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Democrats are still wailing about President Trump expressing an opinion about the sentencing of a high-profile criminal investigation into one of his longtime associates, Roger Stone. Democrats are now lecturing the country about the importance of law enforcement remaining independent from the White House and the president. As usual, you don’t have to look very far to find examples of Democrats being complete and utter hypocrites on the subject..

Does Roget Stone live in a “Sanctuary City”? If so, he should claim to be an illegal alien and nothing would happen to him.

Nothing is going to happen to him because he is Trump’s old friend. Pardon President strikes again.

In 2009, Obama faced backlash across the country after he criticized Massachusetts police for the arrest of Harvard Law professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. The former president, without a full briefing on the case, stated police had acted stupidly for arresting the black man and insinuated officers were guilty of racial profiling.

And now for the rest of the story….Gates was arrested for breaking and entering into his own home. President Obama admitted his comments were regrettable and hoped that everyone could learn from them. Imagine that – a President who admits he misspoke and apologizes for it. Such horrible behavior!

At a press conference in 2013, Obama unexpectedly weighed in on the shooting of Travyon Martin while the trial was still underway. “When Travyon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son,” he said. “Another way of saying that is, Travyon Martin could have been me 35 years ago. … Unlike Obama, President Trump wasn’t spouting off about some criminal case he knew nothing about and picking a side simply because he happened to share the same skin color as the person..

That would be funny if it weren’t so true of Trump. Think Central Park 5. Think about those “very fine people on both sides”.Think about his statement about the judge in one of his many trials. Or shithole countries. Of course Trump can’t relate to the common person because he has never had to scrape for anything in his life.

It’s TRUE very TRUE. No amount of denial by a liar like you can change that. I personally saw the traitor Obama on TV saying it.

Didn’t say Obama didn’t say it. He did and he was correct in his declaration. Trump is a racist and bigot. He has said things, as I pointed out, that put that claim into the true category.

were guilty of racial profiling.
At a press conference in 2013, Obama unexpectedly weighed in on the shooting of Travyon Martin while the trial was still underway. “When Travyon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son,” he said. “Another way of saying that is, Travyon Martin could have been me 35 years ago. … Unlike Obama, President Trump wasn’t spouting off about some criminal case he knew nothing about and picking a side simply because he happened to share the same skin color as the person.

Obama was caught in the crosshairs again when he stated military members convicted of sexual harassment should be dishonorably discharged. “Not only is it a crime, not only is it shameful and disgraceful, but it also is going to make and has made the military less effective than it can be,” Obama said. A U.S. Navy judge went on to rule that Obama had committed “unlawful command influence” as commander in chief.

I would like you to provide a cite for your claim about the court ruling.There doesn’t seem to be anyone claiming what he said was bad. Most reports were appreciative of the efforts of his administration to stop the behavior. Bi-partisan support throughout the Congress.

You provide your own CITE! Fool!

I just did. You have to read the article to find that out. You are a sad person.

Obama also downplayed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email scandal in 2015. During an interview, he said he believed Clinton’s breach of policy did not pose a national security problem. He added he “didn’t get an impression” from Clinton she was purposefully trying to hide something.

like his birth certificate


probably the bitch you choose

You mother!

Your Mother

Probably your Mother or your Sister. Or maybe it is Tawney

Sixty-one percent of Americans believe they are better off today with President Donald Trump than they were at the end of Barack Obama’s presidency, a newly-released Gallup poll shows.

Ha ha ha. Who did they poll? The guests are Mar Lago?

People who can spell.

Couldn’t be a Democrat. They don’t know how to spell.

I didn’t misspell anything.

Not only are they better off, but 62% credit Trump, rather than Obama, and a majority say it’s easier to buy things today:
61% feel better off than three years ago,
62% credit Trump either “a Great Deal” or ”a Fair Amount” for Economic Improvement,
52% say it’s easier “to go and buy things in the stores than it was three years ago,
The 61% of Americans who say they are better off than they were three years ago is more than ten percentage points higher than similar results of Gallup polls in the 1992, 1996, 2004 and 2012 election cycles.

Obama was the worst President in American history. I know my family has been and will be better off with Trump in the future. During Obama’s second term a lot of people almost lost everything.

Trump zeroes out funding for Stars and Stripes, for generations a little news from home for our military and veterans. Yeah, he’s pro-military.

Infowars bullshit artist Alex Jones gets called out for his lies and hatemongering by an ex-employee.

Democrats are still wailing about President Trump expressing an opinion about the sentencing of a high-profile criminal investigation into one of his longtime associates, Roger Stone. Democrats are now lecturing the country about the importance of law enforcement remaining independent from the White House and the president. As usual, you don’t have to look very far to find examples of Democrats being complete and utter hypocrites on the subject.

Republican DOJ lawmen resigned over Trump’s unprecedented, and illegal, meddling in matters of law.

You are a lying P.O.S. they were all Robert Mueller attorneys and liberal to the core.

they were scared of what was gonna happen

If we don’t have to look far, where should we look?

The DNC recently threw its requirements for their upcoming debates out the window in order to help get Bloomberg on to the stage. This from the party that’s always warning us about the influence of money in politics.

Oh, bullshit. He’s getting some traction, so he earned a spot. He knows all kinds of dirt on Trump, since they’ve each other for decades, and that’s you and Trump are worried about.

your funny…any backup?

Bloomberg was in North Carolina because the candidate is ignoring states whose primaries take place before Super Tuesday, when 14 states head to the polls to pick a Democratic nominee for president on March 3. By focusing his time and money, Bloomberg is hoping a show of force on Super Tuesday will position him as the party’s centrist frontrunner, all the more likely to happen after Joe Biden’s dismal performances in Iowa and New Hampshire.

It’s called a strategy.

The problem with out-of-touch billionaires like Bloomberg is they don’t know anything about everyday Americans, so they always come across as inauthentic whenever they try to fit in.

Bloomberg is who Trump wants and pretends to be, except he’s not rich, not smart, and has accomplished nothing in his life.

sounds like Barack…

The elitist candidate Bloomberg thinks, “Americans are stupid, so I’ll relate to them by pretending to be stupid too.” And what better way to relate to everyday Americans than by telling a story that involves one of his housekeepers?

LOL He’s everything Trump wants and pretends to be!

except a democrat

New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg is spending millions in an effort to trick people into thinking he’s relatable.

At least he’s using his own money. Trump’s squandering ours, just like he did his inheritance.

prove it dim wit

The report notes that ICE leadership had put in the request for additional support in helping track down known criminal aliens subject to potential removal. According to one official, the goal of the new deployment is to increase arrests in sanctuary jurisdictions by a minimum of 35 percent.

Trump’s goal in opening a casino was to make money, and he couldn’t even do that, which is almost unheard of. Why would we think he’d be successful at this?

much more simple than a casino…guaranteed success

The specially trained officers are being sent to cities including Chicago and New York to boost the enforcement power of local ICE officers, according to two officials who are familiar with the secret operation. Additional agents are expected to be sent to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Houston, Boston, New Orleans, Detroit and Newark, N.J. …

pogrom: puh-gruhm, -grom, poh- ]

noun: an organized massacre, especially of Jews.
Words related to pogrom

butchery, extermination, annihilation, bloodbath, genocide, carnage, bloodletting, slaughter, murder, bloodshed, decimation, assassination

must be a bot

Local law enforcement agencies jeopardize the public safety by refusing to hand over criminal aliens to federal immigration authorities and by releasing criminal aliens back into the community.

[ puh-gruhm, -grom, poh- ]
noun: an organized massacre, especially of Jews.

Words related to pogrom
butchery, extermination, annihilation, bloodbath, genocide, carnage, bloodletting, slaughter, murder, bloodshed, decimation, assassination

Again, wishing or far reaching?

Elite tactical border patrol agents from the southern border will be deployed to help make arrests within a number of sanctuary jurisdiction, according to a new report.

pogrom [ puh-gruhm, -grom, poh- ]
noun: an organized massacre, especially of Jews.

Words related to pogrom
butchery, extermination, annihilation, bloodbath, genocide, carnage, bloodletting, slaughter, murder, bloodshed, decimation, assassination

Dreaming or far reaching?

Sanders also hit on an issue that Trump has made headway in concerning criminal justice reform. Sanders declared he will end this racist system we have, pass comprehensive immigration reform, and promote a gun safety agenda that’s dictated by the American people, not the National Rifle Association.

As for those in the Rust Belt who are doing well thanks to natural gas. Sanders has bad news for you: he’s going to put you out of work, saying he is prepared to tell the fossil fuel industry that their short-term profits are not more important than our planet—another saber-rattling moment for his climate change agenda.

“I believe that there is no country in the world including any and all the countries under colonial domination, where economic colonization, humiliation and exploitation were worse than in Cuba, in part owing to my country’s policies during the Batista regime. (Democrat U.S. President John F. Kennedy, Oct 24, 1963.)

“Countries like Cuba or Canada or Russia or a lot of places in this world spend half what we spend per capita and they got better health outcomes than we do.” (Deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee Rep. Keith Ellison) The whole world knows this for what it is; a flat out lie.

Among the Fake News Media’s “go-to-persons” on Cuban healthcare (besides Michael Moore) we find Gail Reed. Indeed, the Huffington Post proudly carries Reed as a contributor and reverentially quoted her on (that mercifully cancelled) Obama HHS/Cuba cooperation deal:

“We’re losing our damn minds!.. (Bernie Sanders) has never been a Democrat. He’s an ideologue.” (James Carville, Feb. 7)

Nancy Pelosi owes Bloomberg. Or rather, Bloomberg owns Nancy Pelosi.
Without his cash injection in 2017, Democrats would not control the House. Pelosi wouldn’t be Speaker. And Rashida Tlaib would not have got her chance to “impeach the motherf**ker”, no matter how unsuccessful that whole thing was.

Without the Kroch Brothers infusion of cash, Trump would have been dead in the water, where he belongs.

you wish

Trump now admits he sent Rudy to Ukraine to dig up dirt on the Bidens. Says I would do it again. The right? They don’t say anything whereas a month ago, they were saying we believe him when he says didn’t do what Vindman, Yovanovich and the rest say he did. Hypocrites

Damn, right. He was required to do that. Read our treaty you freakin Dumb Ass.

The hell he was!! He was a crooked private citizen, sending another crooked private citizen to invite foreign interference in American elections!! That is EXPRESSLY forbidden by law!

What was who required to do? Lie? Trump is required to lie? Hell, he doesn’t need requirements to do that, it is his birthright.

sometimes it is to protect the country

How was an attempted discrediting of a political opponent protecting our country?

The latest jobs report released last week confirms that since President Trump was elected, employment gains have been positive for a record-setting 112 months. Wages and salaries have grown an average of 3.1 percent over the past 12 months, with wages for production and nonsupervisory workers growing even faster at 3.3 percent.

“employment gains have been positive for a record-setting 112 months” I thought Obama was a job killing fool.

Bullshit, the gains came after Trump put the people back to work.

Hey, I am just refering to the report that you posted. It says 112 months. That is almost 10 years. Guess who was president during most of those years?

A Moron must be a misprint

No, it wasn’t a misprint. Did you hear that Trump is cutting funding of the military’s newspaper. Guess why?

Americans’ views of their personal financial situation have been climbing since 2018 and are now at record highs. Nearly six in 10 Americans now say they are better off financially than they were a year ago.

yes, will have to cash in when the Dems get control

“House Democrats do not plan to draft a budget resolution this year.”
What happened to “show me your budget, show me your values,” Speaker Pelosi??

Because they already did it last year, and it’s still sitting on Moscow Mitch’s desk, with hundreds of others.

with so much pork it can’t waddle its way to the Senate

Democrats only focus is to destroy our President! They refer to him as “rouge”. The level of disrespect and ignorance is beyond comprehension. This man has done so much for this country and because he doesn’t need the $; he donates his salary! This is why they hate him. Is he perfect, of course not, but he loves this country and the American people. Bravo Sir President Trump 2020.

Rouge? No, he is peachy.

Pretty hard to take this seriously when the poster can’t even use the right word for their insult. LOL

l understood bozo

The longer Democrats take the more money they can scam and put in their pockets.Where did the money from 2019 go. By now nobody is questioning where it went. I’m wondering how much each got for voting to impeach Trump.

Why don’t you ever post a cite, or a link, or any corroboration for the lunatic crap you post? Because there aren’t any, are there? You make it all up, down there in the rumpus room in your mom’s basement.

l believe he/she was asking a question. moron

Obama is “pro-Obama” only, he doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself.

THAT’S TRUMP, and Obama isn’t running for anything.

I believe he’s running scared.

“The Green New Deal is the most radical proposal ever embraced by liberal politicians,” AR2’s communications director Chris Martin said in a statement. “Every American deserves to know how many jobs it could destroy in their state and how much their energy costs could increase should this liberal pipe dream ever be implemented..”

What is AR2, and who is Chris Martin? They must not be anything, they don’t even show up on a Google search.

Warren is a Greedy Bitch…. need more Wampum.

Your problem with her is that she’s female, and therefore you feel threatened by her.

Your problem is the truth.

Tearing up Trump’s powerful speech showed how everything Pelosi and her crew of malcontents have done to destroy Trump has failed.

Bullshit. It was elegant and necessary protest against a vulgar, insulting, childish, and drug-addled president.

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier.

Pelosi has lost control of her Party. Trying to muzzle loose cannons like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Texas Congressman Al Green, and Maxine Waters turned out to be for her a failed exercise in herding cats.

The “loose cannons” are all minorities. That is why you are so upset, isn’t it?

Is that you Jussie?

The Democrats created this monster by letting their lunatic fringe wing get away with their nonsense. They purposely enraged all the demographic disparate groups that make up their Party. What they failed to do before they created this monster was figure out how to keep it under control and how to turn it off when it goes haywire.

In the end, this is what happens when honesty and fairness are compromised for political expediency. When the truth prevails, and the frauds are exposed, all that’s left to do is rage and scream inside while tearing up a speech that Americans are rallying behind. Here’s a tip for Pelosi. Start with a clean slate. Abandon the dirty politics—the lies and hate—and start working for the American people who deserve better than constant sour grapes tactics that ultimately fail.

From the day he entered the race, Joe Biden was the great hope of the Democratic establishment to spare them from the horrifying prospect of a 2020 race between The Donald and Bernie Sanders. Today, that same establishment wants Joe out of the race.

Sanders is not without his own problems. Not only is he anathema to the establishment, he cannot wholly unite his party’s left-wing until his senatorial soulmate Elizabeth Warren gets out. Though she ran a poor fourth in New Hampshire, Warren is also going to Nevada to offer herself as a unity candidate.

But as Biden’s hour is up, so is Warrens. And if she is not out of the race before Super Tuesday on March 3, she risks being beaten in her own home state of Massachusetts.

The Department of Defense announced on Thursday they will be fulfilling a new request from the Department of Homeland Security to add more miles of fencing on the U.S.-Mexico border. The fencing will be constructed specifically to block drug-smuggling corridors..

The depraved totalitarians, nefarious barbarians, two-bit gangsters, odious scoundrels and bigoted scum who run the United Nations recently set up a new “database” to help anti-Semites around the world target Jewish businesses in the disputed territories of Judea and Samaria — businesses that not only offer economic opportunities for Palestinians but opportunities that pay higher than most other jobs in the West Bank..

Since its unfortunate inception, the Human Rights Council has condemned Israel about as many times as it has every other country in the world combined..

No other country that oversees a minority population — populations who often have far stronger cases for autonomy — is afforded even slither of the attention from the world. Not even the communist Chinese, who have imprisoned upwards of a million Uighurs and other Muslim minorities in internment camps for “reeducation,” will catch the attention of alleged human rights champions at the United Nations..

When you have unions telling their members about Bernie’s ideas and how they’re bad—you know it’s bad. Medicare for All is ruinously expensive and it’s just not a winning agenda item. In Pennsylvania, some top union leaders were also adamant that they would tell their people to stay home or vote for Trump should Sanders or Warren become the 2020 Democratic nominee. In the Keystone State, Sanders’ commitment to a universal ban on fracking, which will kill hundreds of thousands of jobs in the must-win state, is just a bridge too far. .

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