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Smoking lots of Marijuana reduces chances o getting bladder cancer.

A new study that spanned 11 years found that smoking marijuana may lower the chances of getting bladder cancer.
The study’s not been peer-reviewed yet, USA Today reported. It involved 83,000 men who smoked marijuana, cigarettes or both, Raw Story reported.
The findings, presented at the American Urological Association, found that men who smoked cigarettes increased their risks of bladder cancer, but that men who smoked marijuana only actually decreased their risks, Raw Story reported. Further, the study found that men who smoked both still have a higher chance of bladder cancer, but it was still a lower chance than those who smoked only cigarettes, Raw Story said.
“Cannabis use only was associated with a 45 percent reduction in bladder cancer incidence, and tobacco use only was associated with a 52 percent increase in bladder cancer,” the study’s author, Dr. Anil Thomas, said, Raw Story reported.
And smoking a lot of marijuana brought the greatest positive results.
Those who smoked marijuana more than 500 times a year had even less risk of bladder cancer than those who smoked the drug only once in a while, Raw Story reported.

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Who cares-If you don’t like the law then get it changed.

There is generally the loudest outcry just before laws changes. So if you don’t like hearing it, I suggest you don’t read about it or listen to the arguments. Wow, that sounds SOOOO familiar.
Oh yeah, I remember now… “if you don’t like it, don’t read it” -LVS

@Anonymous-Good words to live by. Why don’t you try it. Oh right, you have trouble reading and understanding don’t you?

You should follow your own advice.

Smoking lots of marijuana also kills brain cells which answers a lot of questions.

But that’s okay Maybe, it prevents BLADDER CANCER.

Cannabis DOES NOT kill brain cells at all. That’s not how it works. You’re thinking of alcohol which DOES kill brain cells.

Do your parents know you’re playing on the Internets?

Mr. Marquardt asks who will stand up and run for mayor or city council? I find the lack of response saddening. The people aren’t lazy, or cowards, or inept. They’re realists. It’s like giving a bucket to someone on the Titanic and ask them to start bailing to keep the ship from sinking. Mason City is sinking. The question is, can it still be saved? Perhaps a more pressing question should be, at this point, where would we even start?

It is my personal belief many who would be wonderful public servants are so tired of watching the personal assassinations by the opposition. Our political world has become a septic tank with the lid off. I can imagine many public-minded women and men wanting to serve and run, but don’t want their families and friends to watch the candidate get torn apart by the folderol and balderdash that is now a major part of campaigns.

Since such practices are emboldened by success, I for one am no longer voting for ANY candidate – left-right or middle – who is supported by PACs or political parties that perform such assassinations of character.

I think prairie playground is awesome 4 the kids. But we could make it bigger and better. Just think if we kept adding on 2 it. They have the room 2 do it. I think whoever came up with the first design needs 2 B contacted n c if he would like to help planning on a extention

i agree. the city should also handle the wasp problem there.


Some questions of Blue Zones.

·Who is paying for the Blue Zone office in City Hall?

·How much has been contributed by outside entities to offset taxpayers funds for this operation? If any?

·Since taxpayers funds are used in this operation, will there be a line item accounting of income and expenditures? Who was paid, how much, and for what purpose.

·Was there a line item in the 2013 budget to appropriate taxpayers money for the operation, if even in part?

·Exactly who who has oversight? (one would expect since it is a government funded entity, housed in a public building, there must be some governmental oversight)

Citizens deserve detailed accounting, and oversight by elected officials for everything spent using tax money. Thus far, all we have seen or heard is generalized approximates.

I would not even care if it were not for the fact that taxpayers money is involved. Personally, the Chamber and all other such entities should also account to the penny any funds from tax revenues. That includes the Museum, Library, EDC, ect.

“FROM NIT STAFF: Please do not use profanity nor name call. Thank you.”
To NIT STAFF, where is the line drawn on what you can and can’t say? I have seen profanity, threats and bickering. Is it OK to say SH** as long as you use * for part of the word even though everyone knows what letters were replaced by the *? I see name calling daily on this site.What names are OK to call and what are the “Banned” ones.Inquiring minds would like to know.

@Reggie (red) Why? Do you want to call some people dirty names? What is your reason for asking. What is really your agenda here? Are you just trying to stir things up again? In the past you have been critical f N.I.T. and some of the comments here so, your questions are certainly suspect.

” Why? Do you want to call some people dirty names? What is your reason for asking”
The reason I ask is that I perceive a bias by the NIT staff as to who they slap on the wrist and who they let get away with it. I don’t call people names and I wish Matt would have a talk with his “STAFF” about really policing this site and enforcing the no profanity and no name calling edict. I’ve said it before, this could be a very good site but sometimes we just need to agree to disagree. With a guiding hand from Matt this could be accomplished.

@Reggie (red) OK Reggie, good answer.

simply jump thru the hoops and use @#*.

The sun is shining and the sky is blue. No whining today. Smile, talk to your neighbor and take a walk — maybe downtown to admire the statues.

I did just that. took pictures of the statues and had a great day! So nice to be outside again.

I was looking at some of the statues downtown, and I thought how nice they would look in a city that was alive and flourishing. But here in Mason City, they are a disgrace. In other cities there are people downtown, there are businesses downtown. Those cities have a real pulse. We have city functionaries who are supposed to build a new downtown concept, or to develop new commerce and bring industries in. Both are abject failures. Mason City is a dying town inhabited by people who don’t care. Look how many people attend the council meetings, or vote in our elections. The people let the Robin Andersons take over because the people really don’t care.

It;s not that they don’t care as much as they are preoccupied with making a living and paying their bills on low North Iowa incomes.

To Just saying: You are absolutely correct. Mason City is a dying town if not dead already. These sculptures are nothing more than mere window dressing. It’s no different than replacing windshield wiper blades on a car that does not run. Sooner than later, Mason City will be relegated to the pages of history! And in the end, there will be nothing to show for it.

Charge up the battery in your hover-round and head out west past Pierce and you’ll see what a moronic statement you’ve just made.

I saw the new statues the other day and must say they are an improvement over the first ones. The rest of the comments about Mason City dying I agree with. I didn’t see very many people there other than the Quarry and the other bar. Nothing there to draw anyone.

I have not seen any of the statues as I have no business in that area of mason city. again i say it would have made much more sense to me, if the local art classes from the high school and college would have made them and displayed them.

I saw the new statues today and am appalled at the money that this council spent on such nonsense. The one by the police station is ridiculous! Not art in my opinion. We have a beautiful museum, and I would have much preferred that the city give them a few dollars to help bring in exhibits than spending the thousands of dollars on this crap! Robin Anderson, you should be ashamed of youself for getting the city to give you the money for this, and the city council should be even more ashamed of themselves for falling prey to Robin Anderson. Can’t wait until November to hopefully get these jokers off the council!

I hate to tell ya this Matt, but you and the other citizens of Mason City better start getting used to the idea of another four years of Eric Bookmeyer!

I think they should add on 2 prairie playground.

Any one see the Des Moine register editorial last Sunday about La James colleges? They had a disclaimer about Mason City but the article was right on….most of those students get a goverment loan for 20k to attend…get out make 10 bucks an hour and never pay it back…dare the globe to do an article on that!

@tommie-I read that article. La James is not the only one. There is another school that I know of that has the same issues. They can get anyone financed so they get the maximum. Then they get out and can’t get a job so they never pay it back. The government will confiscate their income tax return but it takes years and years to get the money paid off. It is a shame because these young people start their life off deep in debt.

LVS, did you really say “up yours” to a reader? I knew you were retired, but is that like a 1960 term? If you’re going to insult people, at least sound intelligent while doing it. I’m impressed you have a computer. Does it have a black screen and green letters? You’re a dinosaur, go crawl under ground and come back in a few million years as oil, you’ll be more useful than you are now. For now, I want you to look in the mirror every morning and repeat after me, ” I am worthless. I think I’m smart but deep down I have been a disappointment to myself and others all my life. I live on a measly retirement and am stuck here in Mason City, Iowa. I am truly a loser.” Give that a try every day and I think you’ll feel better.

@Reality Check-Up Yours coward.

FROM NIT STAFF: Please do not use profanity nor name call. Thank you.


LVS, is that all you have for me? No empty shell of a response like most of your posts? Pedestrian responses with little or no basis comprised only what you read in a week old Time magazine while sitting at the doctors office waiting for your prostate check up that Medicare is paying for? If you’re going to be a XXXXX, at least be a well informed XXXXX. It’s very clear that you’re not intelligent enough to be an intellectual bully, so you might as well turn off your computer and stop adding to your Allaint energy bill that you have on a monthly average because your $1600.00 a month you live on gets tight toward the end of the month. So try adding to the conversations here rather than being an infection on is site. You have a good now, you hear?!

@Reality Check-Up yours chicken Sh## coward.

@Reality Check-you seem to have a real problem with retired people. Probably because we have lived a lot longer, know a lot more and are much more intelligent than a troll like you who can only troll around coming out of your hole in the ground to try to strike at your betters. You talk about being a bully, but you are one of the worst on this site. You really show your stupidity when you use dirty name calling and use your cowardly sneak attacks when you feel threatened. I’ll bet you were abandoned by your parents and are trying to get even with the older generation. You will never get there as you are not smart enough. Now, you can lay awake all night long trying to find something witty to say.

Geez LVS, you have quite the fan base out there. Remind me to wear my vest if we ever meet.

@maybe-they are all real brave and mouthy while hiding behind a computer. I also believe that they are mostly the same person posting under different name. I know STUPD used to do that even though she denied it. Just consider the source. They are all liberal pieces of sh## who have lost debates and have no other recourse other than to troll around sniping at me. Some like to snipe at you as well. Have you noticed that liberals always resort to insults like this or start calling you a racist when their feeble minds tell them they have lost.

About LVS. There was a response to a KIMT story recently that described LVS and his kind perfectly. I mean perfectly. I just searched for 30 minutes to find it in order to repast it here but like many marijuana stories it just vaporizes into smoke when all the responses seem to be in favor of medical cannabis.

@seriously-don’t start with me. You are not qualified. I am pretty neutral on your whacky tobaccy so leave it alone. The only comments I have on it is it is still ILLEGAL. If you don’t like that, change the law. I could use a little pain relief from dealing with you liberals all the time.

LVS- I agree. Legalize the crap. Tax the heck out of it. Outlaw liberals… Sounds like a fair trade to me.

BTW- That was me….

Colorado going to tax at 25% rate and people will pay it,no worst than person drinking 6 pack or most likely more.Should be legal people say it will just lead to more drug abuse, which is bull.The real problem is the meth and the tweekers,which will steal anything that isn’t tied down.Meth destroys themselves and their families and their job and soon they are a disaster and can’t be trusted by no one.

@#*#*- I would agree with you on your statements. I see the meth heads go down the street every day. They look at everything and you can just see they are looking for something to steal. I agree that they are not going to stop pot smoking, so, they may as well tax it.

Most Prohibitionists like LVS eventually get to experience utter loneliness, also known as “the sadomoralist condition”—a form of existential despair as they begin to finally realize the utter futility and destructiveness of their entire life’s work. This is ultimately compounded by the deep realization that it’s simply not possible to prove any of the nonsense they’ve been zealously propagating for many long decades. It’s this type of loneliness that often turns their attention to a higher power, the one that usually comes in liquid form. This is a serious terminal affliction and not one that a psychologist, philosopher, or priest can help with. Eventually they may become trapped in a very dark place where they have literally nobody left to relate to. In such situations it is our civic duty and moral obligation to point their festering, lonely souls to the nearest cliff.

How compassionate of you! Please tell us where you received your doctorate so that we may nuke it from space. It’s “the only way to be sure”.

LVS – Why are you on here so much? Someone mentioned that you should get a hobby, and perhaps you should. I volunteer at the community kitchen, habitate for humanity, and the animal shelter. I get out, see people, enjoy life. You sound like a little bitter old man who sits around and lets his unhappiness fester and affect his whole life. Your posts would be more credible if they weren’t so opinionated and nastily negative. And you make a laughing stock of yourself by the way you let people anger you and get so childishly vindictive. And when someone does offer constructive critisism, you become so violently defensive, it’s pathetic. I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for anyone who is that unhappy.

@justsaying-why are you asking?? Is it a love thing with you. I am on here because I am retired and I can do whatever I want and I like coming on here and stirring up the people who are more worried about me when they should be worried about themselves. Why are you on here? Do you really volunteer for all that stuff? Normally people who do good things don’t brag about them so it really makes me wonder if you are telling the truth. We used to have another socialist pig on here that used to brag about how good he was but he turned out to be a liar too.

I’m not bragging. I am just saying that there are other things in my life besides the internet. And the fact that you say you like stirring things up shows that you don’t take this site seriously, but just as an avenue to play games on. Most of the people who post on here are trying to explain their position on things or what they believe. You, on the other hand, seem to post just to cause discontent. If you are that bored, find yourself a hobby where you can do some good. As it is, you just exist. You don’t really have a life or a reason to be.

@just saying-yes, you were bragging. You are trying to blow up your own importance at my expense. I didn’t ask for your opinion nor do I want it. Your opinion means nothing to me. You know nothing about me or what I do or don’t do. However, I am glad you find amusement in my post but, it really takes very little to amuse a low life, no talent busybody like you. If you don’t like my post don’t read them. You probably need someone to explain them to you anyway. People like you that are so self rightous turn my stomach.

@LVS – You’re a bitter man. A lonely, bitter, pathetic old man. And I do feel sorry for you.

@just saying-don’t you feel sorry for me. I am not the one with the pissy attitude, you are. You started this whole conversation and then don’t like it when you get called out. You are just like most of the other big mouth liberals, you are a coward. You wanted me to bow and scrape because you claim to volunteer. I still think that is a flat out lie. People who really volunteer don’ have to brag about it and they don’t look for approval from other people. You know nothing about me. I have many friends and a great wife with lots of sons and a daughter. I am not lonely at all but I am bitter that people like you exist. If you don’t like my post don’t read them and if you don’t like my responses don’t start crap. I see you even managed to irritate Maybe on another post. Now go away and don’t bother me sissy.

More name calling. Real mature.

@upperclassman-who asked you failure.

Right back at ya crabby pants.

@upperclassman-you had to crawl up out of your hole and start some crap didn’t you TROLL.

Looks who’s talking? I didn’t know you could get internet access from under your bridge.

@upperclassman-you are real cute. What alternative middle school did you graduate from. If it was Mason City I want my tax money back because they sure failed with a idiot like you.

@ just saying…pretty sure LVS is a woman…just sayin’

@btincc-what do you know. Another damn liberal crawled out of her hole to do a little trolling and smart a## comments. Are you justsayings lezzy girl friend? Are you afraid someone will come along and take her away from you? Why don’t you put your real name and address on here and I will come by and show you what I am.

@LVS – It’s interesting how you strike out at anyone who posts something you don’t like. Not just me, but anyone. And the more you strike out, the more offensive you become. As I said, a little, pathetic old man who thinks that insults win arguements. Enough said.

LVS-Don’t worry about these idiots. There are a lot of us that share your views. I realize you are retired and have time to post. Many of us who agree with you cannot post as much as we would like because we are at work. The people who keep slamming you are probably doing it because they are on welfare and have the time to surf the web. Instead of finding a job I guess??

@msgordy-thank you for the comments. They really don’t bother me as I know exactly what they are. What I do or do not do during my retirement is my business and none of theirs. This is an open site and I can post as much as I want. I am usually only one here for a couple of hours in the morning and then I look at it again in the evening. Most of the ones who disagree with me are liberals who are sitting home drawing welfare and they only know to attack when they no longer have a rational argument.

NIT am I missing it or are you reporting on Gina Splitt. The nurse that was charged with numerous drug charges. Pleeds guilty to 5 out of ten and only gets 2 days in jail!!she was a nurse using Doc’s perscription pads writting out many drugs using Doc’s pads and steeling money out of nurse’s lockers and purses while working at mercy hospital. Does anyone know about this? Like your thoughts.

she was stealing from many people’s purses throughout the building – not just nurses. and two days is ridiculous. still hasn’t had her nursing license revoked by the state yet either……..

Mc just cut teacher jobs and pay at the last meeting. Now the teachers will have plenty of time to stand around enjoying all those new sculptures mason city just committed to! Awesome! I’m sorry, do we have an 8 yr old spening our money?!

Just what MC needs —— “another” Mexican restaurant!! Ugh !!

Maybe you should start your own business instead of complaining.

they sure as hell dont need any more god damn churches

haha maybe a church that serves Mexican food?

mexican people usually are very religious.

and a majority of mason city residents are overweight rednecks that like to eat mexican food.

not very many overweight mexicans out there.

are you saying all the fat mexicans hang out at walmart?

Hey if you don’t like Mexican food don’t go there. I been to several and just live them. Glad they are coming!!!!!! Maybe some of you unemployed folks could get a job! Just saying.

Your mom is fat AND she works at Walmart.

Can anyone tell me why everything on KIMT is about Minnesota? I thought we already had two Minnesota stations. If I want to find out what is going on in Mason City I watch Robin on channel 10.

It’s always the first 4 or 5 stories and the first live eye in the sky for weather.

“Iowa-Minnesota Together” Sounds all warm and fuzzy, just like a great big group hug, right? Not.

Its about Market Share. There are more people (Market) in Austin, AL and Rochester than in North Iowa. Hence they get more coverage of their local stories that generates more advertising dollars and more black ink at the end of the year. Its economic survival for an entry level televison station like KIMT. No criticism intended, just the financial reality.

Sicka, just wanted to let you know that Elvis is posting under a new name now. It’s “Charlotte”.

Apparently, he’s off his medication again and is on one of his wild rants. Be alert.

Sicka-is that you posting under Just My Opinion again. You are so paranoid you think everyone who disagrees with you on here is me. Believe me there a lot more that agree with me than there are with you. Why don’t you just go quietly into the sunset as no one believes your rants anyway.

You should go with him.

@Anonymous-If you are talking to me you should know he is a SHE. Get your facts right or don’t comment.

@LVS stop trying to surpress peoples 1st ammendment rights. If you have a problem with what people have to say here, please feel free to start your own website. You could call it “The Daily Complaint”.

@upperclassman-Up yours. You are trying to surpress my 1st amendment rights. Who do you think you are?? Just another overeducated dummy.

Name calling. Good one.

I’ll say it again. Ask Matt.

That’s funny Hypocrite. Seems I’ve said the SAME thing to you a time or two when you’ve accused me of being LVS…ask Matt. Typical Liberal Bipolarism…funny how shit always changes to fit your needs when you want them to benifit you.

What a joke.


LVS, this site would be a lot better if you would be the one to quit posting here. The only thing you seem to add are very negative comments and name calling. I can’t remember the last time you posted anything intelligent.

@LVS-You are a Jerk!

LVS, listen up. I am NOT “sickastupd”. Well, actually I AM sick of stupid, but that’s not my moniker on here. Maybe it’s time for you to take notice of how many posters think it’s time for you to go. You add absolutely nothing to this site. In fact, the only thing you ever do is stir up trouble and degrade legitimate posters who actually have something intelligent to say. Get yourself a different hobby and we’ll all be better off.

@Opinion-thats your opinion and it just doesn’t count. The only ones who don’t like what I have to say are the liberals of which you are sure one. It your not STUPD you sure sound like her but like her your OPINION means nothing to me or to most of the people on this site so, just rave on STUPD.

Snow can frickin stop anytime now Nov to May 7 months and some snow in each month.Just hope summer last until Dec 31st (haha!) just venting or whining don’t know witch c’mon summer just get here.Have a great weekend everybody

I just want to say that this weather sucks!!!! Where’s that groundhog, once the snow is melted off my grill he is toast!!!! 🙂

I remember my parents talking about the blizzard on “Decoration Day” in 1942, I believe it was.

I really hate my job…. which is sad because at one time I loved getting up everyday and going to work. Just a reminder to be nice to retail workers… they work their ass off to be underappreciated.

@anon-you are right that retail workers have to take a lot of unwarranted abuse. They just happen to be the people in front of the customers when something goes wrong. The managers are all in their offices so they don’t get involved until after the fact. I always make a extra effort to be nice to the retail workers and if I get upset I ask for the manager.


I’m am a manager. Underpaid and doing the work of 4 people.
So when you yell at the manager because you have a problem… please stop and think they have already been yelled at all day while working overtime… coming to work sick because someone has to run the store. Instead of yelling period, try politly discussing your issie. I promise you’ll always get what you want. When someone comes at me balls out screaming I usually turn off any empathy for that customer. When you think we are sitting in our. Office all day we are special ordering what you want, marketing, dealing with conference calls… etc. The last time I sat on my ass was in 1997.

@anon-did I say managers didn’t work? (I don’t think so). Did I say I yelled at managers? (I don’t think so). All I said was managers were in their offices and got involved after the fact and (that is true). I never said a word about what you do in your offices. I was a manager a lot longer than you have been (not in retail other than when I had my own business) so I am pretty sure I know what managers do. Get off your high horse and do not put words in my mouth. I am more than capable of doing that on my own.

Actually you said “The managers are all in their offices so they don’t get involved until after the fact.” Implying that ALL managers are never the first contact with the customer. Choose the words you put in your mouth carefully unless you want to come across looking like a crass know it all.

@anonymous-I will stand on my statement that they don’t get involved until after the fact. I don’t worry about being crass but maybe you should.

you have no idea how long I’ve been a manager in retail. Nor do I have myself on a high horse, this was my rant when I had a bad day. Get a life instead of commenting on everybody’s posts: all day long.

@anon-you don’t like comments then don’t put your life on here. everyone has a bad day once in awhile and they don’t whine and cry in public. 1st amendment you know gives me the right to comment. Now go sell something. That is your job and if you are spending time on here you are not doing it.

You must of forgot I said I was a salesman. I’m a manager, I manage the salesmen. Time for me to go into me office and put my feetup and smoke a cigar I guess. Phew this is hard work!

@anon-it sounds like that is what you are qualified to do.

LVS. You are a jerk!

@NorthIowaName caller-Ah now, you must be careful or you will hurt my feelings. In order for you to hurt and insult me I would first have to value your opinion, troll.

@LVS-Still does not change the fact that you are a Jerk!

@NorthIowaWimp-look who’s talking.

LVS I am looking at who is talking. You are the one who is talking & you are a Jerk & you know it!

@North Iowa City-But look who is doing the name calling. What does that make you? A A-H###>

You are correct I am a a h*** At least I am man enough to admit it. Now can you man up and admit you are a Jerk? Bet you can’t!

I spent 2 hours Sat. cleaning up trash. Someone at the library takes their cig break, and drops all their butts on the ground. If people don’t know where to put their butts when they are finished, maybe we should have more no smoking places, or if the butt patrol see you, you could do trash pickup as community service. We have a beautiful city, please clean up after yourself!

I have seen people walk up to McDonalds before, smoking. When they get to the door, they flick their cig butts away, even tho McD’s has a receptacle right outside the door. You can’t explain stupidity.

What’s even worse is there is smoking allowed at any elder care facility in Mason City. The employees smell of cigarette smoke and then take care of our loved ones. Smoking should be banned at any health care facility!

usually if the state gets revenue, then smoking is allowed. maybe this is a state run facility.

Having worked at an elderly care facility for 16 years it is not always as it seems. Many of the residents are smokers and I personally have had to sit with them while they smoked to ensure thier safety. I myself am not a smoker but often smelled of it because of this. While smoking is a nasty habit I think the elderly have lost enough so if they enjoy smoking so be it.

Do you suppose if the City required garbage men to replace all of the garbage cans they ruin, they would handle them a little easier?

That would be great…or the recycling bins. Mines trashed after a year.

@Mason City Resident-they are in to big a hurry to get done so they can get to their second jobs after getting full pay from our taxes. A bigger worry to me is they way they beat those expensive garbage trucks that our taxes pay for.

Do they have any incentive to do quality work when they can get away with that behavior?

@Anonymous-None that I can see.

You all could have pushed for an outside garbage collection business to do the job when the City Council was considering it. Do any of you ever call and complain about the damage they do? Or try writing anonymous letters mentioning your area of town since the people of MC seem to think if you complain about anything they take it out on you worse. Do you ever give your garbage men tips or Christmas gifts? Maybe that would make them remember YOUR house and be kinder and gentler to your collection bins.

@Katie-calling and complaining will get you nothing but reprisals. Believe me I know. Writing an anonymous letter just gets ignored. Believe me I know. And I refuse to give a tip to someone that I help pay and pay very well and then throw in great benefits. If I was running a business and my workers treated a customer that way they would be fired. Why should we baby them just because they work for the city. All they have to do is do their job and quit destroying property.

@LVS maybe you should try riding along with the garbage men. It is certainly a job I wouldnt want to do, and am very thankful they are willing to do it. If they break a garbage can, small price to pay for having them come right to your door to drag your junk away.Try not to be so high and mighty until you are willing to walk a mile in their shoes.

@ANONALSO-get off the crap-I pay and pay pretty well for a service and like any other service they had better take care of the customer. I know a lot of people who would love to have that job along with the excellent benefits. You are probably one of the whiners out there that think they are overworked working 4 to 5 hours a day and getting paid for 8 hours. Again, get off the crap. I don’t need it from a big mouth like you.

Boy, you can’t get along with anybody, can you?

Is mediacom the only cable provider in mason city? I’m sick of direc tv.

@Anonymous-They are all about the same, but Direct T.V. raises their rates less and has better selection at lower cost.

Try reading a book.

Try Dish. I’ve had them for over 4 years and I’ve never had a problem and lots of channels. My rate has only gone up once in that time and it was only $5.00. DirecTV and Mediacom blow goats.

@Mr. Bojangles-Direct T.V. has got you beat hands down. I have been with them for almost 10 years and my rates have only gone up four dollars in that time. I also get tons of channels (more than I want or watch) plus Direct T.V. has the best sports channels available. I had Dish and they SUCKED big time.

Have you all read about the U of NY professor Ruth O’Brien who is whining because the authorities used too much force trying to capture the Boston terrorists in their car? She said they come from a troubled Muslim region and we don’t yet understand their motives. As if there is ANY justification for what they did! She said that even though terrorism is about fear, we still have to account for our conduct and the picture of dead Tamerlin Tsarnaev shows horrible injury, even though his OWN FRICKIN’ BROTHER RAN OVER HIM!!! She thinks if we are nice to terrorists, they will stop bothering us. Oh, brother! She’s as delusional as Obama is when he thinks he can sit down and talk to Axis of Evil leaders to get them to play nice. What kind of a liberal bleeding heart nut job is this woman?

Sounds like a woman who understand what the US Constitution is all about. It is always good to question the actions of authorities.

You said it sister! But this is exactly what I’m taling about with my politically correct rant.

This is what the Libs are doing to America.

Soon we will be a police state that cannot wear what we want to wear, say what we want to say, think what we want to think, and in no way shape or form will we be able to disagree with the governtment. Papers please!…Nice shirt kid.

Hey, I believe in the Constitution and due process, but these idiots were throwing BOMBS at the police! How nice did she expect them to be back? “Pretty please stop throwing grenades at us and come over here like nice little terrorists.” What kind of a person runs over his own brother? Was he trying to silence him? He should be charged with his brother’s murder as well. The fact they didn’t capture Suspect #2 at that scene shows that they didn’t have ENOUGH force on hand for the operation, not that they used too much. Suspect #2 should have never been able to escape that scene. I thought they showed great restraint in capturing him alive. #1 may have lived as well had #2 not run over him. I don’t see any way that these two suspects’ rights were violated. These men were enemies of our Constitution, but they will still be protected by it. It doesn’t matter what their motives were!

I bet if you asked the citizens of Watertown, MA, they will tell you how much they appreciate the actions of the Law Enforcement community last week.

When you have a person or persons bent on the injury or death of others, there is little reasoning one can use as bullets fly past your head.

When home made explosives detonate around you, there is little time to consider the religious leanings of the person or persons who created and used them. Instead, safety of those around you is the imperative.

One also hopes that the Ruth O’Briens of the world plant their feet back in reality. That reality is, the U.S. is one of the best countries of the world in regards to religious freedom. It is a pillar of our society, a bellwether of freedom.

I agree with most of your post!! The thing I disagree with it that you call people leeches. Just because someone is on Medicaid does not mean they are a leech. Their are people that need the help like most of the people in nursing homes that have no money left because it cost over 4,500 dollar a month to stay their!! My grandmother had a home paid her bills and would have been so ashamed to go on Medicaid but when the money is gone its gone. So when you make a statement like that you are talking about a wonderful woman that worked hard all her life!!!!

@Thank you-I agree with most of your post and the post of mad as hell. I too must disagree with the comments about people on title 19. I have a relative who is in her 90’s and has outlived all of her savings and was forced to go on title 19. The cost of a nursing home is well over $4000 p/mo. right now and they just burned threw what she had saved. That is not her fault and she paid taxes all of her life and so did her husband. People like that deserve the help. Now it is true that there are a lot of people on title 19 that could get jobs and pay their own way but do not because of being flat lazy. I hope they are the ones to are posting about. The rest of your post was excellent. Just wait until the liberals figure out what is going to happen to them.

Good post uninsured, and you are spot on with your post. Your post is just the tip of the Iceburg, just wait until the whole thing kicks in in 2014. The fines in the first year are low for the employer but they increase per employee year after year, this will force more employers to go to a full part time workforce as well. There is much more that will come out with this bill and the public is not going to put up with it. More and more jobs will be moved outside the US as well.

Well, now we know you can copy and paste without giving credit to the author.

That was meant for uninsured and mad as hell.

“Medicaid leeches”??? Yes, some people collecting medicare and wellfare may be unemployed but there are others who work full time/part time jobs who do not make enough to pay for health insurance. I will use myself as an example. I work for a health care facility and because I am not “full time” I am not offered benefits. I put my hours in just like you, unfortunately I do not make enough to purchase health insurance on my own. I am on medicaid. Not because I am a leech but because I pay my tax dollars and I am entitled to help from my government! I get ill just like everyone else, fortunately there is help out there for working Americans who cannot afford healthcare. Get off your soap box and look around you! The economy is going to shit and sometimes you need to reach out for help!

The sun is shining, the air is crisp — have a walk and a good day.

@MC Grandma-absolutely gorgeous day. Now it can warm up a little more.

I understand mc resident. Have a good day!

National Library Week – What a joke. All our librarians do is sit behind a desk, get paid good money, get good benefits, and waste the city’s time.

I have a friend that spent a good deal of money to get her master degree to be a librarian and does more than sit on her butt. I would love to have you go toe to toe with her on the knowledge she knows! They have been more than helpful to me and my family! You sound like a very bitter person .

mc resident-typo

Understood. Didn’t mean to be critical, just reacting to comments. Thanks.

Oh here we go again the teachers asking for a 6 percent raise, do the people here in Mason City really feel our teachers need to get a raise every year? How about the workers at target,walmart,shopko do you guys get a raise every year and then have levy for the schools that might cost you hundreds more. Also with all the students lost in out district teaching fewer students should mean fewer dollars. Wake up people and speak out about this. Just say no to the vote and teach these greedy group of teachers that you should be happy to have a job.

The cost of living goes up every year, why not wages on something important like educating the next generation?

@Don’t-why not get what we are paying for first. The U.S. is ranked 17th in the world and we pay more than any other country. If the teachers were working in the private sector they would be fired for incompetence.

Public education cares NOTHING about the kids, its all about the $$$$$ for those who work there.
We spend the most, and now rank 17th world wide in student achievement. Where else but the government sector do you get paid more for less and less results?

I think that many parents and students don’t care about education, and that’s why our kids are lacking. Just like any place of employment, there are good workers and not so good, so you could apply that to teachers as well. Still, I feel most of the responsibility rests on the parents, and especially the students for performing so poorly compared to other countries.

Plus, when you add the Jack McCourt’s in, that pretty much sums up the overall attitude of this community towards education. I’d try to leave, too, if I were the superintendent.

Usually, employees get raises for cost of living, plus a raise for merit or length of service. Personally, I don’t agree with length of service raises because some people don’t get better with age. However, most teachers probably start out at a lower rate of pay than a teacher who has been teaching for 20 years. I have no idea how the teachers’ union works now, only how contracts worked 50 years ago in a small school. There needs to be an algorithm for determining COL, classroom results, and length of service raises for teachers so the best ones get rewarded the most, the longer they stay, and poor teachers do not get rewarded unless they improve their results. When private business is not good, many employees do not get raises at all. Some only get COL raises. The way our local economy is right now and considering the other money the school board is requesting, I personally feel teachers and administration should only get COL raises this year, perhaps rounded up to the next percentage. Businesses cannot budget everything in one year and neither can public entities.

All the negotiations are is a game played by the school board and the teacher association. The teachers come in at 6%, the board @ 1%. They go to the table, negotiate how much the district (which includes the teachers) can afford at its present budget and how that money will be distributed. If they can’t agree, an outside arbitrator is brought in who examines both sides’ proposals and decides who is telling the truth and who isn’t, and puts a contract on the table. There is no way the district is going to give the teachers a 6% raise, and the teachers know it. It will end up somewhere near 3%.

Does anyone know what was happening out at skate park at 1:40 pm today.Cops had black 4 wheeler surrounded.They must have tried to run because cops had blocked them in front and back.

Anonymous and fans. You people are so nieve.

Your post would have more credibility if you could spell.

To the smart comment by anonymous on Mercy and Dollar General in Willowbrook. Mercy decided a long time ago that they were taking over parts of Willowbrook. And why? Because they do whatever they please and they don’t care how it affects other people. They continue to take over the whole town and to hell with everyone else. People loose their homes and jobs and they don’t care. They are want to be Mayo Clinic and they never will be. These aren’t negative comments, just facts! Willowbrook Mall has been there all the years I can remember and did just fine,

not a single thing you just stated is a fact, besides willowbrook being their for a few years. You post is a rant based on your opinion and bias. That concerned is a fact.

I know for a fact that it isn’t true that Mercy decided a long time ago that they were taking over Willowbrook. They’d have been in there by now if they had made that decision last June when Pies and More said they were going to be taking it over. There are plenty of other retail spaces available for rent if Mercy does take it over.

Thank you for recognizing that I am smart. The point was that Mercy is not “taking over” Willowbrook. The LANDLORD there is going to LEASE a portion of the building to Mercy. This is a VOLUNTARY transaction between a landlord and a tenant. Clearly the landlord can make more profit from having Mercy as a tenant. Welcome to our CAPITALIST FREE-MARKET system. If Dollar General wanted to be in a location that couldn’t be rented out from under them, they should have been in a location that they owned! Mercy isn’t taking over anything.

I know from experience that I can go to the Mayo clinic and pay less then I do here at Mercy. Mayo has a much easier billing system and the cost and care is better.

and your point is…?

It looks obvious that he thinks the Mason City hospital sucks the big one.

There care is better? Mercy has a great staff of nurses. Have you ever spent time there? Or just 5 east

From the front page of the Globe: (also on KIMT’s page)“The Blue Zones Project walking moai kick-off event was held at the Mason City Public Library. The walking teams will meet weekly for 10 weeks.

A moai is when a group of people get together for a single purpose.”

Is it? Too bad I cannot find any source to back that up.

From the Encyclopedia Britannica:
“Small wooden statue of uncertain religious significance, carved on Easter Island.”

Oh joy, another invented word. We have over 10,000 words in the English language, and someone decides to invent one when dozens of other existing terms would suffice? It reeks of consultant speak, to which Blue Zones is a product.

Consultants love making up things that do not exist, or taking concepts that exist, and giving them new names. It shows a pauperized imagination.

And in my opinion, that is exactly what Blue Zones are. This trendy kind of thing will become a sort of Red Badge of Courage to show off, but rarely amounts to anything of substance. No proof, no validation, just whitewash.

seen several sources say the MOAI are stone statues on Easter Island and that Moai KAVAKAVA are the wooden statues.

either way not the right word, or maybe they are saying some of the participants look like the stone statues on easter island?

From the Blue Zone site: Moai is a term from Okinawa Japan which roughly means “meeting for a common purpose.” Yes it might be an attempt to use a “trendy” word but what it implies makes sense – people benefit from strong personal connections and it’s even better if people are active while forming these connections. Also, the Blue Zone project will only really be a success if the community buys into it. Were you at the event on Saturday?

“Moai is a term from Okinawa Japan which roughly means “meeting for a common purpose.””

If it had been a legitimate term or usage, the reliable reference materials would have made some sort of mention. I even looked in less than reliable locations just to be sure. Sorry.

And no, I was not at their soiree. I don’t have time for Red Zones, Blue Zones, Black Zones, Green Zones, Yellow Zones, or Puce Zones. To me, they are just like ribbons, meaningless. Just there for the show with no substance.

If the community were really interested in walking/bike paths, they would take care of the ones they currently have. Bad enough they have sidewalks to no where. Nor do they have a uniform policy on sidewalks. They appear, then disappear, then reappear within blocks of the same street.

Again, all show, no substance.


It’s called SPAM stupid.

What’s that snitching phone number that people can call about crime?

Sorry about google being broken again.

Hootenanny-please let me clarify myself, due to numerous calls concerning alcohol sales at the country concerts: Our proposal to the Events Center was a tradeout for the building/extras in exchange for 100% of the alcohol take. The board has never been presented with a tradeout of this nature. All other smaller events turn over alcohol procedes. By agreeing to this deal the Events Center would break their current protocol in place. It is NOT an issue of IF the Events Center could provide alcohol, they can. We at Hootenanny thought due to the volume of people attending 1500-3000, the value was to great to turn over without some type of small tradeout. Our original idea was to only provide pop/water in place as refreshments, to keep it more of a family oriented enviorment. Fielding many calls on this subject we decided to keep diolog open on this matter, but for now, to return to this original idea of pop/water refreshments.Because Suzy Bogguss is a combined Events Center-Hootennanny presented
event…alcohol will be served by Events Center personnal.

Our goal is the same, to make the Events Center bigger,better and stronger then ever.To the general population….we welcome your help and any donations you can make to achieve this goal.

We will soon announce the opening sales date for Clint Black Tickets. We will also be offering a “special early-bird” buy day.

I think there needs to be another forum but for positive comments: great experience at a restaurant, someone paying it forward, etc. It would be refreshing to read about good things people are doing…

I agree. I had a GREAT time at Mason City Brewery last weekend. Great place to see people and get a really good beer. Very eclectic ,with older and younger people. Get there early to get a seat and have a really good time and just watch people.

I always feel better reading or watching positive things. I paid it forward this past week to a young man that hit my car. I went to get it fixed I wasn’t charged by the body man that fixed it so I paid if forwqrd and told the young man there would be no charge. I just asked him to pay it forward when he had a chance. I am hoping he remembers how good he felt when I told him he didn’t have to pay so he will want to do it for someone else.

I’m not sure if this is a rant, or a rave, or just a whine, but inquiring minds, mine, would like to know. Who paid for the 11 families from the sandy hook area to fly to Washington DC, and probably back, on Air Force 1….

Tax-payers did and its the least we can do for these families.

Are we doing this for ALL the families who lost members through violence? Or just the ones who enspouse the current administration’s agenda?

Kind of what I was wondering, some politicians will do anything for a vote….:(

I guess if you lose a child because of violence then you have the right to be concerned over the use of an airplane. As for myself I am glad a politician had the courage to use his position to make this happen. We should have a vote by our elected people on gun control then we can cast an informed decision at the ballot on what we truly believe.

thanks to mercy, the dollar general at willowbrook is closing in june

Why would this be Mercys fault?

they are taking over the space

So, are they invading this space? Or, was the lease up on Dollar General and the landlord decided to lease it to Mercy? Pick the correct target.

Still one uptown. Don’t really need two of them anyway.

concerning the mayoral election. If Mason City wants to eliminate “Bookie”. the town needs to rally around only 1 solid candidate. having a number of candidates will only divide the votes away from enough to beat the current mayor. If Bookie is a republican, would he stoop low enough to convince a number of democrats to run against him? thus dividing the democratic votes. this comment is in NO WAY against Quinn Symonds

I know you, you don’t like Mr. Symonds.

I have no idea who Mr Symonds is. Just read my comment without singling out any candidate.

ya’ll should find the quinn symonds for mayor facebook page and see all the posts there.

Quinn symonds does not deserve the respect to be called Mr. or Sir.

Maybe so…but are you saying that Bookmeyer does? Ha!

I have ordered delivery food here for years at work. I have to say Jimmie Johns is awesome. They are super friendly and fast. What a great addition to MC.

I think Jimmie Johns set a president on what delivery should be. I only worry about the speed of delivery in aspect to speeding in the car to get there. Will this cause accidents. Their are many older drivers in Mason City.

You just set a precedent.

thanks! – i about puked when i saw that . . .

i dont agree at all. the tuna salad is poorly mixed and has way to many onions (my personal opinion) and delivery is only to the west side of mason city, they wont deliver past federal. they’ll meet you somewhere but how does that help someone like me without a vehicle?


so you thought that making a comment about Pizza Hut being in a bad neighborhood next to that tattoo parlor wasnt a good idea. just how do they stay in business anyway? LOL

Do the downtown committees recruit new people actively or do they just take credit for businesses that move in there?

What are the “downtown committees”?

While some venues have facilities to serve booze, during concerts it was never available when I was there. I know that most if not all of those facilities also do a thriving banquet / events business. Some that I named did not even have a license, or had conditional licenses at the time.

Some outdoor venues had BYOB, such as Ravinia and some Grant Park events. I avoided those places depending on the entertainment.

I felt, and still feel it is inappropriate to get liquored up and attend a concert as one’s faculties are diminished enough to detract from the performance.

We at Hootenanny respect the rights of every venue to allow or disallow alcohol sales. The country events planned for 2013-2014 do not specify a demand for alcohol. We respect the decision of the Events Center Board to hold off alcohol sales. We have an on-going dialog with them which includes Daryl Johnson the new president and Burt Johnson a board member who was wrongfully mentioned in previous postings here. These are volunteers that are looking out for the best interests of the Events Center.We at Hootenanny have worked alongside them over the past year. Do we always agree,no…but the goal is the same, return the Events Center to the facility we know it can be. far as the personal lies and attacks posted here that seem to come with success, we have only to say this, if it is business oriented,fine, when it is personal, it has no place here, when it is flat out lies, ‘KARMA’ will get you. Thank you.

I don’t think there was any mention of your reputation in what I wrote.

My name is Ric from Hootenanny. The nice business next door informed me of the slanderous remakes made by a single female poster posing as multiple posters.
You see to show everyone your lying about comments you have said I made recently about the Events Center and their staff is simply this. Everyone at the Events Center knows that I recently moved. Everyone at the Event Center knows over the past two weeks I have not had an internet connection(it is turned on Friday, this is why the nice business next door is allowing me to ‘tap’ his internet so I can respond to your lies. I have great relationships with all areas of the Events Center. I have raised monies and made many friends there. To suggest otherwise is foolish…ask them. I could care less how a recent board voted on the issue of alcohol being sold, they made a decision and I’m find with that decision. To state that I would fake posts concerning that decision is well comical. Your lies are what they are..lies. Maybe you should get your butt out of the chair,turn off your tv and fix your own situation.

I apologize to the Event Center for the statements made completely off the cuff by this person. If she continues I will expose her and many issues.


..I have no idea who either party are but to just post a comment of this nature with no accounting for what’s said is wrong….

…sounds like the area venues are getting itchy about what these people are accomplishing..feels like a negative campaign. venue

yep. This is a typical smear that comes with success.

I can’t wait to come to North Iowa — I haven’t had a hit since the ’90s! Thanks Ric for making my dreams come true!

it more and more sounds like someone has a beef with these concert guys…so get a life.

Suzie Bogus herself posted this on NIM at 2:00am??? I very much doubt that Hootenanny. You’re making yourself look like a total fool. We are all getting a good laugh though…

..this post was written in the third party, try again!

…I think even she could spell her own name correctly poster..Bogguss

whoever is causing this smear,it isn’t working. Sounds like your own life is dull.

Happy, why don’t you “go a long way” check out those conservative websites, and UNDERSTAND, yourself! But you wouldn’t dare, would you? Too much work? Admitting you have been lied to, and indoctrinated too much for you to face? Ya we get it, we understand. But when you keep asking for more s#*t and, eating it so willingly, we enlightened ones from the ‘Ole Conservative College’ tend to have so little sympathy for YOU! But what the hay, go ahead venture forth into the real world you might learn to like it!

Libertarianism!!! Keeping Government out of your business.

What do Senate Republicans and the NRA have in common with Syria, North Korea, and Iran? They all oppose the UN Arms Trade Treaty. Those are the only 3 countries in the UN to oppose the treaty. This goes along way in trying to understand todays conservatives. give me a break

maybe one of the differences between you and me is that I know BS when I see it and hear it. You need to learn that life lesson. I would start by looking some besides sites like ammoland, patriotoutdoornews, and redstate for your news and info. Enough said.

The mainline media is doing whatever they can to cover for Obama, you will not hear the real news from them, you have to go to the smaller sites because they are the ones doing the real digging trying to compete.

You know BS like you know Quantam Physics. You can’t smell shit, if you could…you’d smell yourself and realize you don’t know Jack or Shit as any different than what you are.

Can anyone provide for me exactly what Hootenanny has accomplished, here or elsewhere? What kind of entertainment will be promoted? Is there a market?

I ask because, I have not any idea who in their right mind would go to a concert where booze is being sold. Is that really what this community wants?

Is this a joke? Have you never been to a concert at the Surf? There’s always alcohol at the Surf and of course bigger venues like Wells Fargo Arena, Unidome, etc. Alcohol sales is where the venue makes to most of their money.

“Is this a joke? Have you never been to a concert at the Surf?”

#1 No.

#2 No.

From Orchestra Hall, to Grant Park Petrillo), to Civic Opera House, Beverly Arts Center, Arie Crown, Drury Lane Theater, Old Town School of Folk. Venues in Wausau, Joliet, Bloomington, and Carbondale all were without booze. At Earl of Old Town or Quiet Knight you expected it, they were nightclubs (with some of the best music one could find in the 70’s).

It was all about the performances, not booze. And as far as family entertainment, who would bring a child to a concert with booze there?

Drury Lane in London sells alcohol.

Observer, Every venue you mentioned by name serves alcohol(at least beer and wine-some offer full bars too). Even Niacc serves alcohol during their concert events.

This is North Iowa and very much a blue collar community. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with alcohol being served at a concert. Every time there’s a concert at the Surf, the place is packed and people are enjoying a few adult beverages. Nothing wrong with it. And it makes a great profit for the venues that are having the concert.

Hootenanny does Country concerts and are nice people.

Yes, I too have met the owners and they are the opposite of what is being said. I think we have a poster that is upset with some nature of there business.

Does anyone know anything about the semi that rolled over on the Avenue of the Saints between Mason City and Nora Springs? I can’t believe no news agencies have reported anything on this.

@???they had a report on it a noon on KIMT. Driver was supposed to be OK but it took them three hours or so to get him out.

Thank you.


It is amazing this is the paper and other public responses that said and cried “Get Hootenanny” They bring Talent Etc…. Now the tune has changed? It sounds a bit confusing!

again–we can see through your transparency. Any comments on this site that “cried” for Hootenanny were written by Hootenanny themselves.

Wow someone is mad at Hootenanny.

‘no one’…I think your really overboard here..and your multiple posts under different names fools no one.

I think your comment warrants a lawsuit to call someone a thief. That is slander at it’s worse.

I apologize for this single female poster posing as multiple people. Your welcome to come on down an meet me. This woman is dealing many at-home issues.

Matt, do you have any way being a member of the press as how to get a hold of the IRS. As I write this I have been on hold for over 5 hours on their 800 number.

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