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Steve King calls on southwest governors to deploy National Guard to secure border

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Steve King released the following statement after introducing a resolution calling upon the border state Governors to deploy their National Guard units immediately to seal the border:

Steve King in Mason City with his friends
Steve King in Mason City with his friends

“There is nothing in President Obama’s $3.7 billion request that secures our border,” said King. “Even though this President has the power to close the border, I know that he never will. In fact he refuses to do so. The American people must understand that this surge in illegals coming across our border is a presidential-caused crisis. This President’s lawless actions such as DACA have caused this nightmare. These actions clearly demonstrate that he is not bound by the Constitution and will not take seriously his obligation to defend our sovereign borders.This crisis is devastating our communities and putting the burden on American taxpayers. Right now there is an incentive for illegals to continue to pour across our border, and the only way to discourage them is to seal our border and send them back. Therefore we call upon the southern border Governors to call up their National Guard units to secure the border. This resolution also commits the United States House to funding the states for the cost of securing our border. These are the only supplemental appropriations the House should be considering.”

List of Representative original co-sponsors:

Michele Bachmann (MN-06)
Michael Burgess (TX-26)
Rob Bishop (UT-01)
Jeff Duncan (SC-03)
Jimmy Duncan (TN-02)
John Fleming (LA-04)
Trent Franks (AZ 08)
Bob Gibbs (OH-07)
Phil Gingery (GA-11)
Louie Gohmert (TX-01)
Walter Jones (NC-03)
Doug LaMalfa (CA-01)
Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
Kenny Marchant (TX-24)
Thomas Massie (KY-04)
Tom McClintock (CA-04)
Mark Meadows (NC-11)
Mike Palazzo (MS-04)
Bill Posey (FL-08)
Tom Rice (SC-07)
Dana Rohrabacher (CA-48)
Lamar Smith (TX-21)
Steve Stockman (TX-36)
Randy Weber (TX-14)
Joe Wilson (SC-02)
Ted Yoho (FL-03)

Meanwhile, at the other end of the political spectrum, Iowa Senator Tom Harkin told the Des Moines Register “Why can’t we help protect these kids and open up our arms to them, help them here to keep them safe and give them every reasonable opportunity to apply for asylum?”

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An unsecure border is not the problem. These children are coming to the border agents and turning themselves in. King wants us to believe that millions of Mexicans, with calves the size of cantaloupes, are sneaking in to the U.S. to rape your daughter. His hatred of Mexicans (or all immigrants)is getting embarrassing!

I agree this border issue bullarky has carried on far too long. Tis true the more Hispanics brought in serves democratic voting bases (short term) but also large rich republicans enjoy the cheap labor also. Hypocrisy and nonsense abound on this issue. Yes close the border. I agree.

There’s no reason why a nation isn’t entitled to secure its borders. It’s not racism, it’s good management. A strong message should be sent to the Mexican government to clean its country up. If you enter the country illegal you are not entitled to free roam. No, you are entitled to a prison internment camp and deportation. The real issue is bad culture and bad circumstances of violence and degraded human rights. Men wish to become boxers or drug runners? Come on…ridiculous!

@Philly-Once more I must agree with you.

A picture is worth a thousand words….. I always enjoy seeing this family portrait of father and son. Thanks NIT!

Actually king should call Michelle Obama and ask her to please return her head in the sand husbands balls. I guess constant campaigning and feasting off the working is more important for this do nothing fool.

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
Tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Most people are setting back and think that this is a big joke, because it doesn’t effect them, like voting. If this plague isn’t stopped, the United States will become a third world country. As for King, I couldn’t have said it better, what a pathetic president. Deploy the Guard and set up mine fields, fill the rio grand with piranhas and great whites, the plague will figure it out. Oh, by the way Steve, is that one of those rare red faced monkeys on your back…

It is hypocritical for Steve King, the chicken-hawk, draft dodging coward that he is, always wanting to call out the Military.

Steve King has no balls.

In 1967,68 and 69 he avoided the military draft with a series of 3 deferments.
He quit college in 1970, right after he was safe.
Never having finished college…how convenient.

Think coward King would be willing to lead the troops at the border?

C’mon King, you want to secure the border, pick up a rifle, zero in on a child.

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