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What a tool this Mueller clown is. Our system of justice does not and should not involve the finding of innocence and Mueller knows it but purposely misrepresented that to the sheeple.

Lets talk about it. Where are you>

Right where I have always been, just waiting on big mouth cowards like you to show up.

Mueller did his job and left it to Congress to finish it and Trump is trying to stop it not because of wasting money but because there is enough there to investigate.

I know some of you stupid white trash republicans and your conspiracy crap won’t be convinced otherwise but sooner or later Trump will go down.

This time he only has you stubborn dumb mules left to defend him as the rest realize what a mistake they made which is understandable as Hillary wasn’t much better but now they seen the light that Trump is a moron and can’t be trusted.

After hearing Mueller speak we know for certain Russia interfered in our elections and rather you’re republicans or democrats it’s a concern.
And we now know Trump has not been cleared and if had been he would have been.

So let Congress do their job to put this mess to an end rather he gets impeached or dealt with after he is out of office. No one is above the law including Trump.
If Hillary can get investigated and millions spent on it and grilled for hours so then so should Trump.

Congress will get those taxes once the New York governor signs it into law they can hand it over to Congress to see why Trump really didn’t want those taxes out.

Had this been Obama I would have still felt the same if there’s cause to investigate then let’s do it.

This is the biggest farce I have ever seen or heard of. There is absolutely no proof against Trump. If there was Mueller would have indicted him or otherwise said so. He said nothing different than was in the report. Democrats WILL pay for this in the next election. They just guaranteed Trump a victory.

Where do you live? We’d like to discuss it more with you.

Typical stubborn ignorant republicans if they had been Obama they would be screaming for his head.

Mason City Schools please revisit your policies on a student with divorced parents.
Our friends have fought this for 2 years now where an over zealous father blocks a students mother from festivities. Divorced parents both deserve equal say in events and award-achievement brochures and acknowledgements.Mason City Schools needs to have a better system installed to avoid an over zealous parent.

It is sad that such a thing can happen. However, as you describe, this seems to be a civil matter, outside the purview of the schools.

Most times, the Courts rule for the best interests of the children. However, enforcing it can be emotionally draining, and expensive.

Divorces are hard enough on children, but these kinds of psychological manipulations, further hurt the very children parents are supposed to love and nurture.

NIACC College needs to seriously redo their tennis court/BB court area. This looks terrible entering the college from the north. Updates sorely needed.

All democratic and liberal plans have one thing in common. To put as much financial strain on the system in every way possible to force collapse of the system. None are ever a positive gain. Examples they push: Free Healthcare – cost Billions, Green New Deal – cost Trillions, College debt forgiveness- cost Billions, Free University schooling for illegals- cost Billions, Free Healthcare for illegals – cost Billions, Obamacare – cost Billions, Fake reparations – cost Billions. Welfare and free housing for illegals – cost Billions. Open borders? Same thing, it just helps them feed more strain to the financial systems to force a collapse. The list goes on and on. ALL ARE DEMOCRAT PLANS. NONE BENEFIT OUR COUNTRY OR SYSTEM! It only pushes collapse of the system. HELP for our VETERANS? Denied by Democrats. Just watch. It’s always the same lie presented to a voter base so they can push their globalist agenda. The same thing is happening in Europe and it’s already collapsing. This is why the loss of Hillary has them using every means necessary to remove Trump. Now they are behind schedule and freaking out that their plan has been postponed. The globalists plan to overrun Europe is in full effect. We can see that every day in the United kingdom, France etc.. Hillary was in line behind Obama to keep that momentum going here in the United States. That’s why the deep state is so deeply invested in impeachment. THEY ARE SCARED!

No one is giving illegals free of anything you ignorant hick.
Good grief if you would quit following conspiracy sites and look at the truth from correct sources you would appear more smarter.

They cannot get any government help like section 8 housing or food stamps unless they have a SSN it states that on the application.

They come here to work a better life then in Mexico and yes this is an issue we need to do something with illegals absolutely but stop the lies these people work jobs no one else will do and a lot of the times cash under the table and a lot of slumlords don’t care as long as they pay rent.

There’s a problem with over population but one damn thing is true they are not leeches they work!

No one is giving illegals free of anything you ignorant hick.

I think that you are wrong there. If you did some research, you would find out that illegals do get things free.

Well smart people, which of course excludes Bernie Sanders, say that we could double our payroll and business taxes and still not be able to afford his Healthcare. But just think you have friends stupid enough to believe that he’s a good man and would be a good president. I can’t even fathom that. Of course I’ve never been a Democrat so I don’t know what it feels like to be stupid but if I thought this man was a viable candidate I sure would know what it feels like.

Can you name one of those “smart people”? Just one?

I don’t know their names, and probably never will. But I will say that everybody that doesn’t vote for Bernie, is smart.

Didn’t figure you did. Just making stuff up again.

Your comment doesn’t make any sense, imagine that! By the way, did you graduate tonight?

My comment makes perfect sense. Post says these ‘smart people’ say that Sanders’ tax plan would raise taxes and would be too expensive to implement. I asked who the smart people were and not one name was provided so the statement could be confirmed. Hence, the buffoon was just making a statement up.

Of course Bernie wants to increase ALL taxes, he has been saying that during his entire stint in the Senate! Bernie has already stated that PUBLICLY numerous times that he wants to tax EVERY working man and woman at a level of at least 70%! Bernie has stated that in speech after speech!

Every Democrat running will raise our taxes. Thatā€™s what Democrats do, they suck you dry.

Someone has to pay for programs and our roads etc.

Tliab is a Trojan horse with the other Anti American Muslim Omar. Their hatred for America is disgusting. These people are put here to destroy America. Wake up and clean them out.

Romney is a weak knee liberal posing as a conservative. He is not to be trusted at all. He wishes he could be a STRONG MAN like Trump but itā€™s just not in his DNA !!!

Obama and Biden were never proud of America. They just were pushing liberal and socialist ideas and bowing down to foreign governments. They weakened our presence in the world.

Mental health is a serious problem in our Congress…I think all members of Congress should have monthly drug testing and at the least yearly mental evaluations.

AOC gets to spew hate and then when she receives a response that she doesnā€™t like …her life is in danger??? Maybe she should keep her mouth shut

TRUMP 2020 Landslide


The landslide will be all the GOP traitors sliding down the hill directly into a trash dump.

It must really hurt to be that Freakin STUPID!

Israel has free and legal abortion, and is a downright liberal country. Still like it?

Interesting that the first country you mention is Israel, where abortion is free and legal, and not America.

Omar is truly a blight on our way of life. She is the most non-American individual I have ever had the displeasure to get to know. She is a real snake in the grass. An ungrateful witch of a woman!

So you meet people on the internet and you think you really know them? If not on the internet, where did you meet? When did you meet her? How long did you talk before you really knew she was a “snake in the grass”? Is she your longest relationship with a woman?


Just because she is Muslim doesn’t make her less American.

Only white trash or crazy veterans who should have got the help he deserves defending this country otherwise.

It makes her a traitor and a danger to this country and the same goes for anyone who supports her.

So anyone different then you is a traitor huh.
She is no different then a german,or a Greek person coming here with their culture.

And before you bring up 9-11 those were Muslim radicals not true Muslims.
Just like bombing of abortion clinics and the Oklahoma city bombing etc was done by radical Christians not true ones.

Maybe you deep down are scared of changes and diversity that causes you to hate others different then you and that’s a real shame because there is alot of good people out there different from us I chose to get to know because I’m not afraid to.

Very well put. For over a century, people of different cultures and religions have come to our country. They worked and became citizens. They became part of our society.

Yet there are some, using fear mongering, promote bias against legitimate religions. Bias which our Constitution protects against.

The people (person?) here who waves the flag of patriotism and rail against certain religions, seem to forget about our Constitution, and the protections it provides, and the freedoms it guarantees ALL people.

My grandmother used to say that about Catholics. And John Kennedy was their tool in politics.

God bless America,God bless Israel, God bless President Donald Trump. Please tighten up requirements for citizenship. Omar is not an American patriot.

Israel has free and legal abortion, and is a downright liberal country. Still like it?

Itā€™s 100% true. Trump inherited a pathetic Obama Biden economy. Take all the credit you like creepy Joe

If you vote for politicians who support Socialism, harassing President Trump, increased taxes, open borders, placing more illegals on welfare, illegals voting, REPARATIONS, attacks on American energy production, attacks on FREE SPEECH, attacks on the 2nd Amendment, violations of law against American citizens by the IRS, FBI, DOJ, EPA, etc., killing of babies with late term abortions ā€¦ no question YOU ARE A TRAITOR TO THIS COUNTRY. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ CALL OUT FRIENDS, RELATIVES, AND CO-WORKERS AS THE TRAITORS RUNNING THIS COUNTRY OFF THE CLIFF. DO YOUR PART ā€¦. FOR LATEST PROOF ON DEEP STATE & BIDEN CLICK ON THIS LINK…/joe-biden-fifty-years…/…

Fake news site.

You are the only fake here.

Conspiracy sites is all you know and hatred of people different from you.

I wouldn’t be bragging about the Obama economy. America was you going down the tubes until Trump rescued it. Biden might be better off if he didn’t remind people that he was vice president to the WORST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY!!!!

Sleepy Joe has been in DC for half a century. To accomplish nothing of any significance but rather embarrass himself by practicing plagerismS and having an unacceptable covetness towards young girls – is indeed something he should not be proud of. To add insult to injury by suggesting trump inherited the booming economy from Obama /Biden confirms the bullshit merchant he has always been.

Like Trump talking how he would date his daughter if she wasn’t his and talking about her tits and stuff yeah that’s not creepy.

Whats really creepy is you bringing it up all the time.

Trump 2020 MAGA. Such a hard working president and he does it for us! Beautiful first lady. Thank you Mr. President!! God bless you both!! Trump 2020 MAGA.

Yeah spending all that time on Twitter is such hard work.

A sexual predator and his whore. Lucky us.

Judges, by definition, must possess wisdom and integrity… which disqualifies ALL Leftists!!!

Aren’t you tired yet of being wrong? For two years all we would hear “this is it, He getting impeached, it’s Mueller time and on and on!” Aren’t you done being stupid? Also, if there was something there, the IRS would have found it already and would have leaked it by now!

Not quite and if he didn’t want this problem he should have just shared his taxes.
Him and Nixon are the only ones to not and Mueller never said Trump was innocent and it was up to Congress how to handle it and so far Trump and company don’t want to comply.

Sooner or later karma always wins and he may not have anything happen to him as a president but once he is a citizen his ass we go down in flames.

*1 – Eleven teens die each day because of texting while driving. Maybe it’s time to raise the age of Smart phone ownership to 21.
2 – If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry.
3 – The Second Amendment makes more women equal than the entire feminist movement.
4 – Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you’d know it.
5 – When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle.
6 – Have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. While we’re at it, let’s do the same when it comes to immigration, Voter I.D and Candidates running for office.
7 – You don’t need a smoke detector; that’s what the fire department is for. Now…if you think that sounds stupid, you know how I feel when you say I don’t need a gun.
8 – Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and has a trillion bullets. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. How do you think that’s going to end?

I don’t need a gun because I have no desire to kill others. I leave the decision of what man shall live, what man shall die, to God.

1 – Eleven teens die each day because of texting while driving. Maybe it’s time to raise the age of Smart phone ownership to 21.
2 – If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry.
3 – The Second Amendment makes more women equal than the entire feminist movement.
4 – Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you’d know it.
5 – When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle.
6 – Have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. While we’re at it, let’s do the same when it comes to immigration, Voter I.D and Candidates running for office.
7 – You don’t need a smoke detector; that’s what the fire department is for. Now…if you think that sounds stupid, you know how I feel when you say I don’t need a gun.
8 – Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and has a trillion bullets. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. How do you think that’s going to end?

WOW, you hit the nail on the head with that post, so true, good job.

Someone must have hit you with a nail on the head.

I stepped on a nail (spike) once, went clean through my foot.

and right up your butt and into your brain.

kill’em all go Trump

ISLAM is DISGUISED as a RELIGION, and is only a CULT and a POLITICAL IDEOLOGY that will destroy our culture, and our American way of life as we know it!!!!!!!

Martin Luther King would be so ashamed of the black panther party. Their destroying everything King accomplished

The Black Panther Party barely even exists any more! What the hell are you talking about?

You are so full of shit!

What has happened to the Democrats? Why have they become the party of hatred, violence, racism, murder? Why are the Democrats trying to destroy this wonderful country that we love?? It distresses me & breaks my heart truthfully

That’s all the Republican party.

USA take note. They are here at work in our nation trying to take over. Vote to ban Sharia Law in our country.

Wake up America. Trump loves Americans and wants to help all. He only wants to protect you from supporting those who prefer to use your money to live on Legal immigration GOOD. Illegal immigration not GOOD.

Illegals shouldn’t be getting food stamps and social security benefits!!Congress has already stolen too much of our money!!Social Security isn’t an entitlement,!!!We have paid into it for years,for our retirement!!Keep your hands off our Social Security!!It isn’t your private piggy bank!!

That’s a lie they don’t get any of that.
Most work under the table for less money because they are here illegally which the person hired them knows that.

It’s funny how Matt the rat on here deletes truthful post but yet keeps the fake ones.

Ben Carson is probably one of the smartest men we have ever had in our government. He started out with nothing and has done great things with his life and for many people, He is a miracle worker for HUD and will clean house so our own homeless vets and people will now get those homes they should have had a long time ago.

He’s done nothing but spend HUD’s money on expensive new office furniture, and knows nothing about housing. He got the job because he’s a token, the only black guy Dump could think of. Doesn’t even know basic real estate terms, made a complete fool of himself.

Doctor Carson an excellent role model to show how one can persevere and accomplish amazing things no matter what obstacles one has to overcome!!! Besides that he’s a brilliant doctor!!

Dr Carson has led an amazing life! He has helped so many in his role as a doctor after overcoming a challenging start to his life. He is not only very intelligent, but he has common sense, too. We are fortunate that he chooses to spend his time and energy for the betterment of our country.

“…you can thank the republicans for when senile Regan closed mental hospitals…”

That statement is a bit less than accurate. What really happened was that there was a deinstitutionalization of psychiatric patients in the 1950s and ’60s. It grew out of the civil rights movement and a series of scandals due to the lack of oversight in psychiatric care.

Then there was President Kennedy who led the push for a change in policies shifting to community-based care from institutions.

Today, we have seen a shift of mental health care for people who have serious mental illness, from hospitals to correctional facilities, which does little to solve the problem.

It is true, we have not kept up with proper funding for mental health in our communities. We have people walking the streets who do no care for themselves, lacking social skills, and above all, almost no oversight other than our police.

Mental illness has many shades of color. And there is no one size fits all solution. Wholesale institutionalization obviously was not appropriate for those with mild cases. Yet our clinics and emergency rooms are overwhelmed, and there are some who are not even diagnosed.

Before the comments come, I am not suggesting we label those who have a mental illness with a scarlet letter. Make available treatment when needed, either voluntarily, or court ordered, then follow up on it (Aftercare if you will).

I can promise you Trump doesn’t care nor will he doing anything about it.
And funding was cut and many mental place closed so a lot were kicked to the curb.

Some people are ignorant and think its because homeless people are lazy.

We have lost Civility and Compassion in our country. In our being, in our work, and most certainly, in our politics. It has been replaced with self centered ideals, radicalism, and a coarseness in our language and acts. People cannot talk or debate, instead there is vulgar language and obfuscation.

Gone are the days when we expected our Government to provide for the common good. That those of little or no means due to hardships, or handicaps, or mental defects, were helped. That we protect citizens from harm. Now a radical element would rather toss them to the streets, ignore them, treat them as ingrates. All because they cost us too much money.

Rule of law also is for the most part, ignored, UNLESS of course, they are of some other ilk. Then you hear ‘throw the book at them’.

Sit at a city street corner. You will see that many treat stop signs as something less than absolute. You will see blatant speeding, texting, even drinking of alcohol while behind the wheel. You will see people tossing trash and other bodily fluids into our streets as if it was some open sewer. The reigning mentality being, it applies to everyone else but me.

And private property? What used to be sacred, is now violated by many. To have and hold private property, was a cornerstone of our country. It is a cumulative evidence of our rights and freedom. Yet so many do not respect it in Society today.

You can also listen, read and observe, some who have no regard for equality. To them, those who are different, whether it is religion, culture, or creed, should be relegated to secondary citizenship. Just look how people here talk about Blacks, Hispanics, and yes, even Jews.

I feel sorry for future generations.

To whomever commented…Does that mean that anonymous is finally going to graduate. ……you are hilarious. It is the truth. Anonymous must be very young and very dumb.

Actually, he’s old, and dumb.

I realize that the people commenting on here that claim they are Trump supporters only say that to get an argument going. You can not possibly be that stupid. Trump has been nothing but harmful and an embarrassment for this country. He lies over and over and does it in front of the world. If we didnā€™t feel so depressed and sick about him being president, we would be laughing more than we already are. Surely you donā€™t tell anyone to their face that you believe Trump. You know that people will assume you are as dumb as he is. The Republican Party doesnā€™t even support Trump. The only reason some of them say they do is because they vow to never consider a Democrat to be the good choice. I get that, because I am a loyal democrat. But if the democrat in office was like Trump, I would have to change. He is so bad. I donā€™t read through all of your long boring comments but I do see the name Hilary. Who the heck cares about Hilary anymore? Sheā€™s gone, move on. Try to find a legitimate reason for commenting. How about the local park maintenance department? Do they do much actual work? I think they sit in their trucks a lot.

I said from the beginning that Trump will be the best President we ever had, and so far look what he has been doing the best job ever. 20/20 we must keep him there. If the Democrats would get on the bandwagon and work with Trump instead of wasting taxpayers money on all this bull shit they absolutely could not believe how much better this country would be. Already there had been some big changes and all for the good.

Ignorant thinking from white trash republicans.

ā€œSuch an honor to preside over the House Floor tonight,ā€ Omar said in the first Tweet, which featured a screen capture of her at the speakerā€™s podium. ā€œEvery day I am humbled to serve the people of my communityā€ The people of her community are all muslim.

Not just Muslims in her community you ignorant hick.

What I donā€™t get is WHY is the Presidentā€™s term limited to 8 years while members of Congress and ā€œThe Houseā€ can go on forever? We definitely need term limits starting with Pelosi. Something – and I havenā€™t quite been able to pinpoint it yet – is wrong with that woman. She is either having a series of mini strokes, the beginning of a mental breakdown, or her meds are all messed up. She used to act like she was talking to children when she addressed the media (while clicking her teeth around) and now she has all of these wild hand gestures – almost like sheā€™s conducting a symphony – and occasionally stutters. She is such a scary person!

You do realized chuck Grassley has been in Congress for decades right?
I suppose in your hick mind republicans shouldn’t have term limits.

It goes for him too. And, for your dumb ass information, I have lived in three different country’s traveled to at least seven more, lived in six different states and will bashfully admit I have so much more intelligence than you it can’t even be measured. Only a total stupid dumb ass would be a Democrat liberal.

Too bad you didn’t take advantage of the educational opportunities this country has afforded us all.

What you mean to say you live in a trailer house and flipped on the travel channel a few times.

By the way I’m no liberal. For some reason you guys can’t seem to realize the d8ffetence from liberals and democrats eh so much winning in education.

Pelosi is a great example for TERM LIMITS!

The Democrats lying is endless, the bashing has never stopped and yet a lot of people believe the printed words. This is how they have damaged the democratic party and has divide more people than before. To make true remarks is our freedom of speech in play. To print lies after lies is the abuse of our freedom of speech. I see this every day, post after post of lies upon lies. Nothing researched, just instantly believed. This is the leftā€™s agenda. May this hate end so we can go on and stand together.

Sad. We donā€™t trust MS Media. They distort, lie, embellish, and murder the truth to suit their narrative. Few of us listen to their lies. They have become useless.

Yet you trust Fox’s who is a bigger joke.

This is absolutely pathetic. Make no mistake Obama is trying to run and shadow government from behind the scenes. We need to take down the deep state. If we donā€™t and a Democrat gets elected they will sweep all of their crimes under the rug and we will lose our country into a socialist nightmare

And did jihad watch tell you That? Or maybe Alex jones?

Hillary is running scared doing her best to deflect attention from AG Barr’s investigation into her. It’s just a matter of time.

What’s your obsession with Hillary?
The goofy woman is no longer in office.
She was investigated by the republicans spent millions of our taxes nothing found to make her guilty time to stfu and blame the current worthless president on misdoings.

Then tell her to STFU!

She’s a private citizen who has the right to speak as you and I do.
Isn’t the constitution wonderful?
Just tune her out and flip the channel.

FYI, all you democrats. The moral superiority, “we’re here to save you from evil,” the president and all who voted for him are racist, white supremacists who “cling to their God and their guns” dribble is going to backfire on you. Funny thing, what you’re saying, Ma’am, is EXACTLY how the rest of America felt under Barry the Corrupt One.

You’re retarded Trump sheep.

The Democrat party is the divisive party of hate, deny, lie and obstruct. The Dems have accomplished nothing since President Trump was sworn in.

Hereā€™s the real deal: Congress wants this President to fail America & be impeached. Impeachment is the ONLY thing congress is focusing on. You should let the man play out his term & for the love of all that is right; PUT Americans first!! You hate him so much, that he canā€™t pass any bills to help anything America wants or needs! You all are too busy playing the constant ā€œTrump investigationsā€ Robert Mueller did that for over two years! Trust me! Iā€™m sure Mueller hates Trump too! However, I trust that if Robert Mueller had any evidence at all: He would of told Congress to start impeachment proceedings. He didnā€™t! Let it go!! Americans are sick of this crap & is only going to hurt you in 2020! Another thing we are sick of hearing about already! While youā€™re at it; Teach Pelosi how to talk!! Mueller doesnā€™t even want to testify! He has every right to if he wishes. Before someone goes on an attack; NO, I donā€™t apologize for what I said! Do I always agree with Trump? NO. I call it like I see it!

House made several attempt to pass things and little bitch of a Senate wouldn’t even take stuff up for a vote even stuff any Democrat and Republican can agree on.

Maybe if Trump wasn’t on Twitter shooting his mouth off all the time and showing disrespect to others even when it is time to show class and dignity as a president and didn’t act like a drunk racist crazy white trash guy in the bar then just maybe people wouldn’t hate on him so much.

I get his appeal of not being afraid to speak his mind like an average person would but that doesn’t make him qualified to run anything because he isnt.

President Trump has done everything we voted him in to do and more. Our economy is booming, the job market is plentiful, unemployment is at its lowest in many years. And. If it weren’t for the Democrats, the wall would be going up. I back President Trump 100%. TRUMP 2020

The only thing the dims have is the stunning ability to make stuff up.

Trump likes to make shit up and post doctored videos.
So did Trump go to Japan about the sneaky attack on pearl harbor like he bitched at Obama to do?

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