tough guy, he should defend himself but he can’t.

your arguing with a 90 year old man from ventura

Old Rusty is a thrice-divorced drug addict whose ratings have been sinking for years. At contract renewable time he always stages some kind of publicity stunt, like saying he has cancer, to get noticed and boost ratings. Even his bosses don’t like him.

Even more news:

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