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Not one American flag on that stage. What country are they representing.
And why in the name of this United States of America do we have Ramos as a moderator. All he is there for is open borders.

They didn’t have anything to do with stage or set design. They wouldn’t have known what it would look like until they got there.

It truly is sad (and entertaining to boot) to see Creepy Joe slip into dementia … I hope that someone will intervene and enroll him in an assisted living facility before he just wanders off

What happened to the promised money from the Hockey Club. They promised 2 million dollars and have given nothing. Just another scam like the rest of the project. Who the hell builds a hotel where there is no reason for people to go?

Private investors build hotels. Just like the one going up near Southbridge.

Has anyone seen the 2 million dollars from the hockey club???

No, and you never will. It was just a lie like the rest of the project.

Keep deleting it….I can always repost it. Funny how stuff about Clinton or Obama always disappears….much like their accusers disappear.

Yeah, thank the Lord it doesn’t say We the CLINTON’S. Can you imagine how horrible that would have been?

Could not believe this! We checked both ABC and CBS. Neither had coverage of the President speaking at the Pentagon memorial ceremony honoring all those who died there. Never forget!


And how long did Clinton and Obama serve? Please tell us again as I’m sure we have forgotten by now. Thanks!

Yeap! Just keep blaming the Clintons and Obamas just like your GESTAPO LEADER is doing!


Why not blame the Clinton’s and Obama? The same goes for Trump too, do you really think any of them are beyond reproach.

I see it this way; we all survived the Bush, Clinton and Obama years. While not everyone agreed on much of what these presidents did or didn’t do….we still survived. The Trump presidency will be no different. We will survive.

*CNN is nothing but the left, radical arm of the Democrat party!! Shame on CNN for soiling our day of remembrance!!

Fox News is nothing but the hard-right, Nazi, radical arm of the Republican party!! Shame on Fox for soiling our day of remembrance!!

People who have to memorize lines, perform specific emotional moments and actions and do it all at someone else’s direction on cue really shouldn’t believe that people think their views and thoughts on how we should live our lives is relevant or important to us!!!!!

People who have to plagiarize, cut and paste,memorize lines, perform specific emotional moments and actions and do it all at someone else’s direction on cue, like Trumptards, really shouldn’t believe that people think their views and thoughts on how we should live our lives is relevant or important to us!!!!!

Ivanka Trump has accomplished more in 2 1/2 yrs than Debra Messing has in her lifetime What have you done for humanity Debra Perhaps she craves the spotlight and this is her way of getting it

That whore should go back where she came from! We should have built a wall around her country too!!!

You talking about Hillary, Moochelle, or some other Dem?

Nope, your wife and trumps wife

**Just saw a statistic that said that nearly 40% of the members of the NRA claimed to be democrats. So to those Democrats who still believe in individual rights and liberty I say. Just walk away.


I told you last night but you deleted it. Coke has a campaign going on that started a couple of years ago. It is called’ share a coke with…’ Part of their ad in some stores says ‘share a drink with your squad’. They are not referring to ‘The Squad’. You are just trying to start another negative campaign trick. Quit it. (And, of course, you will delete this}


**We are over educated and under trained teaching theory without any practical experience causes many thinkers and no doers…

**It’s past time to investigate Cummings and his wife. Sick of the double standard, time to make all of the Democrats pay for their corruption. .

It’s way past time to investigate you.

*I just wonder who they are polling? I am 70+ I have been registered to vote for and have voted since I was 18, in those 50+ years I have NEVER been polled, have any of you??

The reason that you’ve never been polled is that you are a dumbass.
All polling orginizations have one steadfast rule, do not contact dumbasses.
And you are one monumental dumbass.

Get a life, you stupid old goat.

Can you answer a question? If you are 70+ years old, you surely have seen how censorship was used in Germany, Russia, Italy and Japan during the war and how the leaders of those countries convinced the people that certain viewpoints were not to be discussed or even read. So, why have you chosen to be the censorship person on this site? Why do you delete all comments that you don’t like or agree with? Is that what you would choose for governments?

What’s going on here? It seems as though your Anonymous post at 3:57 pm, today and the post from Quinnipiac University @ 2:14 pm, today are referring to the other “Anonymous” post from 1:51 pm. today. How are you (Anonymous) and “Quinnipiac University” certain as to whom you are replying too? It sounds as though you both believe you know the person which asked “I just wonder who they are polling?”

THe 70+ person puts a ** before his posts.

I’m guessing the * indicates the post has been deleted, undoubtedly by a lib / dem. The more *s, the more times it has been deleted.

I don’t think so. I have had 5 deleted today and 3 yesterday.

* It’s amazing to me how EVERY Trump Rally is at some kind of huge venue, packed to the brim, with people watching on big screens outside and at all these dem. rallies you can hold them in a classroom yet they all trounce him in the polls. I don’t get it…

80% of the crowds at those events are paid actors. They even advertise on acting-job websites for them, and are specific about how they should look, dress, and behave.

In this example, workers’ jobs were threatened if they didn’t attend.

*They’re all morons. They think that If you tell a lie long enough; then people will believe its true. Well the veil has been lifted and American’s see the lie for what it is and Demoncrap liars for who they are!

That is literally the Dump and Phony Christian playbook.

*The 25th amendment can also be used against Elizabeth Warren if we wish to interpret it as she does.

Explain, please.

*An adult that pretends to have a family history of being Cherokee, and then Warren claims her parents eloped because of mixed race heritage….is unstable. The cookbook recipe she “authored” she signed as “Cherokee”. Then using that fake “heritage” as a job qualification is criminal. The DNA test Warren allowed…did not test for American Indians and had the possibility of 8 generations earlier a mixed marriage……not possible to affect her parents “wedding. Warren Being

*Hey, Rashida, just a word of advice. You don’t get to address anyone, especially a man who devoted his life to serving his country, as a “fellow American.” You are not one of us. Your actions show what you are, and it’s not an American.

B Sanders = 78 a little nuts
J Biden = 79 forgetful
K Harris = upstaged badly
E Warren = bends to whomever she’s around.
The Clinton’s grass roots machine could not beat President Trump, better be calling Tulsi or Michele Obama…..real quick!
Independent voting for Trump.

can you throw a FB, MCHS needs a qb?

Yeah, thank the Lord it doesn’t say We the CLINTON’S. Can you imagine how horrible that would have been?

Keep deleting it….I can always repost it. Funny how stuff about Clinton or Obama always disappears….much like their accusers disappear.

CNN is nothing but the left, radical arm of the Democrat party!! Shame on CNN for soiling our day of remembrance!!

Hey, Rashida, just a word of advice. You don’t get to address anyone, especially a man who devoted his life to serving his country, as a “fellow American.” You are not one of us. Your actions show what you are, and it’s not an American.

Why do we continue to pay a salary to representatives who rage against our laws and try to use the constitution to advance their own agenda.

They’re all morons. They think that If you tell a lie long enough; then people will believe its true. Well the veil has been lifted and American’s see the lie for what it is and Demoncrap liars for who they are!

It’s amazing to me how EVERY Trump Rally is at some kind of huge venue, packed to the brim, with people watching on big screens outside and at all these dem. rallies you can hold them in a classroom yet they all trounce him in the polls. I don’t get it…

I just wonder who they are polling? I am 70+ I have been registered to vote for and have voted since I was 18, in those 50+ years I have NEVER been polled, have any of you?

Curious how if the ‘polls’ are fair and impartial how it can be that in my 70+ years I have never been asked to participate in a poll nor have any of my immediate family or close friends..?

**It’s past time to investigate Cummings and his wife. Sick of the double standard, time to make all of the Democrats pay for their corruption.

**We are over educated and under trained teaching theory without any practical experience causes many thinkers and no doers..

AOC = America’s Official Clown LIBS delete this post but the LIES they post about Trump stays up.

Trump this week – First we find out he invited the Taliban to Camp David ignoring his advisors and days before the anniversary of 9/11. Then, he cancels the meeting once again ignoring his advisors and telling it had nothing to do with his timing. Second – he lies again about 9/11 at a rally in North Carolina. He says he helped with victim recovery and helped clean up the rubble when he didn’t. He did brag about Trump Towers once again being the tallest building in NYC. Third, preparing to leave the White House to go to the Pentagon, rather than showing the respect that was deserved for the day, he was tweeting about the Fake News and his own popularity.
He has no clue about what he does and why he does it. As America is remembering a day in our past that most of us witnessed in horror and sadness, he is more concerned about his popularity and himself. To him, 9/11 is nothing more than another event to tout himself. Sad.

trump today – 39 tweets = what a guy.




We are over educated and under trained teaching theory with out any practical experience causes to many thinkers and no doers.

So we have work that needs to be done. The people who live off of our tax money are playing political theater, and not working on health care, infrastructure, care for our seniors/social security. I say we the people fire everyone of them who are taking money and behaving like very, very, immature individuals, that’s the nicest thing I could think of to say honestly.

Mr. Superpatriot, has it escaped your notice that there are some other things to think about today? Have some decency.

It’s past time to investigate Cummings and his wife. Sick of the double standard, time to make all of the Democrats pay for their corruption.

First three words of the constitution: WE THE PEOPLE. As of now, WE THE TRUMPS!

Yeah, thank the Lord it doesn’t say We the CLINTON’S. Can you imagine how horrible that would have been?

Yeah, thank the Lord it doesn’t say We the CLINTON’S. Can you imagine how horrible that would have been?

Keep deleting it….I can always repost it. Funny how stuff about Clinton or Obama always disappears….much like their accusers disappear.


So just to be clear…you can be a dude, swimming as a chick, because you “identify” as a chick and that’s just A-okay, BUT if your buttcrack is wedgied inappropriately with your swimsuit and you’re a female in a female swim meet you’re disqualified…what, the actual hell is going on with people’s thought processes?

“Here are some interesting points to think about prior to 2020, especially to my friends on the fence, like moderate Democrats, Libertarians and Independents and the never Trump Republicans and those thinking of “walking away” from the Democratic party. Women are upset at Trump’s naughty words — they also bought 80 million copies of 50 Shades of Gray. Not one feminist has defended Sarah Sanders. It seems women’s rights only matter if those women are liberal. No Border Walls. No voter ID laws. Did you figure it out yet? But wait… there’s more. Chelsea Clinton got out of college and got a job at NBC that paid $900,000 per year. Her mom flies around the country speaking out about white privilege. And just like that, they went from being against foreign interference in our elections to allowing non-citizens to vote in our elections. President Trump’s wall costs less than the Obamacare website. Let that sink in, America. We are one election away from open borders, socialism, gun confiscation, and full-term abortion nationally. We are fighting evil. They sent more troops and armament to arrest Roger Stone than they sent to defend Benghazi. 60 years ago, Venezuela was 4th on the world economic freedom index. Today, they are 179th and their citizens are dying of starvation. In only 10 years, Venezuela was destroyed by democratic socialism. Russia donated $0.00 to the Trump campaign. Russia donated $145,600,000 to the Clinton Foundation. But Trump was the one investigated!

Nancy Pelosi invited illegal aliens to the State of the Union. President Trump Invited victims of illegal aliens to the State of the Union. Let that sink in. A socialist is basically a communist who doesn’t have the power to take everything from their citizens at gunpoint … Yet! How do you walk 3000 miles across Mexico without food or support and show up at our border 100 pounds overweight and with a cellphone? Alexandria Ocasio Cortez wants to ban cars, ban planes, give out universal income and thinks socialism works. She calls Donald Trump crazy. Bill Clinton paid $850,000 to Paula Jones To get her to go away. I don’t remember the FBI raiding his lawyer’s office. I wake up every day and I am grateful that Hillary Clinton is not the president of the United States of America. The same media that told me Hillary Clinton had a 95% chance of winning now tells me Trump’s approval ratings are low. “The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”— Margaret Thatcher Maxine Waters opposes voter ID laws; She thinks that they are racist. You need to have a photo ID to attend her town hall meetings”. President Trump said — “They’re not after me. They’re after you. I’m just in their way.”

You are an idiot! How many illegals have worked for Chump??? You will soon find out when the SOB is done!


*These people want to control the population… They need to be stopped. They work for us. We are their boss. When is that going to be a realization to everyone ?

*The U.S. has seen a 56% reduction in border apprehensions since May. Mexico is doing a far better job than the Democrats on securing the Southern Border. The Wall is also being built RAPIDLY!

*BREAKING NEWS: Immigration officials apprehended just over 64,000 migrants at the southern border in August – a dramatic drop that the Trump administration is presenting as a sign its diplomatic engagement with Mexico and other countries is having positive effects on the ground.

*Sure couldn’t credit our House of Reps (?) or Congress for any help! They are all completely useless and need to be retired forcefully !!!!!

*So sad when a bunch of “leaders” are so out of touch with reality and the American people. They live in a freaking bubble interacting only with each other. Truly pitiful how decimated the Democratic Party is. I grew up in a household with a Democrat mom and a Republican dad and understood and respected both viewpoints. But this current bunch of dems make my skin crawl.

*This Pope is a disaster for the Church. I didn’t like him from day one. As a practicing Catholic, I find him to be an embarrassment!

Bottom line: catholic isn’t Christian. There church is a building, my church is the believers that make up the embodiment of Christ.

This thread is taken literally word for word from Hitler’s Nazi playbook. First immigrants, then Jews, then Catholics. Guess who’s next?

*This pope and the catholic church needs a new reformation. mean the coming anti-christ and Italy…same thing

You’re the same people who claimed Bill Clinton was the anti-christ during his presidency. This thread is taken literally word for word from Hitler’s Nazi playbook. First immigrants, then Jews, then Catholics. Guess who’s next?

Do you people ever shut the hell up about politics? if youre a republican and agree 100 percent with your party well youre the same as a liberal that agrees a 100 percent with their party. a useless mindless fool. a pawn and a puppet. all of you that even choose a party to begin with are just some dumb bastards with rings in your nose hoping to be led so you dont have to risk making your own choices. weak feeble people who just want to be a part of something. youre all wrong, every politician wants to disarm you keep your prescription costs high over work and under pay you well taking more than they need from you in every way possible. anyone who chooses a political party over their brother or their neighbor is a useless moronic loser pos. if you side with any side of the government you may as well be the government because youre basically condoning their use and abuse of we the people. For once we have an us against them scenario and you people choose to divide yourself and help them destroy us! weak minds will be the death of us all. but please continue to argue about what mexicans are good and what guns are bad. its helped change this country into a really positive place since bush left office. its disgusting thinking back to when obama took over and how things have changed since then. nobody shuts the hell up about politics most of them dont even understand in the first place, the waitress at applebees has political opinions and opinions on gun rights now? gimme a break. when is the country going to go back to normal? remember when we just kind of lived our lives and didnt worry about presidents and elections and scandals everyday of the week? whats wrong with you f*ckers!

Did you know; if you depress the “Shift” key and then depress one of the alphabet keys, that capitalizes that letter? I’m sure you do since you know so much about everything else. But, hey, maybe even a fence-sitter such as yourself can learn something new too. Good day mate.

do you seriously think bernie sanders is reading this

Personally at his advanced age i wonder if the old prick can even read at all. obviously this person is just stating a fact and i doubt they somehow thought bernie sanders reads the bi*ch and complain section of some small town politically biased rag anyhow. your comment is the biggest waste of time.

*During a CNN town hall special about climate change, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris was asked if she would be willing to change federal eating guidelines for the sake of saving the planet if she became president. She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits.

There’s no such thing as federal eating guidelines. The discussion was about school lunches.

**WTF is wrong with the limp-wristed libs? They get more insufferable every damn day!

WTF is wrong with the limp-dick cons? They get more insufferable every damn day!

HEY! back off dude. Convicts are people too, sure they made mistakes, but that don’t mean they cant be limp wristed if they wanna be. Aint nobody telling you what you can be so stuff it dude.

People who choose to glitter their beards and wear man buns might want to go ahead and shy away from jokes about sexual competence and or performance. considering liberals tend to be cuckholds or so totally emasculated that they dont really even need dicks. im not a loser lib or a loser con. but i think youre all suffering sexual deficiencies based on the fact that you engage in this kind of immature bickering shit. whats the point of either of you types of people having functioning dicks anyhow? so you can reproduce and plague a new generation with retards and a*sholes?

Thanks Peter!

you tell’em sister!

*let’s just hope that they are all eunuchs

Oprah loves you all!

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