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WASHINGTON A leading candidate to replace the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, was disqualified after telling the truth repeatedly on his job application, the White House has confirmed.

According to the White House chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, the candidate got high marks in his job interview by demonstrating “utter disregard and contempt for press freedoms.”

“We then had him do a practice press briefing in which he was relentlessly abusive, obnoxious, and insulting,” Mulvaney said. “We were all, like, ‘This is our guy.’ ”

But after a thorough examination of the candidate’s job application, “a troubling series of truthhoods emerged,” Mulvaney said.

“It turned out that he was telling the truth about his education and previous employment,” the chief of staff said. “It was a pattern of honesty that we found deeply disturbing.”

Mulvaney said that the “inexcusably veracious” answers had eliminated the candidate from further consideration. “We all feel like we just dodged a bullet,” he said. “This whole episode just demonstrates how tough it is to replace Sarah Huckabee Sanders.”

Trump 2020


Donald Trump has the mind of a Checkers Player in a Chess Match.
Trump could sell Montana to the Chinese and his supporters would still show up hooting and hollering to his rallies.
Understanding consequences, intended or unintended are beyond Trumps minimal cognitive reasoning skills.
He simply acts in are areas impulsively,lLike a small child.

Be prepared for more empty promises, exaggerated results, and a boastful clown taking credit for gold-plated, make-believe.

You must be VERY proud of your IQ to show it off like you do.

Overall unimpressed with the Democracts last night, but loved Kobuchar’s line that foreign policy shouldn’t be conducted on Twitter at 5 a.m. in pajamas.

She shouldn’t be in the White House at 5:00 a. m.

You have two parts of brain, ‘left’ and ‘right’. In the left side, there’s nothing right. In the right side, there’s nothing left.

Anonymous Reply Report comment

June 27, 2019 at 9:44 am

All foam and no beer. Typical LIB post.

Trump recently tweeted that he meets with foreign governments all the time, including the “Prince of Whales,” rather than the Prince of Wales, a.k.a. Prince Charles.
Trump is such a doofus & idiot.
Prince of Wales?

Does the Prince of Whales rule over Dolphins too?

In addition to the Prince of Whales, Trump also has regular discussions with Japanese PM Shrimpo Abe, German Chancellor Angela Mackerel and Saudi ruler Salmon bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

Moby Dick was unavailable for comment…..covfefe!


All foam and no beer. Typical LIB post.

Democrats for open borders. (That’s virtually all of them)
In our cities out west there’s crap on the sidewalks.
At the “debate” last night there was crap coming out of their mouths.

Amazing. Sanders never complained about the proven rigging of the primary against him but he wants to complain about the general election?!? He didn’t care enough about the primary why should we listen to his crackpot whining.

If I was a Democrat I’d be so ashamed. This obvious invasion has been choreographed by The likes of Clinton, Soros, Pelosi and Schumer to name a few. I think it’s amazing that the Dems cry woe is me about the conditions that are available to accommodate the tidal wave of humans but at the same time seem to have no problem killing fetuses and newborn babies.

100% agree that Soros and the Democrats have been purposely paying enticing and promising these people to rush our borders to purposely embarrass and hurt our President and all of Law Enforcement. They’ve had months, years to fix this. When Republicans had both houses, enemies of the State against President Trump Along with the Democrats all failed our Country and fix this issue. Now, the Democrats are using these people as pawns and they’re flooding our country and Services. This is horrible and absolutely preventable.

Liberals are absolutely insane! They complain that the invaders aren’t treated well, then throw a tantrum (and jeopardize their employer) by walking off the job when the government wants to buy beds for them? It’s a tardfest for the Left…


Democrats what have you done for the American people, Yes the USA citizens. What are you doing for the homeless? What are you doing for our veterans? What are you doing to protect our borders? what are you doing for our military and law enforcement? What are you doing for the Native Americans? What are you doing for our education system? How many millions have you wasted on We the people? My fellow Americans. Let’s vote out the Democrats and support our President. God Bless America

Remember Mitch McConnell? He is blocking everything the Democrats bring up in the House and send to the Senate and refusing to bring bills to committee in the Senate. He has been obstructing since 2008.

America has a Hugely Successful Businessman.. Running the Biggest Business in the World.. instead of a Previous Professional Parasite!

Trump is nothing more than a scam artist and con man.
Donald Trump’s business career represented anything other than “The Art of the Scam”.
Trump was the biggest loser during his supposed heyday in New York real estate should embarrass some 2016 Republican voters about their gullibility.
Donald Trump reported hundreds of millions of dollars in losses for 1990 and 1991.

Trump has filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy for his companies six times.
Trump has swindled many people and many US banks out of millions of dollars and could not get US banks to finance him any more.
He had to resort to dealing with Deutsche Bank
The bank kept writing checks even after Trump defaulted on loans worth hundreds of millions of dollars and Deutsche Bank, and its past money-laundering woes.
1. Deutsche Bank’s private wealth unit loaned Trump $48 million — after he had defaulted on his $640 million loan.
2.When Trump nearly went personally bankrupt in the early 1990s, he left a handful of major U.S. banks
on the hook for about $3.4 billion in loans he couldn’t repay
3. Like Trump, Deutsche Bank has been scrutinized for its dealings in Russia. The bank paid more than $600 million to regulators in 2017
and agreed to a consent order that cited “serious compliance deficiencies”.
4. The bank was “laundering money for wealthy Russians and people connected to Putin and the Kremlin in a variety of ways for almost
the exact time period that they were doing business with Donald Trump.
5. And the list goes on and on.

“Trump’s dazzling failure helps explain how he and the Republicans have given the nation an era of nearly $1 trillion in annual deficits,
despite the buoyant economy.”

This demonstrates that Donald Trump might be the worst businessmen in America. He squandered his father’s entire fortune and has gotten a Russian bailout about a decade before deciding to run for president.
Even the most financially-challenged among us should be able to understand that sorry tale.

All foam, no beer. Typical LIB post.

So much for draining the swamp, eh Trump?

“Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao’s personal connections are raising concerns on Capitol Hill and beyond amid recent reports of various conflicts of interest. Recent reports found that the Trump cabinet member created a “special path” for projects favored by Senate Majority Leader and husband Mitch McConnell for his home state of Kentucky; she retained shares in a construction-materials company for more than a year after
promising to relinquish them.”
“President Trump’s Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao is abusing her position to dole out projects to benefit her husband’s reelection bid”

It’s not politics as usual, it’s nepotism.

Trump isn’t draing the swamp, he’s filling it and soon the DC Trump swamp will rival the Atchafalaya Swamp,
it is the largest swamp in the United States.

Trump builds the best swamps. He’s left a trail of slime behind him his whole career.
He was an unethical businessman, stiffing his workers, creditors, customers, and the cities and states who OK’d his plans.

The bottom line is Trump is the most corrupt president in our history
and he has surrounded himself with the most unethical group of advisers and cabinet officials America has ever seen.

I hate to quote a LIB but you’re all foam and no beer.

Ya, keep youor head in the sand and ignore the facts.

You are definetly a conservative or the more shortened version….a CON.

Just more bull shit from the Liberal Bull Shit artist.

If that is all you got, stick to the playground at recess time, little buckaroo.

Still the Bull Shot artist. All mouth and no balls.

If you want to play in my playground you best get ready, Sissy!

Donald Trump is off to Japan’s G-20 summit.
Reporters asking about a meeting with Vladimir Putin, Trump replied: “what I say to him is none of your business.”

Trump doesn’t realize that he is supposed to be working for us–the USA. Trump acts like he’s working for Putin.
Our “Comrade In Chief” still doesn’t get it.
One thing is for sure, when Donnie meets with Putin, he’ll have a brand new pair of knee-pads.
He wore out the last pair when he last met with Putin.

Hearing new businesses coming into MC, and a few relocations on hwy 18 from existing ones.

When are you going to post the news about the house with the 7 dogs, mostly pitbulls, that got taken away? That house is owned by your buddy, smart buisinessman, millionaire SLUM LORD Russ Hardy!!

Of course is DBOYS and DGIRLS living there! COCKROACHES!!!

When will these Liberal fools realize that a majority of Americans, both Democrat and Republican, don’t want these people overrunning our Country? If you happen to be in favor of this, come to California, we’ll save a place on a Sidewalk for you.

Democrats made our present immigration laws, the president is to enforce all laws congress pass, but the Democrats want to blame the president for enforcing the laws they made and passed which the president has said, “please send me a reform bill to change the law, and fund the 5.7 billion I need to help those who are crossing into our country illegally by the law you made. The Democrats answer: let’s call Trump a racist for enforcing the laws we made and not fund the help and security needed to take care of those crossing illegally into the U.S. as stated in the law the Democrats made and passed. Meanwhile, while we wait for the 5.7 billion the president needs, it costs our country 18 billion a year to care for those crossing illegally.

My god, does Warren have any feelings for Americans and our children?Democrats are no longer a political party they are the bottom of our society

LIBERALS ALL WANT everything for FREE WHILE we have WORKED ALL these years and still continue to pay INSURANCE premiums Mortgages and Car Loans. What do WE GET FREE

Again, the tolerant and loving left assaults someone with a political view that they disagree with. I pray they are defeated soundly in 2020 and receive the message that their reign of terror in America is OVER.

that is all you do is attack and assault. You are a hypocrite.

*My question to these liberals, etc.: What will you and your city, state, whatever, do when there is NO law enforcement? Publish your solution to how your city’s taxpayers will be protected when the law enforcement officers have decided they have had enough and ALL of them walk out. No politician has a solution for that, and they know it. They are all bold and brave with words, but if actually confronted with no law enforcement officers, they will need a diaper change every second of the day!

* Iran is the spoiled baby of the world. The administration obviously hit a sore spot, but who knew Iran’s leaders had so many vulnerable financial resources tied to the US?
They should’ve been more careful and they think Trump is stupid?

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump has reached a groundbreaking deal with the Hawaiian Islands to make them the nation’s fiftieth state, Trump confirmed on Monday.

Calling it “my most incredible deal yet,” Trump said that he had forced Hawaii to bend to his will and “cough up billions” to become a state.

“This is a big win for our country,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “Hawaii is going to be a beautiful and amazing state.”

Just minutes after his announcement, however, there was significant pushback from Hawaii, which claimed that it had already reached a deal to become a state in 1959.

That claim swiftly drew the ire of Trump, who denounced Hawaii’s alleged sixty years of statehood as “fake news” and “disgraceful.”

“The Hawaiians better be very, very careful what they say,” Trump warned. “I made them a state and I can take that away.”

Where did you here this, I haven’t seen it in the news.

It’s satire from the Borowitz Report.

Oh, I see, more funny stuff from the left. Are they ever going to get serious?

Anonymous Reply Report comment

June 23, 2019 at 6:18 pm

AOC (America’s Official Clown )The Democrats highest profile politician has become the official National Laughingstock. The Republicans should be very appreciative of the voters in her district.

To Anonymous: I still love this post. I see some *LIB deleted my response. *LIB = Low Intelligence Bonehead

Melania Trump – Jun 24, 2019
“Looking forward to collaborating with all of our #BeBest Ambassadors.
Delighted to be working alongside so many people both inside and outside of government to better the lives of children everywhere!”

Are you really this out of touch?!
Might want start with those kids in the concentration camps.


NIT, your link to the Worth County Jail population is not working.

Mason City’s downtown is going downhill fast. Nobody comes to the Friday Night concerts and the druggies have taken over central park. So glad I moved my ultrasound business out of the downtown.

No one can have a true conversation about the problem or you are labeled. Drug use is ramped in mason city, mason city provided services that bring in problem people and they never leave. Clear lakes Thursday on main are fun, but a total different cliental then what is drawn to Friday night live. My young kids can even see the problem, they state clear lake is more fun because there are not so may weird O’s. One of my kids even states he is not sure he wants to leave his bike lock up in the bike rack because someone might mess this it in mason city. Instead of all the money for downtown, I would like to spend that money for more law enforcement present in trouble areas of mason city. Heck several down town property owners don’t even live in mason city yet we continue to give them money to increase the value of there property.

Very true statements. Unfortunately, our city leaders will pay no attention to your comments because they don’t live in the real world and don’t care. The city looks like a blight has his it with unmowen lawns, junk in the yards and on porches,Hardy junk yards on North and South Monroe, pot holes in the streets and druggers walking the streets everywhere. Bee Gee bring them in and they stay when they get out. The fast food joints hire them because it is cheap labor until they get out of jail. No one goes downtown because there is no reason to unless you are going to the bank or the dentist.

heck drive state street an look at the piles of garbage in peoples back yards, STATE STREET by the HS.

How about the junk and garbage your buddy Russ Hardy keeps around his so called office on S. Monroe???? Drive in there and look! The worst property in Mason City owned by a slum lord!

Even good business choose NOT to locate in downtown but in the connecting blocks. With tons of manufacturing jobs available, to cut even ONE welfare check is too many.

Some one should reach out the the Des Moines register or USA Today, IPTV and try to get them to write a story on Mason City. Maybe a little embarrassment to the downtown association and state of the community will force a change. Why we are at it let’s have an outside source audit the chambers book. Wait- that will go no where as the school system shows.

We can’t even get KIMT or the Globe to write about Mason City. Why should they?

Continually posting that Trump is a “draft dodger” and possibly has bone spurs is redundant, everybody knows it. Besides he’s not the only president/politician that “dodged” the draft.

so its ok thanks for clearing that up

Ok Allen, you name one President in recent history that had a Vietnam war draft deferment other than a student deferment but had a so-called and proven fake “medical deferment”.
Thousands of young men had student deferments and Trump had four, I have no problems with that.
It is Trump’s fictitious “bone spurs” right after college even though he had played sports, that didn’t bother him then, did it?
But you go ahead and support the draft dodging, craven and yellow Donald Trump.

“I wasn’t going to Vietnam” – Donald Trump
“You think I’m stupid, I wasn’t going to Vietnam.” – Donald Trump

I can’t understand how any American these days can support a draft dodger whose daddy paid the doctor to lie and say he had BoneSpurs?

Just a few of the Democratic Presidential candidates that served honorably in war zones.
Democratic Mayor: Pete Buttigieg – a six-month deployment to Afghanistan
Democratic Rep: Tulsi Gabbard – In April 2003 Gabbard enlisted in the Hawaii Army National Guard,
In July 2004 she volunteered for a 12-month tour in Iraq, serving in a field medical unit as a specialist in a combat zone.
Democratic Rep: Seth Moulton – During the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Moulton led one of the first infantry platoons to enter Baghdad.
He served a total of four tours of duty in Iraq from 2003 to 2008.

Not to mention Democratic US Senator Tammy Duckworth. She became a commissioned officer in the United States
Army Reserve in 1992 and chose to fly helicopters. She was deployed to Iraq in 2004.
She lost her right leg near the hip and her left leg below the knee from injuries sustained on November 12, 2004, when the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter she was co-piloting was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade fired by Iraqi.
The explosion also severely broke her right arm and tore tissue from it, necessitating major surgery to repair it.

In 2018 Trump’s SOTU address, he called Democrats “treasonous” for not clapping during his State of the Union speech.
Senator Tammy Duckworth had the best responses to Trump’s inane comment:
“We don’t live in a dictatorship or a monarchy. I swore an oath—in the military and in the Senate—to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, not to mindlessly cater to the whims of Cadet Bone Spurs and clap when he demands I clap,” – Sen. Tammy Duckworth

There are many honarable Republicans, Trump isn’t one of them.

OK anonymous, where in my original post does it say that I support Trump. My comment was about you continuously posting the same crap, over and over, it’s redundant, because everybody knows it.


not or no longer needed or useful; superfluous.

Allen, you really are a simple-minded fellow.
It is very easy to see why you are a Trump supporter.

You obviously suffer from the Dunning-Kruger Effect:
“The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is.”

People like you Allen, with substantial, measurable deficits in your knowledge or expertise lack the ability to recognize those deficits and, therefore, despite making error after error, tend to think you are performing competently when you are not.

I couldn’t find any fault in Allen’s comment, because it’s basically true. So what does your comment have to do with his.

What are your credentials? Are you licensed to practice ??? in Iowa?

“…despite making error after error.” Let’s have some examples. Be specific.

You sound like a typical LIB to me, but I’ll wait for your response to make my final judgement.

He’s just talking out of his ass, because his head knows better!

I can’t find any fault in Allen’s comment, because it’s basically true. So what does your comment have to do with his comment?

Trump reminds me of the drunk wannabe Alpha male in the bar that keeps talking about how great he is and how he can beat up anybody. Then when someone stands up to him he refuses to do anything and pretends it was a joke.

Then, when the person leaves, Trump brags to his idiot base how he was lucky he walked away.
The entire GOP summarized actually.

Another LIBUFFOON post. Hee haw, hee haw, hee haw.

I think you’re talking about Obama.

Right on, bro!

THIS is what self-delusion looks like, people. Newsom is more properly describing the fracturing of the Democrat Party by Extreme Liberal Progressives. Many older “knee jerk” Democrats that vote for that party out of sheer repetition are going to leave them as they get more and more extreme, it would already have happened if the media wasn’t covering for them.

You should have said Republicans not Democrats. Extreme right wing crazies.

Another example of a treasonous politician flat out breaking his oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. When are the indictments coming? It’s time has come and gone. Get to it.

Yes, it’s long past time Trump and his larcenous, treasonous family and friends were indicted.

My question to these liberals, etc.: What will you and your city, state, whatever, do when there is NO law enforcement? Publish your solution to how your city’s taxpayers will be protected when the law enforcement officers have decided they have had enough and ALL of them walk out. No politician has a solution for that, and they know it. They are all bold and brave with words, but if actually confronted with no law enforcement officers, they will need a diaper change every second of the day!

Who is voting these unAmericans into office? We need to vote for people who love this country first! When we have taken care of all of our homeless, vets, and poor people then we can help others. Do they not realize we are trillions of dollars in debt and it is growing by the day!.

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., claimed a “violation of status” was not a valid reason to deport illegal immigrants, during a Speaker of the House discussion on Monday. Pelosi said she was uncertain of President Trump’s plan to fix America’s immigration system, but claimed being in the country illegally was not grounds for deportation. An ICE official did not address Pelosi’s comments directly but pointed to 8 U.S. Code Section 1325 (and 1326 for re-entry), and said anyone found to have violated U.S. immigration laws may be arrested, detained and – if found removable by final order – removed from the United States. Pelosi claimed legislation was in the works to address the immigration crisis but said there’s no point in enforcing existing law within the boundaries of the United States.

WASHINGTON — In a state of panic after their father dispatched troops to the Middle East, Eric Trump and Donald Trump, Jr., have both sought medical notes from a Manhattan podiatrist.

According to an official statement from Donald Trump, Jr.,’s spokesperson, John Barron, Jr., the two Trump boys obtained the medical notes “out of an abundance of caution.”

The podiatrist’s notes, which were made public by Barron, paint a picture of two otherwise healthy young men with foot problems that can only be described as dire.

According to the podiatrist, Eric Trump is unable to operate his feet while chewing gum, while one of Donald Trump, Jr.,’s feet appears to be permanently lodged in his mouth.

Former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-Neb.) demanded that President Donald Trump present the nation with X-rays of his feet to prove once and for all the bone spurs in his heels he claimed for a medical exemption from the Vietnam War draft.
Bob Kerrey was awarded the Medal of Honor for gallantry above and beyind the call of duty.

Kerrey, a former US Navy SEAL who lost part of his right leg during the war, said that “you don’t grow out of bone spurs.”
If Trump had them in the 1960’s, Kerrey said, he’d still have them now, unless he underwent surgery, which Trump has never mentioned.

“While John McCain was flying combat operations in Vietnam, you were falsifying that you had bone spurs in order not to go to Vietnam,” said Kerrey.

Donald Trump was and is a draft-dodging coward.

Not to mention a liar, a thief, a sexual predator, and a child molester.

Typical LIB* post. LIB = Low Intelligence Bonehead

There was no outrage when BHO violated the Constitution, opened the border, declared war on the cops, downgraded our Military funds, broke our Laws, destroyed our HC Ins. Wasted the stimulus money for infrastructure, increased our debt to $21T more than the whole history of the USA!

If you care to read about deficits and the real deficit rather than liberal/conservative talking point deficits, read this.
It might give you perspective on what the deficit is and what the difference between national debt and deficit spending. Otherwise, nothing you say has much truth to it.

The incompetence of the Obama Administration that included putting illegal immigrants’ children in cages has all been blamed on President Trump and it is disgusting and wrong. Liberal America let Obama get away with so much and when Trump took office these same liberals being the hypocrites that they are used this incompetence against Trump. Corrupt Washington DC along with many republicans are not honest about this. The real truth about the Obama Administration is coming out in drips and drops but nevertheless we are beginning to see what it really was and it is not a pretty picture.

Bullshit. That’s an alt-right KKK lie. Never happened til there were #Trumpcamps

No Obama’s the first president who let people in our country and placed them in strategic states so they would eventually be able to run in our states offices like congress . Mayors senators and its happening under americas nose thanks to obama Obama’s a traitor.

Your tin foil hat is really working aint it?

It was smoke an mirrors, deflection, for every deportation Obama brought in two muslims and strategically placed them. The truth will be revealed.

Fake news from a fake person

Another paid for accusation from the left. And they can’t prove it, because it never happened.The left is becoming really hateful – oh, wait – – they’ve been that way for a very long time, now. Women like this Carroll diminish the cause for honest women by lying for personal gain.

Republirapists are the ones who pay people to lie, they’re the ones with all the money they’ve stolen from the middle class. They think they can get away with anything. Those days are over,f***ers.

Can we eliminate my credit card debt because I chose not to go to school so I didn’t rack up college loan debt but instead opened up credit cards to pay for life expenses of a working man?

chose not to go to school, haha. nice way of saying you flunked out

And those who took the loans just need to pay-back Bernie Sanders by voting for him.

Fake news. Numbskull.

So in other words: “The American taxpayers will be required to pay back student loans for those who took the loans and received the education.”

What do we tell those students Bernie Sanders who worked their way through school, attended 2 year community colleges, lived at home, attended school nights? They ended with low or no debt and didn’t ask the tax payers for a thing. They took responsibility for themselves and skipped the “college experience”. Should they be expected to now pay for those who made the choice to spend money with no plan of how to pay for it?

* Bring Mueller on! Republicans will have a lot of relevant questions for him to answer. Better questions than the democrats will ask!

*Schiff is such a dishonest and dishonorable reprobate. He hasn’t done anything for almost two years and he should be overseeing the Intelligence Community for mistakes like, you know, the crime of the so-called “dossier” and how/why it was used by the FBI as legitimate intelligence to undermine a sitting President. Instead, Schiff chooses to exert his personal vendetta against the President hoping against hope to find something–an unpaid parking ticket will do–to cite against the President. What a dunce!

Even more news:

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