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@Reggie, LVS actually likes being insulted. It makes him feel justified in insulting others and calling them names. In fact I think he waits for a post he doesn’t agree with so he has an excuse to skew a name. He carries a grudge from one posting on a story to all that poster posts on. I think he keeps a list of names handy.

@anonymous-hard to keep track of all your names. The only one I remember all the time is IDIOT. Of course I could add studying hard to be a moron.

LVS = Loquacious Vicious Senior?

LVS you spelled Idiot correct now work on STUPUID.

@Reggie-I spelled STUPUD the way you would understand it.

Getting closer, don’t give up now.


March 13, 2013 at 4:59 pm
@LVS – “The English Language” says “stop claiming to know me” and you don’t find that hilarious?

He might if he could comprehend it.

@Anonymous-different name, same IDIOT.

Lighten up Francis

hahahaha that’s a good one!

FYI – I just saw that Jerry VanJizzmal is on twitter. Just type in vanjizzmal, that worked for me.

I quit watching KIMT few years ago. If you want any local news you have to go to FOX47 in Rochester. Very nice looking people and pleasant to listen to. I would put Randy Brock up against Adam (mole head) Frederick any time and the pregnant want to be Vanna White both together would not stand a chance in the real world.

@no one-I am not always a fan of KIMT but I will say that Adam is right a lot more than he is wrong. Channel 47 and channel 10 are wring more than they are right. And, why would you want to call them names. They are just people trying to do the jobs they are paid to do. As for the newscasters, they just read the news, they don’t write it.

People wonder why their is bulling in schools! Why would you want to make cruel remakes about someone? Calling people names or talking about how someone looks doesn’t have anything to do with their jobs it is mean and hateful! If you can do better than the ones that are at KIMT then go do it.

@Sandy-Good comments and very true. It is easy for some to bully on here where they can remain anonymous. That name should be banned from thins site.

Please stop claiming to know me.

@The English Language: Hands down, best post in the history of the world! LOL!!

@Sicka-I am surprised at your comments. Not really like you.

@LVS – “The English Language” says “stop claiming to know me” and you don’t find that hilarious?

TEL that is hilarious.Sandy is a little rough around the edges but she means well.What really surprises me is her reprimanding “no one” about being mean and hateful about people 90 miles away but if Peter or LVS calls the Mayor names she keeps quiet, or maybe I just didn’t see where she rushed to their defense.

Should have said people on TV not people 90 miles away.

@Reggie-the Mayor is different and you know it. He ran for the position and does it for power and free drinks. The people that work at KIMT do it to make a living and have no control over what is reported. The read the script and that is it.

@Sicka-OK, I get your sense of humor now. I’m a little slow in the morning.

Substitute “city hall” for “KIMT” and Sandy hit the nail on the head. I really don’t see why being an elected official means open season for insults and personal attacks.LVS ,you think he got elected for power and free drinks but I think he has a vision of where this city can go and he is trying to get us there. Obviously Matt, Peter, LVS and others don’t share that vision but please disagree in a civil manner.

@ no one. WOW what an asshole you are,but your trying to be right?

KIMT has a long way to go with reporting news and I am not a fan of KIMT either, but Adam is one of the nicest people I have ever met, and I consider him a friend. I’m sure if you actually knew him, you would feel differently.

@anonymous-I sure wish I knew which one I am talking to but, my sister said that Adam was one of the nicest guys she knew as well. I have also heard he is smart as a whip. It is to bad that some people have to get their kicks by putting someone else down. It is different when you post on here, then you are fair game. As my bald father always said, you can’t grow grass on a busy street.

Hey! That’s not nice! (besides, you forgot to mention the blonde Sardonicus)

With the recent drug busts this past week I could not help but notice all the crack cocaine is linked to out of towners of a minority race. Is this racial profiling or just adding basis to governmemtn crime statistics?

Or maybe it’s just a fact that they were busted for breaking the law. Color not withstanding!!

it’s probably because they are greedy and dumb enough to sell to narcs. you reap what you sew.

I wonder if the railroad knows about the big piece of medal track that is protruding from the tracks by big blue. Its big enough to see.

Your fingers broken? Call the police and report it if it looks dangerous. They will know whom to call. 421-3636

One thing is for sure,your fingers aren’t broke.Seem like you always have answer for everything.But all you do is say you need to read this website to look at this info I read.It is always in red.You must read alot from internet.Have a good night of reading.

Use your unbroken finger and hit the delete key if you don’t like it.

Holy Crap I just heard 4 accidents on the scanner less than 5 min apart and one was a roll over. Really?? What the hell are these plows doing all day because their certainly not doing there jobs.

And another one, AND another after that one.

it’s someone else’s fault they don’t how to drive on snowy roads. SLOW DOWN DRIVE WITH CAUTION IT”S WINTER! dumb asses.

I have seen them speeding and sliding through the intersection all day long. I saw one guy with a 4 wheel drive go flying down the alley and right into the street. The car going down the street had to hit the snowbank to miss him and then the jerk just kept on going. Didn’t even stop to help. People need to SLOW down and look where they are going. Been a long time since I saw so many vehicles stuck.

its the cities way of creating new jobs. for the body shop. anyway the county highways south of cerro cordo county arnt much better. 30-50mph

What do the City or County road crews have to do with the accidents? I saw them out all day long.

Some before you even woke up.

Put a few brain cells to use and think. Warm temperatures melt, cold temperatures freeze. What does that mean to a person driving a motor vehicle after the sun goes down?

Now add winds blowing and drifting snow.

Is this the first time in the history of man where this has occurred? Or is safe driving a foreign concept to Iowans?

I had been on the road driving home for a total of about 60 miles. because of the road conditions, the MPH was much slower than normal to be safe. the reason for the comment was that the roads were all drifted shut in spots. Most roads snow covered to the point you had to stay in the tire tracks of others. this tells someone with common sense that the plows had not been out for quite some time. I really dont think you had to drive in it or you wouldnt make any comments like you did. if you had, you would know what we were talking aobut

Observer: read this before you complain about the drivers incompetence or the fact a maintenance crew does nothing wrong.

@50 miles-we don’t pay them enough to drive in bad weather.

ever stop to think the # of roads outnumber the # of plows. i also think they do the main roads first. also the wind on the prairie creates drifts fast.

I know there have been cutbacks, but the safety factor needs to remembered. As for my drive home, snow had piled up on a main road leading to my town.

The plows do go out and do their job, they usually are out before 5 in the morning. I work in public safety and I can promise you they do a lot but they can only do so much. It’s idiots like you that believe that people shouldn’t take responsibility to use caution.

Fact: when it snows the roads are more dangerous. They teach us in drivers ed to alter our speed/driving to go with the weather. The plows are on call during the winter months. Those drivers are out in the cold and ice driving around in the same conditions as us trying to make the roads safer. Like another poster said the roads out number the plows. And the plows can’t stop bad drivers from being out driving. If the roads are bad drive with caution keep your distance. If you cant do that stay home.

What the H*ll is wrong with the street dept.this year the roads are terrible.How about scrape them clean.There should be plenty in snow budget.Almost need 4 wheel drive or your own plow to get around safely.Come on city, but I bet they would ticket you if sidewalk was like this.

There is nothing wrong with the Street Department. Streets look fairly decent after a 13 inch snow.

Place blame where it belongs, with all the people who don’t grasp the concept of odd/even parking.

If I were a plow driver, I would skip any block where people cannot discern odd from even.

Or, the Council could increase the fines for odd/even parking violations to $1,000 per instance, and tow the vehicle.

Attorneys with Drug Problems should be disbared. Vote Prolife

I know they have already worked two or three days this year, but could somebody please call the street dept. and have them clear the snow and ice on 19th S.W. Cars sliding in all directions. They can go back to the day long cribbage game tomorrow! I know its asking alot, but they own the plows.

Why don’t you make the call?
As the saying goes.
“I wished sombody would do something until I realized I am somebody”

Your fingers broken? Call them yourself.

Another person who wants to complain but doesn’t want to do anything about it themselves. I think our street crews have done a fantastic job cleaning the snow it can’t be easy with all the parked cars in the way not to mention the othervehicles on the road.

For two years I have been taking my dog to Mary Kay’s grooming salon despite the fact that Mary Kay herself is extremely rude. I’ve always been happy with the results of the haircuts for my dog. This last time I took my dog in, her haircut was awful, all eneven and had to take her back the next day because she didn’t cut anything off her face. I called and was very nice trying to discuss my disappointment in the cut when we’ve always had great service in the past. Of course she had one of her helpers call me and told me to take my business elsewhere. No problem!!!! Anyone know of a GOOD groomer that is kind and appreciative.

Shampoochies, Clear Lake. 357-8363

I have heard very good things about Shampoochies. I’m sure Mary Kay has been nice to some people, but to most she is rude. Trust me, I am not the first person to complain about her.

That’s really odd, I’ve been a loyal client of Mary Kay’s for years with my current dogs and ones who have passed away and I’ve NEVER had a problem! She is always nice and accomadating to my schedule, her girls who work there have always been great to me and my dogs, who always look great when they leave! I wouldn’t take my dogs anywhere else and people I’ve spoken to feel the same way. So, honestly I would take a moment to wonder if it’s you or your dog being the difficult ones. Also, considering if you don’t make regular appointment (I make sure mine are scheduled are every 8 weeks!) she is booked out 6 to 8 weeks, she’s not going to be hurting if you don’t come back! Enjoy Petco!

Whats wrong with Petco? They do a wonderful job!

Well said, Happy Client!

What’s wrong with local?

Mary Kay has always been the best! She runs a great business and is very accommodating. Jeanine at Shampoochies is great too. When I saw a complaint related to dogs, I figured it would be about a vet in town and her bedside manner. Need to find somewhere else to go for THAT and no idea where to go….

Animal Medical Hospital is a very good/caring Vet to go to!

I’m guessing Animal Medical is the one with the horrible treatment, I hear about A LOT of rudeness from there, I wouldn’t trust LaCoste with a pet rock. You’d have more luck with small town vets (sheffield or forest city) I hear they’re amazing and well priced!

That’s the one I was talking about. I always liked Dr. B but not the attitude of the female he has in there. Sounds like people have pulled their business from them because of her condescending attitude and their higher prices. Seems to be a turnover in office staff too, but maybe that’s normal.

I wouldn’t trust her with a pet rock either! She is a vet and not a geologist after all! She’s certainly not capable of coping with the demands of pet rock care. I do trust her with my herd of pets though. I expect them all to live forever, so far so good. I guess you really do get what you pay for.

Good for you! You do what is best for you and your pets. I’ll stick with the vet who not only doesn’t charge ridiculous prices, but also takes EXCELLENT care of my animals and gives a shit about them, not about making someone feel stupid and getting as much money out of them as they can. I wish we all had as good of an experience with her as you seem to.

I love Matt Smith at Brookview Animal Hospital.

Matt from Brookview huh? I will NEVER again take my pets to him, its obvious he is in business ONLY for the money especially when he tells a client that he put his dog down because it kept getting into bed with him and his wife! Not to mention he has let animals die because the owner didn’t have money upfront. THAT IS A FACT!
Brookview my ass!

Brookview in my opinion is one of the top places in town to go to. The staff is very friendly and caring, the office is incredibly clean, and I trust them 100% in my pets care. We have been with them for the past 16 years. As for you haters just know that office does countless hours of work with the local humane society to help needy animals have a better life. Anyone who goes above and beyond in that area wins my vote. As for asking for money up front well they should! They run a business! If they gave out payment plans or free work to everyone they’d close in no time. If you cant afford your pet through the annual check UPS as well as the emergencys then rethink being a pet owner. Pets are not cheap. If the local humane society can survive off of donations taking care of hundreds of animals I would hope one person can afford their pets expenses through thick and thin. GO BROOKVIEW!

Yes there isn’t doubt that Mary Kay is rude. When I need to call and cancel, God forbid, I put my own tail between my legs and fret before I do. I thought
It was just me but glad to know others see her as rude also. They do a god job but have raised their prices so no more tipping from me. I will sacrifice being treated like shit for my pets good hair cut. Just saying, shit happens. That’s unconditional love for those who do t know it, don’t own a pet.

I have my shih tzu groomed there and her prices have gone up just like any other place of buisness, maybe a couple dollars? I guess she should just take her raising costs and suck it up with no price increase? Yeah, that’s real logical.
Maybe there is a reason you should feel guilty for cancelling, do you do it in advance and are you a repeated canceler? Because I’m pretty sure that would piss me off too. That’s an appointment that could be filled by a gracious paying customer. You guys sound like the rude people. If you don’t like her, its easy GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.

Trust me, I will go to someone else. I work hard for my money and why should I hand it over to someone who is rude. I’ve never cancelled an appointment and, I’ve even tipped her quite well. She had no right to treat me the way she did.

She had EVERY right to treat you that way (if she even did, which I doubt!) Its HER business. From the way you act on here I wouldn’t want your ass in my place of business either! I’m glad I don’t have to worry about seeing you there when I bring my Bella. I think next time I’ll tip enough to cover you too!

Mary Kay is an unprofessional, undeserving, and extremely rude business owner. Enough said.

Percy Harvin is no longer a Viking. He is moving to Seattle for a #1 and 7 pick this year and a mid round pick next. Hate to see him go but it doesn’t suprise me. GO VIKES

Wow-Now the VIKES are really a one man team with Peterson. I can’t believe they let a talent like that go instead of trying to make him happy. It is why Minnesota never wins the big ones. I guess it is a good thing because if Minnesota had a pro football team Iowa would want one too.

The customer is always right. No rudeness is ever acceptable no matter who you are tipping. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. If you are a business owner, you better suck it up and eat a lot of crow. Yes, Mary Kay is a bitch, no it is not right to treat customers rudely All of you can pull your head out of you asses and face reality. As for those of you cutting down the KIMT reporters, that is a training center, that is it . They do an incredible job for what they are getting paid. Actually, Mason City doesn’t deserve these professional employees of KIMT but they choose to stay here for us. Grow up and be proud of who we are.

You sound like a customer who is ALWAYS wrong. idiot.

What would be a fair punishment for the guy who stole the skid loader from down town?

Whatever the Iowa Code says is the proper punishment.

A slap on the wrist with a fine and court cost. Lets wait and see whos right

Yes ANON what are you trying to say? I realize your rantings are just trying to “stir the pot” but really…NO children are going hungry and its the parents fault? Love your solutions get them a garden plot on S. Kentucky and buy them a shotgun to go deer hunting problem solved!…Anon has figured out a way to solve hunger in America! My post was about government waste in the billions that is acknowledged by both republicans and democrats, and they continue to waste that money day in and day out.

By the way whats wrong with driving a pinto…its a classic car. If you want i could drive my Lexus to work….by the way work is where you go to earn money to pay your bills and make a better life for yourself, did not know if you knew what a job was.

By the way who paid for your surgery? You know the one where you had “common sense bypass”

Aaaaaaaw I’m sorry I interupted your self pity rant. I was just offering alternatives to feeling sorry for oneself. Next time leave self pity out of your government sux rant.
As for your car I guess I missunderstood. I thought you were whineing about it being old and not starting. I didn’t realize you were bragging.

LVS…Thanks, if the libs try to discredit it, they cant its all black and white. Would like to say more but have to go to work so I can pay my 27 percent tax rate so the US government can give some of it to a Shiite Muslim so they can drive a new BMW paid for by corruption. Cold outside today hope my 1980 Ford Pinto will start. God bless America

@Common sense-don’t forget Fried Brains (AKA brick for brains) he needs his share for his welfare retirement.

And who pays for your expenses? Your savings acct. you accrued over time? I think not. Now come back with your best assinine insult. Makes you look sooooo credible.

The only thing I see that’s black/white is your self-pity. Who’s fault is it you drive a worthless 80 Pinto? I’d say common sense says YOURS.

@anon-what the hell are you trying to say here? Are you stupid or what? Damn commie.

LVS this is the second or third post today where I have read your name calling, first I might add. What happened? You were doing so well!!

@happy guy-if you look back far enough you will see where they attacked me first when I did nothing but offer an opinion. When attacked I attack back and hard. I can’t stand stupid stuff and they are really stupid.

Why are taxes going up? Why are benefits being cut? Why are programs that actually help people going away? Why do some kids in Mason City go to bed hungry every night?
The reason is very simple….government waste. This story was reported yesterday. As of today the US government has spent 60 Billion dollars on reconstruction grants for Iraq. This money is not used to feed starving children, build schools, or provide clean water. This obscene amount of money is used to build prisons in Baghdad, and more projects that remain abandoned or incomplete. Iraq is a broken and unstable country that is rife with corruption. 15 million dollars per day going into the toilet, could we use that money to fund healthcare, feed the hungry, better the lives of US taxpayers instead of giving it to country that hates us, and if capable destroy us in a second.
If you think thats bad the US government has given 90 billion in reconstruction grants to the country of afghanistan, again not to help the people but to build prisons, waste water treatment plants, and pipelines…none of which has ever been completed or have not been targeted by saboteurs.
This obscene waste of money has been approved by both demoncrats and republicans its all their fault The special inspector general for reconstruction Stuart Bowen has conceded that all this money has been a complete waste and this program is largely a failed program.
I hate waste and common sense would tell you that is our government is largley incapable of using common sense. Let me use this analogy….if my family was starving, we had no roof over our heads, there were no schools to go to, and I had 10 thousand dollars to spend and decided to buy a mink coat for a stray dog so he could stay warm this winter would that make common sense? I feel it is treason to do this to our country, and they should not just be voted out but held accountable in a court of law.

@common sense-good post. Makes sense. Now watch the libs try to discredit it.

The only people I hear whining are the cons. Libs have enough common sense to figure out ways to feed their kids without having Uncle Sam find a solution or bching when US helps other poor people who have been oppressed by hateful leaders. Problem with cons is they don’t know the difference between an apple and an orange.

With all the welfare and assistance programs in Iowa and the US and you’re still bching about people going hungry?! No kids need to go hungry unless their parents are too lazy or ignorant to feed them or figure out ways to provide food. I.E. Foiod stamps, gardens canning, hunting just to name a few ways to provide food. When fast food places are making BILLIONS there’s no “kids going hungry” unless parents are stoooooopid. I raised kids on a dime and can assure you they never went hungry. Some people just rely on government to provide answers to their economic situation.

Here’s a topic perhaps someone can answer… Multiple times now I have visited a local tanning salon in mason city. I am constantly noticing broken beds ( broken in ways it could harm people), dirty lobby, and once even a dirty bed which I refused to use. They also continue to advertise “new hot bulbs” but when you ask how new they are you get told they are a year old. Is there anyway to turn them in to warn other customers who are perhaps unaware? I for one have stopped going to this establishment! But still find it dishonest how they run things not to mention unsafe.

If you are talking about hollywood tan that’s not their only problem. They robbed a potential buyer of thousands of dollars then backed out on the sale and did not return the money. Maybe there’s a story here for NIT.

The place is still for sale, and yes, they tried to keep $27,000 from a potential buyer who wanted out after finding out they lied about the profits it was making. Tried to snag another potential buyer who was suspicious and didn’t put a down payment on it. The out of town owners need to close the place…it is old and burnt out.

Hollywood tan apparently not only runs a run down and out of date business but a sketchy one at that. I use to be a customer but the constant lies got old! New beds coming soon the workers would say…then next time you ask youd get a Confused look followed by some lame excuse. The beds are always cracked and brisk and randomly shut off causing you to quickly get dressed or do the awkward shout out to a worker for help. It’s also nice when you hear how a top plastic peice fell out on another tanner…don’t worry though I heard them give her free minutes for the bruised forhead. This place is just another hell hole that needs to close! Their hours on their door aren’t even their real business hours id like to meet these pathetic owners to call them out on their bs.

I know tanning parlors are regulated and inspected by Cerro Gordo County Health. If it is really as unsafe as you all say it is, you need to complain to the proper authorities and not here. Here is a link to the state regulations for tanning bed businesses:

It specifically addresses changing bulbs, cleanliness, equipment maintenance, and procedures. Read the regulations, underline parts you think are not being followed, and take it or mail it to County Health. You do have power, but you can’t sit back and do nothing.

You run high risk of getting cancer from tanning and your big concern is faulty equipment and old bulbs?! wow…priorities amiss?

Yes my concern is faulty equipment an false advertisement. What I choose to do to my body is my business but I should be able to go to a place tan if I wish with out the concern of leaving hurt from a bed falling on me or getting my legs pinched from broken plastic. As for the other poster perhaps this would be a good story for NIT.

I have tanned for a long time. I have chronic excema and psoriasis. Tanning is the only thing that helps. I’ve tried pretty much every medication on the market. My dermatologist also agrees that tanning helps my problem. There’s lots of things that cause cancer, carinogens in foods, hormones in our meat that we eat. Unless you’re growing your own vegetables and fruits and a vegetarian, you put things in your body every day that are not good for you and can also cause cancer. Tanning is the least of my worries.

I would never go to ‘Hollywood Burn’…the only good ones are Sun Tan City or Oasis Tan.

Let’s see Hollywood tan old broken beds over priced an bad service or sun tan city new up to date beds at half the cost…this is a no brainer move on to bigger and better things.

You people constantly slam Hollywood Tan. But my friend heard on the scanner Tuesday Night of a certain Tanning Salon’s owners son caught lurking around the rear door area of their business late Tuesday night, two blocks south of Southbridge.We checked with the police responses on Wednesday and sure enough they reported the back door was badly damaged.Called it an attempted break in.

Other stories are circulating about this business also. Rumors some, but so are the rumors about our state of cleanliness and repair.

The other tan salon out by Hy Vee also has stories of rude treatment and overselling. They go thru many workers and managers too. Rumors are rumors until proven.


WOW…Bashing other businesses to defend yourself is unprofessional, inappropriate, uncalled for, and childish. The post was made by a customer so answer to the customer. Trying to bring down another business to make yours look better to a reader on NIT only made you look even more pathetic, Hollywood.

I agree that the employees at Sun Tan City are not friendly. And they are extremely expensive! I tan at Oasis. Their facility is clean, nice beds, price is right, and the owners are very nice people.

the low life that stole the skidloader from downtown mason city should get the maximum punishment the law allows. no wrist slap probation or “bargain”!!
every contractor iv’e talked to agrees.

“erozmo”? Is that German? j/k.

actually Im German.

I was ribbing. Lighten up Francis.

Not Francis….. German

Matt any way to remove the pic of urdahl as that smug look on his face makes my skin crawl. I can honestly say I did not vote for him. When he came to our house I didnt say one word to him and really cant believe the young gentleman didnt win.

I wonder if Matt has a customized pic with horns, fangs and glasses he could share?

Ha, I didn’t even answer the door when he came to my house!

March 5, 2013 at 10:52 pm
People in her position and make such “mistakes,” are idiots, this was not a slip. These are the scare tactics that were used to tell us how bad it is going to be

Assuming the person that quoted here quoted her right. Maybe that person is the idiot.

Just makes me sick that the County Supervisors voted themselves another raise!

Sorta like Max getting a raise in income for the council. Kept him from having to punch a time clock.

Difference is Max did the research and work. The Supervisors don’t do squat!
Look at how progressive we’ve been under this “leadership”

Just wait until they cut down on County Services because these clowns voted themselves a raise and now they can’t afford to keep people that really help other people.

Thanks to the idiot city snowplow driver that thought it was necessary to be scrapping bare pavement this morning at 3:30 am. Get paid overtime to just f&%# around. I thought I was told a couple years back their not supposed to be in residential areas until 5am.

Hope the noise didn’t bother you.

Alternate side parking. I agree with you. My neighbor parks on the street when they could park in their own driveway. That and the blowing snow BACK in the street.These guys already plowed it!!! SO the plows have to go back the next day to clean up the mess. Really it isn’t the plow drivers fault. They are just doing their jobs.. I wish we had off street parking like clear lake. They could plow for one day and be done with it.

I bet ‘Robin’ will frequent the new Yogurt shop moving into MC! 🙂 (if ya know what I mean)

Netconx hosted websites are currently unavailable from both centurylink and mediacom networks. I would imagine that is why Matt doesn’t host locally.

Maybe your service is second. NetConx works fine from here.

Nope. They are back up. Just another service outage.

I believe they are undergoing some changes, possibly being bought out.

no possibly, definitely. No more locally owned ISP.

You know what pisses me off is I see kids waiting on the corners for the bus to pick them up on a nasty shitty day and not closing or calling for a late day but by god they can close for the basketball team and then not send any pep buses, my kids wanted to go but I had to work so they stayed home and watched tv. Vote no for the tax that Michic wants, Our admin is a little confused

I was thinking the same exact thing this morning. Why do the kids have to have a make up day for the basketball game, but when the weather is bad, they still have school. It’s time for Micich to go back to Des Moines where she came from. And NO she does not need any more money!

The school year is determined with a fixed number of “snow” days. It doesn’t include any for any sports closings.

I do agree that some days it is a bit confusing why the schools were not closed.

And another thing, why on earth is spring break in the middle of March? Why isn’t it closer to Easter. I know everyone wants to be politically correct, and not piss off the atheists, and not bring church into school, but it would be nice to have the week off along with the occassion. Maybe the kids can go sledding on their “spring” break.

But I’ll bet 10 bucks if they didn’t have school on a snow day those same “poor little kids” would be out rolling in that “nasty weather”. The last 2 snows we had imo weren’t all that bad. 20 degrees and a few inches of snow doesn’t equate a blizzard.
Schools do the best they can given the lack of support and abundance of whining from parents about every dime they have to contribute toward education.

@Katie – I believe you stated that your insurance premium went from $195.70/month to $1658.90/month.
Pardon me for being reduntant, but are you sure of that increase? It seems like, literally, an unbelievable amount. And please understand, I mean no disrespect or offense, just verification. Thanks.

Yes. It was $1,464.20 a month and will go up $195.20 to $1,658.90 for $2,500 deductibles. I took the info right off the Wellmark premium increase notice letter. We are in the Iowa high-risk pool because if we were in our business’s group, all our employees’ premiums would be out of sight as well. Their premiums are nearly $600 per employee the way it is. I remember the good old days in the 1970′ when my premium was $43.20/month for $100 deductible with Banker’s Life.

Is Olives pizzeria still open on south monroe?

Read down a ways. Someone else says R.I.P. Olive’s. That’s all I know.

Does anyone know what is going in where Long John Silver’s was? Just curious!!!

Torn dow.n!!

And nothings going back in there?

MATT: what is your reasoning for removing some of the higher ranked “most blogged stories?

Greetings! I’ve been following your weblog for a long time now and finally got the courage to go ahead and give you a shout out from Huffman Texas! Just wanted to tell you keep up the fantastic work!

Fantastic work?! LOL! How much were you paid to post that? If you’re real you sure don’t know MC very well. It’s a cesspool of whiiiiiiiiiners looking for a job that takes no brains or skill. They just want the mooooooney.

Please remember the wise words of our mayor, “Ain’t nuthin’ wrong with snitching”. This should be our way of life, not just a slogan. If you see or hear something suspect do NOT be afraid to turn in a friends, neighbors, co-workers or family members. Turn them in and let the police sort it out if you are unsure. This the good and proper way to live. We all need to police each other and live a very strict life and be willing to except prison and jail as corrective action. If you see a friend using marijuana for instance please do your best to hurt him. He may be your friend but snitching is more important for society at this time.

ok lets just say I snitch on my neighbor, the police arrest him, then the judges let him go. Now what.

Well, then we’ll know who the snitches are so they can suffer retaliation and justice.

And when they defend themselves against the retaliation, they will end up in jail.

How many yrs. did it take you to get that degree in sarcasm?

Maxine Watters said that we are going to lose 170 million jobs because of “sequestration.” Wow, that is really bad since there are only about 140 to 150 million people employed in the US at this time.

She like to deal in scare tactics. Besides that she’s an idiot too.

Of course she is an idiot and get’s away with statements like this. It has to make you wonder how smart the people are that keep voting for fools like this.

And, of course, you two buffoons would jump on a slip of the tongue like this and try to use it as more fodder for your bashing. She probably meant 179,000 not million. But, that doesn’t matter because obviously people who make mistakes are idiots.

Personally I think that maybe if John Boehner spent as much time trying to help solve some of this country’s budget problems as he does in the tanning salon, maybe some work would get done in Washington.

People in her position and make such “mistakes,” are idiots, this was not a slip. These are the scare tactics that were used to tell us how bad it is going to be.

How about 313, 912, 040 in 2012

R.I.P. Olive’s?

Get it while you can…

if you can ever find it open for business, Little Chicago is not to bad but they are closed a lot.

Well, did they let the little kids run around in there like they did in the other resturants they ran? Locating next to Pita Pit was foolish.

Ah yes, the feral children play-pen.

Just need to blow off steam when I see a guy get 45 days for 3 – 2nd OWI’s .. Either the judge doesn’t know the guy and bought the line they were selling or somebody didn’t check into the kind of guy he is. Just saying something isn’t right there.. AT ALL!!

Matt,heres one for you. The crooks at blue cross blue shield are at it again.Know of two people that got there increase letters. One is a 27% increase, and the other is just over a whopping 51%!! $866/month for one person!I know the insurance comes at a cost,but this is getting ridiculous!

@DidyouGet-What you are seeing is the start of Obamacare. Hold on tight, because it will get worse.

Ours went up $195.70/month for 2 people to $1,658.90/month. It sucks.

It’s foolish to pay that kind of money to an ins. co.. You’d be better off not taking ins. and making payments of a couple hundred/mo. to the hospital. Or put half to 3/4 of that away in savings and use it when needed for medical bills. Elsewise you’re throwing your money down a rat hole.
As long as you’re making payments hospitals can’t put liens against your property.
People need to start standing up against ins. cos. and say enough is enough and boycott them.

Unfortunately, our insurance company loses money on us. So, even though we bitch about it, we would be paying a lot more money out if we didn’t have it. One big surgery would wipe us out financially. No one wants to face that close to medicare age.

Better read the Obama care closer, starting next year there is a 3200 per person clause for those who do not have it. It will be taken out of your tax return.

Then quit feeding into them. $800/mo. would yield around $10,000/yr. is savings plus interest. Or invest that money and make it work for you until you need it.
Stop playing into ins. cos. hands. That’s the only way the American citizens are going to put an end to funding ins. cos. frills.

Thats why I and many of my friends have AFLAC to help with those increases! My agent is awesome helps me with all my claims and gets them pd in 4 days! Great insurance!

Hey Kristi stay away from him. It is in your best interest.

Still really? Just let it go know one cares

or else….??

Way to go Mohawks!!!

The girls have a great chance to win it all. Go MoHawks!!!

But no school on Friday, another day added on to the end if the school year. Hope we don’t have any more snow days.

“People living in Cape Cod having their delicate sensibilities upset and feeling ill about it? What are the odds?”

You hit the nail on the head. We are talking Cape Cod, not a normal community.

I have yet to experience a throbbing or jet like noise in my ears standing near a wind farm in 45 mph winds. And I was usually right under them.

If the Selectmen decide not to take them down, look for a very expensive lawsuit.

Does anyone remember Ken Kew?

At least Ken Kew kept an eye out for Mason City.

I turn off KIMT news. All they care about is Minn.. And that blonde with the pointy nose and nazal voice is annooooying. Then they add that doofuss radio guy to the morning news. The typoe that thinks he’s funny but not. ugh.
What’s hilarious is that some people in Rochester don’t even know where MC is but yet KIMT gives Rochester news. Says how much Minn. cares about Iowa.
I thought the worst was when KIMT reported a fender bender in Minneapolis. duuuuuuh who cares.

Don’t get it . Sometimes they may only do one or two stories about Iowa and maybe none about Mason City. I also thought it was strange they gave their golden apple award to a teacher from Grand Meadow MN.

@another brick-yeh-he sure did. He put in Southbridge Mall so his buddy Jolas could get rich and completely killed the downtown. He sure did look out for us. I have always said I would like to dig him up and shoot him.

Big box stores like Wally World, Target,Shopco etc. are what killed downtowns all over. MC isn’t unique in that. There “were” some great places but their time had passed and those buildings were rotting away. And I sure wouldn’t want a 2 lane Fed. again and be breathing exhaust fumes at every stop light. The Wash/ Del route has good traffic flow. Leave well enough alone.

Brick was making a joke, LV…a really mean joke but funny as heck! Lol

At the risk of setting off a fire storm on NIT I will post this. 2 more legally purchased assualt rifles are now in the hands of criminals. What kind of responsible gun owner leaves her 2 rifles in a closet upstairs and leave the house empty without locking the doors? It happened in Manly. Is this how you responsible gun owners act?

@happy guy-I will back you on this one. How dumb and irresponsible can they be? Those guns are not cheap, but did you see the house they lived in? You have to believe it was some of their “friends” who knew where they were hidden. That does not excuse them at all for not securing the weapons.

Yea just cuz the doors are unlocked and guns upstairs lets just blame the owner. No matter what, criminals are criminal no two ways about it. Well Happy and LVS have you ever gotten your car broke into or your home? Does it make a difference if the doors are double locked shades pulled car locked in your driveway. It must have been my fault that I had those tools and nice stereo. Happy you would be complaining if the owner was home and shot this guy. Then the guy would deserve charges against him just for defending his property.

I’m wondering if anyone in North Iowa is complaining about wind turbines making them ill. Has anyone heard anything about this being a problem here?
People in MA are complaining about being so ill from them that governments are spending more to take them down than they cost to put up.

I was going to read the article till I saw it was from FOX news. If people would stop trying to grab the blades or watch them spin when they are drunk or high then they wouldnt be ill.

You got the story wrong. The government hasn’t spent ANY money taking down the wind turbines in question. They are voting at a town meeting in April and it wouldn’t go on a ballot till May at the earliest if at all.

Ya, I don’t do Faux news and I also don’t watch old WW2 german propaganda films either. Next…

katie, they aren’t taking them down yet. It has to go to a vote. IF they come down it will cost more than to put them up. But that is IF not they are taking them down. You would make a good Faux News reporter the way you almost tell the true story

QUESTION: could someone please explain why it would cost more to take them down. the cost of the material, electronics, and cement would not be included. its installation in reverse. assuming the labor rate is the same. assembly and disassembly should be about the same. or simply torch a notch and let it fall then scrap it. here is yet another reason why this country is why it is. every time money is moved, there is another way to skim it.

Construction of wind turbines is subsidized. Decommissioning is not.

OK then what would it cost to leave them standing and just not use them. no illness from a stagnant structure. ID say that the people with the illness are simply ill from looking at them.

People living in Cape Cod having their delicate sensibilities upset and feeling ill about it? What are the odds?

must have been a boring day at fake news that they discuss wind turbines effect on bored/boring people.

The Health Department in Louisiana threw out and purposely threw bleach on 8,000 lbs of venison because one homeless person complained about having to eat deer meat. Hunters were outraged because they had been asked to donate their processed meat to shelters and were not offered to get the meat back.

reminds me of the city council in Des Moines voting on the restriction of planting vegetables on their front lawn because of ONE persons complaint. since when does it take ONE person to complain to get any kind of reaction?

That was West Des Moines and they did not approve an ordinance prohibiting produce gardens in the front yard. Common sense took hold and they walked away from the issue for 2 people in a town of 50,000+.

why would they even consider talking about it with only 2 people concerned?

It happens every day that all we watch is news or interviews from minnesota. Wont our police, firemen or dnr give an interview? KIMT must be getting a kick back from Minnesota for all the coverage they get. SICK and TIRED

I found the perfect sculpture for some building in Mason City. I’m sure those of you who hate the sculptures would welcome this one and would probably personally contribute to buy it. 😉 Just kidding!

This time Katie I agree with you. This sculpture needs to be right in front of the mayors office or in front of Robin Anderson’s office. Thanks for the laugh!

Maybe a little mr toot drawn on the wall would be nice.

Is anyone else out there, who watches KIMT TV News, fed up with their top story coming from Rochester or Albert Lea every darn day?

@taxpayer-you are right. It is really frustrating. It is almost like we don’t exist here in Iowa. Every Sunday we have to watch the Minnesota stations in the evening just to get the weather report for Monday morning.

KIMT sucks.

Harry O needs to leave the radio and join KIMT he’d fit right in.

back in the 60s,70s and 80s when we only had 3 stations. we couldnt even get KIMT down in Parkersburg

I haven’t watched KIMT (Kids In Media Training)for about a year now. North Iowa is usually not the lead story or even the bulk of coverage anymore and I could care less about Albert Lee. Follow the money to discover why this is happening. There are more advertising dollars that KIMT generates from Southern Minnesota. Its about market share competition with the two Minnesota stations. Thats what drives the coverage.

you may be right but is that fair to the citizens of mason city and surrounding towns? If they want to compete with those stations ect , then move the station to minnesota. If anyone has ever watched kwwl tv in waterloo, they would also see that they never report happenings west of the black hawk county border. (except for the tornado and coaches death). they report more in wisconsin, illinois and the cedar rapids, iowa city area. like the fender bender in the minneapolis, i have seen many reports of car accidents in wisconsin on KWWL.

“you may be right but is that fair to the citizens of mason city and surrounding towns?”

‘Fair’ does not pay the bills.

That reasoning was explained by one of the former managers a few yrs, ago. He was from Minn.. I’m inclined to think that had more to do with giving more Minn. news than Iowa.
Whatever the reason it’s not right a local station can’t give us local news & weather. I’m pretty certain the Minn. viewers don’t tune into KIMT for their weather.
I wouldn’t mind hearing some news pertaining to Aust/Al Lea. But a fender bender in Minneapolis is too far over the line.

If a storm is coming I might watch the weather but thats it.

Does anyone know if justice was ever brought to those workers at the Albert Lea Good Samaritan, that abused the residents there a few years back? Fines paid, jail time, etc.?

Yes, those girls we’re found guilty and are paying their due. It was their first offense so they did not go to prison. They were young and it’s MN not IA so no crazy sentencing.

No they pretty much got off with just probation…I guess I don’t see how that is paying their dues…

Well, I don’t know how to help the fact that you have difficulty seeing.

20/20 vision here. I guess anyone who assaults a vulnerable adult or child, just because they it’s their first offense, should just get probation no matter how many victims they had? Guess child molesters should get probation too if it is their first offense?

How about that Globe Gazette? Do you know how hard it is to scroll carefully and read one line at a time? LOL

Im very confused as I saw a young man on mugshots that had a assult charge with injuty going to prison looks like he had a few charges, but in the past there are multiple assult and baby abusers that are walking around north ia looking for their next victim. What is wrong with this picture. Was it an adult he assulted or a baby?

They don’t send all criminals/baby rapers/bank robbers/ embezzlers etc. to prison. They need the space for those vile pot smnokers doncha know…..

I hope this link works for this post, it is so true. We have been fighting the war on Poverty since 1965 with LBJ. Here are the results, more poverty.

February 23, 2013 at 5:17 am
thats right. its been going on for a very long time but because nobody reported on it some people think it never happened. I think its the older people (over 60) that are saying this shit. other people understand whats been going on. As for me… I think the problem also starts with people who think they have to retire at 40 or 50 years of age. milk the system, fuc the hard working average person.”

You’re obviously under 60. FDR had a known mistress and Elenor was gay. Kennedy had SS sneak women to him all the time and one mistress slept with him in Jackie’s bed. People held officials in higher regard and felt officials right to privacy was more important than their personal “need to know”. And like I said media is out to make money off people’s “need to know”. And what they don’t know they make up.
Only the over 60 T-baggers are spreading bull.
And people can’t “retire” and draw SS at 40/50. Unless they are disabled. Which dioesn’t get anyone rich. Gives barely enough to live on. Where is it written that you have to punch a time clock all your life? “Milking the system”? Those people PAID for yrs. into the system. They’re just getting a return on their investment. Feel free to do so yourself.

I was agreeing with you memyselfandi. I am 51. I am fully aware of what has gone on with sexual misconduct for years. as well as mcanonymous statement about the catholoic priests. where are the religious people when it comes to those bastards molesting children. “does GOD have a plan for that too”? religious people are always saying that shit in other situations. why not when its about religious molestation? getting off target here.
as to retiring at 40-50, I never said anything about getting social security. I went to school with a few people that are now retired. younger than me even. maybe I did choose the wrong life to live. Im talking about the Mitt Romneys out there, just for one example. that eliminate jobs for the average person, just so they can get their bonuses and over paid salary that ends up hid in overseas bank accounts. does anyone think its fair to eliminate a persons way of making a living just so someone can store millions or billions outside the US jurisdiction. Did Mitt Romney ever actually admit or prove how much money he has stashed away?
In years past when a large high paying employer gave its employees better benefits. guess what that actually did for the rest of us moderate working people. because the high paying companies insurance allowed to pay a higher rate for services, everyones service rate goes up. ever look at a hospital bill. Insurance pays one rate, medicare and welfare pays another rate. cash is yet another billing rate. Well not all services are discounted.
My point about milking the system was in reference to lawmakers, ceos, mayors, ect that have the influence to pad their pockets. Has anyone ever talked about this situation on here before? hell yessss!! and like I stated above, for some reason lawmakers have allowed large companies to have a “MAIN OFFICE” in some countries that dont pay any taxes. companies that do most of their buisness in the US. but because the “MAIN OFFICE” is in another country, they dont pay US taxes. this is milking the system. another form of milking the system is not having to pay individual taxes on earnings over a quarter million dollars. (amount may be wrong). either way I hope everyone gets my point.

Is there any better last name than VanJizz’emall?

He usually goes by Ol’ Jizz though…

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