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Iowa Democratic State Senator blasts Steve King for latest remarks

Steve King
(CNN photo)

DES MOINES – This week, Congressman Steve King has made national headlines twice for racially-charged rhetoric and has drawn the ire of an Iowa Senator.

It all started Sunday, when Republican Representative Steve King said “culture and demographics are our destiny. We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.” He later was offered a chance on national television to clarify his remarks, and he said meant exactly what he said.

Then, Steve King told an Iowa radio station “I will predict that Hispanics and the blacks will be fighting each other” before whites become a minority in the U.S.

In response to King’s assertions, Iowa Democratic State Senator Matt McCoy released a statement:

Senator Matt McCoy

I rise today to publicly call out the recent remarks by Congressman Steve King of Iowa who tweeted Sunday, paying tribute to Geert Wilders, a veteran Member of the Dutch Parliament who founded the Party of Freedom.

King tweeted that Wilders “ understands that culture and demographics are our destiny.” We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”

Congressman King has proposed ending American Citizenship for babies born in the United States to non-American parents.

King has doubled down on his comments and said of course, I meant what I said.

Congressman King’s comments are racist and I feel that the Republican Party of Iowa and elected Republicans leaders—Iowa Senators, should all repudiate and speak out against Congressman King.

Talking about what babies should look like, what color they should be, what ethnic background they should make up is racist. America has always been a melting pot. There is no master race in our country. We are every color of the rainbow and I do mean rainbow— and that is precisely what makes America Great.

The last time in fairly recent history we heard this kind of talk was from a racist, xenophobe who nearly extinguished the entire Jewish race in one of the worst atrocities the world has ever known. A World War II Veteran reached out to me today. He said he was worried of this rhetoric and what it meant back then and why his words send a bad message today.

King’s comments received the support of former KKK Imperial Wizard David Duke who tweeted “GOD BLESS STEVE KING” and “Sanity reign Supreme” in King’s Congressional District in Iowa. The Neo-Nazi website “The Daily Stormer” dubbed him a hero.

President Trump has been silent on the subject although his spokesperson Sean Spicer said he will get back to the press on the Presidents response. Were still waiting.

We remember King’s comments in 2013 when King implied that the vast majority of the undocumented immigrants brought across the southern boarder as children are drug mules.

King stated for “every valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there that—They weigh 130 pounds, and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert,”

Congressman King is echoing the principles of white nationalism, the belief that our nations identity is linked to the white race and its superior to all other races. This white nationalism was a very significant part of Donald Trumps crack down on illegal immigration and ban on Muslims from entering the US. This is very ugly business. It weakens our country. It turns brother against brother. It is hateful, hurtful and destructive.

On this occasion, I would have to agree with Governor Branstad and Lt. Governor Reynolds when they stated this morning that they strongly disagree with him. They don’t believe it’s a reflection of Iowans or Iowa values.

His rhetoric has no place in Iowa. His rhetoric has no place in Washington D.C. representing Iowans. He would do us all a favor and resign. We Iowans are better then this. We Iowans aspire to be a place where all are welcome– if you are willing to work hard, raise your family and respect your neighbors. This is the Iowa that I know and love. I reject the bigoted words of Congressman King and denounce his claim to “represent” the beautiful and honorable State of Iowa.”

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McCoy is correct! Raciest Steve red neck King is from Alabama and not Iowa.

Which of you king supporters are klan members? Because you support King, you have people like David Duke on your side. Are you card carrying members or just sympathizers?

Th Klanis old news. You don’t have to be member of a dated club, to see people for who and what’s they are. Truth hurts, stereotypes are usually true and the cream rises to the top.

As a patriot I say he told them where the bear shit in the woods – when dealing with corrupt people you have to stand your ground.

I’m a conservative republican and I believe that Klansman Steve King is an idiot and he is as ignorant as hell. He has and will always cast our state as a state of close minded, uneducated, raciest idiots. He does not share the true Iowa views that has made this state welcoming. Anyone who defends Klansman Steve “The Idiot” king is just like him. His views are not those of the republican Conservative party! Go to Hell Klansman King and take your divisive comments and thoughts with you!

“raciest”?? You mean like NASCAR? You’re clearly not a conservative Republican.

Do you think a veterinarian would be ‘divisive’ if he told you to keep your kids away from a rabid dog? It may take people like you several lessons, but sooner or later, it will sink in, pal.

I am conservative and an Iowan and King speaks the truth. King is not a racist nor a Klansman. Some people say the stupidest things.

King is spot on on this issue. America is not replacing our population and bringing in all these immigrants that hate America is foolish.

He speaks for me.

I forget—is compulsive lying a characteristic of a sociopath, or just the mark of a rotten human being?
Oh heck, let’s be generous and just say it’s probably evidence of both in the case of Steve King.

This is the only thing he knows how to do. He can’t pass legislation. He can’t write legislation.
The only thing he can do is make controversial, incendiary, offensive remarks and that is what makes him relevant and puts him on TV because he has no other accomplishments.

Steve King an embarrassment to the Republican Party, Iowans and all of the USA.

A very small research effort on your part would show you that King’s statements are 100% correct. The birth rate demographics are no secret, and are absolutely as he says. So, who is the compulsive liar and/or rotten human being?

Fellow citizens one and all, klansmen Steven King is a raciest bigot that is dead bent on making America “White” with pure white babies. The klansmen is saying “Wake up White Peoples” if you don’t want to be the minority, you better start making pure white babies and getting these non-whites out of here. So please stop blowing smoke up our ass. He is who he is. He is not trying to hide and to hell with Joany Ernest not having the guts to ask for his resignation. As far as I’m concerned she is no better. She is a klansmen supporter. This person who started this thread is correct. He is a card carrying KKK skin head Nazi! He makes it clear every year at the fair. He stands on the soap box and talks about his Viking heritage. Barbarian killers and rapist. Wow! Something to be proud of.

Klansman? I doubt it. Raciest? Wrong word, du mass. Correct? Absolutely. King says, what everyone is thinking. People just try to act offended, because some one told them to be. Sheep. Liberals are all sheep. Dumb, mindless followers. They just about followed Bernie into a pre war style, socialist commune.

Klansmen, you don’t think so? Wake up man! The guy could not be dressed in a white hood if he tried. You so called repuke-Icans chose to only see what you want and you defend the very thing that is set in place to destroy us all! Neither party is worth a damn. I can’t support either liberal or conservative because both parties are as ignorant as its rival. The facts remain the same. As this person writes, “Klansmen Steven King” is a white supremacist, Natzi, anti Jewish, Muslim, Hispanic, and African. Anyone who is not pure Caucasian is his sworn enemy and what’s sad is that Iowa is now being know for its racism and not its diversity. Klansmen King needs to go!

They are great at throwing meaningless insults, but terrible at using meaningful arguments because they have none. King was right and the detail back him up. Enough of the P.C. CRAP!!

Here’s another guy who is full of it:
President Donald Trump “believes that this is not a point of view that he shares.”

“He believes he’s the president for all Americans, and so I’ll leave it at that,” Spicer told reporters at his daily briefing.
So the Trumpster isn’t buying into King’s bs either. Good for him.

Senator McCoy is full of it. If he took the time to understand what King was saying he would not have been so self righteous. Then again, maybe he still would have.

Exactly. Matt McCoy is full of self-riteous horse manure. Pandering to the voters with PC, feel-good, canned rhetoric. Ask Matt McCoy how many strictly Islamic NO-GO zones are acceptable, and how many are going to be “over-the-top-too-many” The sad fact is, reality is going to bite all of us, not just lying cowards like McCoy.

Common sense and truth always hurts a democraps ears.

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