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Whiner’s Den

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Please help!!! I am friends with the person who found the sweet Chihuahua named Moses whose owners drove to Iowa to get him back. Pam Latch was the person who had family in the area and Dave (the doggie lifesaver) was under the impression they would be in the area for a couple of days. They are PRAYING that Pam or John Arboleda, the dog’s owner, will call them at 641-425-9763 before they leave to go back to New York. Dog lovers and soft hearts everywhere, please get the word out and give this story an even happier ending! THANK YOU, THANK YOU ALL FOR ANY AND ALL HELP YOU CAN PROVIDE!

Any news on what’s going on with Jerry VanJizzmal?

Is his name Van Jizzmal or VanJizzmal? In other words is Van his first name or part of his last name? I knew a Don Chismall once. Pretty good guy. He was a salesman at one of the car lots here.

Whoops – I see it now. It’s his last name. Sorry!

Didn’t Don Chismall lose his leg in an accident not too long ago?

Nope. Lost his shirt in a poker game ‘tho 🙂

You know how things in Mason City get exaggerated, probably started out as a shirt and ended up as a leg.

I thought I pulled an Ol’ Jerry V.J. there!

Is VanJizzmal that guy that was raising a big stink about property taxes a few years back, or am I thinking of someone else?

I think he might have been, or was he raising a stink about the burm trail reports (I think that’s what they were called)

I have talked often about the degradation of our society. This has reached the highest echelons of our government as shown by Bill Clinton and his affair with Monica. Recently there was the Secret Service scandal and the scandal with General Petraeus. Now it is the FBI. The quality of our leaders and protectors has diminished. No one seems to have any self-control or self-discipline. When did people stop saying “NO” to themselves? Do parents no longer teach children to deny themselves every form of pleasure that presents itself or to think about the ramifications first? Mine sure did. Is there no sense of honor, especially in service to your country? Here is the latest FBI scandal:

@Katie-and we pay these clowns and pay them very well. Hard to know who to trust anymore.

How much are they paid? You seem to know somehow.

@Anonymous-are you brain dead or what?

Thanks for proving my point.

What a Dumb A##

This is why you never made the cut.

Thomas Jefferson slept with his slaves. When you were a young girl your president FDR was having affairs. JFK and Marilyn, Strom Thurmond had a child with the maid. Nixon was a crook. J. Edgar hoover black mailing people in power to get what he wanted. Ministers doing drugs and paying for male and female prostitutes. So when exactly did our morals begin to decline?

And let’s not forget some of the catholic priests that have molested young boys.

The word “no” is overrated

Right! I prefer ‘nope’ !!

Me too, my personal favorite is nope-a-roonie!

Sex drug & Rock & Roll didn’t just start today. A lot of affairs “back in the day” were hidden. Modern tecnology and the media now bring things out into the open. People have always had loose morals. They’re human.

thats right. its been going on for a very long time but because nobody reported on it some people think it never happened. I think its the older people (over 60) that are saying this shit. other people understand whats been going on. As for me… I think the problem also starts with people who think they have to retire at 40 or 50 years of age. milk the system, fuc the hard working average person.

For all of you who are a GG subscriber out there who didn’t get a paper today OR if your paper was delayed, if the GG DMs would of called ALL CARRIERS instead only a select few maybe these carriers could of gotten your paper to you accordingly.

I guess some of us GG subscribers aren’t as important as others. I understand that the carriers can’t get the paper out with the weather like this.

Your right, if we have bad weather the in town carriers are the only ones to be notified when the press starts early while the rural carriers are not notified at all. I always thought that the rural carriers should also be notified beings the roads out there are the worst. Not only do they in danger them selves but could be avoided if they were notified earlier.

@Anonymous, if you would have looked at their web site today, the e-edition was free today because of delayed delivery.

Sorry meant Menards small buttons on phone.

Raging fire around midnight behind Meanards.Looks to be new Metalcraft building or other construction right it that area.

If you want the mugshots just go to the CG website, locate the shots link and pin the site to your desktop and you can find it with one click daily. AND they will be in ALPHABETICAL order. Unlike locating them via this site where they’re out of order…..

out of order….or just in order of intake date

If you do it his way you will notice, Riech, Riech, Riech, Jones, Jones, Jones, Flores, Flores, Flores on the cache search since they are all releated just shows one family is a majority of the shitbags in this town.

@Just the facts & @John–I have been unable to access Mugshots for several days and believe it is no longer available using The list is still available by clicking on Crime & Mayhem on the home page, but the format is different and not as easily viewed.

Just want to get the word out that the Mohawk Trapshooting club are having their big fundraiser for the year. They are selling discount cards that are good for the entire year with discounts from many area businesses. They are definitely worth the $10. The trapshooting club exists on funds raised by the club itself. This is a great way to help this club and also save yourself some money. Contact any member of the Mohawk Trapshooters for the cards.

This is what I get when I click on mugshots ????

Current Jail Occupancy: 0

NOTE: Click on the column header (Name, Sex, DOB, Booking#, or Intake Date) to sort.

they must occasionally let them out for fresh air and stretch their legs I guess

they update it every half hour, it it shows 0 it means they are changing entrance and exit stats, jut wait a few minutes and it will work for you.

thank you john

I am wondering if anyone knows why David Esser, who was convicted on a sex charge at the YMCA, is not listed on the sex offender listing? According to the article, he has to register as a sex offender for 10 years.

I think he just got sentenced last week. It may take a couple of weeks for Escher to show up on the list.

The Globe Gazette will NOT let you comment on a story unless you are a subscriber!

They dePete comments even if you are a subscriber. They don’t allow anything critical of the council to be on FaceBook for long.

bs. I comment ALL the time and I’m NOT a subscriber. They don’t allow comments on arrest stories until the accused case is settled.

That’s not a bad policy

I am a different “John,” there is nothing there worth responding to anyway. I subscribe here because it is open and honest. Some of us do not agree on everything but we have some spirited conversations.

open and honest? LOL!


What’s your address and what have you done lately that we can gossip about? Are all your bills paid? Are you monogamous? Any good mugshots in your past? Any stones thrown through your windows?

@Katie – Talk about judgemental!! When did you walk on water last?

That was my point exactly!

I live on North Carolina, please fill me in. The only problem I have with my neighbors on this street is one is extremely rude when it comes to what time he decides to snowblow, (5:15 am) and it’s the same with the lawn mower and leaf blower. All year long he’s a mennace and loves to wake people up. If he had a job that would be fine, but he’s retired and he doesn’t need to be everyone’s alarm clock. And my other neighbor’s dog poops all over my lawn. That’s all I see happening on my street, so please elaborate.

as to the 5:15am noise, talk to the police and ask them if there is anything they can do. my guess is they will not do anything. then its your turn to make noise about 11pm or midnight. remind the police of their former comments when they come talk to you.
as for the happenings on carolina. look for a woman cheating on her husband with your neighbor.

Who cares, must be boring to be you.

I’ve always had GREAT food and very good service at the Quarry. On a special night ,Valentines Day,New Years Eve etc, one should probably expect slower service.Since they took over Franks next door, they have plenty of room and a very nice bar area. They are not cheap but if you want fine dining and a nice atmosphere,this along with the Prime are the places to go.

What happened to LD’s? My family went there last week and the waitress was the “worst ever”. It took a half hour just to get her to take our order and they weren’t that busy. She was rude, and gave us no water or peanuts. The food finally came and the pancakes were burnt, eggs raw, not enough bacon and no veggies on the vegetable hamburgers. It took us nearly 2 hours there, I don’t know if I will be back.

please, talk to the owner. my family and i were just there last night and it was wonderful. but, the owner was there. we all know how things change when they arent.

LD’s is absolutely disgusting. Walking to the resturant makes me feel like I’m in a third world country. Coupled with multiple food safety complaints I don’t know why anyone would risk their lives eating there.

February 15, 2013 at 11:15 pm
I agree with all of the other posts. This gentleman has every right to complain. I’ve never been to the Quarry, and I especially won’t go now.

Pity for you that you never learned to think or find out for yourself and have to rely on other’s (some are total strangers) thoughts to make your choices in life.
I’m going to try their place. Maybe I’ll get the “good perfect” waitress who washes her hands and cook doesn’t pick their nose. Hope she let’s me slide my own debit card so none of the cashiers germs get on me.
Having others wait on me while I pss and moan can be risky to health.

Calvin R., thanks for the tip. Another place I will never go again is the Rib Crib.
My wife and I went there about 6 months ago and after eating my wife used the restroom, and while washing her hands a woman came out from dropping a deuce and walked out and straight into the kitchen!
Did not wash her hands at all! My wife told the manager because that is disgusting, but not sure what happened with her. Hopefully canned.

@Bojangles-That is to bad that happened to you as I really enjoy the Rib Crib. I think that type of thing is a issue everywhere. I have seen waitresses in many places coughing and sneezing. Yesterday at WalMart the checker was sneezing all over the place. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who either do not know any better or just don’t care. It is why the flu spreads so fast.

Wow so now it’s a crime to sneeze in public. shame shame shame on the checker. lol! Maybe she couldn’t afford to stay home to sneeze. You should stay home cuz the world is full of germs with YOUR name on them.

@annymouse-go away and quit being stupid. When someone sneezes on you it is a problem. If you want to post then be intelligent about it and quit trying to be a smart A**.

I don’t disagree, it was good food at the Rib Crib, but unfortunately that cook with the poopy hands stands out more than the good food in my mind. But you’re right, it’s everywhere. It’s a good thing we don’t know what really goes on behind the kitchen doors.

“Wow so now it’s a crime to sneeze in public.”

Where did you learn your lessons on respect towards others? A gutter?

Common decency says you stay home when you are ill, and not risk infecting others, some of which can ill afford it.

Normally, one uses a kerchief to cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. However, considering where I live, it does not surprise me at all people don’t know this. They think it normal to dump things on the ground like an open sewer, be it spit, garbage, or yesterday’s coffee or soda. And they think it normal to treat others with ill manners.

If you only knew how many goobers are picked out of noses in restaraunt kitchens you’d never eat anywhere but at home. You handle money at McD’s and then eat your burger with your bare hands no doubt. Ever wonder what’s on money? The world is full of germs. Get used to it.

February 14, 2013 at 3:42 pm
You people have no compassion for the mentally ill. And you wonder how things like Newtown can happen.”

I have plenty of compassion for the mentaly ill. I just don’t like it when the mentaly ill turn on me on a dime and for no reason threaten my life. I just spoke the truth. L is a loose cannon with his mouth. Just because he’s mentaly ill doesn’t mean people have to tolerate his rude behavior. He should be called on it just like others are when they go over the limit of rude behavior.

NO ONE caused Newtown except the shooter.

Went to The Quarry last night for Valentine’s Day and the experience could be summed up in one word: disaster. The wait staff was extremely rude and ignorant of the menu. My girlfriend asked the server if a wine she wanted was sweet and she was told “I don’t know” and then the server proceeded to stare at her instead of going to ask the bartender. We waited over and hour and half for our food. The food is good, but very expensive and establishments like Northwester Steakhouse and Chop provide much better value and quality for the money.

We will not be returning and I would advise those to choose other establishments before considering going to The Quarry.

Did you ask to talk to the manager or owner? If you didn’t, shame on you. No business wants to hear about bad service or bad food in this way. You are as rude as the waitress was.

Katie…Calvin R. has every right to tell anyone he wants in any way he wants about his experience at the Quarry. Also it doesn’t make him rude because he is posting about it here. He doesn’t have to ask to speak with management. It is managements job to ensure employees are trained to handle situations such as these. Posts such as these are helpful to people deciding on how to spend their entertainment dollars.

@Katie He did the same thing any food critic would do. I see nothing wrong with that.

But, but, Katie knows everything! Shes also a horse whisperer and knows exactly how their feeling.
I want to be
just like Katie.

I agree with all of the other posts. This gentleman has every right to complain. I’ve never been to the Quarry, and I especially won’t go now.

Loved the post by LIVESTOCK!! Too funny and very true!

When I was a child and young adult, I was taught that if you have a complaint about service from a business, you complain to the business owner, not to the public. You give the business owner the opportunity to make things right and give them at least one more chance. This is called the golden rule. Would you want someone to ruin your business because of a bad or rude waitress? Employers cannot have total control over their employees. Look at the stupid things teachers do. You hear about them every week. Putting pencil shavings in a kids mouth? You get lousy wait staff, too, who are just as ignorant and whose parent have done everything but wipe their butts for them and wouldn’t understand how to give customer service when it was spelled out to them. I always complain if I get bad service or bad food. There is no other appropriate way to tell them something is not right unless you write them a courteous letter later, but then they can’t do anything to correct it.

I can only wish that those of you who like badmouthing businesses on here could have your job performance evaluations posted publicly or get your own businesses blasted for being crappy.

So business wants you to tell everyone how great they are but don’t say a word if we screwed you over. I’m sure plenty of people like you have been telling them how bad it was and it still keeps happening. You complain how you want and we will complain how we want. Life is not fair Katie and blaming the customers for your failure is ridiculous.

Sometimes, “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.” I’ve talked to several managers and no all complaints. They do appreciate it, BUT, the ones who don’t have time for it or are in denial may need to have the complaint carried a bit further.

I’ll agree that the business cannot fix what they don’t know is broken. But does the management bother to come out to the custmer to see how they were serverd or do they wait until no one frquents their business. I dined at the “I Don’t Care” resturant the other night, a small place, but the both the cook and the waitress stopped by and asked how my meal was. The place was packed. I use word of mouth to determine which establishments I frequent.

katie you need to look at this from the consumers point of view…not the owners. As far as I am concerned this gentleman did us all a service with his post. You seldom get any satisfaction when you speak to an owner of a small business. Plus like I posted earlier it can become embarassing very easily

I’m not blaming the customers for the restaurant’s failure, but quit being sheeple. How many times have you eaten at a restaurant and had bad food or service and been asked how everything is and said, “Fine”, when it wasn’t and never went back? Wrong answer! Complain! If you aren’t asked, speak up. I would have told that waitress to go ask the bartender about that wine or I would have gotten up and gone and asked him myself to make a sarcastic point and I would have told the bartender the waitress was too lazy to come and ask him herself! And she would have gotten a lousy tip. And Valentine’s Day is a busy night. An hour and a half is a long time to wait for a meal, but you were supposed to look deeply into each other’s eye and fall in love all over again during the wait. 😉

I have heard that about this restaurant. If you’re not one of our snobby council members or on the Wright on the Park board, you’re not really welcome.

I was going to say the same thing if your not “The In Crowd “don’t bother going !

Speaking of restaurants, we used to frequent the Quarry but will not return. It is so expensive and the wait staff is rude. We had a party of 16 celebrating 3 birthdays. We all had several drinks with our meal and spent close to 600.00 that evening. We mentioned to the staff that we had 3 birthdays thinking they would offer a piece of dessert for the guests of honor, oh no. They graciously added full price For three desserts to our bills with no problem. Come on, three dollars off of our bill woluld have been a nice gester but instead we took it up the tail pipe once again and won’t return. By the way hi Kristy. Hope all is well.

Maybe next time you should book your birthday paryt at McDonald’s. I hear they do cakes. Upon requyest ahead.
Do you spose/assume you’re the only one who had a b-day that night?

Did you bother to call ahead and set up a reservation for 16 with 3 birthdays included? Or did you all just waltz in and expect to get drunk and be treated like royalty and like you’re the only customers in the place?! 16 drunks and you’re complaining after the waitress no doubt worked her “A” off. Please do her a favor and don’t return.

I have always had good service and good food at the Quarry and recommend it to friends.

Tell people anything you want to. Doesn’t make you right. You had a bad experience. boohoo. Maybe she was new and it’s one of 3 busiest nighs of the yr. in dining estabs. Please do stay home. Your sober puss, scunched brow and negative aura ruins the atmosphere.

When I initially commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get several e-mails with the same comment.
Is there any way you can remove people from that service?
Thanks a lot!

Happy Valentines Day. Kristi the day will come when you have done so much bad you will get yours. No one has to help you along your way. Simply by the way you conduct yourself and your so called legal business. You are your own worst enemy. No malice, libel or slander here.

The Globe did a nice job of highlighting the training emergency service departments took part in recently but I wonder who it was aimed at. I saw no representation from outside mason city besides the sheriff. I also heard that the mc mayor and the CG board were not for changing the funding formula for the emergency management department because it would cost them money. Here is a story for you Matt, see why Cerro Gordo county ends at mason city city limits.

What ever happened to that new happening website called (north)

Oh my gosh! Please Please don’t get that goofball started again!

L is probably already here hiding behind another name. I have always thought he is happy gay.


At least we know that peter isn’t stupid cause stupid said she was a woman. Unless there is something peter is hiding from us.

You’re so obsessed with me, Maybe. Should I get a restraining order?

Just because I mentioned your name in passing doesn’t mean I am obsessed with you. Now I have noticed that if I post something here you always have to respond to it, so you might say that I am just as obsessed with you as you are with me.

@maybe-so you noticed that as well. Everytime you, Katie or I post anything those two come up out of the mud and start slinging it. Possibly we need to get a restraining order on them. What do you think?

As long as they don’t attack my family I don’t take things personal. I don’t mind going back and forth with them as long as it is civil. Matter of fact it does seem that sometimes both of them makes pretty good points that makes me think.

Peter L seemed to be getting very ill towards the end of August, based on his posts on his website. I actually have been worried about him. He said he was moving to Michigan or Wisconsin and then disappeared off the web. If anyone knows anything about him, say so.

Good riddence I say. He morfs into weird FAST! Then he’s like a killer gnat that won’t buzz off. too spooky.

He’s probably in his own little corner of the world smoking a joint and popping some pills. Maybe he moved to Colorado.

You people have no compassion for the mentally ill. And you wonder how things like Newtown can happen.

Katie, correct me if I’m wrong, but I understand you don’t even live in Mason City. Yet you comment on everything. And I mean everything.

@Katie. I don’t recall saying anything about mental illness. L comes off as a pothead. You are the one who is saying he’s mentally ill. So people that smoke dope are mentally ill?? I don’t think so. They’re just stoned.

@anonymous-L lived in Clear Lake, not Mason City and NIT is a North Iowa news source not a Mason City news source. Where are you from anonymous? You choose to hide behind the anonymous name like at least five others.

@LVS You are the brave man that hides behind LVS! Wow what a stud you are calling people out and challenging people to fight when no one knows who you are. LOSER!

Anonymous, I think some of us have figured out who LVS is. Right, Larry??

@anonymous-if you have figured out who I am you are lucky indeed but I really don’t think you have.

@LVS I didn’t say I knew who you were that was just my opinion. I know you think you’re smarter than everyone here so try to comprehend what you read.

@anonymous: Sorry I step on your Mason City toes. Little sensitive, aren’t they? I guess only people with a 50401 zip code have 1st Amendment rights on North Iowa Today’s web site. Matt, is that the way it works?

Anonymous, why don’t you pick a real handle so we can tell you from all the other anomymouses on this site. You post as much as I do and you know it.

@my opinion-I think you are off base here. Nice try though.

I live in Mason City unlike Katie. I just remember L’ posts as being rants about legalization of drugs, etc. I will change my name to mcanonymous.

@ Katie, I changed my post name to mcanonymous. I don’t care if you don’t live in Mason City, but you sure seem to have alot of opinions about what goes on in this town for not being a tax payer in Mason City. I pay taxes in this town and am a registered voter and have every right to complain if my mayor and council members are mistreating our funds. Also there’s nothing wrong with someone posting about bad service at a restaurant or an establishment. People work hard for their money and don’t need to be treated badly when going out to eat. And no I will not tell the manager, I just won’t go there again, and yes I will tell others about it.
I post very often on here, but so do you. If you don’t like what I have to say, don’t read it.
YOu are NOT the only person with an opinion and you are NOT always right like you seem to think you are.
There, enough said from “mcanonymous”!

@McAnonymess: I pay a LOT of taxes in Mason City and I care how they spend my money. I don’t get to vote on the council members or the mayor, but I do voice my opinions to them. I have ever right to comment and have an opinion on city matters.

And you’re right. If you want to be a jerk, you have every right to be one. I was wrong to suggest otherwise.

Katie, Katie, Katie. So are you saying you’re never a jerk on this site? It must be nice to be so intelligent, and it must be nice to always be right about everything. Do you look at yourself in the mirror every morning and tell yourself how wonderful you are? Because Gee, I wish I was as good and as smart and as perfect as you. (saracsm) Please share your mantra on how to inflate the ego?

Gee whiz, McAnonymess, there’s just no pleasing you. First you complain because you say I’m always right. So I admit I’m wrong about something and you still say I claim I’m always right. What’s a girl to do? no one can even have a little sarcastic fun on this site. Some Anonymous said in another NIT blog today that the problem is that no one wants to take responsibility for anything any more. If you get lousy service at restaurants and don’t complain, you’ll always be complaining about lousy service. Try taking some responsibility for ACCEPTING lousy service. I have complained twice in the past 3 days to servers and have gotten satisfaction without all the frustration and anger you must live with and without the servers giving me an attitude about my requests. Yes. It was things they forgot to bring or serve. The servers were just busy, not bad ones. Just quit being so stubborn and try a different approach to dining out and you may enjoy it more. I’ve been to a place where they screwed my friend’s drink up 3 visits in a row – same waitress. We seem to get her every time, but now she recognizes us and we all laugh about it. And she doesn’t have to ask my friend what she wants to drink. ;-). We made a friend.

@Katie-You remember I told you that mcanonymous was going to attack on every post you make. She just changed her name but it is the same person. It doesn’t matter how reasonable or logical you are she will still fabricate a reason to attack. You see liberals like mcanonymous are basically unhappy people and want to bring everyone else down as well.

Whats the ripoff charge on the Alliant bill for Reg Transmission Service?

Probably your share of the wind power costs that are saving the power companies money (aka saving you nothing and costing you more on your bill).

Regional Transmission Service – This is
billed per kWh used and adjusts annually
based on third-party transmission costs to
move electricity from generation sites to
distribution substations in communities.

So Alliant negotiated a poor transmission rate and we have to foot the bill? That comapnay is a crock and a crook.

Yup. A necessary evil one step below an insurance company.

My daughter went to a mason city tanning salon recently and came home stinking of cheap cigarettes.she said you can smell the toxic odor all the time in there.

Isn’t it unlawful to smoke in a public business?

She goes to a place south of the mall.

Or maybe your daughter smokes?

I’m still trying to figure out how to differentiate between “cheap” and “expensive” cigarettes.

Maybe that’s the price you pay for being a vain teenager.


I told my mom I’d been burning leaves.

You sir/ma’am are a genius

I now the manager of that salon and no they don’t smoke there. Maybe you need to not be so naive.

Who owns Mason City Harley Davidson? I’d like to tell them that they can save their high dollar marketing budget until they get some real customer driven staff in there.

Just talking about it at work the other day and I mentioned how I had gone in there last year, walked around for a half hour, left when no one asked if I had any questions, and then went to a competitor and bought one.

Another guy I work with got the same service and now tells me he is going north to get his new bike this spring.

And a husband of a co-worker is looking to trade up and said he absolutely won’t go there.

Anybody else or have we all hit the place on bad days??

Ron Minert is the owner and his son Steve runs the place. Call him and talk to him. He’s very sensitive to his customers.

That is customer service these days in Mason City in many retail stores. You have to INITIATE the transaction if you want to give someone your money. I enjoy spending my money out of town these days and feel no guilt.

Yeah, actually with little exception, the cust. svc in my small town is so bad that I routinely go to MC. Generally, I get great cust. svc there but you’re right, many places will just never get it, no matter what town it is.

Then, when their customers have gone elsewhere, they’ll close down, scratch their head wondering why, and blame Walmart (which has very good cust. svc btw)

The Minert’s should maybe do their own ‘undercover boss’?

“You have to INITIATE the transaction if you want to give someone your money.”

The proper term is beg.

Not all providers and retailers are like this in Mason City, however too many are. They loose out in sales to the Internet, where someone can get what they want, without having to be told by locals “I can’t”.

I have no hesitation at all with buying outside of the community because of this attitude of “I can’t”. One of the most successful retailers in modern times was Charles Lazarus, founder of Toys ‘R’ Us. His professed hate for the term “I can’t”, was translated as meaning, ” I don’t want to”. Such verbiage was removed from staff’s vocabulary, top to bottom.

Perhaps lessons on how to meet customer’s needs should be offered by the Chamber. It might be more cost effective than some advert on the radio. Or has Robin no idea what meeting the needs of customers is really all about?

In the mugshots section of NIT I often see SIMM in the charges column. What does SIMM stand for?

single in-line memory module !!!

Ha Ha. I know what it means in that sense but what about in court talk?

I believe it means simple misdemeanor

Anybody have any idea how long it’ll be before the Clear Lake OP opens back up?

I think the Globe reported 3-4 weeks.

Thank you for the info. I guess I missed that since I can’t stand the Globe.

OMG — now we have to look at the face of this animal murderer on here! What a creep !

I saw in the glob district court listings that Donya Lee has been let go AGAIN! How does this keep happening and why isn’t she in prison where she belongs? It’s no wonder there is a drug problem in Mason City. None of the drug offenders serve any time.

She’s also known as Donya Rhem. The girl that was involved in the shooting at Casey’s.

Donya is just as big of a scum as Mr. Stricker for the animal abuse. Put these people out of their misery, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh ya! She is an Ackerman. OMG that ranks up there with Kristy Arzberger and Bob Ezarski!!!

I see Skipper is trying to put some spin on the story about the Human Rights Commission’s likely demise in River City. There was NOTHING about the good the commission does and lots about how much more it costs us than other similar sized cities. At least he let Mr. Foster get a couple words in to counter his statistics, but I really didn’t care for the taste it all left in my mouth. I did see that some municipalities kick in funds to help other city offices, which is what MC needs to require!But then, that might solve the funding problem and I’m beginning to believe the mayor and council don’t want this problem solved.

That’s because John Skipper has his nose so far up Bookmeyer’s butt! Him along with everyone on staff at the Glob.

I thought you posted that you don’t live in MC. So what’s the “us” about?

Anybody know if anybody’s neighbor got any whooopie pie last night or tonight?

me and the lady down the street

happyguy February 2, 2013 at 10:38 pm I am very happy thank you for asking. I just don’t understand his/her english or the point they were trying to make. You’re so smart maybe you understand it.

Ok I’ll try….I think he’s asking if you got those tickets from Obama for free gas to go to Ames (why I don’t know)
And free food voucher from McDonalds

thanx for calling me smart. I was feeling rather poorly bout self today. But I always feel smarter after comment reading on NIT.

thanks for translating that post for me. I never would have figured out what he was saying. Now I need to figure out what he meant by it. Is he somehow implying I get a bunch of free stuff from the government? If that is what he is asking the answer would be no. I live off my two pensions till I’m 62. But if he knows where to get the free stuff I always here the teabaggers talking about let me know. I’ve been working almost everyday sense I was 14 and have never gotten any free stuff. I should be due something don’t you think? Tell me where I can get hooked up with that.

I think he was trying to insult you by claiming you’re a liberal living on free stuff. If I find a lead on free I’ll let youin on it.I always figure I’ve been a taxpaye too so if it’s free from the gov. I already paid for it.
My guess is he’s the free loading leech.

When is Alan Michael Cannon aka Chester The Molester’s trial?


What planet have you been vacationing on?
He did a plea bargain last wk.. Got 10 yrs. But will do about 7 if he behaves. Shoulda got LIFE! I hopoe they give him jailhouse justice as soon as he arrives. But if he goes to Ana he’ll just be in the playpen for pot smokers and drunks. He needs to go to the Fort.!

what a guy

happyguy did you get your free ticket from abamaaaaaaaaaaaa and free gas money to get to ames, also get a free food voucher from MDs

what the f*#k are you talking about. Try using a language spoken here.

gosh….you don’t sound very happy….:)

I am very happy thank you for asking. I just don’t understand his/her english or the point they were trying to make. You’re so smart maybe you understand it

Clear Lake does NOT contribute money towards the cost of bringing acts to the Surf. It’s privately owned and managed by a group that had it listed on the list of Historical places. All costs are funded by ticket and beverage sales. Occasionally a business (such as Budweiser) will sponsor an act. But CL does not fund it with taxpayer money. They have made improvements around the SURF to enhance the venue. That’s all. Again…..what has MC brought to the area for entertainment or something to do on a Fr. nite besides get drunk at the local tap?

hahhaha// and all those new streets/street names around the Surf were the cities idea…

I have some land I want to sell you

Chicago and the Surf
February 2, 2013 at 10:41 am
The Surf is City of Clear lake backed,even though they say they are not. The facility is NOT the original Surf, which was located across the street, they have played up this “legendary Surf garbage long enough… It’s and old dark overly cold and overly hot building and it takes two hours to get a WARM beer.

Yes it’s 65 yrs. old. What does the age of a building have to do with the names/kinds of acts that play there? Name someplace else you can see BBKing for $45 and stand 15 ft from him. Or any other act. Warm beer? What diff does it make if hot or cold. You can still get drunk and not care what the temp is.
Building cold? Put on a jacket or drink more beer. Too hot. Chew ice. Or as Katie says….stay home. I’m certain your whiiiiiineing won’t be missed. And it’ll be more room for me to DANCE!

Two original members..people are stupid enough to buy tickets. I heard “Little Big Town” was suppose to go to NIACC first but the Surf pulled a fast one.
..and Mason City residents keep supporting this Clear Lake venue over it’s own venues.


Put a little sugar on those sour grapes.

I saw Chicago last month in Ames. It was a very good concert. I’d go see them again, but not at the Surf. The accoustics are very bad.

The Surf is a better venue for this type of concert. NIACC has some great entertainment, but with a country/southern rock artist, the Surf is just better. Oh, and they sell alcohol also.

if you like warm beer and nobody to wait on you.
Chicago has two original members..TWO..

The SURF is not just a “Clear Lake” venue. There really is no “them and us”. The SURF is for anyone from anywhere that wants to see an act they enjoy. I’d certainly drive to MC to see someone I enjoy. Which I’ve done. Buddy Guy at NIACC.

RFP Water department- The same guys who are out in the middle of the winter doing water main breaks are going to be studied on how to do it MORE lean. You will NEVER see the council members go out on a main break during the middle of the night.. But they will decide if we need this Dept or NOT!!!!

Why in the H would council members go out on a main break?! They’re not hired to. That’s what others are hired to do. duh.

Good Grief. I just got another text that the Silver Boot Motel in Clear Lake is on fire. I haven’t had this verified by an eyewitness yet.

I just heard about the fire from a second source. It’s a fire between 2 rooms. I think he said in the attic, but not sure.

I just got a text from someone that the OP in Clear Lake is on fire. I hope everyone got out safely. This is a very busy weekend with all the Buddy Holly celebrants in town. I let Matt know so maybe his team will have some reporting and pictures later. Please stay away from the scene so firefighters can do their jobs!

@maybe, there’s a difference between speaking against the government and claiming to know for fact that a married woman is having an affair and commiting blackmail. Kimberly Bresnahan (she freely gave her name. maybe. we can’t be sure it’s kimberly either since it’s only written and it’s not face to face with readers) didn’t say the blackmail was an opinion. She is stating that she claims this as fact. AND mentions Bob’s name and gives description of area he lives and his family description so people would know which Bob.
Too late now. Cats outta the bag.

First of all I know nothing about what they were talking about but I do know something about slander and libel and just giving an opinion. All I stated was an experience I had that I was informed to state in my opinion and that would keep me from getting into trouble.

maybe, I wasn’t being accusatory to you. Just stating my understanding of the terms libel and slander.

well well well, the Kristy and Bob saga continues. Kristy, go back to snorting your coke and Bob give up on this coke whore and face reality. Sure her wallet is fat but she is going to stick with her husband never the less you are not going to win this battle.

lol! Do you honestly think those 2 come here and read the bs? Or care what people think?

Did you not comprehend the definitiion? gracie stated that Kristi blackmails Bob. How wuld she know this if Bob hadn’t told her? I doubt he gave his permision. Hence “libel” because it would ruin his reputation. Even tho she’s out to get Kristi; she slanders Bob by cl;aimning he’s having an affair with a married knownn around town attorney.
You don’t like what’s posted then don’t read it. It doesn’t pertain to you. Or does it? No one is forcing you to be nosey. You do enough nosing on your own…. So you give it up if you don’t like what you read.k?

@Anonymous-Look whose talking about being nosy. You stick your nose into everything that comes up here and unfortunately you are mostly wrong. If you don’t like me reading or commenting on your posts, just quit posting. No one will miss your hate filled comments anyway. Now, go away and play with the other children.

blah blah blah.

You all know not all the anonymous posters are the same the same person. And lvs grace didn’t start saying opinion until she was called out then she started backpedaling

You’re right It’s not slander. It’s libel.
Against both Kristy & Bob.

Definitins found on-line. Look it up.

Two torts that involve the communication of false information about a person, a group, or an entity such as a corporation. Libel is any Defamation that can be seen, such as a writing, printing, effigy, movie, or statue. Slander is any defamation that is spoken and heard.

Collectively known as defamation, libel and slander are civil wrongs that harm a reputation; decrease respect, regard, or confidence; or induce disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against an individual or entity. The injury to one’s good name or reputation is affected through written or spoken words or visual images. The laws governing these torts are identical.

To recover in a libel or slander suit, the plaintiff must show evidence of four elements: that the defendant conveyed a defamatory message; that the material was published, meaning that it was conveyed to someone other than the plaintiff; that the plaintiff could be identified as the person referred to in the defamatory material; and that the plaintiff suffered some injury to his or her reputation as a result of the communication.

To prove that the material was defamatory, the plaintiff must show that at least one other person who saw or heard it understood it as having defamatory meaning. It is necessary to show not that all who heard or read the statement understood it to be defamatory, but only that one person other than the plaintiff did so. Therefore, even if the defendant contends that the communication was a joke, if one person other than the plaintiff took it seriously, the communication is considered defamatory.

Defamatory matter is published when it is communicated to someone other than the plaintiff. This can be done in several different ways. The defendant might loudly accuse the plaintiff of something in a public place where others are present, or make defamatory statements about the plaintiff in a newsletter or an on-line bulletin board. The defamation need not be printed or distributed. However, if the defendant does not intend it to be conveyed to anyone other than the plaintiff, and conveys it in a manner that ordinarily would prevent others from seeing or hearing it, the requirement of publication has not been satisfied even if a third party inadvertently overhears or witnesses the communication.

@Anonymous-IT IS NOT SLANDER when it is someone’s opinion. Did you get that “OPINION”. If it was everyone on here would be sued including you. That is MY OPINION.

@Anonymous-Damn you are stubborn. Enough of this subject. Go on to something else.

I got in trouble once in the military because I called an officer an a$$hole, I was told that if I ever did that again to say “sir in my opinion” then say it and I would not be in trouble.

You can state you don’t like someone’s business practices. But imo it is still slander to claim you know they are having an affair and name names. It’s also stabbing your “friend” in the back to publicaly post his personal affairs. gracie still hasn’t responded to that.

The SURF. I’ve been to MANY concerts there. SOUND was GREAT! No problem hearing. Want a certain act? Call SURF management and suggest the group. Instead of critisizing them.

Alan Cannon being free in a couple yrs. IS a HUGE problem. Esp. for MINORS. I don’t understand why they lock up pot smokers for yrs. then let a rapist of minors and possible killer roam free. Where’s the justice for children?! I hope some big dude butt F’s the Hell out of him in prison!

Lastly…Who gives a RATS what Kristy or anyone else does in their private life besides nosey hypocrits. Go tell Kristy you disapprove of her parking habits or are you too gutless.

Nice backpeddling gracie. Too late. You’re BUSTED!

great sound at the Surf? you are kidding right? Place would be one dead facility without Buddy Holly’s death keeping it alive..

LOL! So far I’ve seen Waylon Jennings, BBKing, Martina McBride, Faith Hill, Dwight Yokum, 3 Dog Night, just for starters plus countles other nationaly chart topping acts.
What has MC had to offer? Other than NIAAC hosting Wynonna, Buddy Guy and Vince Gill. And those acts were spread out over a few yrs.
Doesn’t matter if the acts have all been high $ tickets. It’s waaaaay more than you’ll find in MC. Plus SURF has been around for 65 yrs. MC hasn’t had any nightclub or venue last that long or had as many acts. The only place that was ever worth a dang there was The Stagecoach. They tore that down and put up a Mall. And have never replaced it with a good music venue. And they’re 4 times more populated than Clear Lake and claim to be a music city.
So KUDOS to the SURF! I’ve had GREAT times! And they are doing quite well without you attending.

heard Martina had a terrible time at the Surf

Some where old Bob has to take a little blame also, he knew Kristy was a married woman and he still chose to try to fill up her big crack. Just remember what goes around comes around and when you mess with other peoples property you might get caught up in something you dont want. THESE TWO ADULKTS ARE BOTH AT FAULT

Blame for what? His “so called friends” having big back stabbing mouths? Where is it written that people have a right or that it’s “righteous” to peddle bs about other’s personal lives? And I’m betting you all go to church and claim to be “Christian”.
If you care so much why don’t you post your real name smoothy? I’m not making their lives my business or judging so I have no need to. I’m just pointing out hypocrisy in case you hadn’t noticed it.

Nothing new here. Bob was cheating on his wife before she passed away & Kristy has been cheating on her husban. Sounds like thay were made for each other. Now can we move on?

Look up slander. It does not include voicing your opinion. Everything posted about K. Arzburger is true. She was not called bad names. Think about previous postings about our mayor. Calling him a drunk and such. She is just bad news for the legal community in our town. This is only my opinion. Oh by the way way, the cameras are not on Kristy. The are protecting our home and family from her. That is our right in this great country we live in.

It is my opion only meth heads and drug dealets have cameras on the outside of their houses.

And self rightious nosey hypocrits who need to get a life. 🙂

So is it opinion or fact? Your second and third sentences contradict each other. Lol

Protect your home & family from her? Why? Is she lurking around your yard? If so call the cops. But I doubt she’d waste time on you. Clearly you’re not worth it.

OK, a few things.

1. If ANYONE has any question as to the soul of one Ms. Kristy Arzberger, they can look at the news of record earlier this month in the Globe wherein she was found guilty of misuse of a handicapped placard and fined $100. It takes a REALLY classy broad to pull that off. The rest of us are just glad we have working limbs and don’t feel the need to fraudulently demand special attention.

2. The Historic Surf Ballroom – a beautiful chunk of history with dreadful accoustics, no matter who is playing. Gotta love it, always have and always will. The acts they have landed lately have been of high caliber and they are clearly working very hard to draw major fan favorites to North Iowa. Regardless of the # of original members, Ticketmaster (a.k.a. TICKETBASTARD, the greedy sonsabitches) lists the band Chicago on their home page. They STILL rock the house and are well worth the investment. I have to drive 2 hrs or more to get to my usual concerts, where I have crummy seats and have to pay 100 bucks +.

3. THINK FLOYD are indeed an outstanding cover band and should be courted for local shows, as well as the Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers cover band Free Fallin’. Excellent and overlooked, the both of them.

4. Like it or not, there will always be plea bargains, esp. for first-time offenders. I am sure Allan Cannon will be back on the streets within a couple of years, max.

One month down, eleven to go!

I would do Think Floyd Again

SHINE ON DEE: Ive seen Think Floyd a total of 8 times as I can recall, with the surf being my first. you always remember your first. So Id be glad to do them again also. Mitch and Brian are gone now but cheryl, and the gang are still going strong. well worth the price of admission. ARE YOU READING THIS SURF???? I also know you have had this request on your facebook page from certain people.

The Surf is City of Clear lake backed,even though they say they are not. The facility is NOT the original Surf, which was located across the street, they have played up this “legendary Surf garbage long enough… It’s and old dark overly cold and overly hot building and it takes two hours to get a WARM beer.

Stay the hell home then.

Chicago and the Surf, You must be a disgruntled former employee or something. The Surf is a magical place. The current Surf IS the legendary one–not the old one across the street. Billy Gibbons(ZZ top); the National Parks Service; and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame say its legendary/historically important. I think I’ll take their opinions over yours as I think there is more to your negativity than you are disclosing. Competitor perhaps?

Hey Dee, I go to many of the Surf’s shows–have for more than a decade. I am admitadly a sound snob. I complained about the sound in there for many years. A while back they made some adjustments/augmentations to their sound system and ever since the sound has been spot-on. You should give it another listen–perhaps Chicago is the perfect occasion!

It’s not the original “Chicago”..two members from the original band…Of course the Surf doesn’t tell people that…what a scam

January 31, 2013 at 9:29 am @Anonymous-I don’t believe she can sue Gracie 123 as she is entitled to her opinion and as she stated twice, it is her opinion. Just like this is mine.

It’s my opinin that gracie123 is a 2 faced backstabber telling tales on her friend Bobby. What’s a lawsuit compared to that.


January 31, 2013 at 4:54 pm
@Anonymous-I believe it is tied into our freedom of speech and has been approved by the Supreme Court on more than one occasion.

Bull. Freedom of speech pertains to being free to speak out against the government. Private citizens can’t accuse others of blackmail in public without the accused’s pemission if it’s meant to bring emotinal harm to the accused. Gracie IS commiting slander. imo gracie123 is a doofus.

sounds like the words of an attorney!!!!

Or someone with common sense.

Well anonymous, at least I’m not the one in the center of all of this hype that has ruined her reputation.

DHS revamping immigrant welcome materials, set to include Obamacare

The Daily Caller? Seriously? Why don’t we just ask Fox?

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