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Eric’s trip to D.C. cost Mason City over $1,600

Eric had a feast in D.C. that cost taxpayers over $200.00.
Eric had a feast in D.C. that cost taxpayers over $200.00.

MASON CITY – Mayor Eric Bookmeyer’s trip to Washington D.C. with the Chamber of Commerce cost Mason City taxpayers over $1,600.

Bookmeyer went to Washington last year, too, and the cost was comparable.  This year, City Administrator Brent Trout did not make the trip, as he did last year.

The Chamber of Commerce pays for the trip and then invoices the City of Mason City (and Cerro Gordo County and the City of Clear Lake) for the expenses for each representative.

Supposedly, the “vital” trip is made so that “connections” in D.C. can be made.  All members of Congress that Bookmeyer and the Chamber visited are regularly in Iowa and many times in North Iowa in their local offices or holding town hall meetings.

Some have called the annual trip a wasteful, unnecessary venture.  One former council member has said that the Chamber of Commerce is “using the clout of local elected officials to gain access to higher ranking politicians in Washington” to promote its right-wing agenda.

According to a Chamber of Commerce invoice sent to the City of Mason City to cover Bookmeyer’s fees for the trip, one meal for Bookmeyer cost over $200.00.

Chamber of Commerce invoice for Eric Bookmeyer's trip to Washington.
Chamber of Commerce invoice for Eric Bookmeyer’s trip to Washington.

Total cost to Mason City and Cerro Gordo County taxpayers for Chamber of Commerce Washington D.C. trip, 2008-2011:

Mason City and airport total cost: $17,238.33 (Not including wages for Brent Trout and Pam Osgood)

Cerro Gordo County total cost: $5,362.79 (Only 2008, 2009 and 2010; no county rep on 2011 trip)

Grand total to taxpayers: $22,601.12 (See invoices here.)


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Matt I sure hope you put in for this douce bags job I so sick of looking at this no neck little hitler. I see there are about 3-4 spots opening who ever runs for these spots I just hope that all of us that post and BITCH get out and vote for the NEWBES and if we dont its our own stinkin fault REMEMBER NOVEMBER REMEMBER NOVEMBER REMEMBER NOVEMBER REMEMBER NOVEMBER REMEMBER NOVEMBER REMEMBER NOVEMBER REMEMBER NOVEMBER REMEMBER NOVEMBER REMEMBER NOVEMBER REMEMBER NOVEMBER ENOUGH SAID

Ok so some agree that trip charges were inline as far as cost goes. I would like to see the schedule of what was done while there who he met with and just how in the hell this will benefit me as a taxpayer in this town? I am proud to say I never voted for any of this idiots on city council I voted for opponents that were not as well known as the most laughed at city council in Iowa. City council members all are an embarrassment to all that live in Cerro Gordo County.

I forget what it’s called when the opposition candidates loose an election … wait a minute… I think it’s coming to me…Losers! That’s it, Losers. Your ego is so big that your like the guy in the marching band that thinks all the rest are out of step and dumb and you’re the only one thats got it right. ALL Mayors of small cities to metropolises take junkets to gather information and hopefully forge alliances that benefit the home folk in some way. You want to do it different…run for mayor or city council. Get enough people to believe in your way and they think you can do it better, well than you stop being losers. That’s how it’s done in the good ol’ U S of A. Now go check your diapers, I smell something icky…maybe that’s why you’re cranky.

Thanks for proving why you’re not a member of the council. It takes intelligence and class and manners. You’re wrong imo of your half baked analysis. This is one of the better councils MC has had in years. Finally a mayor who helps MC progress as apposed to one that sits there banging the gavel when he wakes up from his nap. He’s not an old fuddy duddy that is afraid to spend money to improve the city. There’s no clowns like Max on there that don’t do anything but insult other members. All these council members have intelligence and class.

I checked the cost of airline flights from MSP to D.C. Between $550 and $750. Looks like the cost of all group meals were added up and divided by the number of people in the group. Most hotels in D.C. that are safe to stay in are $200 to $250.

The cost of Bookmeyer’s trip to D.C. really isn’t all that bad. When you break it down and do the math, it comes out to a mere $4.59 a day. That’s nothing more than a small meal at a fast food restaurant. Actually, that’s quite a bargain for Mason City.

Why is it we can’t get this piece of crap out of office ? But then the city needs to clean all of them out and start over.

Ah Dave… It’s because you are the minority. It’s a simple as that.

Its sure is funny how people come to this site and bad mouth Matt and NIT. If its so bad why come here? I come here because I am tired of the media in the area. I don’t believe they are being non-bias or completely truthful in their reporting. Matt keep up the good work you sure have some people who think they are something, nervous in this town.

Well I guess some just aren’t sheeple like you and aren’t afraid to voice their disagreement with what’s posted. I believe it’s still called “free speech”. Gotta problem with the posts then I suggest you don’t read them or ignore them. Your choice. Anything would be better than whiiiiiiiining about people exercising their CONSTITUTIONAL rights.

Aren’t you the person of reason. You are not smart enough or big enouth to change anyone opinions on here. I suppose some people need to act like there a big shot when they aren’t much.

Ah ru kid…How many opinions have you changed? Bet none. That means your not big “enouth” I guess.

I like what Matt M. has going on here and of course I always have a soft spot guys like this, willing to buck the system. However, I’ll be the first to admit that NIT is a bit tabloidish, but what the hell, nothings perfect.

LOL! This site is nothing more than a place for Matt and those like him to talk nasty smack about people they don’t like. It’s basicaly an on line gossip hole. Reminds me of a MC a sleazy bar on the N End.

Sounds like the Globe and the beerman turned over some more dumpsters to get some bottom feeders to try to discredit this site. The self proclaimed elite of this town have never been able to take the truth. Like always Matt thanks for printing what the Globe has always tried to sweep under the rug. For you beerman supporters could you see if you can get your idle to wear a bra.

Let’s see…What were the 3 D’s of his campaign again. Oh yeah, Dumb, dumb and dumber.

Apparently it worked! He’s running the show.:) And the majority of citizens approve of him. Maybe next time the whiners will get off their ignorant azzez and vote one of their own into office. But we know that won’t happen because they’re losers. They’d rather bch then vote. duuuuuuuh speaking of dumb.

anon… I think that you are wrong and that
a majority of the citizens of Mason City are unhappy with this mayor, the council, increases taxes and the direction this little town is going. I do hope we all get out to vote in the future and get this town back on track, for ALL of it’s citizens.

It’s really interesting that the mayor also only had 1 airline ticket. Guess he flew up to MPS and out to DC but must have walked back home. At least that’s the logic some are using if you insist he only ate 1 $200 meal while he was out there. Weren’t they there at least 2-3 days?????

This “injustice” as you choose to call it has been going on for 10 yrs. And you just noticed? I’m fairly certain the intelligent citizens have been aware of these trips for yrs.. Try to keep up.

I agree with the lack of credibility of the “journalist” (can barely bring myself to refer to him as such) when he doesn’t proofread his stories before submitting them to remove the grammar and spelling errors – a general observation, not just picking on this story.

The receipt clearly states Meals. Notice that the word Meals has an “s” at the end. That would indicate that there was more than one of them – thought I might have to point that out to most of the loyal readers of this website who are uneducated, unaccountable and looking for other people to blame for what is wrong in your own life). It looks to me, and likely to any other reasonable person, that the chamber added up the meal receipts and entered it in as one lump sum.
But clearly this incompetant journalist can only rely on sensationalism to gain readers so it is more convenient to claim that the Mayor had a feast of over $200.

On a side note, I no longer support ANY of the businesses who advertise on this trashy website and the only reason I ever visit it is to see what local businesses to avoid when I am spending my family’s income in northern Iowa.

Good points and so true. The website owner’s lack of skills is probably why he doesn’t work for the GG anymore. That and his “little Chuckie” attitude.
I come here for cheap entertainment. It’s sort of like watching the 3 Stooges.

Well, it also looks lie you visit to post snarky comments. You’re doing a good job at it, too!

When in Rome…..

well….fatty watty patty…maybe “1” means one person. NOT one meal. Name calling NIT picker.

It’s nice to see that possibly some council member is joining the conversation.

@Idiot-It also says GROUP Meals. Do you think that means more than one person. You idiot, it is just the format of the form which is all inclusive. I would look at the hotel room at $524 and ask how many meals or snacks did the fat man have in his room. As to the air fare, I would say it was a feeble attempt to cover the cost of the trip. Your assault on Matt is disgusting. You come into another mans home with that B.S. Go away and stay away creep.

Odd how some are willing to waste $150,000/yr. on a uneccessary HRC but whine about $1600 being spent for a mayor to garner funds for the city in order to save taxpayers money building up the falling down core.

You’re the one with all the ability to be “in the know”. You look up the grants given to MC.

Matt, thank you for not lashing out at that comment, that attitude will keep me coming back!

Did he “garner any funds?”. Do you mean that gamble cost 1% of the entire HRC budget?

What would seem like a better gamble with taxpayers money? $1600 to help secure grants ahead of thousands of other cities or $150,000 to pay someone for something that can be done for free and likely an unesseasary gamble?

@Matt, the Mayors & Chamber have been making these trips for 10 yrs. Your “personal agenda” attitude against the Chmber, mayor and GG stands out above your concerns for taxpayers and does nothing more than lesson your credibility. I won’t discuss further with anyone who claims he cares about taxpayers money when in actuality he’s just seeking groupies for his “anti mayor chamber GG gang”. The uninformed are easy to lead. Carry on.

@Matt-look at the idiot who is trying to talk about credibility. That idiot anon makes up anything out of drug induced stupor and then tries to make people think it is true. Anon has been smoking way to much funny stuff. Another Fried Brain wasted.


If he gets any fatter his head will completely disappear into his body — his neck is gone.

All hail the drinkin’ man!

Remember, the last mayor didn’t get arrested for OWI until he was no longer mayor. Do you really think the police will arrest Boozemeyer even if he has his children in the car? I think not.

That mayor was busted in Clear Lake on a boat!

@mcanonymous-Roger could have been busted many times just walking home from the O.P.

Roger Bang wasn’t picking his children up and driving with them in the car after being in the bar. Big difference.

Airfare one at $623
one at $159
looks like he flew 1st class and made his secretary fly coach

Flight to and fro Minneapolis is the $159, other is rt to DC.

Oh for Pete’s sake. Get your facts right or don’t comment. The Mayor could have saved a lot of money and just emailed those in Washington DC he wanted to talk too. There would be those to condemn that too. The Major can’t do anything to make anyone happy. If you don’t like what he is doing then vote him out next time. This continual carping is beyond getting old. Disclosure: , I don’t know him or have ever talked with him.

I was replying to Jeff.

This should be a crime. The mayor is suppose to work for all citizens and not for a special interest group. If the chamber of commerce wanted this guy who doesn’t hold down a full time job to go with there group they should pay for it. The people of Mason City were just screwed by the mayor and chamber again. We need to stop supporting business’s that are members of the chamber.

Lunch will be canceled today due to lack of hustle…deal with it.

Nothing to see here folks…stay behind the yellow tape. Go back in your homes, I think there’s reruns of “Swamp People”

I’ll pay $1,600 to send him back.

Matt, do you happen to know if Bookmeyer flew first class? Just wondering because alcoholic drinks are free in first class.

He probably did. Do you think him and the high and mighty Robin Anderson would fly coach???? Probably not!

I think asw our city representative that everything should be disclosed, even what he spent out of his own pocket. For his bar tab, etc. His questionable character along with a potential drinking problem is becoming quite an issue and he should disclose everything. I’m not happy that this trip was at cost to the taxpayers. I’m also not happy to hear reports of Bookmeyer spending time in the bars and then getting in the car with his children. I’m sure there have been many times that if he had to blow he would be over the limit. Just because he’s the mayor does not make him above the law. Be careful Bookmeyer, people are watching and it’s just a matter of time until you get caught.

Im not trying to defend boozemeyer but in DC a good meal and drinks could be an easy 200.00. What gets my goat though was this a trip to help MC? Also did they ever let Max go and maybe next year they should ask Matt.

It looks like the $125 administration fee is what the chamber gets. Remember the $200 covers meals AND drinks and Eric can down em like a good German.

“Like a German”…Don’t compare this scoundrel to me. PS- “Eric, see you in hell.”

Was this trip for just one day? If so the meal was outlandish, the hotel cost was gross, but what really got me was the “administrative cost” for 125.00. Whats that? Maybe the bar bill.

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