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So in America…the burden of proof is on the accuser, NOT the accused. I don’t care what the situation. Booker is a moronic, racist POC and the Dems are mostly insane. Talk about a slippery slopeā€¦

“While he made it clear that his investigation is closed, the main takeaway from outgoing Special Counsel Robert Muellerā€™s surprise farewell statement to the media Wednesday is that he desperately wanted to take down President Trump, but simply couldnā€™t find a way to do it.”

Omar brings her perspective and insists it is right and America is wrong. She left Somalia because of their way of life but now she wants to impose her culture etc on America. America has always been proud of its diversity of cultures and religions but always have maintained their freedom of ideas while maintaining OUR Constitution and OUR laws. We don’t want your Globalists law, we don’t want Soros’s law. We are America, like it or go someplace else. What she and others like her are trying to do is make states within states where they can do what they please then trying to expand them

Omar is in violation of her oath. Why do we tolerate people who want to destroy us? We have laws to deal with sedition but like immigration laws we havenā€™t the courage or intelligence to enforce these laws. We have become weak at heart. We know the enemy yet we try to ignore the danger. Weā€™re on the last generation. May God have mercy on our souls.

It was not the NRA, nor was it a gun. It was evil, which grew under the influence of fear. Fear that is sold daily as opposed to faith. Truth is, fear is now promoted more than faith by most politicians and media. The good message of faith, good works, love, kindness, courtesy and respect is the root of great behaviours. Fear is the Root of evil. What you chose defines your thoughts. Chose wisely. Be of good cheer, choose faith over fear.

I will second that emotion!

Donna Brazile is as crooked as the party she follows! She gave Clinton the questions before the debate, to ensure Killary had a prepared answer for them!

It seems that none on the Hillary people can tell the truth any better that she could. Saying it over and over and over doesnā€™t make it come true, Hillary isnā€™t President because of Hillary, NOT because of Russia.

Iā€™ve yet to hear one person come out and say that they were forced to vote for Trump because of Russians. Old cheating Donna Brazile needs a reality check and seek mental health care. We The People voted for Trump because Hillary has nothing to offer us

President Obama and Donald Trump see immigration differently. The President’s aggressive executive action on immigration is still being litigated, and Mr. Trump proposes action of a different kind. In the meantime, tax credits and refunds for illegal immigrants have become controversial. Mr. Trump says illegal immigrants get $4.2 billion in tax credits. He can point to a 2011 audit by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. It confirms that individuals who are not authorized to work in the United States were paid $4.2 billion in refundable credits.

I think you meant barrack Obama and president trump…. or correctly, presidents Obama and trump, one being former the other current. its still president jimmy carter… or president Thomas Jefferson. the title sticks.

Cautious IRS Commissioner Koskinen himself explained the seemingly bizarre result to Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa). Illegal immigrants covered by the Presidentā€™s amnesty deal can claim back tax credits for work they performed illegally, even if they never filed a tax return during those years. This written response clarified the IRS chiefā€™s earlier statements, confirming that illegals can get back taxes.

Guaranteed Obama was at the root of all of this, and he built himself a big old house down the street from the White House,A bunker if you will so he could so he could continue being president for at least four more years by being Hillary Clintonā€˜s puppet master. Talk about being a psycho egotistical misogynist, he really thinks he was that great.Con man And the worst president this country has ever seen. Thank God we have a president like Donald Trump to untangle the mess he created. What a disaster

Nixon planted a bug, Obama set out to destroy a nation

All I can say is, anyone with any sense at all, just a little, knows Obama and Hillary are behind all the corruption. The greedy selves they are tried to destroy us and it’s not over. If our Congress does not address this by the lawful way America as we have known and loved will be no more. They’ve disregarded our Constitution in many ways. The people who love America for what we’ve always been better get out and vote. Were losing America..I pray God will stand by America and against the evilness.

Ten thousand times worse than Watergate. Obama created a force to attempt to destroy the United States and he should be held accountable. He is a Muslim that imported a Muslim army and shortly you will see how that will be the end of our country if we don’t wake up. He is still working behind the scenes to destroy us. He should be arrested and thrown in prison for the rest of his life along with about 90% of his administration.

If they think California is hemorrhaging people now, theyā€™ll be leaving in droves. There will be two kinds of people living there, the very rich and the very very poor! If you are a democrat please stay right where you are and if youā€™re moving please leave your liberal far left ways there!

Have you ever noticed that a Democratic plan always involves fines and penalties and restrictions on your FREEDOM!

AOC is nothing but a clueless twit! Itā€™s revolting how she dismisses Our Veterans, Our President and Our Country as a whole! God Bless America! #TRUMP2020

Lying agains

Yes, you are!

Good news. Today the Louisianaā€™s state legislature passed one of the nationā€™s most life-affirming, child-protective abortion bans, and their Democratic governor, John Bel Edwards, says he will sign it despite his partyā€™s support of abortion. He said heā€™s ā€œpro-life for the whole lifeā€ and I respect that. Sadly today, ā€œthree-quarters of Democrats believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases,ā€ according to this Washington Post article. Democratic Rep. Katrina Jackson sponsored the stateā€™s heartbeat bill and is also going against her partyā€”because of her deeply held religious beliefs. I appreciate these leaders who are bold enough to stand up to protect innocent lives. I hope our country is waking up to the truth that abortion is murder. Itā€™s the termination of any innocent life; itā€™s stopping a beating heart. Letā€™s pray that God will work in more politiciansā€™ hearts and they will decide to defend life. Thank you Governor John Bel Edwards and the LA legislators who supported this bill.

Most polls show that anti-abortion support has been around 20% for the last 40 years. Pro Choice is around 50% and those who favor some restrictions about 30%. You are in the minority.

You people are so stupid you can’t even count. If those polls are true why are we getting all these laws passed you damn baby killer. You support killing babies just because some female whore can’t control her hormones and is to damn lazy to take morning after pills. It is called murder and you should be treated as a murderer.

you sound like a religious whack-o. It is not the will of the majority of sane people to pass all these religious based laws on abortions. The will of the majority of the sane is to allow the mother to choose as only she knows her circumstances best.

For what it’s worth, my religion says you only achieve person hood when born – so to me, a fetus is no different than livestock or an insect (and mankind slaughters those on the regular with no consequence).

I’m not saying we should have laws based upon my religion. I’m pointing out the fact that there are 1,000’s of religions out there. Which is the right one? What is right on all counts is that government should not make laws based on religion.

In the elections that brought in this group of Republicans, people thought they wanted to return to the good old days when things were simple. They had forgotten the bad parts of the good old days. So, these guys are trying to return us to the days when there wasn’t social media and television was in its beginnings. They really can’t do that without the bad things being highlighted. Next they will come after your guns.

abortion should be legal. if youre right then all conservatives and their offspring love jesus and don’t have pre marital sex because their such good people. so… no out of wedlock or rape babies for the right. in your belief all people on the left are godless savages just “smoking dope” and fornicating all over the place. youd think since the right is so smart theyd identify a positive thing when they saw it. if only your political rivals need abortions it leads to less of your political rivals….. right. youre basically making laws that will produce and maintain and swell the liberal left population. reality check, both sides are stupid raving psychos. abortion should be legal. you think products of incest and rape should be carried to term and the mother of such a being should have to endure some extra physical pain atop her mental anguish? you really think people who don’t want their child in the fist place should be forced to raise one? that usually turns out healthy happy children, never. you really support the idea of people having to be born disfigured or mentally handicapped? in any case you say this is America and America is a free country, then you start screaming about god and limiting other peoples freedom of choice, its sick. first off its a free country up until you defy one religion and its stupid ideas? ideas the rest of us are free to ignore and choose not to believe? yet your religion influences the law….. that seems like freedom for Christians and nobody else. why is it any of your business what a women does wither fetus why do you even care and who do you think you are to demand others do what makes you FEEL BETTER, you republicans are always screaming at liberals that they make laws that don’t really do anything and are just FEEL GOOD LAWS, youre basing your anti abortion laws on your feelings. nothing more or less. you feel that god is real and religion is important you feel like its ok to oppress others with your religion, you feel like abortion is wrong. its literally not your business at all. if a women wants to abort a “child” for a reason as simple as she doesn’t like to puke in the morning, or she doesn’t want to get fat and gross looking….. that’s her damn business and you need to grow up and respect that. except the fact that its not your problem or your responsibility. leave strangers alone.

There is a second civil war approaching, except this time it will not be north vs south or black vs white. It will be freedom loving Americans against socialist/communist anarchist.

100% agree. This could be a call-to-arms. Literally neighbor vrs neighbor.

It’s a scary thing watching the border and how our police can’t police any longer to protect us. They can’t physically keep illegals from broaching our border. How will it differ when it’s American on American? How will they determine who the bad guys are and act upon it? Pray people. UNITED WE STAND.

What’s with the big Ad,

SUNDAY CLASSIFIED ADS: Temporary farm laborers needed.

I highly doubt that there are any NIT readers that will do that kind of work, or any common labor work at all.

so… you assume people who grew up in the corn belt and can read a shabby at best publication that doesn’t run up to date news and has an obviously biased bent don’t or cant do basic farm work? people really do live in their own bubble. you ever been outside of the city ever? you can throw a rock in hyvee and hit three people who can drive a tractor, bail hay, run a forklift. just because youre a snowflake doesn’t mean everyone around you is. lots of better people in this area are no stranger to hard labor or the use of machinery. get over yourself man.

The SUNDAY CLASSIFIED ADS: Temporary farm laborers needed.

Should have read:

ANUNCIOS CLASIFICADOS DE DOMINGO: Se necesitan trabajadores agrĆ­colas temporales

if that Alewelt outfit wanted workers they shoulda went to the doings in Hampton last nite.
We drove thru there town and that city park was crawlin with people. And they was playin carnival music to. Lots a flags I didn’t understand. Yes.

People are waking up and saying… you know the media tells me I should hate this man but everything he’s done so far has helped me! I am so proud to also see so many of my fellow Americans that are black and brown citizens of this country waking up to the lies they have been fed by the liberal media. I see more and more testimonials on YouTube every day! Thank you Potus for caring about all Americans!

Imagine Trumpā€™s approval ratings if the news media reported on his accomplishments instead of 88+% negative by the partisan demoncrat media.

if the media was even 50/50 the Trump 2020 victory would be a monumental landslide.

Trump hits 48%. Impeachment talks is the reason he’s doing better. If they dropped it and focused on the real life issues instead of the fairytale ones, he wouldn’t be as popular.

Dems don’t get it, they are electing Trump due to media bias, he must sit back and just laugh. Biden is creepy and Bernie is my weird uncle. The boarder issue alone is reelecting Pres Trump. America only sees Dems in corruption.

I have owned firearms for 52 years, they haven’t killed anyone yet…
But just in case I want the Dems to know I just gave them a stern talking to !!!
I also reminded them if there is a sign that said Gun Free Zone, they can’t go in there.. So all can rest easy tonight.. your welcome,

I am sure you are also sending your thoughts and prayers to the people of Virginia Beach. Open carry laws worked so well there.

So why is that my problem?

The murder of American citizens should be your problem but your too worried about losing your trophies so you don’t care.

What one mentally deranged Democrat does in Virginia Beach has nothing to do with me.

fun fact. guns didn’t load themselveslevitate and commence murder. guns aren’t the problem. riddle me this. if more laws would work…. why doesn’t the one about murder make all other laws concerning extreme violence totally obsolete? is it cuz maybe people don’t care about laws when they want to break laws?also, American citizens I have never and would have never met. why should I care about them? it sucks and its tragic but it shouldn’t effect people who enjoy firearms and everything positive that they provide. stop blaming tools. you need to look at the numbers, the real numbers about firearm deaths. its very uncommon compared to car accidents or heart and lung disease. mcdonalds and pepsi phillip morris and anhauser busch kill multitudes more each year. if youre concerned about the deaths of American citizens youd be at mcdonalds or burger king or lorados making sure they stop selling poison to the random strangers you care so much about.

tell your guns that in iowa those business’s that have no firearms allowed signs are fooling themselves. those signs carry absolutely no weight of law here in iowa, as well as several other states. unless its a government building or a school….. they can go to hell. I think you can however carry in the capitol. basically… your 1911 probably enjoys target as much as you do so carry on and stay safe. can you imagine being a corporation named TARGET and having an anti conceal carry “policy”? its funny they cant actually enforce it. unless youre specifically asked by management to leave stores, restaurants, bars if youre sober and most other places cant bar you from entering.

Pushin Hollywood into the Pacific Ocean would cause an imbalance in the geological underlayment of the U.S., which could cause earthquakes and volcanic activity. The only safe way to do this would be to re-balance the system by pushing New York City into the Atlantic.

A federal judge ordered Kris Kobach of Kansas to take additional continuing legal education classes as he did not know the rule of evidence despite his ivy legal education. Liz Cheney should retake Constitutional Law I as she cannot have passed given her recent comments on “treason”.

Stupid as hell, but wants a private jet and a bunch of other perks he doesn’t deserve to work for the federal government. It’s pretty important to Dump not to hire anybody smarter than him, and almost everybody is.

Go ahead Democrats waste the next two years holding hearings to impeach the president. Get nothing else done just to have your impeachment snuffed out by the senate…Go for it! Impeach Trump for nothing but the fact that you lost the 2016 election…Go ahead impeach the president. Youā€™ll just guarantee Trump 4 more years!

Hey retard white trash the house tried passing stuff but Senate won’t take up to to vote.
Learn something about how the government works works before you say stupid shit.

It must really be hard for you to go though life with your head so far up your ass.

Two anti- semitics who favor sharia law over the Constitution and have no business in Congress are calling for President Trump to be impeached, now thatā€™s rich. You and your Democratic colleges play your stupid games and watch what stupid prizes you win.


Close enough. Is it to tough for you to understand?

Apparently it is for you.

You’ve got to be frickin kidding!!! Will Hitlary be demonstrating how to smash phones, hard drives, mass destruction demonstrations. This is a joke, I find it terribly offensive. Will she EVER be held accountable for 33,000 missing emails?? Pathetic

This sounds like one of those sting operations where they tell people they won something and then arrest them when they show up to pick up the prize. They give Hitlary an invitation, sheā€™s arrogant enough to accept, then they arrest her for breaching national security.

Hillary giving best practices on how to wipe a private classified server and how to dispose of 30000 emails without being prosecuted. She should be the best keynote speaker ever!!!!

So far this year, Georgia, Kentucky, Ohio, Alabama, Missouri, Mississippi, and now Louisiana have passed legislation protecting unborn children. This is the will of the people manifested through their elected representatives, exactly the way our Republic is supposed to operate. Yet, activist courts continue to stop the will of the people by striking down protections for the unborn. The Roe V Wade decision was judicial gymnastics that fabricated a right found nowhere in the Constitution.
As a result of this judicial activism,60 million babies have been denied their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Unborn Lives Matter.

Nice try. But statistics show most Americans (by a wide margin) support a women’s right to choose. It’s shameful that evangelicals try to impose their religious beliefs into the laws of our land. That, to me, is the biggest crime of all.

Its the christian ultra conservative wackos attempt to impose their version of sharia law on the rest of us.

Someday the orange-head and all his GOP pals will be locked into tight prison cells. Later toss the keys and fill each cell with cement.

Someday all of us will get together and piss on your grave.

Once they finally get all their evidence together and teflon Don is indicted, watch all those people you consider ‘your’ people scatter. Then we will hear all the stories about what a idiot does while he is president.

your’ dumb, aren’t you?

Waste of time. It is all pre-arranged and nothing anyone can say will change that.

Whats wrong with urban renewal?

White trash morons will say it’s fake news or who cares.
Thank God some people have wised up and Trump will be one and done.

Quote from a Harvard professor of law……….
No prosecutor should ever say or do anything for the purpose of helping one party or the other. I cannot imagine a plausible reason why Mueller went beyond his report and gratuitously suggested that President Trump might be guilty, except to help Democrats in Congress and to encourage impeachment talk and action. Shame on Mueller for abusing his position of trust and for allowing himself to be used for such partisan advantage.

Why make up stuff?
What’s the professors name and direct link to quote?

Look it up yourself you lazy, worthless P.O.S.

In others words you’re a lying sack of shit who makes stuff up because you’re a mentally retarded loser who hurts animals because your mommy and daddy didn’t hug you enough.

It’s true and you know it. Just because you didn’t see it on CNN or MSNBC you say it isn’t. Another post from a lying libuffoon. Is that you Jussie?

Then link the article or stfu.
I’m guessing it’s from a conservative site or that jihad watch you conspiracy nut jobs like so much and you are too chicken to post.

President Trump has been in office for 2 1/2 years and democracy has been doing very well. The haters are dividing our country and threatening our democracy. I can see another Civil War in the future if the ignorant Democrats don’t get the off this impeachment gig. I will literally fight to save his presidency.

Who you going to fight? You couldn’t beat up a child much less someone your size.

The Demoncraps actually wish we had a “democracy” Then their mob rule of a few liberal strongholds would win for them. Thank God we don’t have a “democracy”. We have a constitutional republic.

Thanks to the Republicrooks, we haven’t had a real democracy for a long time. We have an oligarchy, where the rich have everything and control everything, then whine about how they’re victims.

Democrats are about Destruction, Destroying, and Demolishing America. If you want America to Die, vote Blue! If you want Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, vote Red! It has become that simple.

First off, your name is not Beto. Secondly, how did you get out of your DUI, hit and run and burglary charges?
Thirdly, you cannot impeach a president just because you hate him!
Lastly, if the House votes for impeachment it does not remove the president from office. The House is the JV team and the Senate is the Varsity. Just try it, you and the rest of the Democrats are handing re-election to President Trump. We all know the House will flip back to the Republicans in 2020, then you all will be entirely SOL! By the way you have zero chance of becoming president.

yet another year with -0- MCHS state champions

What a tool..can’t find anything, but had no problems accepting money and taking his time. Now, wants to straddle the fence and protect himself with double speak and disappearing.

We will meet you and make a plan . Whats your address?

Do you remember Pontius Pilate?
Mueller was trying to appease the Democrats and his close friend James Comey.
If a Prosecutor did not charge means he has NO EVIDENCE to PROVE. That’s the truth and that’s the Law.

You have all the answers can we come over?

Sure, bring it on. I have some Buckshot saved for Bucks like you.

Lol bib overall wearing oatmeal plant working morons and their guns.
Big bad ass with guns can’t take care of issues any other way.

Morons like you have no business having guns when you’re a conspiracy nut job.

I bet your retarded ass thinks the moon landing is fake.

Just remember Mueller was part of the Uranium 1 fiasco. He did this to avoid being suicided by the Clintons.

Youre a typical retarded white trash.

Any time you keyboard tough guy.

Poor little white trash boy can’t handle being called what he is.

Maybe stop reading conspiracy sites and no one will question your intelligence.

Mueller is an honorable man not his fault your idiot worthless president is a turd in a swamp.

Trump is white trash too just a rich version but none the less you white trash idiots stick up for your own as only dumbasses would do.

Mueller’s comment was meant to inflame the libs because after all he is and always has been Anti-trump. He’s a disgrace! They are actually spitting in the faces of the American people who voted “legally” for Trump. How do you like this one blackie

Black trash still doing the only thing the big ass white bitch is capable of, shooting off her mouth.

I’m not black you retarded white trash moron.
Not every white person is a racist piece of shit like you two hicks are.

We, the taxpayers, spent $40 million for this bag of mush that Mueller and his cohorts came up with? We demand our money back!!!

Where do you live? We’d like to come over and discuss it with you.

Millions were wasted on Hillary and nothing was found but you’re ok with that because she’s a democrat and you hate democrats so it’s ok to waste money then.

You white trash republicans are brain dead stupid.

Turmp has spent over $100 million playing golf and you dont have a problem with that?

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