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Democrats didn’t care when Madonna said she had thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. Democrats didn’t care when Kathy Griffin posed with a mock severed head of President Trump. Democrats didn’t care when a Broadway Play depicted the assassination of President Trump. Democrats didn’t care when Johnny Depp said, “how long has been since an actor assassinated a President”. Democrats didn’t care when Snoop Dog and Eminem made music videos about assassinating President Trump. Democrats didn’t care when dozens of people were shot to death at a Jason Aldean concert. Democrats didn’t care when Congressman Steve Scalise was shot at a baseball game. Democrats didn’t care when Robert De Niro said “somebody needs to take out Trump”. Democrats didn’t care when Carole Cook said “Where’s John Wilkes Booth when you need him?” Democrats didn’t care when Republican candidate Rudy Peters was attacked by a man with a switchblade. Democrats didn’t care when a Republican Party Office was set on fire. Democrats didn’t care when Eric Holder said “When they go low, we kick ‘em”. Democrats didn’t care when Trump family members received suspicious packages in the mail. Democrats didn’t care when Secretary of Defense James Mattis received death threats. Democrats didn’t care when Maxine Waters said “you get up in their face at the mall, in restaurants, at gas stations and you tell them Republicans they’re not welcomed anywhere”. Democrats didn’t care when Sarah Sanders and her family were harassed at a restaurant, instructed to leave and chased down the street.

And no one cares about your same Trump ass-kissin tired old bullshit day after day.
You’re a freakin’ idiot and a dumbass.

Democrats have never suggested that someone be punched with the resulting legal bills being paid by Dippity Donald, nor have democrats suggested shooting people for throwing rocks.

Of course not. You are the cowards throwing the rocks and we are the ones who will shoot back.

Democrats didn’t care when Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was harassed and chased out of a Mexican restaurant. Democrats didn’t care when Trump adviser Stephen Miller’s life was threatened and he was chased out of a restaurant. Democrats didn’t care when Attorney General Pam Bondi was harassed and chased out of a theatre. Democrats didn’t care when Rand Paul was attacked and beaten up in his own yard. Democrats didn’t care when two Republican senators: Rob Portman of Ohio and John Boozman of Arkansas were harassed in their own yards and on their own doorsteps. Democrats didn’t care when a 71-year-old female staffer for California Rep. Dana Rohrbacher was knocked unconscious by an angry group of liberal protesters. Democrats didn’t care when a North Carolina GOP office was firebombed by an angry mob of liberals. Democrats didn’t care when Hillary Clinton said “we can’t be civil to Republicans until Democrats return to power”.
For over two years Democrats have encouraged hate, harassment, vandalism, acts of violence and even threats of assassination. If this isn’t enough to make a democrat turn away from their own party, they are for violence, hate and even killing. Get out and vote red-even if it’s your first time!

Creepy Uncle Joe Biden for president! Pocahontas for VP! Creepy porn lawyer for AG! Spartacus for Sec of State! What a Dem ticket!!!!

Miles better than what is in there now.

There’s a certain local candidate that reminds me of the albino in “The da Vinci Code”. Seeking forgiveness, he chastised himself constantly. Said he was sorry, but never STOPPED being evil.

So…WHY was it okay to viciously slaughter NATIVE Americans so we could take THEIR land away? And yet America thinks it’s DIFFERENT when they kill those who us brute force to take over other countries? Why is that any of OUR business? Which foreign countries jumped in to aid Native Americans? And what do the remains of a country that was once theirs consist of? And yet we throw $$$ and soldiers at “saving” other countries?

Get off your high horse. The Indians slaughtered lots of people to take over the lands they claimed too. They are not innocent no more than we are. You are a fool.

And where did you read that?

The poster cant read so he/she made it up. Delusional

America has turned into the “Land of Pussys”. Our NEW motto may as well be: “Go ahead and DO tread on us!’

Excuse me… But what do you call it when foreigners force their way into a country ILLEGALLY? Would that not be an INVASION? We need to stop tossing immigrants’ salads and make it VERY clear that they are NOT welcome in the U.S. We can barely take care of our own needy. But the bleeding hearts want to use BILLIONS of our tax $$$ to coddle invaders?

Hmm…Apparently, North Iowa never got the memo that incest is wrong? Seems to be the only logical explanation why so many people not only use the same name but have identical mindsets?

Wow, bram keeps campaigning using taxpayer money. How does pals allow it?

Democrats need to stop the open border bulls**t. Trump is corrupt, but he keeps winning because Dems are wrong on policy.

I wonder why Autumn Olsen was on Mason City Police Scanner with her photo that the cops were trying to figure out who it is.

I would like to say I as a American citizen I do blame the media as well as the uninformed democrats in government for the division in this country. The media is always reporting negative news on the country and President Trump they as well as the democrats hate this President and the American people who voted for him and they want to stop us all. They can’t unless we let them. VOTE RED

The reverse was true when President Obama was in office but at least he didn’t whine and cry over the negative press coverage or attack his opponents with name calling or call for discrimination of people of other faiths, sex or race.
Recessions are cyclical and occur during the administrations of both parties with the recovery happening during the terms of the opposite party.
We need to examine the policies and character of each candidate and vote for the person (of either) party who we believe will best represent our interests.
I believe race baiting and hate mongering are disqualifying character traits and will now vote for that person.

What are you smoking. The left wing media loved Obama and would never print anything negative about him. 90% of what they print about Trump is negative. I have watched him say something and when it comes out in the media they twist it to something not even close to what he said. I guess you are one of the Democrat liars. It runs in the party.

I guess you’re just an asshole

Vote red to defeat the media…never in our history has news reporting caused the chaos in the country that we are seeing today…yes, the media is the problem…it’s supposed to be news reporting not their opinions and rudeness…

CONservative Repub greed created what is called yellow journalism long ago, and with Faux News is still at it today.

You really are a ignorant ass. Yellow journalism was due to the color of ink they used and had nothing to do with Republicans other than it was used by two left wing rags called newspapers.

That’s hilarious! Not even close to accurate!

Biggest difference is while President Trump still plays golf, the rest of his time is spent actively doing the job of POTUS, whereas former potus BO was on a worldwide apology tour letting the country become a rudderless ship. It was an Obamanable snowjob…

When he is not playing golf, he has executive time watching TV and thinking of dehumanizing nicknames instead of reading his briefing papers or researching the details and nuances of his policies.

Urine Games with Russian prostitutes are pretty time-consuming, too.

Biggest difference is while President Trump still plays golf, the rest of his time is spent actively doing the job of POTUS, whereas former potus BO was on a worldwide apology tour letting the country become a rudderless ship. It was an Obamanable snowjob…

Didn’t take much to achieve more than King Obama. But according to mainstream media, he was the chosen one. He has convinced himself he saved the world. Go away, you are no longer president.

RepubliCONS, white far-right fascists and phony evangelicals are the ones calling a phony president the chosen one. For accomplishments, here’s a link to a respected conservative publication on the subject.

Ha,ha, respected my ass. That site is so far left it is going to fall off the planet.

You are so stupid you don’t even read the links you post.

The Democrats are doing their best to convince Americans who don’t know otherwise. The president is not misogynistic, homophobic, racist, xenophobic etc. He loves this country and is doing what we asked him to do when we elected him.

Bull. He’s every one of those things, plus a pervert besides. Putin has it on tape, and he’s blackmailing Dump with it.

He’s doing what the Krotch brothers and some wannabes tell him to do. All he loves is himself.

Last chance to put a check on Donald ‘Duterte Erdowan Jong Un Hitler Hussein Putin Quadaffi Stalin Trump before America becomes lost to the land of rednecks and oligarchs. Democracy has one more chance before it’s “lights out”. Bedtime for Bozo or Bedtime for Democracy? Make the right choice Tuesday…hold ur nose and vote straight ticket Democrat.

Please vote red! Don’t let young adults think mob mentality works.

Remember when you cast your vote next Tuesday you are voting for the rule of law or the destructive forces of the radical left. The choice is yours. Choose wisely.

The radical left as you call them, marches, carries signs, and sings. The radical right riots, shoots school children, old people, and cops on a daily basis, and bombs churches. Trump is the embodiment of the radical right.

Community Organizer pretending to be a president. Talks a lot of BS but never kept his words to the people. Everything out of his mouth was a lie. The only truth was Hope & Change. Hope NO one knows he a liar & Change, divided this country through racism. Set America’s race relation back 50 year or more.

Obama was our President by both the electoral college and the popular vote. He understood constitutional law and the role our democratic republic plays in the world. He was not a name calling misogynist.

Obama was guilty of treason…giving aid and comfort to the enemy

That’s Trump again, even the former CIA director says so.

We all know the democrat are racists , look at Kayne West , the news media crucified him for being a free thinker , the race pimps called him all kinds of names , simply #walkaway

Two pukes, West and Trump, used each other. West is finally catching on that Trump only invited him and his heifer wife to the Oval Office so he could ogle her huge behind.

Alec, the Trump wanabe, Baldwin, gets arrested, what a shame.

At least Baldwin throws his own punches, Trump has to have others do it for him.

LOL Good burn!

So Trump is a racist because he has more African Americans working than ever before while Obama is not a racist because he had more African Americans on food stamps than ever before. I guess having a job is discrimination to Democrats.

There is a hell of a lot of white people on welfare and food stamps.

Pres. Trump, the hard-working president vs. ?????. No comparison. Thank you President Trump For working so hard to keep your promises to the American people. May God continue to bless & guide you. Vote REPUBLICAN

Fat rich boy Trump has never worked a day in his life, he doesn’t even know what hard work looks like.

I remember the days of news anchors Walter Cronkite, Chet Huntley and David Brinkley, they reported the news and did not spin it to reflect their views. You could listen to them and have no idea what their thoughts were on any of the subjects, they just reported the facts. Oh my if we could only have that kind of professionalism on the news channels today but alas it will never happen.

They have always lied to sell views. The difference now is you have the internet to counter their statements, and check other news sources. Same thing with religion, more people are going away from religion due to being able to do proper research, instead of believing the old wives tales passed down.

That was back in the days of 30 minutes nightly news. Get rid of cable news and social media.

We all know Pelosi and democrats want to erase the 2nd amendment. We all know the executive order creating DACA was unconstitutional. Did Obama use the black president privilege. Democrats are the most corrupt bunch on earth. VOTE RED!

LOL Erase the second amendment. Obviously a constitutional scholar. Besides, it’s too late. You wanted everybody to be able to have guns, so now the other side has them too.

Obama is the biggest joke ever pulled on American!!

Thanks, Yakov Smirnoff!

How about when Barry told the American people that everyone in Congress would be on Obamacare, then Congress wrote themselves an exemption. Tell me again, how Obamacare wasn’t a scam..

Have you noticed trumps idiots haven’t tried stopping their cushy healthcare? Yeah, both parties just want what they don’t have. It’s qla fight over who can lie and slander the other better.

When trump says drain the swamp he really means hes draining money from our government into his, and his friends bank accounts.

250,000 jobs added last month. 3.7% unemployment and those are liberals who don’t want to work.

How many jobs are created by people retiring?A lot of companies can not find replacements.

Or they do what Winnebago does ….fire all the older workers and hire new workers to save money and pay their executives more.

The health care facilities do that too, then bitch that they can’t find enough help. They HAD good help, but let them go!

Market 124 has done that twice, and she doesn’t even live here. Doesn’t need the money, either, she’s got a rich sugar daddy. At least Matt lives here.

I have read both the intents, and debates over the Citizenship Clause in particular. The guarantee was part of English common law. It was found that during debate in the Senate, the Civil Rights Act of 1866 had to have constitutional power, but it’s wording had already granted citizenship to all persons born in the U.S.

While the main part of the debate in the Senate was over the newly freed people, there was other areas where discrimination existed at that time. Indeed, in the West, Chinese in particular were targets of bias.

In fact, the landmark case that defined the Citizenship Clause was U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark in 1898. In that case, the Court decided that a child born of parents of Chinese nationality, legally living in the U.S. (the law at that time restricted Chinese from becoming naturalized US citizens) was guaranteed “birthright citizenship”.

Thus as stated in the debates of the 14th, and legal precedent, the notion it was only for blacks is debunked.

Today, Social Conservatives (not traditional Republicans) and bigots would like that precedent to go away. Some would want the Citizenship Clause itself to be eliminated. Those attempts have been made in Congress from time to time, and of course failed.

You better read it again and do it real slowly so you can understand what The parents were legal residents of the U.S.A. That is a whole different ballgame than ILLEGAL with no claim in the U.S. Get it straight or STFU.

I cited the case accurately: slip 705

I said nothing what so ever about people who came to this country illegally. That was not my intent.

But while the subject has been broached, I find little reason to change the Constitution, when all that is needed is for the current laws to be enforced.

Finally, if you are going to address me, do it with a civil tongue, or not at all.

Up yours and STFU!

Is it hard for you to discuss something without resorting to crude and course language? I never quite understood such behavior.

Cut all welfare to Illegal Aliens, including medical and education. Issue Federal Identification cards to all US citizens and legal inhabitants. Fine all businesses who give jobs to Illegals. Once these benefits are removed, there will be no reason to come here illegally!


Great idea. Or we could just shoot them as the invaders they are.

When will the stupid people here in the US understand that Constitutional rights are not given to foreigners!

AMERICA NEEDED A HERO PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP IS OURS. Working smarter for ALL AMERICANS. Making America Great planning on keeping America Great and SAFE.

Drumpf is the least heroic president in history, and you know it. He’s the dimwitted puppet of the criminal Koch Bros., a pervert, philanderer, tax cheat, and jealous pouting infant. Real Republicans have run away from him and the southern KKK freaks who’ve taken over the party.

LET’S ALL take a MOMENT to SALUTE our Commander-In-Chief: MR. DONALD J. TRUMP, the man who SACRIFICED His BILLIONAIRE LIFESTYLE to make the Country HE Loves GREAT ONCE AGAIN! …Thank you MR.PRESIDENT!!!!!

Thank you. I needed a laugh today.

The real joke is a idiot like you.

Yesterday I decided that I am so sick of the two party system. I am a registered republication but have never voted straight party. I was all for Reynolds til a couple days ago. She lost my vote for the dumping on hubble raising taxes not only do I have to see the ads on tv on Keeping It Minnesota Tv but now in my mailbox. I have in the past wrote in a locol person for different offices. Since I cannot stand either of two main party’s choices I guess I will write in a bunch of people this year. You would think with all the neg news and stuff someone would rise above it and just say what they are going to try and do and not bash the other person. I wish we had a choice of writing none of the above and have whole new election or better yet another party becomes major to give us more choices.

look no further than Amanda Ragan, She is not running negative ads and she is a stand up person

BUll-She is a damn liar and you know it.

^L^V^S …… are the real liar on this site.

In the 1980’s it became obvious to me that ALL media and news reporting was done with an agenda toward Progressivism. As a victim of dishonest reporting in the news understand I have ZERO TRUST in any media. President Trump keeps saying, “fake news” but in reality, he should be saying CORRUPT NEWS.
The media, academia, Hollywood, & the Socialist/Progressives have banned together to change America’s culture, constitution, and our entire way of life. Sadly, these Socialist-Progressives have taken over the Democratic Party. Make no mistake there are MANY Socialist-Progressives embedded in the Republican Party too! While the roots of their movement started in the late 1800s, it was after they assassinated JFK that their movement was expedited. Today’s media has become more aggressive than at any other time in American history. The MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN movement is a huge obstacle to the Progressive-Socialist movement and the cause of the AGRESSIVE media reporting we see being used today.
Bottom line, the Media IS the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!

Great post. Factual.

It’s fun to watch to babble drunkenly and then compliment yourself.

That;s your trick.

We all know Pelosi and democrats want to erase the 2nd amendment. We all know the executive order creating DACA was unconstitutional. Did Obama use the black president privilege. Democrats are the most corrupt bunch on earth. VOTE REPUBLICAN!

Republipervs are thieves and whiners. Dump molested his own daughter, and got his picture taken doing it!

You are a freakin liberal, liar and a idiot!

Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House. Impeach Trump. Abolish ICE. Open borders. Sanctuary cities for all who come. Vote Democrat.

…”jus soli”… citizenship based on place of birth.

The U.S. follows the jus soli system to determine citizenship. What this means is that whoever is born in the U.S. AND IS SUBJECT TO ITS JURISDICTION is automatically granted U.S. citizenship. (Emphasis added)

The nerve of these migrant goons, to think they can just barge in on our country and demand welfare, food stamps, thank the degenerate democrats,VOTE REPUBLICAN!!

They can’t help it, they are ignorant, and uneducated. They are like dogs, they will follow anybody that will give them something for free.

When Don, Jr., Eric and Ivanka were born in the USA, their mother, Ivana, was not a US citizen. So, those 3 were born to an immigrant here in the US illegally (she overstayed her visa). Therefore, all 3 acquired birthright citizenship and should be deported and come back into the US legally and apply for citizenship.

In that case you have to leave too.

The wall can’t be build fast or high enough and is more needed than ever before now that we experienced this caravan of demanding invaders. Mexico offered the caravan asylum and jobs and thousands refused the offer. The caravan’s many criminals also opened fire at the Mexican police. They don’t want to work and live in Mexico, they want to come to the USA for a free ride while burning and disrespecting the American flag.

Cut all welfare to Illegal Aliens, including medical and education. Issue Federal Identification cards to all US citizens and legal inhabitants. Fine all businesses who give jobs to Illegals. Once these benefits are removed, there will be no reason to come here illegally!

Probably learned that from someone who has lived here all their lives.

Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House. Impeach Trump. Abolish ICE. Open borders. Sanctuary cities for all who come. Vote Democrat.

George Soros, was quoted as saying: “I consider it my life’s work to destroy America and capitalism.” -Newsweek magazine interview.

If you value are republic, if you support democracy, if you acknowledge our historic morals and values, vote BLUE>.

Where’s the English teacher when you need him?

Does this convince all you guys??? Liars, crooks, cheats – this is just a SMALL example of what you will get when you vote Democrat !! DON’T BE STUPID – like they are! VOTE RED !!!!

I actually looked up the 14th amendment regarding birthright citizenship and it only applies to the people who come to America legally.Which means if you come through an entry point legally and give birth to a child since you entered the country and are under the jurish of the USA your child is an American citizen,but it doesn’t cover anyone who enters the country illegally

Ya, that’s not true. Read case law- there are at least 3 cases to clarify it. IPR had a great story on it today that explained it well.

You are wrong as usual. The law was put in there for slaves only. And when it goes to our CONSERVATIVE Supreme Court you will see.

If you believe IPR I have a bridge I would love to sell you.

The 14th amendment was intended to give citizenship to former slaves, not illegals coming here to give birth and live off the system. This amendment has been abused by the left for years. It needs to end.

Congratulations for listening to no one other than those whose pockets you line. Citizens told you everything you needed to know about the criminal G8 Chodur and the minefield that lay before you, and yet you proceeded with RCR right up to his latest lawsuit, for over five years. For your incompetent management regarding many issues and in my opinion, your willful negligence regarding RCR, you have put this community on the receiving end of yet another premeditated and costly housing regarding Southbridge Mall. The irony is that you think you are The Magnificent 7, 8 with Burnett. You are at the helm of an unending calamity of countless red-herring projects and continuing fiduciary infidelity. The city’s Des Moines lawyers have and will continue a billing juggernaut because of your ignoble endeavors. In Clear Lake, it is the age of creating possibilities for the future. For Mason City, it is the age of impossibilities pursued with time and money, both of which are wasted by the barrel full.

How exactly do you know what the intent was? Prove it.

The nerve of these migrant goons, to think they can just barge in on our country and demand welfare, food stamps, thank the degenerate democrats,VOTE REPUBLICAN!!

So then how do the migrant’s eat and we’re do they and what do they use for money . Oh wait I know they have a loan of Obama’s magic wand the one he said a President Trump would need to get the Jobs back.

For Clear Lake, it is the best of times. For Mason City, it is the worst of times in a long series of city government blunders. In Clear Lake, it is the age of progress, compromise and accomplishment. In Mason City, it is the age devoid of leadership and clear vision, which has resulted in a loss of identity and community. Government inaction for years made the Oct. 23 special council meeting an unfunny joke. Our long community nightmare is not over. In Clear Lake, it is a time of confidence in its citizens, belief and satisfaction with the steerage of those who have stepped forward to take the reins. Those officials govern with a consonance of unification, pulling in the same direction, to a great today and a greater tomorrow. In Mason City, the City Council, mayor and administrator do not lead. They are as unfocused and disorganized as a bag full of cats. Both elected and management employees are the local government equivalent of “The Stepford Wives,” displaying an absence of purpose of plurality while blindly following the unseen puppet masters. Mason City owns a Council that meets every two weeks failing to grasp actions of importance and without displaying conscience. Rarely stepping beyond the shadow of quiescence except to enforce silence through Robert’s Rules of Order.

The irony is that you think you are The Magnificent 7, 8 with Burnett. You are at the helm of an unending calamity of countless red-herring projects and continuing fiduciary infidelity. The city’s Des Moines lawyers have and will continue a billing juggernaut because of your ignoble endeavors. In Clear Lake, it is the age of creating possibilities for the future. For Mason City, it is the age of impossibilities pursued with time and money, both of which are wasted by the barrel full.

Congratulations for listening to no one other than those whose pockets you line. Citizens told you everything you needed to know about the criminal G8 Chodur and the minefield that lay before you, and yet you proceeded with RCR right up to his latest lawsuit, for over five years. For your incompetent management regarding many issues and in my opinion, your willful negligence regarding RCR, you have put this community on the receiving end of yet another premeditated and costly housing regarding Southbridge Mall.

What planet are you from?!?!? The voting public overwhelmingly approved the RCR project! Sounds like our leaders listened to it he will of the people if you ask me.

What does a space case like you know of planets. The current proposal is nothing like what was voted on and you know it. It is nothing but a Chamber farce.

What is materially different about the project from the time voters overwhelmingly approved the ballot measure?!?!

That just about sums it up, ( disorganized as a bag full of cats) you hit the nail square.

Let’s be honest. Clear Lake ain’t doing too hot either. Sure, compared to Mason City it is Beverly Hills. But, It’s been losing population for decades. They have landed exactly one large employer called in 20 years (which was thanks to the Iowa Economic Development Department for putting it in their laps). Look at Owatonna or Fairbault MN in this same time period – both have had healthy population gains and economic development, probably 100 fold of what Clear Lake has been able to muster.

Meanwhile, Clear Lake lets it’s best assets (its historic downtown) fall to the wrecking ball for parking lots and cheap bank buildings. The highway 18 corridor looks is a tribute to metal pole barns and derelict 1960’s architecture.

In Clear Lake, council meetings proceed until all business is addressed, with follow-up action clearly debated and documented. It is common for their council meetings to run for more than an hour, in order to hear all the people. Their administrator serves the people. Every two weeks in the Mason City Room, we are witness to an insult to representative government. Limiting citizen input rather than encouraging it eliminates the involvement, over time, of the very people officials take an oath to honorably represent. We see Mayor Schickel sprinting through a 23-minute public council meeting that is effectively reduced by 12 minutes of pomp and circumstance ceremonial duties and the verbatim reading of reports by our very well-paid fictionalist, administrator Burnett. In Clear Lake, the consent agenda does not hide significant issues worthy of public discussion. Clear Lake engages the consent agenda to get through the truly routine and mundane so that issues of substance get due time. In Mason City, the consent agenda is blown through in a heartbeat. Since no one on the dais thinks for himself, this consent agenda is a duck blind of concealment pushing through issues of consequence and spending your dollars in a bi-weekly pork barrel. In Clear Lake, representative government is alive and well. In Mason City, if we lived in an age of parliamentary government, not one single official would survive a no-confidence vote. Pocketed cohorts of those self-serving special interests unethically control the narrative determining what is or is not important to the citizens of Mason City. Mr. Mayor, Council and Mr. Aaron Burnett, the citizens of Mason City have had enough.

As an independent voter who has always voted for the person and not let party affiliation influence my vote I have for the first time in over 36 years voted straight party.
One of the Influences in my decision is the crazy person that post hatred comments day after day after day on this page. If he is the face of the Republican Party then they do not deserve my vote even though there are some fine republican candidates. I have been patiently waiting for someone in the Republican Party to stand up to this bully and tell him that this is NOT what the republicans stand for but none of you have.

Hopefully most readers of this site just consider the source, when it comes to this, crazy person. I understand your frustration, but don’t let this poster decide for you. Continue your independant thinking/voting, as it’s the best thing to do.

I thought I was the only one. Never dreamed the country would be this way. Hate the idea of voting for a party.

You’re not the only one. There’s one other.

Bull Shit-Felons can’t vote.

Hey Larrry, your felon’s comment was funny the first dozen or so times you posted it but it is getting really old now.
You should think up a new comment as you have drove this one into the ground….By the way it is comments like this that drive people to vote for the dems.

We all know Pelosi and democrats want to erase the 2nd amendment. We all know the executive order creating DACA was unconstitutional. Did Obama use the black president privilege. Democrats are the most corrupt bunch on earth. VOTE RED!

26 people shot in 17 hours in Chitcago over the weekend and no one crying over that. Is it because they are mostly black and no one cares. And, this in a city with the toughest gun control laws. We should take care of our own before ever allowing a illegal to come into our country.

I have a Hispanic family living next door to a friend of mine. Mom dad 4 adult sons. None of them work! Dad only makes tacos on weekends, 4 sons stay home, never ever saw them get up to go to work. When my friend leaves for work they are still asleep at 5:00AM. When he comes home after work at 3:30PM all of them still home just chilling drinking beer? All driving better looking cars than him!! WTF WHY AM HE WORKING TO SUPPORT THESE PEOPLE! THEY ARE NOT PRODUCTIVE, NOT U.S. CITIZENS, don’t pay taxes, everything is free for them. How do he know? The father was boosting that they came here 20 years ago. They never got citizenship because the US government pays for them to stay here????????for free?????

Seems like you spend night and day peeking out your window and putting your nose where it doesnt belong. Besides stalking the neighbors what else do you do to amuse yourself. Unless they are breaking the law Mind Your Own Business. So glad you dont live next door to me!

That is an everyday occurrence in chicago, because drug deals are rampant, and BLM.

Ignorance is abundant on this post.

And you are living proof!

Even though the Liberals KNOW our country is doing better economically……..lowest unemployment……better trade deals…….so much more……they are just gullible and full of hate and continues spreading the hate which Mr Obama started…… sad
Our country is much better now…….

Everything that happened under the corrupt obama administration is coming to light: Look at this list of fbi/doj officials who have been fired demoted or resigned over this fake investigation: FBI Departures:
James Comey, director (fired)
Andrew McCabe, deputy director (fired)
Peter Strzok, counterintelligence expert (fired)
Lisa Page, attorney (demoted; resigned)
James Rybicki, chief of staff (resigned)
James Baker, general counsel (resigned)
Mike Kortan, assistant director for public affairs (resigned)
Josh Campbell, special assistant to James Comey (resigned)
James Turgal, executive assistant director (resigned)
Greg Bower, assistant director for office of congressional affairs (resigned)
Michael Steinbach, executive assistant director (resigned)
John Giacalone, executive assistant director (resigned)

DOJ Departures:
Sally Yates, deputy attorney general (fired)
Bruce Ohr, associate deputy attorney general (twice demoted)
David Laufman, counterintelligence chief (resigned)
Rachel Brand, deputy attorney general (resigned)
Trisha Beth Anderson, office of legal counsel for FBI (demoted or reassigned*)
John P. Carlin, assistant attorney general (resigned)
Peter Kadzik, assistant attorney general, congressional liaison (resigned)
Mary McCord, acting assistant attorney general (resigned)
Matthew Axelrod, principal assistant to deputy attorney general (resigned)
Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney, SDNY (fired along with 45 other U.S. Attorneys)
Sharon McGowan, civil rights division (resigned)
Diana Flynn, litigation director for LGBTQ civil rights (resigned)
Vanita Gupta, civil rights division (resigned)
Joel McElvain, assistant branch director of the civil division (resigned)


Remember when Donald Trump was business partners with the Russian government and his company got 53 million from the Russian government investment fund called Rusnano that was started by Vladimir Putin and is referred to as “Putin’s Child”?
Oh wait, that wasn’t Trump it was John Podesta.
Remember when Donald Trump received 500 thousand for a speech in Moscow and paid for by Renaissance Capital, a company tied to Russian Intelligence Agencies?
Oh wait, that was Bill Clinton.
Remember when Donald Trump approved the sale of 20% of US uranium to the Russians while he was Secretary of State which gave control of it to Rosatom the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation?
Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton.
Remember when Donald Trump lied about that and said he wasn’t a part of approving the deal that gave the Russians 1/5 of our uranium, but then his emails were leaked showing he did lie about it?
Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.
Remember when Donald Trump got 145 million dollars from shareholders of the uranium company sold to the Russians?
Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.
Remember when Donald Trump accepted millions in donations from Russian Oligarchs like the chairman of a company that’s part of the Russian Nuclear Research Cluster, the wife of the mayor of Moscow, and a close pal of Putin’s?
Oh wait, that was the Clinton Foundation.
Remember when Donald Trump failed to disclose all those donations before becoming the Secretary of State, and it was only found out when a journalist went through Canadian tax records?
Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton.
Remember when Donald Trump told Mitt Romney that the 80s called and it wanted its Russian policy back. The Cold War is over?

Oh wait, that was President Obama.
Remember when Trump got caught on a hot mic telling the Russian ambassador he’d have much more flexibility after the elections, and the ambassador said he’d pass it on to Putin?
Oh wait, that was Obama.
Man… Trump’s ties to Russia are really disgusting!

Why are so many open enrolling out of the mason city school district? Especially good athletes?
MCHS had a nice freshman class in all athletics coming in and I have been told a couple went to Central Springs, several went to Clear Lake. I don’t know about the others?
Whats the deal? Another interesting point would be what amount Mason City schools have to pay these other schools for those that have left.
MCHS as you know is going through a terrible stretch of athletics, very bad, and it aint going to get better if the best keep leaving?
Where is the problem? Fans? Coaches? Athletic director?

Parents are the problem.

Central Springs could beat MC

All this Democrat and Republican garbage posted here means one thing, you must be home bored. NOTHING either side says is going to sway ANYBODY so for everyone who’s tired of the dead horse you repeatably beat to death. STOP IT. I’m voting 100% republican you have an American right to vote which ever way YOU want.

It comes down to simply the rule that a head coach of a varsity major sport MUST be employed within the MC school system, soooo we get inexperienced coaches that ruin programs. AKA football. Clear Lake has Jared Devries, we have a junior high science teacher. Players for MCHS were played out-of-position all year and seriously hurt players such as Quintero have any scholie chance. I’d leave too..

you think THIS year was bad, wait till next years FB team has literally no talent.

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