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Democrats know if they stop non-citizens and dead people from voting they don’t stand a chance at winning an election!!

I have said for the past year, this country is going to end up in another civil war, all thanks to the far crazy left

The Left?!?
The left is not on here constantly bashing the other side on a daily basis hour by hour like you.
Maybe you should look in the mirror!

Id just ignore this guys nonsense he posts at all times of day. Posts roughly five to six times in only a few minutes, and more than likely needs some medication to help with their paranoia. I truly believe the mentally ill are who keep backing trumps every word.

That’s because you are not smart enough. After all, you are a liberal.

Hey a$$ wipe, don’t tell me what I am!!
I am no liberal but I do have the smarts and common sense to not be a right wing wacko either! You people are f@##ing ripping this country apart and should be ashamed to call yourselves Americans.
Take your crazy political comments somewhere else.

Here, here! Agree that choosing a political affiliation is for the weak minded. Both democrats and republicans have some things they’re right about and other things they’re dead wrong about. I never let political affiliation affect my voting.

The Left?
The left is not on here day after day, hour after hour bashing the other side and trying to start fights. You are the problem, not the left.

Where in the hell are the Republicans and why aren’t they pushing for criminal charges against the DemWocrats why are the Republicans the only one under the microscope I call bulshit it’s time to do something about the Democrats and end this crap

If these Muslim women get to wear their hijab in Congress, then MAGA hats are welcome as well!!!!!!

You bet. Them maga hats are religious attire. The cult who wears them thinks so. Tramp is there god.

Do you know the difference between God and obama? God doesn’t think he’s obama.

Great comeback. Now, move on to 5th grade.

“Tramp is there god.” Shouldn’t that be …their…god? And with your supposedly superior intellect you didn’t know that.

Departments of the U.S. Government should go back & return ALL the money they scarfed out of the Social Security Fund (that those of us who worked for 50 years contributed…..) & RE-EVALUATE what they think is “adequate” for Seniors to live on!!

Chucky the clown and his sidekick dingaling got smoked by President Trump. We were all waiting for them to come out of closed door meeting and hold a press conference and spin the truth and now the pouting begins because they got shut down!

Schumer is arrogant & stupid & DOES NOT care about the American people.

Shammer will give illegals money, but Nancy and shammer will screw vets and retired Americans

Tramp is already screwing vets. They were a lot better off when obama was president.

Yep, im in debt due to an emergency room visit that I was told was covered. The local VA sent me to the hospital by ambulance, and the lack of people being held responsible has made it really hard on vets like me. Claiming programs are not funded, so I can’t even use half of the programs started for our benefit. If I don’t go to des moines for my emergencies, and take the risk of dying in transit “which happened to me three years ago, but was luckily brought back” I have to deal with the VA claiming things are covered, just for them to deny everything later on. I owe 10s of thousands of dollars because I was told I was covered.

The VA cant even fix a computer system to correct their GI program, and for all of the damage being caused, no one is being held responsible. All under this joke of a presidents rule.

It all started under Obama. Trump is trying to fix all the sins that have happened under other Presidents. Congress has to fund this stuff before it can be fixed.

Anonymous December 18, 2018 at 7:54 am

You are real dumbass

Look who’s talking. Someone to stupid to see the truth.

Don’t call me a dumbass, old man. You can’t even spell ‘too’ correctly.

Pelosi and Chuckie sat before the American people and fought for the rights of immigrants. It was there, on camera, for the world to see. Why in the world would anyone vote for the democrats ever again ? That is the lowest of low and such a disgrace against everything we stand for as Americans.

The left’s AGENDA is to destroy President Trump’s base.
Every day we will see or hear a new lie or accusation.
We MUST stand with the President so the left CAN’T win.
Do Not Let The Lies or Accusations upset you.
Stand with President Trump until the SWAMP is emptied.

The media is spreading lies and falsehoods regarding our President. He has done nothing illegal. I suggest everyone check out other sources of information regarding what is going on with the President and our reps. All these investigations into Trump have only proven others in his party or dems HAVE done illegal actions. I wish they would stop wasting taxpayer money into these senseless investigations and get the wall built and do some work!!! Go Trump keep up the great work

So why doesn’t he release his tax returns?

And where were you when the Affirmative Action president didn’t release his college records? You libuffoons are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

The reason Hitlary was not indicted is because top FBI was in cahoots with Obama and they colluded to cover up for Clinton, just like in her email scandal!! 13 top FBI have been fired over this scandal of FREE Hillary and FRAME Trump!

I agree!

A black president didn’t give any one health care, he forced it down our throats and raped our wallets..pos


This website is proof of God. There’s no way this many morons would be gathered together in such a small geographic area without a higher power having something to do with it.

Our president is one of the best and we’re very lucky to have him in the White House.We are going to make sure that he stays there for the next six years!

A modest, respectful and honest President. Unlike the previous crooks, President Trump has delivered on his Campaign promises and done as he said. Accompanied by the beautiful, diligent and wise First Lady Melania. Keep up the great work President Trump and First Lady Melania. #2020 will be a great Re Election. #MAGA #2020

Another I-O-W-A

Modest?? “my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure,it’s not your fault”
Respectful???? “I like people who weren’t captured.”
Honest?????? “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”

More Bull from the person who destroys children.

Ha ha ha. They are all in quotes because they have been taken from actual things trump said or tweeted. That is the trouble with many of you trumpettes, you believe only what you want to believe. Everything else is fake news or bs. When his cloak disappears and all you worship is shown to be nothing more than a rich man who tried to use the Presidency as a vessel to more riches, what will you say?

I will still say you are full of shit. Always were and always will be. No one can ever believe a Democrat.

Photo ID is required for virtually everything we do in a modern society. Drive a car, cash a check, board a plane, purchase adult beverages, the list goes on.. How can it be wrong to require its use for the most essential execution of one’s duty and privilege to vote in a democracy? Any argument against it is nonsense.

When are they ever going to listen and put a movie theater back into the mall? I know if they opened that back up there would be alot more people and alot more shops

The mall is a jjoke and should be torn down along with most of the north side. The schools should also be torn down and kids shipped out to surrounding town to get a better education. As Jeff Horner said he was ashamed to graduated from MCHS.

I hate to burst your bubble “again” but the Mid Section and South End of Mason City is much worse for crime and drugs than the north end. Look at the police and sheriff reports and you will see. I do agree about the schools.

100% correct. South end has much more crime then north end

The left’s AGENDA is to destroy President Trump’s base.
Every day we will see or hear a new lie or accusation.
We MUST stand with the President so the left CAN’T win.
Do Not Let The Lies or Accusations upset you.
Stand with President Trump until the SWAMP is Emptied!

I’m ashamed that he did graduate from MCHS.

Too bad you never did graduate from anywhere.

If you only knew, you could eat those words.

The schools always pass stupid kids just because it is easier than trying to teach them. Just look at bodacious if you need proof of that.

because what remains of the theaters is just an empty shell of a building as seats and screens were removed long ago.

Democrats care nothing for this country or the real, legal citizens…they have proven it over and over and over!!

Not only are minorities walking away but millennials are waking up to the liberal propaganda programming. What you see and hear on TV is not reality.

Thing about those fake numbers are most people become Republicans when they grow up, we all were Dems when we were kids, then when we got to the age to start paying attention to right and wrong, we became Repubs, mid to lower 30s, a man told me this over 30 years ago and i thought he was a dumb ass, fooled me he was right. the Dem party will soon end, renamed the Progressive or Liberal party, they only members will be the confused gender and people who do not know which bathroom to use.

The reason Texas was so close to being blue this past election cycle is because of all the California and Illinois transplants. They run from what they’ve created only to spread the cancer by continuing to vote for the same types of people that instituted the taxes and policies they moved away from.

IMO most of the Texas “blue” vote was due to the enormous amount of money spent by the Democrats from all over America that ultimately influenced voters. It is scary that money and the media can warp people’s thinking that the Democratic agenda is good for them. They should take a long hard look at France because that is what we are facing if Democrats agenda is carried out!!!

Why is any politician in Washington claiming to know more about what we need on the border than the Border Patrol? How many have been to the border? How many have walked even a hundred yards in the desert? Democrats need to stop using their anus as the place to derive critical thinking.

I believe in Climate Change, Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. It changes every year.

Mr PRESIDENT TRUMP I have a small Christmas wish am asking for please Sir I want crooked Hillary to get locked up that is ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS

Build the wall.
Seal the border.

Democrats care nothing for this country or the real, legal citizens…they have proven it over and over and over…

It’s funny that Pelosi had no problem giving Iran (who hates us) 150 billion dollars, but has a problem approving 5 billion dollars for a border wall for our security. All the Democrats what to do is stop Trump no matter what he does. They don’t care about our country they just care about power

The is one of the biggest scams since Global Warming. It’s a Witch Hunt that needs to be wrapped up. Mueller should be arrested and prosecuted. It was an attempted Coup D’etat to overthrow our duly elected President Donald J. Trump. #LockMuellerUp.

Trump appointed Rosenstein who appointed Mueller. What has Mueller done that he wasn’t appointed to do?

Everything he has done has nothing to do with collusion. It is nothing short of a investigation looking for a crime and it is costing us millions.

How in the hell would you know what he has done and what he hasn’t done? He has indicted many people who have interacted with Trump and his family during the election and the campaign. You don’t get it.

Every single one indicted because they lied. Not a single one on any thing to do with Trump. It is nothing but a Witch Hunt looking for a crime.

DISMANTLE the U.N. and close our borders !!!

Obama’s legacy is becoming a memory… and a very bad one at that

More like a nightmare, as Texas has found out.

Power to the People. Greedy, fraudulent governments should be brought down. Crooked politicians care nothing for their citizens and only for themselves. Climate change is a farce, a scam, and false science. So, according to some scientists, the earth is supposed to be billions of years old. Why now is there some type of global climate change? It’s all nonsense and pish posh

We pump billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year. There is no free lunch with Mother Nature, there are consequences in doing so. CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Now, you put two and two together.

The U.S. has reduced ours. The rest of the world has not. We are not paying for their mistakes. MAGA

Fantastic. I just don’t understand how global warming has become a political issue?!?!? It is unquestionably occurring and it is because of man kinds use of fossil fuels. Why some people try to make this a right vs. left thing is beyond me. It’s akin to lead additvie gasoline all over again where you have those that profit from it convincing the weak minded that the science is a farce.

Thank you president Trump for getting us out of the Paris accord. It is a fraud with very deep and insidious goals , and not an answer to climate change.

We all should be out there by the thousands in support of Trump & angered about the democrats corruptions!! It’s NOT right that you all voted for him then disappeared just to put all the burden on his shoulders to deal with alone!! Support your president as you should. Show this poor man that you care!

The majority didn’t vote for him, maybe you have forgotten mr dump was not who actually won the election? Both him and hillary are crooks, its better to have some cheap entertainment with mr garbage dump.

Why was the guy who got shot on railroad property? Was he trying to get across from one side of the track to the other and didn’t want to walk up to 12th St. or down to 1st? Never figured out why the city didn’t make the railroad put in a pedestrian bridge over the tracks at 9th NW (or another street in the area) as part of the “deal” with the railroad.

Or, was he trying to steal from the railroad?

Rumor mill has it that ShopKo is closing.

Shopko will close pharmacies in Rochester, Austin, Albert Lea, Mason City, and other locations in our area. Kroger purchased 42 locations including 25 in Shopko’s home base of Wisconsin.

In our area, HyVee will take over filling prescriptions for Shopko.

This follows a published report from Bloomberg that the chain out of Green Bay is preparing to file for bankruptcy.

Trump is at present the only thing standing between the American People and a one world Government. Ponder that for a minute and you will understand why it is so important to take a stand and support President Trump with power. It’s not Trump they hate. It’s everything he stands for which is what we stand for. What they really hate is America and Americans.

Trump is part of the global elite, how ignorant can you be? Hes an idiot being used as a public face.

There is no doubt that,America made the right choice electing Donald J Trump as our President.He is doing a great,great job so far on every front and no doubt he’s going to be re-elected:

While President Trump won the electoral college, he did not win the popular vote. He does not have a mandate. He is a liar and a cheat. If you respect a man who cheated on his wife and then paid the other woman off, I feel sorry for your family. It may not be illegal, but it sure as hell is immoral. Worse than what Bill Clinton did, and that was bad.

No Muslim should be in our government as they do not honor our beliefs or constitution. Any one voting for a Muslim should understand this fact! And it begins!!! NEVER elect a Muslim into office because they will constantly try to overthrow our Constitution with their Sharia law!!! BIG MISTAKE electing a Muslim…HUGE!!!

Uhm…. seperation of church and state. Someones religious beliefs should not dictate their capabilities to run for public office. Christians and muslims share a lot of the same beliefs. The only difference is language.

What about Jews? Amish? Buddhists? Do we shun them as well because their belief system is different than ours?

Pray, what happened to the Constitution? Did we strike down: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”?

Or is it your wish to take freedoms from others in the name of xenophobia?

When poor people commit a crime, the state just has to prove they did the thing. For rich people crimes, the state has to prove that in their heart of hearts they knew it was wrong. God I love America!

what is the Michels company boring in Mason City? Fiber optics?

Micheals is putting in electric lines underground. There are 4 other companies putting utilities underground, from natural gas lines to Mediacom.

It makes the community look nicer in the long run.

Obama sent $400 MILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS to Iran….cash all neatly tied into bricks and loaded onto the unmarked jet in the middle of the night. Iran is no friend of America. This was a secret project of Obama to help his Muslim friends. Obama always enjoyed spending money that was not his to spend

It wasn’t taxpayer dollars you moron. It was money that was Iran’s money and he was returning it. We (the USA) didn’t start stealing from the taxpayers until Trump got into the White House.

Speaking of Morons you Dumb Ass, that money was under sanction and the criminal Obama went around congress and gave it to his Muslim buddy’s. Now it is being used to fund terrorist all around the world. And, P.O.S. like you enable that crap you damn traitor.

The US had sanctions against Iran when Obama, all by himself. Without the knowledge or consent of Congress surreptitiously in the dead of night delivered that money to a nation who has sworn to destroy us ever since they held a dozen Embassy workers hostage for a year during Jimmy Carter’s Presidency. They are currently using that money for terrorism against us and Israel.

At least you didn’t continue your incorrect claim that it was taxpayers money. If you can, read this and learn something other than the b.s. your right wing sites produce on daily basis. No wonder you are a trump supporter,

Left Wing Bull Shit!

Fortune is a conservative leaning publication.

The US had sanctions against Iran when Obama, all by himself. Without the knowledge or consent of Congress surreptitiously in the dead of night delivered that money to a nation who has sworn to destroy us ever since they held a dozen Embassy workers hostage for a year during Jimmy Carter’s Presidency. They are currently using that money for terrorism against us and Israel.

Why aren’t these two con artists in prison? If I recall, Hillary stole close to $300,000 worth of furniture from The White House when they left. Why wasn’t she prosecuted for felony grand theft?

Barry Soetoro did all he could to destroy America from within, he even robbed America in the dead of night as he was leaving office by sending billions to Iran……….this is the one Mueller should be investigating!

Yep Obama gave us Hope and Change alright. He gave us change in the wrong direction and took away most Americans hope.

President Obama was nothing but another Career politician. Talked a lot but no action. Jobs were scarce and with Donald Trump there are more Jobs and a better economy. So deny it all you want Dems; this guys doing a great Job.

When the bribed Clinton puppets in Government & the Judiciary are disposed of, then the Rule of Law will return to the USA.

Tax evasion is what finally put Al Capone in prison. If this is how the Clinton’s end up there is fine with me!

They can be cell mates with Trump.

The Senate voted to end our military aid to Saudi Arabia’s war against Yemen. It is a slap to Trump and his defense of Saudi Arabia’s assassination of Jamal Khashoggi. It was a unanimous vote. Still think this joker is going to make it 2 more years?

Bill shut up! Shut up who cares!

Big deal. No one gives a shit, including Trump.

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