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Not only should schools begin recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance before morning announcements, but they should also return to teaching civics classes, your state’s constitution, and the United States Constitution beginning in sixth grade and continuing until high school graduation.

Don’t worry President Trump, 4 more years and you can make laws against censorship! Trump 2020. We The People will vote you in again. 62 million last time and the numbers will be bigger next election!!!

*We don’t need commercials we know he does what he says he will and these other people are the normal Politicians who do nothing they say they will. Just look at the past you can determine the future. Trump is gaining on these people who want Socialism and climate control for nothing . It is supposed to be the coldest winter in history does that sound like we are changing it?

Republicans are treating this like the $hitshow it is. Watching the Dems is like watching clowns getting out of a Volkswagen

***What does this word mean? Dhimmitude:The word “Dhimmitude” is found in the new health care bill. So what does it mean? Thought this was interesting and worth passing on. Obama used it in the health care bill . Now isn’t this interesting? It is also included in the health care law. Dhimmitude . I had never heard the word until now, so I typed it into Google and started reading. Pretty interesting! It’s on Page 107 of the Obama healthcare bill. I looked this up on Google and, yep, it exists… is a REAL word. Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslin populations conquered through jihad (Holy War). Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to Islam!!

**ObamaCare allows the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia Muslim diktat in the United States ! AND Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured! Islam considers insurance to be “gambling,” “risk-taking,” and “usury” and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on this. How convenient. So I, as a Christian, will have crippling IRS liens placed against all of my assets, including real estate, cattle, and even accounts receivable, and will face hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax. Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will have no such penalty and will have 100% of his health insurance needs paid for by the de-facto government insurance. Non-Muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize Muslims. This is Dhimmitude.
I recommend sending this on to your contacts. American citizens need to know about it….. Health Insurance Exemptions April 13, 2010 .. Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations .. The ObamaCare bill is the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia…/med…/exemptions.asps/medical/exemptions.asp …

****Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says the reason for all the crime and treason at the FBI and DOJ can be boiled down to one thing: a global financial crime spree. “Hillary Clinton was running and is running a global financial criminal syndicate,” and Shipp believes Barack Obama was in on it. Shipp believes that this entire scandal, which will likely end up being the biggest in American history, could result in a Constitutional crisis. In an interview with USA Watchdog‘s Greg Hunter, Shipp contends, “There could be a Constitutional crisis in that we could see Congressmen, Senators, former Directors of the FBI, and the CIA perp walked after they receive charges. Could you imagine if senior DOJ officials were arrested, some Congressmen and Senators were arrested and other government officials were arrested on charges and walked out of office? That’s the Constitutional crisis I am talking about. Those kinds of high-level arrests would shake up this nation. It would be huge, and that’s why it has taken so long and methodical in doing this.”

****There was so much hope in January 2009 when Barack Obama took office. Here was the first black president of the United States, promising to be a leader for all Americans, to halt the rise of the oceans and to be the most transparent administration ever. Even black Americans were saying the Civil War was finally over. Unfortunately for America, it didn’t turn out that way. As more and more evidence is revealed daily on the evening news, it is now very clear the Obama administration was the most corrupt presidency in the history of the republic. As Mr. Obama’s favorite, President Abraham Lincoln, warned us, the most dangerous threats can come from domestic enemies. First of all, that bit about being a leader for all Americans, color-blind if you will, was a tall tale. Mr. Obama never missed an opportunity to sow racial divide. During his term in the Oval Office, racial relations literally went off the cliff. Mr. Obama and first lady Michelle promoted the false narrative that white America was literally guilty of hunting down blacks with glee. They whipped up resentment in minority communities against the police, even though a Harvard study found that blacks are no more likely to be killed by police than whites. But the racial divisions, as painful and heartbreaking as they are, were not the worst of it…..

**The abuse of power started to become clear when it was revealed the Internal Revenue Service was biased against conservatives. I still don’t understand why that woman is not in jail. She sat there and lied to the American people and to Congress with no accountability. Mr. Obama used the agencies, and the awesome power of the federal government, against his political enemies. He used the power of the state against those he didn’t like. This was full-on banana republic dictator kind of stuff. The negligence at Veterans’ Affairs, the “stimulus bill” that was simply a redistribution to unions (those “shovel ready projects” weren’t so shovel ready after all), the sale of uranium to the Russians, the lies about Benghazi, the Clinton email scandal that was not prosecuted, the appeasement of the Iranians — even sending billions in cash in the middle of the night and bragging about how they lied to the American press and public, the use of financial penalties to fund leftist causes, the use of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to take property from Americans, on, and on, and on. I literally could go on forever….

**However, the coup-de-grace is what we are now learning about the 2016 election and the criminal spying on the Trump campaign. The president of the United States was set up. Mr. Trump is exactly right. The weaponization of our intelligence and security services has damaged their reputation for generations, and the rule of law, to which this great nation is so committed, has been irreparably damaged as well. I’ve said it before, the Obama administration was nothing more than highly organized crime. Justice will be served. It may take a while, but the truth will continue to come out. It’s a shame the administration of the first black president was also the most corrupt. Such a lost opportunity to better this great country. It’s not that hard to understand. Still, it’s difficult to accept.
It shouldn’t happen here…>

**Just the beginning of a long well planned agenda with many involved. If you skip onward to the very end, the final phase takes you to our nation being turned to Islam. It was always expected of Obama, however, while in office he showed few tendencies, but after and now he openly declares where he stands. Following up you can see those like Omar, Tlaib, Presley, Sansour and other are pushing this today. We let those of this cult religion take the Oath of Office using the Quran rather than our nation’s Christian Bible. As so it has started…
I have been screaming at the top of my lungs for years and it falls on deaf ears. This is pure evil and we Americans are so gullible. I hope now you can see we are not all the same in God’s creation. Some Muslims are pure evil from Satan himself.

We don’t need commercials we know he does what he says he will and these other people are the normal Politicians who do nothing they say they will. Just look at the past you can determine the future. Trump is gaining on these people who want Socialism and climate control for nothing . It is supposed to be the coldest winter in history does that sound like we are changing it?


This book lays bare the depth of Trump’s unfitness for office, ignorance, and depravity. a

DUMP TRUMP FROM THE TICKET IN 2020!! Mike Pence, a devout, real Christian, is the true Chosen One. Married to the same woman, his only wife, for years, attends church regularly, and walks the true Christian path. TRUMP IS NO CHRISTIAN.

Don’t you get tired of deleting comments? All it does is show that you aren’t really an American because Americans believe in free speech.

Posts on this website have nothing to do with free speech, which refers to what’s called ‘prior restraint’: the GOVERNMENT can’t prevent you from saying what you want. It does not give you the right post whatever you want whenever you want without penalty, or to spam the digital private property of somebody else.


The Gypsies of Europe were registered, sterilized, ghettoized, and then deported to concentration and death camps by the Nazis before and during World War II. Approximately 250,000 to 500,000 Gypsies were murdered during the Holocaust—an event they call the Porajmos (the “Devouring.”)

***There was so much hope in January 2009 when Barack Obama took office. Here was the first black president of the United States, promising to be a leader for all Americans, to halt the rise of the oceans and to be the most transparent administration ever. Even black Americans were saying the Civil War was finally over. Unfortunately for America, it didn’t turn out that way. As more and more evidence is revealed daily on the evening news, it is now very clear the Obama administration was the most corrupt presidency in the history of the republic. As Mr. Obama’s favorite, President Abraham Lincoln, warned us, the most dangerous threats can come from domestic enemies. First of all, that bit about being a leader for all Americans, color-blind if you will, was a tall tale. Mr. Obama never missed an opportunity to sow racial divide. During his term in the Oval Office, racial relations literally went off the cliff. Mr. Obama and first lady Michelle promoted the false narrative that white America was literally guilty of hunting down blacks with glee. They whipped up resentment in minority communities against the police, even though a Harvard study found that blacks are no more likely to be killed by police than whites. But the racial divisions, as painful and heartbreaking as they are, were not the worst of it…..

**The abuse of power started to become clear when it was revealed the Internal Revenue Service was biased against conservatives. I still don’t understand why that woman is not in jail. She sat there and lied to the American people and to Congress with no accountability. Mr. Obama used the agencies, and the awesome power of the federal government, against his political enemies. He used the power of the state against those he didn’t like. This was full-on banana republic dictator kind of stuff. The negligence at Veterans’ Affairs, the “stimulus bill” that was simply a redistribution to unions (those “shovel ready projects” weren’t so shovel ready after all), the sale of uranium to the Russians, the lies about Benghazi, the Clinton email scandal that was not prosecuted, the appeasement of the Iranians — even sending billions in cash in the middle of the night and bragging about how they lied to the American press and public, the use of financial penalties to fund leftist causes, the use of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to take property from Americans, on, and on, and on. I literally could go on forever…

**However, the coup-de-grace is what we are now learning about the 2016 election and the criminal spying on the Trump campaign. The president of the United States was set up. Mr. Trump is exactly right. The weaponization of our intelligence and security services has damaged their reputation for generations, and the rule of law, to which this great nation is so committed, has been irreparably damaged as well. I’ve said it before, the Obama administration was nothing more than highly organized crime. Justice will be served. It may take a while, but the truth will continue to come out. It’s a shame the administration of the first black president was also the most corrupt. Such a lost opportunity to better this great country. It’s not that hard to understand. Still, it’s difficult to accept.
It shouldn’t happen here…

*** Send every damn Muslim back to wherever they came from — they are not Americans – they are militant fanatics – America is supposed to be the home of the free & the brave, not the islamic fiends that murder members of their own families that have supposedly dishonored them – BULLSHIT

Many of their families have been here longer than your family. Many fought in the Revolutionary War against the British. Of course, 6th grade dropouts wouldn’t know that.


**We have had enough of the lies from all the Obama family. I would not believe a word out of their mouth. Time for them to shut up and disappear. I just hope there are enough people out there to see they are nothing but lying murders and stop letting the brain wash them.

**OBummer you ready for a race war (you and your husband). I would say right about now you might be the most hated fool on this part of the earth

**The incompetence and corruption of our elected officials in D.C. isn’t anything new to those who follow the goings-on in our nation’s capital. But a recent poll from Gallup indicates that a growing number of Americans are realizing the problems caused by the federal government.

DUMP TRUMP FROM THE TICKET IN 2020. Mike Pence, a devout, real Christian, is the true Chosen One! Married to the same woman, his only wife, for years, attends church regularly, and walks the true Christian path. TRUMP IS NO CHRISTIAN.

Thank you for the information!

**Little Pete was in the Navy Reserves. He deployed 7 months to Afghanistan. He enlisted As an Ensign in 2009 and began intelligence training. He worked in a tuna can style office, rode around in an armored SUV. He did not engage in combat. So…I guess that qualifies him to disparage what the real warriors went through in combat? NOT in my book. Dang at one time he even Demonstrated Against the war. For this guy to spew his views on Military Justice is a joke.

He forgot more about it than you’ll ever know.

*It’s alright President Trump basically eliminated Obama’s 8 years in office and our economy took off like a rocket ship.

The Rocket ship that fat ass, little hands, orange man needs to get on for one eay ticket to hell!

* I hope when all is revealed and it leads back to this “person” …. They lock him away for a long time! And his husband too!!!

*Well now lets remember that Obama, Clinton, and for most purposes Geo W. Bush were also not in the military so they apparently had very little knowledge of what it means to be in the military, Don’t forget that.

*The common people in Iran have no choice they would rather live peacefully go to the store by food clothing at a fair price for their families and live normally but their leaders keep them in bondage and fear and poverty through their religion and hate mongering . They were a different society before the religious leaders took over. That is happening in many countries.

That’s what the Southern Baptist religious extremists/American Taliban who’ve taken over the Republican party are trying to do here! Where are the real Republicans?!

*Iran: “If you cross our red line, we will destroy you. We will not leave any move unanswered…”

“Escape from New York “now while you can ,starting to sound like an East coast California going to hell too !

**Friday’s terror attack was committed by a terrorist who should have still been behind bars. This should serve as a desperate reminder to judges letting criminals in America walk free… you are putting lives in jeopardy.

if he would have been in the US, imagine the damage he could have done with his access to many rapid-fire weapons.

Morning again Trumptard.
You’re such a lying coward and a douchebag.
You have to squat to pee you pussy.

redundant, pathetic, why don’t you two just get a room.

And a top of the day to you PUKE.

*The abuse of power started to become clear when it was revealed the Internal Revenue Service was biased against conservatives. I still don’t understand why that woman is not in jail. She sat there and lied to the American people and to Congress with no accountability. Mr. Obama used the agencies, and the awesome power of the federal government, against his political enemies. He used the power of the state against those he didn’t like. This was full-on banana republic dictator kind of stuff. The negligence at Veterans’ Affairs, the “stimulus bill” that was simply a redistribution to unions (those “shovel ready projects” weren’t so shovel ready after all), the sale of uranium to the Russians, the lies about Benghazi, the Clinton email scandal that was not prosecuted, the appeasement of the Iranians — even sending billions in cash in the middle of the night and bragging about how they lied to the American press and public, the use of financial penalties to fund leftist causes, the use of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to take property from Americans, on, and on, and on. I literally could go on forever.

When real life fails to support what the left claims, the left must make up ‘incidents’ to ‘support’ their claims. Their existence depends on it.

*Booker, tell the people how YOU will do better for them than President Trump has. What are your plans and how will it better MY life? You cannot run on “I hate Trump.” You cannot win votes with name calling. Prove what you are saying about our President. Repeating it over and over does NOT make it true.

Why can’t he? Trump and Pence ran on “We hate Obama.”

*We have had enough of the lies from all the Obama family. I would not believe a word out of their mouth. Time for them to shut up and disappear. I just hope there are enough people out there to see they are nothing but lying murders and stop letting the brain wash them.

*OBummer you ready for a race war (you and your husband). I would say right about now you might be the most hated fool on this part of the earth

*The incompetence and corruption of our elected officials in D.C. isn’t anything new to those who follow the goings-on in our nation’s capital. But a recent poll from Gallup indicates that a growing number of Americans are realizing the problems caused by the federal government.

Same old redundent bullshit by the troll. He deleted everything from yesterday so, I deleted him. Then I reposted yesterday.

Morning Trumptard

Ready for another day of you posting bullshit comments about how great the lying, corrupt and cowardly Donald Trump is?

You are the poster-boy for dumb-asses.
That and the fact that you are a douche bag traitor to the USA.

Morning PUKE.
Ready for another day of smelling Swallwell”s farts?

Shall we also send back Germans because of Nazi Germany? And what about those Russians who came from the Soviet Union? God forbid we allow the Catholics to remain here because of the slaughter during the Crusades!

And while we are at it, perhaps we should eliminate the First Amendment of our Constitution that guarantees freedom of Religion. Who needs it, right? Lets stop Amish and Hebrews from practicing their beliefs. Let us not forget the Greek Orthodox and Hindus. Then there are those pesky Buddhists.

But, since this IS the land of the free, we accept all faiths, and protect them from persecution, as we did at the beginning of this country. In fact, it is the reason for our country coming into existence!

So please, keep your racist/xenophobic views to yourself, they have no place in a civilized society.

How can you have an hour long gun battle and the Federal Government of Mexico not bring down hundreds of highly trained assault troops who are on standby to quickly put an end to this? The truck in the picture with CDN on the door isn’t a police vehicle it belongs to a cartel which is what the letter “C” stands for. They are so bold down there they actually drive around in marked vehicles.

Whose economy. I’m still waiting to do as well as I did under Bill Clinton. But that’s right…he lied about a blow job from a consenting adult. So much worse than what Trump has lied about, right? Smh.

If you are not doing better today than you were under Clinton is is your fault. You are either lazy, stupid or both.

or a farmer or rely on agriculture or live in a rural area or the state of Iowa or anywhere in the Midwest on and on thanks Bonespurs

The abuse of power started to become clear when it was revealed the Internal Revenue Service was biased against conservatives. I still don’t understand why that woman is not in jail. She sat there and lied to the American people and to Congress with no accountability. Mr. Obama used the agencies, and the awesome power of the federal government, against his political enemies. He used the power of the state against those he didn’t like. This was full-on banana republic dictator kind of stuff. The negligence at Veterans’ Affairs, the “stimulus bill” that was simply a redistribution to unions (those “shovel ready projects” weren’t so shovel ready after all), the sale of uranium to the Russians, the lies about Benghazi, the Clinton email scandal that was not prosecuted, the appeasement of the Iranians — even sending billions in cash in the middle of the night and bragging about how they lied to the American press and public, the use of financial penalties to fund leftist causes, the use of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to take property from Americans, on, and on, and on. I literally could go on forever.

However, the coup-de-grace is what we are now learning about the 2016 election and the criminal spying on the Trump campaign. The president of the United States was set up. Mr. Trump is exactly right. The weaponization of our intelligence and security services has damaged their reputation for generations, and the rule of law, to which this great nation is so committed, has been irreparably damaged as well. I’ve said it before, the Obama administration was nothing more than highly organized crime. Justice will be served. It may take a while, but the truth will continue to come out. It’s a shame the administration of the first black president was also the most corrupt. Such a lost opportunity to better this great country. It’s not that hard to understand. Still, it’s difficult to accept.
It shouldn’t happen here.

Just the beginning of a long well planned agenda with many involved. If you skip onward to the very end, the final phase takes you to our nation being turned to Islam. It was always expected of Obama, however, while in office he showed few tendencies, but after and now he openly declares where he stands. Following up you can see those like Omar, Tlaib, Presley, Sansour and other are pushing this today. We let those of this cult religion take the Oath of Office using the Quran rather than our nation’s Christian Bible. As so it has started.

Fairy tales one and all.

For Anonymous

December 1, 2019 at 12:25 pm
Fairy tales one and all.

And your PROOF is?????

All in your mindless!!!

Where is your proof that any of this fearmongering is true?

Where is your proof it is not true????

typical right wing wacknoid response when asked for proof. Prove me wrong.

Where have you been since 2009. It’s all been in the news and in black and white since the day obahama was elected.

For Anonymous
December 1, 2019 at 3:51 pm

Where have you been since 2009. It’s all been in the news and in black and white since the day obahama was elected.

You forget that he/she cant read or comprehend.

You can’t come up with any better excuse for no proof?

We need prayers for America because of Pelosi and co-conspirators. Their main objective is to destroy our country.

This is hilarious!!! These people still haven’t gotten over that bitter defeat in 2016 and aren’t going to accept it in 2020. It is going to be glorious!!!!!!

*ObamaCare allows the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia Muslim diktat in the United States ! AND Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured! Islam considers insurance to be “gambling,” “risk-taking,” and “usury” and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on this. How convenient. So I, as a Christian, will have crippling IRS liens placed against all of my assets, including real estate, cattle, and even accounts receivable, and will face hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax. Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will have no such penalty and will have 100% of his health insurance needs paid for by the de-facto government insurance. Non-Muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize Muslims. This is Dhimmitude.
I recommend sending this on to your contacts. American citizens need to know about it….. Health Insurance Exemptions April 13, 2010 .. Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations .. The ObamaCare bill is the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia…/med…/exemptions.asps/medical/exemptions.asp .

Iran: “If you cross our red line, we will destroy you. We will not leave any move unanswered…”

New York, like California, is run by extremely stupid people OR criminals or both, voted into office by extremely stupid people!

*Friday’s terror attack was committed by a terrorist who should have still been behind bars. This should serve as a desperate reminder to judges letting criminals in America walk free… you are putting lives in jeopardy.

Good morning bot. Noticed that not only are you repeating yourself again, but deleting comments.

Imagine how many people would be dead if this man lived in the US where he would have had unlimited access to a variety of rapid-firing weapons.

Oh I live here all right and I already own guns and am a dead shot.

Stay on topic moron. We are talking about the man in London who stabbed a number of people yesterday not you and your fantasies.

WoW-Now I am scared. You damn liberals turn animals like this loose then pretend to be offended when they do what comes natural to them.

Layre Snid Er cant stay on topic. He talks a lot about his gun cause his real weapon just hangs there limp.

AnonymousReply Report comment
December 1, 2019 at 2:37 pm

Stay on topic moron. We are talking about the man in London who stabbed a number of people yesterday not you and your fantasies.

December 2, 2019 at 5:21 pm

WoW-Now I am scared. You damn liberals turn animals like this loose then pretend to be offended when they do what comes natural to them.

Take your meds and change your depends Lairie

Go Laaarree, can you even hold a gun? Your arms probably shake so much you couldnt hit anything anyway.

LaRee can’t even hit the pot when trying to take a duce.

Friday’s terror attack was committed by a terrorist who should have still been behind bars. This should serve as a desperate reminder to judges letting criminals in America walk free… you are putting lives in jeopardy.

Even more news:

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